Presentation on the topic of unexplored places of Crimea. A short excursion around the Crimean Peninsula

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  • March 11, 2014 Declaration of Independence adopted
  • Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol.


  • flag and coat of arms of the Republic of Crimea
  • flag and coat of arms of the city of Sevastopol
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    In March 2014, rallies in support of Crimea were held in many Russian cities.

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    On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in Crimea on possible secession from Ukraine and joining the Russian Federation.


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    • On March 19, the Constitutional Court recognized the agreement as complying with the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
    • On March 20-21, the Treaty was ratified by the State Duma and the Federation Council.
    • March 21, 2014 - President V.V. Putin signed the law on ratification of the treaty on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to the Russian Federation


    • On March 18, 2014, an interstate agreement was signed in the Kremlin on the admission of the Republic of Crimea to Russia, in accordance with which new subjects of the Russian Federation are formed - the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol.
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    • 84th subject of the Russian Federation – REPUBLIC OF CRIMEA
    • 85th subject of the Russian Federation - federal city SEVASTOPOL
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    The Crimean Peninsula is located in the south of Eastern Europe.

    In the north, the peninsula is connected to the mainland by the narrow Perekop Isthmus, in the east - Kerch Strait.

    From the west and south the peninsula is washed by the Black Sea, from the northeast - waters Sea of ​​Azov.

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    The name "Crimea" comes from the Turkic - rampart, wall, ditch.

    The Perekop shaft was built 2 thousand years ago.

    Until the 13th century. The peninsula was called Tavrika, named after the ancient Taurian tribes who lived here.

    Since the 15th century, the peninsula began to be called Tavria, and after it became part of Russia in 1783 - Tavrida.

    A little history.

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    The first Russian possessions in eastern Crimea appeared in the 10th century and became part of the Principality of Tmutarakan, created under Svyatoslav.

    In ancient Chersonesos (now part of Sevastopol), Grand Duke Vladimir I was baptized in 988.

    The ruler of Crimea (Tmutarakini) was Mstislav Udaloy, brother of Yaroslav the Wise.

    A little history.

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    In the XIII-XIV centuries. Crimea was part of the Golden Horde.

    And after its collapse - as part of the Crimean Khanate.

    In 1478, the Crimean Khanate became a protectorate of the Ottoman Empire.

    Since the end of the 15th century, the Crimean Khanate made constant raids on the Russian state and Poland. The main purpose of the raids was to capture slaves and resell them in Turkish markets.

    A little history.

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    Russian-Turkish War of 1768 - 1774.

    During the war, the Russian army under the command of Pyotr Rumyantsev and Alexander Suvorov defeated Turkish troops in the battles of Larga, Kagul and Kozludzhi, and the Mediterranean squadron of the Russian fleet under the command of Alexei Orlov and Grigory Spiridov defeated the Turkish fleet at Chiossku and Chesme.

    As a result of the war, which ended in victory Russian Empire, it included New Russia and the northern Caucasus, and the Crimean Khanate came under its protectorate.

    A little history.

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    A little history.

    From the Manifesto of Catherine II on the annexation of Crimea.

    “...the eternal peace between the All-Russian and Ottoman Empires is concluded, which We sincerely wish to preserve forever, and no less, in replacement and satisfaction of Our losses, We decided to take under Our power the Crimean Peninsula, Taman Island and the entire Kuban side...[...]

    ... Proclaiming to the inhabitants of those places ... we promise sacredly and unshakably for ourselves and the Successors of Our Throne to support them on an equal basis with our natural subjects, to protect and defend their persons, property, temples and natural faith ...

    Given in Our capital city of St. Peter, on April 8 DAYS from the Nativity of Christ, 1783, and in the twenty-first summer of Our reign. Catherine the Second"

    Catherine the Great called Crimea “the best pearl” of her crown.

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    A little history.

    Potemkin Grigory Alexandrovich, Prince Tauride favorite and closest assistant to Empress Catherine II. He supervised the development of the Northern Black Sea region and the construction of the Black Sea Fleet. Commander-in-Chief of the Russian army in the Russian-Turkish war of 1787-1791.

    In 1776 he became governor-general of the Novorossiysk, Azov and Astrakhan provinces.

    At the mouth of the Dnieper, Potemkin founded Kherson with a shipyard, supervised the construction of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk) and the construction of Sevastopol as a military and seaport Russia, the creation of the Black Sea Fleet, both military and commercial.

    Inviting colonists, founding cities, planting forests and vineyards, encouraging sericulture, establishing schools, factories, printing houses, shipyards - all this was undertaken on an extremely large scale, on a large scale, sparing neither money, nor labor, nor people.

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    A little history.

    Fireworks in honor of Catherine II during her trip to Crimea.

    In 1787, the famous journey of Catherine II to Crimea was undertaken, which turned into a triumph for Potemkin.

    The Amazon company, created by order of the prince, brought considerable pleasure to the empress; Kherson, with its fortress, surprised even foreigners, and the sight of the Sevastopol raid with a squadron of 15 large and 20 small ships was the most spectacular sight of the entire trip. When bidding farewell to the Empress in Kharkov, Potemkin received the honorary title of Tauride.


    The luxurious appearance of the settlements and the well-groomed manner of their inhabitants were so amazing that they raised doubts about the authenticity of the picture presented. Therefore, envious people began to claim that these were dummies, models of houses installed on Potemkin’s orders, and that in reality there were no villages.

    However, the fact remains that cities and towns were built, the population settled, and Russia’s borders were strengthened. In addition, it was a serious diplomatic step. It was necessary to show foreign guests(including the Austrian Emperor Joseph II) that Russia has a firm foot on the newly acquired lands and intends to maintain them in the best possible way.

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    SEVASTOPOL is a city of Russian glory.

