Why "Nakhimov" went to the bottom? Cruise of death. The crash of "Admiral Nakhimov" became the "Soviet Titanic" Admiral Nakhimov ship wreck

On August 31, 1986, when leaving the Novorossiysk Bay, the steamer "Admiral Nakhimov" collided with the bulk carrier "Pyotr Vasev" and sank in 7-8 minutes.

Location of the disaster: Tsemesskaya Bay, 7 miles from the port of Novorossiysk, 2.2 miles from the nearest shore (Cape Doob)
Crash time: 23:12-23:20 08/31/1986

Colliding ships:

m/v "Petr Vasev", built in 1981 (Japan)
Flag - USSR
IMO 7932599
Port of registry - Odessa
Shipowner - Chernomorskoye shipping company, CCCP
Length 183 m
Width 26 m
Loaded draft 10 m

Vessel name / years / flag / ship owner:
"CARRIANNA ORCHID" / 1981 - 1984 / ? / ?
"SEA ORCHID" / 1984 / ? / ?
"PETER VASEV" / 1984 - 1986 / USSR / CHMP
"PODOLSK" / 1986 - 1995 / USSR, Ukraine / CHMP
"LANGERON"/1995 - 1999/ ? / ?
"AN AN" / 2000 - 2003/ Malta / Anan Shipping
"MYROESSA"/2003 - 2006/ Malta / Anbros Maritime
"ORBIT"/2006 - 2010/ Belize / Marathon Marine Enterprises
"JIAJIAXIN 1"/2010 - 2012 / Panama / Jiajiaxin Shipping Co Ltd

Decommissioned 09/24/2012, broken up for scrap in Bangladesh.

Cruise flight from August 29 to September 05, 1986 (official data):

The number of passengers on board the ship "Admiral Nakhimov" according to the list: 897 people

The main crew of the ship "Admiral Nakhimov": 276 people.
OVIMU trainees: 13 people.
WMD trainees: 1 pers.
OMS interns: 48 people.
Head of OMS practice: 1 person.
Accompanying police officer: 1 person.
Relatives of crew members: 6 people.
Total crew members: 346 people

Total people on board by crew and passenger list: 1243 people(the total number of rescued and dead is 1259 people. In fact, there were many more people on board)

In total, people were rescued according to coastal registration lists: 836 people.

Official death toll:
Passengers: 359 people
- full-time crew: 53 people.
- trainees: 6 people.
- head of practice: 1 person.
- kiosk "Soyuzpechat": 1 person.
- projectionist "Kinoprokata": 1 person. - members of the crew families: 2 people.
In total, crew members died: 64 people.
Total official death toll: 423 people (according to unofficial data, the death toll is more than 500 people)
Of them: 79 people. removed from the surface of the water;
279 people found in the hull of a sunken ship and raised from the ground;
67 bodies were not found (of which: passengers - 53 people, crew members - 14 people).

Rescue operation:

G.L. Popov - captain of the port of Novorossiysk
A.N. Kaminsky - deputy. Harbor Master of Novorossiysk
The rescue operation and search operations were carried out: vessels of the Novorossiysk Port Fleet, the naval base "Novorossiysk", the checkpoint of Gelendzhik, the settlement of Kerch, the settlement of Ilichevsk, the settlement of Odessa, as well as the ships in the roadstead and the crew of the m/v "Petr Vasev".

