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Can hold on its own. By the way, for reference:

Many psychologists, according to professional observations, describe those who do not know their relatives and their family history as less confident in life and, as a rule, have greater internal problems. Knowledge of the pedigree certainly includes knowledge of the interpretation of your last name. Still, it does not hurt to know in detail what our personal identifier is, what we hear every day and pass on to our children as a legacy.

There are several ways to make a family tree of a family on your own. Of these, the most common are:

  1. The first way is to make it virtually, on a computer.
  2. The second is to make it in reality, from a variety of improvised materials.

We will describe both methods, and start with the first.

Creation of a virtual family tree.

There are also options here. One of them is to turn to many free and not so free sites and communities where you can register and create your own tree with pleasure and using built-in tools. Some communities even offer the feature of "traversing" various members' family trees in order to find relatives.

The second option is to create a family tree using an editor on a computer (Photoshop, Corel, Paint). For help, you can use the article " computer collage". And also the following sequence of actions:

  1. We go on the Internet and look for a suitable picture with a tree to carry out the task. In a few days (weeks) you will find many different options, some of which will form the basis of your design creation.
  2. Next, we methodically prepare photographs of our relatives. In this case, it is advisable to limit yourself to direct ancestors and their spouses, otherwise you will have to look for a completely different picture of the tree.
  3. Then we place them on the tree using any graphics program in which you enjoy working. You can add captions under the photos, mark even the place of birth or some historical events(for example, resettlement and connection with a noble family).
  4. You can also drag a timeline along the side of the tree. This will very clearly show the development of the genus against the backdrop of history. You can also add your family coat of arms (if you have already acquired one), rare family photos, a little help about the history of the family, a link to your personal website on the Internet.

That is, by showing imagination and a little time, you can make a beautiful family tree on a computer. And then - if desired - print it on a large sheet of paper. But this can be problematic, because professional printing involves large resolutions of drawings and photographs (300 pixels per inch), and if pictures and photographs are of a lower resolution, then they may not look very beautiful on print. Therefore, in this case, if you want to materialize a family tree, it is better to use the following sequence.

Creating a real family tree

In this case, you are doing nothing more than, so you can use the articles " Beautiful postcard in 5 minutes" and " Collage - how to make?". And below is an example of creating a family tree from a piece of wallpaper, felt, photographs and patience. You will also need thick cardboard to match the size of the wallpaper, double-sided tape and glue.

The sequence of creating a real family tree is very simple:

  1. Draw the outlines of the tree (roots, trunk and branches) on the felt with soap and cut it out.
  2. Cut a piece of 50 x 60 cm from the wallpaper. Stick the cut wallpaper on the cardboard with glue or double-sided tape.
  3. Place a felt tree on top and glue all of its thin parts with glue.
  4. Cut off the excess protruding parts to the size of the base. Spray-paint your photo frames in a high-sided box to keep splashes out.
  5. Stand half-finished collage in the frame. Glue green yarn (thread, felt) imitating foliage to the top of the tree with glue.
  6. Insert photos into frames. Position them in the middle of the collage. Place children's photos at the top, photos of grandparents at the bottom. Glue all frames to the family tree with glue.

Thus, the family tree is prepared very simply.

The question remains - how to fill the family tree?

Well, the simplest option is three generations:

  • grandparents
  • mom-dad
  • and children.

But you can make it even tougher. You can dig a little in the archives (old grandmother's photo albums) and conduct interviews (talk to grandparents). Usually such a conversation makes it possible to go 4-5 generations deep.

And finally, we suggest you download a small presentation (fully automatic) about the family tree. Simple and understandable (because for children) the basic terms are explained and the sequence of creating a family tree with source codes is given. Download presentation you can follow the link: family tree.

By the way, for reference:

  • The father-in-law is the father of the husband.
  • The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  • Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  • Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  • Swat is the father of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • A matchmaker is the mother of one of the spouses in relation to the parents of the other spouse.
  • The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  • The sister-in-law is the sister of the husband.
  • Brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
  • Shurich (obsolete) - the son of a brother-in-law.
  • A sister-in-law is the wife's sister.
  • Kum is the godfather in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godmother.
  • Kuma is the godmother in relation to the parents of the godson and to the godfather.

