What is the name of the beach in los angeles. Warm water, golden sand: Los Angeles beaches

All life in LA revolves around the beaches: they run around them, try to live, the most popular areas stretch along them.

A beach with a hang gliding school that runs from Wednesday to Sunday from 11 am until sunset. 5 flights - $60. Take off from a small dune rising right on the beach. In addition, this is one of the few places in the city where there are permitted places for fires and barbecues under open sky. Therefore, it is interesting to come there with a large group or family. There are relatively few people on this beach even in the high season, and the sandy coastline is incredibly wide, so there is never a feeling of a crowd. On the beach there is a special parking for RV (these are such “motorhomes)” for $15.

Officially recognized as the most beautiful beach in Los Angeles. It is not suitable for surfing at all, as there are giant stones everywhere. But it is an ideal place for photo shoots, filming of short films and video clips, in the end, for a relaxing day on the beach alone. White sand, absolute silence away from crazy Hollywood and noisy Santa Monica. Before walking along the beach, it is better to find out when the tide will be, so as not to be trapped among the rocks and the rising ocean.

One of the most remote beaches from the city, a mile and a half of surfing, fishing and just pure ocean. Dolphins, pelicans and many different fish swim in the water. Parking is allowed directly on the Pacific Coast Highway. Here is located national park which is suitable for hiking and ideal for camping. Overnight RV parking costs $45. Almost the only beach in the entire region where you can come with dogs.

A pearl of skater culture. "Lords Of Dogtown" and "Dogtown And Z-Boys" were filmed on the beach. And also the latest clip of Red Hot Chili Peppers: a rooftop view of a street teeming with dreadlocked lunatics, surfers, skaters, tourists, marijuana sellers (legal in California), the most beautiful California girls with beach towels, models, photographers and much more. There are several good restaurants here, American Apparel Outlet. A local celebrity is a homeless African American on roller skates and with a guitar, about whom they say that he is actually a millionaire.

One of the simplest and most popular activities on the beach is, of course, beach volleyball. You don’t need any equipment, pretty people play everywhere (all in bikinis and shorts), it’s not boring, if anything, you can run for a smoothie or jump into the water for half an hour. Most famous place for playing volleyball - Manhattan Beach (the world championships and qualifying matches for the Olympic Games are held there). Beach volleyball, however, is played on all the beaches of Los Angeles. There are, of course, well-established teams, but in most cases you will be happy to be invited to play in your company.

A small but popular beach, which is considered the founder of the cult of surfing. The Beach boys gave their first concerts not far from here, in the place Pacific Palisades, and they sing about the lifestyle of Malibu beach regulars. It is better to park on the Pacific Coast Highway, the beach parking is tiny and does not accommodate everyone. The left side of the beach is cut by Malibu Pier, on which there are a couple of nice restaurants. High season - July, August. The beach is full of people who don't ride but just watch the surfers. So you can come here with a girl who is afraid of waves and is ready to wait for you on the shore.

Part6 . Los Angeles beaches.

The flight lasts 2 hours, but due to the jet lag, we lose only 1. And here we are again in California, summer is on the street again. Having received the luggage, we follow the already familiar path to the Alamo shuttle bus. There are only 2 days until the end of the trip, and we are going to spend these 2 days for our own pleasure!

First you need to take a car so that the sound of the engine caresses the ear, and the warm wind blows from all sides. A car that will not get lost in the crowd, bright and catchy. We are in California :) At the Alamo parking lot, under the sign "convertible", Mustangs stand in orderly rows. One of them will be ours for 2 days. It is a pity the choice of colors was not rich, red would have been the most relish. But there was no red, and silver somehow did not cling. So, we take dazzling white!

Squeezing the bags into the tiny trunk with difficulty, he began to get comfortable with the car. Inside, as in a spaceship: a low landing, you can only see the sky, and a bunch of buttons on the dash and on the steering wheel. I began to taxi out of the parking lot and I feel that I am lost in dimensions. Nothing is visible through the rear window, more like a porthole in an airplane. The edges of the hood are also not visible, and it is almost half the size of a car. It feels like you are driving a barge on the water :) Of the maneuvering assistance systems, there is only a small display (seriously, I have a larger one on my phone), on which you can hardly see the view from the rear view camera.

