Tourist places of Crimea. What to see in Crimea - the best sights of Crimea

planning summer vacation in Crimea, many of us are primarily looking for information about sanatoriums, hotels, hostels or private houses where you can stay for a vacation. This, of course, is important, but mainly for those who are going to sit in the room and enjoy the sea from the balcony. But this peninsula is so beautiful and multifaceted that if you get to know it better, you will always find the most suitable corner for you. After all, Crimea is, first of all, nature and sights, and you will always find cozy housing there.

Sights of the northeastern Crimea with photos, names and descriptions

This part of the peninsula is considered the most underestimated and at the same time promising in terms of tourism. Northeastern steppesperfect place for those who love relaxing holiday Alone with nature.

Arabat arrow

Lake Sivash and Arabat arrow- one of the main natural attractions of the Crimea. Geographically, Lake Sivash is a bay of the Sea of ​​Azov, separated by a narrow spit. According to scientists, the Arabat Spit rose from the sea in the 11th-12th centuries AD, as a result of which a unique salty reservoir with a muddy bottom was formed. FROM Sea of ​​Azov Sivash is connected by two narrow straits in the northern part of the Arabat spit - Genichen (80-150 m wide) and Promoina strait (100 m wide). This explains the different salinity of the water in the Sivash Lake in its northern part (22%) and southern (87%). Average depth in the bay is 0.5-1 m, reaching 3-4 m in the deepest parts.

Lake Sivash

It is hardly necessary to talk about the benefits mineral mud, especially for people suffering from skin diseases and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. But few people know that in terms of their healing properties, Sivash mud is not inferior to the world-famous mud of the Dead Sea.

However, unfortunately, tourism potential Sivash Bay is practically not implemented. Therefore, you have the opportunity to take mud baths absolutely free of charge, renting a house at an affordable price in one of the nearest villages or camping in a tent. The latter, by the way, is preferable, because the air near the lake is also rich in minerals useful for the body.

Therapeutic mud is contraindicated to be applied to damaged areas of the skin! While taking mud baths, one should be in the shade and prevent the mud from drying on the skin.

But, let's just say, the Arabat arrow is interesting not only by mud. The width of the spit in some places is 300-400 meters, so you can successfully combine medical procedures with seaside vacation. The Sea of ​​\u200b\u200bAzov warms up well in shallow water and is safe enough for swimming. Therefore, even if you are more attracted to the sights of the South Coast, and you would like to spend a few days there without children, grandchildren and grandparents will not be bored in this part of Crimea. And soon you will be able to join them.

There is more to see in the northern part of Crimea if you are traveling by car.

Traveling in the northern Crimea, be sure to admire its natural attractions. Perhaps the most picturesque of the many lakes is Lake Red, where residents of Krasnoperekopsk like to relax. The water in it is the usual turquoise color for the sea, and the lake got its name for the red color of salt deposits on the shore, when the reservoir becomes shallow in summer.

Sights of Western Crimea

Continuing the journey through steppe Crimea, we go to Evpatoria. This city on the western coast of Crimea is not very rich in architectural sights, but it attracts lovers family vacation broad sandy beaches and plenty of entertainment for children.

  1. First, take your child to entertainment complex "Dinopark", where you can see life-size figures of dinosaurs, visit a wide variety of attractions and a children's cafe.
  2. Then go to "Aquarium" and dolphinarium of Evpatoria.
  3. Also available to tourists aquapark and Amusement and amusement park.

Well, adults will certainly attract "House of Wine", where a wide range of Crimean wines is presented. Here you can get acquainted with the history of the Crimean winemaking, visit the tasting room and buy the varieties you like.

And be sure to visit arboretum of Evpatoria, included in the top attractions of Crimea. Here, in the shade of exotic trees, you can relax from the bustle of the city and enjoy the singing of birds.

The main profile of Evpatoria is health resort vacation. There are 28 sanatoriums of various profiles and specializations in the city, and you, according to the recommendations of your doctor, will be able to choose the most suitable one for yourself.

But if you are going to the Crimea specifically for the purpose of sanatorium treatment, then we recommend that you immediately go to saki. This city stands on Lake Saki, whose mud is the best therapeutic mud in the Crimea. Therefore, it was here that the first mud bath in Russia was founded. Local sanatoriums also widely use mineral water from Saka sources.

Between Evpatoria and Sakami is one of the best natural attractions of the Crimea, which is worth a visit - Lake Sasyk-Sivash. Once Sasyk was a bay of the Black Sea, but sea ​​waves gradually formed a sand dam. As a result, the largest salt Lake Crimea, which besides medicinal properties also famous for its pink water surface. This shade of water is given by salts containing beta-carotene.

In a word, the spectacle is so amazing that, even just passing by, it is impossible not to stop to take a few photos.

Southern coast of Crimea and its sights

South coast- this is undoubtedly the pearl of the Crimea. In addition to the unique nature with picturesque landscapes, rich flora and fauna, beautiful beaches and masses of architectural sights, the tourism industry of the South Coast offers holidays for every taste. The list of sights of the Southern coast of Crimea with a detailed story about each of them will take a whole book, so let's focus on the most popular of them.

Natural attractions of the southern coast of Crimea- This is perhaps the main attraction for tourists. Crimean mountains protect this area from cold winds, creating a unique subtropical climate.

  • marble cave and Jur-Jur waterfall in Alushta;
  • rocks of Adalara and Cape Ayu-Dag in Gurzuf;
  • Wuchang-su waterfall in Yalta;
  • mountain cat in Simeiz;
  • Cape Fiolent in the Sevastopol.

