Beach holiday in February: where can you relax by the sea? Where to go to the sea in February - an inexpensive beach holiday, without a visa, with a child. The best tourist destinations in March.

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When going on vacation in February 2020, many are wondering where to go on vacation. Most often, tourists are interested in where they can spend time at sea with their children and relax abroad without obtaining a visa. We offer you several countries where you can have a great time.

Countries where you can relax in February 2020

Winter in Russia lasts quite a long time, which is why many people want to go on vacation at this time at sea, and at the same time visit abroad without a visa. In order for tourists to choose where to go in February 2020, we offer countries with a visa-free regime.

Amazing holiday in Vietnam

Many tourists choose Vietnam. The country will please not only warm climate, but also a rich excursion program. At the end of winter in Vietnam you can enjoy the hot summer sun, as the air temperature is +32 degrees. The sea is also quite warm, the water temperature is +27. In the north of the country it is a little cooler, but there is no rain during this period of time.

The best resorts where tourists most often choose are Nha Trang, Saigon, Phu Quoc. If you like active holidays, then in Vietnam you can go diving, go on safari tours, visit a large number of excursion places.

You can go to Hanoi, walk along hiking trails, visit tea and coffee plantations.

It is interesting to see how the Vietnamese grow pearls.

If you go on vacation with children, you should think in advance about how you will entertain the kids. You should definitely visit the Vinpearl Land entertainment complex. There is everything to entertain children of all ages. If you choose Nha Trang as your holiday destination, you should definitely go to a specially equipped area - there are carousels, swings, and a sandbox.

Behind the Catholic Cathedral there is big park attractions. Roller coasters are especially popular with children. If you want your child to not only relax, but also learn something interesting, then be sure to go to the Oceanarium, which even has a whale skeleton.

Let's go to Sri Lanka

If you are looking for a peaceful holiday, then it is best to go to Sri Lanka. The country is unique, has ancient history, there are many monuments here historical heritage. Sri Lanka has large black tea plantations, and you can try it here. You should definitely visit the Spice Garden, which is located in Kandy, you can go to the Horton Plateau, there is a cliff here that is commonly called the End of the World.

It is convenient to relax in Sri Lanka with children. So, if your child is of preschool age, then they will not be charged for hotel accommodation. The best resorts where you can relax with a child are Argam Bay or Unawatuna.

Of course, it’s quite difficult for kids to sit still; they want to see something interesting other than the sea. Therefore, we suggest you visit the following places with your child:

  • Pinnawela elephant nursery. The nursery houses 50 adult elephants where they are cared for by professionals. You can not only take pictures with the animals, you can feed them. Therefore, do not forget to take bananas or something else tasty for the animal with you;
  • The turtle farm houses 8 species of turtles. The farm was created in order to preserve endangered species;
  • Take your child for a walk through the jungle. This is best done with a professional guide.


Malaysia - amazing country. If you decide to travel here, the maximum stay without a visa is 30 days. This destination is especially popular in winter.

In February it is quite warm here, and therefore it is comfortable to relax at sea. If the question arises about where to go abroad in winter 2020, then Malaysia is a country that is ready to provide you with a wonderful vacation.

Anyone who comes to the country for a vacation can spend their holidays on the sandy beach, swimming in the warm sea. You should definitely visit local attractions - the capital of Kuala Lumpur, Georgetown. There is also a casino here, the only one operating in the country. Therefore, if you are ready to leave a certain amount, you can go on vacation to the casino.

If you are vacationing with children, be sure to go to the huge Discovery Center. Older children will like it more here, as there is a hall where much attention is paid to the rules of safe movement, and they are also offered to pass a large number of tests.

Holidays in Thailand

It is quite warm in Thailand at this time, which is why, when choosing where to go on vacation abroad in February 2020, many tourists choose this country. In addition to the fact that you can relax here without a visa, you also have the opportunity to swim in the warm sea. The air temperature during the day rises to +32, and the water temperature stays at around +29 degrees.

Chinese is celebrated in Thailand in February New Year, which perfectly combines Buddhist services and festive processions.

Held at this time and flower festival, attracting the attention of tourists and local residents. Be sure to visit Bangkok as well as the Elephant Village. It will be especially interesting for children, as they have the opportunity to feed the animals.


When choosing a place to go on vacation in February 2020, one cannot help but remember the Maldives. Here you can have a great time at sea, and the country is ready to receive Russian tourists without a visa. In addition, you can go here at any time of the year. During the period of time we are interested in, the air temperature rises to +30 degrees, and the water temperature - to +26.

February is the dry season in the Maldives, so rain is very rare here.

Often those who want to spend time come here Honeymoon after the wedding. Imagine: sea, sun, beach - and the two of you. Many people dream about this, so when choosing a holiday destination, the Maldives is exactly what you need.

One popular activity for children is a dolphin cruise. 4 species of dolphins live in coastal areas, so children will find it interesting.

