They are the most beautiful places. The most beautiful places in the world that take your breath away

There are many on earth picturesque corners capable of inspiring admiration. And it doesn’t matter at all whether nature created them or whether this is the work of the hands of man himself. The most beautiful places on the planet, which have become a real paradise for travelers, fascinate, beckon and cause an irresistible desire to return here again. Today, without leaving home, we will make virtual tour and appreciate the true beauty geographical objects located in various parts of the world.

Mother Nature's Rich Fantasy

What is the most beautiful place on our planet? Of course, there is no single answer and cannot be. The delightful landscapes of mother nature are not repeated, and those who saw them once are unlikely to forget the variety of colors. The very concept of beauty is very subjective, and it is not clear what criterion to focus on when making a rating of "Top 10 most beautiful places on the planet"? However, we have chosen amazing corners that are unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Let's make a reservation right away that they are presented in random order, since it is rather absurd to determine which of them occupy the first or last places.

Magic landscapes of India

Natural work of art

The most beautiful places on the planet are the corners where the heart beats faster from amazement. Looking at the grottoes carved by water in the thickness of the rocks, dotted with patterns resembling marble, you want to scream with delight. Tourists do not immediately realize that this is not fiction, but reality. A true natural masterpiece, whose galleries and shafts were formed after the limestone rock was washed out with water, is not inferior in beauty to the works of the greatest architects.

Guests entering the grottoes shimmering with all shades understand how rich the fantasy of nature is, which created a majestic temple, to the beauty of which a person did not lay hands. The smooth cone-shaped teeth of the cave, combined with crystal clear water, will make everyone believe that heaven on Earth really exists.

Crystal Cave in Iceland

We will never stop admiring the amazing creations of nature. The best architect in the world, who creates masterpieces that are beyond the power of man, once again shows his skill. And one of these works are the caves in Iceland, which were formed due to the movement of air and water through small gaps in the Vatnajökull glacier.

The crystal dungeon, where sunlight penetrates, looks fantastic from the inside. For millions of years, melt water flowed down, freezing and taking the most unusual shapes. The color of the crystal caves can change depending on the lighting, and the rich azure hue turns to bright orange and even purple when fire burns in the ice grottoes.

Unfortunately, the most Beautiful places on planet Earth may eventually disappear. The vault of the cave, which is safe to be in only in winter, when it completely freezes, will someday collapse due to the constant movement of the glacier, and the natural object, reminiscent of the Snow Queen's castle with frozen galleries and bizarre labyrinths, will disappear forever.

The canyon that did not become a national park

According to Americans, the most beautiful places on the planet are in the United States, and the country's government is kind to the preservation of miraculous masterpieces and creates national parks. In the state of Arizona, nature has created a real pearl, no less beautiful than the famous Grand Canyon, but, unfortunately, not so popular. The magic corner is not protected by the state, despite its amazing beauty. Antelope Canyon, whose tawny-red walls look like the skin of a graceful animal, belongs to the Indians, who charge an entrance fee to the territory with very unusual landscapes.

Over the course of many centuries, gigantic cracks have formed in the rocks, resembling stripes with bizarre patterns. Torrential rains, which often flood the canyon, have carved the rocks like a skilled jeweler and marked them with mysterious lines of various shades, and even modern cameras cannot convey the true charm of picturesque places.

Best time to visit

Tourists who have visited the canyon recommend visiting the most beautiful places on the planet in order to get aesthetic pleasure from the red sandstone, where giant depressions arose. It is best to come here in the summer, when the bright sun rays illuminate the bottom of the unique canyon and play on its surface with many colors.

Video clips of famous musicians and popular films are often shot here, and viewers who see luxurious landscapes will never confuse them with something else.

Geothermal source of rainbow color

The amazing, most beautiful places on the planet are not only centuries-old forests, mysterious caves and fabulous-looking canyons. They also include the prismatic geyser of the Yellowstone National Park (USA). Having unique colors that are constantly changing, it appeared on the site of a giant volcano eruption more than 600 thousand years ago. The thermal spring formed a rainbow lake that looks like an eye with long eyelashes.