With grief in half left the parking lot. On the road, you still don’t need to make such maneuvers in such a limited space when there are hundreds of thousands of dollars around the car. But all these inconveniences are more than offset by the pleasure of driving. Engine sound, dynamics, handling, all at the highest level. The car reacts to pressing the gas pedal very sharply. It was difficult to adapt to this in a dense stream.

First of all, we decided to give a second chance to Los Angeles. The first time he didn't impress us. While we were trying to get to Beverly Hills along a congested highway, a downpour charged. Well, what's the misunderstanding?! We dreamed of racing under the California sun, but instead we are standing in a dense traffic jam in the pouring rain. We immediately did not like Los Angeles, and, apparently, this is mutual:) In the meantime, the rain broke in earnest. The wipers worked at their limit, but did nothing to improve visibility. When the navigator said “turn there”, this very “there” was not even visible. After spitting on Los Angeles, we decided that we had had enough. It's time to get out of this hostile city! About a miracle, the farther we drove away from the city, the weather got better and better.

Our first stop was Venice Beach in the suburbs of Los Angeles. I have mixed feelings about this place. On the one hand, the ocean, a wide and long line of the beach, a lot of activities on the coast, whether it be basketball courts or an open-air gym. All this, of course, makes this place very attractive. And the beach is located almost within the city, so it is not deprived of attention. On the other hand, kiosks selling marijuana, dubious tattoo parlors and no less dubious consumers of these services, which is very repulsive. The concentration of inadequate on the promenade just rolls over.


Medicinal marijuana at Venice Beach

Medicinal marijuana works wonders - relieves depression and headaches, improves appetite...



Continuing along the Pacific coast on the legendary Pacific Coast Hwy, our next destination was Malibu Beach. There was no trace of the morning bad weather, which means it's time to lower the roof on the mustang.

The road along the coast is very picturesque in itself.


Pacific Coast Highway

Expectations from Malibu Beach were extremely high. After all, it was on it that in the 90s they filmed the series "Baywatch" with Pamela Anderson in the title role.

Malibu is tens of kilometers coastline and urban district. This is an ideal place for both swimming and surfing.






We stopped at a place that was designated as a municipal beach. The waves here are sufficient for beginner surfers to learn how to stand on the board, but not so strong that it is impossible to swim. The perfect place. October 28 on the calendar. Moscow these days was covered with snow, and we are on the ocean. The sun bakes, be healthy, it feels like 30 degrees. How not to take a chance and not plunge into the water Pacific Ocean:)

As much as we didn't want time to stop, we had to move on. After all, ahead of us was El Matador - one of the most beautiful beaches of Malibu.


El Matador beach


El Matador beach

El Matador beach


El Matador beach


El Matador beach

El Matador is the perfect place to unleash your creativity in photography. In addition, it is very romantic here at sunset.

We were to spend our last night on American soil in the Ventura. The Crystal Lodge is just 10 minutes' walk from the ocean. So after dinner at a homemade American restaurant, we went ashore. Under the sounds of the surf in absolute solitude, under the stars, we recalled the highlights of our 19-day journey.

On the way back, we went to the Liquor store (that's what alcohol stores are called in America), took a bottle of wine and went to our room. By a happy coincidence, we got a room with a huge jacuzzi right in the middle of the room :)

We had a flight to Moscow only at 5 pm, so in the morning we went for a walk along Ventura. In almost 3 weeks of travel, only the last day, like most Americans, we started with a mug of coffee from Starbucks. We were lucky to be in Ventura on the day off. Several central streets of this provincial town blocked off so that farmers from all over the area could display their goods. For a ridiculous $3 each, we bought a large glass of strawberries and blackberries.

On the way back, near one pizzeria, we saw such an animal. Work should be fun, even if you're just delivering pizza for everything. But with such a courier, you can safely say: “We will deliver pizza in half an hour or order at our expense.”


pizza delivery in Ventura

Leaving Ventura around noon, we arrived at the entrance to Los Angeles very early. So we decided to pass the time on the Santa Monica Pier. As on the first evening, life was in full swing here.

