Mystical lakes of the world. Mysterious and mysterious lakes of the earth

When we hear the word "lake", a picture arises in our imagination - beautiful place for recreation, where you can swim and fish. However, this is not always the case. Some lakes inspire fear and horror. And there are reasons for this.

Lake Empty (Russia)

Its location is the area of ​​Kuznetsk Alatau located in Western Siberia. Lake Pustoye is a fresh and environmentally friendly reservoir of continental origin, because it is completely free of chemicals. Many scientists have repeatedly conducted studies of water from the lake, which have never confirmed the presence of any toxic components in it.

The lake has clean water that is suitable for drinking, and resembles champagne, as it is dominated by perfectly harmless natural gas bubbles. However, the researchers could not determine the reason why there is no fish in the lake.

There have never been environmental disasters and emergency technical accidents polluting the reservoir in the vicinity of Lake Pustoye. According to the chemical composition, its water does not differ from the nearest reservoirs of the reserve, which are distinguished by an abundance of fish resources. Moreover, the reservoir feeds several fresh, clean reservoirs in the vicinity; the fact that there are fish in them will give a special mystery to what is happening in these dreams.

There were several attempts to launch unpretentious fish species of pike, perch and crucian carp into the reservoir. Each of them ended in failure, the fish died, the aquatic plants rotted. And today there are no grass and birds on the banks of the reservoir, there are no fish or fry in the water, the lake guards its mysteries.

Why are there no fish in the lake?

Samples from the Kuznetsk reservoir were studied by chemists from the USA, Great Britain and Germany. However, none of them could put forward a sensible version explaining the absence of fish in the reservoir. Scientists are not yet able to answer the questions of the inhabitants, what is happening with the Kuznetsk reservoir.

However, scientists repeat attempts to explain the unusual phenomenon of the Empty Lake with enviable frequency. Stay on the coast unusual lake there are many who wish, tourists come here and stay for the night. Some of them dream of touching the mystery of nature and unraveling it.

Lake of Death (Italy)

Our world is amazing and beautiful, its nature can be admired and enjoyed endlessly. But besides this, there are places on our Earth that sometimes lead us into bewilderment. Among such places is the Lake of Death on the island of Sicily. This lake can be attributed to the number of phenomena and unique natural phenomena. The name itself suggests that this lake is deadly for all living things. Any living organism that gets into this lake will inevitably die.

This lake is the most dangerous on our planet. The lake is absolutely lifeless and there are no living organisms in it. The shores of the lake are deserted and lifeless, nothing grows here. Everything is connected with the fact that any living creature that enters the aquatic environment immediately dies. If a person decides to swim in this lake, then in just a few minutes he will dissolve in the lake.

When information about this place appeared in the scientific world, a scientific expedition was immediately sent there to study this phenomenon. The lake revealed its secrets with great difficulty. The conducted water analyzes showed that the water environment of the lake contains a large amount of concentrated sulfuric acid. Scientists were not immediately able to figure out where in the lake it comes from sulfuric acid. Scientists have put forward several hypotheses about this.

The first hypothesis was that there are rocks at the bottom of the lake, which, when eroded by water, are enriched with acid. But further study of the lake showed that there are two springs at the bottom of the lake, which emit concentrated sulfuric acid into the aquatic environment of the lake. This explains why any organic matter dissolves in the lake.

Dead Lake (Kazakhstan)

In Kazakhstan, there is an anomalous lake that attracts the attention of many people. It is located in the Taldykurgan region, the village of Gerasimovka. Its dimensions are not large, only 100x60 meters. They call this reservoir Dead. The fact is that nothing is found in the lake, neither algae nor fish. The water is unusually cold.

The low temperature of the water remains even when the strongest sun is outside. People are constantly drowning there. Scuba divers, for some unknown reason, begin to choke after three minutes of diving. Locals do not advise anyone to go there, and they themselves bypass it anomalous place.

Blue Lake (Kabardino-Balkaria, Russia)

Blue karst abyss in Kabardino-Balkaria. Not a single river or stream flows into this lake, although it loses up to 70 million liters of water every day, but its volume and depth do not change at all. The blue color of the lake is due to the high content of hydrogen sulfide in the water. There are no fish here at all.

The creepiness of this lake is given by the fact that no one has been able to figure out its depth. The fact is that the bottom consists of an extensive system of caves. Researchers have not yet been able to figure out what the lowest point of this karst lake is. It is believed that under blue lake the largest underwater cave system in the world.