Due to the high temperature, the water in the pool, which is called "prism", is always transparent, and its color depends on the bacteria living on the surface. This is the most spectacular geothermal spring in the world, ranked among the top most beautiful places on the planet. The bright orange shores of the geyser and iridescent overflows formed by microorganisms attract tourists traveling across America. natural wonder about 50 meters deep, striking the imagination with a riot of colors, is recognized as a symbol of the national park.

deadly beauty

Alas, sometimes the most beautiful places on the planet are often hard to reach, and not every tourist will get to the Dallol volcanic crater, located in the Danakil Desert (Ethiopia). However, we can take a virtual tour and admire the unearthly landscapes of an uninhabited place, which in ancient manuscripts was called the "hellish abyss". Standing apart from the rest of the wonders of the world, it is the most impressive geological formation, the colored rocks of which perfectly illustrate the millions of years of evolution of the solid shell of our Earth.

A volcano with a crater below sea level is dotted thermal springs, however, instead of water, springs of hydrochloric acid and sulfur are beating, so it is impossible to stay on its territory for a long time. There is a large deposit of potash salts here, and plains covered with deposits of fantastic colors surround the Dallola crater. An unusual corner, bewitching with deadly beauty, surprises rare guests who never cease to admire the fantasy of nature.

Maldives: total relaxation

Beautiful places on the planet are corners with amazing landscapes that nature generously endows us with. A trip to the islands of the Maldives archipelago, which are the embodiment of paradise on earth, will never be forgotten, and Vaadhoo beach with natural illumination in the moonlight and even more so. Small blue lights "light up" along the beach coast, and the whole area is lit up with a magical glow. It seems that the sky dotted with myriads of stars has descended to the earth, covering it with a sparkling canvas.

Millions of neon dots scattered in the azure sea captivate vacationers, especially lovers of romance who spend their nights by the ocean. The surreal spectacle has its own explanation: there is no magic here, and an amazing glow is produced by microscopic organisms - phytoplankton, inside which a chemical reaction takes place. Spend an evening on the beach watching a fabulously beautiful picture of a shining bluish color coastline, - one of the most the best options in the Maldives.

Japanese fireflies

Nature has created a huge number of masterpieces, looking at which, it seems that you are in a fairy tale. This is what tourists who visit Japan remember in the summer, when the rainy season begins. In forests exotic country lights are lit, and real fireflies put on a mysterious show. Tiny insects light up the path in different colors, thus attracting the attention of the opposite sex, and vacationers are left to admire the natural beauty of Japanese forests, turned into scenery for unique spectacles.

Buddhist shrine on the edge of the abyss

The most beautiful places on planet Earth are not limited to natural masterpieces, and Chaittiyo Pagoda in Myanmar, located on a huge boulder that hangs over an abyss, is proof of this. The Buddhist shrine is located on top of a tall stone covered with gold leaf. Strong construction as if balancing on the edge of a cliff, and the guests who saw this miracle for the first time, it seems that the boulder is about to collapse down.

The monks allow several tourists to rock the local attraction, but for two and a half thousand years no one has been able to roll a stone found at the bottom of the sea off the cliff. Although there is an ancient legend that only a woman can do this, therefore the fair sex is not allowed closer than 10 meters to the pagoda.

Breaking the laws of gravity

The Buddhist temple hanging over the abyss was first mentioned in the chronicles in the 16th century, and believers believe that the hair donated by the Buddha, stored in the pagoda, protects it from falling. Many skeptics are sure that a stone and a rock are a single monolith, but in fact a boulder that violates all the laws of universal gravitation is a separate formation. People often come here in the evening to enjoy amazing views, but foreigners are not allowed to spend the night near the pagoda.

little known plateau

Sometimes it seems to us that the most beautiful is in the remote corners of our planet, and we underestimate the natural objects of Russia. However, unique sights, such as Baikal, Elbrus or Seliger, are often not inferior to the world ones. Many of us have heard little about some miraculous monuments, and it's time to correct this unfortunate mistake.

The Divnogorie plateau, located in the Voronezh region, is considered a protected area. Solid chalk pillars, which are evidence of the distant past of the earth, look like fabulous tall giants. Here you can visit cave churches, hollowed out in pliable rock. In the Time of Troubles, monks hid in them, who dug underground labyrinths. A wonderful corner, charming with unusual beauty, arouses admiration for its grandeur, and you need to visit it in order to understand how multifaceted the world is.