History reference

The original name of the vessel was BERLIN (III) (port of registry - Bremen. Shipowner - Norddeutscher Lloyd). Date of construction - September 17, 1925. The builder is the company "Bremer Vulkan" (Lobbendorf). The first flight with passengers was carried out on September 26, 1925 along the route Bremerhaven - NY.
s.s. "Berlin" took part in the rescue of people during the shipwreck of the shipwreck "Vestris" in Atlantic Ocean in November 1928.
Since September 1939 - in the German Navy as a hospital ship.
On January 31, 1945, as a result of a mine explosion, she sank at a depth of 13 meters at the mouth of the Svine River. Transferred to the Soviet Union in 1946 as war reparations and renamed "Admiral Nakhimov". After repairs in the GDR from 1949 to 1957. transferred to the balance of the Black Sea Shipping Company (Odessa). Since 1957, the Admiral Nakhimov p/v has been making cruises with Soviet tourists along the Black Sea coast under the command of Captain N.A. Sobolev. Participated in the transportation of the military to Cuba during the Cuban Missile Crisis of 1962. He made flights with the Cuban military to Ethiopia in 1978, with pilgrims from Algeria to Havana in July 1978. In 1977, the crew of the Admiral Nakhimov steamship, led by its permanent captain, celebrated the 20th anniversary of accident-free navigation. However, in fact, the ship did not meet the requirements of the SOLAS-1974 Convention on the safety of navigation, so its further operation was limited to cruises along the Crimean-Caucasian line between the ports of Odessa-Yalta-Novorossiysk-Sochi-Sukhumi-Batumi. The ship's seaworthiness registration documents were extended year after year. So it was in the summer of 1986, when the leadership of the Black Sea Shipping Company, as always, let it go on a voyage with more than 1000 people on board.

This cruise was the last for the ship. Departing on August 29, 1986 from the port of Odessa, the ship was never destined to return back...


The site uses materials from newspaper and magazine publications since 1986.

I express my gratitude for the submitted materials and for the help in creating the site:
G. Andrievskaya - former director Charitable Foundation "Nakhimovets"
N. Rozhdestvenskaya - Director of the Nakhimovets Charitable Foundation
F. Lebedev
O. Barkovskaya
D. Volkov
S. Gurenko
E. Rozhansky
A. Alyosha
A. Shirokov
V. Gvozdev
Z. Marchuk
T. Zhornyak
R. Khalfin
A. Talamanov
Materials of the documentary films "Russian Titanic" (author O. Barkovskaya, 2001), "Death of "Admiral Nakhimov" (author A. Gabnis, 2001), "Dreams of "Admiral Nakhimov" (production of ANNPO "Underwater Expeditions", 2005) were used. , photographic materials from documentary film"Search course" (author E. Rozhansky, 1997), materials of underwater surveys by D. Volkov (2001).
The idea of ​​interactive diagrams of the decks of the ship in the section "Admiral Nakhimov" was borrowed from the site "K.P.P. "Titanic" (currently does not exist), author Alexey Shirokov.
The stories of people in the section Eyewitness accounts from the books of N. Cherkashin "The last flight of the Nakhimov" (M., 1988), N. Koptyukh "German" Berlin "- Soviet" Admiral Nakhimov "(Stavropol, 2005)

Two miles from Cape Doob, almost in the waters of the Novorossiysk Bay, the passenger ship "Admiral Nakhimov" sank. On board were 1234 people, 423 of whom are considered dead. The bodies of many of them have never been found. The causes of the disaster also remain a mystery, although the "switchmen" were quickly appointed and prosecuted. Nevertheless, several versions have crystallized over the years.

The shooters were found quickly

At 22.00, the ship "Admiral Nakhimov" departed from the berth of the Novorossiysk sea terminal and headed for Sochi. At 22.20 on the bridge we received information about the approach of the cargo ship "Pyotr Vasev" on the opposite course. According to the Rules for Preventing Collisions at Sea (PPSS), Admiral Nakhimov was supposed to let him through, but the dispatcher of the coastal traffic control post intervened, who gave the command to Pyotr Vasev to let the “passenger” through. Bulk carrier captain Viktor Tkachenko confirmed to his colleague from "Admiral Nakhimov" Vadim Markov, that will miss it. However, at 23.12, Pyotr Vasev crashed with the bow at a right angle into the starboard side of the ship, cutting a hole 8 × 10 meters in it. After 8 minutes, the liner plunged into the depths of the sea.

