Beautiful and unusual places of the world. The most interesting and beautiful places on planet earth

Our world is beautiful and amazing, it is full of mysteries and picturesque places that are worth seeing at least once in your life.

In today's article we offer a selection of twenty of the most beautiful places on the planet that will not leave anyone indifferent.

Sea of ​​Stars (Maldives)

On the island of Vaathu, after sunset, an amazing sight appears - the surface of the sea turns into hundreds of glowing stars. This effect is called bioluminescence. Energy is released from animal organisms in the form of luminous points.

Great Water Hole (Blue Hole) (Belize)

The Great Blue Hole attracts not only tourists and divers from all over the world, but also researchers. It became popular thanks to Jacques-Yves Cousteau. It was created by nature and has the shape of a funnel (305x150 meters).

This beautiful and amazing place awaits visitors in Central America in the country of Belize.

Mountain stream cave (Vietnam)

Beautiful cave located in Quang Binh province. Its length is 6 kilometers (the longest in the world). One of its sections reaches a height of 200 meters and a width of 150 meters. Some of its zones are so spacious that a small settlement could easily fit in them.

Colorful rocks of Zhangye Danxia (China)

In the small Chinese province of Gansu there are rocks formed around the Mesozoic era (145 - 66 million years ago). The majestic and picturesque cliffs consist of sedimentary rocks (conglomerates) and red sandstones.

Their peculiarity is that they are multi-colored. They combine red, orange, yellow, purple, blue, gray and other colors. From a distance they look like colorful Asian spices. This unique natural creation is included in the World Heritage List.

Hitachi Seaside Park (Japan)

Luxurious park is located in the city of Hitachinaka. It was opened in the early 90s on the site of an inactive American military base. Today the park area is 120 hectares.

While in Hitachi you can see the vastness Pacific Ocean, but this is not its main highlight. The park is fragrant with daffodils, sakura, tulips, poppies and lilies.

Swing “End of the World” (Ecuador)

The "End of the World" swing is considered one of the most extreme swings in the world. They are located in the mountains in the city of Banos. The extreme thing is that they are located above a considerable abyss at an altitude of 2,660 meters. While riding on them, you can admire the majestic and picturesque view Andes.

Ice cave under a glacier (USA)

In Alaska, in a glacier 12 km long there is ice cave. Its peculiarity is that every year it changes its appearance. The ice in the cave is gradually melting, resulting in springs appearing.

Mount Roraima (Guyana, Brazil, Venezuela)

This unique mountain is located in South America at the intersection of three states.

The most high point The mountain is located at an altitude of 2,723 meters, and the flat surface of one of the peaks occupies about 34 square kilometers. The local population believes that this sacred place, and the Indians called it “The Navel of the Earth.”

Victoria Falls (Zambia and Zimbabwe)

The uniqueness of the waterfall is not only in its beauty. It is one of the highest and widest waterfalls in the world (height is 1000 meters and width is more than 1 kilometer). Tourists are allowed to walk along its edge.

Victoria Falls is one of the main attractions in South Africa.

Fingal's Cave (Scotland)

The clear shape of the cave leads many to believe that it was created by people. But in fact, it was formed by nature during the Paleocene era during lava flows.

The surf in a duet with the cave creates musical sounds reminiscent of an organ melody.

Troll Tongue (Norway)

The Troll's tongue refers to a ledge in the Skjeggedal rock. “The Tongue” is located 350 meters above the picturesque lake Ringedalsvatn. The ledge is regularly visited by extreme sports enthusiasts and curious tourists. Getting there is not an easy task, as the ascent will take 5 hours.

Cappadocia (Türkiye)

According to scientists, volcanic formations with picturesque canyons, caves and dungeons were formed back in the 5th millennium BC. Cappadocia is considered one of the most famous and popular tourist centers.

Flights are very popular at this location. balloons. Tourists from all over the world come here to take to the skies at dawn. hot-air balloon and see beautiful landscapes from a bird's eye view.

Snow-white beaches of the Holy Trinity (Australia)

Are located snow-white beaches in the Holy Trinity Archipelago. Scientists suggest that they were formed over millions of years when sea sand hit the shore.