When it came time to go to the airport, I had to be pretty nervous. From Santa Monica to the airport, only 7 miles, but all the highways are congested. Adrenaline increased, because we had to fill up somewhere, return the car, take the shuttle to the terminal and much more. Had to give a damn about the rules traffic. When there are 300 forces under the hood, you can maneuver very cleverly in the stream :)

Fortune was on our side, and we managed to back to back. And then everything went like clockwork. The shuttle took us not just to the terminal, but to the right entrance, above which there was an Aeroflot inscription. At the check-in desk, we checked in our luggage and were left light - backpacks on our backs and camping foam. We had already flown with this foam to Bozeman and returned to Los Angeles, but it was just before the flight home that the security officer asked: “What is this?”. Damn it! I don’t understand well in Russian why it’s called that, and how it is called in the English lexicon, I have no idea. I had to point fingers. Only later did I realize how stupid I looked :) I would say that this thing is for camping, and that's it.

And then everything went smoothly. But when leaving the USA, they don’t put a stamp in the passport, which was a little embarrassing. But at the information desk they confirmed this to us, and we calmed down. Ahead was a 12-hour flight home...

Instead of an afterword.

Summing up the whole trip, I declare that it was worth it. Despite the overall budget of the trip, every dollar was well spent and brought a lot more impressions, as if we succumbed to the hysteria about the crisis and waited for better times. Life is short, and the prospect of change for the better is so foggy that you need to live here and now.

Did we like America? Undoubtedly! Would we like to stay there? Here, not everything is so clear. Perhaps, but if we talk only about New York, and specifically about Manhattan. There is something attractive about this "big apple". It cannot be expressed in terms of objects or subjects, it is a special atmosphere.

Destroying the stereotypes imposed on us by our own media, the Americans have nothing to do with Russia. Unlike our news, where there is a massive propaganda of an external threat, coverage of events in Ukraine and Syria, and everything else, except for events within the country. We did not see reports on foreign policy in the American media, although we specifically included both CNN and FoxNews. Instead, they discuss domestic affairs, their successes and achievements. How much we talked with the locals, when they found out that we were from Russia, we were always warmly welcomed. Not once did we feel any aggression or hostility, only a lively and genuine interest. Nobody asked about Putin, so his fame abroad is greatly exaggerated. But those who know at least something about Russia note how beautiful St. Petersburg is in our country, and how they like Moscow :)

As for cultural differences, they certainly exist. They are felt in everything. Americans are open and very friendly. Any dialogue begins with a smile, a greeting and a standard how do you do. Moreover, if in response you do not ask how they are doing, it will be considered rude. And the dialogue itself can start at any moment. Even just walking around Yellowstone, someone was talking to us every now and then. Our knowledge of the language does not allow us to have a casual conversation, but between them they “hook with tongues” only in this way. Many times we have witnessed how in the same cafe between a waiter and a visitor a dialogue with how do you do develops into a discussion, for example, of colleges where their children study.

Separately, it is worth noting the manner of conducting a conversation. Americans talk a lot and do it loudly. And it does not matter on the street, in the subway or in a restaurant. If an American speaks, then he can be easily heard by everyone around. Therefore, we very often eavesdropped in the same cafes :)

At first it was difficult to navigate the prices. Everywhere they are listed without taxes. And in the service sector (cafes, restaurants, hotels), tips are added to the cost. As a result, the price for lunch can increase by almost half relative to the menu. But we noticed one interesting feature. Wherever we ate, be it New York or San Francisco or provincial Cody or Jackson, the prices were plus or minus the same. If a classic burger costs 20-25 dollars, then it doesn’t matter if it’s in a huge metropolis or small town. This begs the question, is the standard of living across the country about the same?!

As for the sights, and especially nature. I can’t say that she is head and shoulders more beautiful than in Russia. They just know how to properly submit and sell it. What should we learn. After all, we have our own Yellowstone - in Kamchatka, but getting there is almost impossible. Yes, and our mountains are no worse, the same server Caucasus. I generally keep quiet about rivers and lakes.