For more detailed help:

  1. Grandmother, grandmother - the mother of the father or mother, the wife of the grandfather.
  2. A brother is each of the sons of the same parents.
  3. A godfather is the son of a godfather.rat cross, brother on the cross, named brother - persons who exchanged pectoral crosses.
  4. Bro, bro, bro, bro, bro - cousin.
  5. Bratanikha - the wife of a cousin.
  6. Bratanna - brother's daughter, brother's niece.
  7. Bratova - brother's wife.
  8. Bratelnitsa - a relative in general, cousin or distant.
  9. Bratych - brother's son, brother's nephew.
  10. A widow is a woman who has not remarried after the death of her husband.
  11. A widower is a man who has not remarried after the death of his wife.
  12. Grandson - son of daughter, son; as well as the sons of a nephew or niece.
  13. Granddaughter, grandson - daughter of a son, daughter; as well as the daughter of a nephew or niece.
  14. The brother-in-law is the husband's brother.
  15. A grandfather is the father of a mother or father.
  16. The godfather is the godfather's father.
  17. Grandfather, grandfather - aunt after uncle.
  18. Dedich is the direct heir of his grandfather.
  19. A daughter is a female person in relation to her parents.
  20. Daughter named - adopted, pupil.
  21. Dshcherich is an aunt's nephew.
  22. Dschersha is an aunt's niece.
  23. Uncle - appointed to care for and supervise the child.
  24. An uncle is the brother of the father or mother.
  25. A wife is a married woman in relation to her husband.
  26. The bridegroom is the one who has conspired the bride.
  27. Zolovitsa, sister-in-law, zolova - husband's sister, sometimes brother's wife, daughter-in-law.
  28. A son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, sister-in-law.
  29. Godfather, godfather - see: Godfather, Godmother.
  30. A mother is a female person in relation to her children.
  31. The godmother, the mother of the cross, is the recipient at the rite of baptism.
  32. The mother named - the mother of the adopted child, the pupil.
  33. Dairy mother - mother, nurse.
  34. The planted mother is a woman who replaces the groom's mother at the wedding.
  35. Stepmother - another wife of the father, stepmother.
  36. A husband is a married man in relation to his wife.
  37. The daughter-in-law is the son's wife.
  38. A father is a male person in relation to his children.
  39. The godfather is the godfather at the font.
  40. The named father is the father of the adopted child, the pupil.
  41. The father is in attendance, the father is planted, the father is dressed up - the person who acts instead of the native Father at the wedding.
  42. The father is the eldest in the generation.
  43. Stepfather - another husband of the mother, stepfather.
  44. Otchinnik, stepchich - son, heir.
  45. A stepdaughter is a daughter from another marriage in relation to a stepparent.
  46. A stepson is the son of a stepchild of one of the spouses.
  47. A nephew is the son of a brother or sister.
  48. A niece is the daughter of a brother or sister.
  49. Plemyash - relative, relative.
  50. The progenitors are the first couple known by pedigree, from which the genus originates.
  51. Ancestor - the parent of a great-great-grandfather, great-great-grandmother.
  52. The ancestor is the first known representative of the genus from which the genealogy is conducted.
  53. Matchmaker, matchmaker - the parents of the young and their relatives in relation to each other.
  54. The father-in-law is the husband's father.
  55. The mother-in-law is the husband's mother.
  56. Owner - a person who is related by husband, wife.
  57. In-laws are people who are married to two sisters.
  58. Cousins ​​are people who are married to cousins.
  59. The sister is the daughter of the same parents.
  60. A sister is a cousin, the daughter of a mother's or father's sister.
  61. Sister, sister, sister, cousin.
  62. Sister, sister - the son of a mother's or father's sister, a nephew of a sister.
  63. Daughter-in-law, son-in-law - son's wife, daughter-in-law.
  64. A woman in relationship is the wife of a brother-in-law, the wife of two brothers in relation to each other, a daughter-in-law.
  65. Spouse is a husband.
  66. The wife is the wife.
  67. A son is a male person in relation to his parents.
  68. The son of the godfather (godson) is a male person in relation to the godfather.
  69. Named son - adopted, pupil.
  70. Father-in-law is the wife's father.
  71. Aunt, aunt - the sister of the father or mother.
  72. The mother-in-law is the wife's mother.
  73. The brother-in-law is the wife's brother.
  74. Grandchildren, grandchildren - about kinship coming from the third tribe (also second cousin) or even further.
  75. Cousin - about kinship that comes from the second tribe.
  76. Blood - about kinship within the same family.
  77. Homogeneous - about the origin from one father.
  78. Single womb - about the origin of one mother.
  79. Full-begotten - about the origin from the same parents.
  80. Pra is a prefix meaning kinship in a distant ascending or descending order.
  81. Married - about the origin from the same parents, but born before marriage, and then recognized.
  82. Native - about the origin from the same parents.
  83. Consolidated - about the origin of different parents.
  84. Adopted - a male person in relation to the adoptive parents.
  85. Adopted - a female person in relation to adoptive parents.