We're going to the Philippines

The Philippines is a country that is ready to welcome its tourists all year round, and no visa is required to visit. The country is ready to welcome you in February 2020, there are luxurious beaches, warm sea and comfortable air temperature. Plus, winter is considered the dry season, so you don't have to worry about whether it's going to rain or not before heading to the beach.

It's not just the nature that is beautiful in the Philippines. There is a large assortment of souvenirs that you can bring with you. You should definitely visit the local restaurants, which offer a wide range of delicious dishes.

There are a large number of active volcanoes in the Philippines that are definitely worth seeing. When vacationing with children, you can visit zoos and aquariums, of which there are a large number on the islands, so keep these islands in mind when choosing where to go on vacation.

The world of antiquity in Egypt

Egypt is a surprisingly attractive place for tourists. The country is ready to provide visa-free holidays to its tourists and give them impressions of the warm sea. Therefore, if you choose where to go on vacation in February 2020, then Egypt is one of the places where you can have a great time. Resorts located throughout the country offer you to enjoy the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Tourists can even choose a 5-star hotel, while the cost of their vacation will be minimal. Once you arrive here, you can create your own vacation program, including the places to visit that are most interesting to you and your family.

In winter, Egypt is not very hot, the temperature stays at +25, but at night it is quite cold, as the temperature drops to +16.

The sea, of course, is not very warm, but on the territory of each hotel there are swimming pools that are quite comfortable for both adults and children.

The disadvantage of holidaying in Egypt at this time of year is the high probability of winds, so the beach day is quite short.

How to choose the right country for your holiday

Before you decide to travel to one country, you should definitely choose a vacation spot where you will be comfortable.

  • choosing a holiday destination is an important point that should be paid attention to. First you need to decide whether you are traveling with children or only adults. If you are traveling with children, it is better to opt for resorts where there is a large selection of entertainment programs offered to children of all ages;
  • pay attention to financial capabilities. You should not choose a country where you cannot pay for the holiday conditions.

Relax with pleasure, bring with you a lot of positive emotions.


  1. A seaside holiday abroad in winter is an excellent choice.
  2. Go on vacation to a country where you have not been before.
  3. Book your trip in advance and you will get a discount.

Review of 17 countries where it is warm and where you can go to the sea in February. Pros and cons of each country. Weather. Prices for tours, hotels and air tickets. What to see - the most interesting excursions.

17 countries where you can go to sea in February

Some Russians deliberately fly to hot countries during the winter months.

In summer, the weather in Russia is warm, but the long winter creates a burning desire to fly to a place where you can swim and sunbathe to your heart’s content. Where to go in February to be warm and inexpensive?


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At a time when the winds are raging and the rains are pouring in the northern regions of Vietnam, you can relax in the southern resorts, enjoying comfortable weather.

Unique nature Phu Quoc Island is famous. The bright blue sea and mountain landscapes with waterfalls seem to have come straight out of a colorful postcard. You can diversify your beach holiday with a trip to the jungle and hiking in the mountains. Tourists are keenly interested in pearl farms and plantations where black pepper is grown.


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Conduct February holidays in Thailand means immersing yourself in a joyful atmosphere of sincere fun and friendliness. Locals love to organize carnivals and festivals for any occasion. In February it is Chinese New Year and Valentine's Day. Tourists take part in mass celebrations, admire colorful processions and fireworks. And newlyweds who arrive on vacation arrange memorable wedding ceremonies.

But also beach season no one canceled. Best vacation awaits you at the resorts and. Endless sandy beaches, lush shady gardens, tropical jungle with untouched fauna are loved by tourists. The weather after the Russian snows is simply fabulous:

  • heat during the day – 26-32°;
  • at night 24-25°;
  • Warm sea along the entire coast - 28°.

It’s possible to fly two people for a week to the Kingdom of a Thousand Smiles for RUB 58,000. without a visa.



Don’t know where to go to the sea in February so that it’s hot and sunny? Go on holiday to Goa - you won’t go wrong. The Indian state on the Arabian Sea is divided into two parts. North Goa attracts a huge number of young people who spend time at endless discos, sleep right on the beach, refresh themselves in clear water, have a snack here and go to the next party with dancing until the morning and night swimming.

Supporters of silence and unity with nature choose South Goa , where you can relax from the hustle and bustle on almost deserted beaches. For vacationers, yacht trips, sea fishing, and diving are organized. If you're bored, you can take sightseeing tour inland.

About the weather in February:

  • at midday 31-36°;
  • at night 23-25°;
  • at sea 28-29°

The cost of the tour starts from 47,000 rubles. You can relax on a budget by taking advantage of early booking or tracking last-minute tours.


© Bjørn Christian Tørrissen / / CC BY 2.0

If you want to have a cheap holiday, welcome to Turkey. The weather, of course, is not for everyone. February is the coldest month of the year with large temperature differences:

  • during the daytime maximum 16°, more often 10-13°;
  • at night from 0° in Ankara to 13° in Alanya;
  • You won't be able to swim, the sea is 15-17°.