Why did the port dispatcher order the captains to violate the ROP? Why did Viktor Tkachenko not give way to "Admiral Nakhimov"? Finally, for what reasons did the liner sink like a stone, although, in accordance with international conventions, the design of a passenger ship must ensure its buoyancy, even if at least two compartments are flooded? None of these questions was answered by the government commission, which was headed by member of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU Heydar Aliyev, did not give answers. Long before the completion of the investigation, and even more so of the trial, she determined: the shipwreck occurred as a result of the negligence of the captains. Two months after the tragedy, this conclusion was enshrined in a resolution of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the CPSU. And in March 1987, a court was held, which accepted the leadership of the "sighted" assessment of party officials: the captains received 15 years in prison and 40 thousand rubles a fine in compensation for damage.

The party, as well as the court, did not appreciate the activities Minister of the Navy, member of the Central Committee of the CPSU Timofey Guzhenko, leaders of the Black Sea Shipping Company. But after all, it was not without their superior knowledge that a 60-year-old vessel was engaged in the transportation of passengers, which in general could not be released further than the port harbor.

On July 8, 1986 (almost two months before the disaster), the shipping company drew up an act: the ship was not suitable for further use. But it was precisely on this "old galosh" at the direction of Head of the Black Sea Shipping Company S. Lukyanchenko, who signed the same act, 1200 passengers were put on board and sent to sea, "satisfying the needs of the state in passenger transportation."

As already mentioned, a passenger ship must remain afloat, even if it has any two compartments completely flooded. Contrary to all conventions, "Nakhimov" did not possess these qualities. Theoretically, he could stay afloat with only one flooded compartment (theoretically, because he was rotten due to old age). The blow of "Peter Vasev" fatally fell just in the bulkhead separating the two compartments. Therefore, both of them instantly became flooded. The fatal role was played by the inability to use lifeboats (it took up to half an hour to launch only one under ideal conditions, but with a roll of only 1-2 degrees, the descent became impossible).

Microwave weapons were used against ships

Not everyone agrees on the charges leveled against the captains. The court, and before it the investigation, left without research a key fact, according to many naval experts: during the period of increasing emergency on the screens radar stations there was a mark of some third vessel, which was never identified.

Until the very moment of the collision, Tkachenko practically did not depart from the SARP (automated radar plotting system). Oddly enough, but the device showed a discrepancy with the vessel, which Tkachenko considered the Nakhimov, at 2 miles. In addition, according to the data received, the bearing also increased. The position of the unknown ship, judging by the instruments, created the illusion of an absolutely safe situation.

Tkachenko's testimony did not interest lawyers, but still gives some scientists and practitioners a pretext for investigative work. Associate Professor of Krasnodar polytechnic institute Vladimir Chuev put forward such a hypothesis. The collision, as is known, occurred at the end of the summer. Often this time coincides with an increase in solar activity. It happened that it was on such days and nights that phantom targets suddenly appeared on the radar screens and, conversely, real targets disappeared.

Chuev carefully studied the collection "Solar data" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. And then it turned out: since August 17, 1986, a sharp jump in electromagnetic radiation from space, equal to twenty percent, was found in the testimony of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. However, it was not recorded by reference observatories in Japan and Canada. This discrepancy in the data of the reference observatories and the Krymskaya observatory lasted until September 1. And then everything returned to normal.

After analyzing these facts, Chuev came to the conclusion that the region of Crimea and the North Caucasus (including the Tsemess Bay and Novorossiysk) was affected not by solar, but by unknown directional electromagnetic radiation. It was fed from afar, perhaps hundreds and thousands of miles through an artificial satellite of the Earth. Or maybe through reconnaissance systems like AWACS, which are equipped with special microprocessors and can work with any radar so that false targets appear on its screen and true ones disappear.

