How to get a certificate of the cost of a ticket for a report on a preferential road. Certificate to the client about the cost of the flight Anex tour certificate about the cost of the flight

Good afternoon, Natalya Gavrilovna! You need to contact the air carrier via the Internet with an application to issue such a certificate; this service is most likely paid.

According to the Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 8, 2006 N 134 (as amended on February 15, 2016) “On establishing the form of electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt in civil aviation"(Registered with the Ministry of Justice of Russia on January 24, 2007 N 8835)

1. An electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt in civil aviation (hereinafter referred to as the electronic ticket) is a document used to certify the contract for the carriage of passengers and baggage, in which information about the air carriage of passengers and baggage is presented in electronic digital form, and has the following structure and content:
1) structure of the electronic ticket:
electronic flight coupon (depending on the number of flights, the number of electronic flight coupons can range from 1 to 4);
electronic control coupon;
electronic agent coupon;
route/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration air transport).
The presence of an electronic flight coupon and itinerary/receipt is mandatory;

2) contents of the electronic ticket:
a) route/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation), electronic flight, electronic control, electronic agent coupons contain the following information about the transportation of passengers and baggage:
information about the passenger (for domestic transportation - last name, first name, patronymic, name, series and number of the identity document; for international transportation - last name, other information in accordance with international standards);
name and (or) code of the carrier;
flight number;
flight departure date;
flight departure time;
name and (or) codes of airports/points of departure and destination for each flight;
tariff equivalent (if applicable);
total cost of transportation;
form of payment;
fees (if applicable);
name and (or) booking class code;
booking status code;
date of registration;
name of the agency/carrier that issued the ticket;
norm free transportation luggage (at discretion);
unique electronic ticket number.

Itinerary/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation) is required to be drawn up and issued (sent electronically via the information and telecommunication network) to the passenger. The route/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation) is a document of strict accountability;
b) route/receipt (extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation), electronic flight coupon, electronic control coupon, electronic agent coupon may contain another Additional information on the conditions of transportation or features of servicing passengers and baggage, including information on the disabilities of passengers with disabilities and other persons with disabilities;
c) the carrier’s unique electronic ticket number contains the carrier’s international three-digit code and a 10-digit form code and serial number.

Letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for Moscow dated June 20, 2011 N 16-15/059203@
Question: Is it necessary to confirm payment for an electronic ticket by an accountable person if the electronic ticket is a document justifying expenses incurred by the organization for profit tax purposes?
Answer: The supporting document confirming the costs of purchasing a ticket in electronic form is a route/receipt on paper generated by an automated information system for registration of air transportation, which indicates the cost of the flight, as well as boarding pass, confirming the flight of the accountable person as specified in electronic air ticket route.
By general rule According to paragraph 1 of Article 252 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, for the purposes of Chapter 25 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, expenses are recognized as justified and documented expenses.
Justified expenses mean economically justified expenses, the assessment of which is expressed in monetary form.
Documented expenses mean expenses supported by documents drawn up in accordance with the law. Russian Federation or business customs applied in the foreign country in whose territory the relevant expenses were incurred, and (or) documents indirectly confirming the expenses incurred. These include, but are not limited to, customs declarations, business trip orders, travel documents, reports on work performed in accordance with the contract.
Any expenses are recognized as expenses, provided that they are incurred to carry out activities aimed at generating income.
If you are issuing travel documents electronically, you must adhere to the following.
By Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated May 18, 2010 N 117, paragraph 2 of Order of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 8, 2006 N 134 “On establishing the form of an electronic passenger ticket and baggage check in civil aviation” was amended, according to which the route/receipt of an electronic passenger ticket and baggage check ( extract from the automated information system for registration of air transportation) is a document of strict reporting and is used for organizations and individual entrepreneurs to carry out cash payments and (or) payments using payment cards without the use of cash register equipment.
Thus, if an air ticket was purchased in undocumented form (electronic ticket), then the supporting document confirming the costs of purchasing the air ticket for tax purposes is the route/receipt of the electronic document (air ticket) on paper generated by the automated information system for registration of air transportation, which indicates the cost of the flight, with the simultaneous presentation of a boarding pass confirming the flight of the accountable person on the route specified in the electronic ticket.