Cold rain and lead clouds cover the entire coast. The sky clears up only at the end of February. That's when nature transforms. The sea takes on the color of sapphire, the sun warms up, and in March you can already sunbathe.

Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to fly abroad by low prices, without a visa. The stores offer big discounts. Fans of winter sports flock to ski resorts, where there is snow and temperatures sometimes drop to -12°.

The cost of a week-long tour for two will be 31,500 rubles. in a 4* hotel.

Helpful advice

Save on housing by renting an apartment from a local with Airbnb. Get 2100 rub. as a gift for your first booking.

Sri Lanka

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February is the peak of the dry season in Sri Lanka. You don’t have to rack your brains about where it’s best to relax. After heavy rains, smooth, comfortable weather sets in throughout the island:

  • during the daytime 29-33°;
  • at night 23-25°;
  • sea ​​water 28°.

A seaside holiday on sandy beaches under coconut palms will allow you to take a break from the hustle and bustle and enjoy peace. Active people can get bored. It is better for them to choose resorts where water sports are developed: spearfishing, fishing, water skiing. Exotic lovers head to the jungle.

Tourists combine seaside tours with trips to markets and shops selling batik, clothing made from Sri Lankan silk, Ceylon tea, and spices. Jewelry with local sapphires, topazes and rubies is especially prized.

The cost of the trip is from 91,000 rubles.


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Just a few years ago there was no more popular country for winter holidays than Egypt. It will be possible to fly cheaply and get all the joys of a beach holiday in 2019. Although the Red Sea remains cool in early February, seasoned Russians boldly dive into the clear waters and then sunbathe under the gentle sun, sheltering from the winds in picturesque bays.

The air and water temperatures are approximately the same:

  • daily indicators – 21-24°, at the end of the month up to 28°;
  • cool nights - up to 16°;
  • at sea 21-23°.

When you're tired of sunbathing, head to the Egyptian pyramids.

Prices for a hotel room on an all-inclusive basis start from 59,000 rubles. You can track last-minute tours costing from 25,000 rubles.


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Where it's warm in February is in Cuba:

  • at midday the air warms up to 26-30°;
  • at night it gets cold to 16-19°;
  • You can swim in the sea from morning to evening – 26-27°.

Tourists are greeted by a calm sea, snow-white beaches, luxurious nature. The friendliness and hospitality of Cubans is legendary. A beach holiday successfully combined with historical excursions, colorful festivals, wedding ceremonies. Active tourists engage in sport fishing, diving, and snorkeling.

The disadvantages are the long flight and the high cost of the tour - from 145,000 rubles.


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Emirates offer in February budget holiday and quality service. The weather is not very hot, but the sun is warm, and brave tourists open the sea season:

  • daytime temperature is 21-25°, in March it is already 28°;
  • at night 18-20°;
  • at sea 20-22°.

Hotels offer their guests heated swimming pools.


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A trip to China can be compared to a trip to another planet, so amazing is the different culture, the combination of hot deserts with the arctic cold of eternal glaciers, volcanoes with hot springs, emerald forests with giant trees and babbling streams.

Tourists discovered the best places to relax on Hainan Island. Long sandy beaches stretch on the shores of the bay, surrounded by picturesque mountains and reliably sheltered from strong waves. But in February you can feel the cold breath of the north here, a lot cloudy days. The sun appears from time to time, and immediately becomes warmer:

  • in the air during the day 22°;
  • at night the thermometer drops to 15°;
  • in water 25°.

In bad weather, tourists swim in thermal springs and undergo procedures in Chinese medicine centers.

Tours to Hainan in the low season cost 60,000 rubles.

Dominican Republic

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The list of countries where you can swim and sunbathe all year round includes the Dominican Republic. Tourism in the country is developing rapidly, and the level of service has reached European standards.

The whitest sand on the beaches does not burn your feet, and the sea amazes with its unusual azure color. The February weather is especially pleasant:

  • during the daytime 27-30°;
  • at night 22-24°;
  • at sea all year round 26-27°.

In the last month of winter, a carnival takes place here with colorful processions, bright costumes, songs and dances until the morning. Tired of the noise, tourists get acquainted with the life of local residents, visit sugar cane, mango and coffee plantations.

A trip in February will cost approximately 135,000 rubles. for two for 10 days.


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Flying to Bali in February is like playing roulette with nature, the last month of the wet season is so unpredictable. 200 mm of precipitation falls per month, that is, it rains for 16-18 days. True, they rain at night, but even during the day the sky is often covered with leaden clouds. Rare sunshine illuminates the seaweed-covered beach. The water in the ocean is cloudy, and due to strong waves you can only swim near the shore.

Temperature indicators:

  • 32°C and high humidity during the day;
  • at night 24° and rains;
  • the ocean is turbulent, but warm – 29°.