By the way, before the tragedy in the Tsemess Bay on the motor ships "Geroi Sevastopol", "Burgas" and on other ships, navigators registered false targets on the radars several times. In four cases, a situation was created when a collision was miraculously avoided.

Chuev does not undertake to judge whose hands this is. But, in his opinion, the shipwreck near Novorossiysk is the result of the use of microwave weapons via satellite.

Alexander Trusov, who then served in the KGB border troops, suggests that microwave weapons were used to eliminate a high-ranking KGB rank by their own comrades-in-arms. Really died that night head of the KGB department for Odessa region Major General Krikunov with his family, who, after the departure of the Nakhimov from the pier, was taken on board the steamer by boat. However, the circumstances of his death remain unknown. And the appearance of Krikunov on board was quite unexpected. He made a decision about this in Moscow, in the Main Directorate of the KGB of the USSR, on the day the Nakhimov sailed from Odessa. With what only did not connect the fact of his death. They wrote about the revenge of the corrupt party nomenklatura, and about the attempt to transfer a large consignment of contraband, and about the investigation of the facts of export military equipment through Novorossiysk port.

Professor from St. Petersburg Alexei Sinyakov participation in the tragedy of any special services brought out of the brackets. He put forward the hypothesis of the so-called local geophysical resonance (LGR). A flight safety specialist, he believes that LGR has caused many accidents - in the air, on land, under water (in particular, a fire on the Komsomolets nuclear submarine). On the evening of August 31, 1986, a geophysical resonance could manifest itself in the Black Sea: an unusual glow of the atmosphere was observed, and two hours after the death of the Nakhimov, a strong earthquake occurred in the western part of the sea. During geophysical resonance, a person managing a complex technical object loses the opportunity to accurately assess the situation and make the right decision. Isn’t this the reason for Captain Tkachenko’s inadequate behavior: after all, it took only a minute and a half to complete the “last moment” maneuver (for example, the Vasev’s lapel to the right of the accepted course).

There are many other versions that explain the strange behavior of the captains at the time of the disaster.

Forgot about the victims

After 1991, justice for the convicted "switchmen" was restored to some extent. They were pardoned and released in 1992. Vadim Markov returned to the Black Sea Shipping Company, where he took the position of captain-mentor. Viktor Tkachenko emigrated to Israel with his family.

Unfortunately, over the past years, no attempts have been made to raise the remains of the dead sailors and passengers of the Admiral Nakhimov. They started talking about the sunken ship only when diesel fuel began to leak from its fuel tanks. However, there is nothing to organize a serious underwater expedition yet.

But, perhaps, the living victims of the disaster, the relatives and friends of the victims, turned out to be the most overlooked by the state. They received no compensation or insurance. True, in Odessa, where the Admiral Nakhimov was assigned, relatives created a fund to help the families of the victims. But now he drags out a miserable existence, and does not include Russian victims at all, since Odessa is now in another country.

In Moscow I met Olga Klementievna Kuzma, whose son Pavel served as a sailor on the Admiral Nakhimov and died heroically during the disaster. Witnesses are alive who say that at the time of the collision, Pavel Kuzma was on duty on the upper deck and could safely leave the sinking ship. However, the sailor went to save the passengers, dived several times into the flooded cabins, until he stayed in one of them forever.

“Pavlik was never found,” Olga Klementyevna told me. - I was given a container with sand and silt from the bottom at the place of the ship's sinking and three hundred rubles for a symbolic funeral. Once every two or three years, when funds allow, I go to Novorossiysk, where on August 31 the relatives of our victims gather. Thanks to the Novorossiysk authorities who provide cars, a boat, food in the sailor's club, and provide housing. But saving money on the road every year is more difficult. Shortly before the tragedy, I retired, and Pavlik said: “Nothing, now I will help you.” He died in the line of duty, and now there is no one to help me ...

