Is it possible to swim in Abrau Durso. Russia p. Abrau-Dyurso - "A beautiful lake, a good place to relax and buy souvenirs!"

Lake Abrau is included in the list of the most striking sights of the Kuban: it is the largest freshwater reservoir in the entire region. 3 km long and 600 m wide, it is located just 14 km from the resort of Novorossiysk. Picturesque at any time of the day or night, lovers of nature and beautiful photographs consider the lake in Abrau-Durso to be a must-see place: having seen it once, you will want to come back here again and again.

Where is Lake Abrau located in the Krasnodar Territory?

It adjoins on the southwest side. To the south, the farms of Durso and Fakel are found.

On the map, Lake Abrau is located as follows:

Open map

Origin, myths and legends

The origin of this emerald-blue miracle still causes a lot of controversy today. The word "Abrau" came from the Turkic language and literally translates as "collapse". This fact confirms the beautiful, but sad story from the past, which in a fabulous manner tells about the origin of the lake. great love of a poor shepherd and the daughter of the richest man in the village has passed through the centuries, touching the hearts of people even today.

In ancient times there was no lake in Abrau-Dyurso: instead of it, a spacious plain with fertile lands turned green. A tribe of Circassians lived on it: thanks to the generosity of nature and diligence, the people flourished. Day after day, they drove the herds to pastures and were engaged in agriculture: they planted vegetables and fruits, looked after them and took off a bountiful harvest. Many beautiful girls lived in this god-favored village, but the most beautiful was the daughter of a noble gentleman, the richest resident villages.

She was not only sweet and friendly, any work argued in her hands, and even the nightingales heard her singing. Once, while working in the field, singing a simple song, the girl heard the pleasant sounds of a flute coming from somewhere in the mountains. Enchanted, she followed the music, coming up with the most beautiful song as she went. And now the two melodies merged into one, at the same moment two hearts connected: the maiden saw a shepherd with heavenly eyes playing on musical instrument. Young people fell in love at first sight with each other.

But the beauty's parents did not approve of her daughter's choice: the poor shepherd is not a suitable match for the most enviable bride of the village. Her father locked her in a dungeon for many days, so that she could no longer see her lover. Day and night, the formidable head of the clan repeated: “Let the rivers flood the aul rather than my daughter marry a shepherd!” All the inhabitants of the village echoed this formidable spell, disapproving of the unequal union.

On one of the bleak days for the lovers, a holiday happened in the village: to the noise of the girlish crowd, they managed to escape unnoticed. And the celebration was gaining momentum: rich people beat clay plates and poured wine on the ground to demonstrate their well-being. Excited, they began to throw bread into the sea in front of the poor and starving children.

Such an unreasonable act offended the gods: they decided to punish the village for the vanity and extravagance of the inhabitants. When the girl wanted to return to her native village, he was no longer there: there was a huge lake. Realizing what happened here, the beauty began to mourn her parents and friends: her tears turned into a stream, known as the “Tears of a Circassian”. In desperation, she wanted to throw herself into a pond and die along with her mother and father. But instead of sinking to the bottom, the girl glided across the surface of the water and crossed to the opposite shore, where she fell into the arms of her shepherd boy.

Love healed the wounds in the beauty's heart. And at the place of her steps on the water, even today on a clear night you can see a mystical flicker that science cannot explain.

Lake in Abrau-Dyurso: recreation for tourists

It acquired a beautiful name thanks to a factory located on the first of its banks: a large enterprise produces Abrau-Durso champagne, whose name has long become a synonym for a quality mark. The depth of the reservoir is 11 km, most recently the figure was much larger, unfortunately, it is getting shallower due to siltation processes, which have not yet been stopped, despite all the attempts of the administration.

On the banks of Abrau there is a city of the same name, where you can easily choose, and the Liman student camp. Along the perimeter, it is surrounded by a full-fledged road, which will facilitate the journey to it. And the walk will be pleasant: mountain air with an admixture of the smell of resin, dogwood, landscapes, which would be an honor for any major artist to paint. It’s worth starting to replenish the traveler’s album right from the car: you don’t need to have special skills to catch the beauty in the photo, the lake in the village of Abrau-Dyurso is perfection itself.