    In the 5th century BC. e. Greek colonists built their fortress-colony Chersonesus (part of the territory of modern Sevastopol)

    Immediately after the annexation of Crimea to Russia, Catherine II gave instructions to find a place to build a military port. The founder of the city was Rear Admiral Foma Fomich Mekenzi, who on June 14, 1783 laid the first four stone buildings of Sevastopol.

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    Crimea is a peninsula protruding deeply into the Black Sea, eastern part which - the Kerch Peninsula - separates the Sea of ​​Azov from the Black Sea basin. Crimean peninsula connected to the mainland in the north through the narrow Perekop Isthmus (7 km), and the even narrower Kerch Strait (4.5 km) separates Crimea from Taman Peninsula in the east. The total area of ​​the Crimean Peninsula is 27,000 km², length coastline- about 2500 km. Crimea has a unique location, varied terrain (mountains up to 1545 m high in the south and flat steppe in the north) and varied climate (dry temperate continental in the north and subtropical on the southern coast). All this, as well as the rich historical and cultural heritage, make Crimea an outstanding resort and tourist area, and its strategic location in the Black Sea region gives Crimea enormous economic, military-political significance.

    At the moment, almost the entire territory of Crimea is part of the Republic of Crimea (until March 17, 2014 - the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, or ARC), except for the north of the narrow and long Arabat Spit, which administratively belongs to the Kherson region of Ukraine, as well as the federal city of Sevastopol . As a result of the degradation of Ukrainian statehood, which lasted throughout the 23 years of the history of independent Ukraine, on February 18-23, 2014, oligarchic and Bandera forces carried out a coup in Kyiv. In response to this, the Crimeans took power on the peninsula into their own hands. On March 16, 2014, a referendum was held in which the Crimean people chose whether Crimea would be a fully autonomous republic with state sovereignty within Ukraine or would become part of the Russian Federation as a subject of the federation. 96.77% of Crimeans and 95.6% of Sevastopol residents voted for the reunification of Crimea with Russia. Turnout in Crimea was 82.71% (including Sevastopol). It should be noted that exactly 70 years ago, on March 16, 1944, the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief gave the order to begin the operation to liberate Crimea. Since the signing of the corresponding interstate agreement on March 18, 2014, the Republic of Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol, has been part of Russia. On March 21, the Federation Council adopted and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law on the admission of Crimea and Sevastopol to Russia.

    XII century BC e. The steppe Crimea is inhabited by the Cimmerians, and on the southern coast and in the Crimean mountains live the Taurian tribes, from which the ancient name of Crimea - Tauris - comes (the modern name of the peninsula comes, apparently, from the Turkic word kyrym - shaft, wall, ditch). VIII-VII centuries BC e. The Greeks begin colonizing the southern coast of Crimea, and the Scythians come to the Crimean steppes. 5th century BC e. Greek cities in eastern Crimea they unite into the Bosporan kingdom. 422 BC e. The Greek city of Tauride Chersonesus was founded, later the most famous ancient city Crimea, the ruins of which are located on the territory of modern Sevastopol. III-II centuries BC e. The steppe Crimea becomes the center of the Scythian state. Greek cities are protected from the Scythians with the help of the Pontic king Mithridates VI, who takes control of the Crimean harbors.

    63 BC e. The Pontic kingdom was conquered by the Roman Empire, Crimean cities come under Roman control. 1st century AD e. IN steppe Crimea Sarmatians invade. '98 According to legend, Saint Clement I, the 4th Pope of Rome, was exiled from Rome to the Inkerman quarries in the area of ​​modern Sevastopol. He was the first to begin the spread of Christianity in the territory of the future Russian world, except for the legend of the Apostle Andrew the First-Called. III century. The Goths invade Crimea and seize the Bosporan kingdom and all the possessions of the Sarmatians and Romans (except Chersonesus). 375 The Huns invade Crimea and plunder the Bosporan kingdom. IV-V centuries. The Roman (Byzantine) Empire regains control over the southern coast and mountainous part of Crimea. End of the 6th century. Troops of the Turkic Kaganate invade eastern Crimea and finally destroy the Bosporan kingdom. End of the 7th century. Crimea is captured by the Khazars, and only Chersonesos remains under Byzantine rule. 10th century The defeat of the Khazar Kaganate by the Russians, the Pechenegs come to the steppe Crimea.

    960s. Principality of Tmutarakan (according to some sources later, but not later than 988). The Russian Principality of Tmutarakan arises near the Kerch Strait with its capital in Tmutarakan on the Taman Peninsula and with part of the territory in Crimea on the Kerch Peninsula. The principality arose as a result of the campaigns of Prince Svyatoslav (according to other sources, as a result of the Korsun (Chersonese) campaign of Prince Vladimir). The Tmutarakan principality existed at least until 1094, then these lands passed to Byzantium, and then to the Cumans. However, both under Byzantium and under the Polovtsians, Russians lived in Tmutarakan and Crimea, and according to some sources, the princely dynasty that ruled Tmutarakan under the Polovtsians was related to the Russian princes. 988 Baptism of Rus'. In Tauride Chersonesos the baptism of Saint Prince Vladimir takes place, with which the Baptism of Rus' begins. As a result of the Korsun campaign of St. Vladimir, the influence and presence of Russians in Crimea is consolidated, and the Russian Tmutarakan principality is strengthened (or, according to other sources, created).

    XI century. The defeat of the Pechenegs by the Russians, the steppe Crimea is conquered by the Polovtsians (Kypchaks). XIII century. The defeat of Constantinople by the crusaders, as a result of which, after the weakening of Byzantium, part of its possessions in the Crimea became the independent principality of Gothia (Theodoro), and part passed to the Genoese. 1238 Crimea was conquered by the Mongols of Khan Batu, the steppe part of the peninsula is part of the Golden Horde. Most of the population of Crimea, including Russians, are destroyed or enslaved. 1441 The Crimean Khanate becomes independent. 1475 The Ottoman Turks conquer the southern coast of Crimea (Genoese possessions and the Principality of Theodoro), and the Crimean Khanate becomes a vassal of the Ottoman Empire. Over the next three centuries, the Crimean Tatars constantly raided Russia and the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. 1772 As a result of the Russian-Turkish War (1768-1774), under the terms of the Kuchuk-Kainardzhi Treaty, the Crimean Khanate gained independence from the Ottoman Empire, garrisons of Russian troops were located on the coast of Crimea.