In conclusion, I want to say. We have something to strive for and where to grow, but for this we need to get out of the information field that we are fed daily and look at the world more broadly ...

one of the finest wild beaches in Los Angeles County is Bean Hollow State, located in San Mateo. At first glance, this is a quiet secluded corner of nature, but in fact, danger awaits you at every step, so staying on the beach will bring you a lot of extreme emotions.

Swimming here is undesirable - the water is crystal clear, but cold. It should also be noted that sharks and sea ​​urchins. Therefore, tourists come here mainly to go fishing, have a picnic, as well as retire with nature and move away from worldly worries. The length of the beach is 17.5 km, and the width varies from 15 to 25 meters.

Often on the beach you can see a lot of anemones and crabs, as well as migratory birds. This is a truly amazing corner of nature, which has not yet been built. Going here, take water and provisions with you, as you will not find restaurants, cafes and clubs here. Also be sure to grab an umbrella to hide from the scorching sun.

Venice Beach

Venice Beach is one of the most popular beaches in Los Angeles and throughout California. The beach is not just a place for swimming, but a real one. Entertainment Center under the open sky, which is loved by both locals and tourists.

Venice Beach includes the beach itself, the promenade, sports park(Muscle beach), several handball and basketball courts, a tennis court, a skate park, and many beach volleyball fields. Here every visitor will find something to their liking. Naturally, the service on the beach is organized at the highest level - all amenities are available, as well as many paid entertainments like scuba diving or jet skiing. In addition, Venice Beach is known as a cult destination for surfers - fans of this sport flock to Los Angeles from all over the country.

Venice Beach is an extremely popular destination, one of the most famous and beloved in all of Los Angeles. Hollywood celebrities often rest here, as well as films are shot. The abundance of entertainment, beautiful beaches, clear sea and comfortable conditions - all this attracts many fans here. active rest.

Redondo beach

Redondo Beach impresses tourists with its golden sands and crystal clear waters. Sports enthusiasts and athletes come here. Every surfer dreams of big waves, and Redondo Beach is just the place where dreams come true.

Every day on the Redondo beach you can meet thousands of people riding bicycles, roller skates, and walking. They all enjoy the sun and the ocean. Not far from here is a row of marinas for yachts called King Harbor Marina. The most important aspect of relaxing on the beach is beach volleyball. For this lesson, all conditions are created here - courts, locker rooms and cafes.

It is worth mentioning that it was here that the cult series "Malibu Rescuers" was filmed.

Emma Wood Beach

One of the many natural attractions in Los Angeles County is Emma Wood Beach, protected by the California government. It is located near the mouth of the Ventura River, where amazing park. The beach is wild, the infrastructure is not developed here. If you decide to head here, then take everything you need with you - water and provisions. Of course, there are small cafes in the vicinity of the park, but to get to them, you have to walk for about half an hour. Emma Wood Beach is famous for its amazing rock outcroppings and crystal clear waters.

It is included in the TOP 10 most successful places for surfing in the state of California, which is associated with a specific geographical location. Fans of outdoor activities can go fishing and diving here. Undersea world will impress you with its beauty and diversity. Those who like to relax "savage" usually settle in a tent camp, which is located a few hundred meters from the beach.

Muscle Beach

Muscle Beach ("muscle beach"), located in the city of Santa Monica, is a place for gymnastics, acrobatics and bodybuilding. Here you can see young people who are professional in these sports, as well as beginners doing gymnastics.

The beach was opened in 1934, when exercise machines began to be installed here. Since that time, regular gymnastic and acrobatic performances have been held on the beach. There are many stands on the beach telling about the dangers of unhealthy food.

Here everywhere they ride bicycles, roller skates, walk, dine in local cafes and restaurants, as well as partying all night long at local clubs. The beach is very popular among sports youth, so it is perfect place for an active and healthy holiday.

Malibu Lagoon beach

One of the most popular beaches in Los Angeles County is Malibu Lagoon State Beach, which has gained popularity due to its geographical location, which creates ideal conditions for surfing. Conventionally, the territory of the beach can be divided into three parts. The first (southern) part of the beach is great for beginners - the waves here are always calm and quiet. Very rarely here you can admire the water surface, which is a rarity for these places.