Such is the sad fate of not only Olga Klementievna. The state has forgotten about the families of those who lie at the bottom along with Admiral Nakhimov. The grandiose plans for perestroika, then the chaotic Russian reforms, overshadowed this tragedy. But such tragedies have no statute of limitations. By the way, we recall that the descendants of those who died on the Titanic still receive benefits.

From the dossier "SP"

Passenger liner"Admiral Nakhimov" was built in Bremen (Germany) in 1925 and was originally called "Berlin".

In 1938, she was transferred to the German Navy and turned into a hospital ship. On January 31, 1945, she was blown up by two mines and on February 1 by another one, after which she sank off Swinemünde.

In 1946-1947, it was raised by Soviet divers and became the property of the USSR at the expense of reparations from Germany. In 1951-1957 it was restored and renamed "Admiral Nakhimov". In 1957, she was transferred from the Baltic to the Black Sea, becoming the largest Black Sea liner.

Displacement: 9000 tons

Length: 174.3 m

Width: 21.1 m

Mechanism power: 12000 hp

List of crew members of the cruise voyage p/v "Admiral Nakhimov" from 29.08 to 05.09.86,
shipwrecked on August 31, 1986

360. Andreeva Tatyana Aleksandrovna clerk 1961
361. Basovskaya Rita Viktorovna waiter 1966
362. Belan Viktor Mikhailovich 2nd mechanic 1932
363. Borovko Dmitry Viktorovich chef-baker 1964
364. Volkov Sergey Yurievich minder 1961
365. Vorobyova Marina Aleksandrovna flight attendant 1961
366. Vyunik Svetlana Nikolaevna waiter 1961
367. Gavryutin Vladimir Evgenievich machinist 1968
368. Gapon Igor Vladimirovich minder 1963
369. Gegelskaya Lyudmila Stanislavovna flight attendant 1966
370. Gnilitskaya Asya Konstantinovna flight attendant 1964
371. Gosteva Svetlana Vladimirovna orderly 1966
372. Gurtovaya Natalya Ivanovna orderly 1966
373. Dekhtyarev Igor Ilyich chief mechanic 1931
374. Dromashko Vasily Yakovlevich projectionist 1926
375. Dymkova Tatyana Grigorievna librarian 1953
376. Egorov Yuri Semenovich orchestra artist 1938
377. Elfimov Sergey Vladimirovich machinist 1968
378. Kemenchezhi Evgenia Afanasievna flight attendant 1957
379. Kopylova Valentina Ivanovna orderly 1941
380. Krasatsky Anatoly Vasilievich Deputy production manager 1935
381. Krylovsky Vladimir Semenovich photographer 1960
382. Kucherenko Elena Gennadievna flight attendant 1964
383. Maglysh Alexander Andreevich senior assistant captain 1937
384. Makarov Alexander Borisovich Deputy production manager 1959
385. Maslovets Nikolai Pavlovich storekeeper 1948
386. Mozhar Evdokia Alekseevna laundry machinist 1954
387. Morar Larisa Ivanovna flight attendant 1958
388. Muntyan Aleksandr Nikolaevich machinist-minder 1968
389. Myaskovsky Anatoly Pavlovich photographer 1927
390. Nemich Elena Nikolaevna flight attendant 1966
391. Parkhomenko Valentina Nikolaevna Luggage storage 1926
392. Perkhun Tatyana Petrovna orderly 1967
393. Piskareva Alexandra Dmitrievna waiter 1962
394. Prilezhaev Yuri Vladimirovich confectioner 1963
395. Rozhkova Svetlana Georgievna orderly 1961
396. Semisazhenko Valery Vladimirovich 4th mechanic 1953
397. Skrinsky Eduard Nikolaevich cook 1963
398. Skachedub Mikhail Timofeevich senior fire sailor 1924
399. Streltsova Tatyana Vasilievna laundry machinist 1967
400. Tvardovskaya Olga Leonidovna dishwasher 1967
401. Tokarskaya Lyudmila Grigorievna flight attendant 1965
402. Usachev Ivan Ivanovich cook 1951
403. Fasiy Ilya Vasilievich Deputy restaurant director 1927
404. Fakhretdinov Radik Akhatovich sub-skipper 1961
405. Fedorova Larisa Viktorovna dishwasher 1965
406. Fedorova Tatyana Aleksandrovna orderly 1958
407. Fedorchuk Vera Ivanovna waiter 1958
408. Chernyak Lyudmila Abramovna cleaner 1931
409. Chmil Petr Maksimovich hairdresser 1928
410. Chudnovsky Alexander Ruvinovich 2nd mate 1930
411. Chumakova Tatyana Vladimirovna waiter 1957
412. Swede Irina Grigoryevna flight attendant 1965
413. Shostak Natalia Vacheslavovna kiosk 1938
414. Yurkin German Konstantinovich senior mechanic 1930

