Cape Aya is a wonderful lost world in Crimea. About places of power

Among the interesting natural attractions that you can see by ordering boat trip from Balaklava, Cape Aya occupies one of the leading places. It is located between Balaklava and Batiliman, separating the southern Crimean coast from the western.

lost World

The cape can only be reached by sea, because it is a sheer stone cliff five hundred and sixty meters high, protruding thirteen kilometers into the sea. After Ayu-Dag, it is the second largest and the only vertical slope on the Crimean peninsula with a height of three hundred meters. The sight is so mesmerizing that it is difficult to take your eyes off. The most interesting place on the cape is its highest point - the top of Kokiya-Kala, which means "blue rock". It offers magnificent views of the rocky sea coast. At the top of the cape is a giant funnel that raises many questions about its origin. Inside, it is covered with huge boulders of various colors and patterns: from blue, green and red to striped and speckled stones.

As soon as Cape Aya was not called: terrible, impregnable, insidious, cruel.

The reason is that the cape is surrounded by underwater rocks, reefs, and stone piles. In old sailing books you can read a warning for sailing ships about the danger of approaching unnecessarily closer than ten miles, because near the rocks there is a strong rush of water and the sailing ship falls into the position of a person who receives strong blows from all sides. Indeed, when the sea is calm and calm, you can watch how the water level gradually rises and then falls. However, during a wave or a storm, huge waves hit vertical rocks, rise tens of meters up, and then break down with crushing force, knocking down stones in their path and colliding with rolling new waves. At present, the most a large number of landslides in the Crimea. Maybe that's why places on the coast of the cape with mysterious caves and miniature land plots among huge boulders are called the "Lost World".

There is a sense of mystery here. Moreover, experts in the study of UFOs claim that this cape is often visited by aliens.

In addition to the mysterious grottoes on the stone walls, you can see a large number of traces from the cannonballs. In past centuries, this place was chosen as a training ground for the ships of the Russian fleet. It was a target for firing ship guns and training gunners.

holy cape

"Aya" - the roots of this word are of Greek origin. It means "holy." This cape got its name for a reason. The remains of an ancient monastery and several temples were discovered here. It is known that in the fourth century there was a small medieval fortress- Kok-Kiya-Isar castle and two small settlements. With a high degree of probability, it can be assumed that the church could also have been included in the fortress complex. The cape was partitioned off by a rather neat, solid fortress wall reinforced by two towers. One of them is rectangular, covering the gate in the southern section, and the other is semicircular, which was installed closer to the northern part of the fortress.

More recently, by historical standards, one could observe well-preserved sections of the fortress wall up to four meters high.

However, in the mid-sixties of the last century, one of the air defense facilities was deployed right on the territory of the former fortress. The stone of the ancient fortress went to the needs of construction, so today the once powerful defensive wall looks more like a turfed rampart, not exceeding a meter in height. It is noteworthy that this monument has been known for more than one hundred and fifty years, but still remains unexplored.


Today, Cape Aya is a nature reserve, which includes more than one thousand three hundred hectares of land and more than two hundred hectares of sea water. It can be visited from walking tour only along the laid ecological routes. The most valuable plant species grow here: wild orchids, of which there are sixteen species on the cape, strawberry, yellow sumac, needle, buckthorn, pistachio trees, Abraham tree, rockrose, a whole grove of rare Stankevich pine with pink bark. This grove is located in the Ayazma tract, located near the cape.

The juniper, whose age reaches two thousand years, attracts attention. Just think, the Apostle Andrew himself, who visited these places at the beginning of the first century, could see him.

In the reserve you can meet roe deer, deer, wild boars, martens, squirrels, hares, foxes. A rare Crimean gecko is also found here - a lizard up to thirty centimeters long, which is endemic Crimean peninsula.

Leisure opportunities

In general, there is something to see and do on the cape: dizzying views of the coastal cliffs, picturesque mountains, wonderful seascapes, a medieval fortress, the remains of a military unit, extreme rock climbing, diving, beach holiday. For those interested in heritage cold war, they can see caponiers here, the ruins of a Soviet military unit, a rocket carrier abandoned on the slopes. Moving by sea towards Laspi Bay, you can observe an unusual natural phenomenon- the so-called sea siphon, when a fountain of spray and foam bursts right out of a vertical wall almost at sea level under great pressure. The spectacle is amazing. There are other fresh fountains near the cape, beating directly from under the water.

