Min water population. Caucasian mineral waters

Mineralnye Vody
44°12′03″ n. w. 43°06′45″ E. d.
Country Russia
Subject of the Federation
Urban district Mineralovodsk
History and geography
Founded in 1878
Former names until 1898 - Sultanovsky village
until 1922 - Illarionovsky village
City with 1922
Square 51.55 km²
Center height 300 m
Time zone UTC+3
Population ↘ 74,758 people (2018)
Density 1450.2 people/km²
Agglomeration Caucasian-Mineralovodskaya
National composition Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians, Greeks
Names of residents mineral water workers, mineral water worker, mineral water workers
Digital IDs
Dialing code +7 87922
Postal code 357200
OKATO code 07 421
OKTMO code 07 721 000 001
Map sheet nomenclature L-38-135
Wikimapia.org See map

Mineralnye Vody- city, administrative center of the Mineralovodsky district (urban district) of Russia. It is part of the ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Name options

  • Mineralnye Vody (Kumskaya)
  • Min. Water (for everyday use)


The city is located in the valley of the Kuma River, 172 km southeast of. The city is located largest airport in the south of Russia, connecting the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody region with other regions of Russia, the junction railway station of the North Caucasian railway on the Armavir line - with a branch to the federal highway "M-29 Caucasus". From here you can get to the resort towns of Zheleznovodsk, as well as to the city of Lermontov.

The city stands at the foot of Mount Zmeyka, most of which is occupied by the territory of the Beshtaugorsky forest, and part of the city side is a formidable view of rocks and quarries, connected by a serpentine of old roads. In the middle of the last century, building materials were actively mined here and a stone processing plant was operating. IN good weather From the city you can see the peaks of Elbrus, which is 91 km away in a straight line. From the city you can go to it by excursion bus, on roads this distance will increase to 250 km.


Kuma, Surkul, Dzhemukha.


The climate of the city is relatively dry; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here; they are delayed by the Main Caucasian ridge. The climate of the city of Mineralnye Vody is characterized by contrast - summers are hot and dry, winters are slightly frosty. Spring and summer are clearly defined. The coldest months are January and February, the warmest are July and August. Spring begins at the end of February.

Summer begins in early May. It is warm and long-lasting (about 140 days). Autumn begins in early October. Best time The year for relaxation and travel is autumn. It can be sunny, dry, rich in fruits and bright colors landscapes. Precipitation in the city is extremely uneven across the seasons and ranges from 300 mm to 600 mm per year.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is located mainly in the steppe zone. The plains here have long been developed, plowed and built up; virgin areas with silver feather grass have been preserved only in small fragments along the roadsides. Here, in addition to feather grass, fescue, tonkonogo, and wheatgrass grow on the soils; in the spring, speedwell turns blue; in the summer, gray leaves of Elecampane, yellow baskets of elecampane, and prickly rosettes of elecampane appear in the summer. At the foot of the mountain, Crimean wormwood, creeping kochia and kermek are abundantly found on solonetzic soils. Animal world territory has been significantly reduced and changed by man. In the steppe areas you can occasionally see the brown hare, jerboa, gray hamster, hedgehog, and steppe ferret. Voles live here. The mounds of earth are lined up in a row, which indicates underground works common mole rat. There are also eagle, hawk, owl and owl.

Climate of Mineralnye Vody
Indicator Jan. Feb. March Apr. May June July Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Year
Absolute maximum, °C 19,5 21,5 30,3 34,5 34,9 37,5 39,7 41,1 37,4 34,1 25,8 19,4 41,1
Average maximum, °C 1,7 2,5 8,4 16,8 21,8 26,5 29,8 29,3 23,9 16,4 8,3 2,8 15,7
Average temperature, °C −2,5 −2,4 2,8 10,0 15,1 19,6 22,6 22,0 16,9 10,3 3,6 −1,3 9,7
Average minimum, °C −5,7 −6 −1,2 4,6 9,1 13,5 16,1 15,7 11,2 5,8 0,2 −4,4 4,9
Absolute minimum, °C −33,3 −31,6 −23,8 −7,6 −2,9 3,2 7,5 4,2 −4,6 −17,7 −23,6 −31,5 −33,3
Precipitation rate, mm 18 18 28 53 67 86 69 48 35 38 31 28 519
Source: Weather and Climate


