Blue lakes gorge. Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria)

Blue Lakes truly called natural monument, which is located in Chereksky district of Kabardino-Balkaria. To be more precise: 30 km south of the capital Kabardino-Balkaria, the city of Nalchik, in the valley of the Cherek-Balkarian river. It is relatively sparsely populated mountainous region, and the opportunities to enjoy the vibrant beauty of natural landscapes are truly endless.
A large number of tourists coming to the resorts of the Caucasus mineral waters, have the opportunity to get to Blue Lakes as part of organized bus excursions. During summer tourist season buses from Pyatigorsk, Minvodsk, Kislovodsk, Nalchik and even from Stavropol, Rostov and Krasnodar go to these unique places.
Getting here on your own is also quite easy: take a bus from Nalchik (Nalchik - Upper Balkaria) to the rural settlement of Babugent. For those who like to travel comfortably, there are unlimited opportunities to use taxi services. If travelers travel with their own vehicles, then, driving from Nalchik along the E117/E50/M29 highway, and turning onto the P291 highway, after 40 kilometers they reach the village of Babugent and the Blue Lakes themselves.
Blue Lakes - the beauty and mystery of the mountain region
This group of reservoirs with a poetic name is not just a beautiful landscape, it is a truly unique place. There are five lakes, and each has its own characteristics, amazing and beautiful. What unites them is their territorial location and the fact that all reservoirs are of karst origin.
Karst lakes are cavities filled with groundwater. The water in them is absolutely transparent, mineralized and purified from various biological impurities. Sometimes it is even called "alive".
The northern slope of the Rocky Range is home to unique reservoirs: the Lower Lake, two Upper Lakes, the Secret and Dry Lakes. The largest and most mysterious of them is the Lower Lake. It has many names (rotten lake; Cherek's mother; round water) and is one of the deepest karst reservoirs in the world. It is interesting that the depth of the Lower Blue Lake is still unknown. No one has yet been able to reach its bottom by any means. The total area of ​​the lake is relatively small - a little more than two hectares. Opinions about the depth vary: 200 m, 225 m and even 386 m. Researchers suggest that at a depth of 2559 meters there is only an inflection point, not a bottom: if the data is confirmed, then this lake will be the deepest water source on the entire planet.
This reservoir, stunning in its immensity, is very reminiscent of a mine with steep walls. In its widest part, the lake is sometimes very shallow (1 m), and sometimes very impressive in depth (up to 40 m). The water temperature never changes - approximately +9˚С. About 70 million liters of water flow out of this reservoir per day. If you take into account the fact that not a single river, even the smallest one, flows into the lake, you can imagine the strength and power of the underground springs that feed it, because the water level here is always constant.
There are no fish in the lake at all. What a fish! Due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in the water, there are almost no living creatures in these waters. The water itself is blue and amazing, simply perfect, purity and transparency. By the way, the color of the water in this reservoir is not just blue. It is constantly changing, shimmering with different shades of blue, light blue and emerald green. It depends on the time of day and lighting conditions. The transparency of the water is such that you can see through it at a distance of 30 to 50 meters, regardless of weather conditions.
To admire the lake, you need to be very close to it, as dense tree thickets can hide it from view. Oaks, hornbeams, and alders grow around the lake. In spring in a beautiful frame high mountains Bushes of Pontian azalea, rose hips, and viburnum are blooming. In spring there are many flowering trees around the lake on a carpet of bright and fragrant herbs.
Blue Lake- this is a real spectacle of beauty that amazes the imagination. In addition, it is located in a very interesting place - the Cherek Gorge. Overhanging the road leading to the lake are rocks in which there are tunnels about 800 meters long. Chereksky district is famous for the fact that the five highest Caucasus mountains(over 5000 m) and the longest glacier in Europe. The valley of the lower Blue Lake consists of two large gorges: Balkarskoye and Bezengiskoye.
Upper Lakes popularly called Western and Eastern. They are also called the Communicators: they are connected by a dam, and water from the Eastern Lake flows into the Western Lake. These reservoirs are rich in fish.
It is no coincidence that the secret lake is called so. You can walk very close to him and not even suspect it. The “secret” of the Secret Lake is that it is located in a karst sinkhole of enormous depth. The banks of the almost perfectly round sinkhole are overgrown with beech trees. In such a forest you feel a sense of complete peace; you can spend hours here admiring the smooth movements of the carp that live in it. warm water. The comfort and tranquility of this place does not destroy, and perhaps even emphasizes, a small cafe with a fireplace room, where it is wonderful to spend time in cool weather. And on a fine day you can admire the mesmerizing view while sitting on its veranda.
And last but not least mysterious of the five Blue Lakes - Dry or The Lost Lake. In essence, this is a karst sinkhole, the depth of which is about 180 m, as well as sheer walls. And it really was a body of water. The hole was completely filled with water. But the mountains shook and the lake disappeared. Or rather, it seemed to sink to the bottom of the canyon.
In order to see the lake itself, you have to walk up a fairly steep mountain road. This is not easy, but if the difficulties are overcome, the reward will not be long in coming: a fantastic landscape opens up before the travelers: almost vertically directed rock walls rest against the bottom, on which huge boulders of stone are chaotically piled up. Ferns more than two meters high grow between the stones. And between the boulders the lake sparkles under the sun's rays. You can go down to it only with the help of climbing equipment.

