Message of natural and cultural attractions. A variety of attractions of vast Russia - photos with names and descriptions

Russia is a huge unexplored country. Sometimes the sights of exotic resorts or famous monuments of European architecture are known to us much better. But our country is rich in no less impressive views.

1. Lena Pillars, Yakutia

Lena Pillars are rocks located on the right bank of the Lena River, two hundred kilometers from Yakutsk. Each pillar is a sculptural structure reminiscent of medieval columns. These rocks are 500,000 years old.

2. Lake Elton, Volgograd region

Lake Elton is the largest salt Lake in Russia. Water mineralization in summer can reach 400 g/l, which is 1.5 times higher than in the Dead Sea. Only bacteria and single-celled algae live in such a solution.

3. Valley of Geysers, Kamchatka

The only geyser field in Russia and Eurasia, one of the largest such places in the world. On its surface there are about 20 large geysers and many hot springs that emit water or steam.

4. Altai Mountains

Altai is an unforgettably beautiful country majestic mountains. Since ancient times it has been considered holy and very attractive for spiritual pilgrimages.

5. Chara Sands, Trans-Baikal Territory

Chara Sands is a desert located four dozen kilometers from the Kodar glaciers among snow-capped mountains, dense taiga and vast swamps. The massif stretches from southwest to northeast in the direction of the prevailing winds and covers an area of ​​about 50 km².

6. Elbrus, Kabardino-Balkaria

The highest point in Russia. The two peaks crowning the cone-shaped volcano are separated by a saddle, the height of which is 5300 meters. The mountain, formed about a million years ago, consists of alternating layers of lava, ash and tuff.

7. Orda Cave, Perm region

Orda Cave is the longest underwater gypsum cave in Russia. If there is a diver's paradise, this is it. The water here is extremely clean, transparent and very cold (+ 4 degrees).

8. Weathering pillars, Komi Republic

The weathering pillars that are located on the Man-Pupu-Ner plateau can confidently be called business card Ural. Only the most desperate come here - the distance to crowded places is 400 kilometers.

9. Curonian Spit, Kaliningrad region

Curonian Spit - national park and a sandy peninsula separating the freshwater Curonian Lagoon from the Baltic Sea.

10. Putorana Plateau, Krasnoyarsk Territory

Journalists compare the Putorana Plateau with “ lost world"Conan Doyle, and tourists call it “the land of ten thousand lakes and a thousand waterfalls.” Together they make up the largest reservoir of fresh water in Siberia after Lake Baikal.

11. Kungur cave, Perm region

The Kungur Cave is the seventh longest gypsum cave in the world. According to scientists, the age of the cave is about 10-12 thousand years. Many grottoes and passages have not yet been fully explored.

12. Avacha Bay, Kamchatka Territory

Avacha Bay is the second largest bay in the world. It is capable of accommodating the entire world fleet. The length of the bay is 24 kilometers, and the depth can reach 26 meters.

13. Volcano Tyatya, Kuril Islands

After the 1973 eruption, people no longer live here. The eruption was so strong that volcanic ash reached the coast of Shikotan Island, located 80 kilometers away.

14. Lake Kezenoy-am, Republic of Chechnya

Lake Kezenoy-Am (Eisen) is the largest and only lake in the mountains, located at an altitude of 1870 meters above sea level. Its length from north to south is 2 kilometers, and from west to east - 2.7 kilometers.

15. Pole of Cold, Yakutia

Oymyakon is the famous pole of cold. Considered the coldest point in the Northern Hemisphere and the coldest locality on the ground.

16. Jack London Lake, Magadan Region

The lake with a wonderful name is located at an altitude of 803 meters and is surrounded by the most beautiful mountains. The narrow bay with rocky shores is reminiscent of the fjords of Norway and the lakes of Scotland. In the taiga in the mountains around the reservoir there are wolverines, bears, and moose.

The Russian Federation is one of those countries in the world on whose territory you can find a huge number of unique corners of nature, architectural and historical monuments. Today you will get acquainted with the sights of Russia in photos with names and descriptions.

Famous places of Russia on the map

In Russia there are about 1100 big and small cities. Each of them has its own remarkable features.

The country ranks 9th in the world in terms of the number of objects that are monuments historical heritage, and 4th place in natural sites protected by UNESCO.