February in Bali is Chinese New Year, temple holidays with ritual dances, museums, walks around National Park and communication with monkeys. There are also volcanoes, rice and coffee plantations, but rains often disrupt tourists’ plans.

The cost of the trip is from 100,000 rubles for two, including flights.


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In Tunisia, February is the most unpredictable month. The piercing wind is still blowing, but the breath of spring can already be felt. Heavy clouds that had gathered over the choppy sea suddenly dissipate, the sky clears, and now the sun is shining and the weather is good. Temperatures in February:

  • during the day 14-16°;
  • at night only 6-8°;
  • sea ​​water 10-12°.

Beach holidays at sea are very doubtful. But tourists take the opportunity to travel abroad inexpensively and improve their health in thalassotherapy centers, thermal springs, and at the same time breathe in the healing air of pine and oak groves.

A vacation with treatment will cost from $600 to $1000.


© Gina Dittmer / / CC BY 2.0

In February, Israel is not the best place for beach activities. Still, it’s worth flying here. Tourists find relaxation to their liking: trips to holy places, tours in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, and the main natural attraction - the Dead Sea. Mud and sea water, due to the high content of salts and minerals, have a healing effect on the human body and cure many diseases. Weather at the Dead Sea in February:

  • during the day 22°, maximum 26°;
  • at night no higher than 18°;
  • water temperature 18-19°.

There is a high chance of rain. It is better to take the procedures in sanatoriums, where mud and water are supplied from the depths of the sea and heated to a comfortable state.

The cost of a last minute all-inclusive trip is 36,000 rubles.


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Every traveler dreams of combining a holiday abroad with luxurious beaches, tropical exoticism and historical monuments of world significance. Mexico harmoniously combines the splendor of nature with a rich excursion program. One trip is not enough to see even a small part of the sights.

It's hard to tear yourself away from the blue of the ocean and the warm, soft sand. Still, it’s worth replacing your beach holiday with at least one excursion to get to know this amazing country better.

The thermometer shows:

The holiday season in February can be overshadowed by unexpected precipitation. There are 5-6 rainy days throughout the month, but the showers end quickly, the puddles dry up instantly under the hot sun, and you can relax and enjoy the sea and beautiful scenery.

The local travel agency invites you on a trip to the islands, where you will be introduced to tropical flora and fauna and shown the capital's skyscrapers and ancient forts. The bravest ones go on a hike to the top of one of the volcanoes.

The price for the tour starts from 145,000 rubles.


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One of the most romantic places on the planet - Maldives, scattered across the turquoise surface of the ocean like precious pearls. The proximity of the equator guarantees warm weather and a “swimming” sea at any time of the year:

  • during the day 29-31°;
  • warm nights – 25°;
  • water, like fresh milk – 28-29°.

It is better to plan a beach holiday in the first half of the month. The warmth at the end of February does not go away, but waves appear and the beaches are occupied by surfers.

Newlyweds come to the islands to be alone with each other and again experience happy emotions at a colorful wedding ceremony.

Summer in February will not be cheap - from 154,000 rubles, but the expenses are justified.


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February in Jamaica – best month for those who do not tolerate humidity and stuffiness. The peak of the dry season is approaching:

  • during the day 28-31°;
  • warm at night - 25°;
  • at sea all year round 26-27°.

A light breeze blows from the sea, clean sandy beaches stretch to the horizon, the crystal clear sea does not let you out of the water captivity.

If you are lucky enough to be in Jamaica, you simply must:

  • take a glass-bottom boat ride to a coral island;
  • admire the glowing lagoon, where marine life emit a magical glow;
  • try Jamaican rum;
  • see the “dancing” waterfalls with your own eyes.

Vacations aren't cheap. The cost of the tour is from 162,000 rubles. and higher.

Trip to warm countries in the middle of winter it will become a bright adventure, will warm you in the winter cold, and will delight you with pleasant memories for a long time.

Vacation in February is not a reason for sadness. You can have a great rest in winter too.

  • 7 countries where you can go to the sea in February without a visa.
  • 4 best visa countries.
  • List of the best places in Russia.
  • Where is the best place to go on vacation with a child?

Where to holiday abroad in February inexpensively and without a visa

Many people think that holidays abroad are expensive!

It is a PREJUDICE that traveling to another country is expensive. There are countries in the Asian-African region, a tour to which will cost several times cheaper than a holiday in the Moscow region.

Therefore, it is possible to have an inexpensive holiday abroad.

The main thing is to choose the right country. And the weather in the main tourist destinations will be as follows:

There are other points to consider when choosing a country for your holiday. Such as safety, price of accommodation, cleanliness of beaches, hospitality of the local population, etc. You don't want to buy a pig in a poke, do you?


From 35,000 ₽. It's low season in Egypt, you can get a tour at a discount!

February is considered a fairly cold month for beach holidays and swimming, but it is a favorable period to visit the sights and excursions!

Where is the best place to relax?