Ancient world of the Caucasus

If amazing natural phenomena are exactly what the trip is for, then you don’t have to limit yourself to exploring lost world Blue Lakes, and take a walk around their surroundings. At a very accessible distance, just 54 kilometers from Nalchik, near the village of Khushtosyrt, there are the Chegem Waterfalls, amazing garlands of water falling in a picturesque narrow well. This spectacle is worthy of the attention of travelers at any time of the year. In winter, it becomes almost incredible, as the streams of water freeze, turning the waterfall into a surreal landscape. Another unique phenomenon, located near the lakes, attracts tourists (and local residents) both in winter and summer. This hot spring with a water temperature of about 56˚C. A specially equipped outdoor swimming pool allows you to take natural baths while enjoying amazing sensations.
You can get to the waterfalls by regular bus, which goes to the village of Bulungu (stop at the Chegem ferry), or take a taxi. For tourists who travel by car, it is preferable to use the M-29 highway to Pyatigorsk.
The surroundings of the lakes attract not only impressive landscapes, but also historical monuments. Traveling through this region, you suddenly find yourself among the fortresses and towers of the Middle Ages. These are witnesses to the history of these places.
Walking along the road to the Lower Lake you can come across a rock cave with traces of an ancient parking lots V-X centuries AD.
Moving up the slopes of the gorge behind the Blue Lakes, you see the Chereksky tunnel and sections old road. Twenty kilometers further is the settlement of Upper Balkaria, which dates back more than 400 years of its existence. Using the suspension bridge behind the village, it is easy to get to the destroyed ancient village, where the foundations of houses and walls are preserved, which lead the traveler like the ancient streets of mountain villages. Two kilometers from the village one can see an impregnable watchtower. This cannot be overcome without durable mountaineering equipment.
Legends poetize the origin of the lakes. The most famous legend tells: The hero-forefather of all the peoples of the Caucasus killed a huge dragon, whose body, falling to the ground, created the Lower Blue Lake.
Another legend is beautifully lyrical: a girl cries over an abyss, mourning the death of her lover. Her tears are the water of the Blue Lakes.
The unattainable depth of karst reservoirs is a good basis for other fascinating stories related to it. The oldest and most romantic one says that the entire cavalry army of Tamerlane with all its military weapons rests at the bottom. A similar, only more relevant story is associated with the sinking of German and Romanian military equipment from the time Civil War. Of course, these stories cannot be verified.
Scientific researchers also do not ignore unique places. The first descriptions of these natural phenomena were made already in the middle of the nineteenth century.
Nowadays, divers have joined the exploration of the Blue Lakes. Jacques-Yves Cousteau, while conducting research, was still unable to accurately name the depth of the lake.
The clear water and endless possibilities of the local lakes are simply made for deep-sea diving. Even cold water not a barrier for those who like to explore the secrets of karst reservoirs. This is even an advantage, since the constant temperature (+9.3 C) does not allow the lake to freeze; diving takes place at any time of the year. If someone likes such an extreme sport, their chance is at the Dive Center on the shores of the Lower Lake. The creation of the center is associated with a kind of record, one might even say a feat. Roman Prokhorov dived here to 70 meters in 1982. The enthusiastic diver did not even have the appropriate equipment and miraculously survived.
Today, the Underwater Research Center and diving club are located here - a base for professional and amateur dives into the blue depths of unusual bodies of water. The center is comfortably equipped, training and dives are supervised by experienced instructors. They do not only engage in professional research here. For amateurs, classes are held in “extreme groups.” Group participants dive to 15-20 meters. The original design of the two-story building of the center (two-tier, with a lower tier carved into the rock to provide access directly to the diving site) has everything that works successfully: a compressor and pressure chamber room, rooms for training and equipment storage, comfortable locker rooms. The lower tier is fully equipped with heated floors.
In 2009, the absolute diving record in Russia was set at the Center - 185 meters.
For thrill-seekers, Blue Lakes is not only an opportunity for extreme diving. There is a good chance to try yourself in such an unprecedented adventure as rafting - going down mountain rivers on inflatable raft boats.
If Lower Lake Since the lake is quite inhospitable for various kinds of living creatures, the Upper Lakes are very rich in fish. The reservoirs are home to carp, trout and carp, grass carp. Fishing enthusiasts will be able to express themselves for the joy and benefit of others.

We travel in comfort

The way it's organized tourist route along the Blue Lakes, depends entirely on the capabilities and desires of the travelers themselves. If you don’t have much time, but the impressions beckon, then a “weekend tour” would be optimal. Such excursions are regularly organized by recreation centers, boarding houses and travel companies. The tour includes: accommodation in a comfortable hotel, travel, insurance and an interesting story from the guide or guide.
If tourists have a large amount of time, are in the mood for relaxation and a longer acquaintance with bewitchingly beautiful bodies of water, numerous hotels and tourist centers, located in the vicinity of the Blue Lakes and in the capital of Kabardino-Balkaria.
Tourist base "Blue Lakes" - a wonderful opportunity for comfortable accommodation not only for lovers mountain tourism and diving. It's a good place to relax with the whole family. The base has modern, comfortable rooms. Specialist guides conduct multi-directional excursion programs. On the territory of the camp site there is a conveniently equipped bathhouse with a swimming pool. The buildings are heated, which makes it possible to relax at any time of the year.
Blue Lake Hotel offers its guests opportunities for a comfortable stay, as well as excellent dishes national cuisine, cafe, bar.