The most famous and visited metropolises of the country are Moscow And Saint Petersburg. They contain the most famous great cultural and architectural monuments. These cities are well known all over the world, but the Russian land is not only famous for them.

Top main tourist sites - photos

According to Russians surveyed as part of the Russia 10 project, the country's 10 main attractions were identified. These included:

    Kremlin in the city of Veliky Novgorod. This building is one of the oldest in Russia. The peculiarity of the Novgorod Kremlin is not only the uniqueness of its architectural appearance, but also the fact that it is the center of the birth of Russian statehood.

    The construction of the fortification dates back to the reign of Ivan the Third. This period in the history of the state is known for its unification of Russian lands under the rule of Moscow. The capital's Kremlin was built a year later than the Novgorod one.

    Peterhof. The most famous and visited palace and park ensemble countries. Very often you can hear it being called the Russian Versailles.

    This place is located just 30 km from St. Petersburg and is associated with the name Peter the Great. The Russian Tsar took an active part in the design and construction of the complex, which became his summer residence. Dozens of fountains that do not repeat each other amaze with their grace and beauty.

  • St. Basil's Cathedral. The object is one of the most famous monuments located on Red Square in Moscow. It was built during the time of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of Kazan and Astrakhan.
  • The name of the temple was given by the name of the holy fool, who was buried within the walls of the cathedral.

  • Mamaev kurgan and Motherland. A memorial to the Battle of Stalingrad was erected in the city of Volgograd. The mound received its name during the Tatar-Mongol invasion. At its top there was an outpost of Khan Mamai at that time. This height is considered the main one in Russia. The Motherland is the center of the ensemble “To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad” on Mamayev Kurgan.
  • Cathedral of Christ the Savior. Moscow Cathedral is a new building built in 1994-1997. It completely recreates the appearance of the cathedral, erected in the 19th century in memory of Napoleon's invasion.
  • Solovetsky Archipelago. A place that has a sad reputation in Russia. It is closely connected with various periods of the country's history. Near the site of the ancient people there are monastery shrines. In the first half of the 20th century, the largest forced labor camp in the country was created in Solovtsy. The Solovetsky Islands are on the UNESCO World Heritage List.
  • Kizhi. An ethnographic museum-reserve located in Karelia on Lake Onega. It is separated from Petrozavodsk by a distance of 68 km. This is one of the largest museums in the country under open air.
  • Smolensk fortress wall. The building dates back to the reign of Boris Godunov. Length protective structure— 6.5 km. The wall that has survived to this day is often called the Smolensk Kremlin.
  • The most recognizable and popular sights of Russia among foreign tourists were and remain the capital's Kremlin And Red Square. In ancient times, the location of these objects in Moscow was called Borovitsky Hill. The memory of this is preserved in the name of one of the Kremlin gates.

    In the 17th century, outside the Kremlin walls there were hanging gardens . Now there is a building of the Russian government there. This is the largest fortress in Europe. The size of Red Square is more than 23 thousand m².

    The most interesting natural and water attractions

    On the territory of Russia there is a huge number of amazingly beautiful corners of nature. Many of them are protected by UNESCO. Seven attractions that deserve special attention:

    Unusual and rare Russian corners

    There are many in Russia amazing places, which amaze the imagination with their mystery or picturesque landscapes. One of these natural object located in the Komi Republic and was named "Pillars of Weathering". Seven boulders, the largest of which reaches 34 meters in height, stand alone in the middle of a desert plateau. They are the weathered remains of ancient mountains.

    IN Volgograd region there is salty Lake Elton. Very often it is called a large salty puddle. Reservoir area 150 sq. km. In winter, it reaches its maximum depth, which does not exceed 70 cm. Tourists come to these places to admire the salt landscapes and improve their health in the healing waters of this lake.

    On the Curonian Spit in Kaliningrad region can see dancing forest. It consists of trees with an unusual curved shape.

    Unique plants that are not found anywhere in the world can be found on Multinskie lakes located in Altai.

    Tourists travel to these places far from civilization in search of picturesque landscapes of wild nature.

    The dream of many tourists - Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka. This is the largest area in the world containing thermal springs. You can only admire them from a bird's eye view. Helicopter excursions are offered here. Entry into the protected area is strictly limited.