In this article, we have listed the most beautiful places on the planet that attract to us with a description. We sincerely wish you to see them with your own eyes. It is believed that there are only seven wonders of the world, but we are sure that there are many more of them, and it is unlikely that we will be able to tell about all of them.

Uyuni Salt Flat (Bolivia)

Salt Lake ( Salar de Uyuni) in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca - another miracle of natural origin. This is one of the most beautiful places on earth, where the sky is everywhere, creating an absolute feeling of bliss, euphoria and closeness to God. The secret of this place is simple - salt is everywhere, even at a depth of eight meters.

Danxia Landscape (China)

Incredible and contradictory sensations, almost certainly, will cause you the next Wonder of the World. Many people mistakenly believe that this picture is just a naturalistic product of Photoshop. This is a unique geological phenomenon known as the Denxia Landscape ( Danxia Land Form), located in several places in China at once. This mountain landscape got its amazingly bright coloration due to the layering of various sediments and red sandstone, which have been eroded over many millions of years.

Stone forest in Yunnan province (China)

As you have already noticed, China is famous for its high concentration of Wonders of the World per square kilometer of territory. The next one is " stone forest» ( The Stone Forest), located in Yunnan Province. What now rises so menacingly above the heads of tourists was once the bottom of the ocean and, accordingly, was hidden under the water column. Over time, the local landscape changed, and these rocky mountains changed along with it, either irrevocably collapsing, or acquiring a new bizarre shape. Now, many of these stone formations have their own names, which are easy to guess just by looking at them. For example, "Rhino" or "Camel riding an elephant" - in general, you are not limited in a flight of fancy.

Crystal cave of the giants (Mexico)

One of the recently discovered (in 2000) unique geological phenomena is the cave of the world's largest crystals near the city of Chihuahua in Mexico. These giant crystals, up to 15 meters long and 1.5 meters in diameter, of zinc-silver-lead salts owe their origin to the special climate of this cave (almost 60 degrees Celsius). Celsius and 100% humidity). It is strictly forbidden for a person to be in such conditions for more than five to six minutes, otherwise a serious loss of mental abilities may occur.

Eye of the Sahara Desert (Mauritania)

Everyone has long known that our planet is quite a living and even very sensitive creature. For example, she even has her own "eye", with the help of which she observes everything that happens on Earth and beyond. This amazingly beautiful "eye of the Sahara" is located in Mauritania (Africa). The diameter of the "eye" is about 50 kilometers, which allows you to see it even from space. In the very center of the "eye" there is even a hotel, though without much luxury.

The origin of this geological structure is still not known, although today there are as many as 3 theories of its occurrence. Many tend to believe that this is the result of centuries of erosion, while others believe that this is the crater of an ancient huge meteorite that fell to our Earth, but most still tend to believe that this is a crater of a once active volcano modified by time.

Dry Valleys (Antarctica)

Dry Valleys) - the territory of three valleys-oases (Victoria, Wright, Taylor) in Antarctica to the west of the McMurdo Strait. Hurricane winds reaching 300 km/h, low air temperature and humidity, complete absence of rain and snow for many millions of years - these are the main characteristics of this area. Rare lakes, still found in some places in the valley, have turned into deep ice wells, and, according to some scientists, are inhabited by microorganisms unknown to mankind. The climate of the Dry Valleys is so similar to the climate of Mars that NASA constantly tests its new spacecraft there.

Socotra Island (Yemen)

Socotra ( Socotra Island) is an archipelago of four islands, unique in the world, located in Indian Ocean off the coast of Somalia, about 350 km south of the Arabian Peninsula. This archipelago is famous for its unique flora and fauna, telling us about what the Earth looked like millions of years ago. All reptiles, mollusks and a third of the plants of this island are endemic, i.e. found only on these islands. The symbol of the archipelago is the endemic dragon tree, which got its name from the resinous red secretions from its bark, which in ancient times was associated with "dragon's blood".

Wave (USA)

A wave is a geological formation known in narrow circles, which is the oldest sand dunes, which have turned into strong rocks over hundreds of millions of years of their existence. The surface of the rocks is covered with bizarre layered patterns, which is why the local landscape acquires, in the full sense of the word, an unearthly look. The wave is located in the USA on the border of the states of Arizona and Utah, a few miles from civilization, which explains the lack of wide popularity.