    1783 The entry of Crimea into Russia. On April 8, 1783, Crimea and the adjacent Azov steppes became part of Russia (in 1784 they became the Tauride region, since 1802 - the Tauride province). At the same time, Taman and all of Kuban are part of Russia. On May 23, 1783, the foundation of Simferopol was planned (construction began in 1784). On June 3 (14), 1783, Sevastopol was founded. 1853-1856. Crimean (Eastern) War of Turkey and the Anglo-French coalition against Russia. Although on almost all fronts - near Kronstadt and the Solovetsky Islands, in Kamchatka and the Caucasus - the allies do not achieve success and are defeated, in Crimea, thanks to the superiority in the number of ships, the British and French manage to occupy the southern part of the peninsula, with the exception of Sevastopol. 1854-1855. First defense of Sevastopol. From October 17, 1854 to September 9, 1855, the Anglo-French-Turkish coalition besieged Sevastopol. The entrance to Sevastopol Bay is blocked by sunken ships of the Black Sea Fleet, and admirals Nakhimov, Kornilov and Istomin die during the defense. The enemy manages to occupy only the southern part of Sevastopol; Russian soldiers and sailors hold the northern side. As a result, Crimea and Sevastopol remain part of Russia, but the country is deprived of the right to have a navy in the Black Sea (however, in 1870 Russia regained this right).

    1917-1920. It's on in Russia Civil war. In Crimea, “white” and “red” governments replace each other several times. November 7 - November 17, 1920 The Workers' and Peasants' Red Army takes control of the Crimea during the Perekop-Chongar operation, the white troops of General Wrangel leave the peninsula by sea. 1921 On October 18, 1921, the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was formed as part of the RSFSR. 1941-1942. Second defense of Crimea and Sevastopol. September 12, 1941 - July 9, 1942 the battle for Crimea and the second heroic defense of Sevastopol took place. As a result, the territory of Crimea was occupied by Nazi Germany and Romania, but the persistent resistance of the Sevastopol residents distracted significant German forces from actions in the Stalingrad direction, which ultimately contributed to the victory at Stalingrad and in the Great Patriotic War in general. 1944 Crimea liberated Soviet troops. In order to ensure internal security and prevent conflicts, Crimean Tatars who collaborated with the Germans were deported to Central Asia (May 18), as well as Armenians, Bulgarians and Greeks (June 26). Several decades later, the deported peoples returned to Crimea. 1946 The autonomy of the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic was abolished, and the Crimean region was created on June 25, 1946.

    1948 By the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of October 29, 1948, Sevastopol was made a city of republican subordination - thus, the status of Sevastopol became equal to the status of the Crimean region. 1954 By decrees of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of February 19 and April 26, 1954, almost exactly 60 years before the key events of 2014, “as a sign of friendship” and in honor of the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the Pereyaslav Rada of 1654 (that is, the reunification of Russia and Ukraine), Crimea was transferred from the Russian SFSR to the Ukrainian SSR. At the same time, the will of the population of Crimea was not taken into account, and referendums were not held. The political motives for the transfer of Crimea to the Ukrainian SSR remain largely unclear, and the legal legality of this step is extremely controversial - according to the USSR Constitution, the territory of the republics could not be changed without their consent, and the Presidium of the Supreme Council did not have the right to change the territories of the republics. Also controversial was the legal status of the transfer to the Ukrainian SSR of Sevastopol, which was a city of republican subordination to the RSFSR and was not mentioned in any way in the decrees on the transfer of Crimea

    1978 On April 12 and 20, respectively, new constitutions of the RSFSR and the Ukrainian SSR were adopted, in which Crimea and Sevastopol were assigned to the Ukrainian SSR, but the decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR dated October 29, 1948 N 761/2 on the republican subordination of Sevastopol was never canceled. Self-defense of Crimea with shields painted in the colors of the Crimean flag, 1991. Based on the results of the referendum, the Crimean region was transformed into the Crimean Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic as a subject of the USSR for inclusion in the project of a new updated USSR - the Union of Sovereign States (USS), which, however, did not take place due to the position of a number of republics of the USSR, the August 1991 putsch and other reasons. 1992 After the collapse of the USSR, the Crimean Autonomy, which in fact became part of Ukraine, signed an agreement with Ukraine. 1994 The Supreme Council of Ukraine renamed the Crimean ASSR (Republic of Crimea) into the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. The pro-Russian Yuri Meshkov was elected Crimean President; on March 27, a referendum was held in Crimea, in which Crimeans voted for increased autonomy, dual Russian and Ukrainian citizenship, and equating the status of decrees of the President of Crimea with laws.

    1995 As a result of the conflict between the Crimean autonomy and the central Ukrainian authorities, the Supreme Council of Ukraine on March 17, 1995 abolished the Constitution of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, abolished the post of President of Crimea and all normative legal acts previously adopted in Crimea.