Odessa Higher Marine Engineering School (OVIMU)

№ Surname First name Patronymic position Year of birth Photo
415. Gubik Vladimir Vladimirovich trainee 1963

Odessa Nautical School

№ Surname First name Patronymic position Year of birth Photo
416. Broun Mikhail Abramovich head of practice 1924
417. Belyakov Igor Leonidovich trainee 1963
418. Demchuk Valentin Nikolaevich trainee 1964
419. Kuzma Pavel Ivanovich trainee 1964
420. Makhinov Igor Alexandrovich trainee 1964
421. Sidorovich Viktor Valerievich trainee 1964

Relatives of the crew members of the p/v "Admiral Nakhimov"

№ Surname First name Patronymic degree of relationship Year of birth Photo
422. Dolinskaya Evgenia Efimovna, wife of electrician Dolinsky A.A. 1963
423. Dolinsky Denis Alexandrovich son of an electrician Dolinsky A.A. 1982

Divers who died during search operations on the sunken p/v "Admiral Nakhimov"

30 years ago, on August 31, 1986, the passenger liner Admiral Nakhimov sank in the Novorossiysk Bay. At 23:12, the bulk carrier Pyotr Vasev collided with the Admiral Nakhimov. The liner received heavy damage to the hull, water poured into the open windows, and within 7-8 minutes it sank. As a result of the disaster, 423 people died, including 359 tourists and 64 crew members. According to experts, the cause of the tragedy was the wrong actions of the captains of both ships.

The passenger liner "Admiral Nakhimov" was built in Bremen (Germany) in 1925 and was originally called "Berlin". At that time, German engineers did not use welding, and the entire hull was riveted. Displacement - 9000 tons; length - 174.3 m; width - 21.1 m; height - 11.8 m; mechanisms power - 12000 l. With.; speed - 16 knots. Crew - about 270 people, passenger capacity - 1500 people. The ship made transatlantic crossings until 1938, then it was used as a cruise ship on voyages to Svalbard or the Mediterranean.

With the outbreak of World War II, it was used as a hospital ship and transport for the transport of troops. In January 1945, the Berlin steamer, under heavy guard, approached Libau to evacuate part of the troops from the encircled German Courland group. On January 31, 1945, in the "Pomor Bay", on the roadstead of Swinemünde, the "Berlin" hit a mine, and the ship was sunk. At the beginning of 1947, when trying to raise a ship, an explosion occurred again, and the ship again sank to the bottom. The second salvage was carried out on September 17, 1947. Then the ship received a new name - "Admiral Nakhimov", and was later taken to the dock of the Kronstadt plant for partial repairs. From 1949 to 1957 "Admiral Nakhimov" was undergoing a major overhaul in the GDR.