Grand Canyon (USA)

The canyon is located in the state of Arizona (USA) within the National Park. It is included in the UNESCO list and is considered one of the wonders of nature. Its terracotta hills attract not only tourists, but also world-famous directors for filming films.

Tulip fields (Netherlands)

From the second half of April until May 10, tulip fields are fragrant in the Netherlands. From a bird's eye view, flowers create an incredible kaleidoscope of colors. White, yellow, red, purple and even blue tulips attract tourists from all over the world. The most large fields are located near the shore of the North Sea and not far from Amsterdam on the site of a dry lake.

Marble caves (Chile, Argentina)

The marble caves appeared under the influence of natural phenomena and were polished by the waves of the sea. The process of their formation began 6,000 years ago. You can admire this natural beauty at Lake Buenos Aires.

Tunnel of Love (Ukraine)

In the Rivne region in a small locality Klevan is a tunnel of love fragrant with greenery. It was formed as a result of the interweaving of tree branches and bushes in the shape of a tunnel and has become a favorite place for couples and wedding photo shoots.

Enchanted Well (Brazil)

In Bahia (state of Brazil in the northeast) in the National Park is located unique well. Its depth is 36 meters and at the same time small stones are visible at its bottom.

When the sun begins to shine into the well, it becomes a deep blue color. Tourists are advised to watch the spectacle in June and July around noon.

Antelope Canyon (USA)

The canyon is located near the town of Page, Arizona. It became known as Antelope Canyon because its colors resemble the skin of this animal. It was formed over hundreds of years under the influence of wind and water.

Salar de Uyuni (Bolivia)

Uyuni is a dry lake near the desert in Bolivia. It is located at an altitude of 3,650 meters. When it rains, the surface of the salt marsh becomes mirror-like and even allows you to tune satellites.

Uyuni has become last refuge for retired steam locomotives that have been resting there for about 60 years.

From bold and vibrant to sublime and deserted, here is a list of the most beautiful places in the world. All these amazing places will be located in no particular order, since it is hardly possible to objectively assess how much more beautiful one place is than another.
If it is not possible to travel live, you can do virtual tour to the most beautiful places on our planet!

Let's start with famous lake Uyuni (Salar de Uyuni), the largest salt marsh in the world, where after the rain a very interesting mirror effect is created. Uyuni is very popular among tourists and travelers; there is even a hotel built entirely from salt.

Beautiful ancient temple Angkor Wat in Cambodia, the country's most famous tourist attraction.

Among the attractions of Iceland, the most prominent Blue Lagoon, one of the most beautiful places in the world. These are natural thermal springs with very hot water.

The dream of many tourists Maldives. Real tropical paradise on Earth, the photographs of which are in themselves delightful. Well, if you still decide to go here and see everything with your own eyes, then the hottest impressions of your life will be simply guaranteed.

Yellowstone National Park is famous not only in the United States of America. This is one of the largest parks in the world, where many of the most beautiful geysers on the planet are located.

Glass Beach California in the USA is unique in its nature. It consists of thousands of small pieces of glass, sharpened by waves to a completely smooth state. The reason for this was a waste dump that once existed here. As a result, nature took its toll and pushed out the mountains of garbage, leaving only this beauty. Now the beach is under state protection.

We head to the other end of the planet, to Turkey, where we will visit the hot springs of Pamukkale, located on rocky terraces of a mysterious shape. This place, like most others on our list, is on the list World Heritage UNESCO.

The place where lava meets the ocean, Big Island in Hawaii. A unique natural phenomenon that is rarely seen anywhere, hot lava enters the cool ocean waters and cools forever.

In the middle of the list of the most beautiful places on the planet is St. Lucia, a luxurious tropical island and the country of the same name, part of the Caribbean archipelago.

Another representative of the colored cities of our planet is Santorini in Greece. Recognizable blue and white houses are located right on the cliffs by the sea.

A representative of numerous castles in the world, one of the most beautiful castles Germany - Neuschwanstein. The majestic castle of the kings, more like a fairy-tale structure.

Marble Caves in Chile ( Marble Caves Chile). Thanks to the marble, the water here appears perfectly blue. All this is achieved thanks to the reflection of light and marble.

