Seychelles, description and photos, resorts and beaches of the Seychelles. Where are the Seychelles

Seychelles located just south of the equator, in the western part of the Indian Ocean. They are an archipelago of over 100 islands, only a third of which are inhabited by humans. Officially, the Seychelles were discovered by the Portuguese navigator Vasco da Gama in 1502, and the first Europeans to land on land were the British in 1609, but the archipelago became a British colony only at the beginning of the 19th century. In the mid 70s of the last century Seychelles acquired the status independent republic. Seychelles is one of the most amazing places on Earth, rightfully considered a paradise for tourists, each island is unique and has its own characteristics.


The Seychelles are increasingly becoming an object of attention for numerous tourists. The ideal climate, wonderful sandy beaches, luxury hotels on the coast and an extremely rich world of flora and fauna have created the archipelago's reputation as an exotic paradise washed by the waters of the Indian Ocean. High level services in hotels and remoteness from the mainland, are largely the reason for the exorbitant prices set by travel agencies of all countries for trips to this wonderful world azure waves and bright sun. However, Seychelles island hotels have no shortage of guests throughout the beach season. Every year, not only thousands of lovers come here to soak up the gentle rays of the sun, but also numerous divers, surfers and other fans of water sports, for whom excellent conditions have been created here.

The main source of income for a small exotic republic is tourism. Agriculture is poorly developed and basically the republic exists due to the help of foreign states. However, this does not make the life of the islanders less free. Many of them work in the tourism sector and earn good money, since the contingent of vacationers can be safely attributed to the rich and wealthy, which most directly affects the income of people working in the service sector. The indigenous population, engaged in fishing and agriculture, also does not feel disadvantaged, since climatic conditions perfect for this kind of work.

general information

The island nation of Seychelles is located in the west of the Indian Ocean, south of the equator, and covers an area of ​​455 sq. km. Most large island– . The population is 87 thousand people. The official language is Seychelles Creole, which is the main language, and English and French have the status of official languages ​​of the Seychelles. Currency - Seychellois rupee (SCR). 100 SCR = $SCR:USD:100:2. Timezone UTC+4, the local time ahead of Moscow by 1 hour. Mains voltage 240 V at a frequency of 50 Hz, G. Telephone country code +248. Internet

A brief excursion into history

Maldivian and Arab traders were the first to visit the uninhabited Seychelles. The earliest sightings of Europeans living here were made in 1502 by the Portuguese admiral Vasco da Gama, who sailed past them and named the Admiral Islands after them.


The Seychelles has a tropical climate, which is greatly influenced by the Indian Ocean. The wet season starts here in December and ends in April. The air temperature at this time of the year is +30 degrees. Showers are not uncommon, however, often they are not long. From June to October, southeast winds blow here, due to which the coast rises high waves, and the thermometer drops to +25 degrees. Unlike the wet season, the air is filled with freshness and light coolness. The best time to visit the Seychelles is from April to June and from September to November, when a gentle sea breeze blows, sea ​​waves radiate calmness, and the sun's rays do not make the air too hot. The Seychelles are one of the best tourist destinations for those who appreciate beauty wildlife, is not indifferent to the endless expanses of the sea and is well versed in all the delights of island tourism.


Among the exotic living creatures presented on the islands, the most famous, perhaps, are the giant Aldabra tortoises, whose weight reaches 250 kg, and the life expectancy of some individuals exceeds 150 years. No less unique are the Seychelles palms, the fruits of which weigh around 20 kg. It was they who, according to the belief of the locals, became the reason that Adam and Eve left paradise, succumbing to the persuasion of the tempter serpent.

Visa and customs regulations

Citizens of Russia and Ukraine do not need a visa to enter the Seychelles if the duration of the trip does not exceed 30 days. Customs regulations comply with generally accepted norms. The export of coral, tortoise shell products and coco de mer nuts without special permission is prohibited.

How to get there


Since the Seychelles are an island nation, the most convenient way movement between islands - a flight carried out Air Seychelles. A slower way, but still carried out even between remote islands, is ferries and schooners. On the island of Mahe, bus transport is well developed, there are taxis.

Cities and resorts


The Seychelles are divided into two groups: granite and coral. The most famous of the granite islands is. The rest of the land, including, and Silhouette, are located at a distance of 50-70 kilometers from it. The main settlements are concentrated on these islands, as well as economic activity is well developed. Granite islands abound with dense palm forests, tree ferns, pandanus and other exotic plants also grow here. As for the coral islands, they are flat atolls that protrude above the ocean surface by only a few meters. Due to the fact that island limestones almost do not retain moisture, droughts often occur on these atolls, so only coconut palm grows from the vegetation on them. Due to its isolation from the rest of the world, the archipelago has unique species of animals, birds and plants that can only be seen here. For example, the island, which is the second largest in the archipelago, has long been chosen by such rare species of birds as "black cockatoos" and nightingales "bul-bul". special attention among eco-tourists and simply connoisseurs of natural beauties, the island of birds is used, where thousands of individuals that fly here from different parts of the world nest.

The capital and concurrently the only city in the Seychelles is. It is located on the island of Mahe and is the smallest capital in the world, competing in this indicator with the main administrative center of the republic -. Among the attractions of the city, it is worth noting botanical garden of Mont Fleuret, royal garden and National Museum with exhibits presented in it, telling about the history and culture of the country. The village of artisans and the tea tavern are of particular interest to vacationers. Victoria lies along the foot of the mountains and is home to about a third of the total population of the republic. The whole capital can be bypassed in about 3-4 hours. At the same time, it manages to get an impression of the culture and traditions of the entire Seychelles people.

The central street of the city begins at the port and leads through the entire city territory. It houses the buildings of the National Library, the Ministry of Tourism, a miniature tower of london”, called by the townspeople only as“ our Big Ben ”, as well as a few more interesting buildings made in an elegant colonial style. The city market enjoys great attention from tourists, where exotic fruits and vegetables are sold in abundance, as well as numerous souvenirs. Next to the bazaar is a Hindu temple, reminiscent of lush temple complexes south Asia. As in all the rest settlements Seychelles, in Victoria, life flows quietly, calmly and measuredly. The city port is full of an abundance of snow-white yachts, and the locals are slowly doing their homework. Low-rise residential buildings, immersed in dense tropical greenery, are a kind of addition to the tourist image of the city.


In order for a traveler to be allowed into the country, it is necessary to have a hotel reservation, otherwise you will be forced to book a hotel directly at the airport, which can be extremely disadvantageous. Most of the hotels are expensive, some occupy the entire area of ​​the island. In the high season, prices skyrocket, and rooms are sold out in advance.

The Seychelles (or the Republic of Seychelles) is one of the heavenly places on the planet, where every tourist strives to get. Amazing nature, untouched by man and civilization, snow-white sand on the coast of the endless ocean, animals and birds that you will not meet in other countries - everything is so attractive that travelers choose this direction from many others and, once having been there, do not regret their choice .