    In the Russian Federation by car

    The most popular excursion car route in the country received the name. It appeared in the 60s of the last century and is always popular among Russian and foreign tourists. “Ring” is a conventional concept. The route includes visits to ancient Russian cities dating back several centuries.

    The route starts in Moscow. The next city to visit is Sergiev Posad, known to many as Zagorsk. The bus ride from Moscow takes approximately 1.5 hours. In Sergiev Posad there is one of the largest monasteries in Russia. He is known as Trinity-Sergius Lavra. Besides the monastery tourists visit:

    • Chernigov temple with its famous cave church;
    • Gremyachiy waterfall;
    • village of Deulino and other historical objects.

    The next point of the route is the city. This homeland of Alexander Nevsky.

    The city is so rich in historical and cultural monuments that it is very difficult to get acquainted with them in one day.

    There are several monasteries, the boat of Peter the Great, the blue stone, holy springs and many other interesting things.

    After Pereslavl-Zalessky the route goes to Rostov Veliky. A famous film about Ivan Vasilyevich, who changed his profession, was filmed in the local Kremlin. The city is also famous for the Sarsky settlement, in which Alyosha Popovich lived.

    In the next city on the route, Yaroslavl, tourists visit the headquarters of Minin and Pozharsky, the children's railway, cathedrals, museums and the Vasilyevskaya Tower.

    Tourists visit the Ipatiev Monastery, the Snow Maiden’s tower and the pier where the film “Cruel Romance” was filmed. Kostroma, after which they move to Ivanovo. The city of brides is not as rich in historical and architectural monuments as others, but it also has something to see. After it the route goes to Suzdal. This is a museum city that leaves the most pleasant impressions.

    The final destination of the small ring route is Vladimir. In this ancient Russian city you can discover many amazing places and monuments.

    The following may be interesting and educational for those who like to travel by car on Russian roads: routes, How " Nizhny Novgorod- Diveevo - Boldino - Saransk - Ulyanovsk", "Veliky Novgorod - Pskov - St. Petersburg" or "Vologda - Veliky Ustyug - Arkhangelsk".

    Beauty in the regions of the European part of the country

    The European part of the country is the most densely populated region. There are a large number of cities and attractions that are worth seeing.

    Northwestern Federal District

    The center of this part of the country is Saint Petersburg. This is a museum city, the beauty of which is praised by millions of tourists who have visited it. Definitely worth a visit:

  1. Winter Palace;
  2. Grand Catherine Palace;
  3. Peterhof;
  4. temple Savior on Spilled Blood;
  5. Peter and Paul Fortress;
  6. Hermitage.

But even without this cultural center, there is something to see in the region.

Popular tourist places Vologda region are associated with Santa Claus. His residence is in Veliky Ustyug.

You can visit amazingly beautiful monasteries in Kirillov (Kirillo-Belozersky) and Ferapontov (Ferapontov Belozersky). IN Belozersk The Kremlin is located surrounded by a large earthen rampart. From here to White Lake The ships of the first Russian fleet were launched into the water in ancient times.

In the city Totma you can visit churches in which cartouches were used in decoration, for example, the Church of the Entry of Jerusalem or the Church of the Nativity. Cartouches are elements of decoration in the Baroque style.

Handmade Totem cartouches are unique and have artistic and historical value.

There are quite a lot of small towns that deserve the attention of tourists in the North-West of the country. This includes Torzhok, Kargapolye, Kizhi. Nature This region is harsh, but amazingly beautiful. Here you can find a large number of places to relax on Valdai, Onega, Seliger or on the shores of the Arctic Ocean.

Central Federal District

The main city of Central Russia is Moscow. It is surrounded by cities that boast their estate museums. The estates of Maryino, Yasnaya Polyana, Aseev, Khrapovitsky and many others are very popular among tourists. This region contains historical memorial complexes dedicated to historical battles - “Borodino”, “Kulikovo Field”.

Most visited The cities that became tourists were:

  • Kolomna— Staro-Golutvin Monastery, Kolomna Kremlin, Pastila Museum, Pyatnitsky Gate;
  • - building railway station, Smolensk Fortress, Blonie Garden;
  • Belgorod— stela “City of Military Glory”, Assumption-Nicholas Cathedral, Museum-diorama “Battle of Kursk”;
  • Kaluga— stone bridge, public places, guest courtyard, drama theater, Church of Cosmas and Damian;
  • Tula— Gingerbread Museum, monument “Tula Gingerbread”, Estate of Count Bobrinsky.