The largest fort in India looks like it is lost in time. Among the attractions of India, Chittorgarh Fort is rarely mentioned, however, in its beauty and grandeur it is not inferior to other beautiful places in the world.

We move again to Europe to see a settlement called Giethoorn in the Netherlands. It is also called the place where there are no roads. All houses here are accessible only through special channels by boat.

Another representative of Iceland on our list is the Crystal Caves. These are amazing ice caves that are dangerous to visit in summer but attract many visitors in winter.

Beauty is considered a purely subjective concept, however, contemplating the most beautiful places in the world that nature has worked on, we can come to the realization of the fact that the real natural beauty that surrounds us should not go unnoticed. Traditional tourist routes Usually, even a small part of the world that is created thanks to the most talented “architects”, which are nature and time, is not covered. Detailed review amazing in terms of aesthetics and unique features landscapes of places on the planet will make it possible to understand what the true beauty of the universe is.

First place - Bolivia. The beauty of Lake Uyuni

Perhaps we should start our top with this unique salt lake, occupying the largest area in the world. Many people call this Uyuni a place where time slows down. Surprising is the fact that the surface of the lake can be crossed on foot. During the rainy season, Uyuni undergoes some changes, eventually becoming a large-scale mirror square very beautiful view. At a distance of three kilometers from the city, which bears the same name, there is a cemetery, which was the last stop for a large number of steam locomotives, which in the old days served as Vehicle designed for transporting various minerals (they were mined in local mines).

The salt marsh surface represents a completely optimal alternative to the expanses of the ocean in terms of such important aspects as checking and adjusting the operation of instruments designed to carry out the sensing process using satellites that are in earth orbit. The territory of the lake is occupied by entire islands, the main flora of which are cacti. This spectacle is incredibly controversial, but at the same time so amazing that it will definitely need to be captured with a camera.

Second place – Cinque Terre

A place called Cinque Terre is considered the most beautiful national park in Italy, which located in the eastern part of the Riviera. This beautiful place, how the Cinque Terre is filled with the spirit of the Middle Ages in Italy. The territory is occupied by about five small villages, architectural features which are presented in the form of protective buildings erected back in the days when pirate raids were often carried out in this area. A reliable level of land protection was ensured thanks to the rocky coastline, which combines unforgettable beauty and serious danger at the same time.

Such a beautiful corner is filled with romance. Tourists can see many rocky beaches and narrow paths. One such trail is called the “road of love”, and there are also many legends associated with it, which feature the most noble and temperamental representatives of Europe.

Third place - Pamukkale

Now, perhaps, it is worth turning to the southwestern part of Turkey, which is characterized by a unique and a magnificent geological phenomenon - calcareous tuff, or rather the rocky terrain created on the basis of this natural material. This place is the main source of streams that cascade down massive stone steps. Many waterfalls and unique pools are formed here, characterized by an unusual origin. Cotton castle - this is the poetic name given to the amazing landscape by the residents themselves. Thanks to thermal springs and the natural terraces of Pamukkale, located at the mountain foot, create an excellent view that attracts many tourists to this area every year. This picture appears to be a storehouse of water, saturated with a large amount of calcium, against the general background of an excellent landscape, which is represented in white tones.

Fourth place – Yunnan rice terraces

Another simply stunningly beautiful place on the planet is the territory of rice fields, which is located in China. This area is located in the mountainous regions of the province called Yunnan. The extent of the terraces is characterized by several tens of kilometers, exactly repeating the bend of the general relief. The general uniqueness of this area lies in the basic nature of the ecological type system, which was formed in an independent way. Rice is planted when February comes, because during this period the soil is renewed thanks to the mountain mines. The beginning of the autumn period is considered the time when residents begin to harvest. The tourism season begins at the end of autumn, continuing until spring. It is during this time period that natural terraces become the main object of tourist attention, striking primarily with the mirror type of surface that reflects the rays of the sun, while creating a beautiful color spectrum.

Fifth place - the beauty of the blue hole in Belize

The central part of the atoll (one of the many objects belonging to the coral barrier reef near the coast of Belize) is represented by the most beautiful landscape - a blue hole, which appears in the form of a cave disappearing somewhere in the depths. A natural phenomenon of a natural nature is very common, but this particular abyss has particularly incredible dimensions (the depth level is about one hundred and twenty meters, and the diameter of the cave is about three hundred meters). Extreme divers are especially attracted to this place. A deep-sea cave can become a real paradise for people who have turned diving into the real meaning of life. Jacques Cousteau carried out large-scale research here, which brought enormous popularity to this area in the future.