Seychelles, general information

The Seychelles is a state of 115 islands, some of which were formed about 750 million years ago, and only 33 of them are inhabited.

The capital of the Seychelles is Victoria, located on the largest island of the archipelago, which is called Mahe. Here is located international Airport, and from here any trip to the Seychelles begins.

The population of this country speaks Creole, but there are three official languages: English, French and Seychellois Creole (a kind of French). People who work with tourists (such as hotel staff) are fluent in English.

Officially, in the Seychelles, more than 90% of the population are Christians, almost all of them are Catholics, but there are also Muslims, Baptists, and atheists.

Note! The time difference with Moscow is minus 1 hour.

Like the whole world, the Seychelles celebrate the same holidays: they meet New Year, celebrate Labor Day, national Independence Day and Liberation Day, Easter, but in addition to them, they organize festivals with pleasure and scope that tell about the diversity and originality of each region.


Seychelles: where are they located

To easily answer the question, Seychelles is where, the map will help. These islands are located in Indian Ocean, close to Maldives, Mauritius and Comoros.

Unfortunately, there are no direct flights from Moscow to the Seychelles now, so you can only get there with a transfer, for example, fly through Paris, or choose a flight from Moscow to Qatar, Dubai or another city. Together with a transfer, the flight takes from 14 hours, tickets are not cheap, but purchased in advance, will cost much more democratically. All international aircraft landing in Mahe. If the end point of the trip is not Mahe, the Seychelles will offer the services of domestic air carriers. How much does a ticket to the Seychelles cost - the estimated cost from Moscow to Mahe is 40,000 rubles *.

A tourist can travel between the islands by ferry (it arrives at the port on schedule), take a ticket for a helicopter or plane. From a bird's eye view, a wonderful picture opens up of the islands themselves and the waters of the Indian Ocean washing them.

Important! On the ferry, it is very seasick. It is worth taking a cure for seasickness on a trip.

Climate and weather in the Seychelles

Finding the right time of year to fly to the Seychelles is not difficult, because it is always beautiful there. There are practically no temperature drops, and even the division into two seasons is conditional, because it simply does not happen badly on these islands, and all of them are perfect for a luxurious vacation.

  • The wet season (December-April) is the time of the year when precipitation falls on the islands in the form of short showers. The temperature of water and air during these months is approximately the same: + 28-30 ° С.
  • The dry season (June-October) is also called the cold season, although the water temperature is almost equal to the air temperature and is +26-38 °C. The only negative of this season is the monsoons, which do not allow you to admire the smooth water and excite the ocean.

Interesting! Between the two seasons in the Seychelles there are two off-seasons, the first is in May, the second in October. These months are ideal for those who love impeccable relaxation - there is no rain, the winds do not excite the ocean.

But not only people are comfortable living in such a climate. The animals that inhabit the Seychelles did not choose this paradise for nothing. Most of them no one has ever met in other countries:

  • giant turtles;
  • birds of paradise;
  • nightingale Bulbul;
  • a variety of mollusks and crustaceans;
  • chameleons;
  • exotic fish (marlin, sailfish, shark, etc.)

No state in the world can afford to show such "inhabitants of the planet" or even one animal in a zoo, but on paradise islands Seychelles they are.

The huge coral atoll on the planet Aldabra (Seychelles), consisting of four islands surrounding Mahe, is known not only for its size. It is home to the largest population of giant tortoises in the world - about 150 thousand. There are sea cows, sharks, frigatebirds and flamingos. A trip to this corner of the planet is not easy, not cheap, but travelers do not spare money and time for it.


Recreation and entertainment in the Seychelles

Remember the trip to the Seychelles, the time spent here will help such activities as swimming in the ocean waves itself, scuba diving, meeting sunrise and sunset on one of the most beautiful beaches, flying over the islands by plane or helicopter, going out on a yacht, riding giant turtles and much more that is not available to an ordinary tourist in another part of the world.

Of the nightlife, the Seychelles offer discos, clubs and casino games. Still, rest here is designed for the fact that for some time the tourist will belong to the world, to which civilization has practically not reached.

Seychelles Cuisine

On a note! Where the Seychelles are located, Creole national traditions and French cuisine are surprisingly combined. The influence of French cuisine can be felt in the presentation of dishes and the huge number of recipes using the same basic products.

The main product of the Seychelles is fish and seafood, which are cooked here both on the grill and in the oven.

National dishes are:

  • stewed and fried bananas;
  • fried eggplant Bringel;
  • delirium broth (vegetable);
  • Pwason ek diri - rice with fish;
  • fruit chips breadfruit;
  • pancakes stuffed with fish, meat and fruits.

Usually all restaurants are located at hotels, the only thing that tourists complain about is the slowness of the waiters, but this is due to the mentality and lifestyle of the indigenous population of the Seychelles. Slowness and desire to enjoy every moment is transmitted to them.

Shopping in the Seychelles, currency in the Seychelles

There are no big shopping centers or malls, as in big cities that Europeans are used to, purchases here can be made in small shops, markets and shops at hotels. Almost all shops start working at 8 am and close at 5 pm. The biggest stores can be found on the major islands, and don't expect expensive luxury shopping.

Note! Even souvenir shops can close for lunch.

To make purchases, it is worth changing the currency to the local Seychelles rupee, and it is best to do this at ATMs, where the most favorable rate is. One Seychelles rupee in 2018 is equal to approximately 5 rubles.

They bring trinkets as a gift from here: bottles with colored sand, crafts of indigenous people, postcards and magnets.

You can also pay with a credit card at the hotel, but you should still find out about this in advance, before making a purchase.

Transport in the Seychelles

The local population moves around the islands on bicycles, ox carts, or on foot, but this type is not suitable for tourists. For active trips, it is worth renting a car, but you can also ride buses and taxis. Between the islands themselves, air communication (airplanes and helicopters) and water (ferries, boats) are available. Buses run only on the roads of large cities.

Communication in the Seychelles

Interesting! There are usually no problems with Internet access on the territory of the hotel. However, Wi-Fi is not always available in the rooms, and you will have to go to the lobby area to work. On the outlying islands Internet access may even be paid. But even this can be treated with a degree of common sense.

Two operators provide cellular communications to the islands, and when buying their SIM card, you should familiarize yourself with the tariffs. Usually for two weeks the cost of Internet access is not high. To obtain such a card, you can go to any communication salon and present your passport.

Recommendations for tourists going to the Seychelles

A traveler going to the islands for the first time should take with him not only means for sunburn or from it, but also from mosquitoes and flies, as well as his foresight and caution. Marine life is not always safe, although it may look so, so you should not look for a shark in the depths of the sea or touch corals with your bare hands.

The electricity in the network here is higher than in Russia, 240V, and the sockets are not the same as ours, so you will need an adapter, but this is not a problem in hotels, you just need to ask the staff at the reception.