Outdoor recreation is popular here in the vicinity of rivers such as the Volga, Oka, and Khoper. In the territory Khopyorsky Reserve There are about 400 lakes.

IN Tula region The Bogorodsky Museum-Reserve is located on the territory of the Bobrinsky estate.

The delights of southern cities

Resorts in the South of Russia are always warm and hospitable: Black Sea coast- Sochi, Gelendzhik, Anapa, the main Azov cities - Yeisk, Temryuk, Taman. The most popular place holiday on the coast is Sochi. Total Every year tourists coming to the resort exceed 13 million people.

Among the attractions of this region are Novocherkassk Cathedral And Astrakhan Kremlin. A cult place to visit for lovers of Russian literature is the village of Veshenskaya in the Rostov region. A large number of historical excavations are located in Krasnodar region.

North Caucasus Federal District

Resorts located in the area are especially popular in this region. Caucasian Mineral Waters. They all surround. These are five well-known cities:

  1. Essentuki— Theater Square, Theater Park building, Source Gallery No. 17, bathroom building of Emperor Nicholas II;
  2. Nalchikcentral park, Chegem waterfalls, Mount Elbrus, Elbrus Palace of Celebrations, blue lakes;
  3. Mineral water— Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, city station, house of the writer Bibik, Mount Zmeyka;
  4. Pyatigorsk— Tsvetnik Park, Diana’s Grotto, Pushkin Baths, Lermontov’s Grotto, the site of Lermontov’s duel, Lake Proval, Mount Mashuk;
  5. Kislovodsk- Chaliapin museum-estate, former dachas of Kseshinskaya, Brezhnev, Mirror Pond, Castle of Treachery and Love.

A special landmark of the Chechen Republic - Mosque "Heart of Chechnya". It was built in the center of Grozny.

A special pride of the region is the Kislovodsk park with its Narzan Gallery and the Valley of Roses.

Privolzhsky district

The most beautiful cities this region - Nizhny Novgorod And Kazan. The Nizhny Novgorod Fair and the Kazan Kremlin are well known to tourists from many countries. Among the attractions of the region: Shikhany, Kul Sharif Mosque, Idnakar Museum-Reserve, Kungur Cave and others.

Asian half of the Russian Federation

The Asian part of the country is divided into three huge territories - the Urals, Siberia and the Far East. Each of them is amazing and attractive in its own way.


From what is definitely worth visiting in the Urals - Tobolsk. This old City Russia is known as the place of exile of the Decembrists. Here you can visit the prison castle, tourist complex“Abalak”, the house where the royal family lived and much more.

Nature lovers should definitely visit the Verkhoturye Nature Reserve and Arkaim- a fortified settlement of the Middle Bronze Age at the turn of the 3rd-2nd millennium BC. e.

A lot of interesting things can be found in Yekaterinburg:

  • Temple on blood;
  • keyboard monument;
  • Museum of Nature of the Urals;
  • Sevastyanov's house;
  • Rastorguev-Kharitonov estate;
  • Opera and Ballet Theatre.


The main attraction of the region is Lake Baikal, its area is 31,500 km². On the coast of the lake there are many health resorts and just rest houses where you can spend time in peace and tranquility.

Interesting places places to visit are the Novosibirsk Zoo, the Biryusinsky Caves, the Tomsk “Pisanitsa” reserve and the Krasnoyarsk “Stolby” reserve.

On the border of Eastern and Western Siberia, on the Yenisei River there is a pearl of the region - Sayano-Shushenskaya HPP. You can admire the majestic buildings from the observatory, and you can also visit the museum.

Far East

Main attraction Far East- it is his nature- numerous national parks and reserves, lakes and rivers, black volcanic beaches.

The coast may be particularly attractive to tourists Pacific Ocean, Kamchatka with its volcanoes and geysers, the port of Nakhodka with an amazingly picturesque bay, Sakhalin with his amazing mountain ranges and islands.

Separately worth noting Death Valleyanomalous zone, where swamps and impenetrable thickets conceal in their depths traces of ancient cataclysms and cauldrons that are attributed to alien origin. The boilers look quite scary - their diameter is from 6 to 9 meters, the walls are covered with unknown metal, which for many years has been impossible to break or melt.