Boiling Lake (Dominican Republic)

The name speaks for itself. Located in Dominica, the beautiful Caribbean, this lake is actually the second largest natural hot spring on the ground. The water temperature in the boiling lake reaches 90 degrees Celsius and there are hardly any people who want to check the temperature of the source on their own skin. Just look at the photos and it becomes clear that the water is almost boiling here. The temperature cannot be controlled because it is the result of a crack in the bottom of the lake through which red-hot lava erupts.

Lake Powell (USA)

Despite its common name (Horse Shoe), near the town of Mammoth Lakes, Lake Powell is a fearsome killer. The city of Mammoth Lakes was built on top active volcano, and this is not best location. However, for many years the lake was considered safe. But about 20 years ago, the trees around the Horseshoe began to dry up and die abruptly.

After ruling out all possible diseases, the scientists determined that the trees were suffocating from excessive levels of carbon dioxide slowly seeping through the ground from underground chambers of cooling magma. In 2006, three hikers took refuge in a cave near a lake and suffocated from carbon dioxide.

Lake Karachay (Russia)

Situated in beautiful Ural mountains Russia, this dark blue lake is one of the most dangerous bodies of water in the world. During a secret government project, for many years, starting in 1951, the lake was used as a dumping ground for radioactive waste.

This place is so toxic that a 5-minute visit can make a person nauseous, and a longer visit of over an hour is guaranteed to be fatal. During a drought in 1961, the wind carried toxic dust that killed 500,000 people - a tragedy comparable to the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Definitely one of the most polluted places on earth.

Lake Kivu (Democratic Republic of the Congo)

This lake is located on the border between the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Rwanda, with large layers of carbon dioxide at the base of the volcanic rock, as well as 55 billion cubic meters of methane at the bottom. This explosive combination makes Lake Kivu the deadliest of the three exploding lakes in the world. Any earthquake or volcanic activity can pose a lethal threat to the 2 million people living in this region. They can die from both methane explosions and carbon dioxide asphyxiation.

Lake Michigan (Canada)

Of the five Great Lakes on the border between Canada and the United States, Lake Michigan is the deadliest. Warm, inviting lake - popular place recreation of numerous tourists, despite its most dangerous undercurrents, claiming at least a few lives every year.

The shape of Lake Michigan makes it particularly prone to dangerous currents that come on spontaneously and abruptly. The lake becomes more dangerous in autumn, in October and November, when there are sudden and significant changes in water and air temperature. Wave heights can reach several meters.

Mono Lake (USA)

One of the most developed ecosystems in the world, Mono Lake is located in the California county of the same name. This ancient salt lake has no fish, but trillions of bacteria and small algae thrive in it. unique waters. Up until 1941 it's amazing beautiful lake was healthy and strong. But Los Angeles intervened, which was just beginning its giant growth spurt. The city drained the tributaries of the lake, which began to dry up.

This scandalous destruction natural resources continued for nearly 50 years and when it was shut down in 1990, Mono Lake had already lost half its volume and its salinity had doubled. Mono has become a toxic alkaline lake overflowing with carbonates, chlorides and sulfates. Los Angeles has decided to correct its mistake, but the restoration project will take decades.

Lake Manun (Cameroon)

Located in the Oku Volcanic Field in Cameroon, Lake Monoun appears to be a completely normal body of water. But its appearance is deceiving, as it is one of the three explosive lakes on earth. In 1984, Monun exploded without warning, releasing a cloud of carbon dioxide and killing 37 people. Twelve of the dead were riding in a truck and stopped to look at the aftermath of the explosion. Just at that moment, lethal gas did its job.

Lake Nyos (Cameroon)

In 1986, Lake Nyos, located just 100 kilometers from Lake Monoun, exploded after a magma eruption and released carbon dioxide, converting the water into carbonic acid. As a result of a powerful landslide, the lake abruptly emitted a giant cloud of carbon dioxide, killing thousands of people and animals in local cities and villages. The tragedy was the first known major asphyxiation caused by natural phenomenon. The lake continues to pose a threat because its natural wall is fragile and even the slightest earthquake can destroy it.

Natron (Tanzania)

Lake Natron in Tanzania not only kills its inhabitants, but also mummifies their bodies. On the shores of the lake there are mummified flamingos, small birds, bats. The most terrible thing is that the victims freeze in their natural poses with their heads up. It was like they froze for a moment and stayed that way forever. The water in the lake is bright red because of the microorganisms living in it, closer to the shore it is already orange, and in some places it is of a normal color.