    2014 "The third defense of Sevastopol and Crimea." Reunification with Russia. On Defender of the Fatherland Day, February 23, mass rallies began in Sevastopol against the Banderaites who seized power in Kyiv. On February 24, 2014, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea refused to submit to the new illegitimate Ukrainian government. Within a few days, self-defense units were formed in Crimea, which took under protection administrative buildings and entrances to Sevastopol and Crimea, and also blocked Ukrainian military units and almost the entire Black Sea Fleet of Ukraine. On March 6, 2014, the Supreme Council of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea made a fundamental decision to join Russia as a subject of the federation. On March 16, a referendum on reunification with Russia was held in Crimea. Turnout in the hero city of Sevastopol at the referendum was 89.5%, in the Republic of Crimea - 81.36%, in Crimea as a whole 82.71%, and the highest turnout was shown by the hero city of Kerch - 94.59%. According to preliminary data, 95.7% of Crimeans voted for the reunification of Crimea with Russia. The referendum took place in a peaceful and festive atmosphere. It should be noted that exactly 70 years ago, on March 16, 1944, the headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief gave the order to begin the operation to liberate Crimea. Since the signing of the agreement on joining Russia on March 18, 2014, Crimea, including Sevastopol, has been part of the Russian Federation.

    Population of Crimea As of November 1, 2013, the population of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea was 1,967,119 people, and the population of the Sevastopol City Council was 385,462 people (total - 2,352,581 people). The share of Russians in Crimea according to the 2001 census According to the 2001 census (the results of which were maximally adjusted to the positions of Ukrainizers), 58.5% of Russians, 24.3% of Ukrainians, 12.1% of Crimean Tatars, 1.4% lived in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Belarusians, 1.1% Armenians, 0.6% Tatars, and 2% representatives of other ethnic groups. According to the same data, in 2001, 71.58% of Russians, 22.38% of Ukrainians, 1.54% of Belarusians and 5.5% of representatives of other ethnic groups lived in Sevastopol. The majority of the population of Crimea and Sevastopol has an extremely positive attitude towards Russia.

    Economy of Crimea Industry Below are the main enterprises of the most important industries of the peninsula. Shipbuilding and ship repair The shipbuilding industry in Russia in recent years has been largely overloaded with orders - there was simply nowhere to build the same Mistrals in the country - therefore, some increase due to Crimea, whose factories, although not as large as in Nikolaev, is for the Russian economy came in very handy.

    Sevastopol Marine Plant, Sevastopol - has been engaged in shipbuilding and ship repair since 1783. Shipyard "Southern Sevastopol", Sevastopol. Shipyard "More", town. Primorsky, Feodosia - specializes in hydrofoils and air cushion. Shipbuilding plant "Zaliv", Kerch. Kerch Shipyard, Kerch. 13 ship repair plant of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Ministry of Defense, Sevastopol. Shipyard "VALM", Sevastopol. Design and technology bureau "Sudocomposite", Feodosia Feodosia ship mechanical plant, Feodosia Fiberglass, Feodosia Special production and technical base "Plamya", town. Primorsky, Feodosia - production of ship fire protection systems. Central design bureau "Chernomorets", Sevastopol

    Other mechanical engineering and metallurgy Plant "Molot", Sevastopol - production of pumping equipment for shipbuilding and mines. Kerch Switch Plant, Kerch - production of track superstructure elements railways and cast parts for various purposes. Plant "Pneumatika", Simferopol - produces pneumatic equipment. Progress Machine-Building Plant, Simferopol - produces lines for the production of building materials, as well as special-purpose automobile bodies and trailers. The Simferopolselmash plant, Simferopol, produces components for agricultural machinery, including for Rostselmash. Simferopol Automobile Steering Wheels Plant, Simferopol - manufacturer of auto components for KrAZ. Kerch Metallurgical Plant - production of enamelware. Evpatoria Aviation Repair Plant - aircraft repair and maintenance. Sevastopol Aviation Enterprise - repair of helicopters and communications equipment. Radiocommunication Design Bureau, Sevastopol.

    Instrument making Plant "Fiolent", Simferopol - production of ship automation systems and electromechanical components. Large manufacturer of hand-held power tools. Crimean Electrotechnical Plant "SATURN", Sevastopol - production of electric motors. Tavrida Electric, Sevastopol - electrical equipment for 0.4-10 kV networks. Plant "Monsoon", Sevastopol - manufacturer of marine radio equipment. Feodosia Optical Plant - optics, including for military purposes. Feodosia State Optical Plant - microscopes.

    Chemical industry "Crimean Titan", Armyansk

    Crimean Soda Plant, Krasnoperekopsk - provides 2.5% of the world soda ash market. Crimean Titan, Armyansk is the largest producer of titanium dioxide in Eastern Europe. Among other things, titanium dioxide is widely known as a white pigment in building enamels. Perekop bromine plant (PJSC "Brom"), Krasnoperekopsk - produces bromine and its compounds.

    Construction materials industry Altzem cement plant, Kerch - very large cement plant is under construction, the first stage was supposed to be commissioned in the summer of 2014. Mining Kamysh-Burunsky iron ore plant - mining and primary processing of iron ore in the Kerch region. Chernomornaftogaz - production of gas, oil and gas condensate on the shelf of the peninsula.

    Winemaking Main building of the Massandra winery

    Sevastopol Wine Factory Massandra Winery Factory of Fine Wines and Cognacs "Koktebel" Inkerman Factory of Fine Wines Factory " New World» National Institute of Grapes and Wine "Magarach" is not only a research center, but also a wine producer.

    Fishing and fish processing enterprises Plant "Interrybflot", Sevastopol. Fish canning plant "Novy", Sevastopol. Fish canning plant "Akhtiar", Sevastopol. Fish canning plant "Proliv", Kerch Fish canning plant "Vostok NPP", Kerch

    Agriculture The natural and geographical conditions of Crimea, divided into the northern steppe and southern mountainous parts, as well as the lack of moisture, especially in dry years, determine the direction of local agriculture. During the years of independence of Ukraine, livestock farming, which traditionally for the peninsula was represented by dairy cattle, as well as poultry and sheep farming, went into significant decline due to a lack of natural feed. In the field of crop production, the southern mountainous part of Crimea is characterized by gardening, viticulture, growing tobacco and vegetables. In the northern part of the peninsula, grains, vegetables and feed crops for livestock are mostly grown. In Soviet times, to organize irrigated agriculture on the peninsula, the North Crimean Canal was built, supplying Dnieper water for irrigation, but at the moment it is largely degraded.