The city owes its birth to the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway (construction was completed in 1875). The junction station with a branch to Kislovodsk was named Sultanovskaya, since it was located on lands that belonged to the Nogai Sultan Mengli-Girey and his descendants since 1826. At that time, about 500 workers who served the local locomotive depot, station and other railway enterprises lived in the right-of-way (the territory belonging to the railway joint-stock company, limited by a concrete wall). And nearby, on the lands of Sultan Dzhanbek-Girey, with his consent, new settlers soon settled. These were mainly artisans and traders who supplied their products and goods to the railway workers. The settlers submitted a petition to the authorities to form a settlement. In 1878, the village received legal status and name Sultanovsky.

In 1906, the village of Sultanovsky was renamed Illarionovsky- in honor of Count I.I. Vorontsov-Dashkov, appointed governor of the Caucasus.

In October 1921, the village and station were united and became the city of Mineralnye Vody with a population of 14 thousand people.

In 1929-1930, enterprises for the extraction and processing of non-metallic materials appeared - the Zmeyka stone crushing plant and the Beshtaunit mine. After the construction of the airport in 1925, the city became an important point on the main air routes of the USSR. In 1924, by Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Mineralovodsky district was formed.

The Holy Monk Theodosius of the Caucasus (1841-1948) lived in Mineralnye Vody from 1931 to 1948, after returning from the Solovetsky Islands he accepted the feat of foolishness. In recent years, he lived with novices in a small, damp house with low ceilings. In December 1994, in the Stavropol diocesan administration at the diocesan council, the question of studying the life of Hieroschemamonk Theodosius and the people's veneration of him as a saint of God was raised. The relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus are located in the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, 18 thousand mineral water workers went to the front. Their jobs were taken by women and children. Some enterprises switched to producing military products. 6,269 city residents were awarded orders and medals, 12 people were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. 7 thousand mineral water workers died in the war.

On the evening of August 8, 1942, the 40th German Tank Corps of the 1st Panzer Army of Baron Leo-Geir von Schweppenburg approached north shore of the Kuma River, where he was met by the defenders of the city - cadets of the Novocherkassk Cavalry School. On August 10, the city was occupied by Nazi German troops. The Mineralnye Vody railway station was an extremely important facility; German troops advancing on Vladikavkaz and Baku were supplied through it. In the building railway station There was a German commandant's office where interrogations were conducted. Outside the city, near the glass factory there was a deep anti-tank ditch, where massacres of civilians were carried out every day. More than 10 thousand people from all over the Caucasian Mineral Waters were killed and buried there.

On January 11, 1943, a Soviet tank battalion under the command of Captain Petrov entered the city along the railway line from Prokhladny, advancing in the direction railway station, where the main enemy forces were concentrated. At the same time, rifle units entered the city. Soviet troops Several trains with German equipment, uniforms and food were blocked at the station. On the street “50 Years of October” there is a memorial to tankers with a T-34-85 tank.

After the war, Mineralnye Vody became one of largest cities Stavropol region

On June 5, 1964, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to limit the registration of citizens in the resort cities of Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and adjacent areas populated areas Stavropol Territory.

On November 9, 1991, Shamil Basayev committed his first terrorist attack, hijacking a plane from Mineralnye Vody airport. The plane with 178 hostages on board was supposed to fly to, but Basayev ordered the pilots to head for.


Mineralnye Vody is the only one of 19 cities in the Stavropol Territory that does not have official symbols- coat of arms and flag.