Evaporation of the lake scares away large predators, and the absence of natural enemies attracts a huge number of birds and small animals. They live on the banks of the Natron, multiply, and after death they are mummified. A large number of hydrogen contained in water and increased alkalinity contribute to the release of soda, salt and lime. They do not allow the remains of the inhabitants of the lake to decompose.

It is known that on May 18, 1960, three priests saw a horse-headed monster in Loch Ree, Ireland. This is one of three lakes in Ireland where the monster has been seen. In 2011, scientists conducted a search expedition, which received media coverage. All these facts only fueled public interest in the mysterious lakes. Therefore, we suggest you make a trip to the ten most mysterious lakes in the world, where monsters were seen, the existence of which on this moment not proven.

Bear Lakes, Russia

Eyewitnesses claim that a creature that feeds on livestock lives in this mysterious lake. According to a local shepherd, a monster with a small head and a giant mouth crawled out of the water and swallowed the cow whole. However, ichthyologists investigated the lake and denied all rumors about the existence of the monster.

Loch Morar, Scotland

Locals claim to have seen a huge creature in the lake. It is curious that it even received the nickname "Morag". However, the analysis of Loch Morar showed nothing, so we can only assume that Morag is a real fiction, created against the backdrop of the "boom of dinosaurs" and the "success" of the famous monster - Nessie.

Lake Brosno, Russia

Eyewitnesses claim that the local monster is very much like a pangolin resembling a plesiosaur. As a rule, most of them talk in words about the monster, but a few even managed to photograph the lizard. Nevertheless, there are no official facts about the existence of the monster at the moment.

Lake Champlain, USA - Canada

For the first time, a local monster was described by an eyewitness, a sheriff named Nathan Mooney in 1883. He claimed to have seen a huge black snake about 50 meters long on the lake. In 1977, the tourist Sandra Mansi was lucky, and she managed to capture the head, neck and part of the back of the monster on camera film. The locals gave the monster the nickname "Champ". And the latest eyewitness testimony indicates that the Champ monster has about five humps on its back.

Lake Storshen, Jämtland Province, Sweden

The most mysterious local inhabitant of this lake is a huge pangolin, the first information about which appeared back in 1635. Evidence of its existence was absent for a long time, and he himself was considered an ordinary medieval legend, but at the very beginning of 2000, local media provided information that two girls saw the monster. Initially, they simply did not believe them, but after some time, huge footprints were found on the shore of the lake, and their owner has not yet been identified. There is also evidence that scientists have set a giant trap for the pangolin on the lake.

Lake Kok-Kol, Dzhambul region, Kazakhstan

Eyewitnesses claim that a giant (at least fifteen meters long) bloodthirsty monster lives in this mysterious Kok-Kol lake, which drags animals and birds under the water. The locals even gave the monster a nickname - "the water spirit of Idahar".

Lake Kanas, Xinjiang Province, China

In 1985, students at a local university first noticed a huge living creature. A little later, rumors appeared that the monster was constantly taking birds and animals underwater. In the 90s, the monster showed no signs of life. However, in 2011, several eyewitnesses claimed to have seen the creature rise to the surface. One of them even managed to capture the monster on camera.

Lake Labynkyr, Yakutia, Russia

For the first time, the Yakuts saw the Labynkyr devil in the 19th century. Unfortunately, there is no photo or evidence of the existence of the monster, but the monster managed to fix several scientific expeditions. In addition, the noise that the Labynkyr devil makes was recorded on film. Also, with the help of an echo sounder, a huge shadow was found in the lake, which does not fit any of the known fish in size. Locals claim that the monster is very vicious - it chases fishermen, eats deer and dogs.

In addition, the monster, there is where to turn around and hide. Lake Labynkyr is located at an altitude of more than a thousand meters. About fourteen kilometers long maximum depth- 60 meters. At the bottom famous lake there are anomalous faults, which in some places increase the depth to almost a hundred meters. And under the steep banks there are several underwater caves.

Lake Okanagan, Canada

Ogopogo is considered the second legendary monster after Nessie, who glorified British Columbia. The monster was first seen in 1958. Eyewitnesses described him as a long snake lizard, with a body that resembles a barrel, a long neck and fins.

Loch Ness, Scotland

This is the world's most famous lake with a monster. A mysterious creature nicknamed Nessie, which gained its popularity back in the 6th century AD. BC, according to many scientists, is the last dinosaur living on earth.

