When to go to Altai in summer. Where to go in Gorny Altai by car: main attractions

Snow-capped mountain peaks, natural parks, beautiful waterfalls and lakes - all these natural beauties can be found in Altai. These places are beautiful at any time of the year, but when planning the best time to go to Altai with children, you will have to take into account many factors.

Clean mountain air has a healing effect and has a good effect on the nervous system, giving peace and tranquility. A extraordinary nature and the good nature of the locals will help you have an unforgettable vacation.

However, especially in mountainous areas, quite capricious. Let's try to figure out where and when is the best time to go to Altai to get the most out of it.

Picturesque Lake Teletskoye

On the territory Altai Territory there are about seven thousand lakes. The largest of them, Lake Teletskoye, whose length is 78 kilometers, is second only to Lake Baikal in terms of water volume.

Its shores are very beautiful: pointed mountain peaks, sheer cliffs, smooth pebble beaches in beautiful bays.

It’s not surprising that tourism is very developed here, there are many estates (that’s what they call it here). guest houses) and recreation centers. When thinking about when is the best time to go to Altai with a child, it is worth checking whether the estate is close to the lake and whether the owners can offer food.

Even in summer there is water in this deep lake It’s quite cold, it’s better not for children to try swimming. But in the southern part of the lake there are several partially heated bays, the water in which is warmer than 23 °C in summer.

Although you can relax on the shores of Lake Teletskoye all year round, it is better to enjoy nature with kids in the warm Siberian summer. The summer season here lasts from late May to August.

When coming to these parts, you should definitely wander around the surrounding area, take several excursions to protected areas and book a trip on the lake on a motor boat. According to reviews about the best time to go to Altai, it is in warm weather that you can not only have a good rest with children, but also comfortably visit the extraordinary sights of Altai.

Warm Lake Aya

A unique natural reservoir in Altai, the water in which warms up to +24 °C in summer, is deservedly popular among tourists. Surprisingly, not a single river flows into Lake Aya, and not a single one flows out of it. The water level remains constant only due to precipitation. That is why you can swim here all summer, from June to August.

In the very center of the lake there is a remarkable island with a gazebo. According to legend, if two lovers can swim to it, they will never part.

There are many hotels on the banks and tourist centers, for almost every taste and wallet size. Here you can ride a catamaran, hang glider or explore local attractions. For example, climb the Devil's Finger rock, which offers stunning views of the surrounding area. Or see the Cheremshansky waterfall, located not far from the lake. The height of the water fall is about five meters, although it is difficult to call this flow of water abundant. There is a beautiful path leading to it, along which you can walk with children.

Fans of winter holidays will also enjoy spending time at this resort. In winter, the lake freezes and a large natural skating rink appears in place of the reservoir. In addition, nearby is ski resort"Gorynya". Deciding where to go in winter Gorny Altai, don't forget about this place. There are three slopes here, each about 800 meters long. The height difference is small, so the slopes are well suited for beginner skiers.

Karakol Lakes

This complex of lakes is rightfully considered one of the pearls unique nature Altai. The lakes are located quite high - 2000 meters above sea level. Strange, but the lowest is the largest; the higher, the smaller the size of the reservoirs. They are connected to each other by mountain streams and fast waterfalls.

The road to this protected place is quite difficult, in fact, there is none. Therefore, to get to the Karakol Lakes, you should contact travel company"Altai Voyage", whose office is located in the nearest village. They organize all-terrain vehicle trips and can comfortably transport guests to these inaccessible lakes.

On the shore of the most picturesque, fifth lake, there is a tourist camp with houses made from local fragrant cedar. When deciding when is the best time to go to Altai on vacation, you should book accommodation in one of these colorful houses.

Even on sunny summer days in the Altai mountains the temperature can drop to 0 °C, so be sure to take warm clothes.

Complex "Turquoise Katun"

On the left bank of the Katun River there is a large artificial lake Turquoise Katun. It was created in 2007 and since then has attracted lovers of comfortable have a relaxing holiday from all over the country.

The maximum depth of the reservoir does not exceed 5 meters, so by the beginning of June the water here warms up well. When thinking about where and when is the best time to go to Altai on vacation with a child, you can safely stop at this complex.

There are many hotels and tourist centers near the lake, so there will be no problems with accommodation. For the youngest guests there is a separate shallow pond “paddling pool”, fenced off from the rest of the lake. Older children will enjoy water slides, attractions and a small rope park with a labyrinth.

Very close by are the famous Tavdinsky caves, where primitive people once lived. The descent is not difficult; you can take a child over five years old with you. Just take a flashlight and wear comfortable shoes, the caves can be slippery.

This is real underground labyrinth, consisting of thirty caves interconnected. Several entrances to the largest cave, Maiden's Tears, are visible from the road. The cave itself is more than 23 meters high, and the total length of its passages is approximately 200 meters. It is equipped for excursionists: electricity is provided, and wooden stairs are installed in difficult areas.

There is an interesting local legend, associated with one of the caves. It is called the "Dragon's Nostrils" because of its two symmetrical entrances. It is believed that if you enter one “nostril” and exit through the other, you can achieve truly dragon health and longevity.

Neighborhoods of the village of Chemal

Once small village, founded in the mid-19th century, became a famous hydrotherapy resort due to its climate. During times Soviet Union there was a closed seating area only for members of the government. And these days, this village has become one of the most popular places for those who decide where and when it is better to go on vacation to Altai.

Not far from the village there is a stopped Chemal hydroelectric power station, where a interesting museum for tourists. A water park was recently built on the territory, which will delight the kids, a rope park and many attractions.

Thrill-seekers will enjoy ziplining across a stormy mountain river and the opportunity to jump into the water from a hydroelectric dam.

Not far away is the ancient Church of St. John the Evangelist, famous for its frescoes, mosaics and icons. This wooden complex is also called the Temple on the Island of Patmos. It’s not far to go there, but there is a difficulty that sometimes scares away guests. There is a cableway leading to the island. wooden bridge, which is often slippery from the spray of river water and sways eerily underfoot. However, the opportunity to see the beauty of the ancient temple is worth the effort.

When choosing the best time to go to Altai in autumn and winter, you need to know that only from August to April you can see the unique Blue Lakes here. They appeared more than 25,000 years ago, and the depth of the largest reaches seventeen meters. The water of these three lakes on sunny days seems unusually blue, no wonder local residents confident in its healing properties.

Panorama of Shavlinsky lakes

Travelers who want to truly feel the spirit and beauty of the Altai Mountains should definitely visit these protected places.

Getting there will not be easy; the usual route is approximately 70 kilometers along mountain roads and passes. When deciding which places and when it is better to go to Altai in the summer with a tent, it is worth planning a route to the lakes. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to go through the entire route; there is an option to stay and rest on the lake you like, even the lowest one. By the way, according to reviews from experienced tourists, fishing is always excellent here.