The second part of the beach is famous high waves, usually surfing competitions are held here. These places were visited by such famous personalities as Dane Peterson, the Marshall brothers and George Farber. Often gather here locals to play volleyball or watch the surf.

The third (western) part of Malibu Lagoon State Beach is still wild. This is due to strong winds and rocky ledges. This place is not safe, so only tourists who want to experience the extreme visit it. Beach infrastructure is poorly developed. Here you will not find sun loungers, umbrellas and cafes, so it is advisable to take everything you need with you.

Santa Monica State Beach

Santa Monica Beach, located on the Pacific Coast Highway, stretches for 3.5 kilometers in length. On its territory there are parks, picnic areas, playgrounds, toilets, rescue stations, bicycle rentals, a bike path, and several hotels. Vacationers go in for volleyball, surfing, and swimming.

Near Colorado Avenue is the historic Santa Monica Pier dating back to 1909. A few steps south of the pier is the International Chess Park, where tables and chess are located, attracting a large number of players. Santa Monica Park hosts an annual festival during which you can taste local food and drinks.

The governor of California began his training on this beach. There are many sports fields and wooden surfaces designed for roller skaters, cyclists and joggers.

Carlsbad beach

One of the many beaches in Los Angeles is Carlsbad State, famous for its crystal clear waters and fine golden sands.

The beach is located in a depression, two stairs lead to it from the top of the hill. Despite the circumference of the rocks, strong winds sometimes reign here, bringing with them huge waves. It is very popular with surfers; large-scale competitions in this sport are held here every year. Fans of outdoor activities will definitely not be bored at Carlsbad State. Here you can play volleyball, special playgrounds are equipped for this, as well as spearfishing, diving and fishing.

Not far from Carlsbad State is located tent city, in which lovers of rest "savage" stop. The infrastructure of the beach is developed at an average level, there are several restaurants and cafes near it, there are also umbrellas and sun loungers. This place is perfect for those who love extreme sports. The western part of Carlsbad State is oriented for a quiet family vacation, there are practically no waves here.

Dockweiler beach

One of the most popular beaches in Los Angeles is Dockweiler, part of the Playa del Rey community. It is popular because most of its territory is located under the flight path of aircraft heading for Los Angeles Airport. Not far from the beach is the Hyperion Park, famous for its rare flora. Between the beach and the airport lies the ghost town of Palisades del Rey.

Many locals bypass it, as they consider it unsafe and mystical. If you are a lover of active pastime, then this place will seem like a real paradise to you. Here you can fish, dive and surf. But the main focus of Dockweiler Beach is hang gliding. Beginners enthusiastically try to fly from small sand dunes located nearby.

The infrastructure of the beach is developed at an average level. Here you will not find noisy nightclubs, discos and restaurants, but you can dine in one of the small cafes. This place is not suitable for a family vacation, as the coastal depth is 3-4 meters, and sometimes there are strong waves.

Doheny State Beach

Doheny City Beach is protected by California City Hall. It is located on the Pacific coast in Dana Point, Los Angeles County. The beach is popular place for surfing, diving and underwater fishing. He is in picturesque place- the mouth of the San Juan Creek, which originates in the Santa Ana Mountains. Due to the large flow of tourists, the beach area was significantly polluted. Currently ecological state natural resource is under the watchful eye of the government.

It was the first public beach in California. Initially, its area occupied 17 hectares, but in 2003 it was expanded to 26 hectares. City beach Doheny impresses tourists with a variety of flora and fauna. It is home to animals such as anemones, crabs, dolphins, seals, kelp, moray eels, sea urchins, octopuses and rays. Also in the coastal waters there are several varieties of sharks, including Whites.

Will Rogers State Beach

Will Rogers State Beach, located on the Pacific coast of Southern California, in Pacific Palisades, is protected by the California Department of Parks and Recreation.

The beach was named after actor Will Rogers, who bought land in 1920 and set up a ranch along the coast. He owned 186 acres of land. Rogers died in a car accident in 1935 and his wife, Betty, in 1944, after which the ranch became a state park.