Important! Tipping in the Seychelles is not customary to give and ask, but a maid or porter will never refuse a few rupees, and in a restaurant, a tip of 10% can always win over people.

The Seychelles is not only an expensive vacation, but also a well-known offshore, a place where wealthy firms and large concerns do business.

Choosing the next tour, for example, the Seychelles, finding out where they are, what kind of country it is, you should not immediately cut it off your shoulder and pay for an expensive vacation, but sit comfortably in the tour operator’s chair and find out everything inside and out. Hotels here are not classified according to the international principle, but for a couple of weeks or even a month, this is still a house, and the coast on which it will be located will be washed by the Indian Ocean (sometimes calm, sometimes not). Such a choice should be approached most consciously.

*Prices are current as of August 2018.

The Republic of Seychelles Island state, consisting of 115 islands of granitic origin and coral atolls. The Seychelles are located in the western part of the Indian Ocean, south of the equator, about 1600 km east of the African continent and north of the island Madagascar.

The area of ​​the Seychelles is 455 km². Most big Island- Mahe (142 km²), it is the capital of the state - the city of Victoria and the international airport. Other islands popular with tourists are Praslin, Silhouette, La Digue, Bird. The population of the state is about 88 thousand people (data for 2010).

The Seychelles were officially discovered at the beginning of the 16th century by the 2nd expedition of Vasco da Gama. However, earlier, in the 9th-10th centuries, Arab sailors visited the Seychelles. Until the 17th century, the Seychelles were uninhabited, then they served as a base for filibusters who hunted in the Indian Ocean.
In 1742, the governor of the island of Mauritius, Mahe de La Bordonnay, sent a ship to the archipelago, after which the largest island was named Mahe. At the same time, the islands were named after the French minister Moreau de Sechelles. Since 1756, the French settled on the islands, who in 1770 brought slaves and planted spice plantations - vanilla, cinnamon, cloves, and also began to grow sugar cane, coffee and corn. At the end of the 18th century, the Seychelles attracted close attention of the British Empire, which did not fail to make them part of its territory, adding Fr. Mauritius in 1840. The state gained independence only in 1976.

The main article of the Seychelles economy is the tourism industry, from which the state receives about 70% of its income, followed by fishing. It is in the Seychelles that the largest tuna processing center in the Indian Ocean basin is located. In addition, the Seychelles is an offshore zone in which thousands of international companies are registered.

Virgin nature is the main wealth of the Seychelles, actively protected by the government and residents of the state.

current time in Victoria:

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How to get there

Direct flights

You can fly directly from Moscow to the Seychelles by planes of the national island carrier - Air Seychelles. Also in the high season (in winter) Transaero charters fly to the Seychelles.

Connecting flights

In addition to direct flights, there are options to get to your destination with a connection at another airport. Often this option is cheaper. Below we list such flight options (cities of connections are indicated in brackets).

  • Emirates (Dubai): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Air France (Paris): Moscow, St. Petersburg.
  • Qatar Airways (Doha): Moscow.
  • Etihad Airways (Abu Dhabi): Moscow.

In addition, from Yekaterinburg, Mamara, Kazan and Ufa, you can fly to Dubai with FlyDubai (a subsidiary of Emirates), and then on the airliners of Emirates itself to the Seychelles.

All planes arrive at Pointe Larue International Airport, which is located on the island of Mahe, a few kilometers from the capital of the Seychelles - the city of Victoria.

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Climate and weather in the Seychelles

The climate of the islands is subequatorial maritime. There are two main seasons: from December to May it is hot in the Seychelles, average temperature+ 29°С, and from June to November it becomes cooler, the average temperature is about +24°С. In addition, monsoons form two intermediate seasons - from June to October (southeast Suet monsoon) the dry season begins, and from December to April (northeast monsoon Norde) hotter weather sets in, and humidity rises. Best time for diving - spring (March to May) and autumn (September to November). Windsurfers and yachtsmen visit the Seychelles in May and October. The beach season on the islands lasts almost all year round.

Monthly weather in the Seychelles

Reviews of tourists about the Seychelles by months

January 11 February 6 March 5 April 3 May 3 June 11 July 2 September 10 October 1 November 10 December 1

Photos Seychelles

Cities and regions

The Seychelles is an island nation consisting of 115 islands of granitic origin and coral atolls. The largest island is Mahe (142 km²), it houses the capital of the state - the city of Victoria and the international airport. Other islands popular with tourists are Praslin, Silhouette, La Digue, Bird.

Mahe Island

There are about 70 beaches on the island of Mahe, the most famous of them are Beau Vallon and Grand Anse (quite big waves and excellent conditions for surfing); Anse Intendanse (part of which is nudist); Anse Forbans and Anse Royal (protected by a coral reef, a good place for diving). For lovers of secluded relaxation, the remote beaches of Anse Soleli and Anse Petit Polis are suitable. Victoria is the only major port archipelago. The city has many restaurants with Creole cuisine, souvenir shops and shops, fruit and vegetable markets as well as art galleries. Victoria is a very beautiful green city with traditional Creole architecture, spread among the hills of Signal, Crave Coeur and Niols. Nearby is the mountain "Three Brothers" (699 m). From all sides the capital of the Seychelles is surrounded by cinnamon plantations. Mahe Island is the largest island of the Seychelles archipelago, its area is 150 square meters. km. The island has a mountainous landscape, rugged by rivers and covered with lush tropical vegetation. Here is the capital of the state of the Seychelles - one of the smallest capitals in the world - the city of Victoria. Seychelles International Airport is located 9 km from the city.

On Mahe, it is worth visiting the Seychelles Morne National Reserve, the Royal Spice Garden, the Mont Fleury Botanical Garden, the National Historical Museum, the workshop of the artist Michael Adams, and the village of artisans. Not far from the island of Mahe is a group of 4 small islands, declared in 1973 as a National Marine Park with unique marine flora and fauna.

Praslin Island

Praslin Island is the second largest island in the Seychelles, located 37 km northeast of Mahe. The landscape of the island is mountainous, the coastline is indented by large and small bays, there are wide sandy beaches. Praslin does not experience strong waves, as the island is surrounded by a coral reef. The small size of the island allows you to explore it on foot or on a rented bike, and you can also get to any part of the island by bus. The village of Grand Ance is the main settlement, it contains 2 monuments crowned with images of the fruits of the sea coconut palm "Coco De Mer" - the symbol of the Seychelles, which is even present on the coat of arms of the state.

Silhouette Island

Silhouette Island is the third largest island in the Seychelles archipelago. There are no roads on this island - only paths for hiking. The highest point of the island - Mount Dauban (740 m) - dominates the island. The island is surrounded by a ring of living coral reefs, the underwater world of which attracts lovers of diving, snorkeling, and fishing. There is only one hotel on the island - Labriz Silhouette 5 *, considered the most beautiful hotel archipelago.