The beauty is simply unreal: mountains with shiny glaciers, a turquoise lake with clear water and very few tourists. You can make a camp on the shores of the Lower Lake, and from there make forays into interesting places.

Those who love unusual sensations can climb one of the nearby peaks. The altitude is more than 3500 meters, there is always ice and it is not worth going there without climbing equipment and an experienced local guide.

Belokurikha resort

Good climate, beautiful nature and unique underground warm springs of radon water were made from small town famous balneological resort. This protected area is a good place to relax both in winter and summer. After all, there is a popular ski resort here, the slopes of which descend from Mount Tserkovka (its height is 800 meters) directly into the village.

When choosing when is the best time to go to Altai to a sanatorium, it is better to choose the warm season. Of course, in summer it is quite crowded here, but the special microclimate of this place and the influence of thermal springs will help improve your health and have a good rest.

Those who came to this place for the first time should climb cable car the top of the legendary Tserkovka mountain. From here there is a beautiful view panoramic view to the mountains and lakes of Altai.

Local residents offer tourists a huge amount of entertainment. You can take a relaxing hike to the amazing Four Brothers rocks. Or take a leisurely horseback ride around the village. Or visit the Blooming Park arboretum, unique in Siberia, walk along the well-groomed paths of the park and admire exotic plants.

For lovers of extreme sensations, there is the opportunity to raft on the Katun River. The journey will take about four hours and, after passing through several rapids, the experience will be guaranteed. Experienced tourists advise that it is better to go to Altai in the spring, when the mountain rivers are full and rafting along one of them will be as difficult and memorable as possible.

When there is a lot of snow

Winter holiday in Altai is becoming increasingly popular. There are several modern ski resorts, the slopes of which are suitable for both beginners and professional skiers.

For example, near a town called Belokurikha there are two winter resorts that are very popular among fans of winter sports. The most famous of them, the Blagodat ski resort, is equipped with six trails of varying difficulty levels, from very easy to quite difficult descents. Accordingly, the tourist infrastructure is fully developed, there are many cafes, equipment rentals and a school for beginners. Although for those who are not yet very confident on skis, the small Danilovka complex is more suitable. It also has its own slope and convenient ski lifts, but the slopes are much easier. Still, it is better to go to the Altai Mountains when there is a lot of snow and you can have a fun winter holiday.

And for those tourists who love difficult, long descents, a trip to the recently opened Artybash complex is suitable. The resort, which opened in 2015, is rapidly gaining popularity among skiers and snowboarders. The slope is 2500 meters long with a height difference of 250 meters. In addition to the paved trails, they can offer an individual program. For example, an athlete may be thrown to the top of a mountain to increase the duration of the descent and ride on an untouched slope.

Mud resort Yarovoye

Local residents have long considered Big Yarovoye Lake a place to restore health. It is located in the Kulunda steppe, the edge of many salt lakes. Among these reservoirs, Yarovoe is the largest and most famous among tourists.

The water in this shallow lake is so salty that it supports a person on the surface, preventing him from drowning. It has been established that the water in its healing properties and composition is very similar to the water of the popular Dead Sea in Israel.

It is not surprising that many guests come to these places to relax and improve their health. Therefore, when planning when is the best time to go to Altai in the summer, it is worth booking rooms in several hotels in the village in advance. The village of the same name is located literally on the shore of the lake and in the warm season it is quite crowded.

For those who want to take their health seriously, it is better to stay at the Yarovoye Lake medical center. Healing water with many dissolved salts and healing mud from the bottom of the lake effectively help with nervous disorders, respiratory diseases and many other problems.

The salt lake is literally lost in the center of the steppe, the shores here are sandy and there is always a lot of sun. And the steppe wind constantly blows, so it’s very easy to get sunburnt. The water is very salty, so don't dive with your eyes open, as this can cause irritation. Although a wonderful vacation and a sea of ​​impressions will quickly distract you from these minor inconveniences.

Around Altai by car

An active form of recreation such as driving your own car along the country's roads is becoming increasingly popular. And in Altai, with its vast distances and amazing natural beauties, driving through will be difficult in places, but very interesting.

When deciding when it is better to go to Altai on your own, it is better to choose the warm season. There's a lot here mountain roads and a pass, which is almost impossible to navigate in bad weather.

You won’t be able to cover all of Altai in one trip, but you will be able to fully enjoy the beauty. The road begins in the city of Biysk, which is considered a kind of gateway to the Altai Mountains. There will be no problems with parking; there are many tourist centers and campsites in the roadside villages.

The views of the Altai Mountains are very beautiful; literally at every pass you want to stop and take a lot of photos.

Protected places of Altai

In a short article it is difficult to even simply list all the unique natural attractions of Altai that need to be seen.

  • Barnaul ribbon forest. This is huge, almost 400 kilometers, preserved since the time of glaciation pine forest located on the left bank of the Ob River. Many animals live freely in the dense forest: deer, roe deer, wild boars, foxes. And beavers settled in the quiet creeks. There are several secluded sanatoriums and a summer camp on the territory.
  • Red Mountain. It's ancient extinct volcano 2500 meters high. Of course, the mountain is not very high and you don’t need any special skills to climb it. But it is very beautiful here. This area is popular due to the cascade of several mountain lakes, With clear water and icy shores. And also because here you can admire the beautiful clouds “caught” on the reddish peak.
  • Stone mushrooms of the Ak-Kurum tract. An amazing accumulation of stone blocks, thanks to weathering, shaped like mushrooms. It seems that their “hats” are about to fall off the thin base. And all this in the background mountain peaks and a beautiful river valley.
  • Martian landscapes in Chagan-Uzun. Amazingly unearthly views of colored mountains, as if painted with red, green and yellow stripes. It's best to come here at dawn, when there are few people and the colorful mountains are well lit. The impression is that this is the surface not of our planet, but of the neighboring lifeless Mars.
  • One of the most beautiful, but also inaccessible places in Altai. The glaciers are very majestic and descend almost to the climbing center on Mount Aktru-Bashi, whose height is more than 4000 meters. By the way, from the center you can get to the beautiful Blue Lake, framed by icy rocks.

We must immediately remember that geographically there is the Altai Territory, and there is the Altai Republic. My goal now is to describe interesting places in Altai in general, so some of them will relate to the Republic, others to the Altai Territory. What to visit in Altai is up to you. Altai is huge and different. The article contains only a part of the places that you can visit in Altai. This is not all, you can come to Altai every year and all your life, but every time you will find something new.