Sixth place - beautiful views of the Arizona wave

Near the border separating the states of Arizona and Utah, there is a plateau on which there are sand rocks of incredibly beautiful shapes, which are called waves, due to the funny uneven shapes and highly saturated colors. In order to get there amazing place professional photographers have to go through a difficult journey: there is no smooth road in such an area. The creation of the unique structure of the magnificent landscape took place over a long period of time through the transformation of dunes from sand into hard rock.

Seventh place - features of Jiuzhaigou National Park

In the southeast of China is the territory of Sichuan Province, which attracts a huge number of tourists. And all thanks to the beautiful Jiuzhaigou Nature Reserve, which occupies the server of the region. It represents a unique natural object, which is under the strictest security. Waterfalls and lakes in large numbers are hidden from curious tourists by the mountain ranges of Tibet. These waters are called colored because they contain a special composition.

Not every person is able to get to this reserve, however, not so long ago mountainous region acquired an airport that provides the opportunity to get to this area directly from Shanghai. In order for tourists to feel maximum comfort in this area, local workers improved the trails in the mountains.

In the old days, the area was occupied by nine separate settlements.

Eighth place – Features of Plitvice Lakes

The territory of Croatia, which is considered very mysterious and colorful edge. First of all, I would like to address the Plitvice Lakes, which are located in a large national state park. The nature of the surrounding nature sets a mystical atmosphere. The park is surrounded by very dense impenetrable forests, which local residents They call it "Devil's Forest".

Almost each of the sixteen lakes is located within a mountain valley. There is a connection between them, which is why, thanks to the purest mountain streams, grandiose noisy fountains are formed. From year to year there are more and more waterfalls, because the water causes destruction to the limestone rocks. The total area of ​​the water area is about two square kilometers. The location of the waterfalls themselves is observed at different levels. Thanks to the reservoirs, two picturesque complexes are formed - the Upper Lakes and the Lower Lakes.

Ninth place - Features of the Valley of 10 Peaks. Canada

Canada is considered a harsh land, but incredibly attractive due to the beauty of the “cold” nature. There is one located here beautiful place, standing out for its incredible natural beauty, which is called the valley of “10 peaks”, which is located right at the very foot of 10 mountains, bearing the same name Vekchkemna. This area is located not so far from the famous Moraine Lake, which is of glacial origin. In this area, workers laid hiking trails in very large quantities, which provide an opportunity to give a real assessment of a local attraction. There is one mountain that has a very fancy name - “twenty dollars”, because for some time an image of an identical nature was imprinted on the surface of a bill that has the same denomination.

Tenth place – impressive views of Mount Roraima

The beautiful mountain is a kind of symbol characterizing the neighborhood of states South America– Venezuela and Brazil. Roraima represents mountain ranges, located in a very long chain, which rise directly above the wilds of the great Amazon. This area gained great popularity at the time when Conan Doyle’s novel appeared, which told about a time era when our planet was inhabited by dinosaurs who chose mountain ranges. Thanks to the unusual landscape and unique atmosphere, this territory creates a character of complete detachment from the real world around us, representing an inexhaustible source of inspiration for many literary figures.

Eleventh place - the territory of the Maldives

A huge archipelago containing many (more than 1000) small islands, considered individually a real tourist paradise, located in the area Indian Ocean. Water with a turquoise tint, an area of ​​sandy white beaches, exotic fruits - all this great diversity is contained in the Maldives. This area is considered ideal and simply heavenly to spend winter or summer holidays, actively have fun or spend a honeymoon.

Here anyone can go diving and bring this type of leisure activity to perfection, because the level of visibility under the water surface is almost perfect. You can also visit some uninhabited islands, which can be perfect for privacy and romantic dates.

Many people believe that now there are no more places on our planet that can be called the most beautiful. Such a statement could only be made by a person who has no idea that planet Earth is rich in truly beautiful natural places and creations. Moreover, they were created both by Mother Nature and by the activities of people themselves.