Main architectural sights Southern coast of Crimea. Unique nature The South Coast has always attracted statesmen, aristocrats, entrepreneurs and cultural figures. For them, real masterpieces of architecture and landscape gardening art. All connoisseurs of beauty should visit such architectural sights:

  • Suuk-su Palace in Gurzuf;
  • Gurzuf Park and Arbor of the Winds;
  • Massandra park in Yalta;
  • Livadia Palace and Park Museum-Reserve;
  • Vorontsov Palace in Alupka;
  • Foros park.

Suuk-su Palace

Livadia Palace and Park Museum-Reserve

Monuments and historical museums.

Beautiful nature and an important strategic location have made the southern coast of Crimea an arena of dramatic historical events. History buffs need to pay attention Special attention on the sights of the southern Crimea, which are worth a visit:

  • Alushta Museum of History and Local Lore;
  • monument to the sunken ships in Sevastopol;
  • a monument to the Yalta Troika in Livadia;
  • Sevastopol State Historical and Archaeological Museum-Reserve Tauric Chersonese;
  • panorama "Defense of Sevastopol 1854-1855";
  • military-historical museum of the Black Sea Fleet.

Monument to the Scuttled Ships in Sevastopol

Theaters and museums:

  • Museum of A.S. Pushkin in Gurzuf;
  • house-museum of A.P. Chekhov in Yalta;
  • organ hall of the Roman Catholic Church in Yalta;
  • organ music center "Livadia";
  • Yalta Historical and Literary Museum;
  • Yalta Theatre. A. P. Chekhov;
  • Sevastopol Drama Theatre. Lunacharsky.

Where can you go to with a child in the southern Crimea

Where can you go to with a child southern Crimea. The resorts of the South Coast offer a lot of interesting and educational children's entertainment that will pleasantly complement the rest of parents:

  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden in Yalta;
  • dolphinariums in Sevastopol, Livadia "Watercolor" (Alushta);
  • aquariums in Sevastopol and Alushta;
  • water parks in Simeiz, Sevastopol, Yalta;
  • Crimean nature reserve in Alushta
  • zoo "Fairy Tale", "Crocodilarium" and "Glade of Fairy Tales" in Yalta.

Aquarium in Alushta

And of course, every wine connoisseur, while relaxing on the South Coast, cannot ignore wineries Crimea, where you can not only taste the best samples of their products, but also get acquainted with the history of the Crimean wine traditions:

  • Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory (Sevastopol);
  • plant "Magarach" and winery "Massandra" (Yalta);
  • state farm-factory "Livadia";
  • Bakhchisaray plant "Fountain" (Bakhchisarai);
  • agricultural firm "Zolotaya Balka" (Sevastopol).

What else can and should be seen in Crimea is Yalta embankment, an evening walk along which can be both a pleasant end to a spa day and the beginning of a fun night's rest.

The best sights of the southeastern Crimea

The best sights of the southeastern Crimea - what you should definitely see and where to go first

Those who think that after the Southern coast of the beauty of the Crimea fade, they are deeply mistaken. In the southeast of Crimea, there are enough beautiful places and sights for a full-fledged photo album. So let's move east.

The first city that reveals its beauties to us is Zander. Beautiful view on the Sudak Bay opens from the Fortress Mountain, which got its name from the Genoese fortress located on it. The Genoese successfully used the features of the landscape, protecting the citadel from the north with a double line of defense. You can learn more about one of the main cultural and historical sights of Crimea on an excursion in the museum.

Nature lovers should take a walk on Cape Meganom, where both mountain and steppe types of vegetation are found. And the local warm bays attract scuba divers and lovers of calm beach holiday.

According to ancient Greek mythology, at Cape Meganom there is an entrance to underworld dead - Hades.

But also lovers of traditional active rest you won’t be bored in Sudak: children can be taken to the dolphinarium and the water park, and adults will delight themselves with a trip to the Museum of the History of Winemaking at the champagne factory " New World».

The same set of entertainment can be found 30 km to the east - in Koktebel, but if the purpose of your Crimean trip by car is the natural attractions of the peninsula, this village will attract you first of all with the Karadag nature reserve. Here you can make interesting excursion both along mountain paths and by sea, sailing on a boat through the famous "Golden Gate".

20 kilometers to the east - and you are in Feodosia, where the Genoese built another fortress, no less impressive than in Sudak. And art lovers will definitely visit the art gallery named after I. K. Aivazovsky and Museum of Alexander Grin.

Art Gallery named after I. K. Aivazovsky

Museum of Alexander Grin

For those who study the sights of the Crimea, traveling by car, any guidebook will point to one point on the Kerch Peninsula. It - Cape Kazantip, known not only for its electronic music festival, but also for the Kazantip nature reserve with its picturesque seascapes and natural diversity. The landscapes of the reserve can be seen in the film " inhabited island", which was filmed here.

If you were impressed by the pristine nature and sea ​​views Kazantip, you should also cross the Kerch Peninsula from north to south and visit Opuk Nature Reserve. From a mountain plateau 185 meters high, a stunning view of the Black Sea opens up, among which the Rocks-Ships rise. Also in the reserve there is a salty Koyashsky lake, separated from the sea by a natural embankment.

As you can see, the Crimean peninsula is rich in sights, so if you have the opportunity to road trip Crimean roads, you will see many amazing corners of the Crimean nature.