The main factors attracting people to Altai are, undoubtedly, the views of nature, climatic features and mineral springs. The Altai Mountains have an abundance of sun, amazingly clean and clear air, and a high degree of air ionization. The nature of the region captivates with its grandeur and pristine nature. There are a lot of salty and fresh lakes, relict forests grow, rise fancy rocks, unusual caves and grottoes. The Altai Mountains, according to many people, bring pleasure simply from contemplating them.

What else is important to know about traveling in Altai:

  • There are developed tourist places- Chemal and Teletskoye. There are a lot of tourists there, and the amenities are quite good. You can get there public transport, in your car or even hitchhiking.
  • But the most interesting places in Altai are located where buses do not go and rides are very rare. Almost wild places where you can drive off-road vehicles, on horseback, and in some places only on foot. Rest without comfort and not for everyone. Romance and extreme!
  • If you have a car, the off-road in Altai is guaranteed to be magnificent. Unless, of course, you decide to deviate from the route. But this way you can see many beautiful places.

Places in Altai that are worth visiting:

Lake Teletskoye (Artybash village)

Teletskoye is the most big lake Altai and one of the largest in Russia. The depth of the lake reaches 330 meters (25th position among the deepest lakes in the world). More than seventy rivers and streams flow into Teletskoye, but only one river flows out - the Biya. The lake is located in the depression between the Korbu and Altyn-Tu mountain ranges and the spurs of the Abakan ridge. The shores of the lake are mostly steep, represented by mountain slopes that are completely covered with forest. There are real “centuries-old” cedars here.

The main popular attractions in the Teletskoye Lake area:

  • waterfalls on the Third River.

Swimming on Teletskoye is not comfortable. The lake is filled with water from mountain rivers and has greater depth. The water in it remains cold even in summer, warming up no higher than 10°C. But thousands of tourists come here year after year to see the unique beauty, filled with mystery and enigma... In the area of ​​Lake Teletskoye there are many complex routes (this is if you book a tour of Altai).

The most famous settlement on Teletskoye is the village of Artybash. The road ends here and in the summer months the village becomes local tourist center.

This is where the tourist centers are located, where excursions take place, and, of course, where the most interesting active routes begin.

You can approach the lake from two sides.

For those who are interested in a more difficult and further path - South Bank Lake Teletskoye. To get there, you need to drive through the Katu-Yaryk pass and the valley of the Chulyshman River. The road is quite tiring, but the views here are beautiful. Read more at the end. You can stay in houses or tents.

An easier way is to approach Lake Teletskoye from the north through the village of Artybash.

Turquoise Katun is a tourist complex located on the left bank of the Katun River, in the area of ​​Red Stone Mountain. That is, this is not the whole Katun, but only part of the coastal zone. Here you will even see alpine meadows, forests with different tree species and mountain landscapes. Total area 32.3 sq. km. The complex is actively developing.

The main objects are located in the central part:

  • artificial lake with an area of ​​7 hectares, heated to 23 degrees. For comparison, the temperature in Katun on the hottest days barely exceeds 10 degrees.
  • There are 5 cafes around the artificial reservoir,
  • water park, children's pond with attractions.

There are eight recreation centers located on the territory of the complex. Offers a wide variety of various excursions, rafting, horseback riding and cycling.

If you are looking for a comfortable holiday, this is Turquoise Katun.

They go to "Biryuzovaya Katun" Shuttle Buses from Novosibirsk, Barnaul, Biysk and Gorno-Altaisk. If you get there on your own, then from Biysk you need to drive here along the Chuysky tract, passing Srostki, Maima and Manzherok.

The system of Tavdinsky or, as they are also called, Taldinsky caves is easily accessible. They are located in the popular tourist area “Turquoise Katun” near the village of Izvestkovy.

There are about 30 caves on a five-kilometer rocky ledge. The caves are interconnected and have several entrances. The most popular of them is “ Maiden's tears"or "Tavdinskaya". The caves have been used by people since the Bronze Age, as evidenced by archaeological finds made under their arches. And from the top of Tavdinskaya Mountain there is a wonderful overview of the beautiful Katun and the Chuisky tract.

A road and signs lead from the bridge over the Katun to the caves. Their entrances are visible from afar.

House-Museum of V. M. Shukshin

Located on the territory of the Altai Territory, Biysk region, in the village of Srostki. Tours have been open here since 1978. Consists of three houses. Vasily Shukshin’s mother lived in one house, his childhood was once spent in another, and there was also a school building. The estate covers an area of ​​1.16 hectares. They will also talk about memorable corners of the village, one way or another connected with the life of V.M. Shukshin.

The local sea is Big Yarovoye Lake. There are no mountains nearby. Located on the territory of the central Kulunda steppe, 8 kilometers west of the city Slavgorod and 400 km from the city of Novosibirsk. The Scythian peoples who lived here previously have long endowed the reservoir with magical properties of turning desires into reality!

At the bottom of Yarovoye, two lines intersecting were discovered. Scientists consider these grooves anomalous (in the good sense of the phrase). The water is both bitter and salty.

Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye Lake is located on a plateau, on which there are practically no trees. The banks of Yarovoye are quite high, and the south and southwest of the coastal area is indented by ravines.

The lake is closed, nothing flows into it and nothing flows out. The composition of the water is unique, enriched with minerals, and on top of everything else, the lake is inhabited by artemia; when it dies, it mixes with salts and silt, forming an impressive mud layer endowed with medicinal properties. In addition to its salinity, the water has a bitter taste; the lake is a brine-type pool, fed by underground springs.

The mud of the Big Yarovoye Lake is comparable in its indicators to the mud of lakes in such resorts as Odessa, Saki, Staraya Russa. Not very far from Yarovoye there is another, but small one, which has nothing to do with Altai, but is also known for its healing mud. Unlike Yarovoye, vacation in Karachi is wild, although there is also a sanatorium founded under the Tsar (but the prices are still the same).

And many people go to Yarovoe; photos from there are not always easy to distinguish from Anapa, for example. Also sand, sun, a lot of people on the beach. There are many sunny days and a dry climate. Lake Bolshoye Yarovoye is perfect for health tourism. The territory is developed, there are guest houses and high-rise buildings where apartments are rented. Yarovoye is endowed with the status natural monument in 1978.

Nizhnyaya Katun District

The Nizhnyaya Katun district is located in the central part of the Altai Republic, in the Chemalsky district. An area with low-height mountains, covered with forests with a transition to the mountain-steppe zone of Northern Altai. The territory of the region includes the valley of the lower Katun and a system of small mountain rivers. The area begins in the village of Ust-Sema, if you turn onto the Chemal highway from the Chuysky tract, which goes across the bridge to the left bank of the Katun.