There are many mysterious lakes on the planet, about which mythology tells terrible things of an anomalous nature. Such lakes even have names that speak: Dead Lake, Devil's Lake, or even Lake of Death.

Today we are talking about reservoirs that frightened our ancestors with their properties, and contemporaries bypass such places.

Not far from St. Petersburg (about 80 km) there is a real lake dead water- Kalishchenskoye (also pronounced as Kaplischenskoye). They say that in ancient times there was an old Russian "temple" here, where worshipers of the faith rendered sacrifices to the gods, hence the name.

However, on the northern shore of the dead lake is the village of Kalishche, which most likely gave the name to the reservoir.

Over the years, a beautiful forest has grown around the lake, which has become home to a variety of birds and animals, but there is a strange silence in the marvelous forest around the lake. It is interesting, but fish really do not live in this lake, and even scientists find it difficult to explain this strange phenomenon.

Approaching the lake, of course, a wild horror of unknown origin does not instill in the soul, but at night a slight glow appears over the reservoir. According to scientists, swamp gas poisoned the water and the immediate surroundings of the lake, so there are no fish and birds here.

Ten years ago, the lake willingly gathered tourists, who left memories: “we used to rest there, we were afraid of course, but it was so interesting” ... “we dug small holes there, they emitted marsh gases and glowed strongly at night, it was so cool and scary.”

AT Kaluga region the gloomy glory of a bad place is carried by a lake with the name "Thunder of the Lord." In the spring it is clearly seen that this place seems to be outlined by an infernal circle. Over the years, misfortunes have occurred on this lake, often ending in the death of people.

The explanation of misfortunes is hidden in the name of the lake - an electric shock, but of such power that a person's heart instantly stops. Residents of the district are sure that ball lightning is to blame for everything, appearing too often over the waters of the lake. However, experts do not see the mystical background in the causes of electric shocks, having their own explanation without the participation of evil spirits.

The problem of the unfortunate lies in the elementary neglect of safety precautions. So, a high-voltage line was laid next to the lake, and the wires in some places sagged low enough, which vacationers do not pay attention to until they fall under an electrical shock.

On the territory of the former Soviet Union, anomalous reservoirs are well known. For example, in Latvia, there is a lake with a telling name - Devil's. Local residents do their best to dissuade tourists from visiting this place. But few people listen to advice, wanting to touch some mystery.

Tourists are located on the shore of the lake, and after a couple of hours they try to get away from this dead place. Impressive people with a rich imagination can even go to a psychiatrist. Rumor has it that the bottomless lake - never giving up the drowned - keeps its dead at a great depth, putting them shoulder to shoulder.

Dead Lake is often visited by researchers, according to the research of which a powerful energy flow emanates from the bottom of a gloomy reservoir. According to Latvian scientists, the lake is a meteorite crater with a depth of up to 70 meters. In the depths of a curious lake, radioactive radon gas is collected in large volumes, which is responsible for all the mystical happenings in the area.

It must be for this reason that you can’t spend a long time near the lake, because otherwise you can simply go crazy. According to the measurements of experts, an energy flow of incredible strength rushes into the sky directly from the center of a small reservoir, in which they see the culprit in the death of vacationers.

Dead Lake is conveniently located in Kazakhstan, where people often drown in a relatively small body of water. The locals do not favor the reservoir, and advise visitors to bypass the place on the tenth road. Even on the hottest days, the water of the lake is extremely cold, which is apparently the main reason for the death of swimmers. True, vegetation does not start at all in the lake, and there is no fish, but there are not even mosquitoes there!

The most mysterious thing is that drowned people do not float to the surface, but freeze at the bottom like candles (well, according to legends). Scientists explain the lifelessness of the lake with gas that comes out of the crevices of the bottom. But more detailed studies have not been, and are unlikely to be.

In the North Caucasus, in Karachay-Cherkessia, of course, there is a “dead lake” - Black. It is located high in the mountains and is quite small. It is noteworthy, but bushes, trees do not grow around, for some reason even grass does not grow.

It is believed locals, mysterious lake bottomless. If you look at the lake from above, it seems completely black. Locals never swim in it, and tourists are not taken there.

There are a lot of such anomalous "dead" lakes all over the Earth, each has its own legend and mystery. By the way, about the legend of Lake Kalishchenskoe - when the fashion for psychics and paranormal energy rapidly flooded in the country, here schoolchildren passing the TRP standards were replaced by thoughtful people with biolocators.