Meanwhile, if the boarding pass was lost for some reason, the fact of the flight can indirectly be confirmed by other documents certifying the fact that the employee was on a business trip abroad (an order sending the employee on a business trip, hotel bills, customs authority marks on the crossing state border RF, etc.).

Hello. Can you help in this situation? I, Taratina Lyudmila Anatolyevna, foreigner. passport 754191302, Russian passport 55 12 064797 issued by the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the Nenets Autonomous Okrug on June 23, 2013. To report on a preferential road, they require a certificate of the cost of air tickets to the airport closest to the point of crossing the state border. The estimated desired cost is at least 22,059 rubles (this price is given in the certificate from the travel agency from and to Antalya). The flight was on the route Arkhangelsk - Antalya - Arkhangelsk on flight U6 1137(Y) Ural Airline on September 15, 2017, U6 1138(Y) Ural Airline on September 29, 2017.

Lyudmila in " " 2 years ago

Answers (8)

Your accountants, and especially the Russian Ministry of Finance, do not know and do not comply with the laws of Russia, demanding unenforceable documents from you.
1. For international air transportation on the route Arkhangelsk - Antalya - Arkhangelsk, the place of crossing the Russian border for the passenger is border control at the departure airport, and not the theoretically calculated place on the map..
2. The seller must indicate the cost of the air ticket in the electronic ticket, which he was obliged to issue to the passenger after payment.
If the electronic ticket does not contain the cost of full payment, then either the seller is a fraudster or the passenger is not sighted.
3. The law prohibits the carrier from storing data about the passenger and data about the flight completed in Russia after 7 days after the flight.

Therefore, someone who does not accept a ticket is violating your right to receive some legal financial benefit.
Try it
- demand a written response from the person who did not provide you with the benefit and
- appeal the issued decision of an unknown authority to the district prosecutor's office, indicating the requirement to the prosecutor's office -
I ask you to oblige the (here unknown) authority to provide me with such a benefit.

Special for SU535

1) the passenger leaves the Russian Federation at the moment when the plane crosses the state border. In the departure zone of an international airport, a person is on the territory of the Russian Federation and is subject to the laws of the Russian Federation. Passing the border passport control- this is only permission to board a plane and leave the Russian Federation. But this happens, as I wrote above, at the moment of actually crossing the border in airspace. Learn materiel!
2) for any Russian airline, the cost of a ticket broken down by fare, fees and taxes must be indicated
3) would you like to show a link to such a “law”?

1. Every passenger knows that for the passenger the actual place of crossing the border is at the airport, where the border guard checked the validity of the passport (and visa).
The place of border crossing for a passenger is Article 5-2-a of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Border of the Russian Federation"
The border crossing point you indicated does not apply to the passenger. a to aircraft- this is Article 9 of the Law of the Russian Federation "On the State Border of the Russian Federation"
2. E-ticket must comply with the rules of Article 169-5 of the Tax Code and the rules of The IATA "List of Ticket and Airport Taxes and Fees"
3. The passenger has the right to file a claim with the carrier within 7 days after the flight in accordance with Article 13-3 of the Montreal Convention 1999.
At the end of these 7 days, the carrier is prohibited from storing and processing ticket data - Article 5-7 of the Federal Law "On Personal Data"

To answer questions you must

Methods of obtaining Delivery options Where can I order? Price Sample certificate
(5 working days)
Not urgent
(20-30 working days)
Certificate with cost calculation for the territory of the Russian Federation
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section is not provided 1 500 ₽
Conditions for applying the tariff
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ 1,000 ₽
By registered mail Original
Flight confirmation certificate / Flight cost certificate
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ 1,000 ₽
By registered mail Original
At the Airline Representative Office in the cities: Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Irkutsk, Simferopol.
*Addresses of representative offices are presented below the table
In person 1 500 ₽
Provided on the day of application.
Less than 90 days have passed since the flight
is not provided
On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ 1,000 ₽
Orthodromy (Certificate about the length of the route)*
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ 1,000 ₽
By registered mail Original
No direct scheduled flight
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ 1,000 ₽
By registered mail Original
Certificate of Flight Cancellation or Delay
By e-mail Scan On the website through the section 1 500 ₽ for free

    You can on one's own

    1. In the site section « online services» go to subsection "directory of applications" and select a country.
    2. "take away".
    3. In chapter "document printing" choose .

    request(a sample is given below) by mail or submit to the office at:

    • Moscow: Leningradsky Prospekt, 80/66 (Baltiyskaya St., 15), 9th floor

    To prepare a certificate about the cost of a flight with an orthodrome to the borders of the Russian Federation, the following documents are required:

    1. Original request for the preparation of a certificate;
    2. A copy of a certificate from the air carrier with information about the orthodrome in the Russian Federation and the percentage of the orthodrome in the Russian Federation to the total orthodrome.