Surprisingly, you can safely drink this water hanging over the side of the boat.

Fresh water comes from the Ai-Petri karst formations and appears here from cracks and grottoes from depths of two to thirty meters. It is known that Balaklava sailors from ancient times did not take fresh water with them to the sea, because they knew that they could always quench their thirst from these sources.


I must say that the underwater landscape at Cape Aya is no less picturesque. Underwater rocky ridges resembling Coral reefs, stone heaps overgrown with algae, countless grottoes, crabs, fish - all this invariably attracts divers to the cape. Moreover, visibility under water here in calm weather reaches twenty meters.

At the same time, experienced divers warn that many underwater grottoes are filled with fresh water that enters them from mountain springs, so exploring them may not be safe for scuba divers.

The reason is a possible loss of buoyancy due to the difference in density between salt and fresh water. There are even tragic cases. But this fact does not stop adventurers at all. Many people come to the cape not only for the seascapes and unique ichthyofauna, but also to see the remains of sunken ships. In short, the possibilities for diving here are almost endless.

The beaches of Cape Aya

In summer, the beaches of the cape are chosen by lovers of camping, nudists and just vacationers who want to be alone with nature, enjoy swimming in the clearest sea and admire seascapes. The so-called Silver and Golden beaches are especially popular. Coating - pebbles, the entrance to the water is often rocky, but gently sloping. You can get to them by boat, plying from Balaklava. Further, to the east from the Golden Beach towards Cape Aya, the coast stretches with a large number of small bays and wild beaches where everyone can find a secluded corner for relaxation. These beaches also have their own names: Cable, Wandering, Commander, Fig, White, Lost and others. It is difficult to get to them: you have to climb mountains, rocks, through the forest for hours, but the reward for overcoming all difficulties is complete unity with nature. And many vacationers simply anchor a hired skiff without reaching the shore and swim in the open sea.

A trip to Cape Aya is always a lot of fun and unforgettable experiences.

Cape Aya in Crimea is a popular attraction near Sevastopol

One of the main attractions of the Crimea is Cape Aya with its picturesque paths and places. Translated from Greek, the word "aya" means "Holy Mountain", because in ancient times they believed in the mystical powers of this area. This is a wonderful cape in the southern part of the Crimean peninsula, which is a thirteen-kilometer ledge of the coast. It is here that the most famous bays and beaches of Crimea, such as Fig, Golden and Silver, are located.

A little to the east of Aya is Cape Laspi and his, and a little to the west - Cape George. Between the Cape Aya itself and the Golden Beach, a tract of magnificent beauty called Ayazma comfortably settled down. Closest to Aya, it is located northwest of this quiet place.

These reserved places also have a great historical meaning: back in 1927, the archaeologist P.P. Banenchikov with his auxiliary group unearthed here the surviving fragments of an ancient settlement of the tenth-fifteenth centuries. A close examination of the photo of Cape Aya can easily detect the remains of city buildings, fundamental blanks for the temple, as well as ancient building round shape.

Gorgeous view of Cape Aya in Crimea

Rest on the territory of Cape Aya is always comfortable: the climate here is always mild and warm, and the sea is crystal clear and transparent thanks to the numerous algae and molluscs that filter the sea water. The cliffs surrounding the sea surface of Cape Aya, for the most part, form steep landslides, giving the observers the impression of a natural stone chaos.

What to visit on the territory of Cape Aya?

The protected tract called Ayazma is distinguished by its richness of flora and fauna, which opens up a lot of opportunities for lovers of botany and zoology. Here you can find a rare species of pine - Stankevich's pine, many tall junipers and many other species of the Mediterranean fauna, which are rightfully considered relics. The flora of Ayazma is in no way inferior in saturation flora, because many insects, birds, animals and reptiles living in this area are listed in the Red Book as endangered species. Thanks to the purity and transparency of sea water in Ayazma, anyone can admire the beauty underwater world All you need to do is bring your swimming mask with you. This truly valuable tract was recognized in 1982 as a real botanical reserve. On the edges of the cliffs on both sides, the ruins of two ancient temples for worship, it is they who to this day serve as some kind of landmark for the Crimean fishermen.