Very rich in interesting places and resorts. Travelers are advised to visit and relax in Gurzuf and enjoy its sights:

Crimea from a bird's eye view - video

Aerial photography of the wonderful places of Crimea from a quadrocopter. Happy viewing!

I hope we managed to break the established stereotype that Crimea is only the South Coast, and you will devote your next visit to the peninsula to a closer acquaintance with its natural and cultural diversity.

Crimea is a real pearl of the Black Sea. This unique peninsula has been attracting people since ancient times; there are traces of ancient and medieval civilizations here. Crimea managed to visit both a rich Greek colony, and a harbor of Italian merchants, and an outpost of the Ottoman Empire before becoming a resting place for rulers Russian Empire. During Soviet times, the peninsula was the main beach of a huge country.

First of all, a vacation in Crimea is a vacation on the beaches of the picturesque South Coast and famous medical resorts West coast. In between sunbathing, tourists go to see numerous sights: ancient cave cities on high mountain plateaus, magnificent imperial palaces in Livadia and Massandra, the famous Sevastopol and the old Khan's Bakhchisarai.

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What to see and where to go in Crimea?

The most interesting and beautiful places for walking. Photos and a short description.

Famous architectural monument Southern coast of Crimea, one of the most famous sights of the peninsula. In the 19th century here was the private residence of a retired general, later the land passed into the hands of the German baron Steingel, under whom in 1911 a neo-Gothic palace was built. After graduation civil war the swallow nest fell into disrepair and only in the 1960s. recovery began.

Palace complex with a landscape park in the village of Livadia. The first buildings appeared here at the beginning of the 19th century. After 1861, the Livadia Palace was sold to the royal family and began to be used as a dacha. The white-stone building that has survived to our time was built at the beginning of the 20th century. During the Second World War, the entire territory of the park was destroyed, the palace lay in ruins. It was restored before the start of the Yalta Conference in February 1945.

Museum-reserve at the foot of Mount Ai-Petri in the village of Alupka. The complex was built in the first half of the 19th century for Count Mikhail Vorontsov according to the project of the English architect Edward Blore (he took part in the construction of the Scottish castle of Walter Scott and Buckingham Palace). The western part of the building is made in the style of the English Tudors, the southern facade is an example of Moorish architecture.

Another Crimean palace of the late 19th century not far from Yalta. Initially belonged to the Vorontsov family, but then it was bought for the imperial dynasty. The castle was built with elements of the style of the times of the French king Louis XIII, the construction work was supervised by the architect M. Messmacher. In the Soviet years, the palace was used as a summer residence for the first persons of the state, now there is a museum on the territory.

The former residence of the Crimean khans, built in the 16th century. The main architectural idea of ​​the complex is to convey the idea of ​​the Crimean Tatars about heaven on earth. Several generations of the rulers of the Khan dynasty Girey lived here, each tried to expand and supplement the palace complex. In the XVIII-XIX centuries. the palace was on fire, rebuilt, repaired and almost lost its original appearance. It was not until the 20th century that the original interiors were restored.

One of mountain peaks Southern coast of Crimea. Belongs to the Yalta mountain - forest reserve. Previously, the Greek monastery of St. Peter was located here. A cable car runs almost 3 km through the mountain. in length, which is recognized as one of the longest in Europe. During the ascent to the top in a cabin, the tourist gets the opportunity to admire scenic views bird's-eye.

natural and archaeological site Crimea, located in the valley of the river. Biyuk-Karasu. The rock is an array composed of white limestone rocks. At the foot of Ak-Kai, sites of primitive man were found, the remains of tools there and fossilized bones. At the top, ancient Scythian mounds were excavated. An 800-year-old oak tree grows next to the rock. It is believed that under this tree Suvorov negotiated with a representative of the Turkish Sultan.

Historical-archaeological and natural monument peninsula, where the remains of a fortified settlement of the 8th-15th centuries have been preserved. One of the legends says that the mountain is a petrified huge bear that wandered through the valley, crushed everything around and calmed down on the shore at the behest of the sea god. More than a dozen species of rare animals listed in the Red Book live on the territory of the reserve.

Karst cave near the village of Marble. The age of formation is several million years. Until now, the cave continues to expand, as the processes of formation of the young Crimean mountains continue. There are several large halls in the cave, through which excursion routes about 1.5 km long. Here you can admire the rarest types of crystals and stalactites.

A fortified city located on a high plateau near Bakhchisarai. The road to the cave city passes through the territory of the rocky Holy Dormition Monastery. It is believed that Chufut-Kale appeared in the 5th-6th centuries. as a fortification on the outskirts of the Byzantine possessions. In the XIII-XIV centuries. the city became the center of a small principality - a vassal of the Crimean Khanate, where representatives of the Karaites began to settle. In the 19th century, the last inhabitants left Chufut-Kale.

An ancient Greek city founded in the 5th century BC. Subsequently, it became a large and rich center of the entire Greek colony on the peninsula. From the II century BC. was dependent on the ancient Bosporus kingdom, later became a vassal of Rome. Chersonese is also one of the cradles of Christianity - the first followers of Christ settled here in the 1st century. In the 10th century, Prince Vladimir of Kievan Rus was baptized in Chersonese.

Three fortified forts of the Genoese navigators located in Balaklava, Sudak and Feodosia. In the Middle Ages, they were the Black Sea outposts of powerful Genoa and were used for protection from the sea. Under an agreement with the Tatars in the XIV century, the Genoese annexed to their possessions the territory from modern Feodosia to Foros. The region was called the Genoese Gazaria. In the 15th century, the fortresses passed into the hands of the Ottoman Empire.