Chocolate Hills (Philippines)

This amazing and beautiful natural wonder can be found in Bohol, Philippines. The Chocolate Hills consist of 1,268 perfectly cone-shaped and grassy hills covering an area of ​​more than fifty square kilometers.

Fly Geyser (USA)

An absolutely unrealistic sight. It is hard to believe that this small (only 1.5 meters in height) geyser is, for example, not of Martian origin, but is located on Earth. However, it is. This geothermal geyser can be seen on a private ranch in Washoe County, Nevada. But this is not so easy to do, because the ranch is surrounded on all sides by a high fence and modern security systems. However, many curious and inquisitive people, in spite of everything, manage to overcome all obstacles in order to see this beautiful geyser with their own eyes.

Wulingyuan (China)

The picturesque, colorful yet sparsely populated area of ​​Wulingyuan in Hunan Province is widely known for its tall columns made of quartz sandstone. Over 3,000 sand rocks make up this unique geological wonder. The columns rise above the green of dense forests and the blue of rivers and waterfalls to a height of more than 800 meters.

Blooming desert in Anza Borrego National Park (U.S.-Mexico border)

If you think that only cacti can bloom in a dry desert climate, then you are deeply mistaken. A vivid confirmation of this is the Californian desert in the Anza Borrego National Park ( Anza-Borrego Desert State Park), located on the border of the United States and Mexico, with a length of 2400 square kilometers. For most of the year, this is an absolutely lifeless place, but after the winter rain, in March-April, the desert comes to life and is covered with a myriad of all kinds of flowers. The abundance and duration of flowering depends on the abundance and timeliness of winter rains.

Crystal River (Columbia)

crystal river ( Cano Cristales) or the River of Five Flowers, as it is called locals- one of the most beautiful rivers in the world. It originates in the south of the Macarena mountain range, in Colombia, and flows east, before it flows into the Guayabero River. Under water, throughout the river, we can observe the constant presence of five colors: yellow, blue, green, black, red, which are the product of the vital activity of various algae and a few underwater inhabitants that change their color depending on the season. The Crystal River, more than 100 km long, is strewn with mysterious caves and numerous waterfalls. Unfortunately, this amazingly pure water is completely unsuitable for drinking. it contains practically no salts and minerals.

Pamukkale (Turkey)

A few hours of travel - and you find yourself face to face with the eighth Wonder of the World - Pamukkale ( Pamukkale), which means "Cotton Castle". These stunning white terraces, which have been forming for about two thousand years, resemble majestic icebergs standing on land. They were formed thanks to hot springs gushing from the bowels of the earth and dissolving various mineral salts, which, spreading with dazzling blue water, evaporate over time, forming white salt crystals superimposed on each other. In addition to its beauty, Pamukkale also has wonderful healing properties.

Tunnel of love in the city of Klevan (Ukraine)

Above railroad tracks The Ukrainian town of Klevan has an amazingly beautiful tunnel made of living trees. The most curious thing is that its occurrence is completely natural. Just one day, the local authorities stopped cutting and trimming the branches of the trees. And, over time, they, intertwining with each other, formed a picturesque grotto, whose magnificent view, especially in summer, serves as a great filming location for many newlyweds. By the way, visiting the tunnel of love is considered a good omen for all couples in love.

The earth is the most beautiful planet The solar system, and perhaps the entire universe. The nature of our planet surprises with its beauty, brightness of colors, unique views and diverse landscape.

Beautiful caves and golden beaches, beautiful forests and majestic mountains make up the beauty of the earth. Some of the corners of our planet do not leave the pages of fashion guides. But, there are places that are rarely found in such literature.

We open our review with the symbol of the mysterious Myanmar - ancient city Bagan. It is called the city of a thousand pagodas. This place was the capital of the Bagan kingdom. His greatness was so strong that the best minds and masters of antiquity aspired to Bagan. Thanks to them, Buddhist temples and other beautiful structures were built.

Only a few of them survived to our time. The most significant of them is the Shwezigon Golden Pagoda. It was built in 1057 on the site indicated by the white elephant carrying the bandage, tooth and rib of the Buddha. These relics are kept in the temple until now.