La Digue Island

La Digue Island - very popular with tourists, the fourth largest island of the archipelago - 5 km long and 3 km wide, which is located 43 km from Mahe and 6.5 km from Praslin. highest point- Mount Ni d'Aigle ("Eagle's Nest", 300 m). The island is famous for its magnificent landscapes and the opportunity to relax in seclusion. Bullock carts are the only mode of transport, and bicycles are also popular and can be rented at the pier and in hotels. Tourists are attracted beautiful bay Source d'Argent and Cape Turcy. The beaches in the bays of Petit Ari, Grand Anse, Anse Coco, Reunion, Sever, Palat, Goulette, Gros Roche, Banana and Fourmi are also very good. The capital of the island is the village of La Passe.

The main attraction is the house where the film "Farewell Emmanuel" was filmed. The most famous hotels on the island are La Digue Island Lodge, L'Union Beach Chalets and Gregoire's.

Coastal waters are ideal for diving and fishing. The island is home to the world's largest elephant tortoises and the only surviving state-protected paradise flycatcher colony.

Felicite Island

Felicite Island, located 4 km from La Digue Island, is one of the most beautiful islands archipelago, its picturesque granite rocks - business card Seychelles. Coastline discontinuous, cut by cliffs, you can swim only in secluded coves with snow-white sandy beaches, which you need to get to by swimming or on foot, crossing low mountains.

The only large beach on Felicite is La Penice, and the only hotel is Felicite Private Lodge 4 *, consisting of 2 small houses with palm leaf roofs. The concept of rest in the hotel is such that guests, even booking only one room out of 8 available, find themselves completely alone on the island - no other bookings are accepted.

Alphonse Island

Alphonse Island is the southernmost of the islands in the archipelago. This is a private property, which is incredibly popular among divers. The island was named after Chevalier Alphonse de Pontives, an adventurer and treasure hunter whose frigate landed on the island in 1730.

Alphonse has the shape of a regular triangle with sides of 1200 m. It is a coral atoll that borders a large lagoon. The most popular form of transport is a bicycle. Tourists go to Alphonse to relax on 3.5 km of well-groomed beaches, get acquainted with the underwater life of the coastal waters inhabited by sea ​​turtles, giant crabs, fish of various colors. In October, sperm whales, bronze and humpback whales and killer whales come to the island. The Alphonse Diving School and Fishing Center are so popular that it is recommended to book the course and services in advance.

Anonymous Island

Small island Anonyme (Anonyme Island) with an area of ​​1300 sq. m lies to the west of Mahe, it was named after a sailing ship that sailed between the islands of the Seychelles archipelago. Anonymous - private property, it belongs to the daughter of the President of the Seychelles. The island is very picturesque: there are palm groves, emerald hills, caves and cozy bays with white sand, framed by heaps of huge granite boulders of gray and pinkish color.

The island has an exclusive resort Anonyme Island Resort 5 *, consisting of 4 villas. This hotel is unique in that it can be rented entirely for one family or company. For the duration of the lease, in agreement with the hostess, it is even possible to close the island for any outside visits.

Bird Island

Bird Island is the northernmost of the Seychelles. Its dimensions are 1500 m long and 650 m wide. The eastern and southern parts of the island are surrounded by a coral reef. A few kilometers from the island, the continental shelf ends, on which the Seychelles are located, and a deep ocean trench begins - the best place for deep sea fishing. Bird Island got its name in 1776, when European travelers passing by saw "countless birds" on it. So the name appeared - Bird ("Bird"). Bird colonies that had left the island when cotton and papaya plantations appeared on it returned in 1967 - new owners began to restore the Byrd ecosystem. Now in October-November and April-May you can watch birds choosing Bird Island as a resting place during bad weather. Here you can see black terns, martins, swifts, white-tailed phaetons - about 100 species of birds in total.

Another attraction of Bird Island is the world's oldest tortoise, Esmeralda. She is about 170 years old, she is listed in the Guinness Book of Records as the heaviest in the world: her weight is 304 kg.

After sunset, all the lights on the island are extinguished. This is done so as not to disturb the birds and turtles: disoriented by the light, the turtles may not find their way to the water.

Today Byrd is a member of the Green Globe International Ecotourism Association, and in 1994 he received the prestigious Tourism of the Future Award established by British Airways. On the site of the old plantation, a small cozy hotel Bird Island Lodge. The only inhabitants of the island are hotel guests.

Denis Island

Coral island Denis (Denis Island) is quite small - 1.8 km long and 1.3 km wide. The runway crosses it from end to end, rising above sea level by only 3 meters. Denis was named after the French traveler Denis de Trobriant, who officially discovered the island in 1773. In Trobriand's logbook, there was an entry that, allegedly, a bottle with a document was buried on the island, according to which the island belongs to the French crown. The bottle has still not been found, but this mystery gives the island a romantic flair.

The main and only settlement of the island is a small settlement with 50 inhabitants. The only hotel on the island is Taj Denis Island Lodge 4 *, many celebrities choose it for their vacation.

Animal and vegetable world The island has been preserved in its original form. Denis is an ideal place for lovers of deep-sea fishing: it was in its waters that 5 world records for catching dogfish were set. In addition, tuna and marlin are caught here in May, October, November and December.

Cousin Island

Cousine Island is an island of granite origin, its landscape consists of gentle hills and heaps of huge boulders. A wide beach with fine white sand stretches along the perimeter of the island. Kuzin is a private property, its owners strive to preserve the pristine nature of the island. Since 1992, the island has actually turned into a private reserve for many species of birds and plants. The island is home to the rare song robin and tailed warbler; here you can see a white-tailed tropical bird, which is a symbol of the island of Mauritius. Cousin Island is overseen by the International Committee for the Protection of Birds. Today, more than 40 environmental and scientific projects are deployed here.
Two old turtles, George and Georgina, also live on Cousin.

Coming to rest in the only Cousine Island hotel on the island, guests, thereby, contribute to the maintenance of the local ecology - all funds go to the Cousine Environmental Fund. Tourists on Kuzina should be prepared for the fact that it is forbidden to smoke, have picnics and collect shells here: nothing should violate the primordial nature. Today, the owners of the island are trying to implement a project to transfer the provision of the hotel to power from solar panels, in the future it is planned to transfer the entire island exclusively to solar energy.

Sainte Anne Island

The small island of Sainte Anne (Sainte Anne Island) served as a staging post for pirate ships and whaling ships until the 18th century. The first settlers-planters appeared on the island only at the beginning of the last century. The landscape of the island of Sainte-Anne is made up of beaches with white coral sand, lush tropical vegetation, and picturesque granite rocks.

The pride of the island is the National Marine Reserve, located in its coastal waters, created in 1973, one of the first in the Indian Ocean. More than 150 species of fish and other species are protected in the reserve. marine life. In the waters off the island of Sainte-Anne, the use of any motorized watercraft is prohibited, so as not to disturb the fragile ecosystem natural park.