Tent town near Cape Aya

One of the parts of Ayazma, popularly called Figs, is distinguished by its beautiful beaches and cozy sea ​​bays. Interesting name In this area, the old-timers explain that one of the many rocks on the territory of the Fig in its shape is very similar to this exotic plant. Here, vacationers from Cape Aya in Crimea can climb to the top of a mountain called Ilyas-Kala and admire the ruins of the monastery of the same name that has survived to this day.

One of the most beautiful bays in Crimea

One of the most the most beautiful bays on the entire Crimean coast - Laspi Bay - is located right here, in the wide expanses of Cape Aya. This area is also a true heritage of historians due to the discovery of the most ancient sites of primitive man on the territory of the bay. It has also been established that the first people who settled this area appeared here in the distant Neolithic era.

Tourists kayaking near Cape Aya

Also hospitably open to tourists is the tent town of Cape Aya, called the Speleologist. The town is located right on the seashore, in the zone of the fastest reach to it. At an altitude of seventy-five meters above sea level, comfortable guest tents are located, designed to accommodate three people. Tents are set up on special wooden surfaces, which provides guests with comfortable accommodation. Inside each of the tents there is everything you need for an overnight stay: comfortable mattresses, soft pillows and warm blankets that do not allow a sleeping person to freeze even in the coolest summer nights. Speleologist accommodates up to thirty people on its territory at the same time every year, but if you agree with the camp management in advance, you can provide accommodation for more than fifty people. The food here is hearty and tasty, but like a camping one. A field kitchen, comfortable benches and tables under special awnings that protect food from the sun are provided for preparing meals.

For friendly gatherings and snacks in the evenings, the camp has a specially designated place for kindling a fire, where you can cook barbecue and barbecue. In the event that vacationers run out of food supplies, there is a small field store not far from the Speleologist, which can be reached in just twenty to twenty-five minutes if you follow the path along the sea. The beaches here are pebbly, with large stones for sunbathing and jumping into the water. The descent into the water is not steep, but at the same time, a long search deep place won't have to.

Beautiful white cloud over Cape Aya

Cape Aya is easy to find on the map: it is located about eight kilometers from the resort town of Balaklava and twenty kilometers from. Also, the route with the direction of Yalta-Sevastopol can serve as a guide.

Cape Aya - beautiful place both for "wild" tourism and for exploring its beautiful protected areas. Here, every spa visitor will find exactly what he is looking for!

There is a very interesting place in Crimea - Cape Aya.
Cape Aya is located on south coast Crimea, southeast of Balaklava. The name of Cape Aya comes from the Greek word "ayos", which translates as Holy, so Cape Aya means "Holy Cape". It is located between the Batiliman tract and sheer cliffs that break into the sea, it is a 13-kilometer-long ledge of the coast.

1. View towards Balaklava.

highest peak on the cape, the Kokiya-Kiya rock (blue rock) is 558.5 meters high. Imagine - sheer cliffs over 500 meters high on the seashore. I naturally wanted to climb as much as possible.
Therefore, I made 2 routes - the first one along the top of Cape Aya - incredible views open from there. And the second along the coast of the cape - the coast is also very full of interesting places.

2. As a rule, tourists go to Cape Aya from Balaklava. But you can get to the village of Goncharnoe and start your journey from there.
First route up. The cliffs of the cape are very picturesque.

3. You don't get bored on the way to the cape either. The views never cease to delight.

4. The coast of Cape Aya is clearly visible - the beaches of Zolotoy and Serebryany, then the entrance to Balaklava Bay and even further Cape Fiolent is visible.

5. And this is the Kokiya-Kiya rock, 558.5 meters high.

6. Fog forms over the sea. Such fogs are most often formed as a result of the movement of warm and humid air over a relatively cold water surface. Literally in 15 minutes the fog will cover everything. And it can last long enough. On this day, it was no longer necessary to shoot - everything was in thick fog.