The Chemal region is one of the most developed in terms of tourism. It is accessible in terms of transport, has favorable climatic conditions, a unique and very picturesque landscape, as well as cultural and historical sites. Tourist and recreation centers have been built in the area.

As throughout Altai, various excursions are offered along thematic routes by car, on foot or on horseback. The current of the Katun in this section is not very stormy, which makes it possible to raft with instructors for tourists with little training.

Archaeological sites are concentrated south of Chemal along the Katun, on the section of the road from Elanda to Kuyus. These are sites of ancient people of different eras, burial mounds, burial grounds, rock paintings. The famous Chemal hydroelectric power station and the Church of St. John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos are located here. The valley of the Lower Katun can be called ideal place for those who like to combine outdoor recreation, excursions with comfort.

The highest point of the Altai Mountains is located on the Katunsky ridge. Eat various names in local dialects: Uch-Sumer, Kadyn-Bazhy, Muztau shyny.

Earthquakes are common in Belukha's location. The seismic activity of the zone is high, 7-8 points.

Summer here is cool. Average temperature at the foot of Belukha in summer +6 C. Then comes the incredible harsh winter(up to -48 C). Snow can also fall in the summer, but rain is a common occurrence.

At the foot of Belukha, dense coniferous forests and berry bushes, birch trees and alpine grasses, tundra lichens and Red Book flowers peacefully coexist.

The fauna in the vicinity of Belukha is dominated by small rodents - mice and voles. It happens that the rocky slopes of the mountain will be graced by the presence of a lynx and a Siberian goat, or even a rare predator, a snow leopard.

Birds have taken a fancy to Belukha. Partridges, passerines and even golden eagles live here.

Mount Belukha is shrouded in myths and legends of varying degrees of darkness. The most famous one says that at the foot of the mountain there is a gate to Shambhala (or Belovodye). Modern admirers of the ideas of the well-known Roerichs consider Belukha a place of power and the only safe place on Earth in case of another end of the world.

The Sofia Glacier can be reached from the village of Beltir in the fall. In winter there is a lot of snow, and in early summer there is too much water in the gorge.

Martian landscapes beyond the village of Beltir

And if you go to that same Sofia Glacier or Karagemsky and other gorges, you will see such landscapes. Places in Altai are not popular among tourists. So to speak, for the experienced. But if you compare it with the photo from Mars, it’s very similar (not counting the sky).

Lake Aya

Aya is very popular in Altai and also warm lake. The dimensions of the lake are small - 409 x 190 m, depth on average 12 m, maximum depth 24 m., water temperature in July +22+24 0С.

There is an equipped beach on the lake shore ( waterslide, rental of sun loungers, showers, toilets), boat dock. Summer cafes and retail outlets in the surrounding area are also present. A number of routes from other holiday destinations in Altai are offered to Lake Aya. For example, scheduled excursions are conducted from the lower Katun region, including visits.

Lake Aya has healthy air and a lot of sun. The shores of the lake are surrounded by low cliffs, covered with mixed forest. Not only residents of nearby areas come here, but from all over Russia and beyond. Lake Aya is located just 450 meters from the left bank of the Katun at an altitude of 380 m above sea level.

Devil's Finger Mountain

The Rock is one of the most popular attractions Altai region, located near Lake Aya.

The Devil's Finger Rock is one of the most popular attractions in the Altai region, located near Lake Aya.

Chulyshman River Valley and Katu-Yaryk Pass

The descent into the valley follows a serpentine road. The road is considered unsafe. Various cars pass by, even right-handed sedans. Although it is then difficult for the latter to get up, it is easier to slide down.

Mountain trails in the Aktru gorge area, trail to Blue Lake and Aktru glacier

There are many places in the Aktru Gorge where you can go on foot. The routes here are very difficult, where you can only go with equipment and in bundles, and there are simple ones, for a day or even faster. There is one of the same name. Climbers come there, and you can ask them about the routes.

Not always and not everyone can get to the Aktru base by car. You need to know the road, and you don’t need just any car...

A legendary place, shrouded in secrets and legends. The Ukok plateau is located at the junction of the borders of Kazakhstan, China, Mongolia and Russia. The altitude is 2200-2500 m. It is windy here, in winter the temperature drops to -50. The highest point of Ukok is Mount Kuiten-Uul 4374 (the second highest in Altai).

It was here that an ancient burial was found, from which the mummy of a woman, called the Princess of Ukok, was extracted. Local residents are still fighting with the authorities to return the princess to burial; they consider the fact that they took her from the plateau to be bad. The place is strange, cold, wonderful. But it attracts you again and again... It is more likely to travel here in August-September. In spring and early summer there is a lot of water, sometimes snow. You can get to Ukok either through the Teply Klyuch pass (the most likely way) or through the Dzhazator River. On the Ukok plateau there are organized tours as part of groups.

It is located in the southwest of the Altai Territory and the border areas with Kazakhstan: Zmeinogorsk, Krasnoshchekovsk and Tretyakov regions.
Formed in 1999. Currently it occupies an area of ​​over 40 thousand hectares, there are plans for further expansion. The proximity of the reserve to the rough taiga, where there are still no traces of human activity, creates a reason to consider these territories for new sections of the reserve.

There are several natural monuments located on the territory of the reserve:

  • Scary Cave,
  • Foot and Mouth Cave,
  • cave Hyena's Lair,
  • Silurian section,
  • log Scary,
  • Mount Semipeschernaya
  • Tigirek fortress.

More than 600 species of plants, many mammals (65 species) and birds (117 species) grow within Tigireksky. Brown bear, roe deer, elk and deer live here, as well as weasels, sable, ermine, squirrel, mountain hare and chipmunk. You can see (albeit less frequently) wolverine, weasel, lynx, and musk deer. The reserve is home to a lot of feathered creatures: for example, black grouse, hazel grouse, tawny owl, great owl, nutcracker, capercaillie.

The relief is represented by small hills stretching throughout the reserve, crowned with domed peaks, the shape of which gave the name to the reserve (“tigirek” is translated into Russian as “rounded, smooth”).

In winter, the places are dangerous, especially in the southeastern part, where avalanches, landslides and slides are frequent. In the east there are canyons and gorges, and the northwest is flat.

The historical monument - the ruins of the Tigirek fortress - dates back to the 18th century. At one time, the fortress had the role of an outpost of the Kolyvano-Kuznetsk fortification line. The remains of the fortress are part of the era of Russian settlements in Altai, whose mines and factories were under the threat of Dzungar raids. Today, a piece of history is a memorial building of military engineering art.

There are several tourist routes along the protected area, which can be overcome on horseback or on foot. These roads involve exploring colorful landscapes woven by black taiga, steppe meadows, mixed forests intertwined with birch, pine and fir trees. Observation platforms of natural origin provide beautiful panoramas of the river valleys of the Bolshoi Tigirek and Ini. The trail connecting the villages of Chineta and Tigirek can present an encounter with large birds of prey and ungulates, represented by elk and roe deer.