In addition, Sainte-Anne is a luxury resort that occupies a leading position in many international hotel ratings. Here is the only one on the island luxury hotel Sainte Anne Resort & Spa 5 *, owned by the well-known hotel chain Beachcomber.

Frigate Island

Fregate Island, which is privately owned, is small in size: its length is 2 km, its width is 1 km. In the Middle Ages, the island was a haven for pirates. Pirate maps with the designation of treasures were allegedly found on Frigate by Ian Fleming, the author of the James Bond novels. Treasures have not yet been discovered, and the island remains surrounded by a halo of mystery.

The frigate is located in the easternmost part of the archipelago. There are no roads and vehicles here at all: you can only move on foot or by bicycle along the paths. The nature of the island is unique: rare plants(takamaka, filao, banana, mango, Indian almond trees and century-old baobabs) and unique birds live: Seychelles dials, coconut doves, song magpies, petrels and, of course, frigatebirds.

The landscape is dominated by gigantic, bizarre granite boulders surrounding 7 pinkish sand beaches. best beach- Anse Victorine is located directly in front of the only hotel on the island, Frégate Island Private 5 * - one of the most expensive hotels in the world, built in 1998.

Aldabra atoll

Aldabra Atoll is the second largest atoll in the world, belonging to the Seychelles archipelago, located in the Indian Ocean, 420 km northeast of Madagascar. Entry into the territory of the atoll is carried out strictly by passes, the presence of a person is reduced to an absolute minimum, since there is a unique natural reserve Aldabra, in 1982 included in the list world heritage UNESCO.

The territory of the atoll and the islands in its lagoon is about 186 sq. km. Like other isolated islands and groups of oceanic islands, Aldabra has a high percentage of endemic plant and animal species. Aldabra is home to the world's largest population of giant tortoises, with an estimated 100,000 individuals. The coastal waters of the atoll abound in marine life, which attracts divers here. The Aldabra Natural Park has its own website.

What to watch

An excursion program on the island of Mahe will not do without a walk around the capital of the Seychelles - Victoria.

The main street of Victoria is called Market Street, and in addition to numerous shops, souvenir shops and markets, there is the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception (early 20th century), the Clock Tower (1903), a natural history museum and a small historical museum, the largest Seychelles supermarket , the size of which actually does not exceed the size of an average store in a small European town, as well as the only two traffic lights in the entire archipelago.

The buildings of the Bank of Seychelles, the National Library and the Parliament, a small Anglican church, a blue and white Hindu gopuram temple, a modest mosque and the Sir Selvin Selvin-Clark market may seem interesting.

The northern part of the island of Mahe, consisting of high hills of volcanic origin, overgrown with tropical forests, is part of national reserve Seychelles Morne, named after the largest hill that rises in the center of its territory. The eastern border of the reserve runs 1 km from the city of Victoria, the western border stretches from Port Loney Bay in the north to Grand Anse Bay in the south. The reserve has many hiking trails, relic species of trees and shrubs grow.

If you head from Victoria to Port Glaud Bay on the west coast of Mahe Island along one of the few asphalt roads, then, before reaching 2 km from the coast, you can find the Morne Blanc hill (667 m). On its slopes is the only tea factory in the Seychelles, founded here in 1962. Most of the tea produced is flavored with vanilla, sometimes lemon, orange, mint and cinnamon are added. You can climb the hill along the path past the tea terraces to the actual premises of the factory, where tourists will be shown all the stages of tea production. In the souvenir shop at the factory, for 10 rupees, you can buy various types of tea or a bag of citronella, a local plant whose properties can be compared to the invigorating properties of coffee. There is also a tea tavern at the tea factory, where you can taste all types of tea before buying.

The Royal Garden is located next to the Royal Bay, 18 km south of Victoria on the island of Mahe. The garden was founded in 1772 by French colonists who started growing spices here. The garden, exhaling spicy exquisite aromas, still exists, it is a private property, the owners of which have restored the estate in the center of the site and invite tourists on a tour. The estate has a small restaurant of Creole cuisine, a souvenir shop, a small museum of the life of the Seychelles planters of the XIX century. Each visitor to the garden is entitled to a small present - a seedling of one of the plants: avocado, patchouli, ginger, clove, pepper, nutmeg or vanilla.

The artisan village is located just north of King's Bay, next to Au Cap Beach on the island of Mahe. The village in the traditional Creole spirit was erected specifically to acquaint tourists with Creole crafts, architecture and cuisine. In the center of the village is a large restored colonial-style manor house (Grann Kaz) dating from 1870. It is surrounded by 12 huts turned into craft workshops and souvenir shops, where you can buy historically accurate models of frigates, paintings, crafts from coconut.

In the Blue Hens Bay on the island of Mahe, there is a gallery of the most famous artist of the Seychelles - Michael Adams. He managed to achieve recognition not only in his homeland, but throughout the world. The small traditional chalet houses a studio, an art gallery and a shop selling colorful silk paintings, watercolors, postcards and author's calendars. The cost of work is from 10 to 8,500 rupees.

Botanical Garden Mont Fleury was founded on the island of Mahe in 1901 by Mr. Dupont as an experimental plantation for growing tropical plants introduced to the island. Today, about 200 species of exotic and local plants grow on the territory of the garden of 6 hectares. The main place is occupied by palm trees, of which there are several dozen species in the garden, among them is the famous sea coconut palm, which has been under state protection since 1978. In the garden, everyone has the opportunity to plant their own coconut palm, receiving a sprouted nut for a small amount.

Less than a kilometer from the village of Baie Ste Anne on the island of Praslin begins the territory of the famous May Valley - Reserve of sea coconut palms, included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. The May Valley is a European idea of ​​heaven on earth brought to life; in the 19th century it was even called the Garden of Eden. Many endemic plants grow on the territory of the park of 19.5 hectares, the main wealth of the May Valley is the largest plantation (about 7,000 palm trees) of the sea coconut palm (Coco-de-mer) - Lodoicea maldivica, fruits interesting shape which (distinguish between the fruits of female and male palms) are considered a symbol of the Seychelles.

You can get around the May Valley on foot in 2-4 hours: 5 routes marked with arrows follow specially laid paths. The reserve is also interesting for ornithologists: lovers of birds can see the Seychelles nightingale, falcon, Indian myna, salanga, blue dove, rare black parrot (coracopsis nigra barklyi) here. Animal world May Valley is represented by geckos, chameleons, turtles, Seychelles flying foxes (huge bats, whose wingspan reaches 1 meter).