UFO researchers wandered mysteriously with metal/wooden frames and looked for geopathic zones. After that, beautiful place somehow drastically depopulated.

A natural lake filled with real ink is located in Algiers, near the town of Sidi Bel Abbes. There are no fish or plants in the pond, since this naturally created ink is poisonous and is only suitable for writing with. For a long time, people could not understand how a substance so unusual for a reservoir arises. And recently, scientists, after conducting research and analysis, found out the cause of this phenomenon. It's all about the composition of the water of the two rivers flowing into this lake.

One of the rivers contains a huge amount of dissolved iron salts, the other - all kinds of organic compounds, many of which are borrowed from peat bogs located in the river valley. Merging together into the lake basin, the streams interact with each other, and in the course of constantly occurring chemical reactions, the amount of ink is increasingly replenished.

Local residents are ambivalent about this attraction. Some consider the lake to be a devilish obsession, while others, on the contrary, try to benefit from it. That's why he has half a dozen names. Among the most famous are “Devil's Eye”, “Black Lake” and “Inkpot”. And ink from it is sold in stationery stores not only in Algeria, but also in several other countries.

This asphalt lake is located on the island of Trinidad, located fifty kilometers from the northern part of Venezuela. Swimming and swimming in it, of course, is impossible. The lake is located in the crater of a former mud volcano, its depth is 90 meters, and its area is 46 hectares. A few kilometers from it there is a settlement of La Brea. Coming out of the bowels of the earth through the mouth of a volcano, lying on great depths oil under the influence of evaporation loses volatile substances, as a result of which it turns into asphalt. All this takes place in the center of the lake basin. The place where more and more portions of asphalt are born has been called “Mother Lake” for many years. It is thanks to him that Lake Trinidad retains its reserves, despite the fact that every year up to 150 thousand tons of asphalt is mined from it, which is used for construction needs. Most of the mined is exported to the USA, England and many other countries. During the development of the deposits, more than five million tons of asphalt were produced. At the same time, the level of the lake dropped by only half a meter.

On the surface of Lake Trinidad, except for its center, a person can safely move without the risk of getting stuck and going into the depths. However, if, for example, someone dares to stay in one place for a long time and does not move at the same time, he will slowly begin to sink into the thickness of the asphalt. Almost any object left for a long time on the surface of the lake disappears into the black abyss some time later. Scientists involved in the study of the deep bowels of the “reservoir” discovered a whole cemetery of prehistoric animals, including the bones of mastodons that became extinct during the ice age and, apparently, once lived in the area. Probably, new amazing finds will be made in the miracle lake.

There are reserves of asphalt in the Dead Sea, famous for its healing salt reserves, located on the border of Israel and Jordan. Many people know about the extreme salinity and special composition of its waters, but not everyone has ever heard of asphalt deposits. Accumulations of asphalt, resembling resin in appearance, periodically float to the surface of the water, are given to the will of the waves and are often thrown ashore in large masses. Asphalt mining from Dead Sea conducted since ancient times. It is used in various industries: for building roads, tarring ships, obtaining all kinds of chemical products ... Until the middle of our century, it was believed that the Dead Sea region was practically the only supplier of asphalt in the whole world. And only in the 50s new deposits were developed.

And the most “dead” body of water on the entire planet is rightfully considered the Lake of Death, which is on the island of Sicily. Not only are its shores and waters devoid of any vegetation and living creatures, it is also deadly to swim in it. Any living creature that falls into the waters of this terrible lake dies instantly. A person who puts an arm or leg into the water feels a strong burning sensation and then watches in horror as the skin becomes covered with burns and blisters. The chemists who analyzed the contents of the lake were quite surprised. The water contains a fairly large concentration ... sulfuric acid. On this occasion, scientists have put forward several versions - for example, that the lake dissolves some unknown rocks and is enriched with acids due to this. However, studies have confirmed another hypothesis. It turned out that concentrated sulfuric acid is thrown into the lake by two sources located at its bottom.

But the mystery of the Russian Empty Lake, located among many other lakes of the Kuznetsk Alatau, has not yet been solved. Around all the lakes are teeming with fish, and in the Empty - at least with a rolling ball, despite the fact that rivers flow from these fish lakes, flowing into a fishless lake.