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Of course, making any ranking of the most beautiful places in the world is quite problematic, since it is impossible to talk about every amazingly beautiful place on the planet. In addition, the very meaning of the word “beauty” is extremely subjective. True, there are amazing corners that are distinguished not only by their picturesque beauty, but also by their worldwide fame. These will be discussed in today's article.

Grand Canyon

Today, the Grand Canyon is without a doubt a miracle of nature, beautifully explored and studied by scientists. The moment of its supposed formation falls on a period of time more than 100 centuries ago. At that time, it was a plain formed of shale, sand and limestone rock, through which the Colorado River flowed. Under the pressure of natural influence, the plain began to rise, while the river washed away unsolid rocks, forming the outlines of the current miracle of nature.

And today the Colorado, flowing at an intensity of 20 km/h in 24 hours, washes away about 500 thousand tons of mountain layers, giving the water a muddy, red tint. In the region climatic conditions not identical. From above the temperature is +150, while from below the soil surface heats up to +400. The color scheme of the Grand Canyon is the most diverse. The palette of colors varies from purple-brown, black to bluish-gray, pale pink.

True, you can only appreciate the beauty of the canyon by being next to it. It should be noted that there is not a single bridge across the gorge. Therefore, anyone wishing to move from North Rim Headquarters to the village located on the southern side of the canyon (the distance between them is no more than 19 km) will be forced to travel over 322 km.

Great Barrier Reef

To one of the most beautiful places our planet also includes the Australian Great barrier reef. In addition, it has a place of honor on the UNESCO World Heritage List. The structure of the reef “metropolis” is composed of coral formations that provide the creation of an amazing combination of its inhabitants. The rarest dolphins and whales, green turtles and a large number of a wide variety of mollusks.

The Australian reef is the largest coral organism. It is located in the northeastern region of the coast of Australia and stretches along the length of the continental shelf for 2.3 thousand km. The width in the northern part is 2 km, while in the southern part it is about 150 km. Australia is proud of this famous and very beautiful place, attracting a huge number of tourists from every corner of the planet.

The Great Barrier Reef is home to billions of tiny microorganisms called polyps. Moreover, the result of their vital activity is noticeable even from space. This coral ecosystem is represented by 2.9 thousand isolated reef formations and 900 islets. The area of ​​this work of art is 348,698 km².

Cape Town

The settlement rightfully belongs to the best corner of the earth and at the same time the most beautiful city. Cape Town is surrounded by mountain ranges, while natural beauty can amaze the most unimpressive imagination. At the end of the day, the light show is further evidence that Cape Town is truly one of the most amazing places on earth.

In the city center you can observe the accumulation of traditions of the English colonies. It is filled with mansions made in the Old Dutch style and buildings of the Victorian era. But Table Mountain is more popular among tourists. This miracle of nature has a flat top located at an altitude of 1 km. It is the biggest attraction in Cape Town and a completely free training ground for rock climbers.

Taj Mahal

Of course, we cannot ignore the masterpiece Taj Mahal and include it in the Top 10 most amazing corners of the planet. The mausoleum was built over 20 years in Agra. The structure is quite symbolic and imbued with the most beautiful feeling - after all, white marble slabs, considered an emblem of love, were used for its construction.

The Taj Mahal was built according to the standard Persian style and is a complex of magnificent, rich buildings made of white marble. The main place is given directly to the mausoleum, located in the center of the site.

It is made in a cubic shape with cut corners, and is crowned with a giant dome. The Taj Mahal is built on a square base, with tall minarets on 4 corners. Inside, this miracle has a significant number of halls and rooms, which are decorated with mosaics, paintings of ornate ornaments and subtle patterns.

Rokis Mountains

Another wonderful place worthy of mention is in Canada. Moreover, the landmark was formed only through the efforts of the natural elements themselves. This miracle is called the Rokis Mountains. On their area there are 6 national parks, where there are monuments included in the UNESCO list. The mountain range includes amazing cave and canyon formations, waterfalls and lakes of amazing beauty.