Hotels in Nalchik

Hotel "Grand Caucasus" , located in a clean sanatorium-resort and park area of ​​the city of Nalchik, provides tired travelers with the comfort of spacious rooms, gyms, a massage room and much more. The hotel conducts excursions to the most amazing and beautiful places in Kabardino-Balkaria.
The Rossiya Hotel was built in the center of Nalchik. Not far from it there are a musical and drama theater, many cinemas, a huge shopping mall and many other equally important objects.
Hotel "SINDIKA" This is a convenient opportunity not only for relaxation and, but also for taking care of your health. IN hotel complex includes: a congress center, which is the venue for significant events for the entire region, and a medical and health building, where you can undergo a variety of health and medical procedures.
Hotel "Corona" is located in the most picturesque resort part of Nalchik. Both an active traveler and a large family can feel equally comfortable here. Territorial location"Corona" helps you quickly get to the hotel from the airport or railway station. In 5 minutes you can easily walk to famous park"Dolinsk" is a very large city park in Europe, where you can have a great time free time. Moreover, the Crown Hotel offers all its guests interesting excursion programs that remain in the memory of tourists for a long time.

In the Chereksky district of Kabardino-Balkaria everyone knows five karst lakes, affectionately called Blue lakes. This most beautiful place is located fifty kilometers from Nalchik in the delta of the Cherek-Balkarsky river. The lower lake is different from the rest. It is called Chirik-Kel (or Tsirik-Kel). It is very cold, the water temperature here does not rise above nine degrees. But it is so crystal clear that the walls of the lake can be seen to a depth of twenty-two meters. The weather changes the color of the lake so often that it is sometimes compared to a gemstone with similar properties. Gilyarovsky, for example, spoke of it as “an oval sapphire in a frame mountain peaks and trees."

Externally, Lake Chirik-Kel seems frozen and motionless, but this calm is deceptive. The circular movement of the water, invisible to the eye, creates a whirlpool, and woe to the swimmer if he falls into it. Even professionals take risks. Let's say, in the winter of 2012, a group of divers went there to study the features of the lake. After the first dive, disaster struck - one of the researchers died. They decided not to stop the work, and almost lost the second one. However, in 2003, divers Igor Galaida and Roman Prokhorov dived here to a depth of 150 meters and set a record Russian Federation. However, tourists know little about these exploits.

Tourists come here just to relax, enjoy the beautiful nature, clean air and water. There are a lot of tourist centers located on the shores of the lake. To the east of Chirik-Kel there is Lake Kel-Ketchkhen. It is located deep in a karst mine (177 meters). At the bottom of the well the lake sparkles bright colors and corresponds to its name, which translated means: the lake has flowed away. The upper lakes are up to seventeen meters deep. They all communicate with each other. Everywhere, except Nizhny, there is quite decent fish: grass carp, carp, trout. And Chirik-Kel can only boast of the crustacean Gumarus. Unfortunately, no one lives there anymore.

The area where the Blue Lakes are located is one of the most sparsely populated. The main inhabitants here are the mountains. There are many legends about the place. They say that in the thirties a truck carrying port wine fell in Chirik-Kel. Maybe that's why the lake has become so dangerous for swimmers and bathers? By the way, it is in these places that one of the oldest mountaineering camps in the country “Bezengi” is located, where, in fact, domestic mountaineering originated, because the Lower Lake is unique in that it is the second deepest karst spring in the world. It has no tributaries, but is a wastewater.

By the way, everything here is provided for tourists in such a way that they never have to complain about their vacation. Besides, you can become famous here. It was at the Blue Lakes that two records were achieved for entry into the Guinness Book. In 2002, for example, a unique barbecue was made here - a shish kebab 103 meters long. And the next year they were included in the publication again, having prepared the biggest khychin. This is a Balkar dish, which is something like pancakes with curd filling. So, apparently, it’s not in vain that eyewitnesses say that it’s just great on the Blue Lakes.

Address: Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Chereksky district

The length of the route is 106 km. Nalchik - Urvan (16 km) - Aushiger (28 km) - Sovetskoe - (42 km) - Babugent (51 km) - Blue Lakes (56 km) - Upper Balkaria (76 km) - Shtulu Valley (106 km).

From Nalchik to Cherek Gorge There are two routes: automobile and pedestrian.

Car route: Nalchik - Urvan - Aushiger - Sovetskoye - Babugent - Blue Lakes - Upper Balkaria. Pedestrian: Nalchik - Khasanya - Gerpegezh - Sovetskoye - Babugent - Blue Lakes - Upper Balkaria.

Both routes connect near the village of Babugent. Before reaching the village, there is a fork: the road leads to the right to the Bezengi Gorge, to the left to Cherekskoye. From here, in fact, the main and only road to the Cherek Gorge begins, not counting the pedestrian tourist pass trails.

There is a main road leading to Urvani. Here the terrain is already slightly hilly, and beyond the village there are increasingly sharp turns, ascents and descents. Between Urvan and Aushiger there are the so-called “Urvan Oaks”. This young oak forest is home to wild boars, foxes, and hares. Occasionally you can see a pheasant, which, like other animals and birds, feels safe in the reserve. Pheasants were once almost completely exterminated, but now their numbers have increased significantly. Behind the forest stretch fields, mostly corn, they rise to the mountains, climbing higher and higher and displacing the forest, and even further - a panorama of the snowy peaks of the Central Caucasus Range.

The village of Aushiger opens immediately, around the bend of the road that dives down to the river. The village lies in a wide valley cut by mountain rivers silvering in the sun. These are Cherek Balkarsky and Cherek Bezengiisky, which, having united, bring here placers of sand and small pebbles and lead them north, into the smoky blue of the Kabardian plain, to the Terek. The Kheo River flows into Cherek. Not far from here is the Sovetskaya Hydroelectric Power Station.