How the whole process of compiling a pedigree will go depends on your desires and capabilities. The results will in many ways be the embodiment of your zeal, ability to establish contacts and "detective" thinking. In any case, all information will be of great value not only for you, but for all subsequent generations of your large family. It is so important to remember those who were, to care for those who are and to think about those who will be.

In this article you will find answers to questions: where to start compiling your own family tree, what steps should be taken to productively study the genealogy of your family, why study family archive and what are the ways of registration of family history.

Where does the compilation of your own family tree begin?

Start by interviewing your immediate family. It is they who can provide the initial information on which you will build the foundation of future research. Full name, place of residence, dates of birth and death - this and other important information within two or three generations, you can find out without actually leaving your home and simply by asking your parents, grandparents. The value of such memories lies in the fact that often only your relatives can name facts that are not in official documents: habits, appearance and distinctive character traits of an ancestor.

However, in order to compile an objective picture of the genealogy of one's family, it is not enough to confine oneself to the oral information of one's relatives. The next step is to analyze the family archive. It is necessary to find and study letters, diaries, old photographs, various certificates (of marriage, birth and death), work books and certificates. Special attention should be given to documents from registry offices. Often such family papers and testimonies of the past are stacked in boxes and sent to dust on a distant shelf - when, when carefully examined, they can reveal who your predecessors were and what kind of life they led.

Keep a dossier on each relative found during the study in order to save and systematize the data obtained

The third stage is an appeal to the regional and state archives, where a person can obtain information about himself and his immediate family within 75 years (the term for protecting personal secrets). First, ask the archive staff to issue a birth and marriage certificate for your parents, then look for a similar certificate for your grandparents, etc. So, step by step you will move deep into the centuries. One request to the archive can be processed within 2-3 months, but they do not have the right to refuse you completely. To understand which archive area to apply for information search, you need to know locality in which the ancestor of interest lived. It is also necessary to indicate a certain chronological framework for the requested information, since it is not practical to require that all bearers of your surname be found in the archive.

In addition to the personal history of a person, official archives contain information that will help you better understand the history of the region where your ancestors lived. This is data on the history of cities and villages, on the composition of the population, on the activities and most famous representatives of the region. With special luck, rare photographs, documentaries, and audio recordings can be found in archival funds, which will only complement your genealogical research with colorful confirmations.

How to write a family history?

There are several ways to process the information obtained during the study about your family, of which the following are the most common:

  1. Family tree
  2. Genealogical table
  3. Generation painting

Create family tree your family can be done on your own or with the help of professionals - depending on the scope of your research. According to their structure, trees are ascending(from descendants to ancestors) and descending. Among Russian families, the first option is the most common: here the person from whom it is built is indicated by a tree trunk, his parents are depicted in a branch, and grandfathers, grandmothers, etc. are depicted on smaller branches. Thus, the ascending genealogical tree clearly demonstrates the connection between the current generation of the family and the previous ones. In a descending family tree, the opposite is true: the ancestor is located in the roots, and his descendants are in the crown. This option is especially convenient when it comes to building a pedigree of a famous person or there is a desire to prove your relationship with a famous person.

Family trees can also be divided into male and mixed. In men's, as the name implies, only male ancestors are indicated with the mention of the name of their spouses, in mixed - all direct ancestors along both lines of kinship. It should be noted that historically in Russia kinship is considered to be direct exclusively through the male line: from father to son.

In medieval Europe, family trees were traditionally painted in certain distinctive colors. For example, the names of men without offspring were often written on a red background, and married women on purple.

For those who want to do without special decorative elements, there are other graphic ways of depicting pedigrees, one of which is genealogical table. In the table, as in the tree, each generation is located strictly on one horizontal line, and the seniority of persons in each goes from left to right.

There are three types of pedigree tables:

  • Ascending and descending
  • Horizontal: on the left is the ancestor, on the right are its descendants (also ranked by seniority)
  • Circular: in the center is a person who makes up the tree, and around him are the ancestors of the father and mother

Another option for designing a family genealogy is compiling generational painting. In it, in the form of a list of people broken into knees, information about descendants (descending painting) or about ancestors (ascending painting) is presented. Unlike genealogical tables and trees, in which kinship is displayed in a graphical form, a generation list is usually a numbered list of all members of the genus, where information about each of them begins on a new line. The advantage of this type of design is that there is free space to add biographical information about each name in the family: from place of birth to family rumors and legends.