Within the Altai Territory, the Tigirek Nature Reserve is the only specially protected area on a federal scale.

Edelweiss Valley

Edelweiss Valley (Yarlu Valley) is one of the most beautiful and amazing places Mountain Altai. It is located near Mount Belukha, to the left of Lake Akkem, at an altitude of approximately 2000 m above sea level. The name of the valley is really telling: flowers that are very rare by nature, listed in the Red Book, grow here - EDELWEISS.

Small, fluffy, very gentle in appearance! There is also a fortress made of stones in the valley. This place is certainly sacred for people, as evidenced by the numerous stone figures built inside the fortress.

Petroglyphs of Kalbak-tash

Large array of ancient rock paintings aged over 5 thousand images. According to the scientists who studied Kalbak-Tash, the drawings were created by people who lived here from the Neolithic era (IV-VI centuries BC) to the Middle Ages (VIII-X centuries AD). On the stones you can see figures of animals that inhabited Altai several thousand years ago, hunting scenes and various solar, symbols (which once again indicates that swastika y was not invented by Hitler, and its meaning is completely different than many people think). Petroglyphs were made with both stone and metal tools. Researchers attribute well-preserved runic inscriptions to the ancient Turkic era. Some of the depicted scenes can be easily correlated with well-known Altai myths.

You can get to the rock complex from the Chuysky tract. It is located on the right bank of the river. After the “723 km” mark, you need to turn left between the fourth and fifth power line poles and walk about 20 meters.

Stone mushrooms

Unusual rock forms, created by nature as a result of a long weathering process, are located in the valley of the Karasuk River - one of the tributaries of the mighty Chulyshman. Bizarre stone mushrooms consist of rocks of heterogeneous composition and rise picturesquely above the slopes of the valley. Unfortunately, over time, unusual natural formations continue to collapse. According to local residents, some of the “caps” collapsed during a strong earthquake that occurred in the Altai Mountains in 2003.

You need to go to the mushrooms along a dirt road along the Chulyshman valley. From the mouth of the river (i.e. from Lake Teletskoye) the journey takes about 2 hours. The road near the Ak-Kurum tract runs along the opposite (left) bank of the river, to get to the “mushrooms” you need to cross the river and climb up the path.

Lower Shavlinskoye Lake

The lake lies in the spurs of the North Chuysky ridge at an altitude of almost 2000 m above sea level and is framed by picturesque high peaks, from the glaciers of which the Pravaya Shavla River flows. This is one of the most popular tourist sites. The routes are on foot and on horseback. The eastern shore of the lake is covered with good larch and cedar forest, in which there are thickets of lingonberries and blueberries, and in dry summers - a lot of mushrooms. Chipmunks live here.

The lake water is clean and grayling is found here. It is customary for tourists standing on the shore of Nizhny Shavlinsky to use water from the mountain streams flowing into the lake for drinking and kitchen needs. In the middle of the populated eastern shore there is the Glade of Idols, where wooden sculptures made by the hands of people who visited these places are exhibited. But the opposite western shore of the lake is steep and rocky, and there are no places for bivouacs on it.

Goes to the lake walking route about 35 km long from the village of Chibit. It is laid along a trail through the Oroy pass (about 2200 m) to the Eshtykol plateau. And the final part of the path passes along the path on the right side of the Shavla River valley.


The city of Belokurikha is beautiful resort with a developed structure entertainment centers(about twenty restaurants, bars and cafes, a bowling club, an aqua park that welcomes guests all year round) and sanatoriums. In spring, summer and autumn, Belokurikha attracts tourists with the beauty of its nature, and in winter it invites them to ski slopes located in the Belokurikha resort area.

Located 230 km from Barnaul and 70 km from Biysk.

The main wealth of these places is radon springs. The waters of the springs rise from a depth of 100-400 m through faults in the earth’s crust to the surface and absorb the Earth’s information into their “memory,” which also has a beneficial effect on the human body. Treatment in Belokurikha sanatoriums is carried out using new methods and modern equipment; it is not cheap, but there are always vacationers at the resort.

The Chuysky highway runs through the region, skirting the capital of the republic. In general, the road network is poorly developed. Good roads lead to all regional centers, while other parts of the republic are more difficult to reach. Often local residents offer road transport services using off-road vehicles in hard to reach places, from where further either on horseback or on foot.

Districts of Altai

Geographically, the Altai Republic is divided into ten districts - Maiminsky, Chemalsky, Shebalinsky, Ongudaysky, Kosh-Agachsky, Ust-Koksinsky, Ust-Kansky, Ulagansky, Turochaksky, Choysky - with the only city of Gorno-Altaisk - the capital of the republic.

Currently, tourism in Altai is becoming increasingly important, occupying one of the leading places in the economy of the republic. This greatly contributes to the construction of modern tourist complexes, the creation of special economic zones of the tourist and recreational type, the improvement of transport lines and the development of tourism infrastructure in general.

Each of the ten administrative-territorial districts of the republic has its own natural attractions, access to which is developed to a greater or lesser extent.

Without a doubt, an important tourist attraction is itself Chuysky tract, the main part of which (540 km) passes through the territory of the republic. This historical road is rightfully considered a unique “artifact”, along which throughout the entire Gorno-Altai area there are ancient monuments belonging to different eras. The construction of the highway, which runs mostly in mountainous, difficult terrain, is of genuine interest. In the city of Biysk, on the way to the Altai Mountains, there is a museum of the Chuysky Tract, dedicated to the legendary road.

The city of Gorno-Altaisk is located in the northwestern part of the Altai Republic in an intermountain basin at an altitude of 270 - 305 m above sea level. The most interesting and certainly noteworthy attraction is National Museum named after Anokhin, where in the fall of 2012 the mummy of an Altai princess found on the Ukok plateau (“Princess of Ukok”) was brought from Novosibirsk.

The most developed tourist areas of the region are the Lower Katun region, located in the lower reaches of the river, Chemalsky And Ust-Koksinsky districts, and also Turochaksky district where the northern part lies Lake Teletskoye. Relatively good roads, hotels for every taste and budget, the presence of interesting excursion sites, clean mountain air make these areas attractive.

Maiminsky district located in the lower reaches of the Katun River and is a kind of tourism outpost in Altai - the “lion’s share” of tourist routes runs through it. Located on both sides of the Chuisky tract, which runs along the right bank of the Katun all the way to the Chemal region, all kinds of tourist complexes, camping, “green houses” are invariably popular. Here, on both sides of the Katun, there are two Special Economic Zones of Tourist and Recreational Type (SEZ TRT) - “Turquoise Katun” and “Altai Valley”.