  • Sharm el-Sheikh is a resort with a European level of service and a famous diving center.
  • Dahab or Nuweibe - will cost much less, here Better conditions in February for a beach holiday, those strong winds and warm sea.

Things to do?

Winter in Egypt is the best time to visit historical sights; there is no severe sweltering heat and scorching sun. Due to strong winds, we advise you to avoid boat trips; it can even be dangerous. But big waves attract windsurfers from all over the world at this time.

What to see:

  • Egyptian pyramids and Sphinx
  • Cairo Museum and Tutankhamun's Treasury
  • Temples at Abu Simbel with rock-cut statues
  • Karnak Temple - ancient buildings are very well preserved here
  • Annual Hurghada Water Sports Festival

Beach in Shar el-Sheikh

Karnak Temple


Temple at Abu Simbel

Important! If you are going on excursions inland or into the desert, you should take warm clothes with you. The temperature there at night drops to +5 °C.


During this time of low season, you can purchase hot all-inclusive tours from 35 thousand rubles for two.


Where is the best place to relax?

  • Phuket Island. Here are the most beautiful beaches.
  • Pattaya. And here the holiday will be much cheaper than in Phuket.

Things to do?

Devoting all your time to relaxing only on the beach means not seeing Thailand. And there are so many interesting things there. Excursion trips will surprise even the most experienced tourists:

  • Unique temples and monasteries;
  • National Park;
  • A session of the famous Thai massage;
  • Butterfly Garden;
  • A trip to the islands with white volcanic sand, where the Bounty commercial was filmed;
  • Monkey Theater, in which tailed performers perform acrobatic tricks, comedic skits and even play the guitar;
  • A snake farm where several hundred species of reptiles live and where, during the performance, trainers kiss a king cobra, the venom of which can kill a person within a few minutes.

Khao Ping Kan Island

Phuket Island

Butterfly Garden

It is better to purchase excursions outside the hotel at special agencies. They are three times cheaper there.



If you are traveling for no more than two weeks, you can take a tour; prices start from 60 thousand rubles for two.

Independent travel will be beneficial for those who are going to Thailand for long rest. Flights from Moscow will cost from 20 thousand rubles. Hotels 2-3* from 700-2000 rubles per night, depending on the proximity of the sea. If you are traveling with a large group, you can rent a villa with a swimming pool and three bedrooms for 6,000-9,000 rubles per day. Renting an apartment or house is often more profitable because... There is a kitchen there and you can cook your own food.


From 60,000 ₽. Time to enjoy the sea and local exotica.


Unfortunately, the visa-free regime for tourists in this country is valid for only 15 days, but this is quite enough to enjoy the sea and get a taste of the local exotica.

Things to do?

In addition to a beach holiday, during the high season in Vietnam you can do the following:

  • fishing, during which, in order to catch an exotic fish with a fishing rod, you do not need to pay a lot of money to a representative of a specialized agency: local peasants, for a modest remuneration, will supply the person with everything they need and will even show the best biting places;
  • surfing: fast waves will bring a lot of pleasure to fans of this sport;
  • visiting Ha Long Bay (a bay with three thousand islands, grottoes, caves, cliffs), which is under UNESCO protection because of its unique beauty;
  • excursion to the Kuchi tunnels, which are an underground labyrinth and served as a refuge for partisans during the war with the Americans;
  • a trip to the temple and cultural complexes of the country (on the territory of some historical monuments Excavations are still underway).

Islands of Vietnam

Ha Long Bay

Surfing in Vietnam

Cu Chi Tunnels



The cost of a week-long tour for two, including flights, travel to the hotel, accommodation in a two-star hotel (in terms of comfort, corresponds to the usual Turkish 4 or a good three), food (to choose from) is about 70 thousand rubles.


From 120,000 ₽. Kilometer-long beaches white sand...

February marks the high season for beach holidays in Cuba.

Things to do?

The main advantage of this tropical paradise– beaches, which are kilometers of white sand similar to powdered sugar, onto which the warm sea breeze drives waves.

Fans of outdoor activities also have something to do in Cuba:

  • divers are attracted by the extraordinary beauty of the corals;
  • sailing, parasailing, kiting;
  • excursions to the cities and museums of the island, visiting the Zapata swamp reserve and tobacco plantations;
  • fishing, during which swordfish, blue marlin and predatory wahoo can be caught on a hook;
  • carnival in Havana, accompanied by a magnificent procession, performances and dances.


Diving in Cuba

Carnival in Havana



A 12-day tour for two (including flights, accommodation in a 3* hotel and breakfast) costs from 120 thousand rubles. The visa-free regime is valid for up to 30 days.

Sri Lanka

From 90,000 ₽. A relaxing beach holiday on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

February is usually the driest month on the island, and therefore the best time for a beach holiday on the Indian Ocean coast.


The visa can be applied for online on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Sri Lanka; you can also obtain a visa upon arrival.

What to see?