However, it is not necessary to dwell on only one of the options listed above. "Project Life" provides an opportunity to combine different ways of designing your genealogy in one product. When ordering a genealogical research from us, you get not only a genealogy book, which presents a complete generation list, reveals the origin of the surname and describes the history native land, but also a family tree, made in a unique author's style, which will take a special place in your home.

You will need

  • whatman paper, a simple pencil, a felt-tip pen or pen, watercolors, a computer, information about your relatives


If you decide to draw a tree yourself and not use a computer, then prepare a sheet of paper. The sheet size depends on how big your tree will be, how many generations and relationships you plan to display on it. Be sure to involve relatives in the creation process. This way you will have a lot of information.

Despite the fact that in ancient times it was customary to depict the ancestor in the roots of a tree, in reality this is not very convenient. Therefore, it is better to start drawing the diagram from the upper left corner. Write in it the surname, name and patronymic of the most ancient ancestor known to you. Under these data, indicate the date of his birth (with a year) and the date of his death (through a dash). On some (but on the same imaginary horizontal line), write the same information about his spouse. Then connect them with a dotted line denoting marriage bonds.

Mentally draw another horizontal line below. Under the line representing the marriage ties of your most distant known ancestors, provide information about their children (if any). Parents are connected by a straight vertical line.

1. You should look through family photo albums and available documents containing important data, these can be certificates of various kinds, about marriage, birth, death of family members. A large number of useful information may contain diplomas, certificates, work books. After that, it is worth making copies of these documents and dividing them into two groups - maternal and paternal. And it is better if a separate daddy is opened for each family member.

2. Collect information directly from relatives.

Be sure to write down important data in a notebook or on a voice recorder so as not to miss the main details. Thanks to modern technology, it is possible to contact relatives who do not live close by using the telephone or the Internet. All questions should be considered in advance. For certain important, for search, information will be received.

3. If suddenly, for some reason, it was not possible to collect the required amount of information from relatives, then you can contact the archive. To do this, you will need to know the full names and dates of birth, as well as the occupation of the characters you are looking for.

4. When all the information has been collected, it remains, using the available data, to compile a family tree.

There are several compilation options.

Ascending genealogy - when the trunk is a specific person, but the branches symbolize his relatives, large ones are parents, and small ones are grandmothers, etc.

Descending, on the contrary, means the ancestor in the trunk, and the branches are his descendants.

Pie tables are also used. Those who are interested in their family are placed in the center, the circle is divided into two parts, into each of which data on the ancestors of the maternal and paternal lines are entered.

For lovers of accessibility and simplicity, you can use a pedigree table in which each generation is located on its own line, which must be filled in by seniority from left to right.

Each of the presented options can be designed according to the scope of your imagination. For example, a tree can be painted, as is done in Western. Each color can contain information about children and a person's marital status. Various geometric figures can indicate information about the male and female representatives of the genus.

For example, consider the most detailed version, the so-called family tree painting.

Thus, the most distant of our ancestors will be under No. 1 of the first knee. And so on, first we indicate the number of fathers-mothers, then the number of the child.

For example:

II knee

1.1. Alexander (had no children)

1.2. Sergey Nikitovich

1.3. Svetlana Nikitovna

1.4. Andrey Nikitovich

III knee

1.2.1. Sergei's first child - Olga Sergeevna

1.2.2. the second child of Sergei - Evgeny Sergeevich

1.3.1. Svetlana's first child - Alexander

1.3.2. Svetlana's second child - Anna

1.4.1. Andrey's first child - Anastasia

1.4.2. Andrey's second child - Mikhail

IV knee

Children of all representatives of the III generation Olga's first child - Zhanna

You can also mark the information you have about each family member.

Thanks to genealogy, you can unite the family with one hobby, which will allow you to spend your leisure time with interest and learn a lot about your family.

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Everyone has their own reason for studying family history, but whatever those reasons are, the questions always come up: “Where do you start? How can you build your family tree? Let's dwell on the key points that you need to pay attention to if you want to make your family tree.


If you decide to study your history on your own, get ready for the difficulties of the following kind: you will need to not only interview yourself, but also work independently in the archives and, accordingly, analyze the data, draw up all the collected materials. This is painstaking and meticulous work that requires a lot of time and patience.