The issue of creating city symbols was first raised in the second half of the 1960s. In July 1965, the newspaper "Caucasian Health Resort" published a collective letter signed by employees of the Pyatigorsk Museum in Kavminvody, as well as by the chairman of the Kavkaz Minvodsky branch of the Union of Architects of the USSR V. Fukleev and chief architect B. Abidov, who addressed readers with a request to express their opinion on the need to develop coats of arms, Zheleznovodsk, Mineralnye Vody and other cities that are part of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. Soon, the first responses and suggestions from residents of the resort region appeared on the pages of this publication, including Mineral Vody geodesist B. Ivantsov, who presented the emblem of his city as follows: “In the foreground... an electric locomotive, and at the top - a soaring jet passenger plane... To the left and right are mountains . Let the background be a panorama of the Caucasus Range with the handsome Elbrus.” Subsequently, a similar image became widespread on one of the collectible badges of the so-called “Pyatigorsk series”, produced by several souvenir factories in the city of Pyatigorsk. At the same time, according to the Russian Center for Flag Studies and Heraldry, “the city’s coat of arms in this form did not exist and was not approved.”

Emblem of the city of Mineralnye Vody (1998)

At the beginning of 1971, a competition was announced for the best sketch of the coat of arms of Mineralnye Vody, information about which appeared on the first page of the January issue of the Caucasian Health Resort. However, in the end, the unofficial symbol of the capital of the Mineralovodsk region became the anniversary emblem, designed in 1998 (for the 120th anniversary of the founding of the city) by local artist S. N. Valuysky: “In a scarlet shield, in a circle on a golden base - a mountain, one slope of which is green, and the other is black. Around the mountain are symbols of aviation, transport, a golden ear and a fragment of a gear.” The main figure - the mountain - was associated with the natural landmark of Mineralnye Vody - Mount Snake; the remaining figures indicated those located within the city international airport, railway station and industrial facilities (in particular aircraft repair plant 411GA). In September 1998, an image of this emblem appeared on a symbolic stele at the entrance to Mineralnye Vody, built according to the design of the city’s chief architect L. G. Semin.

During the municipal reform, the city of Mineralnye Vody was given the status of an urban settlement and, as a municipal entity, received the right to its own coat of arms and other official symbols reflecting historical, cultural, socio-economic, national and other local traditions. Work on the new symbols began in 2010. The need for its creation, as noted in the program for the socio-economic development of the city of Mineralnye Vody for 2011-2015, was due to the fact that “the existing symbols are not approved according to the heraldic hierarchy, are not officially registered and are morally outdated.”

On June 24, 2010, at a meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory, 10 projects of the coat of arms of the city of Mineralnye Vody, developed by the heraldist artist S. E. Mayorov (Stavropol) and public figure I. Kh. Iliadi (Mineralnye Vody), were considered. As a result of the discussion, the commission members recommended for approval by the city administration option No. 10 “with the image of a fork-shaped cross with an eagle and the sun rising from the base of the shield,” characterizing it as “the most acceptable and heraldically correct.”

Mineralnye Vody city project (2011)

On February 25, 2011, by decision of the City Duma, the composition of the commission was determined, which was developing a sketch of the coat of arms and flag of the city. In March of the same year, public hearings were held in the city administration building to discuss the sketch of the coat of arms and flag - the official symbols of the city of Mineralnye Vody. As a variant of the coat of arms, taken as a basis, the design executed by S. E. Mayorov was chosen: “In the azure field of the shield there is a silver, overturned raised fork-shaped cross, on top of it is a black eagle flying to the right with raised wings, having gold: an eye, a beak, paws, claws, a key of the same metal in the paws. Below is the emerging golden sun (without a mask).”