This attraction of Praslin Island is located on the Gold Coast beach. In the gallery you can get acquainted with the work of local artist George Camille , which has gained wide popularity in the Seychelles since the end of the last century, and has visited with exhibitions many European capitals. The paintings of George Camille are distinguished by a riot of colors of tropical nature, imbued with the festive spirit of the Creole worldview. The gallery features watercolors, pencil, pastels, silk-screen printing, engravings, acrylics and relief collages. Many works can be bought. The cost of work is from 300 to 10,000 rupees.

On the west coast of Praslin Island, near the local airport, in the village of Amitie, there is a Black Pearl farm. where black pearls are grown. Clams Pinctada margaritifera, producing black pearls (its shade may vary), were brought to the Seychelles 10 years ago as an experiment, and they have taken root well in warm tropical waters. The farm conducts excursions, during which tourists are introduced to the process of growing pearls, jewelry shop where you can buy black pearl jewelry set in 18 carat gold.

The Black Pearl Farm also breeds the giant multicolored clams Tridacna maxima, which are very popular with European and American aquarists. The Tridacna maxima clams are unpretentious, on the farm they feel great in four outdoor pools in the vicinity of tropical fish, turtles and other inhabitants of coral reefs.

Union Estate Park, in the village of Union on La Digue Island, is the main tourist attraction on the island.

The park was built on land that belonged to the aristocratic Hossen family in the 19th century. The master's house is still the central building of the complex; it is one of the oldest colonial buildings in the archipelago. Tourists are attracted by the fact that it was here that Francois Leterrier filmed some episodes of the famous film Farewell Emmanuelle. Today, this wooden building with a palm-leaf roof is the private property of the former President of Seychelles France, Albert René.

The natural landmark of the park is a granite mountain dating back 75 million years, it was formed by magma flows, which led to its bizarre shape. At the foot of the cliff there is an enclosure with giant land tortoises brought to La Digue from Aldabra National Park.

Where to go in the Seychelles


Museums and galleries

Where to eat and drink

Parks and recreation areas



Shops and markets

Things to do

The Seychelles are located in the Indian Ocean northeast of Madagascar and are perfect place for diving and underwater photography. It is in the Seychelles that SUBIOS, an annual festival of films shot underwater in the Indian Ocean, is held. In addition to diving, fishing is held in high esteem in the Seychelles. No less popular in the Seychelles are other water activities - snorkeling, water skiing, windsurfing, kiting, information about which can be obtained at any hotel. Here we will focus on diving and fishing in more detail.


A huge number of rare marine inhabitants live in the coastal waters of the archipelago: butterfly fish, razor fish, Picasso fish, stone fish, pterios rapiata, hammerhead shark, mademoiselle shark, nosed shark, blue marlin, cardinal fish, 17 varieties sea ​​urchins, swordfish, yellowfin and toothy tuna, brown and green moray eels, the oldest and largest turtles in the world.

Most dives are from boats and most dive sites are 10-40 minutes boat ride from shore. Diving centers employ professional instructors who speak several languages, it is possible to rent the necessary equipment.

Visibility in the open sea reaches 30 meters,

Water temperature+24-30С.

diving season limited by the monsoons, as the transparency of the water is significantly reduced. Undersea world Seychelles is presented in all its glory during the periods April-May and September-October.

Dive sites there are about 70 in the Seychelles, but the most popular and most frequently visited are those listed below.

It is possible to rent boats, catamarans and yachts in the Seychelles. This is mainly done by Charter Seychelles, Interya Chtcharter, Charter World.

Full list rental companies water transport presented on this site.


SPTC buses run on the islands of Mahe and Praslin with an interval of 15 minutes on the main routes, and from 30 minutes to an hour on all others. On Mahe, bus service is carried out daily from 5:00 to 20:30, on Praslin - from 5:45 to 17:45. The schedule for both islands is usually available at the hotel reception. The fare is 5-10 rupees.


Fixed fare taxis are available on the islands of Mahe and Praslin. Taxis are comfortable, operate 24 hours a day, and their stands are located near each hotel. The fare for the first kilometer is 15 rupees, then - 5 rupees per km. The fee for 1 piece of luggage is 5 rupees. Fares at night are higher than during the day. The taxi rank in Victoria is located on Albert Street, behind the post office.

Car rental

To rent a car, the driver must be over 22 years of age, an international driver's license and a credit card are required. Car rental costs from 40 euros (640 euros) per day. The cost of 1 liter of gasoline is up to 15 rupees. There are few gas stations: on about. Praslin - 2 gas stations, Mahe - 6. They all work on their own schedule, so gas stations in Victoria are open from 5:00 to 23:00.

The maximum speed in the city is 45 km/h, outside the settlements - 65 km/h, on the highway to the airport - 80 km/h. The local population rules traffic does not comply. Driving in the Seychelles is on the left. Roads are mostly in poor condition.

One of the most convenient means of transportation on many islands (Praslin, La Digue) - rented bike. Bicycle rentals are usually located in hotels. Its rent will cost from 50 rupees per day.


You can communicate with the inhabitants of the Seychelles in English, which is official language(it is spoken by 4.9% of the population) or French, which formed the basis of the local Creole language (91.8% of the population), the so-called Seselva Creole.


The culture of the Seychelles is multifaceted, it was formed under the influence of French and English colonists, as well as immigrants from Africa, India, Madagascar.

The applied art of the archipelago is represented by products made from palm fibers and tortoise shells, as well as products from the famous Seychelles coconut "sea palm" and its nuts.

The islands are famous for their colorful festivals, the most interesting and beautiful of which are the "Creole Language Week" and the "Creole Festival" held at the end of October. At this time, representatives of the Creole diasporas come to the Seychelles for a big holiday dedicated to all aspects of French-speaking Creole culture: literature, music, dance, theater, crafts, cuisine.


Seychelles cuisine is based on Creole culinary traditions, the main components of which are rice and seafood. The most popular dish is "pwason ek diri" - fish and rice. The menu always features typical fish delicacies such as the juicy red snapper (bourzwa), tuna steaks - the king of fish, shark shatini, and you can even find a rare parrotfish fillet. Smoked sailboat is the most common snack.

The local prawns are also excellent - either curried in a sweet sauce or fried in garlic oil. Also, tourists respect tektek soup, octopus, banana kat-kat, breadfruit stew, giramon puree, boiled cassava, coconut nougat, candied bilimbi, stewed banana Saint-Jacques. Another local delicacy is curried fruit bat (chauve-souris), which is quite bony but definitely worth a try.

Remember that Seychelles cuisine is very spicy. When ordering them, you can ask to add spices "in moderation". Seychelles restaurants also serve European cuisine.

The main alcoholic specialties are: "dite zitronel" - a tincture of lemon mint, "kalu" - fermented coconut juice, reminiscent of young wine, "baka" - fermented sugar cane juice, strong enough. The local beer is called Seybrew. Connoisseurs of good wines are advised to try South African wines, which are available in Seychelles bars.

Food in restaurants at hotels in the Seychelles is not cheap. In small cozy restaurants on the shore or in settlements, lunch or dinner will cost much less - 200-300 rupees.