    Kerch ferry crossing. Kerch sea trade port. Kerch sea fishing port. Feodosia sea trade port. Yalta sea trade port. Sevastopol sea trade port. Sevastopol sea fishing port. Evpatoria sea trade port.

    Research Institute of Aeroelastic Systems, Feodosia - research in the field of development of parachute systems. Scientific Research Center "Helicopter", town. Primorsky, Feodosia - testing and modification of helicopter equipment. Crimean Astrophysical Observatory (CrAO), town. The scientific, Bakhchisarai region was at one time one of the largest astronomical centers in the USSR and throughout the world. It has unique equipment, including the largest reflecting telescope in Europe with a diameter of 2.6 meters, which studies the chemical composition and magnetism of stars, as well as the physics of active galactic nuclei (this telescope is also the second largest in Eurasia after the 6-meter BTA telescope in Karachaevo- Circassia on Caucasus ridge- the border between Europe and Asia). The observatory under Ukrainian rule suffered seriously from underfunding and in recent years was forced to curtail many programs, but now hopes for changes for the better, plans to join the Russian Academy of Sciences and strengthen its staff with specialists from Russia. The Simeiz Observatory on the southern coast of Crimea currently belongs to KrAO as a structural unit. During Soviet times, numerous discoveries of asteroids, comets and nebulae were made at the Crimean and Simeiz observatories.

    Center for Deep Space Communications in Evpatoria ( National Center control and testing of space assets) is the most well-equipped communication center with spacecraft outside geostationary orbit on the territory of the former USSR. It is a serious radio observatory, as it is equipped with radio telescopes (antennas) with a diameter of up to 70 meters.

    Reunification of Crimea with Russia 100% of the votes have been counted in the all-Crimean referendum. 96.77% of residents of the Republic of Crimea voted for reunification with Russia, with a turnout of 83.1%, as well as 95.6% of Sevastopol residents, with a turnout of 89.5%. The Supreme Council of Crimea and the City Council of Sevastopol announced their intention to join Russia as federal subjects. According to the head of the commission for organizing the referendum, Mikhail Malyshev, “This is the choice of the Crimeans, and the words that are inscribed on the coat of arms of Crimea - “Prosperity in unity”, now sound like “Prosperity in unity with Russia.” Since the signing of the interstate agreement on March 18, 2014 The Republic of Crimea, including the city of Sevastopol, is part of Russia. This fact is not recognized by Ukraine. Third countries can make various statements on this issue, but the outline of the Russian-Ukrainian border is not determined by any documents with the participation of third parties.

    What reunification with Crimea will give Russia Russia gains the opportunity for strategic control over the entire Black Sea region, which is due to the location of the southern part of Crimea practically in the center of the Azov-Black Sea basin. Russia's capabilities to control maritime and airspace in the Black Sea region, including the placement of missile attack warning radar stations on the peninsula. Russia gains full unrestricted control over the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol, and also receives all seaports and military bases in Crimea. Ukraine no longer needs to pay for the lease of the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol and there is no need to pay duties for deliveries to this base. The rental price was about $100 million a year, and several tens of millions of dollars were spent on duties. The same applies to the training ground for naval aviation pilots for flights from the NITKA aircraft carriers. In addition, huge funds (many billions of dollars) are potentially freed up for the development of the Black Sea Fleet base in Novorossiysk and strengthening the infrastructure of the Southern Military District, which would have to be spent if Crimea remained part of Ukraine under the rule of an illegitimate government unfriendly to Russia.

    There is an opportunity to abandon the Kharkov agreements (a discount on gas in exchange for the extension of the agreement on the Black Sea Fleet base in Sevastopol) and return to European gas prices for Ukraine. The 2010 agreements provided for a reduction in the price of Russian gas for Ukraine by 30%, but by no more than $100 per thousand cubic meters - taking into account Russia’s refusal to maintain the gas discount given in December 2013, this means that gas prices for Ukraine again will be the same as for most other European countries. The abolition of both discounts could theoretically give Russia up to $4-6 billion a year, which within a few years would completely offset any economic costs of integrating Crimea into Russia. In practice, however, Ukraine in its current state will most likely simply not be able to pay the European price for gas, and pricing will likely once again become a subject of political bargaining. Part of the Ukrainian army (up to 16,000 soldiers out of 18,000 stationed in Crimea), part of the military equipment and almost the entire Black Sea Fleet of Ukraine comes under Russian control. However, the majority of Ukrainian combat aircraft in Crimea are not operational, and in general, Ukraine’s military equipment is outdated.

    Russia gains almost complete control over the Sea of ​​Azov, entry and exit from it through the Kerch Strait. At the moment, Russia annually pays, according to various estimates, from 20 to 70 million dollars for the passage of Russian ships through the Kerch-Yenikalsky Canal. After reunification with Crimea, in fact, Russia receives not only the ports of Crimea, but also indirect control over the activities of all Ukrainian ports of the Azov Sea (if they remain part of Ukraine, which is collapsing under the rule of Bandera). Strategic encirclement of the territory of Ukraine - more than half of its borders are surrounded by the countries of the Customs Union. This gives Ukraine additional economic incentives to join the Customs Union, in which Russia and other CU countries are very interested.