The proposed draft coat of arms expressed such features as the name of the city of Mineralnye Vody, its location at the entrance to resort region Caucasian Mineral Waters and its role as the main transport hub of the North Caucasus. The main figure of the coat of arms was a silver overturned fork-shaped cross, the three rays of which, meeting in the center, symbolized the three types of transport arteries converging in the city (air, railway, automobile). The cross was also seen as a protective symbol - both for the city and for the passengers of this transport hub. A flying eagle with a golden key in its paws was associated with the established symbol of the Caucasian Mineralnye Vody, the key and gate to which is the city of Mineralnye Vody. The same feature of the city, which serves as the “gate to the Caucasian Mineral Waters,” is reflected in the opening formed by the two lower rays of the cross. The main colors of the coat of arms design (azure and silver), correlated with the signs of water, strengthened the symbolism inherent in the name of the city, and, together with the image of the golden sun rising from the base of the shield, reminded that important integral part The beneficial effects on the health of vacationers on the Caucasian Mineral Waters are mineral springs in combination with the sun and air.

During further consideration, this coat of arms was rejected by the city administration. At a meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory, held on June 30, 2011, the secretary of the commission N.A. Okhonko reported that “activities have begun to profane the heraldic correct coat of arms into some kind of artistic canvas.”

By March 2015, due to the start of the “active reorganization process” in the city and region, the development of official symbols in Mineralnye Vody was suspended. However, it was no longer possible to resume it, since in June of the same year, all the municipalities that were part of the Mineralovodsk municipal district of the Stavropol Territory were transformed, by merging them, into the Mineralovodsk urban district, as a result of which the city of Mineralnye Vody lost the status of an urban settlement, and with it the rights to the coat of arms and flag.


1923 1926 1931 1939 1959 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1986 1987
13 644 ↗ 18 000 ↗ 22 719 ↗ 31 300 ↗ 40 131 ↗ 47 000 ↗ 55 149 ↗ 59 000 ↗ 64 000 ↗ 67 381 ↗ 71 000 ↗ 74 000 ↗ 75 000
1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
↘ 70 961 ↗ 81 824 ↗ 83 346 ↗ 84 537 ↗ 85 563 ↗ 86 467 ↗ 87 068 ↗ 87 884 ↗ 88 272 ↗ 88 288 ↘ 88 149 ↗ 88 552 ↗ 88 597
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014
↗ 89 051 ↗ 89 068 ↗ 89 336 ↘ 89 222 ↘ 89 209 ↘ 89 017 ↘ 76 700 ↗ 76 757 ↘ 76 728 ↘ 76 696 ↘ 76 441 ↘ 76 291 ↘ 76 205
2015 2016 2017 2018
↘ 75 974 ↘ 75 620 ↘ 75 381 ↘ 74 758

As of January 1, 2018, the city ranked 221st out of 1,113 cities in the Russian Federation in terms of population.

National composition

According to the 2010 All-Russian Population Census:

Nationality Number of people, people Share
1 Russians 63 369 82,6 %
2 Armenians 6 668 8,7 %
3 Ukrainians 1 014 1,3 %
4 Greeks 854 1,1 %
5 other 4 823 6,3 %

Administrative division


  • GBUZ SK "Mineral Vody District Hospital" (in its structure it has a hospital, a city clinic, a children's city clinic, an emergency medical station, a maternity hospital, a dental clinic).
  • NHI "Departmental Clinical Hospital at the Mineralnye Vody station of JSC Russian Railways" (in its structure it has a hospital and 2 outpatient departments).



Caucasus Internet Service, Post Ltd, Boka and Co., Rostelecom, Beeline, MTS

Corded telephone

Stavropol branch of Rostelecom

Cellular 2G/3G/4G

MegaFon, Beeline, MTS, Yota


Higher professional education

  • North Caucasus branch of the educational institution "Belgorod State Technological University named after. V. G. Shukhov"
  • Branch of the educational institution "Rostov state university communication lines" in Mineralnye Vody
  • North Caucasus Institute (Branch) of the educational institution "Moscow Humanitarian Economic Institute"