Another name of the temple is the Church of the Resurrection of Christ. It was built at the end of the 19th century on a rock rising 400 meters above sea level. Alexander III gave the order to build a temple in memory of the train wreck, in which the whole family of the emperor almost died. A few years after the victory of the Revolution of 1917, a restaurant was placed in the building, which existed until the early 70s. In the 90s. The temple was restored at the expense of the Ukrainian government.

current monastery, presumably founded in the 8th century AD. fugitive Byzantine monks. The monastery existed for many centuries, during the Ottoman rule, even the Crimean Khan came here to honor the local shrines. After the establishment of Soviet power, the monastery was closed, the earthquake of 1927 destroyed the buildings. Revival and restoration began only in 1993.

The monument in the waters of the sea on the embankment of Sevastopol is considered a symbol of the city. It was established in honor of the events of the middle of the 19th century, when Russian ships were deliberately sunk in the Sevastopol Bay in order to block the path of the Anglo-French fleet. To avoid a battle (since the enemy fleet was more powerful and better armed), Prince Menshikov decided to flood the ships, but not let the enemy troops approach the city.

Historical monument dedicated to the events of the Crimean War of 1853-1856. This is a monumental panorama of the defense of Sevastopol by the master of battle painting Franz Alekseevich Roubaud, located in a rounded building. Work on the canvas has been carried out since 1901. F. Roubaud created his masterpiece with the help of students from the Bavarian Academy of Arts and several German painters.

Formerly a secret military facility in Balaklava, a former underground submarine base. During the Soviet era, it was one of the most secret in the USSR. For many years, Balaklava Bay was not marked on the maps. After the fall of the USSR, the object was launched and plundered, only in 2004 the government of Ukraine organized a museum of the history of the submarine fleet there. After the transfer of Crimea under Russian jurisdiction, the Russian authorities plan to place a new base there.

A small bay with intricately indented and picturesque shores, where, according to Homer's Odyssey, the legendary navigator visited. On the shores of the bay stands one of the Genoese fortresses. It is believed that the first settlements arose here in the VIII-VI centuries. BC. During the Crimean War, the base of the British was located in the bay, in Soviet times - a secret parking lot for submarines.

landscape attraction Crimean peninsula, a state reserve since 1974. The canyon is a wide crack in the rock, formed during the formation of the Crimean mountains. Along the crevice there are several capes-cliffs, the river flows along the bottom. Auzun-Uzen. There are several hiking trails with viewing platforms along the bottom of the canyon and in the vicinity.

Cluster of rocks on the western slope of the South Ridge mountain range Demerdzhi. More than 100 stone blocks of different sizes are scattered in the valley, the largest ones reach 25 meters in height. At dawn and during sunset, the stones cast bizarre shadows that move and intertwine with each other. That is why the place received the poetic name "Ghost Valley".

Natural area 15 km. from Sevastopol with an expressive landscape, a 10-kilometer coastline and a unique flora. On the cape there is St. George's Monastery and Jasper Beach, connected by a staircase of several hundred steps. Cape Fiolent is considered the best place for diving, as there is almost one hundred percent visibility and ships do not moor.

A three-kilometer trail in the village of Novy Svet, created by the princes Golitsyn especially for the arrival of Emperor Nicholas II. Now it's popular a tourist route. The trail starts at Mount Orel, goes along the coast past Mount Khoba-Kai to the through grotto of Golitsyn. Viewing platforms are equipped on the route in the most beautiful places, fragrant pine trees grow around.

It is considered the largest and most powerful Crimean waterfall. Jets of water fall from a height of 15 meters, the maximum size of the channel is 5 meters wide. It remains full-flowing even during the long dry season. Along with water, stones sometimes fall into the heights. The waterfall is located in a mountain-wooded protected area, the water temperature even in hot summer does not exceed 10 °C.

It is located about 10 km from Yalta. The garden covers an area of ​​several tens of hectares, scientific activities are carried out on its territory and research institutions are located. It appeared at the beginning of the 19th century with the assistance of Count Vorontsov and the botanist F. Bieberstein. The first director was the well-known naturalist H. Steven, who over 12 years of work collected and adapted about 500 plant specimens to local conditions.

Crimean wines are several well-known brands that produce various varieties of grape drink. The most famous of them are Massandra, Solnechnaya Dolina, Inkerman, Novy Svet, Koktebel. The Novy Svet brand is famous for its excellent champagne (brut is especially good), Massandra is famous for its specific taste of wines, and Inkerman produces a good red wine under the same name.

The Crimean peninsula has been popular place rest with our compatriots to this day, it continues to attract travelers from all over the former Soviet Union. And after reading this article, you will find out what they are, the most beautiful places of Crimea.

This fertile land is famous not only for its beach resorts, magnificent landscapes and unique microclimate. This paradise is one of the most beautiful places on the planet and a true tourist treasure.

In anticipation summer holidays and the holiday season, we often wonder how to spend where to go on vacation and what to see. And if you decide to spend your vacation on the Crimean peninsula, then I want to bring to your attention a list: "The most beautiful places of Crimea" which are worth visiting and which will remain in your memory for a long time.

1. Swallow's Nest

With this legendary castle, at least from photographs and postcards, all Russians are familiar. Swallow's Nest, located on Cape Ai-Todor near Yalta is calling card Crimea and is considered one of the most Crimean peninsula .

The castle was built in the village of Gaspra on one of the rocks in 1912. The face of this wonderful architectural structure changed several times. In the form in which we see it now, the great merit of the oil tycoon Baron Steingel. For many years, the castle housed an excellent restaurant; currently, an art exhibition is located here.