Sending and issuing certificates is carried out only by the office indicated above.

The certificate is prepared and sent to the specified addressee and is issued only after we receive the original request and only once, clearly in accordance with the request and at the address specified therein. In this regard, we ask you to carefully consider the preparation of your request. Deadline for issuing a certificate at the Moscow (Head Office) at the address: Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 80, bldg. 66 – within 30 days of our receipt of the request

You can receive the certificate either yourself in the office or by registered mail to the address specified in the request.

Questions regarding the issue of obtaining information about the cost of air travel can be sent by email.

Rules for providing Region Tourism LLC with information about the cost of a charter air ticket

  1. You can on one's own issue a cost certificate for your client charter air ticket, using the site capabilities provided to you as our partner. To do this you need:

    1. In the site section "online services" go to subsection "directory of applications" and select a country.
    2. Identify yourself by entering your login, password and agency code in the form that opens.
    3. Select the application you need, enter the application number and click "take away".
    4. In chapter "document printing" choose “certificate of air ticket cost”.
    5. Enter the last name and first name of the tourist in Russian.
    6. Click "help". After which the certificate on the cost of the charter air ticket is ready for printing.

    The cost of the air ticket indicated in the certificate consists of the price of transportation established on the date of departure by the consolidator of this charter flight, and the amount of the fuel surcharge, if it was charged on this flight. A certificate of the cost of a charter air ticket is issued only after the end date of the trip.

    Your Clients have the opportunity to receive from us certificates about the cost of a charter air ticket with a “live” blue seal of the organization. To do this, they need to send the original of their request(a sample is given below) by mail or submit to one of the regional offices at the following addresses:

    • Belgorod: st. Civil Avenue, 47, 2nd floor, office 218
    • Vladivostok: st. Tigrovaya, 30, office 19 (4th floor)
    • Voronezh: st. Komissarzhevskaya, 10, 9th floor, office 911
    • Ekaterinburg: st. Rosa Luxemburg, 5
    • Irkutsk: st. October Revolution, 5, 3rd floor, office 37
    • Kazan: st. Salimzhanova, 2B, office 212
    • Kaliningrad: Leninsky Prospekt, 30, office 701
    • Krasnodar: st. Oktyabrskaya-Severnaya, 183/326, office 401
    • Krasnoyarsk: st. Alekseeva, 49, office 4-04
    • Nizhny Novgorod: st. Korolenko, 19B, office 123
    • Novosibirsk: st. Lenina, 52, office 602
    • Omsk: st. Marksa, 37
    • Permian: st. Sibirskaya, 47A, office 211
    • Rostov: st. Tekucheva, 149, Volna swimming pool, 1st floor
    • Saint Petersburg: st. Zastavskaya (metro station "Moskovskie Vorota"), 23, BC "Aviator", office 302
    • Samara: Moskovskoe shosse, 17, shopping center “Vertical”, 7th floor, office 701
    • Surgut: st. Respubliki, 67, office 3
    • Tyumen: st. Malygina, 75, off. 310.
    • Ufa: st. Karla Marksa, 20/1, BC "Alexandrovsky Passage" (entrance from Karla Marksa Street, through the arch and barrier)
    • Khabarovsk: st. Postysheva, 22a, office 804. Business center "Khabarovsk-City"
    • Chelyabinsk: st. Sony Krivoi, 49B
    • Syktyvkar: st. Pervomaiskaya, 62, 6th floor, office 607A

    Sending and issuing certificates is carried out only by the offices indicated above.

    The certificate is prepared and sent to the specified addressee or issued at the regional office only after we receive the original request and only once, clearly in accordance with the request and at the address specified therein. In this regard, we ask you to carefully consider the preparation of your request. The certificate is issued within 15 days from the date we receive the request. In the event that the request is sent to the address: 125190, Moscow, Leningradsky Prospekt, 80, bldg. 37, Room I, ROOM No. 34A; 37-51; 51A; 51B; 51B; 51G; 52-60, the period for issuing a certificate is increased to 30 days from the date of receipt of the request.