Mahe Island Restaurants

An international restaurant with a pleasant interior and a chic terrace overlooking the ocean. The restaurant, in addition to dishes from various cuisines of the world, offers a large selection of cocktails for every taste. The cost of dinner - from 35 euros, each visitor - a glass of champagne.

The Creole restaurant is set in a large orchard by the ocean. The interior is designed in the style of a Creole village, using local natural materials - palm leaves, bamboo, granite boulders and large shells. The restaurant often hosts Creole themed evenings, weddings, and appointments. The restaurant is open from Monday to Friday from 10:00. For dinner, you need to book a table in advance - at least a day in advance.

A restaurant with stunning panoramic ocean views that serves Creole and international cuisine using the freshest, highest quality ingredients. In addition to the main menu, it is offered Buffet and entertainment programs on weekends. The cost of lunch or dinner is from 70 to 1200 rupees.

The Indian restaurant is popular with guests of the island: here you can try Indian dishes such as Tikka chicken, kebabs, Naan bread, Biryani chicken. There is a vegetarian menu. The cost of lunch or dinner is 125-225 rupees. The restaurant is located on the territory of the Berjaya Beau-Vallon hotel Bay Resort&Casino.

Le Canton Chinese Restaurant

Chinese restaurant located at the Berjaya Beau-Vallon Bay Resort & Casino. The cost of lunch or dinner is from 100 to 400 rupees.

The pizzeria serves Creole, Italian and international cuisine. This small and inexpensive restaurant in the center of Victoria is well-deservedly popular, as the main dishes are cooked in a clay oven. The cost of lunch is 80-140 rupees.

Praslin Island Restaurants

Located in the Petit Les Lauriers hotel, this restaurant offers a wide selection of salads, curries and other Creole gastronomy. It also serves freshly caught grilled fish. Large selection of exotic cocktails. On Sunday evening, guests are waiting for The cultural program- national dances performed by local groups. The interior is decorated in a Creole style.

Small family run restaurant serving Creole cuisine. Most of the dishes are prepared from fish with the addition of breadfruit and vegetables. Account - from 250 rupees. Open from Monday to Saturday 11:45-14:30 and 19:30-22:00. Closed on Sundays.

Creole and international restaurant with a large wooden deck overlooking Curieuse Island. The menu is very varied, a large selection of coffee, refreshing and alcoholic drinks. The cost of lunch is 180-420 rupees.

La Digue Island Restaurants

Villa Authentic - best restaurant Creole cuisine in La Digue. Here you can have an inexpensive breakfast, dinner and lunch, enjoying a cozy atmosphere, good service and a large selection of dishes. local cuisine. It is better to book a table in advance by phone. The cost of lunch is about 300 rupees, the children's menu is about 200 rupees.

This restaurant specializes in Creole cuisine. The interior of the room is made in the national style: wooden furniture, sandy floor, covered palm leaves roof, large outdoor terrace with amazing views of Praslin Island and, of course, magnificent sunsets. The cost of breakfast (buffet) - 180 rupees, lunch or dinner - 250 rupees.


Prices in stores in the Seychelles are quite high, the assortment does not differ in variety compared to the European one. You can buy clothes made of light cotton fabrics, leather sandals, sportswear and shoes.


The shop hours are usually as follows: on weekdays from 8:00 to 16:00 with lunch from 12:00 to 13:00, on Saturday - until 12:00. Sunday is a day off.


You can bring a lot of interesting things as souvenirs from the Seychelles: men's straw hats and other wickerwork, local works of art (for example, the work of Seychelles painters), spices (Creole curries and chili), tea from the islands, local music CDs, jewelry, coral and mother-of-pearl boxes.

Coco de Mer

But the main present is the fruits of the Coco de Mer coconut palm, which cannot be exported without a special certificate. The most famous Seychelles endemic is the Maldivian fan palm (Lodoicea maldivica), or Coco de Mer, its fruit weighs about 20 kg and is considered the largest in the plant kingdom. Up to 3000 nuts are harvested per year in the Seychelles (one palm tree brings a maximum of 30 nuts). Each fruit is numbered - marked with a special sticker with a number, this number is indicated in the certificate when buying a nut from an authorized seller. The walnut is not cheap (from 150 to 250 euros, large specimens are more expensive), but the price includes the cost of an export permit. Caskets are also made from a whole walnut, and so-called "Praslin faience" - scoops, bowls, plates, flasks and other rather elegant crafts from small parts.

It is also impossible to export from the Seychelles without a certificate of official purchase of shells, corals, hawksbill turtle shell products. Prices for goods, especially for souvenirs, are fixed in the Seychelles, bargaining is usually inappropriate.

Currency and payment

In the Seychelles, the Seychelles rupee (SCR) is in circulation, the rate of which is approximately as follows: $ 1 ~ 12.5 SCR, 1 euro ~ 16 SCR.

Currency can be exchanged at banks, official exchange offices, at the airport, in hotels. Hand-held currency exchange is prohibited by law. Reverse exchange of rupees is possible only upon presentation of a certificate of currency exchange from the bank. Banks are usually open from 8:00 to 14:00 on weekdays, on Saturdays - until 11:00.

Large hotels and some shops accept credit cards MasterCard/Access and Visa. Less common are American Express and Diners Club. Traveler's checks can be exchanged at any bank, their exchange rate is more favorable compared to cash. The hotel can pay in both currency and rupees. Excursions and car rentals, as a rule, are paid only in international currency ($ and euro).



You can call in the Seychelles from pay phones, which are located in settlements, they work with magnetic cards (sold at kiosks and post offices). In some places, old-style pay phones have been preserved, working on coins (3 minutes of conversation - 1 rupee).

Cellular communication is the GSM 900 communication standard. Roaming is available to subscribers of the main Russian operators.
The telephone code of the country is 248. To call the Seychelles, dial: 00 - 248 - the subscriber's number.


On the larger islands (Mahe, Praslin) there are several Internet cafes, most hotels usually provide paid or free WIFI c. rooms, conference rooms or in the lobby. Price paid internet connection in hotels is approximately as follows: 1 day - 10 euros, 3 days - 25 euros, 5 days - 50 euros.

Also available on the islands Mobile Internet, conditions - from local operators AirTel and Cable&Wareless.

When buying an Internet SIM card, AirTel will not immediately have a network, since the access point (APN) must be configured at the operator's offices. Experts can try to do it themselves according to the parameters: name - Airtel, APN -, everything else is by default.


In general, the Seychelles are safe for tourists. It is recommended to follow basic safety rules: do not take valuables with you to the beach, since the beaches are not guarded. Large sums of money and other valuables are best kept in a hotel safe.
Tap water on the islands of Mahe and Praslin is drinkable, on other islands it is better to use bottled water.
Although doctors recommend that tourists traveling to the Seychelles get vaccinated against hepatitis A, special vaccination is still not required, but only desirable - a certificate of vaccination and a health insurance policy are not required.