There are many places in Sri Lanka that are really worth seeing:

  • plateau " Lion Rock", on which there are the ruins of the palace and fortress complex;
  • national park Koumana;
  • St. Clair Falls;
  • royal Botanical Garden in Paradeniya;
  • Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage.

St. Clair Falls

Lion Rock Plateau

Pinnawela Elephant Orphanage

Sri Lanka - exotic island. If you are going on a jungle excursion, it is advisable to take anti-malarial drugs!



A week-long tour for two with flights and accommodation in a 3* hotel (without meals) costs from 90 thousand rubles.


From 55,000 ₽. This country is called “One Dollar Country”, can you guess why?

A new destination for winter beach holidays is Cambodia, which has resorts on the coast of the Gulf of Thailand in the South China Sea.

Things to do?

Cambodia is a paradise for lovers warm sea. But fans of active recreation will not be bored either. Tourists are offered:

  • excursions to the Wat Phno monastery, Silver Pagoda, Royal Palace, Temple of the Emerald Buddha, as well as museums;
  • paragliding;
  • immersion in depths of the sea scuba diving;
  • motorcycle racing.

Wat Phno Monastery

Silver Pagoda

Temple of the Emerald Buddha



A week's holiday for two in a 3* hotel (breakfast included) costs from 55 thousand rubles. If you go on your own, you can fit in your vacation. A tourist visa for 30 days is issued through the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Cambodia.


From 60,000 ₽. Perfect holiday on an island with amazing nature!

Bali is an island with stunning nature and a mighty ocean, and February is the hottest month of the year. The best time for a beach holiday!

Things to do?

Sunbathing on the beach is, of course, good! But even the active tourist will find something to see:

  • Tanah Lot Temple is the most popular of the attractions
  • Rice plantations
  • Monkey forest in Ubud
  • Volcanoes Batur and Agung
  • Water palaces Ujung and Tirta Ganga, it is noteworthy that they were built right on the water
  • Royal Tombs of Gunung Kawi rock-cut
  • Numerous waterfalls, the largest of which is Sekumpul

Water palaces of Tirta Ganga

Volcanoes Batur

Royal Tombs of Gunung Kawi

Monkey forest in Ubud



A week-long tour per person will cost from 60 thousand rubles.

If you are planning to go on a longer trip, you can plan it yourself. A round-trip ticket in February will cost about 40 thousand rubles. Accommodation in 2-3* hotels will cost from 1000 - 3000 rubles depending on coastline. Renting an apartment for a month will cost about 25 thousand, renting a house with a terrace and a swimming pool will cost about 35 thousand.

Where to go on vacation with a visa: not only a beach holiday!

Many tourists don't want to just lie lazily on the beach.

Are you one of them?

We present to you the TOP countries with a visa regime, where you will not be bored!

Goa (India)

From 45,000 ₽. For lovers of parties and beach holidays.


You can apply for a visa online and receive it upon crossing the border at a number of airports in India for a period of 30 days.

Things to do?

In addition to a beach holiday in Goa, any tourist will find entertainment to his liking:

  • in early February a two-week festival is held in Panaj music Festival"Pop, beat and jazz";
  • the traditional three-day carnival before Lent at the end of February;
  • excursions to Hindu temples with visits to local markets and villages with national flavor and Vedic culture;
  • a trip to the jungle, to monkey habitats, or a butterfly park;
  • visiting museums: vintage cars or ethnographic.

Trip to the Jungle in Goa

Carnival before Lent



A week-long tour with flights, accommodation in a 3* hotel and meals will cost an average of 45 thousand rubles for two.

Traveling on your own means it will take a longer time. Round-trip air tickets will cost 30 thousand per person, accommodation and food in India are cheap, you can rent an apartment for 15-20 thousand per month.

Canary Islands (Spain)

Tenerife Island - favorite place wintering grounds among Europeans. The season here is low at this time, but the prices will pleasantly please you.

Swim in Atlantic Ocean It's unlikely to succeed, it's too cold.


A Schengen visa is required.

Things to do?

A large number of attractions and entertainment will not leave any tourist indifferent! What to do in Tenerife?

  • Climb to the top high point Spain - Teide volcano and visit the National Park
  • Go down the slides at the Siam water park, only here waterslides pass through a large aquarium with sharks!
  • Look at the Pyramids of Guimar - the mystery of the origin of the mysterious ancient pyramids still cannot be solved
  • See the thousand-year-old Dragon Tree
  • Descend along the rocky Maska gorge straight to the ocean
  • Los Gigantes Rocks - black volcanic rocks where you can see dolphins and whales
  • Visit the parrot park or eagle park
  • Visit numerous museums and observation decks, from which the most beautiful views open

Waterpark Siam

Volcano Teide

Dragon Tree

Pyramids of Guimar

Los Gigantes cliffs



When traveling for less than two weeks, it is more profitable to take a ready-made tour. In 2-3* hotels prices start from 80 thousand for two per week. Tours with two meals a day are cheaper.