Secondary vocational education

  • Stavropol Regional Music College named after. V. I. Safonova
  • Mineralovodsk regional multidisciplinary college.
  • Mineralovodsk College of Railway Transport
  • Mineralovodsk branch of the educational institution "Rostov Trade and Economic Technical College"

Secondary general education

  • Secondary school No. 1
  • Gymnasium No. 2
  • Lyceum No. 3
  • Secondary school No. 4
  • Secondary school No. 5
  • Secondary school No. 6
  • Secondary school No. 7
  • Secondary school No. 14
  • Secondary school No. 20
  • Gymnasium No. 103
  • Lyceum No. 104
  • Secondary school No. 111

Preschool education

  • Kindergarten No. 1 “The Scarlet Flower”
  • Kindergarten No. 2 “Golden Key”
  • Kindergarten No. 4 “Firefly”
  • Kindergarten No. 5 “Dolphin”
  • Kindergarten No. 6 “Baby”
  • Kindergarten No. 7 “Ivushka”
  • Kindergarten No. 8 “Fairy Tale”
  • Kindergarten No. 9 “Forest Fairy Tale”
  • Kindergarten No. 11 “Goldfish”
  • Kindergarten No. 12 “Alyonushka”
  • Kindergarten No. 13 “Crane”
  • Kindergarten No. 14 “Deer”
  • Kindergarten No. 15 “Stork”
  • Kindergarten No. 16 “Little Red Riding Hood”
  • Kindergarten No. 33 “Rainbow”
  • Kindergarten No. 62 “Zvezdochka”
  • Kindergarten No. 73 “Spark”
  • Kindergarten No. 95 “Swallow”
  • Kindergarten No. 103 “Cheburashka”
  • Kindergarten No. 198 “Snow White”

Additional education

  • Children's Art House
  • Center for Continuing Education
  • Mineralnye Vody Children's and Youth Sports School


  • MBUK "Centralized Club System" (central House of Culture in Mineralnye Vody)
  • MBUK "Centralized Library System" (8 libraries are located in Mineralnye Vody).
  • Children's Art School named after. D. B. Kabalevsky
  • Children's art school
  • Children's music school

Economics and production

There are more than 30 large and medium-sized enterprises and organizations located in the city. Of these:

  • 3 enterprises specialize in the production of food products (Mineral Vody Bread Factory, Stary Istochnik water company, Don water production and bottling enterprise);
  • 3 organizations are engaged in publishing and printing activities (Publishing House "Caucasian Health Resort", "Mineral Vody Printing House", Printing House "Lotos");
  • 1 enterprise produces plastic products (“Stavroplast”);
  • 13 enterprises and organizations produce other products (Mineral Vody Stone Processing Plant; Mineralovodsk branch of OJSC Irkutsk Precast Concrete Plant; enterprises Stavropolsnab, S7 Engineering, Liner, BaT, Askania Aqua, Brewery - KMV"; fur company "Rokar", confectionery shop "Sweet World").
  • "Aircraft Repair Plant 411GA"


Air transport

In the western part of the city there is an international 1st class airport “Mineralnye Vody”, from where flights are carried out. passenger transportation by air transport.

Rail transport

The city is home to the Mineralnye Vody railway station with railway infrastructure enterprises, which are part of the Mineralovodsk region of the North Caucasus Railway. Mineralnye Vody station is the main passenger station in resort area Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Road transport

Mineralnye Vody is the center of international road transport in Russia. They pass through the city highway federal significance P217"Caucasus", as well as highways of regional and local importance.

The city has a bus station “Kavminvodyavto”, from where there are regular bus services (intercity, intermunicipal) to various cities and towns of the Stavropol Territory, subjects of the North Caucasus, Southern Federal District and others.

Public transport

Public transport in Mineralnye Vody is represented by small-capacity buses ( minibuses) and private taxis serving urban and suburban routes.