The beach has a swimming pool, toilets, playground, gymnastic equipment, bike rental and bike paths. Spearfishing, volleyball, surfing are also available here. Many films and television shows have been filmed on this beach (The Creature from the Black Lagoon, The Kiss, The Executioner, and others).

Sunset beach

Sunset Beach is a beach located in the vicinity of Los Angeles, which is famous for its fine golden sand and crystal clear waters. It is one of the widest in southern California. The infrastructure of the beach is very well developed, there is everything for a comfortable stay - massage rooms, changing rooms, showers, sun loungers, umbrellas and small gazebos for relaxation.

A lifeguard service patrols the beach around the clock, although swimming at night is prohibited, there are always a few daredevils who want to try their luck. Once you have been to Sunset Beach, you will definitely want to come back. Every evening on the embankment hold various cultural events- concerts, exhibitions, competitions. On the Sunset beach you can often meet those who prefer to relax actively - there are special playgrounds for playing volleyball and basketball. You can also go surfing and diving with a highly qualified instructor. It is also worth noting the park surrounded by greenery, which is adjacent to the beach.

Zuma beach

One of the most popular beaches in Los Angeles County is Zuma, known for its long, wide sandy area and excellent surfing conditions. He ranks first in the list of the best health beaches with crystal clear waters in California.

Due to the specific geographical location, the western part of the beach is only suitable for experienced swimmers due to strong waves. For professional surfers real paradise. South part The beach is perfect for family holidays, as the coastal depth here is about 2 meters. The infrastructure of the beach is well developed high level- 200 meters from it there is a parking lot, as well as restaurants, cafes and nightclubs.

Fans of outdoor activities will be able to play volleyball, go fishing, and go diving, and, of course, surfing. On the territory of Zuma beach there is a toilet, a shower, a changing room, lockers, as well as sun loungers and umbrellas - in a word, everything you need for a comfortable stay. During emergencies such as fires, landslides and earthquakes, the beach is used as an emergency evacuation site.

Carmel River Beach

One of the many natural attractions in Los Angeles is the Carmel River State Beach, located in the lagoon of the Carmel River. It is 1.6 km long and 30 to 40 meters wide. highlight this place is a bizarre underwater rock formation called San Jose Creek Beach and is very popular with scuba divers.

Also here you can often meet tourists who prefer outdoor activities in kayaks. Athletes swim in hard-to-reach places, overgrown with dense algae. They are found only a few hundred meters from the Carmel River State, the coastal waters are crystal clear and suitable for swimming. Not far from Carmel River State Beach is a beautiful park created in 1953. An interesting fact is that in 1602 the Spanish navigator Sebastian Vizcaino stopped in these places.

Carmel River State Beach often attracts bird watchers, as a large number of migratory birds can be observed here. This place is perfect for those who love outdoor activities and extreme sports. Not far from the beach, a tent camp is set up, in which tourists who prefer to relax as a “savage” stop.

Corona del Mar beach

One of the elite beaches in Los Angeles County is Corona del Mar, located in Newport Beach. It is under the protection of the California Department, not far from it there is a beautiful park with an area of ​​12 hectares, opened in 1947.

Due to its favorable location, the beach has been included in the TOP 10 places in California where you can safely surf and dive. Corona del Mar is well maintained and closely monitored by the local authorities. The infrastructure of the beach is quite well developed, there is everything for a comfortable stay - toilets, showers, massage rooms, as well as a rescue station and a diving center. Parking is located 300 meters from the beach, so getting here will not be a problem.

The beach got its royal name not by chance - nature tried and created everything here so that every vacationer could feel like an aristocrat - fine warm sand, crystal clear water, light warm breeze. All this, combined with the achievements of civilization, creates a real paradise for tourists. This place is perfect for families with children, the coastal depth is only 1.5 - 2 meters.

Hermosa beach

Hermosa Beach is beautiful beach located in the Los Angeles area. It annually attracts many tourists from all over the world, as it is great for just sunbathing and for outdoor activities - surfing, diving, volleyball and basketball.

Those who prefer relaxing holiday, can sit in comfortable sun loungers or right on the warm fine sand and admire the ocean surf. The infrastructure of the beach is well developed, here you can relax in nightclubs, bars and restaurants.