If you go for a month, you can rent an apartment at a price of 40 thousand per month, depending on the resort. Food for two will cost about the same. A round trip flight can be found from 15 thousand rubles.


From 100,000 ₽. Have you already been to Mexico?

February in Mexico is a great time not only to enjoy a beach holiday on the shore Pacific Ocean, but also get to know local traditions and attractions. In winter there is no sweltering heat here.


You will need a visa, which can be obtained online, at the embassy yourself or with the help of a tour operator.

Where to go on vacation

  • Acapulco - here you can go diving, windsurfing, yachting or water skiing
  • Cancun is the most prestigious place with developed infrastructure
  • Riviera Maya - there are a huge number of historical attractions here

Things to do?

  • Immerse yourself in an atmosphere of fun at the Mexican Carnival, which takes place before Lent
  • View the largest ancient Mayan city of Chichen Itza
  • See the Pyramids of the Sun and Moon in Teotihuacan
  • Go on a trip around railway along the Copper Canyon, which is even larger in size than the Grand Canyon in the USA


Carnival in Mexico

Maya Chichen Itza

Pyramids of the Sun and Moon

Riviera Maya



A tour for two will cost from 100 thousand for a week. If you travel on your own, you can rent an apartment from 15-20 thousand rubles, lunch in a restaurant for two will cost from 1,200 rubles, a flight from 40 thousand rubles in both directions for two.


From 130,000 ₽. You won't be able to swim in the sea, but you need to fly here!

A small island in the Mediterranean Sea with a rich historical past will definitely surprise all tourists! It's sunny here in winter.


A Schengen visa is required.

Things to do?

  • See unique natural arches in the rocks - Azure Window and Blue Grotto
  • Take a walk along the embankments of Valletta - there are the largest number of ancient monuments in the world. All of them are listed in UNESCO
  • Look at Megalithic temples Malta, these structures were built even before the Egyptian pyramids!
  • Visit medieval city Mdina with a large number of palaces, cathedrals and museums. There are no cars here at all

You can take a boat ride in Malta


Azure Window

Megalithic temples of Malta



A trip to Malta will cost from 130 thousand for two in 2-3* hotels.

Not by sea alone: ​​where to relax in Russia

You can actively relax and get a lot of impressions not only on foreign beaches, but also in Russia.

We will help you choose a resort!

So, what are the most popular destinations domestic holiday in winter?

Ski holiday

Rosa Khutor, Dombay, Bolshoy Vudyavr or Zavyalikha, what to choose?

Conquer the mountain slopes on skis or snowboards - it's up to you! And we have selected the best resorts:

  • Rosa Khutor is considered the best resort in Russia, where the Olympics were held. alpine skiing. Prices here are quite high. The resort is located in the Caucasus Mountains and has 9 trails of varying complexity. The cost of a speed pass for 5 days will average from 8,000 rubles, depending on the selected routes.
  • Dombay (Caucasus) - service and tracks correspond to the Olympic level, and prices are much cheaper. For extreme sports enthusiasts, there are unbeaten trails here. The cost of a sleep pass for 5 days will be from 6,500 rubles
  • Bolshoy Vudyavr - here you can not only have a great ride, but also admire northern lights. The cost of a 5-day sleep pass will be from 4,600 rubles
  • Zavyalikha - 13 trails of varying difficulty are more suitable for ski lovers. The prices here are reasonable, a 5-day sleep pass starts from 4,500 rubles

Rosa Khutor

Excursion tours

If you don’t like to sit at home, you can go on active excursions around Russian cities. The choice is huge!

  • Saint Petersburg. You should definitely visit the world famous Hermitage Museum, Saint Isaac's Cathedral, go to Tsarskoe Selo, and in the evening admire the drawbridges.
  • Veliky Novgorod is famous for its numerous churches, temples and monasteries. The Novgorod Kremlin and the Kremlin Park are definitely worth seeing.
  • Kostroma. The city is located on the banks of the Volga, famous for religious and ethnographic tourism, and is included in the route " Golden ring" You can also visit the Elk Farm there and buy souvenirs with Kostroma paintings.
  • Yaroslavl. Included in a tourist route“Golden Ring of Russia”, and is also included in the UNESCO list. Take a walk in the city park on Strelka, visit the Transfiguration Cathedral, numerous churches and monasteries, as well as the local planetarium.

Hermitage in St. Petersburg

Tsarskoe Selo in St. Petersburg

St. Isaac's Cathedral, St. Petersburg

Park on Strelka, Yaroslavl

Spaso-Preobrazhensky Cathedral, Yaroslavl

Bus tours to these cities can be purchased from 10-30 thousand for two, depending on the program and number of days. You can also go on your own; a wide variety of air and train tickets, hotels and cafes will allow any tourist to find a profitable tour!

Sanatorium holiday

Mineral waters, springs of Adygea, Arkhyz, and where else can you relax?