Due to strong earthquakes, the castle was partially destroyed, but those who wish can visit it and admire the dizzying views that open from a height of twelve meters. So, the Swallow's Nest can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful places in Crimea.

2. Livadia Palace

This palace is one of the most visited and the most beautiful places on the southern coast of Crimea . The Livadia Palace previously belonged to the Russian Emperor Nicholas II and was his summer residence. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that its façade is a synthesis of four different architectural styles. In front of the palace there is a beautiful palace and park ensemble.

3. Vorontsov Palace Museum

This architectural monument was built in the 19th century by the architect Edward Blore, who designed parts of Buckingham Palace and Westminster Abbey. For the construction of Vorontsovsky ( or Alupka) palace took 23 years to complete and was built in the 19th century. And around the palace, the German gardener Karl Kebach laid out a beautiful garden with magnificent alleys, fountains and a beautiful lake. The Palace Library keeps many interesting historical documents. The complex has been given the status of a museum-reserve.

4. Chersonese

In Sevastopol, in Kamyshovaya Bay, on the territory of 500 hectares, there is another one of the most famous sights of Crimea - the ruins of ancient city Chersonese. This place is considered one of the most interesting and beautiful places of Crimea. This city was founded about in the VI century BC by ancient Greek colonists.

Here are such ancient architectural monuments as St. Volodymyr's Cathedral, Zeno's Tower, the citadel, a temple with arcosolia, a barracks, city gates, crypts, an antique square, basilicas, a baptismal church, a signal bell, a six-pillar temple, a residential quarter of the 4th-3rd centuries. BC, and a 13th-century chapel, a theater and a mint. After the tour, you can dive into azure waters Black Sea and relax on the beach, where you can find small fragments of ancient ceramics.

5. Ai-Petri

Ai-Petri is rightfully considered the highest mountain range of the Crimean peninsula and one of the the most beautiful places in Crimea. His most high point rises to 1234 meters above sea level, offering stunning views of the entire Crimea. Here are the famous stone battlements.

6. Genoese fortress Kafa in Sudak

This fortress was built by the Genoese. In the XV - XVI centuries. Sudak was the largest colony of the "Italian merchant republic" Genoa. Because the city was located in the center of the Great Silk Road, in the 14th century they built a powerful citadel to protect their treasures from encroachment.

The Genoese fortress was built on the basis of ancient fortifications and survived by different owners: Italians, Turks and Russians. Each has many secrets and legends. Many are familiar with the legend of a beautiful princess who jumped out of the Maiden's Tower to avoid marrying the unloved. Right under the fortress is a beach where you can have a great time.

7. Grand Canyon

Grand Canyon, also treat the environmentally friendly and most beautiful places of Crimea. The beauty of this canyon is mesmerizing. If you start your journey from the Falcon settlement and overcome a six-kilometer path through the forest, you will see beautiful waterfalls, steep cliffs and purest springs with delicious water. Here you can plunge into the Bath of Youth, which, by giving, heals all ailments.

8. Diving on Tarkhankut

Cape Tarkhankut is the westernmost point, the place with the cleanest water on the coast of the entire peninsula and one of the the most beautiful places in Crimea . If you love the underwater world, then be sure to visit this place. You'll get unforgettable experience, admiring the wonderful underwater landscapes: caves, grottoes, the remains of Turkish fortresses and sunken ships. Come and see for yourself!

9. Excursion caves

These caves are located near Simferopol, and unlike wild caves, they have hard-packed paths and stationary lamps. Marble and Emine-Bair-Khosar caves on Chatyr-Dag are considered to be one of the most beautiful places not only in Crimea but also in Europe. All these picturesque caves are unique due to their natural scenery: stalactites, stalagmites and stalagnates. The Marble Cave is interesting for a large number of huge halls and galleries. The Obvalny Hall has a height of a nine-storey building and a length of 200 m, and is the largest in the world.

10. Balaclava

This small town with a picturesque bay is conveniently located not far from Sevastopol, there is also a yacht parking and an underground submarine base. A few decades ago, entry for tourists to Balaklava was quite problematic, since a military submarine base was located here. Also on the territory of Balaklava there is an ancient Fortress Chembalo.

it one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. In the bay, the water is level with the stones of the embankment, many yachts and skiffs are moored near the shore, which gives an amazing flavor to this place. Be sure to visit which are considered the best on the entire peninsula and taste the local cuisine.

On Cape Tatiana you can try the most tender of rapans, and in the Pirate Tavern - a fisherman's yushka made from freshly caught Black Sea fish, and in Balaklava you can taste the delicious flounder fillet with a sauce with pine nuts and red caviar.

11. Valley of Ghosts

This valley, which is also one the most beautiful places in Crimea , stretched on the western slope of the southern section of the Demerdzhi mountain range. Here, for thousands of years, nature has worked wonders, forming rocks of the most bizarre shape - cornices and niches, bastion and mushroom-shaped rock formations. The Valley of Ghosts looks unrealistically beautiful and bewitching in the pre-dawn and sunset hours.

12. Meganom

If you are a fan of wild tourism, then Meganom Bay is a place where you can relax from the bustle of the city and merge with nature. This bay is formed by two capes protruding into the sea: Meganom-1 and Meganom-2. Lovers, despite all the difficulties, strive to get into a deserted bay, cut off from the whole world, which is rightfully considered one of the most beautiful places in Crimea. It can be found 10 kilometers from Sudak, towards the Sun Valley. You can get to it by boat or boat, or by car to the Mussel Bay, then on foot - along a winding mountain path.