The photo of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world should definitely include other attractions of Bagan: Ananda temples, Htilo-Minlo, Shveleykto and Bu-paya pagoda.

Colored rocks of Zhangye Danxia (China)

The most amazing places on the planet can be built by human hands or nature. Colored rocks, which are located in the Chinese province of Gansu, are natural formations made of multi-colored sandstones. Recent studies show that more than 100 million years ago there was an ocean here. The silt colored the sandstone and made the rock formations so original.

Today mountain peaks Danxia near the town of Zhangye are included in the UNESCO World Heritage List. So that tourists can enjoy the views of these mountains, the locals have built many boardwalks and paths with which you can walk between these amazing mountain peaks.

Yusupov Palace (Russia)

But, back to man-made miracles. In any almanac of the most beautiful places in the world, you will find such an architectural monument as the Yusupov Palace. It is located in the heart of St. Petersburg on the Moika River. Built in the 18th century for the niece of Peter the Great, Princess Praskovya, it only passed into the possession of the Yusupovs in 1830. But, since then, he is associated only with this legendary surname. This palace is the site of the assassination of Grigory Rasputin.

Li River (China)

Another beautiful place in China is the Li River. This is one of the most picturesque water bodies on our planet. Starting as a small stream in the Mao'er Mountains, it runs like a "silk ribbon" through the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region of China. The locals call this Lijiang River. It is recognized as the cleanest river in the Middle Kingdom. Its main attribute is the majestic karst giants. They were formed with the help of water and wind over many centuries. These mountain formations have poetic names and attract tourists from many countries of the world with their beauty.

You can enjoy the beauty of the Lijiang River with the help of a cruise ship or using the service of local "gondoliers".

Meteora monastery complex (Greece)

There are many amazing places in our world. If we talk about architectural monuments, then most of them are in Greece. This country, which became the ancestor of modern Europe, is proud of its legendary "ruins". But the monasteries of Meteora are no less popular. Them main feature in an amazing position: they crown high peaks mountains of Thessaly.

Christian hermits hid in the mountains from Albanians, Turks and ordinary robbers. Over time, students gathered around them, who built monasteries of amazing beauty and resembling the nests of huge birds for themselves and their teachers. The word "Meteora" is translated as "soaring in the air."

Mount Erebus (Antarctica)

Erebus volcano is one of the most interesting places in the world. It is famous for the fact that on its territory you can observe a lake of real lava. This natural phenomenon is unique. The volcano was named after the ship of the expedition, James Clark Ross, who discovered this natural phenomenon. The glow of this volcano attracts everyone who travels on Lake Ross. He is kind of calling card Antarctica.

Rice Terraces (Philippines)

The list of the most interesting places in the world must be continued rice terraces Philippines. They are even called the eighth miracle of counting. And this is not surprising. These man-made gardens were built by the ancestors of today's locals over 2,000 years ago. Plowed, multi-level fields not only fed the Ifuago people, but were also an excellent defensive structure.

Union of Fire and Ice (Kamchatka - Russia)

Talking about interesting places x on Earth, one cannot ignore Kamchatka. On the territory of this peninsula, you can find 28 operating and 160 extinct volcanoes. If you want to climb fire-breathing mountains, watch salmon spawning and see the world's largest bears, then be sure to go and temper your spirit with the help of Kamchatka. The amazing places of nature of this place are conducive to hiking, extreme and sea tourism.

Death Valley (USA)

Another natural monument is the Valley of Death. It must be included in all lists of interesting places in the world. Let's not get around this unique place And we. Formed many thousands of years ago at the bottom of the sea, this valley is striking in its natural phenomena. Here, literally, stones walk. Leaving bizarre footprints on the petrified mud. But, if you decide to get here, then you need to prepare for the intense heat. During the day, the temperature here rarely falls below 50 degrees.

Guam Gorge (Russia)

The gorge is located in the upper reaches of the Kurdzhips River in Krasnodar Territory. The natural beauty of this gorge attracts tourists all year round. But, here you can do not only the contemplation of the magnificent flora and fauna, but also extreme tourism. Rock climbing is especially highly developed in the Gum Gorge.