Seasonal tours

There are places in Russia that are interesting to visit at any time of the year. These are cities such as St. Petersburg, Moscow and Sochi. The active tourist life of these cities never ceases.

There are places in Russia whose peak visitation times depend on the time of year.

What to see in autumn and winter?

Early autumn in Russia is best spent at the resorts of Crimea, Krasnodar region and in middle lane countries. Winter is the time for skiing. Mountain resorts can be found in any region of Russia:

  1. Volen in the Moscow region;
  2. Beaver Log in the Krasnoyarsk Territory;
  3. DombayStavropol region and Karachay-Cherkessia;
  4. Zavyalikha in the Chelyabinsk region;
  5. Krasnaya Polyana in the Krasnodar region;
  6. Sheregesh in the Kemerovo region.

Where to go in spring and summer?

Best places spring break - and the North Caucasus. The weather during this period of time is excellent for hiking in the mountains, sanatorium treatment and sightseeing.

Summer- time beach holiday. For those who cannot stand the heat, it is better to relax in Karelia, Seliger or Lake Baikal.

Which holiday destinations in Russia to choose, each person decides independently. In any corner of the country he will always discover many surprising and interesting things.

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Republic of Karelia located in the north-west of the Russian Federation between Bely and Baltic seas. It borders with Finland in the west, with Vologda and Leningrad regions in the south, with Arkhangelsk in the east, with Murmansk in the north. The main relief is represented by hilly plains, turning into highlands in the west. The climate is mild with heavy rainfall, varying on the territory of the republic from maritime to continental. Characterized by long, relatively mild winters and short, cool summers. The area of ​​Karelia is 172.4 thousand km², divided into: 16 districts, 2 urban districts; on its territory there are 13 cities and 11 villages. The capital is Petrozavodsk.

Petrozavodsk founded in 1703 by Peter I, who ordered the creation of a cannon foundry at the mouth of the Lososinka River, later named Petrovsky in his honor. The city stretches along the shore of Lake Onega.

The territory of modern Petrozavodsk includes 31 ancient settlements, the oldest of which is 8 thousand years old. Petrozavodsk begins many tourist routes Karelia. and has the status historical city RF.

There are different ways to get to Petrozavodsk:

From Moscow to Petrozavodsk - 1010 km.

  • A short road trip along the Moscow – Tver – Valdai – Novgorod – Petrozavodsk highway (9-11 hours on the way).
  • There is a regular railway service (travel time - 13-16 hours, departure - from Leningradsky and Kursky railway stations).
  • Region Avia regularly operates flights between the cities (travel time - up to 2 hours, departure from Domodedovo, arrival in Besovets).

From St. Petersburg to Petrozavodsk – 412 km.

  • By car you can travel along the following route: “St. Petersburg – Sortavala – Petrozavodsk” (4-5 hours on the way).
  • You can get there by direct train (trip duration - 7-8 hours, departure - from Ladozhsky station).

Let's highlight the most interesting sights of Karelia by type.

Natural attractions

The shores of the northern land are washed by waves White Sea. Their temperature in summer is 6-15°C; from autumn the sea freezes until June. Quiet lakes give way to stormy rivers, which gives Karelian nature a rare uniqueness. Karelia is a “country of lakes”; there are about 60,000 of them. Lakes Ladoga and Onega are the largest in Europe. Pristine corners of nature have been preserved in national parks Paanayarvi, Kalevalsky, in the Kandalaksha and Kostomuksha nature reserve. Deserves special mention Kivach Nature Reserve and eponymous waterfall on the Suna River.

Marcial Waters Resort

Year-round resort complex, created in 1719 by Peter I. Used in treatment Gabozero medicinal mud and glandular mineral water. Named “marcial waters” in honor of the god of iron and war, Mars. Located in the Kondopozhsky district, 54 km north of Petrozavodsk.

You can get there from Petrozavodsk: by bus to the stop of the same name or by sanatorium transport, departure from the square near the railway station or by car: in the direction to Shuya, Kondopoga, after the Shuyskaya station, turn left behind the rock with a worship cross (at the turn there is a sign “To Girvas”), pass the village of Tsarevich and Kosalama village, then fork to Konchezero, do not turn off until Marcialnye Vody village).