The road from Aushiger to Sovetsky follows the capricious curves of the steep bank of the Cherek. And so on all the way to the bridge. Beyond the bridge, the highway leads to the villages of Zhemtala and Zaragizh. There are attractions in this area: for example, near the Margusha River there are mineral hydrogen sulfide and salt springs, and on the right bank of the Cherek there are remains of ancient Alan earthworks. Beyond the regional village of Sovetsky, the road goes to the very foot of the mountains. They are already very close. The nature here is very picturesque: green hills, dense beech forests on steep slopes, and in the distance, in a blue haze, peaks sparkling in the sun. To the right of the road there are smoother hills, the forest on them is smaller, and there are many cozy, flowering meadows. There are a huge number of mushrooms in the forests here: white mushrooms, milk mushrooms, honey fungus, and pig mushrooms. Closer to Babugent the greenery becomes brighter, juicier - a large zone begins mountain water. The twin rivers: Cherek Balkarsky and Cherek Bezengisky are incessantly noisy.

At Babugent there is a fork in the road, which was mentioned at the beginning. Here you can make a stop and mentally return to Nalchik to follow the walking route.

Nalchik and Khasanya are nearby. The park, located between them, begins near the city itself and is closely adjacent to Khasanya. Initially, the walking trail goes (along main street village and then turns left towards green wooded hills. In summer there are tall grasses, a lot of flowers, and in the forest grow almost all the trees and shrubs that can be found in the North Caucasus: beech, hornbeam, ash, maple, oak, apple, pear, cherry plum, hawthorn.

There is silence in the beech forest. Huge gray trunks resemble the columns of a giant forest temple, and the tree crowns are so high that the noise of the foliage remains somewhere up there. In such forests, ferns are sure to grow, sometimes reaching human height. Often they are intertwined with thickets of forest raspberries or blackberries and then it is not so easy to pass here. Having overcome this interesting forest path, you can get a complete picture of the Caucasian forests. Upon exiting the forest, the road descends to Sovetsky.

So, there are two different routes leading to Babugent, and further, to Upper Balkaria, there is one common route. From Babugent to Blue Lake - 4 kilometers. At the beginning of the road, in the rock, there is a cave in which traces of an ancient site of the 5th-10th centuries were discovered. AD. Nowadays, shepherds drive their sheep here in bad weather.

To the left of the road, behind a stone fence, lies a well-kept collective farm garden. Down in deep canyon, Cherek makes noise. In 1913, in this place there was an uprising of Balkar peasants who opposed the Zhankhotov princes, whose estate and at the same time the stone wall, which, like a fortress, protected the princes from the outside world, were destroyed. And now, even in the collective farm garden, above the steep bank of the Cherek, traces of fortifications once built by the Balkars are visible.

At the entrance to the Cherek Gorge lie the famous Blue Lakes- an interesting phenomenon not only for Kabardino-Balkaria, but also throughout our country.

One of them - Lower Blue Lake, this natural artesian well, ranks sixth in depth among the lakes of the USSR. With a very small area of ​​the water surface (235X125 m), its depth is 258 m. The water is blue due to the presence of hydrogen sulfide in it. Not a single stream flows into the lake, while up to 70 million liters of water flow out of it every day. This indicates that the lake is fed by powerful underwater sources. The constant water temperature in it is +9.3°.

Animal and flora the lake is very poor. The only representative of the fauna lives here - the humarus crustacean, and sometimes trout accidentally swims from Cherek. Scanty algae is found at the very outlet of the lake.

The Blue Lake has several names: Chirik-Kel (rotten lake), Cherek-Ana (mother of Cherek), Psykhurey (round water). Three to four kilometers from it, up the forest road (to the northeast) are the Secret and Communicating lakes. Secret (in Balkar - Tasha-Kel) is interesting because, although the road passes from it only a few meters, you can not notice it at all - it is surrounded by dense vegetation and lies in a deep thicket. The water there is greenish and clear. Depth - 17 meters. The depth of the Communicating Lakes, which are even higher, is 11-15 meters. Trout and roach are found here. All these reservoirs belong to the group of lakes of karst origin.

Above, above the Blue Lake, on a rocky plateau overgrown with dense forest, is the so-called Dry Lake. This is a gigantic failure 160 meters deep. In terms of surface area, Dry Lake is twice the size of Blue Lake. Its walls are completely vertical, and only in the northern part are they gentler and in some places form small terraces. At the bottom of the hole there is a small lake, and large trees overgrown with mosses and lichens grow around. You can go down to the bottom of the Dry Lake only if you master rock climbing techniques and have the appropriate equipment. Tourists have a tradition: whoever goes down to the bottom leaves a note in a tour made of stones, and takes out the previous one. In a word, everything is the same as when climbing to the top. In winter, there are many tracks of wild cats and lynxes on the snowy bottom of the lake.

From Blue Lake the road immediately goes into the Cherek Gorge. Behind us are the building of the tourist center and a whole town of summer houses lined up along the road on a high green terrace. It is free and sunny here, but the greenery is never burned by the sun. This picturesque corner leaves unforgettable experience: trees pierced by the sun resemble fantastic green lace.

In the narrow gorge, tourists are greeted by coolness - in the summer it is pleasant. And where the walls of the gorge converge to a distance of 30-40 meters, a cold wind blows, and you need to dress warmly. The road along the gorge climbs up all the time, the climb is very steep. Tourist buses, as a rule, do not reach the gorge itself, but stop in a small green clearing. Tourists walk to the center of the gorge, where a tunnel is made in the rock (6 kilometers from the beginning of the gorge). The walls of the gorge are almost vertical, more than 500 meters high. Approximately in the middle of this height, people cut a road along which cars and tractors can pass freely.

From the gorge the path lies into a relatively wide, sun-warmed valley. The vegetation here is much poorer than at the Blue Lakes. It is all the more pleasant to encounter a cold and deep stream running from above, which is overgrown with tall, lush grass and mint. The water in the stream smells of mint.