If you still manage to visit Meganom Bay, then the main entertainment will be walking along the rocky coastline, viewing the "stone city", watching frolicking dolphins and, of course, scuba diving. And what else do you need for a good rest in the bosom of nature?

13. New World

Three New World bays - very popular and very beautiful. Here you can swim on the royal beach, where Nicholas II himself once rested, as well as visit the filming sites of the famous cults of Soviet films “Pirates of the 20th century”, “Amphibian Man”, “Three plus two”.

14. Khan's Palace in Bakhchisaray

This palace is considered the most colorful palace in Crimea. After visiting it, taste real Tatar food in cozy local restaurants, and also take a walk through the plantations of lavender and Kazanlak rose, which are located near the Bakhchisaray Khan's Palace.

If you want to see the mesmerizing spectacle and beautiful place Crimea, then go to Koktebel, admire the sunrises and sunsets, which are worthy of a painter's brush. The palette of colors in the sky shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow. It's amazing a natural phenomenon it is best to observe from the side of Mount Voloshin towards Feodosia. In autumn, this village hosts a jazz festival that gathers jazz lovers.

16. Massandra Palace

Massandra Palace is also one of the attractions of the Crimea, which is located near Yalta. This palace was also the summer residence of Alexander III. The palace is unique and architectural style and interior decoration of each room. If you visit, you can enjoy the excellent taste of Massandra wines, which are considered one of the best in the entire Crimea.

17. Holy Assumption Monastery in Bakhchisarai

Holy - Assumption Monastery located in the Maryam-Dere gorge, a few kilometers from Bakhchisarai. The monastery was founded at the end of the 8th - beginning of the 9th centuries.

The Orthodox monastery was not a hindrance to the Crimean khans who professed Islam. They showed religious tolerance and mosques were located in the neighborhood of the monastery. But in the last century, this monastery was blown up and back in the early 90s, only caves with frescoes in the rock remained from the temple, and in the gorge itself there were buildings of a mental hospital, whose patients sometimes took walks along hiking trails.

I have collected in one post the sights of Crimea that are worth a visit if you come to the peninsula. Here you will also find photos detailed description, as well as a map of Crimea with sights.

A vacation on the peninsula is hard to imagine without visiting its many interesting places. Many of them are located quite compactly, especially on the south coast, so you can see several at once in one day.

It is most convenient to travel by personal or rented car, however public transport well developed, almost everywhere you can get there without problems, I indicated information on how to get there.

There are 33 worth visiting places in this review, and I hope it will bring clarity and help you plan your trip. Opening hours are for summer time and may vary during low season.

Read also:

Sights of Crimea

I will start reviewing the sights of Crimea with interesting places on the western coast, and then on the southern and eastern ones.

One of the most remote and beautiful places in the Crimea. The cleanest transparent sea, the smelly steppe, which breaks off into the sea with picturesque rocks. Mecca of divers due to the properties of water and artifacts at the bottom, windsurfers, kitesurfers and lovers of other outdoor activities also come here.

Near the cape, it is worth visiting the natural pool of the Chalice of Love, the rocks Big and Small Atlesh. The nearest settlement in the cape is Olenevka.

How to get there: to Olenevka from Simeropol by bus for 470 rubles (3 hours on the way). Then you can rent a bike or a bike, or drive your car (the road is unpaved).

Juma-Jami Mosque in Evpatoria

The active mosque in historical center cities with a peaceful atmosphere inside. It was built in the middle of the 16th century, and since then it has been restored and restored several times. Appropriate clothing will be issued at the entrance, which complies with the dress code, but it is advisable to arrive suitably dressed in advance. The mosque can be seen from many points in the city center.

Entry fee: free, you can make a donation for the tour

How to get there: minibus number 1 or tram number 1 to the stop "Park im. Karaev"

Read also:

Cathedral of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Evpatoria

The cathedral is located directly opposite the mosque (and there is also a synagogue nearby) and ranks second in terms of capacity and height in Crimea. It was built at the end of the 19th century in honor of the liberation of Crimea during the Crimean War. Money for the construction was collected by the whole world, and during the war it was almost blown up, but they did not manage to fulfill the order. In 1916, the cathedral was visited by Emperor Nicholas 1.

How to get there: just like the mosque.

Read also:


Khan's Palace in Bakhchisarai

City with rich history and the surrounding ancient cave cities. The name is translated from the Crimean Tatar as "garden-city". Bakhchisaray arose in 1532 as a khan's residence, although settlements existed here before.

In Bakhchisarai, you should definitely visit the Khan's Palace, the Holy Dormition Monastery, madrasahs, mosques, a miniature park, cave city Chufut-Kale (about it below).

How to get there: you can easily get there by bus from Simferopol (70-90 rubles, an hour on the way) or Sevastopol (110 rubles, an hour on the way).

Cave city of Chufut-Kale

The ancient city-fortress is 2.5 km from Bakhchisaray, where it is easy to climb from the Assumption Monastery. Built in the 5th-6th centuries, presumably by the Byzantines as a fortress to protect distant frontiers. In the 15th century it became the first capital of the Crimean Khanate before it moved to Bakhchisarai. It is in Chufut-Kale that the best preserved ancient architecture, and it is best to take a guide to not only see, but also learn something new. The city offers a wonderful view of the canyon.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 18:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: 200 rubles

How to get there: by minibus number 1 to the monastery, then walk up the path.