It is allowed to set up tents on the shore, for clean water it is better to go down to the Liman camp. The beach is pebbly, with large stones, the water, as often happens in such areas, is the cleanest. It is easy to see all the inhabitants, of which there are plenty. The important thing is that you can and even need to swim here.

Fishing is another reason to visit the lake. Its temperature rarely drops below +28 degrees, it does not completely freeze even in winter. Here you can catch carp and ram, grass carp and bream. Famous for their size and quality and local crayfish. Fishing is allowed both from the shore and from the boat.

Opportunities for recreation on Lake Abrau:

  • Excursion to . It is interesting and informative to see how a traditional New Year's drink is made. Here you can also buy a couple of bottles of products for souvenirs.
  • Rent of tents and fishing rods. It is no longer necessary to bring everything with you, the most necessary can be obtained here at a reasonable cost.
  • well-maintained hiking trails 3 and 9 km long. A true delight for lovers of hiking.
  • Renting boats and SUVs will help you explore the most inaccessible corners.
  • whitens on one of the shores of the lake. The golden-domed church has rich history and beautiful decoration.
  • above the water surface. Appeared in 2015, they have become a real decoration of a small village. Everyone who comes here does not pass by this memo.

Note to the tourist

  • Address: Abrau-Dyurso village, Novorossiysk, Krasnodar Territory, Russia.
  • GPS coordinates: 44.698564, 37.591872.

The only thing that inspires fear is snakes: there are a lot of them both on land and in water. But otherwise, staying here will become an unforgettable immersion in the world of nature and silence, and the photos of Lake Abrau-Dyurso taken during the trip will be remembered for many years! In conclusion, we offer a video about him, enjoy watching!

I visited Novorossiysk in November on business matters. I devoted one of my free days to the cradle of Russian sparkling wine Abrau-Durso! I have never tried their champagne, and then there was a reason.

Wine Valley Secrets

The day was sunny and relatively windless. By noon, the air warmed up to +12, I was glad that I put on a jacket with light insulation. The water in the sea is slightly warmer than the air, +15, however, it was quite busy on the shore. There are still many tourists in November. Because for beach holiday late, people are active excursion activities.

The village turned out to be tiny! It is located in the bay near Lake Abrau, which means "cliff" in Circassian. The Durso River flows into the lake. Hence, in fact, the name of the village.

Autumn Abrau-Durso

It would seem that there is nothing to do here. But I was wrong! Stroll along the white stone embankment. There is an interesting decor: benches upholstered with champagne corks, fantasy drawings on lampposts. There is also a cinema in Abrau! True, I didn’t go into it, I was mentally surprised at the presence. If you do not like hiking, you can explore the village in other ways:

  • by helicopter (15 minutes flight);
  • on Viola, Pegasus, Chanel or Mavre (these are horses from the equestrian club);
  • on the boat.

I really liked the walking theatrical route "Voice of Abrau". I forgot what era I am in: the streets and houses have become scenery, everyone around, including me, has become actors.

Catacombs: wine factory

A very entertaining tour is carried out at the factory of sparkling wines. You can not only conduct a visual inspection, but also evaluate the work of local technologists personally. They are treated with six varieties of wine (poured 60 ml each). The whole program lasts no more than an hour: during this time they talk about all the stages of production, lead through cellars, halls, tunnels built a couple of centuries ago. Dark, but interesting!

The village of Abrau-Dyurso is one of the most beautiful places for recreation in the Krasnodar Territory. There are not only mountains and the sea, but also the largest freshwater lake in the region.

The village consists of two parts, one of which has the same name as the lake - Abrau. I managed to visit this fabulous place and make self-guided tour all around.

On one side of the lake is a village. The village is famous for its sparkling wine factory. The wines are excellent and I advise everyone to visit the factory with a tour and taste it on their own. Behind the village there is a road uphill. The view of the lake from the mountains is simply amazing. By the way, there is an observation deck on the mountain, unequipped. All bushes and trees around this site are hung with ribbons.

It must be some kind of wish. But such beauty that opens from this platform completely knocks off the memory and no desires come to mind, only delight.