8-9 kilometers from the tunnel, in a wide mountain valley resembling a giant bowl, is the village of Upper Balkaria. It has a modern layout, the houses are new, solid. The new village stands on the right bank of the Cherek, and on the left bank the ruins of old villages and ancient battle towers live out their days. Among them, the most famous are the towers of the Bozievs, Abaevs, the ruins of the village of Kunyum and several other already half-forgotten villages. The remains of ancient buildings have been preserved near the new village - these are the crypts near the village of Turakhable, the famous “ city ​​of the dead"behind Upper Balkaria and the Amiranovs' battle tower, built on a huge boulder ten meters high. Now this once watchtower serves as a landmark for tourists heading to the Rtsyvashki gorge. The path to this gorge, starting near the tower, turns sharply to the left and up. Rtsyvashki is one of the many wonders of the Caucasus, but for some reason it is rarely visited by tourists. At the end of the gorge is the glacier of the beautiful Gulchi, a mountain that resembles a blooming flower. (Gulchi, translated from Balkar - flower). Its height is 4471 m. Here favorite places habitats of the tours. However, during the time of icing and avalanches, many of them die, and evidence of this is the skulls with powerful horns scattered on the slopes of the Turya.

In the Rtsyvashka valley, dense hazel trees grow, aurochs, bears live, partridges, chukars, and quails are found. The path is first blocked by scree falling into Cherek, then by the fast Tyutyun-Su river. Finally, the gorge branches. The Dykh-Su gorge extends to the west, and Shtulu to the east. The most powerful glacier in the Caucasus, Dykh-Su, is very beautiful, but it is difficult to access, as it lies in a rocky gorge. The length of the glacier reaches 1 kilometer, the area is 48.4 square kilometers. The glacier is sliding down the Side Ridge.

The Cherek Gorge ends with the Shtulu Valley, which tourists call the “Shtulinsky Glade”. It's always warm and sunny here. Tourists willingly spend the night in the clearing, enjoying the smells of fragrant, lushly growing herbs - gentian, cinquefoil, saxifrage and others. In the Shtulu Gorge you can see the aurochs, the red-winged wall climber, the lamb vulture, which has long disappeared in Western Europe. Air, sun, abundant vegetation, the originality of the animal world, picturesque mountains located in the shape of a circus, the Kara-Su river flowing from the ice grotto of the Shtulu glacier, the Narzan spring - all this makes the “Shtulinskaya Polyana” one of the unforgettable corners of Kabardino-Balkaria.

Blue lakes Kabardino Balkaria how to get there

Lake Nizhneye is considered the most interesting of all. This lake is located 809 meters above sea level. Its area is about two hectares. But not a single researcher has yet reached the bottom of this lake; there are only assumptions about its depth of 386 meters. This indicator puts Lake Nizhneye in third position as the deepest lakes in Russia.

The uniqueness of this lake is that not a single river carries water into the lake, but quite a lot flows out of it. Among the local population this lake is known as Tserik-Kel (rotten lake). This is probably due to the fact that the water has the smell of hydrogen sulfide. The water in the lake is clean, but there are no fish here. The fauna here is represented by only one representative, the small crustacean Gammarus. The flora is represented by small algae.

The water in the lake is always very cold, only 9-10 degrees, so it is impossible to swim in the lake. But it is on this lake that the only Deep Sea Diving Center in Russia and the diving club operating at it are located. The origin of the lake is associated with an ancient legend, according to which it was formed after the fall of a giant dragon in this area, which he killed fairy tale hero Batraz. Now this dragon lies at the bottom of the lake and replenishes the water with its tears. Many divers joke that they are looking for this dragon at the bottom.

The Upper Blue Lakes are represented by two lakes - Western and Eastern. They also have another name - Communicating. A dam was built between them, so the water of the Eastern Lake flows into the Western Lake. These two lakes are much smaller than Nizhny, and they contain fish.

The next lake, located near Verkhniye, is Secret. Its name suggests that it is invisible. To see it, you need to clearly know where it is located. It is hidden from human eyes deep in a karst sinkhole, which is densely overgrown with a forest of beech trees.

Well, the fifth lake, which is part of the Blue Lakes, is called Sukhoe. Its other name is Missing. It is located deep in the resulting karst sinkhole. Currently water
visible only at the bottom of a deep hole, although previously it reached the very top. There is a version that the water went into a hole, which was formed after a powerful tremor of the mountains.

Kabardino-Balkaria. Where are the Blue Lakes located?

Lake Chirik-Kel, which is located in Kabardino-Balkaria, is considered one of deepest lakes of karst origin. Many tales about this fishless lake can be heard from local residents. For example, that in the 1930s a truck loaded with alcohol drowned in it. Many tourists are attracted by Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue Lakes are a special attraction of the region.

The purest water

A lake with blue water can be found in the beautiful Cherek Gorge, adjacent to the area of ​​the same name. Chereksky district is the largest in area in Kabardino-Balkaria, but has the smallest population. This is explained by the fact that the main part of the territory is occupied by mountains. Here are:

  • five of the seven peaks of the Caucasus, having a height of more than 5000 meters;
  • the longest glacier in the Old World;
  • one of the oldest climbing camps “Bezengi”, where many Soviet climbers started.

In any weather, you can see what is happening underwater at a depth of 20 and even 50 meters. It is possible that the mine has greater depth, but this has not yet been proven by research.

Lake exploration

The first descriptions of Blue Lake were made by the scientist I. Dinnik at the end of the 19th century. I. Shchukin continued this work at the beginning of the 20th century. The lake was also studied by Professor I.G. Kuznetsov, who graduated from the Petrograd Mining Institute. He was awarded a silver medal of the Russian Geographical Society. In the summer of 1980, representatives of the Institute of Geography from the Georgian SSR began studying. The mineral content of the water is low. Of the inhabitants, only algae were found.