The Seminsky Pass educational and training center is also located here, which was created in 1986 to train highly qualified athletes in skiing in mid-mountain conditions.

The second grandiose pass - Chike-Taman - has several serpentines, and looks very impressive from the observation deck located at its top. Since 1996 it has been declared a natural monument.

The remaining regions of the republic also have a number of natural and historical features, but access to them is quite difficult; Most of them can be reached by SUV, but other places can only be reached on horseback or on foot.

Almost any travel agency located both in Altai and beyond will be able to offer travel services any direction.

In addition to the Republic itself, Altai, without a doubt, deserves attention balneological resort federal significance, located in Belokurikha. The city lies in the southeastern part of the Altai Territory in the valley of the Belokurikha River at an altitude of 240-250 meters above sea level at the foot of Mount Tserkovka.

Belokurikha has a whole range of healing factors - favorable climatic conditions, mountain air containing light air ions, thermal nitrogen-siliceous radon-containing waters.


The indigenous population of the region is represented by the Altaians, who are descendants of Turkic tribes known in the Altai Mountains since the 1st millennium BC. e.

Altaians are representatives of the Mongoloid type. As a rule, they are small in stature, lean in build, and have slightly slanted almond-shaped eyes.

The ethnic group of Altaians is a broad concept that includes such subethnic groups as Chelkans, Tubalars and Telengits, which belong to the small peoples of Russia. They differ in the characteristics of their culture and are aware of this difference.

Initially, the Altaians were pagan pantheists. According to their ideas, all surrounding nature is alive and each hypostasis has spirits, which are a kind of connecting thread between two deities - Erlik and Ulgen. Erlik - ruler underworld, while Ulgen, the creator of the human soul, lives in the celestial sphere.

The traditional religion of the Altai people is shamanism, the main ritual of which is called ritual, and the shaman who conducts it is called kam. Tungur tambourine and mandyak are the most important attributes for performing a shamanic mystery.

Altai has long had a developed mythology, folklore, and epic, a striking example of which is “Maadai-Kara” - the Altai heroic epic, which reflects the ideological foundations of the Altaians. The Altai epic is performed by kaichi storytellers, as a rule, to the accompaniment of topshur - Altai musical instrument, where the method of play is rattling.

The national home of the Altaians is the ail, a hexagonal cone-shaped building. The number six is ​​magical for the Altai people. The entrance of the home is traditionally directed to the east, just like among other Turkic-speaking peoples. Inside, the ail is divided into two halves: the one to the right of the door is female, the left of the door is male. Things related to economic activity men and women are located on the female and male halves, respectively.

Sights of Altai

One common natural attraction is a characteristic feature of the Altai Mountains. The name “Mountain Altai” speaks for itself - the territory of the republic consists of mountain ranges with an average height of 4000 m, which separate intermountain basins, called high-mountain steppes, and deep river valleys.

Accordingly, if there are mountains high enough for Siberia, then there must be mountaineering. The most popular peaks for climbing belong to the three ridges of the Altai mountain systemKatunsky, North Chuysky and South Chuysky.

The origin of mountaineering as a sport in Altai occurred at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1914, brothers Boris and Mikhail Tronov made the first ascent of Eastern Belukha, which is the highest point not only Katunsky ridge, but also the Altai Mountains as a whole. A number of unsuccessful attempts to climb after the Tronov brothers stopped the tireless researchers, but in 1933 a team led by V. Abalakov managed to climb to the top. In 1935, the first All-Siberian Alpiniad was held in the Belukha area, which served as the beginning of mass ascents that continue to this day.

Mount Belukha is double-headed, and, being the highest, it is visible from all sides. The western peak is somewhat inferior in height to the eastern one. The two peaks are connected by a slightly concave valley.

Climbing routes are divided into 11 categories from 1b to 6b. Classic route Category 3a is the most common and requires experience of less difficult climbs.

In addition to Belukha itself, you can make ascents of varying difficulty to a number of other peaks located in the area.

You can climb to the top or simply admire the peaks of Belukha and their reflections in Lake Akkem while directly on the shore of this lake. All highways end at the village of Tyungur, from where you can really get to the foot of Belukha on foot or on horseback along different routes. Helicopter tours are also possible.

North Chuysky ridge It is located parallel to Katunsky and has similar climatic conditions. The Bish-Iirdu mountain cluster is the central part of the North Chuisky ridge. This part of the greatest glaciation is especially popular among climbers, as almost all climbing routes are available here. The Aktru alpine camp, located in this area, attracts both experienced climbers and those who simply want to admire mountain peaks. Mountaineering camps are held here; You can undergo mountain training for the “Russian Mountaineer” badge and receive a sports rank.

South Chuysky ridge inferior to Katunsky and Severo-Chuisky only in heights. Location of the largest glaciers Altai mountains in its depths, amazingly beautiful peaks, the presence of technical difficult routes for ascents attract the attention of climbers and travelers. And, despite the inaccessibility, the number of people wishing to visit this place is growing exponentially. The highest point of the South Chuya Range is Mount Iiktu, whose height reaches 3967 m.

Many people talk about Altai as a “water paradise”, and this is no coincidence - it is here that the largest rivers are located, interesting in terms of rafting, where various world-class water competitions are held. Rivers such as Katun, Chuya and Chulyshman are famous for their powerful rapids and are the best in the republic in terms of rafting of all categories of difficulty, of which water tourism six. In other words, rafting in Altai is presented in all its diversity.

The main river of the Altai Mountains is Katun, 688 km long, originates on the southern slope of the Katunsky Range near Mount Belukha at an altitude of about 2000 meters. It is divided into three sections - Upper Katun, Middle and Lower.

The Upper Katun is the most difficult section, the passage of which requires skill and skill, and therefore cannot be recommended for “dummies”. The Middle Katun is a breathtaking rapids that can be skilfully passed in groups accompanied by an experienced instructor.

Nizhnyaya Katun is interesting in terms of one-day “rides” - the calm current together with category rapids make this section quite popular among tourists of almost all ages.

Chuya River is the right tributary of the Katun. An extremely difficult section for rafting is the Mazhoysky cascade, flowing through the canyon. The rapids in the middle reaches are no less dangerous. In the area of ​​761 km of the Chuysky tract there is an interesting place, which in the spring becomes especially popular among watermen. It is here that one of the famous rapids of the Chuya River is located, which goes “hand in hand” with the Chuya tract, the “Behemoth” rapids, where, since 1989, in early May, exciting competitions called “Chuya Rally” have been held, which correspond to the international format of competitions rafting and water tourism technology.

Chulyshman and Bashkaus rivers(a tributary of the Chulyshman) also attract watermen with their numerous obstacles, characterized by the highest categories of difficulty.