Worth to visit: wooden church Apostle Peter, the bell tower, the Museum of the History of Marcial Waters.

Seids on the Kuzov Islands in the White Sea.

Along the sea route from the port of Kem to the Solovetsky Islands there is Kuzova archipelago. It includes 16 uninhabited domed islets, famous for their unique cult complexes times of the ancient Sami population. About 800 different stone structures have no analogues in the world.

There are no regular flights to the islands. You can get there by boat on your own or with an organized group.

Architectural and cultural-historical sights

People come to Karelia to worship history: Kizhi, Solovetsky architectural and historical ensemble, Valaam archipelago, Voinitsa, Kalevala, petroglyphs, ancient villages. These places are a time capsule, taking travelers into Russia's past.

Kizhi Museum-Reserve

Located in the open air on the island. Kizhi in Lake Onega, 68 km from Petrozavodsk. It collected 89 monuments of wooden architecture. Worth to visit: unique Architectural ensemble Kizhi Pogost, the 22-domed Transfiguration Church, the Church of the Resurrection of Lazarus, the Intercession of the Virgin Mary, the Chapel of the Archangel Michael, the ancient houses of Oshevnev and Elizarova.

Getting there from Petrozavodsk possible: river public transport, travel time 1 hour 15 minutes or by water taxi (by agreement); by off-road pneumatic all-terrain vehicle - in winter, the journey takes 1.5 hours, or by helicopter from the Peski airport.

Valaam archipelago

A nature reserve located in the north of Lake Ladoga. In summer there are short white nights on Valaam. Preserved on the island of Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Valaam Monastery- an ancient monastic monastery, considered the spiritual center of Orthodox Rus'. Worth to visit: Assumption Church, Resurrection Skete, Chapel of the Ascension, stable and water supply houses, buildings of the Red and White Sketes.

Get to Valaam Island Possible: by motor ship - travel time 50 minutes, departure – Sortvala or by helicopter from Petrozavodsk. IN winter time can also be reached by boat to " air cushion", from Sortavala travel time - 45 minutes.

From Petrozavodsk to Sortavala you can get there: by bus “Petrozavodsk - Sortavala” or “Petrozavodsk - Lakhdenpokhya” (about 5 hours); by car: through Pryazha along the R-21 highway, 280 km.

Solovetsky Archipelago

Concentrated in the White Sea, it includes 106 islands. The main attractions are located on Bolshoi Solovetsky Island: Botanical Garden; Spaso-Preobrazhensky Solovetsky Monastery. In the 20s 20th century here was the Solovetsky Special Purpose Camp (SLON), where political prisoners were exiled.

How to get to the Solovetsky Islands:

  • From the city of Kem: by motor ship (travel time - 2-4 hours, departure from the pier in the village of Rabocheostrovsk, 12 km from the city of Kem). A train runs from Petrozavodsk to Kem.
  • From the city of Belomorsk: on the ship “Sapphire” (travel time up to 4 hours, departure from the pier of the Belomorsk fishing port).
  • In winter, Solovki can be reached by plane from Petrozavodsk.

They are drawings engraved on rocks depicting people, boats, scenes of hunting, ritual processions, and wars. They were found at the mouth of the Vyg River on the rocks of small islands 9 km from Belomorsk. Their age is 6000 years, and their number is about two thousand.

Onega petroglyphs

number about 1200 images, often combined into compositions. Scattered in groups on the rocks. Petroglyphs originated in the Neolithic era.

How to get there:

  • White Sea petroglyphs are located near villages of Vygostrov and Zolotets village 6-8 km.
  • Onega is less accessible: the closest ones are 4 km from the Kochkovnavolok Peninsula, the farthest ones are 17 km from Guryi Island, Cape Peri Nos. From Water station of Petrozavodsk go to the village of Shala passenger ships, then you will have to rent a boat or walk. Highway In a bad condition.

Ancient Karelian villages

These are living monuments of wooden architecture. Their buildings show the world examples of high carpentry skills.

Ancient Vepsian Sheltozero village known since 1543, located 84 km from Petrozavodsk on the shore of Lake Onega. The two-story log house of Melkov from the 19th century has been preserved, in it - Sheltozero Vepsian ethnographical museum . Vepsian Folk Choir was founded in 1937.

It’s better to get to villages in a train tourist group. An interesting tour of ancient villages in jeeps.