The Rockies Mountains are part of the Pacific Cordillera. The highest elevation of the ridge is Mount Robson, because... its height is 3954 m, while the lowest point is Mount Liard with a height of 305 m. The length of the mountain range is 603 km, stretching from north to south of Canada. The total area of ​​the ridge is 93409 m2.

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the most striking structures of the ancient American peoples, a stunning archaeological ruin located in what is now Peru. Machu Picchu, or otherwise known as the “Lost City,” is on the UNESCO list, and in 2007 received the status of a New Wonder of the World. Opening time " Lost City" occurred in 1911 and was accomplished by Hiram Bingham from Yale University.

But the name of the city is hidden in ancient times to this day. Machu Picchu is Mountain peak, located near this miracle. Only a select few could enter the fortress. Priests, high nobility, servants and artisans lived here. Basically, the place served as an abode for mamakunas - selected virgins, whose whole life was devoted to serving the Sun deity.

“The Lost City” consists of sectors of dungeons, cemeteries, temples and a residential area. In total the city has about two hundred buildings. In the center of the city rises the Temple of the Sun - Intihuatan. Moreover, this sacred place of the highest deity of the Incas has been preserved to this day in a single copy.

Valley of the Pyramids in Giza

A list of the most beautiful and amazing places on earth would be incomplete without mentioning the Valley of the Pyramids at Giza. Acquainted with greatest buildings we were able to do it from the school history curriculum. However, the secret of building the pyramids is still unknown today. Scientific community Truths are being revealed more and more regularly, indicating the impossibility of erecting these structures only with human hands.

Now these pyramids are among the most amazing and important architectural monument ancient Egyptian people. It’s not for nothing that they are on the list of “New Seven Wonders of the World”. The ancient complex is represented by three of the most large pyramids– The Pyramid of Cheops, which is also a surviving miracle from the list of “Seven Wonders of the World.”

The complex is also represented by the pyramids of Khafre and Minkaura and the pyramids of the queens, Great Sphinx and valleys. The three main pyramids were built by the ancient people of Egypt to bury the pharaohs. They are an impressive sight, since the pharaohs were distinguished by their love of grandeur and luxury.


Today Jordan has its main attraction - Petra, which millions of tourists from all over the world come to see. The architects who built the city unimaginably hollowed out caves in the rock, giving the dead stone the appearance of majestic temples and tombs. But in those days, there were no improved tools, while the technological level did not reach 50% of the modern one.

But people, with the help of their bare hands, were able to create real masterpieces that have survived centuries. According to legend, this was done by the Nabataeans, who were descendants of Shem, the world-famous son of Noah. In the 3rd century BC. They formed the state of Nabatean. The most important fortifications passed through its territory. economic development caravan routes of that time.

For this reason, the Nabataean state was an attractive piece of the pie for neighboring kingdoms, which led to regular attacks. However, the Nabateans not only repulsed all the attacks of the invaders, but also managed to subjugate part of Syria, maintaining independence even during the expansion of the strong Roman Empire. Petra appeared former capital ancient vanished state.

the great Wall of China

Another truly amazing point on our planet is the Great Chinese Wall, which is not only an incredible monument of Ancient China, but also its symbol. No wonder it is called the “Eighth Wonder of the World.” At the same time, this historical monument- the longest defensive structure, fraught with a large number of mysteries even today. Moreover, the structure is the subject of fierce debate among the scientific community.

According to some data, the length of the wall is 4 thousand km, while according to others it is 6 thousand km. The straight line has a length of 2450 km. True, it should be remembered that the wall is not a straight structure - it sometimes turns and sometimes bends. The average height of the wall is 6-7 m, with some places 10 m high. Its width is 6 m, i.e. 5 people can walk along the wall in one row, or even a small car can drive.


Amazing, with strikingly beautiful landscapes, Argentina annually attracts crowds of travelers and tourists from every corner of planet Earth. The country is very picturesque, while its pristine nature is protected by 29 National Parks.

And in the midst of this splendor, like a pearl of the first importance, grows National Park"Iguazu." Natural miracle is represented by 3 protected areas - “Talampaya” together with “Ischigualasto” in Cugno, “Los Glaciares” in the south in Patagonia and “Iguazu”, which are on the UNESCO heritage list.