A very hospitable region of Kabardino-Balkaria. Blue lakes are a good reason to visit this area.

More than one record-breaking dive into the Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria) was made in this area. How to get to this wonderful reservoir can be found below.

All lakes

Notable places

If you move along the gorge, you can get to the Circassian tunnels and the ancient road. It starts at a small waterfall and lies on the edge of a 150-meter cliff. Standing on it you can enjoy panoramic view to the valley and snowy mountain peaks. Driving further, you can get to the village of Upper Balkaria. At the edge of the village there is a suspension bridge leading to old village. During Stalin's time, the village was destroyed, only parts of the houses and the outlines of the former streets remained.

The Abai-Kala tower is incredibly beautiful, famous for the apricots growing near it. A few kilometers away there is a preserved watchtower. It is built on a huge 10-meter stone, and it is impossible to get into it without the appropriate equipment. Kabardino-Balkaria is famous for its natural landscapes. Blue lakes are perfect bodies of water with clear water.

Fifteen kilometers from the lakes there is a spring with mineral hot water. It is called Aushiger, and the water in it rises from a depth of about 4 kilometers. It was discovered in the middle of the 20th century during oil exploration. Philologists believe that the word “Aushiger” can be translated as “Saint George” or “Jesus the Greek.” This indicates the early spread of Christianity in these lands.

Legends of the Blue Lakes

Local residents consider the Blue Lakes to be bottomless, as are most similar lakes. You can hear many stories from the population about those who drowned in lakes and surfaced in other places. The bottom of the lakes is rumored to contain:

  • the cavalry of Tamerlane or Alexander the Great (possibly both) with all the decorations made of precious metals and stones;
  • a large number of military vehicles of the Germans and Romanians, who abandoned them while retreating;
  • a statue of Joseph Stalin himself, cast in bronze;
  • many cars of our time;
  • truck with port wine.

The bottom of the lakes is now a legendary unique museum that preserves the history of many centuries. The whole of Kabardino-Balkaria is full of myths and legends. Blue lakes are directly related to mysticism and secrets.

How to get to the lakes?

In the Blue Lakes area, all the infrastructure for vacationers and travelers has been created.

The water in these lakes is truly blue. Anyone can come to this place and scuba dive, having previously completed training. It remains to find out where the Blue Lakes are located in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Getting to the Blue Lakes is not difficult. Not far from them there are a significant number of tourist centers that are open to tourists. Systematic excursions from Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and others are also organized to this place. settlements Kabardino-Balkaria.

You can get to the Blue Lakes by personal transport. From Nalchik you need to go to the village of Babugent (via Urvan and Sovetskoye). At the same time, a little before reaching Babugent, at the fork you need to turn left - to the Cherek Gorge.

The mystery of the Blue Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria - one of the deepest in Europe - remains unsolved.

There are 8 million karst lakes in the world. Blue Lake is the deepest. There is no exact data on the depth of the lake, and unmanned underwater vehicles were only able to descend to a depth of 365 meters. Scientists understand how it formed and what is down there.

The last time Blue Lake was explored was in the 20s of the last century. It is known that its level can change several times a day. For what reason, scientists still do not know.

The blue lakes of Kabardino-Balkaria are located in the Cherek Gorge. There are 5 lakes in total. All of them have a karst nature of formation.

Lower Blue Lake is the most interesting and unique. It is located at 809 meters above sea level. Has total area The water surface is just over two hectares, and its depth is 386 meters. But there are assumptions that the depth of the lake is much greater, because no one has yet reached its bottom. In terms of its depth, this lake ranks third in Russia after Teletskoye in Altai and Lake Baikal. The uniqueness of the lake also lies in the fact that not a single river flows into it, and about 70 million liters of water flow out per day.

Tserik-Kel - that’s what this lake is called local residents, which translated means like a rotten lake. There is a legend among the local population about the origin of this lake. Once upon a time, on the territory of Kabardino-Balkaria there lived a fearless hero, Bataraz, who defeated an evil dragon in a duel. And when the dragon collapsed, a hole formed in the mountains, which filled with water. To this day, the dragon lies at the bottom of this lake and sheds tears, thereby filling the lake with water and an unpleasant odor.

Right from the water's edge you can see sheer walls going into the depths, and from what you see you get the impression that this is a huge well. Depending on the time of day and weather, the shades of water constantly change and have different colors. The water temperature in the lake in winter and summer is the same +9.3, so the lake never freezes.

The Upper Blue Lakes are 2 lakes, Eastern and Western. These lakes are also called Communicating. A dam was built between them, and water from the Eastern Lake flows into the Western Lake. East Lake larger and deeper than the Western one. There are fish in these lakes.

Secret Lake is located near the Upper Blue Lakes. And it was named so because it is located in a deep karst sinkhole, overgrown with dense beech forest.

The dry lake, or also called the missing lake, was formed in a large karst hole with steep walls reaching a depth of 180 meters. Previously, this gap was completely filled with water, but as a result of the shaking of the mountains, the lake disappeared and remained only at the bottom of the canyon.

One of the most interesting natural objects in Russia are the Blue Lakes (Kabardino-Balkaria), which are located among the highlands of the Cherek Gorge. They keep a lot of mysteries and unsolved secrets, attracting tens of thousands of tourists from different parts of the country and the world. This beautiful place is located 50 km from Nalchik in the delta of the Cherek-Balkarsky River and consists of five lakes.

Studying the blue lakes of the CBD on the map, you can see that they include 5 separate systems of reservoirs. They have the following names:

  • Upper (2 lakes).
  • Lower (Chirik-Kel or Cherek).
  • Dry.
  • Secret.