    The possibility of laying a gas pipeline through Crimea is an alternative route for South Stream, significantly reducing the cost of the project. Now the largest transit gas pipeline, South Stream, is supposed to be built through the deep central part of the Black Sea in neutral waters (but in the Turkish economic zone). If Crimea is annexed by Russia, the gas pipeline could be laid overland on the territory of Crimea or along the Crimean shelf through the relatively shallow northern part of the Black Sea. This would reduce the cost of the project by almost 20 billion dollars (with the cost of the current project being 56 billion). It is unlikely, however, that this will happen with the first line of the gas pipeline - to change the route, it will be necessary to significantly push back the timing of the project’s commissioning; in addition, it will be necessary to renegotiate with partners and abandon agreements with Turkey, which has so far been generally on the side of Russia in the Crimean Sea crisis. But the subsequent lines of South Stream have a great chance of going along a cheaper route. The gas pipeline is designed to completely cover the needs of Southern Europe for gas supplies and will allow Russia to almost completely abandon transit through Ukraine.

    About 3/4 of Ukraine's exclusive economic zone in the Black and Azov Seas, including oil and gas fields, is transferred to Russia. Chernomorneftegaz, a company registered in Simferopol, is currently developing gas on the Crimean shelf. Proven oil reserves are relatively small (up to several million tons), but gas reserves are more significant (tens of billions of cubic meters in the Kazantip region). In addition, there are oil and gas fields that have not yet been developed and have not been fully explored, the reserves of which are already estimated at hundreds of millions of tons of oil and hundreds of billions of cubic meters of gas. An exclusive economic zone also means the right to fish in these waters (which, however, is not a significant resource at the moment due to depletion of fish stocks and the deteriorating environmental situation in the Black Sea). Russia receives large chemical plants in the north of Crimea (see above ), which occupy a significant part of the global market for fertilizer components and reagents for oil refining.

    The shipbuilding and ship repair enterprises of Crimea will not be superfluous in Russia, where at the moment a significant part of the shipbuilding enterprises are overloaded with orders. Center for Deep Space Communications in Yevpatoria (National Center for Control and Testing of Space Facilities) - a radio engineering center built in Soviet times is critical for the development of domestic deep space research programs, as it is equipped with very expensive equipment and has few analogues in Russia - there are telescopes of a similar size only in Bear Lakes in the Moscow region and near Ussuriysk, and for effective communication with spacecraft due to the rotation of the Earth there must be many such centers. Currently, the center is used when working with the Radioastron orbital telescope. 3,000 hectares of vineyards and the largest wineries, including the famous Massandra winery with its largest collection of wines in the world. The following wineries operate in Crimea: Inkerman Vintage Wine Factory, Koktebel, Massandra, Novy Svet. All of them are brands in the post-Soviet space, and some beyond its borders.

    The entire resort and tourist complex of Crimea, including 2,500 km of coastline with numerous beaches and seaside resorts. For the cold northern country that is Russia, the return of a huge seaside resort area is of great significance. At the moment, the role of sea resort regions in Russia is played only by the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and, in the future, the southern part of the coast of Dagestan. With certain investments, Crimea can easily be turned into a first-class resort region at the level of the best world standards (as recently happened with Sochi thanks to the Olympics). Probably, at first, Crimea will continue to play the role of a place for a relatively cheap and “unpretentious” holiday. The entry of Crimea into Russia will lead to the fact that a significant part of the money that Russians spend on vacation will not go abroad, but will remain in the country’s economy. The entry of Crimea into the ruble zone will strengthen the position of the ruble among world currencies.

    Together with Crimea, the Russian economy will increase and will definitely exceed the size of the German economy, becoming the first economy in Europe. Although Crimea's GRP is now only about $12 billion per year (PPP), even this increase is enough for Russia to overtake Germany in terms of GDP (PPP) in the ranking according to the World Bank. In addition, the economy of Crimea as part of Russia will have significant growth potential. Increasing the sales market for Russian goods. After Crimea joins Russia, the ruble is introduced as a currency, etc., customs and administrative barriers between the peninsula and the rest of Russia will be completely removed. This will lead to the fact that a significant part of the products that Crimea currently imports from Ukraine will be replaced by Russian-made goods. What will contribute to the growth of Russian industry. As a result of reunification with the people of Crimea, who ended up abroad due to a misunderstanding in 1991, the population of Russia will reach 146 million people. This makes it possible in the coming years, due to immigration and natural growth (if it continues), to reach and exceed the historical peak of the population of post-Soviet Russia of 148.5 million people.

    Crimea will set an example for other regions of Ukraine and, in part, for unrecognized or partially recognized states in the post-Soviet space. If Crimea is successfully integrated, many other regions of the now collapsing Ukraine will have additional incentives to integrate with Russia in one way or another. In addition, a precedent will be created and appropriate legislation will be adopted, which, under certain conditions, may make it possible for Transnistria, Abkhazia and South Ossetia to unite with Russia. Return to Russian borders of the most important monuments of Russian history and symbols of Russian culture, places that are most important for the spiritual space of Russia. Ancient Chersonesos, where Prince Vladimir was baptized; the hero city of Sevastopol, with which the glory of the Russian fleet and many of the greatest pages of Russian military history are associated; resort Yalta and the famous pioneer camp Artek; Livadia Palace; "Swallow's Nest"; hero city of Kerch - these and many other places in Crimea have enormous spiritual and symbolic significance for Russia.

    What reunification with Russia will give to Crimea Russia plans to provide $6 billion to Crimea in the near future. 5 billion will be provided in the form of investments, and 1 billion - in the form of assistance to local budgets. As for investments, it should be noted that during the preparation of the Olympics in Sochi, Russia gained enormous experience, having modernized the infrastructure of the entire south of the Krasnodar Territory in 7 years and created a world-class year-round resort in Sochi. This construction and management experience can be used in Crimea. Crimea's budget will be doubled if it joins Russia. The fact that Russia gave such a guarantee was announced on March 6 by the Chairman of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Crimea, Vladimir Konstantinov. Social payments to residents of Crimea will be increased 4 times. Pensions in Russia are at least twice as high as in Ukraine, and the retirement age in Russia is lower than in Ukraine. Russia will annually allocate 36 billion rubles for pensions to residents of Crimea. Russian citizens are paid maternity capital at the birth of their second and subsequent children - 430,000 rubles as of 2014.