The lake itself also looks very beautiful up close, framed by mountains. The lake is protected natural object and the use of motorized vehicles is prohibited. Around the lake in some places openly flaunts its luxury cottages of wealthy local residents. Probably in the water zone. And the small yacht was immediately noticed. You can’t forbid living beautifully, but nevertheless, the question of how treatment facilities are arranged near coastal buildings is interesting. And one more thing... the lake was repeatedly closed for sanitary reasons. And I don't recommend swimming there. Although nature cleans itself over time, if you stop spoiling it.

But I highly recommend admiring the beauty. The views are the most beautiful.

And on the territory of the champagne factory there is magnificent park with fountains. And the fountains are made in such a way that you can run and splash on them. Very nice on a hot day. There are no special entertainments in the village, only the beauty of nature and champagne.

By the way, the prices in the factory store are not much lower than in ordinary chain stores, so buying something there is just to calm yourself, they say I’m taking a souvenir from the south.

Rest in Abrau-Dyurso by the sea is one of the most unique in everything Black Sea coast. What is its uniqueness? The fact is that here you can combine holidays in Abrau-Dyurso on the seashore and on the shore fresh lake Abrau. There are also two settlements. The first is the village of Durso, which is located on the Black Sea coast, and the second is Abrau-Dyurso on east coast Lake Abrau. This place produces the best champagne in Russia.

How to get to rest in Abrau-Durso at sea

By plane

You can get to the village of Abrau-Dyurso to rest by the sea by plane. Nearest airport . From Gelendzhik to Abrau-Dyurso is 55 km, and to Dyurso - 60 km. This distance can be overcome by taxi from Gelendzhik for about 1500 rubles. More a budget option- you need to take a bus to Novorossiysk, and then take a suburban route No. 102, which runs every 20 minutes from morning to late evening.

You can also fly to Krasnodar and get to Abrau-Dyurso by taxi for 3000-3500 rubles. Or take a bus to Novorossiysk and transfer to another bus number 102 to Abrau-Dyurso.

To the village of Abrau-Dyurso by train

You can get to the village of Abrau-Dyurso for a seaside vacation by train. Train Station in Novorossiysk is the closest railway. station to this resort place. Trains run from all major cities in the country. From Novorossiysk to resort village walks bus route № 102.

Abrau-Durso by car

You can get to rest in Abrau-Dyurso at sea by car. To the regional capital of the Kuban - Krasnodar, you need to move along the federal highway M-4 "Don". In the regional center, we leave for the A-146 highway and drive, without turning anywhere from this road, to the junction near the village of Verkhneabakansky and turn left onto the A-290. On this road you need to get to Novorossiysk. Further through the city, passing the Toyota Center Novorossiysk and the Rosneft gas station after it. A kilometer from the gas station, you need to turn right onto Borisovsky lane, after which it becomes Krestyanskaya street. There will also be a left turn along the main road and after 200 meters to the right onto Mira Street following the signs towards the village of Abrau-Dyurso.

The village of Abrau-Dyurso: weather

The climatic conditions in this place are similar to the Mediterranean climate with some elements of the continental. average temperature V summer period is +25 degrees. During the peak season, the temperature will often stay above +30. Humidity is low, which contributes to a comfortable stay in Abrau-Durso on the seashore for those who do not tolerate the heat very well.

Hotels in Abrau-Dyurso

In Abrau-Durso, vacation prices are an order of magnitude higher than in all adjacent resorts. So if you want to take budget housing, it is better to stay in nearby villages.

In Abrau, on vacation at sea, you can rent a room in the private sector. In this locality, it will cost you from 1000 rubles, depending on the season and the number of residents. By the way, on budget resorts prices start from 300 rubles.

There are a sufficient number of guest houses and mini hotels. Almost all buildings are new and each has an intricate design. These hotels can be classified as two - three stars. It offers a whole range of rooms - economy, standard and comfort. The cost starts from 1500-2000 rubles. In Abrau, for a seaside holiday, you can single out the apart-hotel "Augustin" and "Laguna". In Durso - guest house "Edem", "Chocolate" and "Champagne".

Also in these settlements associated in one resort, there are also very good hotels, which are comparable in terms of a rating of three to four stars. These are hotels in Abrau "Imperial" and "Wings". Prices in these hotels range from 4,500 to 20,000 rubles. Suites and suites can cost an order of magnitude higher.

You can also stay at recreation centers located three kilometers west of Abrau.