It is safe to relax on the beach, as the lifeguard service patrols it from morning to evening. Here is a concrete pier, the length of which reaches 300 meters, cruise boats, jet skis and catamarans often moor to it. In summer average temperature water in coastal waters reaches 23 degrees, and in winter - 12.5 degrees.

If you want to visit this beautiful place, be sure that you will not be bored - various music festivals and exhibitions are held here every year.

Gray Whale Cove Beach

Gray Whale Cove is located in California State Park, at the junction of Pacifica and Montara, California. Literally, its name translates as Gray Whale Beach. It is located in a quiet bay, protected from the winds, surrounded by steep banks. The beach was officially opened in 1966.

This place attracts tourists from all over the world thanks to the warm fine sand and the crystal clear waters of the Pacific Ocean. It is always quiet and calm here, the waves are extremely rare, and even then they are small. Gray Whale Cove beach - real paradise, here you can forget about everyday problems and reunite with nature. Local landscapes occupy places on the covers of guidebooks in the state of California, as they have a charming beauty.

The infrastructure of the beach is not developed. Here you will not find noisy restaurants and clubs, and it is not surprising, because otherwise it would not be possible to preserve the virgin untouched nature. If you decide to visit these places, it is best to go in the morning or in the afternoon, when the sun is not so hot. Do not forget to take with you the most necessary - water and provisions.

Cabrillo beach

One of Los Angeles' many natural attractions is Cabrillo Beach, located in the San Pedro area. It was named after Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, a Portuguese explorer who first reached the coast of California.

The Cabrillo beach is divided into two separate areas. The western part is focused on a quiet relaxing holiday, and the southern part is aimed at active pastime. Often this place attracts those who are interested in active species sports such as windsurfing, kayaking and diving. Among the athletes, the beach was called the "Gorge of the Winds", which is associated with unpredictable strong gusts of wind. The infrastructure of Cabrillo is developed at an average level, there are no noisy restaurants, clubs and bars. In calm weather, umbrellas and sun loungers are installed on the beach.

Not far from here is a beautiful park, delighting tourists with an abundance of greenery. Gazebos and squares are installed here, so after relaxing on the beach you can move into the shade, under the branches of broad-leaved palms. There are two attractions near Cabrillo Beach - Cabrillo Bath and Cabrillo Marine Aquarium.

Bolsa Chica beach

One of Los Angeles' many natural attractions is Bolsa Chica State Beach, founded in 1960. Its length is 4.8 km, and the width varies from 20 to 45 meters. There is everything for a comfortable stay - umbrellas, sun loungers, showers and changing rooms. For outdoor enthusiasts, Bolsa Chica State has a bike path.

Also on the beach you can play basketball, volleyball, go diving and fishing. The rescue service patrols Bolsa Chica State all day long, so you can safely relax here with your children.

Migratory birds often gather on the beach, so it is also of interest to ornithologists. Not far from the beach there is a beautiful park and a tent camp.

Attractions in Los Angeles

Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA Griffith Park, Los Angeles, USA

Los Angeles beaches almost the same symbol of California as Disneyland or the sign of Hollywood. Almost two dozen beaches are located in Los Angeles County.

It must be said that if you have never been here before, you may find the beaches of Los Angeles less sunny than you expected.

When the temperature rises, the cool, moist sea air covers the beaches like a misty blanket.

The phenomenon is so predictable at the beginning of summer that the locals call it "darkness of June", but it can start in May, and sometimes happens in July and August too.

On some days, the fog and low clouds disappear early, but on other days, the sun may not appear until the afternoon. Do not forget sunscreen, even in cloudy days because ultraviolet light passes through clouds.

So the most famous best beaches Los Angeles are as follows:

Venicebeach- one of the most famous beaches Los Angeles, although it bears the name Italian city but has little in common with it. Venice of California has a long tradition of romance and connection to the film industry.

Most famous beach all over the world as a filming location for films such as Speed ​​with Sandra Bullock, Breathless with Richard Gere and the hit television series Baywatch.