You will not face these problems if you decide to turn to specialists. But you will face financial issues. The services of firms and private genealogists are not cheap. In addition, there is a possibility of encountering scammers.

Try to use the mixed method of compiling a family tree. In this case, you will collect available information and turn to the services of specialists only to search for inaccessible, but necessary data. When finalizing the family tree, you will use your own resources, or, again, contact specialists.
This method is good because specialists will be able to work with those materials that you cannot work with for various reasons, for example, you do not have time, or the archives are on long distance. And the services of genealogists will cost less, since you yourself will extract most of the information.

Whatever method you choose, remember that compiling a family tree is a very difficult and expensive undertaking. Even if you do not pay for the work of a specialist, but collect information yourself, get ready to part with the money, because all archives respond to genealogical queries in the order of paid services.

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Drawing up a family tree is a very time-consuming creative process. However, the results are worth all the time and effort. Everyone should know their roots. After all, as you know, without the past there is no future.


Information Gathering Process Start by asking your close relatives. A genealogical tree can contain any information about your ancestors, but the most basic data is the last name, first name, middle name of a relative, his gender, date of birth and degree. Your main tools at this stage are a notebook and a pen. After interviewing mom and dad, extract as much information as possible. They certainly know the data of their brothers and sisters. Record everything in a notebook in the form of a table. Where there are gaps in the memory of the parents, they will enlighten you and. Great if your grandmothers are alive and. The older the generation, the more it attaches importance to its origins. Grandparents will tell you a lot more than your parents. Any details you may need for further searches. By doing so, you can restore your tree to your great-great-grandparents. That is four generations deep. Some information can shed light on representatives of your family up to the 6th generation, but the limit is yours. Now you need to look for information in the archives. Unfortunately, the turbulent 20th century, during which Russia participated in two world wars and experienced 2 changes in the political regime, deprived us of many valuable documentary evidence of our past. Many archives have been lost. Another source of information is the Internet. but here you need to be able to search. Now there are many sites where you can host your tree. Suddenly, on one of them you will find the missing links of your past.

What to use When you start to design your tree graphically, you will encounter certain difficulties. The fact is that the number of relatives is increasing with each generation, and you are unlikely to be able to depict them on a regular piece of paper. It should be especially noted that the tree grows not so much in height as in width. It is more like an inverted pyramid. To make a tree, use one of the programs designed for this. In principle, you can create a table in Microsoft Excel.

Tree Rules There are three approaches, which one is more convenient for you to decide for yourself. The first approach is to start from the founder of the family. This is a classic approach and is used mainly to show the descendants of a person. The second approach is to build a tree starting from oneself. This is the so-called selfish method. Now this is the most popular way to summarize family information. The third is concentric. This is a way to show both the ancestors and descendants of a person. It is depicted in the form of circles - on the one hand, the circle expands due to the ancestors, on the other - due to the descendants.

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Tip 5: How to make a family tree of your family

A strange trend existed some time ago - people kept the pedigrees of dogs with great care, while they tried to keep silent about the history of their kind. This is due to the political system of Russia in the past, when it was not customary to talk about who the ancestors were. Now it is possible to recreate your family tree.


The first source to start research is home: old photographs and work books, certificates of birth certificates, diplomas and certificates. Make photocopies of all documents, and return the originals to their place so as not to lose valuable information. Divide all data into two folders: about relatives on the paternal side and on the maternal side. Collect information for each person in a separate file. So you do not get confused in the intricacies.

In every family there are legends about what happened in the lives of relatives and friends for at least two or three generations. Interviewing relatives, having thought through a list of questions in advance, will not be difficult if you get there, or organize a festive feast or an evening of memories yourself. In a situation where you cannot record information on paper, it is best to use a voice recorder, so you do not miss a single detail, because relatives can interrupt each other, complementing the story. Remember what the degrees of kinship are called and get ready to listen interesting stories.

But the knowledge of relatives was not always complete and exhaustive. If you decide to learn more about your ancestors, but there is no one to tell you about it, then perhaps when you do the initial research, you will be helped in the archive. But for this you need to know the name, patronymic and surname, year and place of birth of the person about whom you want to get information.

You can draw up a family tree by imitating European traditions, which were poorly distributed in Russia. Most often, the trunk of a tree meant the ancestor, and the branches - his descendants living now. Sometimes the trunk denotes the researcher, and the branches denote his ancestors.