Cave city Mangup-Kale

View of the Crimean mountains from Mangup-Kale

This is the largest of the Crimean cave cities with an area of ​​90 hectares, located on a huge plateau. It was founded in the 3rd century as a Byzantine fortress, from the 15th century it became the capital of the Principality of Theodoro. It is from those times that the foundations, caves, grottoes have been preserved. Later, the city was captured by the Turks, and the last people left it at the end of the 18th century. Nearby, be sure to visit the Holy Annunciation Monastery, located right on the rocks.

Working hours: from 09:00 to 17:00

Entry fee: 100 rubles, the cashier can be bypassed, as there are several ways to get up.

How to get there: from the village of Khodja-Sala you can hire a UAZ for 1500 rubles one way or on foot. Khoja Sala can be reached from Bakhchisaray by local bus(4 times a day, 50-90 rubles). The second option is to take a bus to Ternovka from Sevastopol from the 5 kilometer bus station. From there you can take a taxi to the foot of the plateau, then on foot.

One of the best natural attractions of the Crimea, located 4 km from the village of Sokolinoe. It is famous for relic trees, waterfalls and bizarre baths and basins that the river washed out.

How to get there: it is best to visit with a guided tour, as transport in those places is very bad.

Museum Panorama "Defense of Sevastopol"

One of the grandest museums in Sevastopol, dedicated to the defense of the city during the Crimean War. Visiting is possible only as part of a group. There is a nice park around where you can take a walk.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 on weekdays and from 10:00 to 20:00 on weekends

Entry fee: 350 rubles adult, 150 rubles (under 16 years old)

How to get there: trolleybuses No. 1, 3, 4, 7, 9 to the stop. sq. Ushakov; No. 12, 13, 17, 20 to stops pl. Ushakova/University. Shuttle taxis and buses: No. 2a, 12, 17, 20, 22, 25, 26, 94, 95, 105, 120. On the route from the city center - stops pl. Ushakov, University; to the city center - Panorama stop.

The ruins of an ancient city founded by the Greeks over two and a half thousand years ago. It is located within the boundaries of Sevastopol on the very seashore. Nearby is a museum, which includes numerous archaeological finds, a pretty park and St. Vladimir's Cathedral.

Opening hours: from 08:30 to 19:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: free of charge, excursion 300 rubles / 150 rubles (adult / child).

How to get there: from the center minibus number 22A to the final.

Cape Fiolent, Jasper Beach

A picturesque cape and a cool beach are located a few kilometers south of Sevastopol. 800 steps lead to the beach, passing next to St. George's Monastery, you can also go there (just don't drink water from the source!). There is not much infrastructure, only a couple of cafes, the same number of changing cabins, and a toilet.

How to get there: bus No. 19 from the center, or minibuses No. 3, 13A, 79. From Balaklava you can sail on a boat for 200 rubles (or sail from Yashmovy Beach to Balaklava).

Military History Museum fortifications, Balaclava

Balaklava itself is very unusual - it is a narrow bay, deepening far into the mainland. Yachts are moored there, there are several beaches in the vicinity (you can swim in a boat), and on the mountain you can see medieval fortress Cembalo.

Be sure to visit the Submarine Museum, this former secret military facility at the time cold war. It was planned to base submarines there (for delivering a retaliatory nuclear strike), and the bunker could withstand a direct hit from a nuclear bomb. A very interesting excursion plunges into the times of the Cold War.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:30, except Monday and Tuesday.

Entry fee: 300 rubles for adults, 100 rubles for schoolchildren and students.

How to get there: from the bus station "5 km" in Sevastopol by buses and minibuses No. 8, 9, 99, 108

The church is located high on a mountain near the village of Foros (which in turn is famous for the nearby "Gorbachev's cottage"), and from there a stunning view of the sea and surroundings opens. It was built by the tea merchant and merchant Kuznetsov in honor of the rescue of Emperor Alexander 3 and his family in a railway accident.

How to get there: either on your own car, or from the Foros bus station, taxis leave. To Foros by any passing bus from Yalta or Sevastopol, or by minibus from Yalta.

Mount Ai-Petri and cable car

cabin cable car

Suspension bridge between the teeth of Ai-Petri

Mount Ai-Petri is the most popular of the Crimean mountains, more precisely, this is the name of the peak itself (there are three of them) and the plateau that adjoins it. From Yalta or coastal villages, you can get to the top in two ways: by cable car or by serpentines along a regular road. The view from the top is simply crazy, and besides, you can walk along the hanging bridge between the teeth, or ride a bungee or horses.

The lower station of the cable car is located between Alupka and Koreiz, the fare costs 400 rubles one way (250 rubles for children) or 800 rubles in both directions (long queues at the ticket office in summer). On a regular road, cars and minibuses often run from Yalta, the cost is 1000 rubles in both directions, 500 rubles one way.

How to get there: to the cable car from Yalta by minibuses No. 102 and 132.

Vorontsov Palace

Another top attraction of the Crimea, which is part of any sightseeing tour. A chic palace, organically inscribed in the surrounding mountains and built in the English and neo-Moorish style. It was built as the summer residence of Count and Governor-General Vorontsov, and during the Yalta Conference in 1945 it was the residence of the British delegation headed by Winston Churchill.

A beautiful park deserves special attention; there are also small pebble beaches at the bottom.

If you are planning to visit only one palace in Crimea, let it be Vorontsovsky.