Rental of property

In both settlements you can rent private housing. Apartments, small separate one-room houses for several people and cottages are rented out. So, a one-room apartment will cost from 2000 rubles. per day. Cottage, but here they are mostly elite, 12,000-15,000 rubles. Small house, about 20 sq. m. for 4-6 people with their own kitchen - about 2400 rubles. Such houses, as a rule, can be rented on tourist bases in Durso and some guest houses, such as Primorsky and Vorontsovskaya Usadba in Abrau, but this is more of an exception to the rule.

Rest in Abrau by the sea: embankment

The embankment in Abrau is simply magnificent. There are many paths made of colored paving stones, flower beds, neatly trimmed shrubs and sculptures.

On such a beautiful embankment it is pleasant to walk both during the day and in the evening. observation decks to the lake are fenced off with stone snow-white carved fences, which create a unique view. The embankment has a very good infrastructure, there are many different cafes, restaurants and shops.

Rest in Durso near the sea: embankment

The sea embankment in Durso does not have a rich infrastructure. But there is a convenient entrance for road transport, parking, many canteens, cafes, bars, a wide footpath, which is separated from the beach by a stone fence made of limestone. The length of this embankment is about half a kilometer. Near the Limanchik embankment there is a small lake called Maly Lyman. The water warms up very quickly here, so people like to come here to rest in Durso near the sea with small children, even when the water in the sea is still cool.


There are about fifteen beaches in the vicinity of Abrau and Durso.

This beach is located in the southern part of the lake on the road from Abrau to Limanchik. The beach is quite long, 300 meters, but very narrow, about 3 meters, if we count only the pebble area. However, the area with green areas along the perimeter of the beach is much wider. Theoretically, you can swim everywhere, and there is also a diving pier near the Imperial Hotel. The water is clear, in many places you can see the bottom, but it seems slightly cloudy, as there is a lot of limestone in the lake.

Central beach Durso

The central beach of Durso is about half a kilometer long and 20-40 meters wide. The beach is pebbly, with a good layout and rich infrastructure. There are awnings under which you can rent a sun lounger and bounty-style umbrellas. There are showers and changing cabins on the beach. In terms of entertainment, a full range of water attractions: parachute, banana, catamaran, tablet, jet ski rental, water skiing, etc.

Private beaches

About three kilometers from Abrau there are several recreation centers. All bases have their own well-groomed pebble beaches with piers and some other infrastructure. In terms of entertainment, there is practically nothing here, but relaxing by the sea in Abrau on private beaches is quiet and secluded, there is always a small number of people here. It is possible to single out the beaches of the boarding house "Sailor", recreation centers "Energetik", "Builder", "Romantic", SOK "Fregat" and "Blue Wave". You can go to some of them, but there is no particular point in going for 3 or more kilometers, with the exception of the beach of the Romantik recreation center to another lake, Sladkiy Limanchik.

Wild beach "Diana"

This wild beach stretches for a distance of 2 km and is located half a kilometer from central beach Durso. There is a rocky and pebbly embankment on the beach. People who come to rest in Durso near the sea to this beach often sunbathe without clothes.

Limanchik Beach

This is the most close beach from Abrau, about 4 km. It is 3 km away from Durso. A sandy road leads to it from Abrau. The beach stretches for about 350 meters and has three reinforced concrete piers protruding far into the sea. The entrance is open on almost the entire beach, with the exception of two zones specially designated for the Zvezdny sanatorium and the Limanchik student camp. There is little entertainment here, and the infrastructure is in its infancy. Nevertheless, the beach is good, and if we take into account the lake "Small Liman", then in many ways it is unique.

What to do on vacation in Abrau-Dyurso on the seashore

In that resort place any vacationer is simply obliged to visit the center of wine tourism in our country - the factory for the production of sparkling wines Abrau-Dyurso.

Here you will walk through the cellars with products stored in them, visit a tasting, look at the production process and buy wines in the company store.

Not far from Abrau, in the area of ​​the resort village of Yuzhnaya Ozereevka, there is another well-known winery - Sauk-Dere. It is also recommended to visit it on vacation in Abrau-Dyurso by the sea for tourists interested in winemaking.

In Abrau you can take a helicopter flight and admire the scenery of the lake, mountains and sea line.