12. From the history of Cape Aya.
On one of the most protruding parts of the cape, Mount Kokiya-Kaya, there are the ruins of an abandoned military unit. In 1955-1956, a missile complex (object 100) was built, which was subsequently reconstructed for launching cruise missiles. In the mid-1990s, the complex was transferred Russian Federation Ukraine, after which it was liquidated.
Also under the cape there is a cool small-pebble (almost sandy) beach, the so-called Lost World. It can only be accessed from the sea.

13. View towards Laspi. Laspi Bay is also very picturesque. But more about that some other time.

15. On sheer cliffs surprisingly full of vegetation. The endemic pine of Stankevich gives an amazing charm to this corner of nature. These pines, as it were, climb the steep slopes of the cape, clinging to any crack in the stones. One would like to say - and trees grow on the stones.

I will tell you a story that happened to me at Cape Aya. When I was walking through the village of Reserve, a little dog followed me. He was small, black and shaggy. She and I wandered around Cape Aya for several days. Didn't have to be bored. At night, she snuggled up to my sleeping bag (and I spent the night without a tent right under open sky- the weather allowed), but periodically jumped up and barked loudly - there were plenty of living creatures around. Most likely she reacted to the boars in this way. So this alarm went off intermittently in the middle of the night against my will.

But the main catch was not in this. I am walking along a forest road, I go out to a small plowed field and see the following. A fox is moving in the middle of the field. Red beauty. Just a sight. She was so carried away by hunting that she did not even notice how I was standing at the edge of the field. I quickly take out my camera to capture it. But it was not there - this black, shaggy monster, seeing the fox, ran towards it with incredible speed and loud barking. The fox reacted instantly - it started to run away and after a couple of seconds it had already disappeared into the forest. As a result, the photo hunt was covered with a copper basin. The shaggy friend did not catch the fox (and it’s good that he didn’t), but I was left without a photo of this red-haired beauty.

18. And this is the route along the bottom, that is, along the coast.

22. The nearby rock is somewhat reminiscent of a sail.

Cape Aya (Sevastopol, Russia) - exact location, interesting places, inhabitants, routes.

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The Cape Aya state landscape reserve in the Balaklava region is a unique reserved corner of the Crimea, which includes Cape Aya itself and the tracts Ayazma and Batiliman. The name of the cape comes from the Greek "aios" - "holy", "holy". It is believed that the Greeks honored these places and buried their ancestors here; according to another version, Cape Aya is the legendary Kryumetopon, a landmark mountain for ancient sailors on their way to the shores of Taurida ( ancient name Crimea).

Thanks to the microclimate similar to the Mediterranean, about 500 species of plants and animals have been preserved here, 28 of them are listed in the Red Book. The landscapes of the territories of the reserve are very colorful and diverse, and in addition to natural beauties, here you can also see man-made historical monuments.

What to see

The protected area of ​​the reserve includes natural monuments "Grove of Pitsunda Pine and High Juniper on Cape Aya", the natural boundary "Pine Grove of Stankevich", the natural boundary and Batiliman Bay with total area 1340 ha and adjacent water area of ​​208 ha.

  • Cape Aya. At the top of the cape protruding into the sea is a giant funnel, dotted inside with huge multi-colored boulders - blue, green, red, striped and speckled. At the base of Ayia there are picturesque grottoes with azure water.
  • Laspi Bay. Not many man-made monuments have been preserved in these places, for example, you can see the site of a primitive man (Neolithic era) in Laspi Bay. This bay is also considered one of the most beautiful bays in the Crimea, so the local landscapes can be called a completely independent attraction.
  • Worth a visit to the beach "Fig". In fact, the area was so nicknamed for the rock, shaped very much like this sweet fruit. Apart from beautiful beaches and nature, it attracts fans of antiquity with its mountain Ilyas-Kaya (mountain of St. Elijah), where the ruins of the monastery of St. Elijah are located.

"Cape Aya" became a reserve relatively recently, in 1982, but has long attracted the attention of creative people. For example, the artist Ivan Aivazovsky captured local landscapes in the painting “Storm at Cape Aya” in 1875.

Rare representatives of flora and fauna grow and live in the Cape Aya Reserve: out of 500 species of animals and plants, 28 are listed in the Red Book. In addition, the reserve also captures part of the sea; all three species of the Black Sea dolphins (bottle dolphin, common dolphin, azovka) are found in its water area.