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How to make a family tree - in our time, more and more people are beginning to think about this question. What gives such a tree? Firstly, you will know your relatives, and secondly, you will learn the history of your family. How to make a family tree of your kind. It should be noted right away: the compilation of a family tree does not always end with enthusiasm for its compilers.

Helpful advice

It is possible that in the collections of large regional libraries there are special genealogical reference books, at least those that have been published or republished in the last decade. Of course, the genealogy of noble families is best researched and described. Russian Empire, but large However, more often you have to contact the archives with written requests, which also need to be able to compose correctly. The addresses of the archives can be found by contacting, for example, the website of the Federal Archives (for those who have Internet skills), you can search for the address in ...


  • how to write a genealogy

Probably, the opinion that each person at a certain stage of his life begins to be interested in the history of his family will not be erroneous. Despite the fact that now few people know something about their distant relatives, interest in family ties is starting to grow noticeably. Creating pedigrees today is even becoming fashionable, as a result of which there is a huge number of TV shows about the history of surnames, as well as agencies and Internet sites ready to help anyone who wants to restore the history of their family.


But is it necessary to turn to the services of companies in order to compile your pedigree, because their work, of course, will not be free, and at the same time there are no guarantees that as a result you will receive your genealogical? Of course, you can do it yourself, especially since the activity is really interesting.

So, you have decided to make your family tree. Where to start? First of all, of course, it is better to turn to the relatives themselves, because who, no matter how they can tell you about all family ties and relationships.
In addition, when compiling, it will be useful to study the old family photos, documents and letters, from which you can learn a lot of interesting things.

You can organize all the information received using a family tree - a diagram consisting of rectangles or circles with the names of relatives connected to each other in accordance with family ties. you can start the tree with the oldest known ancestors, gradually moving from them to younger generations, but most likely it will be more convenient to restore family ties, starting with yourself and moving to your parents, grandmothers and great-grandmothers.
Since you will not be able to fit all the information received on the family tree, and it is a pity to lose it, you can create individual cards for each of the relatives included in the scheme.

The more time you devote to creating your family tree, the larger your family tree will become, the clearer all family ties between members of your family will become for you. The resulting scheme, along with individual cards, you can beautifully arrange and place in the family archive so that your children and grandchildren continue compiling the pedigree.

The process of compiling a family tree has become popular and relevant in our time, because most of us do not know our ancestors. If you decide to compile your family tree, then be prepared for exciting adventures and discoveries, perhaps not always pleasant, but very interesting.


The first step in compiling is to collect information about your ancestors. The speed of compiling the tree depends on the availability of the source of information. The most reliable sources of information are our relatives: and grandfathers. Ask them what they remember about their childhood and their parents. It would be advisable to find out not only the names and surnames of your relatives, but also their social status, profession, interests and personal life. All the information received must be written down in a notebook or recorded on a voice recorder so as not to forget anything.

It may happen that your older relatives are no longer alive and no one can help collect the necessary information. In this case, you should use the resources of the regional archive and archival resources on the Internet. Start your search from your last place of residence in the opposite direction: from mom and dad to grandfather and. This will help you to find out useful and reliable information about the family. The popularity of this method of collecting information is increasing every year. Weighty evidence is the huge variety of electronic programs on the World Wide Web.

The last step in compiling a family tree is the design of a graphic image. Today, there are two options for compiling it: an ascending pedigree (traditional), where the trunk means you, and the branches - your parents and great-grandfathers, and a descending one, where the founders of your family are in the tree trunk, and the topmost branches are you. The tree scheme is obtained in the form of a rectangle elongated in length. The more tribes you write in your tree, the more complete and rich your family history will be. Any of these options gives scope to your imagination and fantasy.

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Information about the family gender is important for the self-awareness of any person. Our ancestors may have been ordinary people of their time, but each of them is irreplaceable for their descendants. It is better to study the history of a kind with the help of a family tree. Compiling it is a great way not only to get the information you need, but also to systematize it in accordance with the chosen order. As a rule, the family tree has a hierarchical structure. Depending on the selected scheme, the tree is drawn in one direction. For example, in ascending line, starting from the youngest descendant.

You will need

  • - A4 sheet;
  • - pencil.


To get started, collect all the information about. Information about grandparents is not difficult to obtain, usually these data are known. But then the data will have to be obtained from different sources. Find out if yours keeps documents of great-grandparents, possibly award documents, certificates. In an old, old album, there can be photos not only of great-grandmothers, but also of all their children. Usually such photographs were signed with names.