Beach with caves near the Algarve (Portugal)

One of the most amazing places in the world, no doubt, are the Portuguese caves, which are located in the very southern province countries of port wine and homeland of Cristiano Ronaldo. The most famous of them is the Algarve de Benagil cave. She is called the most beautiful cave in the world. Wind and sea water - these two creators have created a magnificent example of one of the best travel destinations in the world.

Sagano Bamboo Grove (Japan)

The beauty of the country rising sun many of us associate with cherry blossoms. In this country, even special tours are being created, with the help of which you can observe the alternate flowering of this plant in all provinces of Japan. But, another, no less popular symbol of Japan is bamboo forest Sagano. Looking through the photos of the most beautiful and amazing places in the world, you will definitely find several images of a picturesque grove of evergreen bamboos there.

These majestic plants, when blown by the wind, make sounds reminiscent of the popular wind chimes. This beautiful park was created in the XIV century by the order of the monk Muso Soseki.

The nature of Sokotora seems like a setting for science fiction films. Charming vegetation, many of which are unique to this island, divine beaches and silence. This is just what you need for happiness and a serene paradise vacation.

Lake Baskunchak (Russia)

He is called the most salt lake in the world. In terms of salinity, Baskunchak exceeds the famous Dead Sea. This reservoir is located in the Akhtubinsky district Astrakhan region. Not far from this lake is the Baskunchakskaya cave. Its one and a half kilometer length attracts speleologists.

How wonderful it would be to see all the most beautiful places in the world with your own eyes! This would take far from a single year of travel, because there are countless incredible corners of nature. We are ready to arrange this an unforgettable tour and collected for you the most best places breathtaking and heartbreaking.

Marble Caves, Chile

Who once saw marble caves, he will never forget this delightful spectacle created by the careless breath of nature. It is not for nothing that the caves are included in the TOP 10 beautiful places in the world, because it is very difficult to overestimate their miraculous magic. Chileans call this place the Marble Cathedral, it is located in the waters of Lake General Carrera on the border of Chile and Argentina. Getting to the caves is not so easy, but those who have mastered this path will find an incredible gift in the form of intricate labyrinths of blue rocks. Marble vaults are reflected in the sky-turquoise surface of the lake, creating an indescribable play of shades. At different times, the caves look different: the sun's rays create an atmosphere of radiant warmth under the dome of the caves, and on cloudy days a mysterious twilight reigns here.

Arizona wave, USA

Beautiful unusual places the world should definitely be supplemented with such a miracle of nature as the Arizona wave. To get here, you need to overcome the difficult path through the lifeless desert on the border of the states of Arizona and Utah. Traveling surrounded by sandy mountains revives in the mind the bizarre images of fantastic creatures that are closely watching each traveler. And the closer to the Wave, the more clearly the feeling of unreality of what is happening becomes. The culmination of the hike is 4 rocks with a common base, frozen in bizarre undulating shapes. Greatness here is intertwined with fragility, because any careless intervention can destroy this masterpiece of nature, consisting of soft sandstone. To keep the best beautiful places in the world from disappearing, only 20 people a day are allowed on the Arizona wave. One can only imagine what excitement is going on around the picturesque sandy cliffs.

Crystal River, Colombia

An impressionist masterpiece that joined the ranks of the TOP 10 most beautiful places in the world is the Caño Cristales River in Colombia. Translated from Spanish - "crystal stream". It is also called the “river of 5 colors”, at different times the water in the river turns black, red, blue, green and yellow. To be more precise, it is not the water itself that changes color, but the algae in it. Because of the amazing purity and transparency, not a single secret river life not hidden from the prying eyes of travelers. A particularly vibrant palette rages here from April to November, when the sun's rays add saturation to the already colorful colors.

Fly Geyser, USA

Unlike other TOP most beautiful places in the world, the Fly geyser was formed with the direct participation of man. In 1916, work began on drilling a well in the Black Rock Salt Desert in Nevada. Groundwater in these places is in close proximity to magma, which heats them to a boiling state. Apparently, the workers did not take into account the fact that boiling water would fill the cracks leading to the surface of the earth and burst out in jets of hot fountains. This happened 50 years after the completion of drilling operations. In addition, mineral-rich water began to create bizarre landscape formations among desert swamps and lakes. As a result, today you can observe a unique spectacle of three multi-colored rocks and fountains spouting from them, rising to a height of up to 3.5 meters - this is the Fly geyser. Unearthly feelings envelop next to this truly alien miracle, as if fallen to Earth from Mars or Venus.