You can improve and strengthen your health in numerous sanatorium resorts. Let's look at the most popular of them:

  • Caucasian mineral water consists of four resort towns, each of which has its own merits. Kislovodsk is known for its healing climate, Essentuki for its numerous sources of healing water, Zheleznovodsk for its beautiful green forests, and in Pyatigorsk you should definitely visit the Tambukan Lake with its silt mud. Prices from 20-25 thousand per week.
  • Hot springs of Adygea. Here you will find beautiful landscapes, mountains, a healing climate and many thermal springs. You can bask in the warm pool all year round, even when there is snow around! Tour price from 40 thousand for two per week, Double Room from 3,500 rubles per day, flight from 20 thousand in both directions for two.
  • Geysers of Kamchatka. There is active volcanoes, waterfalls and lakes with hot water. Valley of Geysers - unique a natural phenomenon with its ecosystem. Prices start from 80 thousand for two, it is worth considering that the flight here is long and expensive.
  • Arkhyz. In addition to the health program, it is worth visiting Sofia and Dukki mountain lakes, Barite Falls, and also the Lake of Love in the shape of a heart. Prices for tours from 50 thousand for two.

Sophia Lakes, Arkhyz

Tour prices vary depending on the resort, wellness program, excursions and number of days.

Where to go on vacation in winter with a child: at sea or in Russia?

Choosing a vacation spot with a child is always responsible and depends on many factors: the age, character and even gender of the child, as well as the main purpose of the trip.

However, in any case, the tour must meet the following parameters:

  • the trip should be interesting for the child;
  • the journey (flight) is not too long;
  • Accommodation and food conditions must be age appropriate.

Where to relax with a child abroad

Choose a beach holiday or Disneyland, Lapland, Dinopark.

Beach holiday

The closest resorts where you can swim in February are located on the coast of the Red and Dead Seas.

Only two countries are completely safe for traveling with children of this region– Israel and Jordan (flight from 5 hours non-stop).

So an 8-day tour to Israel to the Red Sea (with meals) for an adult with a child will cost 150 thousand rubles. It costs a little more to visit the resorts Dead Sea. By the way, in Jordan the saltiest sea on the planet will cost a little less, but the service is certainly better in Israel.


A trip to Europe will be unforgettable if you visit Disneyland in France with your child.

A combined tour of 3 days in Paris and 4 days in Disneyland for an adult and a child will cost about 100 thousand rubles.

Of course, this figure is largely arbitrary, because it is influenced by the star rating of the hotel, the level and food system, and additional services.

Of course, it’s long gone and Santa’s Park in Lapland will already be closed, but the residence is open all winter, and the prices are already quite reasonable.

So a 5-day tour for 1 person will cost 45 thousand rubles, and not 115.

Such a trip will be interesting for a child of any age: both a preschooler and a primary school student.


You can visit Turkey.

Despite the cold +15 and rainy weather, and the absolute impossibility of swimming in the sea, hotels with a developed system of spa services accept clients, including clients with children.

These hotels usually have playrooms, children's mini-clubs, and babysitting services. There is a children's pool with a small slide in the covered pavilion, baby food, children's playground, etc. Guides offer many excursions designed for children (amusement park, aquarium, etc.).

Who likes what. But, probably, there is no child who would remain indifferent after a trip to the Dinopark in Side.

Huge, almost real-sized interactive dinosaurs move, growl in response to visitors, and capture the imagination of even an adult. There you can also visit the clearing of the heroes of the cartoon “Ice Age” so beloved by children, see the skeleton of a dinosaur in a closed pavilion, visit a mini-aquarium and terrarium, and also see documentary about prehistoric animals.

Where to relax with a child in Russia

The indoor water park in Lao (Greater Sochi area) can easily compete in size and number of attractions with other winter water parks in the world, including Russia. Remember summer and have a lot of fun with the whole family.

On the territory of the water park there is a solarium, herbal bar, pizzeria, and sauna. There is a swimming pool with a waterfall and geysers, slides of varying heights and gentleness.

There will be enough adrenaline for everyone, both children and adults.

A tour for one with accommodation at the Lao hotel with meals and free entry to the water park will cost 58 thousand rubles for 7 days.

Veliky Ustyug

The fabulous atmosphere at the Russian residence of Father Frost will certainly delight your children!

Here you can visit the residence and post office of Father Frost, buy souvenirs, and ride horses with the Snow Maiden. There are also others winter activities- skis, skates.

It will be fun for both adults and children!

You can have fun here with your children.

Tourists can ride a dog or reindeer sled, visit forest trolls, visit the national dwellings of local residents made from reindeer skins and taste delicious local dishes.

Here your child will be able to meet the Tatar Father Frost - Kysh Babai and many other fairy-tale characters!

Here you can also ride horses and eat traditional cuisine, visit the ice town and ice sculpture exhibition.

Variety of tours, destination options and recreational opportunities in modern world is amazing. The main thing is not to stay at home, but to go for impressions and positive emotions that will warm you with pleasant memories throughout the next year until your next vacation!