Located on the Chulcha River, a right tributary of the Chulyshman River, Uchar Waterfall is the largest waterfall in Russia. This is a very beautiful cascading waterfall with a height of 160 m, but requires a long hike to reach it.

Another equally spectacular sight is the “Stone Mushrooms”, stone outcrops formed as a result of denudation. They are also located in the valley of the Chulyshman River, which can be reached in two ways: along Lake Teletskoye or by car through the Katu-Yaryk pass, leading to the Chulyshman Valley.

If there is a place on Earth where a person comes closer to unraveling the mysteries of the universe, then this is the Altai Mountains. In the land of mirror lakes, centuries-old Siberian cedars and mighty mountains that support the starry sky at night, some kind of enlightenment comes. Among such natural beauties and endless spaces, you can feel truly happy and free. It is not surprising that people who have already traveled to Altai strive to return here again, escaping the burden of everyday worries and hardships of civilization.

The Altai Mountains, representing a complex system of high ridges, are located on the border of Russia with other countries. Thus, Kazakhstan, China and Mongolia have their own Altai. In Russia, on the territory of the mountain system, there are two subjects of the Siberian federal district. This is the Altai Republic with its center in Gorno-Altaisk and the Altai Territory. The capital of the latter is Barnaul.

The calling card of these mountains is Belukha - highest point, crowning the Katunsky ridge. The massif owes its name to the abundant snow cover. The peak is located in Ust-Koksinsky district, near the Russian-Kazakh border. Through the territory natural park"Belukha" lies on horseback and on foot tourist routes. You can explore the surrounding area by taking a helicopter ride. The peak is of great interest to climbers. Mountain conquerors climb through Delaunay or along the Akkem wall. You can stop in these parts for rest or overnight at the Belukha or Vysotnik camp sites.

Lake Teletskoye is one of the most visited places in the Altai Republic. The fourth deepest reservoir in Russia is located in the Ulagansky and Turochaksky regions. The lake is named after the tribes that inhabited the shores until the mid-17th century - the Telyos. The ancient name of the reservoir is Altynkol.

There are two dozen campsites and tourist centers in the vicinity of the lake. Enjoy it picturesque views allows a cruise on the ship "Pioneer Altai". In addition to water and hiking, car, helicopter, and bicycle excursions are conducted here. In the warm season, motor boats and speedboats run from Yogach and Artybash, villages on the northern shore.

The main attractions of Lake Teletskoye:

  • Korbu waterfall;
  • Stone Bay;
  • worship pine to Yayl;
  • Chulyshman Valley with “stone mushrooms”;
  • Kishte waterfall;
  • Yaili Gardens;
  • Sleeping Dragon Ridge;
  • Third River Gorge;
  • observation platforms of Mount Kibitek and Tilan-tu;
  • deposit of healing blue clay;
  • Vanishing source;
  • Uchar waterfall;
  • Belinskaya terrace.

Where to relax in Altai comfortably? The Aya health resort, located on the shore of the reservoir of the same name, boasts modern infrastructure. The picturesque Aya Lake is located in a mountain basin. Its highlight is an island with a gazebo of Love. In summer, the reservoir warms up to 20 degrees, which, along with clean water, makes it popular place bathing adults and children.

Cultural and historical sights

Acquaintance of vacationers with the beauties that the Altai Territory offers begins with the Chuysky Tract - the legendary highway of federal significance. The 963 km long road starts in Novosibirsk and leads to Mongolia. Most of the route runs through the Altai Mountains, dividing it in half. The Chuysky tract is notable for the fact that along it there are the main historical monuments. You can learn more about the construction and significance of the route in the museum of the city of Biysk.

Another city that is advisable for lovers to visit excursion holiday, – Gorno-Altaisk. The place of attraction for tourists who come here is the Anokhin Museum of Local Lore. The building, reminiscent of a mound, contains unique archaeological artifacts, household items of Russian Old Believers and Altaians, and paintings by the artist Grigory Choros-Gurkin. The pearl of the museum is considered to be the Altai Princess - the mummy of a young priestess, found in 1993 in a burial ground on the Ukok plateau. A noble woman lived during the Iron Age and died, most likely, of breast cancer. Since the burial was located in thick ice, both the body itself and the funeral objects accompanying it were well preserved.

Another place in Gorno-Altaisk that is worth a visit is the Museum of Prehistoric Man. He's in line settlement, near the Ulalushka River. In the early 60s of the last century, the famous archaeologist Alexei Okladnikov excavated a Paleolithic site in these places.

At the same time both natural and historical value represent the Tavdinsky caves. The karst massif is located on the border of the Maiminsky district. It impresses with its spacious and quaint galleries connected to each other. Since ancient times, these caves have served as a refuge for people. Archaeological artifacts found here date back to the Bronze Age.

You can’t count all the sights of the Altai region. Here are just a few of them worthy of special attention:

  • House-Museum of Nicholas Roerich in Verkh-Uimon;
  • Kalgutin drawings on the Ukok plateau;
  • complex of Russian culture “Desyatiruchka”, Cheposh village;
  • museum natural history"Paleopark", Chemal;
  • Stone Museum in the village of Maima;
  • Museum-estate of Grigory Choros-Gurkin, Anos village;
  • Church of St. John the Evangelist on the island of Patmos.

The Manzherok resort, established in Soviet times, became famous in the 60s with Edita Piekha’s cheerful song about friendship. Now the tourist site is experiencing a second youth, since a large modern ski complex has been operating here since 2010. The resort is located in picturesque place on the banks of the Katun River, near the village of Manzherok.

Where is the best place to stay for vacationers with children? There are a dozen camp sites along the river, including Golden Sands, Strawberry Polyana, Lyubava, and Chechek. There are several modern economy hotels on the territory of the Manzherok complex. They built a parking lot, as well as a pier on the lake, operating during the warm season. The hotels are equipped with kitchens, a picnic area, a cafe, a bathhouse, and Internet access.

Mount Malaya Sinyukha makes these places picturesque. You can get a bird's eye view of the surroundings by climbing on observation deck on foot along the path or on the chairlift. For a comfortable stay, special places are equipped here, and there is a cafe. Another local attraction is Lake Manzherok. Shores clean reservoir, surrounded by forest, suitable for families with children. In summer you can live in a tent, swim, or ride a pedalo. In July, Lake Manzherokskoe, where white lilies bloom, becomes one of the most beautiful places Altai region.

“Russian Switzerland” is called Belokurikha, a ski and balneological resort located in the valley of the river of the same name. The town received the status of a health resort thanks to nitrogen-radon sources. In addition to the healing waters and mild climate, tourists are attracted here by the vegetation - Manchurian nuts and oaks covering the slopes of the Cherginsky ridge. Resort area Belokurikha is furnished in European style. You can stay in the city at a hotel, boarding house or sanatorium. Along with large residential complexes, the resort has small, cozy chalets.