Great Blue Hole, Belize

in the middle azure waters The Atlantic Ocean, on the territory of the state of Belize, surrounded by incredibly beautiful coral reefs, there is a portal to the abyss. This is how the Big blue hole about 300 meters in diameter. Its depth is much greater than the depth of the ocean in these places, so the water here has a rich blue color. This one of the 10 beautiful places in the world attracts extreme divers who are eager to penetrate the deep secrets of the Great Blue Hole. But she very zealously guards her borders and is fraught with a lot of danger.

Giant Crystal Cave, Mexico

More recently, the most beautiful and amazing places in the world have replenished with another unique natural object. In 2000, in the Mexican state of Chihuahua, on the territory of the Nike mine, a unique cave was discovered with huge rare crystals of selenite, also known as moonstone. It was named after the moon goddess Selene because of its soft bluish glow. Beautiful selenite jewelry can be seen in many places, and huge crystals 15 meters long can be seen only in the Nike cave. They were formed as a result of the combined efforts of thermal waters saturated with minerals and 100% humidity that prevails in the cave. It is impossible to stay here for more than 10-15 minutes due to strong fumes harmful to the body and high temperature.

Enchanted Well, Brazil

In one of the caves national park Chapada Diamantina in the state of Bahia is another one of the 10 most beautiful places in the world. It is not only divinely beautiful, but really justifies its name - the Enchanted Well. At the very bottom of the cave, at a depth of 80 meters, a small pond with the purest blue water inaudibly hid. The water is so transparent that it allows you to see the smallest particles of the stone bottom. But the fun begins around noon, when tiny echoes of the sun's rays seep through the cracks in the cave walls and fill the lake with a soft blue glow. The whole well seems to fall into an unearthly trance, drowning in mysterious light. To preserve this wonder of nature, local authorities have limited access to the lake and banned swimming in it.

Solar de Uyuni Salt Flat, Bolivia

In the foothills of the Andes in southwestern Bolivia, at an altitude of 3560 meters above sea level, there is a dried-up lake Uyuni - the largest salt marsh and the most beautiful places for recreation in the world. The huge white expanse occupies an area of ​​more than 10 square kilometers and goes far beyond the horizon. A special luxury is to see the lake during the rainy season, from November to March, when its surface is covered with a thin layer of water. The horizon line is completely erased, the salt marsh merges with the sky, taking away the wild imagination of travelers from reality. Knowing about this natural wealth, local residents built several salt hotels near Uyuni. True, with a warning that licking walls and interior items is not recommended.

Bend of the Colorado River, USA

It is often quite difficult to get to the most beautiful places in the world, nature carefully protects its creations from external encroachments. But with the "horseshoe" Colorado is different. Not far from the city of Page, Arizona, just 1 km from a car park, Glen Canyon drops sharply down. At its bottom, you can see the mirror surface of the Colorado River, as if encircling a small piece of land. A particularly beautiful sight is born here in the pre-sunset time, when the slopes of the canyon shine with gold, and the shadow from them saturates the waters of Colorado with a bright blue tint.

Lake Kliluk, Canada

At the sight of the spotty Lake Kliluk, you are once again amazed at the boundless imagination of nature, capable of creating such miracles. This unique reservoir is located near the border with the United States, in the province British Columbia. Literally its entire surface is strewn with spots of various colors: yellow, greenish, turquoise, blue, gray. They were formed as a result of a large concentration of minerals in the lake, and make you want to flutter from one to another like a weightless butterfly. But it was not there. It is possible to admire the spotty phenomenon only from afar, since the lake officially belongs to an Indian tribe and is considered sacred by them. You can even approach its shore only with the permission of the Indian leader, and this requires quite good reasons.

And now our small but very eventful tour of the TOP of the most amazing and beautiful places in the world has come to an end. Incredible and delightful corners of nature there are still a lot on the planet, and you have every chance not only to read interesting and useful information but also see it live. After all, there is nothing in the world more exciting, exciting and fertile than travel.