Researchers have repeatedly tried to populate a strange reservoir with various types of fish, giving preference to the most unpretentious. However, nothing came of this - all the fish fell asleep, and the Empty remained empty. But what is most surprising, chemists who analyzed the water for the possible content of toxic substances in it, proved that nothing of the kind is contained in it. The water of the Empty Lake turned out to be almost the same as in the neighboring lakes. And no one can still explain or even put forward a plausible hypothesis about the phenomenon of this strange reservoir. Whether it will be possible to solve a seemingly simple riddle, only time will tell.

The story happened a couple of years ago. We decided to get out in a crowd of 3 people, to culturally celebrate the night of Ivan Kupala on one of the lakes, which are rich in the region where I now live.

The region is not completely deaf, but the lake we have chosen is located at a sufficient distance from civilization, in a forest, surrounded by a swamp. The lake itself is practically round, and if you stand with your back to the road that leads to this lake from the last signs of civilization, then there are two roads around the lake itself.

On the right, it’s good enough for cars to drive through, and on the left, it’s barely passable for extreme pedestrians with deep puddles, snake holes and the threat of falling into the swamp that surrounds this lake from three sides in case of careless movement. On the opposite side of the lake, the roads merge into one again and go somewhere further, along an embankment through a swamp, towards the next lake, and maybe some signs of civilization that we did not get to.

A nook was chosen as a place for the celebration, fenced on both sides with bushes so as not to shine too much in case other companies were there.

We got to the place along a pedestrian, to put it mildly, rough road, because we were slightly afraid that some drunken company would decide to ride along the shore with a breeze and, without noticing, would run into us. Went with lanterns, since the site is like, despite midsummer night, in the forest it is still too dark not to stumble, and, having counted all the protrusions of the embankment with a ridge, still plunge into the swamp. We arrived, surprised that besides us, it seems, no one else went to such a cold and such a distance. They began to sort out supplies, prepare a fire, as from somewhere to the left, a splash of water and a woman's laughter were clearly heard.

- Who is it?

V. perked up, who, after the time when my wife and I got lost in three pines, was most afraid that we would rush into the night, or that the forester would come and, quite obviously, give us a portion of real slaps in the face. He was not even reassured by the fact that we would have a small fire, located in accordance with all the rules, and there were bottles of water nearby.

- Mermaids. We won’t go swimming today,” I answered, as if automatically thinking.

And in fact, the site, who? We passed by that place five minutes ago. And if there was another company, we would definitely have heard them, we would have seen the fire or the light from the lanterns. The bushes are not so dense that it cannot be seen or heard. And the lake itself is small enough to clearly see the light from the lantern even on its opposite shore, if only this light were.

The splashing of water and laughter meanwhile continued. Forgetting about the fire for a while, they shone their lanterns on the water, saw circles on the water, shrugged their shoulders, well, you never know, the fish splashed, hardly anyone would go swimming in such a cold. Where does women's laughter come from? Or maybe the girls are sitting in the dark and telling funny stories. Do not go to them now?

They turned off the lanterns, and, no longer paying attention to the renewed laughter and splashing of water, they finally lit the site, strung bread on sticks, we sit, we freeze, we regret that we did not take the barbecue and meat with us. We soon realized that we were hearing something else besides the silvery-voiced laughter of women and the noisy splashing of water. Someone sang. , without words. Again a female voice, this time from the left and behind at the same time, clearly from the side of the swamp. But it's not clear where exactly. And it seems not loud, but enough for us to hear the singing without interrupting the conversation.

- And who is this?

- Definitely not a forester. Swamp?

Shut up, listen. That's right, singing. And it's unlike anything we've heard before. It doesn't look like any tape or digital recording. And what company in a sober, yes even drunk, mind, will settle down in a swamp and turn on music there? Yes, and strange music for an idle company, one melody that the site performs one female voice for half an hour? We weren't sure exactly how long it had been before we paid attention to her. I wanted to go take a look, but I was dissuaded by the fact that in the dark, even with a lantern, I would definitely fall into the swamp, and I would have to be looked for with a forester and the Ministry of Emergency Situations, and at the same time explain what the hell we were doing here at night.

For some reason, it became quite uncomfortable to sit, and we got quite cold, we had to put out the fire, collect our belongings and garbage, and move towards the house. By the way, when they passed by the place where the splash of water and women's laughter were heard, they shone lanterns in that direction. The shore was empty, only circles diverged along the water surface. So we've been wondering since then, what was it? But the singing accompanied us to the very road that led away from the site of the lake.