From December to March, families go to Belokurikha to go skiing. There are five trails along the slopes of Mount Tserkovka. The best place to practice descents with a child is at Altai-West. This route is considered the most convenient for beginners. In addition to skiing, the resort has other entertainment. On the tubing track you can ride cheesecakes with your children. There is an extreme amusement park on the territory of the Rossiya sanatorium.

A note for connoisseurs of “wild” tourism

Where should savages go? Every year there are fewer and fewer places for a secluded, relaxing holiday in the region. Those who prefer to explore new routes with a backpack and live in a tent should visit the Kosh-Agach region. The most remote settlement of the Altai Republic is the village of Belyashi (or Dzhazator).

1.5 thousand people live in the village. In the center of the village there is a snack bar and several shops. Not long ago, a hydroelectric power station was built here to provide the village with electricity. Mobile communications Yes, but it works intermittently. Once you find yourself in the vicinity of Belyashi, you realize how beautiful it is in Altai in the summer. The village is located at the confluence of the Ak-Alakha and Dzhazator rivers. Mountains rise around you: you can see Iktu Peak and the spurs of the South Chuya Range. Not far from the settlement there is the Ukok plateau.

A possible option for travelers to Lake Teletskoye is the Chulyshman Valley. Fans of “wild” tourism vacationing with children can stay at a campsite if they wish. In equipped summer camps There is a minimum set of amenities: a bathhouse, a cafe, houses for the night. The Ulagan Pass area, the vicinity of the village of Yailyu, is quite suitable for living in a tent. Favorite place The place of rest for savages is the bank of the Swan River (Turochaksky district). Going to independent travel, it is worth knowing that movement around the Altai Nature Reserve by car is limited. For example, you cannot drive a car directly to the Katun River.

Where can you stay with children? When planning a trip to Altai, pay attention to such type of accommodation as a caravan park. In essence, these are organized campsites for savage tourists. On the territory of the caravan park you can rent a tent and spend the night in a summer house. There are places for cooking, areas with fire pits, gazebos, and showers.

We hope that now you also want to visit Altai. It’s not in vain that every traveler who has already vacationed here strives to return to the lakes and mountains again and again!

Most tourists prefer to travel to Gorny Altai in the summer. But that's because they don't know how beautiful it is there in the fall.

Better than the mountains there can only be mountains in autumn. And you need to admire the Katun from October until the end of December, when it turns turquoise with snow-white foam. And now there are almost no tourists in Gorny. This means that, for example, at the confluence of the Katun and Chuya there will be no crowds of people, there will be no unfamiliar faces in the photo with Geyser Lake, and the Ilgumensky threshold (finally!) will be deserted.


In summer the village is crowded. Chemal is chosen for its relative proximity (if compared, for example, with the village of Aktash), good road, the presence of tourist centers for every budget and attractions.

In autumn the picture is different. There are almost no tourists. Most of the roadside cafes, where there were almost queues in the summer, are closed. Even the shops are not all open.

Be sure to visit Patmos. This is the island where the wooden Church of St. John the Evangelist was built. The path to it lies along a hanging bridge. This is 30 meters above the Katun level. You'll be walking for a very long time. More precisely, you will stand on the bridge for a long time. To take a photo and just try to remember the view.

You can even go to Chemal for the weekend. Leave early on Saturday morning and return on Sunday evening. You won't regret it.

Not a soul and everything is a soul

Further - more. More precisely, further is better. If you have the opportunity and time, leave, at least towards the Ongudai district. The road is difficult: serpentines, sharp turns. So don't ignore road signs and comply speed limit. But the Chuysky tract is in almost perfect condition. There is no point in talking about the beauty of the tract. He is in the top 10 most beautiful roads peace. In this rating by National Geographic magazine Russia, the Chuysky Tract is in fifth place.

To get to the village of Kupchegen you will have to overcome two passes: Seminsky and Chike-Taman. When you get up, turn off the music in the car so as not to anger the spirits. When you go up or down a serpentine road, where there is a rock on one side and a cliff on the other, you begin to think that these are not such superstitions.

Kupchegen is located at 672.8 km of the Chuisky tract on the banks of the Bolshaya Ilgumen River. A few more kilometers and you will find yourself at the confluence of the Bolshaya Ilgumen and Katun rivers. The famous Ilgumensky threshold is located here. A place of attraction for water athletes. And not only.

A raging river, huge stones, two-meter waves, the roar of water and all kinds of turquoise shades against the backdrop of pearly white rocks - such a picture attracts and then does not let go. It’s impossible to be here in autumn, it’s simply incredibly beautiful.

Geyser Lake

It is no more than 30 meters in diameter. In the center there are thermal springs that bring blue silt to the bottom, as a result of which the lake looks extremely impressive. Similar lakes are located in large quantities in Yellowstone. national park in the USA.

Getting to Geyser Lake is easy: it is located 8 km from the village of Aktash towards Kosh-Agach. It's difficult to drive past. There will be a sign on the road. You can get to the lake through the base. It's not free: 50 rubles per person. But the road will be convenient and fast.

The advantage of visiting the lake in autumn is that there will most likely be no people there. In summer there are crowds of tourists around the pond. And in contrast to nature, the color of the water will be completely different than in summer.


You can’t just pick up and move Katu-Yaryk. An incredibly beautiful pass and equally difficult. It is impossible to drive a passenger car. Either transfer (from 5 thousand rubles) or hire a tractor (from 3 thousand rubles).

Many say that the real Mountain begins just beyond the Katu-Yaryk pass. Chulyshman Valley, Red Gate, stone mushrooms, mountain lakes and untouched nature. Not many people come there even in the summer; in the fall they are not here at all.

This is, of course, only approximate route. You can go to the Multinsky Lakes or Teletskoye, visit the famous red mountains “Mars” and “Mars-2”, the Aktashsky relay station, the Karagemsky breakthrough, the Kucherla village. Yes, a lot of things. But be sure to do it in the fall.

And here's another

If you want to go to a specific base, then call and check if it works. Even if on the Internet the site is marked “year-round”. Some bases that supposedly operate in the fall are actually closed.

On the other hand, if it doesn’t matter to you where to live in Gorny, you don’t have to call or book anywhere. In autumn there are places almost everywhere. You can easily find a place to stay for the night.

The weather in the mountains is unpredictable. Those who went at the end of September 2018 said that it would be nice to take more summer things. But you should definitely take more warm clothes. Including winter boots and a winter down jacket. As soon as the sun sets, it becomes very cold.