Opening hours:

Entry fee: admission to the territory is free, visiting the main exhibition is 350 rubles for an adult, 200 rubles for teenagers from 16 to 18 years old, under 16 years old is free.

How to get there: from Yalta minibuses No. 102 and 132 to the stop. "Vorontsov Palace", or minibuses No. 107 and 115 to the stop. "Bus station", then walk 10-15 minutes.

Yusupov Palace

The current state dacha, so the passage is possible only as part of an excursion under the watchful eye of the guards. Not much has survived from the Yusupovs themselves, but the place is atmospheric, remembers many famous people. Stalin lived here during the Yalta Conference, his cabinet was almost unchanged, and Molotov, and Prince Yusupov, known for the murder of Rasputin. They conduct a rather interesting excursion for an hour and a half, after which you can take a walk in the park nearby.

Opening hours: tours are held at 10:00, 12:00, 15:00 and 16:30.

Entry fee: 450 rubles for an adult.

How to get there: minibuses No. 102 and 132 to the Miskhor bus station or minibus No. 115 to the stop. Upper Miskhor.

The swallow nest

Without exaggeration, it is a symbol of Crimea, known far beyond the peninsula. Fairy-tale castle on the very edge of the cliff, to which a staircase leads. Along the route there are several viewing platforms and countless restaurants and souvenir shops. Beautiful place but too crowded and noisy.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 19:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: the entrance to the castle is free, the entrance fee is 200 rubles, but there is nothing to see there.

How to get there: minibuses No. 102 and 132 from Yalta, you can also swim by boat with or without disembarkation.

Livadia Palace

The luxurious residence of Russian emperors, it was here that the Yalta Conference was held and it was here that the post-war order of the world was decided. Here and now summits and conferences are held, and the rest of the time it is a museum. You can take a walk in the park and along the so-called Tsar's path, but they are in a rather neglected state.

Opening hours: from 10:00 to 18:00 seven days a week

Entry fee: 400 rubles for adults, 250 rubles for schoolchildren, pensioners and students - a visit to the main exhibition.

How to get there: from Yalta by minibuses 11, 100, 108 to the stop. "Livadia", then 5 minutes on foot.

Uchan-Su - the highest waterfall in the Crimea (95 meters fall height), is located 6 km west of Yalta near the Bakhchisaray highway. It is best to come here in the spring, when the snow melts in the mountains, or during heavy rains, in the summer it can almost completely dry up.

How to get there: by bus 30 from the bus station in Yalta, or you can take any transport to the sanatorium "Uzbekistan" and then walk about 4 km, in your car - you need to turn off the road near the sanatorium "Uzbekistan" and further up 4 km.

Massandra Palace

Initially, the estate was built by the Vorontsovs, and then it was bought for Emperor Alexander 3. The palace looks absolutely fabulous and like a toy, it is really small in size.

In the pre-war period, a sanatorium was located here, and after that Stalin, Khrushchev, Brezhnev rested like in a state dacha.

Opening hours: from 09:00 to 17:15, on Saturday until 19:15 without days off

Entry fee: visiting the main exposition - 350 rubles for adults, 200 rubles for teenagers from 16 to 18 years old, up to 16 years old free of charge.

How to get there: it is most convenient with a tour, or by any transport (buses, trolleybuses) to the stop. "Upper Massandrovsky Park" and further on foot.

What else to see in Crimea?

Nikitsky Botanical Garden

This is not just a garden with a huge collection of plants from around the world, but a research center. It is pleasant to walk here at least all day, it will certainly be interesting with children. Each plant has its own flowering season, so you are sure to see something interesting. The garden was badly damaged during the Second World War, and so far the infrastructure leaves much to be desired. Another disadvantage is the inadequate price tag for additional exposures.

Opening hours: from 08:00 to 19:00

Entry fee: 300 rubles for an adult, 150 rubles for a school student (for individual exhibitions, the fee is separate)

How to get there: from Yalta minibuses 29 and 29A to the final one, or by any transport to the stop. "Nikita" and then walk down to the entrance to the garden.

Mount Ayu-Dag

Mount Ayu-Dag or Bear Mountain is one of the most prominent landmarks on the southern coast of Crimea. The mountain is a failed volcano and part of a large ridge that will frame South coast, such a museum of minerals under open sky. It is located between Gurzuf (more precisely, the children's camp "Artek" and Partenit). Several routes have been laid on the mountain, they are marked, so it is difficult to get lost. From the top you have a great view of the surroundings. Take with you more water and mosquito repellant.

Entry fee: in the summer there are foresters, they take 100 rubles.

How to get there: from Yalta - by trolleybuses 52, 53, 55, minibus 110 to the stop. "Cemetery", then on foot until the turn to Artek and along the road perpendicular to the main road; from the side of Alushta, Partenit - by trolleybuses 52, 53, 55, minibus 110 to the stop "Lavrovoe", then the same way.

Mount Demerdzhi and the Valley of Ghosts

When visiting the sights of Crimea, do not bypass bizarre rocks under Mount Demerdzhi, near Alushta. The ascent to the mountain is of medium difficulty, sometimes there are steep sections. I also recommend the ancient fortress of Funa nearby. It was in these places that some episodes of the “Prisoner of the Caucasus” were filmed, for example, here is the tree from which the hero of Yuri Nikulin fell (he really fell from him).

Entry fee: 50-100 rubles, you can easily bypass the guards' booths.

How to get there: from Alushta, take the bus to the village. Radiant (walks from the bus station about once an hour), then on foot. Or by any bus or trolley bus to the stop. "Radiant" along the highway and further on foot.