Mandatory use sunscreen with a high degree of protection (from SPF 30), a headgear, it is recommended to swim in a T-shirt in the first days of your stay on the islands so as not to burn yourself. Be sure to bring insect repellant with you.
While swimming in the sea, you should be careful: there are sea urchins, there are fragments of coral and granite.

Seychelles is considered the most medically developed country in the region. The central hospital is located in the city of Victoria, there are also clinics on Praslin and La Digue. An ambulance can be called around the clock from any hotel.

P. O. Box 632, Victoria, Mahe, Seychelles

Phone: (8-10-248) 26-6590, 26-6122
Fax: (8-10-248) 26-6653

Detailed map of the Seychelles in Russian. Map of islands and resorts on the map of Seychelles. Show on map Seychelles.

Where are the Seychelles located on the world map?

The Seychelles is a state located in the Indian Ocean about 1600 kilometers east of Africa.

Interactive map of Seychelles with cities and resorts

The Seychelles attract lovers throughout the year a relaxing holiday near the sea, as well as divers, surfers, fans of sea fishing and yachting. The most visited islands are Mahe, Praslin and La Digue. Also popular are island hotels: Fregat, Deroche, Silhouette and Cerf.

Geographic location of the Seychelles

The state is a group of islands, small islets and reefs located in the Indian Ocean. According to their structure, the islands belonging to the country are divided into granite and coral. The former include the forty-two largest islands, the latter are flat atolls (islands in the form of a ring surrounding the lagoon). Geographical coordinates Seychelles: 7°04′03″ S sh. and 52°44′04″ E. d.

Territory of the Seychelles

Seychelles covers an area of ​​only 455 square kilometers, which is 180th in the world. The largest of the islands is Mahe (142 sq. km.), the capital of the country, Victoria, is located here. The state also owns Silhouette, La Digue, Praslin and a number of other small coral islands. In total, the Seychelles has more than 100 islands, only about 30 of them are inhabited.

There are many islands on our planet that can truly be called paradise. These include the Seychelles archipelago. Beautiful nature, clean beaches and clear water The Indian Ocean attracts hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

It is noteworthy that the Seychelles is not only the name of the archipelago, but also the name of the state.

In total there are about 115 islands. The biggest ones include:

  • Mahe - the largest, it is the capital of the Seychelles - Victoria.
  • La Digue.
  • Silhouette.

You should pay attention to the fact that the pieces of sushi are located very close to each other. Therefore, moving from one to another is quite simple. If speak about local residents, then they do it on cornfields or ferries.

Where are the Seychelles located on the world map?

In answering this question, it should be noted that the archipelago is located in the Indian Ocean. To find it, you should start to find Madagascar on the map, and then look up a little higher, that is, to the north, where the Seychelles will be located.

However, even the largest island of Mahe is so small that it may not even appear on the map. In order to roughly understand its size, it should be emphasized that Mahe is 20 times smaller than the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe whole of Moscow. Therefore, in order to see the archipelago in full, you should choose a map with a large scale.

The nearest African countries are Somalia, Tanzania and Kenya. It is noteworthy that the distance to the coast of Africa is about 1600 km.

It should be noted that the Seychelles are located in the subequatorial climate zone, that is, the equator is very close to the islands. In relatively close proximity to the Seychelles, islands such as Reyunuk are localized. In the southwest, the Seychelles are adjacent to the Comoros, and in the northeast are

What is the Seychelles?

This archipelago of islands is a republic. Despite the fact that there are about 115 islands in total, only 33 are inhabited. All the other islands have long been discovered, however, no one lives there. Therefore, if you want to enjoy the wild and primeval nature, then you are there. It is noteworthy that half of the islands are covered with specific tropical vegetation, and the other half is empty.

As already mentioned, the largest island is Mahe. The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthis island is about 141 km², and the capital of the state is also located here. On the same island there is an international airport where all tourists arrive.

There is an opinion that the largest island is Aldabra. It is noteworthy that the total population of the Seychelles has about 90 thousand people.

Who owns the islands?

Answering this question, it should be noted that some of the islands belong to the Seychelles state. For example, La Digue belongs to the president, however, tourists can still be there.

Why tourists choose the Seychelles?

The Seychelles archipelago is so popular because it is here the sun is constantly shining, it is warm and there is a beautiful ocean nearby. In addition, on the islands of this archipelago you can see the pristine tropical nature. The resorts of this region attract tourists not only from Europe, but also from America or Asia.

Sea coconuts, Seychelles palm trees - that's why tourists go. The most popular island among tourists is Silhouette. It is noteworthy that the natural landscape has been preserved in this place. This is just a paradise for drivers, as one of the most beautiful underwater lagoons is localized here. In addition, this great opportunity admire not only corals and seaweed, but also a variety of fish species.

How to get to the Seychelles archipelago?

Looking at the map of the world, the tourist begins to think about the question of how to get to this paradise. It should be noted that there are no direct flights from Russia, so you will have to fly with transfers.

You can get to the archipelago through:

  • Milan;
  • London.

It should be noted that the international airport is located only in the capital. Therefore, if you want to visit other islands, you will need to book tickets for a local flight in advance. There is also another option for moving between the islands - this is a steamboat. Tickets can be purchased upon arrival.

Seychelles beaches

The coastline is dotted white sandy beaches where you can not only sunbathe, but also do sport. So, all the necessary equipment can be bought or rented directly on the beach. Most famous beach- this is Côte d'Or, which is also called the "Gold Coast".

Are the Seychelles a safe holiday destination?

Rest here is safe, but you should not forget about the elementary rules. It is noteworthy that on islands such as Mahe or Praslin, there is clean tap water, but it is better to drink bottled water. In addition, before the trip, be sure to get vaccinated against hepatitis A. But a special vaccination is optional, but desirable. Insurance will also come in handy.

How developed is the tourism industry?

It should be noted that there are always a lot of tourists here, so the infrastructure is more than well developed. Housing should definitely not be a problem, as there are many options where you can stay. So, it can be both expensive hotels and economical hotels and hostels. However, it should be said that there is no single classification of hotels. Now the Ministry of Tourism of the country is actively working on this issue.

Resting on the islands of the Seychelles archipelago, you will always find something to do. So, you can sunbathe all day long on well-groomed and clean beaches or walk along the seashore. Special attention should be paid to diving.

It should be noted that in this country roads in poor condition so you should drive with extreme caution. A huge advantage is that here you can rent a car with Russian rights.

It is noteworthy that the Seychelles region is distinguished by the most developed medicine. The central hospital is located in the capital.

As a result, it should be noted that The Seychelles archipelago is heaven on earth. However, rest should also be done with caution. For example, while swimming in the sea, you can stumble upon a sea urchin or coral fragments. Therefore, you should also rest wisely.