The largest body of water in the lower lake is Tserrikel, located at an altitude of 809 meters. In one day, the surface of the water turns 16 different shades (from azure to emerald). The color is determined by the time of day, weather conditions and intensity of sunlight.

The water in the Lower Lake is crystal clear and transparent. In some places, the bottom is visible at a depth of 30-50 m. In clear weather, the reservoir becomes soft blue, which is due to the presence of large reserves of hydrogen sulfide at the bottom. Because of its characteristic hue, locals call Tserrikel “rotten lake.”

Scientists believe that a stable water level depends on powerful underground flows, because... Several reservoirs flow into the lake. At the same time, it gives rise to a small river, and the daily water flow reaches 70,000,000 liters.

There are no fish in Tserrikel, and the only inhabitant is the small crustacean Gammarus. Mountain trees grow in the surrounding area, such as:

  • Hornbeams.
  • Oaks.
  • Different types of alder.
  • Rose hip.
  • Kalina.
  • Azalea.

The upper lakes include 2 large reservoirs - Western and Eastern, which are separated by a dam. The main sources of their saturation are groundwater and precipitation. The reservoirs are full of precious fish (grass carp, trout and others), and rare species of trees and shrubs grow on the banks.

As for the Dry Lake, the local population gives it the name Kel-Ketchekhen, which translates as “the lake has flowed away.” It is located in the east of the group and has the lowest water level due to seismic activity in the mountains. The secret lake is located at an altitude of 902 m above sea level, 200-300 meters from two reservoirs.

Main Features

The lower lake covers an area of ​​0.0216 km 2 and its depth varies from 200 to 386 m. There is no exact information.

Researchers continue to study the specifics of the bottom, relief and other features of the reservoir. They also claim that it resembles a cave with vertical steep walls. In wide places the depth can be 1 m, and in narrow places it can drop to 40 m.

The basin of the Dry Lake in Kabardino-Balkaria is a large depression with vertical walls of 177 m each. In the deepest places there is a small reservoir with depths of up to 5 m. The reservoirs from the upper group are shallow - up to 18 m, with gentle banks. The depth of the secret lake is 21 m.

Tourists appreciate the Blue Lakes because of their pristine nature, clean air and water. At the same time, the region has a well-developed infrastructure, there are comfortable tourist centers and hotels.

The purest water

A reservoir with magical blue water is located in the mysterious Chereksky Ugly, which is located in the district of the same name - Chereksky. By the way, it is the largest in area in Kabardino-Balkaria, but has a small population. This feature is associated with the mountainous terrain that covers most of the region.

In addition to the Blue Lakes, in the vicinity there are 5 of the 7 peaks of the Caucasus, more than 5,000 meters above sea level. There is also the longest glacier in the Old World and the oldest mountaineering camp “Bezengi”, which became a training base for Soviet climbers.

The water in the lake is so clean that even in cloudy weather you can see the bottom at a depth of 20-50 meters. The exact depth of the mine is still unknown.

History of the study

Despite the development of modern technologies, the Blue Lakes continue to remain one of the most mysterious and little-studied natural objects. When visiting Kabardino-Balkaria, researchers tried to unravel all the secrets of these reservoirs, so expeditions were carried out for many decades. Among the most famous are the following:

  1. The first study of the group of lakes was carried out by the Russian glaciologist Nikolai Yakovlevich Dinnik at the end of the 19th century. It was he who published the article entitled “Trip to Balkaria in 1887-1890.”
  2. The reservoirs were also explored by I.S. Shchukin, and then by the Soviet geologist I.G. Kuznetsov in 1926-1927. For his numerous works, he received a silver medal from the Russian Geographical Society.
  3. In 1980, an expedition was organized by the Institute of Geography named after Vashukhti Bagrationi under the leadership of G. Gigeineshvili.

Legends and secrets

There are many legends, myths and folk tales about the Blue Lakes. The most famous one says that in ancient times the brave hero Batraz lived nearby. In the battle with the mighty dragon, he won, after which the fabulous beast fell to the ground, and a hole formed under him.

The second tale tells about a sweet princess who fell in love with a commoner shepherd. However, her noble neighbor, the prince, liked her, and he decided to kill the young man by throwing him off a cliff. Having learned about the grief, the girl also jumped into the abyss, and her tears began to fill a bottomless well. This is how the lake was formed.

In the description of the lake on Wikipedia there is mention of more modern history with a good ending. It happened in 2003. A young guy who is fond of diving found a mysterious find at the bottom. It was a bunch of cheap locks and several keys tied together. The items looked like new, with no discoloration or signs of corrosion, indicating that they had recently been in the water. In the holes of each castle there was a piece of paper. These were pieces of one photograph. When they were put together, they saw a photograph of a young guy and an inscription in Arabic.

The diver reported the find to a resident local village, and he treated the information with full responsibility. He recognized in the photo a neighbor's young man who had recently gone to town and gotten married. But after the wedding, various troubles began to haunt him. It soon became known that a terrible curse was placed on the guy with the help of these locks.

Residents of the surrounding villages claim that many people or objects drowned in some places and then burst into flames in others. So, they say that in the depths of the lakes there is:

  • Cavalry of Alexander the Great with precious jewelry.
  • Lots of military vehicles different countries and peoples.
  • Bronze statue of Joseph Stalin.
  • Lots of modern cars.