    Obtaining a certificate is possible either at one of the regional offices, or by registered mail to the address specified in the request.

    Questions regarding the problem of obtaining information on the cost of air travel can be sent by e-mail or by calling regional offices.

Proof of flight expenses

Labor legislation provides for compensation of expenses for paying the cost of travel and baggage to the place of use of vacation and back to persons working in federal government bodies (state bodies) and federal government institutions located in the regions Far North and equivalent areas and members of their families.

The procedure for providing this compensation is established by the Government of the Russian Federation. Currently, it is determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated June 12, 2008 No. 455 “On the procedure for compensation of expenses for payment of travel costs and baggage transportation to the place of use of vacation and back for persons working in federal government bodies (state bodies) and federal government institutions, located in the regions of the Far North and equivalent areas, and members of their families" (hereinafter referred to as Order No. 455).

In accordance with paragraph 2 of Order No. 455, employees of institutions and members of their families are compensated once every two years from budgetary allocations of the federal budget for the cost of travel within the territory of the Russian Federation to the place of use of annual paid leave and back by any type of transport (except taxi ), including personal ones. Baggage weighing up to 30 kg is also compensated.

Payment of the cost of travel to the place where the employee’s vacation is used and back to the place of permanent residence is made in the amount of actual expenses confirmed travel documents, but not higher than the fare specified in paragraph 5 of Order No. 455. For example, when traveling by air no more than the cost of tickets in the salon economy class.

Often, employees of institutions spend their holidays outside the Russian Federation by purchasing a tourist voucher. In this case, payment for travel costs is made in accordance with paragraph 10 of Order No. 455. According to this paragraph, travel costs by air are reimbursed to the airport closest to the place of crossing the border of the Russian Federation. When non-stop flight Travel to the airport closest to the point of crossing the state border of the Russian Federation is subject to compensation. In this case, the employee of the institution must provide a certificate of the cost of transportation across the territory of the Russian Federation, included in the price transportation document(ticket). Such a certificate can be issued by an air carrier or other transport organization.

Despite the fact that Order No. 455 has been in effect for more than five years, workers' compensation continues to be a source of concern for employers. For example, when flying by charter flight to the place of vacation use and back on a tourist package, the cost of the flight is not indicated anywhere in the documents. How and with what documents can I confirm the cost of the flight in this case?

In a letter from the Treasury of the Russian Federation dated September 17, 2013 No. 42-7.4-05/8.2-574, officials gave explanations on this matter: in the absence of a certificate from the transport organization carrying out the transportation, the cost of travel can be compensated on the basis of a certificate from another transport organization about the cost of travel on air transportation in an economy class cabin on the date of the flight, but not more than the actual costs.

Order No. 455 also does not provide for the use of tables “Values ​​of orthodromic distances from international airports Russian Federation to foreign airports", developed by the state unitary enterprise State Corporation for Organization air traffic and posted on the Internet site to determine the cost of travel in the absence of information on the cost of travel within the territory of the Russian Federation. According to officials, in order to determine the specified cost, it is advisable to send a request to the transport organization that carried out the transportation and reimburse expenses to employees based on this cost.

In addition, the letter emphasized that in accordance with paragraph 2 of Order No. 134 of the Ministry of Transport of Russia dated November 8, 2006 “On the form of an electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt in civil aviation,” the route/receipt of an electronic passenger ticket and baggage receipt must be issued on approved strict reporting form and contain information about the transportation of passengers and baggage. In the absence of a strict reporting route/receipt form, in addition to it, a document confirming payment for transportation must be issued. It must be executed on an approved strict reporting form or using cash register equipment (check).

How much are baggage costs reimbursed?

It is also clarified that subparagraph “c” of paragraph 5 of Order No. 455 provides for compensation to employees for the cost of luggage weighing no more than 30 kg per employee and 30 kg for each member of his family, regardless of the amount of luggage allowed for free carriage on a ticket.

That is, if an employee has submitted documents confirming payment for the cost of transporting 30 kg of baggage by aircraft, with a free baggage allowance of 20 kg, then only 10 kg of excess baggage are subject to compensation.

Elena Orlova,

tax consultant at ModernStroy LLC