Near Abrau there is a recreation center "Abrau Khutor". Tourists love this place very much, especially visiting the bath-barrel "Ofuro", the Turkish bath "Hamam", the services of a beautician and masseur.

Between South Ozereevka and Abrau there is a yoga school "Abrau-Yoga". Here you can practice yoga both professionally and from the entry level.

The most big fountain V Krasnodar Territory. A light and musical performance starts here every evening.

The city of Novorossiysk is in close proximity as well as Gelendzhik. All the benefits of civilization are located not far from the village of Abrau-Dyurso. So if you get tired of this resort, you can go to neighboring cities.

Cafe in Abrau-Durso

In Abrau and Durso, you can satisfy your hunger by having lunch or dinner in numerous canteens. The average check for a set lunch on vacation in Abrau-Dyurso at sea will be 150-250 rubles. You can eat at a pizzeria or barbecue for the amount of 350-500 rubles. per person. Numerous cafes offer visitors dishes of European, Russian and Caucasian cuisine. The average bill is from 500 to 1500 rubles.

The Imperial Hotel has a chic French restaurant of the same name. If you want to eat here, then get ready to shell out several tens of thousands of rubles so that they don’t look askance at you. Although, if desired, you can keep within 10,000 rubles. for two.

Rest in Abrau-Dyurso by the sea is very popular among Russian tourists. A large number of vacationers come here from Novorossiysk and Krasnodar. The flow of tourists from other regions of Russia is also large, but the cost of housing leaves much to be desired. Since the demand is good, local establishments start to inflate prices. Almost all hotels and hotels in the village of Abrau-Dyurso are very good.

Lake Abrau. The most beautiful and most mysterious lake Krasnodar Territory. Turquoise waters shrouded in legends framed by mountain ranges.

Has existed for a long time beautiful legend about the love of a shepherd from Durso and a rich beauty from Abrau. The girl's parents did not want to hear about the poor groom.

One day, the rich held a feast at which, for fun, they threw bread cakes on the ground. For the desecration of bread, Allah punished the mountaineers and sank the village with all the inhabitants underground.

A lake was formed on the site of the village. Beauty managed to escape. During the misfortune, she was with her lover from Durso. Returning and not finding her aul, the girl rushed off the cliff into the lake. She did not drown, but ran through the water like a mirrorto the opposite shore, in search of loved ones. But not finding anyone, she returned back. What happened next with the beauty from Abrau and the shepherd from Durso, no one knows.

Since then, at the place where the girl ran, a lunar path has formed, which can be seen at night. In winter, this path is the last to freeze.

There are also modern theories of the origin of Lake Abrau. Some scientists believe that the lake was formed as a result of sinkhole, others consider the lake to be a remnant of the Cimmerian basin, others suggest the formation of the lake as a result of mudflows and landslides.

We love to come to the lake in spring, when you can enjoy the silence and coolness. In summer, there is no end to those wishing to visit the lake. Tourists are brought in by buses, parking lots are full of cars and bustle, in which all the magic of this wonderful place is lost. The lake is equipped with a beach in the form of a small pier. But if you are planning to swim with children who cannot swim, then it will not suit you. The banks are reinforced with concrete slabs, which at a steep angle go immediately into the depths. Jump into the water from the pier deep enough.

You can rent catamarans and rowing boats. But the use of motor boats is prohibited, as stated in the "Certificate of Conduct". Lake Abrau received a "protection certificate" in 1974 and was declared a natural monument. For the same reason, you will not be able to pitch a tent or camp on the lakeshore. The tourist infrastructure of Abrau-Durso is quite well developed, you can stay at a camp site or a hotel.

From all over the country, tourists rush to Abrau-Dyurso to visit the sparkling wine factory. Tourists are guided through the underground halls of the plant, tunnels built back in the 19th century, where fermentation and aging of the drink takes place. I will tell you more about the tour in a separate article.

You should definitely visit the Temple of Xenia of Petersburg. Very beautiful temple towering over the waters of Lake Abrau. From the height of the hill on which the church is located, a stunning view opens up.

If you are planning a trip to Krasnodar Territory or would like to visit beautiful place and take a break from the bustle of the city, come to Abrau-Durso, and best of all in the spring.

How to get to Abrau-Dyurso