We live on a beautiful planet, where we are surrounded by such places, the beauty of which is breathtaking. Traveling around the world, we can admire the beauty of our nature and the impressions that we get from what we see will remain in our memory forever. This is why it is worth traveling. It is a pity that not everyone has such an opportunity. Therefore, we decided to briefly immerse you in the atmosphere of beauty and introduce you to some of the impressive beauty of our vast world. So, we present to your attention the ten most beautiful places on earth.

big blue hole Belize

Somewhere in the middle of Lighthouse Reef, Atlantic Ocean, the Great Blue Hole is located. Why was she so called? Probably because the depth of this hole is more than 120 meters, and the diameter is approximately 300 meters. Impressive, isn't it? We learned about the ancient water formation thanks to Jacques Yves Cousteau. This place attracts divers from all over the world with its beauty, but many died in this bottomless abyss of water. The danger that the “Great Blue Hole” hides within itself is not an obstacle for most travelers.


The beauty of it amazing place truly admires. Who would have thought, but this geyser arose thanks to man. Once a well was drilled in its place, then, after some time, hot water managed to break out of its habitat. Under the constant influence of hot water, various minerals gradually began to dissolve, which created such a unique geyser. Now it reaches 1.5 meters, but that's not all, because the Fly geyser is still growing. It's just amazing!


One of the most amazing rivers in the whole world is in Colombia. Its name is Crystal, but the local population prefers to call it in its own way, namely the “River of Five Flowers” ​​or “The River that Escaped from Paradise”. And the locals do not lie, there are indeed five primary colors in the river: black, green, red, blue and yellow. And all thanks to the underwater inhabitants, they are the reason that the river has colorful, pronounced shades.

Bend in the Colorado River USA

This natural formation is located 8 kilometers downstream from the Glen Canyon Dam and Lake Powell, near the city of Page, Arizona, in the USA. The riverbed bends intricately, forming a shape that looks like a horseshoe.


This ancient rock formation looks very beautiful, as if a talented artist painted it by hand. To get to this place, you need to make a lot of effort. Why? It's all about the fragility of these mountains. Since they are made of soft sandstone, careless human intervention can simply destroy them. Therefore, no more than 20 people can visit here per day. Vouchers for visiting these unusual mountains are played out at.


This cave was found relatively recently, in 2000. Where is this miracle of nature located? In Mexico, namely in the city with the fancy name of Chihuahua. What makes the "Crystal Cave" unique in its kind? First - the depth, the cave reaches 300 meters deep. Secondly - crystals, their greatest length reaches 15 meters, and a width of 1.5 meters. The conditions prevailing in the cave, namely, air humidity of 100% and a temperature of 60 degrees, could lead to the emergence of such crystals.

Salar de Uyuni Bolivia

The Uyuni salt marsh is a huge salt field, formed as a result of the drying up of the lake. Located in Bolivia, near Lake Titicaca. The beauty of this amazing place is amazing, especially when it rains, at this time the entire salt marsh becomes a mirror and it seems as if the surface of the earth does not exist.


In the city of Osoyoos, in Canada, there is a truly extraordinary lake - Kliluk. It is also called spotted lake. Why? Because thanks to the minerals contained in this miracle lake, the water becomes spotty. From a distance, the lake looks more like a tile of stones. The thing is that when the temperature rises, the water dries, and due to this, stains form. The change in color depends on what the mineral composition of the lake is at a given period of time.


In Brazil, namely in the state of Bahia, you can find the “Enchanted Well”. This well is located at the very bottom of a deep cave, the height of which is 80 meters. The well itself is 37 meters deep. The water of this well is crystal clear and transparent, you can even look at the bottom in great detail. This mysterious corner really enchants with its beauty, the play of light gives the water a bluish tint. The entire water surface shimmers, creating a colorful spectacle.


The Marble Caves are one of the most popular attractions in Chile. Caves are located on one of. The material that makes up the caves contains a large number of limestone rocks, which contributed to the emergence of colorful landscapes with a predominance of shades of blue. For fans of diving "Marble Caves" will be a real find.

In this video you can feel the whole atmosphere of these amazing caves:

Of course, not everyone has the opportunity to visit these places. But besides them, there are quite a few others on our planet that are beautiful and unique in their own way. It is worth taking a closer look and maybe in your city you can find the same wonderful places created by nature itself.