On this Los Angeles beach, the most interesting and popular spectacle is the live action on the sidewalk, not the surf and sand.

Venice Beach is where you can find street performers, artists, bikini roller skaters, onlookers, and vendors selling all kinds of incense and sarong items. All this is mixed with the singing of Hare Krishnas, wriggling dancers and other colorful characters.

On Manhattan Beach everyone seems to have gathered beautiful people, shiny cars, big sunglasses and some dogs on my lap. Here, next to the shore, scenes from many television shows were filmed.

On the sand you will find beach volleyball and surfers near the pier. Check out the aquarium at the end of the pier with interesting sea creatures and a sensory pool.

If it's time to leave the house with a surfboard or try on your new wetsuit, no best place, how beaches. Water rolls onto the shore, and surfers are furiously trying to catch the perfect ocean wave. In fact, sometimes it's better to just be a spectator than to fight to catch a wave. But here everyone chooses for himself.

Beach Santa Monica, located north of the pier, is one of the most popular beaches in Los Angeles. The classic strip of sand is two miles long and seems to go on forever.

There is plenty of space to just stretch your legs, play volleyball or ride a bike.

Bring sunscreen, some cash for parking, and a beach towel or blanket. Let the sun, sand and surf do the rest.

Enjoy your vacation on the beaches of Los Angeles.

Los Angeles is first and foremost a filming location. If after a trip to New York I began to recognize half of the background scenery, now, probably, I will recognize the other half.

// juan.livejournal.com

Of me, a bad connoisseur of cinema, 90% of the names on the avenue of stars I have never heard.

// juan.livejournal.com

Each star has a hint on the field of activity: cinema, television, music. The Simpsons - from TV.

// juan.livejournal.com

It is Hollywood, not downtown, that is the center of life in Los Angeles. At least here you can meet passers-by in the evening. For example, three spider-men and Chewbaku.

// juan.livejournal.com

Or Jack Sparrow with Iron Man.

// juan.livejournal.com

Or just local malcontents in Guy Fawkes maxes.

// juan.livejournal.com

Or a man with a Jedi sword.

// juan.livejournal.com

Or just a sleeping bum.

// juan.livejournal.com

Or people dancing to "Billie Jean"

// juan.livejournal.com

If you're lucky, you can meet real actors. On the right is Jessica Chastain, the star of the film Interstellar.

// juan.livejournal.com

If you don’t hunt for stars in the back streets of Beverly Hills, where they drive home in cars with tinted windows, then the easiest way to find them is near the theater where the Oscars are awarded.

// juan.livejournal.com

Success stories are embossed on the floors of the building.

// juan.livejournal.com

Hollywood is one street.

// juan.livejournal.com

If you turn to any neighboring one, there will no longer be any hangouts, but there will be private property.

// juan.livejournal.com

How many actors can be identified here by film connoisseurs? I only recognize Marilyn Monroe and Charlie Chaplin.

// juan.livejournal.com

The second thing Los Angeles is famous for is the beaches. It's a 40 minute drive from the city center.

// juan.livejournal.com

It was hot, and I had a time difference of -11 hours, so I got sick on the beach, I slept for a while.

// juan.livejournal.com

Despite the heat, no one swims, they enter the water only to ride on the board.

// juan.livejournal.com

This beach is formally located in the neighboring city of Los Angeles - Santa Monica. There is a "city center" here.

// juan.livejournal.com

Even the pedestrian zone, everything is like in Europe.

// juan.livejournal.com

In the flowerbed with the plant, they hung a whole wall of text with rules of conduct, as well as a warning that dangerous chemicals could be somewhere nearby.

// juan.livejournal.com

A public offer in the US works somehow differently than in Russia. Here the store may refuse to serve the customer without explanation.

// juan.livejournal.com

Well, at least it’s not forbidden to take pictures on the streets.

// juan.livejournal.com

Free beer, naked hairdressers and misleading advertising.

// juan.livejournal.com

I don't know how to translate this pun into Russian.

// juan.livejournal.com

Next door to Santa Monica is the most hipster place in L.A. - Venice beach.

// juan.livejournal.com

Venice is Venice, but for some reason Venus is drawn.