Since 1957 - as part of the passenger fleet of the USSR, the shipowner is the Black Sea Shipping Company. The first captain under the Soviet flag is Nikolai Antonovich Sobolev (he was a permanent captain until 1978). The ship was very popular with passengers. "Admiral Nakhimov" carried out several secret missions. So, in 1962, during the Caribbean crisis, "Admiral Nakhimov" was recruited to transport soldiers to Cuba. In 1979, two secret flights Odessa - Cuba (Matanzas) - Ethiopia (Assab) took place with a total duration of about six months to deliver Cuban soldiers to participate in hostilities in Africa. Also, the ship was used for the practice of students of higher and secondary specialized maritime educational institutions.

Its last scheduled repair and classification "Admiral Nakhimov" took place in January-April 1985 in Varna. In accordance with the cruise plan, the liner spent the whole day on August 31 in the port of Novorossiysk. It was a hot day. Numerous excursions tired the cruise participants. The ship was very hot in the sun. Upon returning to their cabins, passengers opened the windows, including those on the lower decks, to ventilate and cool the premises. With the onset of the evening coolness, cultural and entertainment programs began, and the crew prepared the ship for departure.

At 10 p.m. on August 31, 1986, the ship under the command of Captain V. G. Markov left the berth. The next port of call was Sochi. The weather was perfect: calm sea, light breeze and good visibility. Yes, and swimming along the Caucasian coast was a common thing for the crew. And at that time, on a course of 58 degrees at a speed of 11.5 knots, the bulk carrier "Pyotr Vasev" was heading from Canada to Novorossiysk with a cargo of about 30,000 tons of grain. Captain V.I. Tkachenko commanded the bulk carrier. At 23:00 "Admiral Nakhimov" lay down on a course of 160 degrees. Captain Markov instructed the officer on duty and went down from the bridge to the cabin. On the ship "Pyotr Vasev" the officer on duty received information about the course of the "Admiral Nakhimov" and a request to skip it. At that moment, Tkachenko climbed onto the bridge and, after listening to the information, confirmed that he was ready to let a cruise ship.

And at 11:12 p.m., a tragedy occurred - a strange collision of ships at an angle close to a right one. The blow was delivered to the starboard side of the "Admiral Nakhimov" by the upper part of the stem of the motor ship "Pyotr Vasev" above the waterline and the bulb (protruding just below the waterline part of the bow of the ship) below the waterline in two compartments: a diesel generator and engine room. Having received large damage to the hull on the starboard side, the Admiral Nakhimov sank a few minutes after the impact. Open portholes near the waterline, not closed watertight clinket doors in the main transverse watertight bulkheads, which had to be closed before leaving the port, contributed to the fact that the ship quickly went under water. At the crash site, about 1,000 people were on the surface of the water at the same time.

"Pyotr Vasev" survived and participated in saving people. At that time, a pilot boat LK-90 was sailing from the port towards "Peter Vasyov" to escort the dry cargo ship to the berth. Seeing the steamer tilted to starboard, the captain of the boat O. Lyakh immediately shouted on the air: "Nakhimov" went on board! At 11:35 p.m., LK-90 approached the crash site and set about rescuing people, while radioing that tugboats and rescue boats would be needed. The captain of the port of Novorossiysk, G. L. Popov, immediately instructed all watercraft to proceed to the accident area to save people. The tugboats were the first to arrive at the crash site, raid boats, small passenger boats of the "Rainbow" type, passenger ships hydrofoil "Comet". At the same time, the command to withdraw and follow to the disaster area was received by border boats.

As a result of the disaster, 423 people died, including 359 tourists and 64 crew members. Not everyone was able to find and raise to the surface. 64 dead remained forever under water. Working in the premises of the sunken ship, two divers died. The area, bounded by a circle with a radius of 500 meters, the center of which is the site of the sunken ship "Admiral Nakhimov", is officially the burial place of the victims of the disaster.

According to experts, the cause of the tragedy was the wrong actions of the captains of both ships. In March 1987, after almost six months of investigation, Captains V. Markov and V. Tkachenko were tried in Odessa. Both were found guilty under Art. 85 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR. The captains received 15 years in prison. In November 1992, by decrees of the presidents of Ukraine and Russia, both captains, one of whom was serving a sentence in Russia, the other in Ukraine, were pardoned and released.