    Salaries in Russia are significantly higher than in Ukraine - civil servants, state employees and former Ukrainian military personnel in Crimea can expect a significant increase in income. In particular, the salaries of Russian military personnel are 3-4 times higher than the salaries of their Ukrainian colleagues. The rates of all major taxes in Russia are lower than in Ukraine - lower taxes will be a significant advantage for entrepreneurs in Crimea. “In Russia, value added tax: on exports 0% (in Ukraine 0%), on food products and goods for children 10% (in Ukraine 20%), on goods, works and services 18% (in Ukraine 20%). In Russia, the personal income tax is 13% (in Ukraine 15-17%). In Russia, the income tax of enterprises in the field of education, medicine and agriculture is 0% (in Ukraine 18%), for investment activities 20%, of which 18% is transferred to the budget of the subject of the federation.” Federal subjects in Russia also have the right to lower rates on individual taxes. Part of the funds received from Russia is planned to be spent on improving living conditions in the settlements of the Crimean Tatars.

    In Sevastopol, the people's election of their own mayor is fully legitimized. Due to the special status of Sevastopol, for a long time it was the only city in Ukraine without an elected mayor. If it becomes part of Russia as part of the Republic of Crimea or as a separate subject of the federation, Sevastopol will be able to completely legitimately elect its own mayor. Kerch Strait. There are various options for building a bridge across the spits in the north or in the center of the strait. Construction of a bridge across the Kerch Strait and a significant increase in transport connectivity of the peninsula with the mainland. A bridge across the Kerch Strait - most likely a railway-road bridge - will allow easy travel by land between Crimea and Black Sea coast Caucasus, linking the two most important resort areas into a single whole. The bridge will likely also carry electrical cables and other utilities. Construction and maintenance of the construction site will create a certain number of new jobs in the east of Crimea. According to preliminary estimates, the cost of the bridge will be at least 50 billion rubles, construction will take 5 years.

    Possible construction of a gas pipeline from the Taman Peninsula. There is an opportunity to lay a transit gas pipeline through the territory of Crimea and/or the Crimean shelf - a rerouted South Stream or some other new project. The construction of a new gas pipeline could create a number of new jobs and, if necessary, provide Crimea with gas bypassing Ukraine (at the moment, the peninsula is fully supplied with gas from the fields of the Crimean shelf, but in the future this may not be enough). Construction of a modern cargo port at west coast in the Tarkhankut area. Reunification with Russia could help implement the existing project to build a large modern port on the Tarkhankut Peninsula, which will greatly contribute to the development of the Crimean economy and create a significant number of new jobs. Construction of new railways and highways. Existing roads will need to be widened and modernized and new approaches to the Kerch Bridge and a possible new port in the west of the peninsula will be built.

    Restoration, modernization and provision of orders to a number of industrial enterprises in Crimea. First of all, we are talking about the Sevastopol Sevmorzavod, which will be able to operate as a ship repair and shipbuilding base for the Russian Black Sea Fleet. Decrease in prices for energy resources from Russia. Currently, Crimea, like Ukraine, receives energy from Russia at prices close to world prices. After Crimea joins Russia, energy supplies supplied to Crimea will not be subject to export duties. In addition, Gazprom will supply natural gas to Crimean consumers at tariffs that apply in Russia. Thus, Crimea will be able to receive energy resources at domestic Russian prices, which are significantly lower than world prices. This will contribute to the rise of the Crimean economy, since Crimean enterprises will be able to significantly reduce the cost of raw materials. Increasing the sales market for Crimean goods. After Crimea joins Russia, various administrative barriers that impede economic ties between the peninsula and the rest of Russia will be completely removed. The market of a country with a GDP of 3 trillion dollars (an order of magnitude more than the Ukrainian one) will be fully opened for Crimean enterprises. This will help increase the export of Crimean goods to Russia and will accordingly lead to the growth of Crimean industry.

    Significant investments in the energy sector of Crimea. Crimea is now an energy-deficient region. If Russia modernizes and develops the energy sector of Crimea by analogy with the energy modernization carried out in the Krasnodar Territory, then we can expect an investment of at least 0.5-1 billion dollars for the construction of modern thermal power plants in Crimea. If, following the example of the Kaliningrad region, a nuclear power plant is built in Crimea - for which, probably, it will be possible to use the site of the unfinished Crimean nuclear power plant - then Crimea could turn into an energy surplus region. On March 21, 2014, the deployment of nine powerful mobile steam-gas power plants began in Crimea (some of which were used at the Sochi Olympics), and work began on the design of two permanent gas power plants that will be built in the north of Crimea and on the Kerch Peninsula. Significant investments in Crimean real estate, hotel and restaurant business and tourism. There is every reason to believe that after the reunification of Crimea with Russia, we can expect a significant increase in the influx of private investment from Russians in real estate in Crimea and in the resort business. The start of large-scale growth can probably be expected after the political situation around Crimea has more or less settled down, and the bridge across the Kerch Strait is close to completion.

    The increase in the cost of Crimean real estate and land. This will be a consequence of the previous point. Not all Crimeans will be happy with this, but owners of land and houses have a chance to become significantly richer. Increase in the number of tourists from Russia. At first, after reunification with Russia, Crimea will be of increased interest among Russians, and possibly also among residents of other countries. The influx of tourists, however, may be hampered by the situation in Ukraine - especially if the railway connection with Crimea from the north is blocked or hampered (this problem, if it arises, should be solved by the Kerch Bridge in about 5 years). In subsequent years, the increase in the number of tourists will depend on the success of Russian investments in the development of Crimea. The Russian state, big business and the media have already announced planned measures to support and stimulate tourist flow to Crimea from Russia

    Demographic growth in Crimea. The demographic crisis in Ukraine has affected Crimea less than most other regions, and the demographic prospects here are better. It is extremely likely that after reunification with Russia, with an increase in wages, pensions and social benefits, as well as with the beginning of the payment of maternity capital to Crimean families, the rate of natural population growth in Crimea may significantly improve. Migration to Crimea of ​​Russians purchasing real estate here, as well as the flow of refugees from Ukraine, can also significantly increase population growth.