Ask the oldest members of your family about all the ancestors known to them. Write down not only the names, but also the dates of birth and death of relatives. It is desirable to obtain data on the side branches of your family - uncles, aunts, great aunts and grandfathers. All this information will be necessary for you to compile. If your family has lived in a particular area for many decades, you can find out about your ancestors in the archive records of the city.

After collecting enough information, start drawing a family tree. It is best to start the tree with the last known descendant of your family - you and your brothers, and or already with your children.

Take a landscape sheet of A4 paper. Count the number of generations for which you were able to obtain information. Lay the sheet vertically and divide it with a light pencil dotted line into the given number of parts. The initial sketch of the tree is best done in pencil.

At the top or bottom of the sheet (as you see fit) draw rectangles according to the number of people in the last generation of your family. In each box, write the person's name and year of birth. In the next part of the sheet, draw rectangles for your parents, as well as brothers and sisters from your mother's side and from your father's side.

From the youngest descendants of the same parents, draw branches and connect them into one continuous line. Bring the branch to the rectangle of the parents in the older knee. So you designate the first relationship.

Similarly, continue the family in the given direction, drawing the tribe of grandparents, great-grandparents and great-grandparents from each parent. It is better to draw the rectangles of the sisters and brothers of your direct ancestors much smaller so that your origin is clearly visible.

In addition to displaying your direct line of origin in the family on the tree, fill in the information of the side branches of the tree. From the corresponding rectangles, draw branches indicating the descendants of the brothers and sisters of your grandfathers, grandmothers, etc.

For deceased relatives, in addition to the name and date of birth, indicate the date of death of the person. It is also desirable to enter significant events that happened to this relative, for example, “Hero of the Great Patriotic War” or “Dispossessed by the authorities and arrested, date of death unknown.” For relatives of the times of tsarist Russia, if possible, indicate their estate (nobles, merchants, philistines, peasants).

When writing kinship, use the correct adjectives. So the record "cousin uncle" determines the relationship with a person from the second tribe. Don't forget to include adopted children and secondary marriages of your ancestors in the tree. The more detailed your tree is, the more important it will be for you in the future. After all, it is the strength of our kind that sustains us in life.

Building your pedigree is not only exciting, but also very useful. Firstly, it makes it possible to find unknown relatives, lost information about your family and its history, and also allows you to trace any hereditary diseases or features over the generations, which is important in solving many medical problems. In order to independently build a pedigree, it is not necessary to be a specialist in genealogy, it is enough to follow its certain principles.


In genealogy, ascending and descending lineages are distinguished, depending on who the original main person is. Traditionally, most are descended from the oldest known ancestor. But such pedigrees are difficult to build, require a lot of special information and special knowledge. Therefore, it is easiest for a person who is far from archival work to create an ascending family, starting from himself, his parents and gradually delving into the past.

A pedigree can be arranged in three different ways: in the form, in the form of a table, or in the form of a generational painting. The choice of option depends mainly on the preferences of the creator, as well as on the availability of available information. A pedigree is a schematic representation of a genus, including the dates of life of its members. Tables can be built vertical, horizontal and even circular; this does not change the essence of their content.

The family tree is close in meaning and structure to the table. In this case, the founder of the genus, usually the most distant known ancestor, will serve as its root. And the trunk, leaves and crown are his descendants. The genealogical tree also contains basically only names and dates of life - death.

If there is a lot of information about the members of the genus, it is preferable to use a generation list for its design, in which you can include as much information as you like. The generation list is drawn up line by line and each line in it is assigned to a separate generation. All members of the genus are assigned individual numbers, which avoid confusion when studying complex marriage and family ties.

The necessary information about the members of the genus can be obtained both orally from living relatives of the older generation, and from various documents. As archival sources, records of acts of the Legislative Assembly, parish registers of births, data from the archives of state institutions and military archives, as well as any documents containing specific names, dates and localities are usually used.

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Today, many people seek to know the history of their ancestors, their roots. Often you have to collect information bit by bit: faded photographs, confused stories of grandparents, archival documents. By structuring the information received, you can make a family tree.


First of all, get family history from close relatives. Let your parents, grandparents remember and describe in detail the events of past years, all known to them, the exact dates of their birth and death. Don't miss anything and capture even the smallest details.