On the high slope of Cape Doob in the Tsemess Bay, near the lighthouse, in 1987 a memorial sign was erected in memory of the tragic death of the Admiral Nakhimov steamship. It contains a clock raised from a sunken ship and stopped at the moment of the tragedy. On the cast-iron stele there is an inscription: “To those who died in the shipwreck of the steamer Admiral Nakhimov on August 31, 1986.” On cast mourning slabs - surnames dead passengers and crew members.

The official version of the disaster caused many doubts, so several alternative versions of the cause of the death of the Admiral Nakhimov appeared. So, the investigation made the captains “switchmen”, however, the government commission and the investigation did not consider that the higher authorities could be guilty. The ship was 60 years old and obsolete. In accordance with international conventions, the design of a passenger ship must ensure its buoyancy, even if at least two compartments are flooded. "Nakhimov" could no longer be sent to sea. On July 8, 1986 (almost two months before the disaster), the shipping company drew up an act: the ship was not suitable for further use. However, on this old ship, at the direction of the head of the Black Sea Shipping Company S. Lukyanchenko, who signed the same act, 1,200 passengers were put on board and sent to sea. Thus, the managerial mistakes of the higher authorities did not lead to new criminal cases or at least resignations.

It was also noted that until the very moment of the collision, Tkachenko practically did not depart from the SARP (automated radar plotting system). And the device showed a discrepancy with the vessel, which Tkachenko considered the Nakhimov, at 2 miles. In addition, according to the data received, the bearing also increased. The position of the unknown ship, judging by the instruments, created the illusion of an absolutely safe situation. Researcher Vladimir Chuev has put forward the application of microwave.

The collision took place at the end of the summer. Often this time coincides with an increase in solar activity. It happens that it was on such days and nights that phantom targets suddenly appeared on the radar screens and, conversely, real targets disappeared. Chuev carefully studied the collection "Solar data" of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR. And then it turned out: since August 17, 1986, a sharp jump in electromagnetic radiation from space, equal to twenty percent, was found in the testimony of the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory. However, it was not recorded by reference observatories in Japan and Canada. This discrepancy in the data of the reference observatories and the Krymskaya observatory lasted until September 1. And then everything returned to normal. After analyzing these facts, Chuev came to the conclusion that the region of Crimea and the North Caucasus (including the Tsemess Bay and Novorossiysk) was affected not by solar, but by unknown directional electromagnetic radiation. It was fed from afar, perhaps through an artificial satellite of the Earth. Perhaps through intelligence systems like AWACS. There is also indirect evidence. Prior to the tragedy in the Tsemess Bay, on the ships “Geroi Sevastopol”, “Burgas” and on other ships, navigators registered false targets on radar several times. In some cases, a situation was created when a collision was miraculously avoided.

Thus, there is a version that the shipwreck near Novorossiysk is the result of the use of microwave weapons. This version is superimposed on a chain of strange catastrophes in the late USSR (for example, the Chernobyl disaster), which generally led to the destabilization of society and the destruction of Soviet civilization. And it was beneficial to external and internal enemies Soviet Union.

There are other versions of the tragedy. Thus, Alexei Sinyakov, a professor from St. Petersburg, put forward the hypothesis of the so-called local geophysical resonance (LGR). Being a flight safety specialist, he believes that LGR has caused many disasters: in the air, on the ground, under water (in particular, a fire on the Komsomolets nuclear submarine). On the evening of August 31, 1986, a geophysical resonance could manifest itself in the Black Sea: an unusual glow of the atmosphere was observed, and two hours after the death of the Nakhimov, a strong earthquake occurred in the western part of the sea. During geophysical resonance, a person managing a complex technical object loses the opportunity to accurately assess the situation and make the right decision. This can explain the inadequate behavior of Captain Tkachenko.