ABOUT Kinerma village mentioned in the chronicles of 1563. Kinerma is located 100 km from Petrozavodsk next to Lake Ladoga, 6 km from the village. Vedlozero. Here is the chapel of Our Lady of Smolensk from the 18th century, which is surrounded by an ancient religious spruce grove, peasant huts and “black-style” baths from the 19th century.

The ancient Pomeranian village is located 35 km southeast of Belomorsk. It preserves wooden houses, the remains of the saltworks of the Solovetsky Monastery from the 16th and 17th centuries, and the Church of Peter and Paul from the 17th century.

Karelia- an amazing land of blue lakes and amazing landscapes, white nights and hundred-year-old fir trees, rich fishing and happy hunting. Republic exclusively rich in spiritual, cultural, historical and architectural monuments and is interesting for antique lovers. Coming to Karelia, you find yourself in another dimension, in another era, where time has stood still and nature has remained unknown, retaining its unique charm.

You're not afraid extreme recreation? Read the article about, from it you can get ideas for an interesting adventure. From the material you will learn that rafting is available not only to professional extreme sports enthusiasts, and at this link you can find an article about Norilsk - a city of extremely low temperatures.

In this regard, naive questions often arise from the category “Which country is better?”, “Which country has the most attractions.” Naturally, no one will give a clear answer to this question, because everything is relative. Attractions are not only exclusively touristic, but also famous only local residents, in love with their city and seeing it from a special angle.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) maintains records of important cultural, historical and natural heritage sites. By making a list World Heritage UNESCO tries to promote and guarantee the preservation of natural, cultural or mixed sites. The highest concentration of attractions due to their close proximity in Europe. Most of these interesting places concentrated in the cradle Western civilization- V . There are many World Heritage Sites and, not surprisingly, over the centuries these two cultures have mixed and influenced each other, and the significance of each of them is undeniable. Not all attractions are included in the list; many will still be included, and many will never be included in it, which will make them less valuable. Italy is immediately followed by , and . So if your mind craves cultural food, these countries are a must see for you.

On the other hand, statistics show that it is not the UN that determines the best of the best. Considered the #1 country to visit by most travelers around the world France. France is the undisputed leader in world tourism, although trips there, as a rule, do not exceed several days in duration. Either the magnificent historical past with expansion and colonization, or the years of prosperity of the monarchs, but something definitely played a decisive role in turning this country into a tourist “mecca”.

The next place in terms of attendance after the tiny charm of France is occupied by France, which, due to its multinationality and many states, has concentrated a great many natural and man-made masterpieces on its vast territory. Following the United States in this ranking is China, which is understandable. The ancient eastern culture of the most populous country on the planet is famous throughout the world.

Although if we continue the chain of the “best-of-the-best” category outside of this rating, it is also worth mentioning, which is so diverse that even in a hundred trips you may not get to know it, tourism in which sometimes borders on madness - either in major cities, or hermit, among wild and stunning nature. You will also be provided with super-saturated leisure time during your vacation in Spain, famous for its festivities. Folk games and customs there are like national flash mobs - wild, special and exciting.

Travel Company Group Travel I sincerely wish you success in choosing a country for your holiday. Even with any recommendations, this choice will not be easy. And whatever your decision, we have a thousand and one ways to satisfy it.

37 chosen

At the end of March, the multimedia project “Russia 10” was launched. The country chooses its main symbols - the most striking and significant cultural and architectural monuments, as well as natural attractions. As a result of the voting, which will last six months, the top ten main symbols of Russia should be obtained.

This competition, it seems to me, should raise interest in the history and culture of our country, help us learn about the sights in the regions, about the unique natural landscapes of our vast Motherland. The project can spur tourists, not only foreign ones, but also ourselves, to travel more and explore not only well-known attractions, but also the outback.

So, I offer you a version of the Top 10 main attractions of Russia.

No. 1. Novgorod Kremlin

The Novgorod Kremlin is the oldest surviving Kremlin in Russia. The first mentions date back to the mid-19th century. However, the uniqueness of the ensemble, in my opinion, is not even its age or architectural features, but in the fact that it is the spiritual center in which Russian statehood was born, where the Novgorod Council met, which became a unique experience of ancient democracy. This is the first fortification built under Ivan the Third, who united the Russian lands under the rule of Moscow. The Moscow Kremlin was built only a year later.