    The Crimean peninsula has attracted the attention of travelers since ancient times. In Crimea, in addition to stunning natural beauty (steppes, mountains, sea coast, high mountain plateau and deep caves), there are also historical and architectural monuments of all historical periods.

    When traveling to Crimea, I recommend visiting the Alupka Palace Museum. The palace was built by the English architect Edward Blore. The palace fits harmoniously into the landscape South Bank Crimea We'll start our tour of the palace from the wide front courtyard. You can get here on foot from Miskhor or by sea along the southern coast.

    Our next visit will be to the city of Bakhchisaray or “Palace-Garden” (the capital of the Crimean Khanate located in the Churuk-Su valley). Here is the Bakhchisarai Palace, built at the beginning of the 16th century by order of Adil Sahib Giray. Architectural style The palace was defined as “Asian baroque” with architectural elements. Seljuks and the peoples of Asia Minor, as well as the Baroque and Renaissance styles.

    Our next visit will be the Livadia Palace (the summer residence of the last emperor of the Russian Empire, Nicholas II), which is located in Yalta. The archit was built. Nikolai Krasnov. Italian Renaissance style. The palace is a whole complex - the Great Livadia Palace, a building for the retinue, a palace for the minister Baron Fredericks, the Church of the Exaltation and an Italian courtyard. It was in this palace that the Yalta conference of the countries of the anti-Hitler coalition took place and the decision was made to create the UN.

    Be sure to visit the Massandra Palace, which is located between Alushta and Yalta on the “Big Yalta” highway and a trolleybus runs from Yalta towards the palace (stop “Upper Massandra”). The palace is surrounded by a park of 6 hectares. When built, the palace was intended only for recreation.

    The Crimean Peninsula occupies a relatively small territory - in area it is 20 times smaller than the Iberian and Balkan Peninsulas, and 15 times smaller than Kamchatka and Asia Minor. But Crimea became famous, significant and attractive largely due to the peculiarities of its nature, and above all its unique geographical location.

    There are no wars without losses, and sometimes victory brings so many losses that it looks more like defeat. War is always unpredictable - your enemy can become your ally if the two of you have common interests. The people who suffer the most from war are the innocents who are forced into battle against their will. War is the path of deception. And sometimes you yourself are deceived.

    At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi planes bombed many Soviet cities, including and main base Black Sea Fleet Sevastopol. Already on June 2223 in all cities and villages of Crimea, in factories, factories, construction sites, educational institutions, collective and state farms, rallies were held at which workers angrily denounced the fascist aggressors and unanimously declared their determination to defend the socialist Motherland. After the rallies, hundreds of workers went to recruiting stations with a request to send them to the front. In the first days of the war, over 8.1 thousand Crimean communists, more than 1/3 of the regional party organization joined the Red Army and Navy

    Nature will act on us with all its strength only when we bring our human element into the feeling of it, when our state of mind, our love, our joy or sadness comes into full harmony with nature and it will no longer be possible to separate the freshness of the morning from the light of our loved ones eyes and the measured noise of the forest from thinking about the life lived.

    The flora of the Crimean peninsula is extremely diverse: according to some sources, it has 2,400 wild species of higher plants; according to others, you can find plants such as: walnut, hawthorn, beech and others.

    The connection between the unique geographical location of Crimea and the originality of the peninsula’s fauna is no less obvious than for the flora, although the animals are more dynamic. In addition to species characteristic of the nearby southern regions of Ukraine, we everywhere encounter animals of the Mediterranean range on the peninsula. You can find such plants as: Stingray, owl, dolphin, red deer and others.

    Holidays in Crimea have always been in demand, and in lately he became even more attractive. The cost of housing in the private sector of Crimea is cheaper than in many other resorts, but there are also quite a few more comfortable, expensive hotels. The variety of resorts in Crimea, a huge number of attractions in all corners of the peninsula make holidays in Crimea interesting and varied. Eastern coast of CrimeaSouthern coast of Crimea Sevastopol

    According to the 2001 census, the population of Crimea is 2.031 million people, of which the four largest major cities autonomy - Sevastopol (365.8 thousand people), Simferopol (364 thousand people), Kerch (157.2 thousand people) and Evpatoria (122 thousand people) - 41%. The share of the urban population of Crimea is 63%, living in rural populated areas– 37% (according to the previous census of 1989, this ratio was 70% to 30%).

    1. The length of the longest trolleybus route in the world is 86 kilometers, and it runs in Crimea between Simferopol and Yalta. 2. Another interesting animal of Crimea can be considered the South Russian tarantula. Its bite can cause anaphylactic shock, and besides, the bite itself is very painful, despite the fact that the size of the spider is only 3.5 cm. 3. The shallowest sea in the world is the Sea of ​​Azov. It washes the shores of Crimea. Maximum depth Sea of ​​Azov 15 meters.

    As a result of the referendum that took place on March 16, 2014. the majority of Crimeans voted to join Russia. Currently, the Republic of Crimea is a subject of the Russian Federation included in the Crimean federal district. March 18, 2014 an agreement was concluded on the admission to the Russian Federation of the independent sovereign Republic of Crimea (entry in notebooks), proclaimed within the administrative borders of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and Sevastopol (received the status of a city of federal significance). March 21, 2014 Putin V.V. signed the federal constitutional law on the entry of the Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol into the Russian Federation (invite students to evaluate this historical event).