Register of regular bus routes on the territory of the Mineralovodsky urban district:

  • No. 1 railway station - village Kumskaya
  • No. 2 railway station - village Andzhievsky
  • No. 2A railway station - village Andzhievsky (Krasnogvardeyskaya St.)
  • No. 3 railway station - village Levokumka
  • No. 3 A railway station - village Levokumka
  • No. 5 railway station - JSC Stavropolsnab
  • No. 5 A railway station - gelatin plant
  • No. 6 railway station - ARZ - 5th kilometer
  • No. 6 A railway station - 5th kilometer
  • No. 8 railway station - 2nd microdistrict
  • No. 11 railway station - Airport
  • No. 13 railway station - village Evdokimovsky
  • No. 14 railway station - village Evdokimovsky
  • No. 16 railway station - market
  • No. 17 railway station - x. Red Plowman
  • No. 101 railway station - Pionerskaya (Novotersky village)
  • No. 102 railway station - village Zagorsky
  • No. 102 A railway station - microdistrict - village Zagorsky
  • No. 103 railway station - x. Renaissance
  • No. 104 Bus station - village. Pobegailovka
  • No. 105 railway station - village Kangly
  • No. 106 Bus station - Prikumskoye village
  • No. 108 Bus station - village. Civil
  • No. 110 railway station - village Ulyanovka
  • No. 111 PATP -dacha channel "Shirokiy" - village. Maryina Wells
  • No. 112 railway station - x. Slavic
  • No. 113 railway station - village Maryina Wells
  • No. 113A Bus station - village. Sukhaya Padina - village. Maryina Wells
  • No. 114 Bus station - village. Greek
  • No. 115 Bus station - x. Perevalny
  • No. 116 Bus station - village. Nagutskoye
  • No. 121 railway station - x. Garden
  • No. 121 A railway station - microdistrict - x. Garden
  • No. 122 railway station - Borodinovka village
  • No. 232 Bus station - village. Nizhnyaya Alexandrovka


  • Popov Vsevolod Maksimovich - karateka, multiple champion of Russia and Europe, three-time world champion and MSMK.


Russian Orthodox Church

St. Nicholas Church

  • St. Nicholas Church - st. Svobody, 94. The temple was built in 1950 and consecrated in honor of the Intercession of the Mother of God. On November 19, 1997, by order of Metropolitan Gideon, it was renamed in honor of St. Nicholas (in connection with the completion of the construction of the new Church of the Intercession of the Mother of God in the city of Mineralnye Vody)
  • Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary - st. Pyatigorskaya, 35
  • Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary - Shkolnaya St., 2a. The temple was built on the site of a park in the courtyard of the Music College named after. V. I. Safonova. The square, in turn, was laid out on the site of the Intercession Church destroyed in the 30s of the 20th century.
Seventh Day Adventist Church

The Seventh Day Adventist Church is located on the street. Svobody, 95

Seventh Day Adventist Church

Church of Evangelical Christian Baptists

The Baptist prayer house is located on the street. Knyshevsky, 67

People associated with the city

  • Andryushchenko, Grigory Yakovlevich (1905, Illarionovsky village, now the city of Mineralnye Vody - 1943) - Soviet officer, participant in the civil, Soviet-Finnish and Great Patriotic Wars. Hero of the Soviet Union, Guard Colonel
  • Anfinogentova, Anna Antonovna (1938, Mineralnye Vody) - economist, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences
  • Bibik, Alexey Pavlovich - writer
  • Gulyanitsky, Alexey Feodosievich (1933, Mineralnye Vody) - conductor, People's Artist of Ukraine
  • Minakov, Vasily Ivanovich (1921, Illarionovsky village, now the city of Mineralnye Vody) - Major General of Aviation, Hero of the Soviet Union. Honorary citizen of the city of Mineralnye Vody
  • Prygunov, Alexander Vasilievich (1907, Mineralnye Vody - 1943) - Hero of the Soviet Union
  • Shein, Grigory Andreevich (1926) - participant in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, holder of the Order of Glory, III degree and Order of the Patriotic War, II degree