Refer to the documentation: old passports, work books, letters, diaries, etc. Usually older people carefully store such materials. Photos can be borrowed for a while and copies can be made. If some of them faded and faded from time to time, pretty shabby - restore. Today, this can be done in almost every photo salon. Try to scan the rest of the documentation and write it down on magnetic media.

You can visualize it in various ways - in the form of a diagram, a large drawing or a template poster, a file cabinet. Drawing a diagram is quite simple. To do this, you will need to structure the information received about the family dynasty and capture it on a large drawing paper or landscape sheet.

Place your photo at the very top, and below indicate all known relatives: first parents, and then uncles, aunts, grandfathers, grandmothers, and so on. Connect them sequentially with arrows. Sign under each photo the name and years of life.

A poster template can be purchased at the photo studio. As a rule, it depicts a large tree and marked areas for a photo. You should make small photographs of each family member and stick them on the poster in sequence.

In the card index, a separate card is created for each member of the dynasty. It must contain the following data: last name, first name, patronymic, years of life, place of birth and death, place of burial, education, profession, etc. All cards should be made in a common likeness.

Drawing up a family tree is quite interesting, but at the same time a responsible procedure, which must be treated with increased attention. So, you will first have to study all the features of the biography of your ancestors, find information about the origin of the surname and, in general, the whole family.

Thus, anyone who has thought about compiling this important document should be patient, since its process can take more than one year. In the course of this difficult work, you will need to organize a large amount of information, so it is best to have folders with files where the relevant documents will be stored.

Also, do not forget about the possibilities State Archive, in which you can find a lot of information about relatives who lived in years far from our time.

You can download family tree templates to complete them yourself. on the following links:

  1. Option 1
  2. Option 2
  3. Option 3
  4. Option 4

Template or custom layout?

To get started, you can use the template, which can be freely available on the Internet, in particular on our website using the links above.

First of all, all information about oneself is entered into the table, then about the next of kin (parents, their sisters and brothers). At the same time, it is good to supplement textual information with photographs.

Of particular interest will be work related to interviewing grandparents, but in order for the meeting to be productive, it is necessary to prepare a list of questions in advance, since the older generation can delve into memories and devote a lot of time to this.

So, you can simply make an approximate questionnaire by placing the following items there:

  • where and when this or that relative was born;
  • in which educational institution got an education;
  • place of work and position held or working profession;
  • with whom he was married;
  • what were the names of the children and their dates of birth;
  • who is still alive (if this is information about the last century), and who is no longer in this world (with the date of death);
  • what facts from the personal biography were the most significant in historical terms.

When using information from the archives of the regional or city status, it should be carefully checked, since there are many namesakes, and incorrect information can be entered into the template. This will create a lot of problems in future work.

Genealogical tree template filling scheme

After all the material has been collected, it is necessary to correctly build a system for filling in the template prepared in advance with the information found. To do this, it is necessary to highlight the priority "branches" in the family tree, one of which is the scheme along the father's side, and the second - along the mother's side. You can also use the following pedigree building systems:

  • ascending (a descendant is placed in the center of the tree, from which the chain goes to all ancestors), convenient enough for those who have just started working with compiling a genealogical list and have a minimum of information;
  • descending (the main figure is a well-known ancestor, and lines diverge from it to all descendants), used when the compiler has a large amount of information and knows for sure almost all of his relatives.

In this case, it is also worth considering the corresponding lines of inheritance:

  • a straight line, which is a chain of the compiler, his parents, parents of the father and mother, and so on;
  • lateral - brothers, sisters, nephews, cousins ​​and second cousins ​​of all generations;
  • mixed type, when all branches are combined in one template (this work is more voluminous and requires a large number efforts and time and can last more than one year).

The method of placing information can be set in the form of a table or a tree, which is previously recommended to be done in draft form on Whatman paper.

So, we start filling out the template with ourselves, placing our name in the center of the sheet of the selected format. Accordingly, relatives of the father and mother are placed to the right and left, headed by them. In order to make it easier to record male relatives, they can be placed in squares, and female - in circles.

This will help you quickly navigate which line to enter information. Often there are situations when only the first and last name, or only the first name, is known about a person. Then it is better to leave room for the subsequent filling of the empty space.

Building a family tree is not only difficult, but also time-consuming process. So, if we take only straight branches as a basis, then at least 120 people will need to be entered into the number of relatives up to the “seventh knee”.

If you choose a mixed type, then you can get confused in several hundred close people. That is why it will not be superfluous to resort to the help of specialized computer programs that allow you to do such work on one of the services in the online system in a short time.