It’s almost impossible to see all this beauty in a day, walk, swim, climb local tracts and mountains, so it’s better to plan an overnight stay in a local tent city under the name "Speleologist". It is located right on the seashore, at an altitude of 75 m above sea level, each tent is designed for three tourists. Inside - mattresses, pillows and blankets. The camp has a field kitchen, benches and tables under awnings, a barbecue area. There is a field store 25 minutes walk from the camp, so restocking is no problem. A stone's throw pebble beaches with huge stones on which you can spread a towel and sunbathe.

In addition, there are guest houses in the town of Figs.

Practical information

Cape Aya is located just 8 km from Balaklava and 20 km from Sevastopol. You can get here along the Yalta - Sevastopol highway, the car will have to be left in the parking lot at the Cape Aya camp site, and then go down on foot. Public transport also runs to the reserve, for example, a bus from Balaklava and Sevastopol towards Yalta, the driver will have to be asked to stop at the turn to Cape Aya.

Fans of hiking can walk to the cape from Balaklava, the journey takes no more than 2-2.5 hours).

From the Balaklava bay to Aya, private skiffs float, the cost of the walk must be specified at the port.

Aya is a cape located on the southern coast of Crimea, not far from Balaklava. The name of the cape comes from the Greek word "agios" - saint.

The cape is a sheer ledge of the Main Ridge Crimean mountains, and territorially goes to the base of Mount Kush-Kaya (or Pitchya Mountain, height 627 meters). highest point Cape Aya - Mount Kokiya-Kiya ("blue rock") with a height of 557 meters. To the east of the cape are Laspinskaya Bay and Cape Laspi, the Batiliman tract, to the west - the Ayazma tract passes into a small bay at the base of the Krepostnaya and Asketi mountains.

At the foot of the cape there are several grottoes. Some of them were used in ancient times by sailors of the Russian Black Sea Fleet for sighting and adjusting ship guns.

On the territory of Cape Aya and its rocky slopes, unique Mediterranean light forests grow.
The flora of Cape Aya includes up to 500 species of plants, many of which are listed in the Red Book of Ukraine. Of the most valuable and rare trees in the reserve, Stankevich pines (Sudak or Pitsunda), high juniper, small-fruited strawberry, and pistachio are common.

The amazing, incomparable charm of this corner wildlife give forests of endemic Stankevich pine. These pines, covered with dark green long needles and large single cones, "climb" along the steep rocky slopes of Cape Aya, reaching heights of 300 meters above sea level, clinging to any even the smallest crack, pothole in the stone. On the territory of the Crimea, in the form of natural light forests, Stankevich's pine is found only in the Novyi Svet reserve, and here, on Cape Aya.

Another significant representative of the green world of Cape Aya is the relic high juniper. These are large, strong trees with dense, twisted trunks, whose age can reach up to 3-4 thousand years. On the territory of the Batiliman tract (in the eastern part of Cape Aya) there are solid specimens of high juniper, up to 2,000 years old. There are very few juniper forests left on our planet, and almost all of them are on the verge of extinction.

Rare and endangered species of animals live on the territory of the reserve - endemic stone marten and weasel, large and small horseshoe bats (bats), leopard and four-stripe snakes (snakes). In addition to them, there are also typical inhabitants of the mountain-forest Crimea: deer, roe deer, Crimean mountain foxes, as well as wild boars, introduced in the middle of the 20th century and widely spread in Crimea.

In the water area near the cape, there are Black Sea dolphins: bottlenose dolphins and common dolphins, the Black Sea katran shark, and several types of crabs.

In 1982, the State Landscape Reserve "Cape Aya" was founded to preserve this amazing natural complex in an untouched state.

Visiting the reserve is allowed only on public roads and ecological trails.

Cape Aya is located 8 kilometers from Balaklava and about 20 kilometers from Sevastopol. You can get to Cape Aya from the Yalta - Sevastopol highway. Transport must be left at the same name tourist base"Cape Aya", then go down on foot.
On public transport can be reached from Sevastopol or Balaklava, by bus, following in the direction of Yalta, and asking to stop at the turn to Cape Aya.
Alternatively, you can walk from Balaklava, in about 2 - 2.5 hours.
In addition, private skiffs (100-150 UAH) float from Balaklava to the capes.

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