Nearby attractions

Chereksky district in the Balkar region is famous for many interesting sights and tourist routes. They are rich in rare artifacts, ancient monuments and mysterious places, which will take your breath away. Among the most interesting are the following:

  1. Ushtulu. It is a gorge and a valley of the same name, located 25 km from Upper Balkaria. The area is 30,000 m2 with incredible mountain scenery, many trees, shrubs and flowers, as well as small streams and rivulets that flow from steep cliffs. In Soviet times, the All-Union tourist route No. 87 functioned here towards the sea coast.
  2. The Suksan Gorge is high mountain valley with the Sukan-Su River at the bottom. The canyon is characterized by a magical landscape with pristine nature. In the 17th century there was a road from Russia to Georgia.
  3. Lake Giybashkol. It is considered one of the key treasures of the gorge with its azure color and clear water.
  4. Amiranovs' watchtower. It is located on a giant boulder and has a height of 10 m. It is a landmark for travelers who go to the Rtsyvashki gorge.

Cherek Gorge

The road from the Blue Lakes is directed towards the Cherek Gorge. The surrounding area is very cozy and fresh. Even the bright summer sun does not burn the vegetation, so it remains green all season. Picturesque landscapes attract many tourists and leave unforgettable emotions in their hearts. In the narrow gorge you feel a pleasant coolness, and among the high steep walls of the rocks a strong wind blows, so you need to take care of warm clothes when hiking.

The path to the gorge heads up steep slopes. By bus you can only get to a small green clearing, and then you have to walk 5-6 kilometers.

In some places of the gorge the walls are almost vertical, and their height reaches 500 meters. In the middle of the height there is a road where tractors and cars drive. It leads into a wide, sun-warmed valley with poor vegetation, but deep streams and lush grass.

At a distance of 8-9 kilometers from the tunnel in a bowl-like mountain valley there is the village of Upper Balkaria. It houses stylish homes with a modern layout and original style.

At the end of the gorge there is a glacier of Mount Gulchi, which has a height of 4471 meters above sea level. It is this object that attracts climbers and fans of mountain tourism. But during the icing period it is dangerous to be here because of the likelihood of avalanches.

The Rtsyvashka valley is home to bears, aurochs, quails and partridges. To get to it, you will need to wade through scree and a fast river.

Ways to visit

There are many ways and routes that allow you to travel to the Blue Lakes in winter (CBD), summer or autumn. When going to the reservoirs from Nalchik, you need to go to the village of Babugent, but a couple of kilometers from the village take a left turn with a sign “to the Cherek Gorge”. Scheduled excursions from Pyatigorsk, Nalchik and other cities are also carried here.

From Nalchik there are buses No. 2 (three times a day) or taxis. There is also a minibus “Nalchik – Babugent”, which runs hourly from 8 am. From the village to your destination you will need to walk another 5 km. The key road is the federal highway R-217-Kavkaz, along which you can get to the village of Urvan and then turn right. If you travel by personal transport from Nalchik, you will have to spend 5-7 liters of fuel.

Types of recreation

The list of hotels and outbuildings near the Blue Lakes is quite extensive. The most popular is the complex of the same name “Blue Lakes” in the village of Babugent. This park hotel has a good cafe with breakfast for 150 rubles, lunch and dinner for 250 rubles. All meals are paid separately. There is well-equipped parking on the street for vehicles. Tourists also have access to a 24-hour swimming pool, golf and billiards. There is a diving club and a conference room for 40 people.

Various meetings, conferences and seminars are held here. Local guides organize educational walking tours and trips on ATVs, SUVs or other extreme sports transport.

Next interesting object, where you can stay on the Blue Lakes, is the large sanatorium “Dolinsk”. He is in resort area near the Atazhukinsky Garden park. Among the amenities are:

  1. 2 beds.
  2. Nightstands.
  3. Individual shower and toilet.
  4. Closet.

When going to the Blue Lakes, you can stay in comfortable hotels. This could be the Jamilya Hotel, located in Nalchik. The cozy rooms have a refrigerator, hairdryer, wireless internet and another set of amenities.

Tourists also stay at the Korona Hotel, which is located on Balkarova Street, 6. The Rossiya Hotel is located in the central part of Nalchik. Nearby there is a fruit and vegetable market, cafes, shops and a musical theater.

Scientists have measured the deepest karst lake in Russia. The main discovery that scientists were able to make is that the depth of the unique natural monument is 21 meters greater than expected. However, according to researchers,this is clearly not the limitand the figure is far from final .

So detailed research work, which we carried out, no one had done here before us. For example, we discovered a niche going to the side mountain range, which has yet to be explored,” said Nikolay Maksimovich, Deputy Director for Research, Natural Science Institute, Perm State National Research University.

Last fall, divers dived into the emerald blue depths (the color of the lake is due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide) about 400 times. During the visual inspection, they were able to discover three previously unknown caves. During a detailed inspection of one of them, the Marlin-350 underwater robot reached the lowest point. Thus, it was possible to prove that Tserik-Kel is another 21 meters deeper.

The fact is that the lake “lives”; the landscape of its bottom and side slopes is constantly changing. The depth that the robot showed this time is far from the final result. If research continues, it may increase further. I fully admit that Tserik-Kel will be officially recognized as the deepest karst lake in the world,” said the executive director of the Center for Underwater Research of the Russian Geographical Society Sergey Fokin.

In addition, RGS scientists were able to confirm the source of “food” of Tserik-Kel, into which not a single river flows. By creating a 3D model based on sonar, they found that water had been making its way out of the ground for many years.

Blue Lake (Tserik-Kel, Cherek-Kel)- a unique natural monument, the second deepest freshwater body of water in Russia after Lake Baikal. Located surrounded by mountains in the picturesque Cherek Gorge at an altitude of 809 m above sea level. Here are five of the seven 5,000-meter peaks in the Caucasus and the longest glacier in Europe. One of the oldest alpine camps in Russia, “Bezengi,” is also located here, where the legendary Soviet mountaineering originated.