Without a doubt, this is a global treasure. "Iguazu" is surrounded by subtropical rainforest and is formed in the northern part of Misiones, a province of Argentina. Three rivers flow through it - Iguazu, Uruguay and Paraná, forming the natural borders of the province. This interfluve is called Argentine Mesopotamia.

The most beautiful places in the world, video version

In conclusion, I would like to note that today, due to the destructive and sometimes barbaric attitude of humanity, many wonders of nature may completely disappear. Therefore, today we need to make every effort to preserve them for future generations.

The most beautiful places in the world have always attracted millions of tourists. Either high mountains or endless valleys, vast seas or historical Buildings. The sights of planet Earth are endless and an amusing trip. We have prepared the Top 20 most beautiful places in the world. Watch, discuss and share the post on in social networks with your friends!

20th place - Kungur Ice Cave, Russia

8th place - Faroe islands, Iceland-Norway

Located between Iceland and Norway. More than 50 thousand people live on the archipelago. total area The archipelago is 1400 sq. km, and includes 18 small islands, 17 of which have life. Even in the coldest month the temperature does not drop below 0 degrees. All tourists who come to this stunning place are offered: a unique landscape, green meadows, clouds, rocks and, of course, Atlantic Ocean. You will not find such beauties anywhere else!

7th place - Prioksko-Terrasny Nature Reserve, Russia

It is located 12 kilometers from the city of Serpukhov on the left bank of the Oka River. The territory of the Prioksko-Terrasny Reserve, with an area of ​​4945 hectares, is forested; it is located near the northern border of the mixed forest subzone. Here visitors can see a unique phenomenon - broad-leaved forests meet coniferous forests. Vacationers who come to this place will be able to see more than 960 higher species of plants. Visit the most beautiful places in Russia and this place should certainly be among them.

6th place - Yellowstone Volcano, USA

One of the most popular tourist attractions in the United States of America. Yellowstone National Park is cleverly located in three states at once: Idaho, Wyoming and Montana. The park is famous for its waterfalls, hot springs, rich flora and fauna. This reserve became a UNESCO World Heritage Site back in March 1872. Those who saw the most unusual places on Earth, Yellowstone is always placed in a special category.

5th place - Iguazu Falls, Brazil-Argentina

A real wonder of the world, which is located 20 km from the town of Puerto Iguazu. The legendary national park invites everyone to plunge into amazing world Amazonian forests with incredibly beautiful landscapes. A classic tour of the park is a short walk walk to the waterfalls. A boat ride along a stormy river - and you are already at the foot of the world-famous waterfalls, which you saw from above just half an hour ago.

4th place - Yosemite National Park, USA

The first American nature reserve, which is famous throughout the world for its unique pristine nature. The reserve with the highest waterfall is located in the state of California. In the territory national park Yosemite was where most of the films about Indians were filmed.

3rd place - Neuschwanstein Castle, Germany

This is a majestic structure, which is located near the town of Fussen in Bavaria. The amazing beauty of the mysterious castle literally at first sight enchants tourists with its magnetism. The castle was built in 1869 by Ludwig II, who wanted to recreate the era of chivalry. For the construction of this architectural masterpiece a record amount of money was spent - more than 6 million gold marks. After the death of the monarch, the castle was opened to the public, this was done in order to recoup at least part of the Money spent on construction.

2nd place - Niagara Falls, USA-Canada

Most famous waterfall in the USA and Canada. It is one of the most visited attractions North America. It got its name from the Indians who lived here, and is translated as “thundering water.” The width of the waterfall is 670 meters, the depth in the middle is about three meters, and the height is 51 meters. Every year 20 million tourists from all over the world come to admire the beauty of the waterfall. For maximum enjoyment of the beauty, tourists are offered observation decks, cable car, galleries and walking paths, and even a hot air balloon and helicopter tour.

1st place - Grand Canyon, USA

(Grand Canyon) is one of the oldest national parks in the United States of America. Picturesque corner is one of the most perfect creations of nature on Earth. It is located in the state of Arizona. Until the mid-16th century, the Grand Canyon was inhabited by a tribe of Pueblo Indians who lived in small cave dwellings. The Grand Canyon is huge tourist complex with numerous parking lots, slopes and overnight accommodations. Many people believe that this is the most beautiful place on earth!

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