No. 2. Petrodvorets

Petrodvorets is located 30 km from St. Petersburg and is one of the most famous palace and park ensembles our country and, perhaps, the whole world.

I would call it the main decoration of the “pearl necklace” of the city on the Neva, as the suburbs of St. Petersburg are called.

The history of Petrodvorets is inextricably linked with the name of Peter the Great, who ordered the creation of country residence, which would not be inferior to the residence of the French kings - Versailles. Peter himself took an active part in the design and construction of this complex.

In my opinion, the unique difference between Petrodvorets and other palace and park ensembles are the dozens of fountains, varied in appearance and design, included in the stunningly beautiful complex.

No. 3. St. Basil's Cathedral

St. Basil's Cathedral is considered one of the most striking and famous monuments of ancient Russian architecture. This main temple Red Square and all of Moscow. It was built in the mid-16th century by decree of Ivan the Terrible in honor of the capture of the Kazan and Astrakhan Khanates. Later, the holy fool St. Basil the Blessed was buried in one of the premises of the temple, which is why the cathedral received this name. For us Russians, he is a symbol of our country’s history and national character.

No. 4. Mamaev kurgan

Mamayev Kurgan is rightfully considered main height Russia, the monument erected on it is a unique composition dedicated to the heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad. It captures the great epic of the courage and heroism of the defenders of Stalingrad. Mamaev Kurgan received its name during the Tatar-Mongol invasion, when the outpost of Khan Mamai was located on its top.

No. 5. Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Cathedral of Christ the Savior - Russian cathedral Orthodox Church in Moscow. The existing structure, which was erected in 1994-1997, is a recreation of the temple of the same name, created in the 19th century. The cathedral was erected in memory of the Napoleonic invasion. The names of Russian army officers who died in the War of 1812 were carved on its walls. The temple was built according to the design of the architect Konstantin Ton, and its construction lasted 44 years.

No. 6. Solovetsky Archipelago

The uniqueness of the Solovetsky archipelago, in my opinion, is that millennia of Russian history have miraculously merged here. These are sites of ancient people, monastic shrines, and the memory of the Soviet past, combined with a stunning natural landscape.

In 1992, the historical and cultural ensemble of the Solovetsky Islands was included in the World Heritage List.

No. 7. Kizhi

Kizhi is a state historical, architectural and ethnographic museum-reserve located in Karelia. The name of the museum is given after the island of Kizhi in Lake Onega, 68 km from Petrozavodsk. This is one of the largest open-air museums in Russia, a historical, cultural and natural complex, which is an object cultural heritage our country.

No. 8. Smolensk fortress wall

The Smolensk fortress wall is a defensive structure erected in 1595-1602, during the reign of Tsars Fyodor Ioannovich and Boris Godunov. It is also called the Smolensk Kremlin, the length of which is 6.5 km. It amazes me that even the part of the wall that has survived at present (about half of the fortification built at the turn of the 16th and 17th centuries) demonstrates the grandeur and historical significance of the structure designed by the architect Fyodor Savelyevich Kon.

No. 9. Lake Baikal

Lake Baikal is located almost in the center of Eurasia, in the Baikal region mountainous region, which is surrounded on all sides by high ridges. It stretches 636 kilometers long and about 80 kilometers wide. 336 rivers and streams flow into Baikal, half of the volume of water entering the lake is brought by the Selenga. The only river that flows out of Baikal is the Angara. The surface area of ​​the lake is 31,470 square kilometers, maximum depth reaches

1637 m. Baikal is the most deep lake in the world, which has 30 islands, the largest of them is Olkhon Island.

No. 10. Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka

The word "geyser" means gushing. In Kamchatka, this amazing natural phenomenon was discovered in 1941 by T.I. Ustinova. The most active section is located in the lower reaches of the Geysernaya River and stretches 3.5 km upstream. The uniqueness of the Valley of Geysers in Kamchatka is that all known geysers, constantly operating and pulsating boiling springs, and steam jets are concentrated here. There are about forty of them in total. The largest of them, “Giant,” is located on the left bank of the Geysernaya River.

So, I have brought to your attention a version of the Top 10 new symbols of Russia. What symbols of Russia would you suggest?

Natalie Stewart , especially for

Photo:,,,,,,,,, cultcalend. ru