  • Mass grave for the red partisans who died in civil war 1918-1920

Monument to V.I. Lenin

  • Monument to V.I. Lenin - the intersection of Karl Marx and XXII Party Congress avenues. It was installed on November 5, 1960.
  • Monument-memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory” to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Opened May 9, 1976
  • Monument to General Ermolov.
  • Monument to tank crews on the Dzhemukha River.
  • Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh, erected in December 2014.
  • Monument to Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office, erected on July 9, 2013.
  • Mig-17 aircraft


  • Museum of Aviation Technology on the territory of Plant No. 411 of Civil Aviation.


  1. Office of Rosreestr for the Stavropol Territory. Report on the state and use of lands in the Stavropol Territory in 2010 (unavailable link)
  2. Population by municipalities Stavropol Territory as of January 1, 2018 // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District (North Caucasusstat). - Date of access: 04/27/2015.
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  6. Voyekov A. I. Vladikavkaz Railway// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1892. - T. VIa. - pp. 626-627.
  7. Investment passport of the city of Mineralnye Vody
  8. Collection “Industry of the Stavropol Territory in archival documents (1945-1991)”
  9. On restricting the registration of citizens in the resort cities of Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and adjacent settlements of the Stavropol Territory
  10. Anna Osipova. Terrorists hijacked a plane en route to Yekaterinburg. www.oblgazeta.ru. Retrieved November 16, 2016.
  11. Report on the work of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory for the period 2000-2010. : [arch. 10/27/2016 ] // Portal of public authorities of the Stavropol Territory.
  12. Minutes No. 32 of the meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory (March 18, 2015): [arch. 01.11.2016 ] // Portal of public authorities of the Stavropol Territory.
  13. Decision of the Mineralovodsk City Duma dated June 23, 2011 No. 116 “On approval of the program for the socio-economic development of the city of Mineral Waters for 2011-2015”: [arch. 09.09.2018 ] // iPRAVO.info.
  14. Iliadi I. But Mineralnye Vody does not have a coat of arms / I. Iliadi // Vremya: newspaper of the city of Mineralnye Vody and the Mineralovodsk region. - 2007. - No. 79 (September 29). - P. 3.
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  22. Okhonko N. A. Symbols small homeland. - Pyatigorsk: Vestnik Kavkaza, 2007. - P. 33. - 96 p. - ISBN 5-85714-049-8.
  23. [About the stele - a symbol of the city of Mineralnye Vody. Author - chief architect of the city L. G. Semin] // Kurortny Prospekt. - 1998. - No. 2 (September 23).
  24. Charter of the city of Mineralnye Vody, Mineralovodsk district, Stavropol Territory of the Russian Federation (adopted by decision of the Mineralovodsk City Duma of April 27, 2007 No. 470): [arch. 09.12.2018 ] // Seven: Russian legal portal.
  25. Minutes No. 23 of the meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory (June 24, 2010): [arch. 01.11.2016 ] // Portal of public authorities of the Stavropol Territory.
  26. Minutes No. 25 of the meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory (June 30, 2011): [arch. 10.31.2016 ] // Portal of public authorities of the Stavropol Territory.
  27. Decision of the Mineralovodsk City Duma of the Stavropol Territory dated February 25, 2011 No. 80 “On the draft decision of the Mineralovodsk City Duma “On the establishment of official symbols of the city of Mineralnye Vody””: [arch. 09.12.2018 ] // Geraldikum.ru: official website of the Russian Center for Flag Studies and Heraldry.
  28. Law of the Stavropol Territory dated May 28, 2015 No. 51-kz “On the transformation of municipalities that are part of the Mineralovodsk municipal district of the Stavropol Territory (Mineralovodsk territorial municipal formation of the Stavropol Territory), and on the organization of local self-government in the territory of the Mineralovodsk district of the Stavropol Territory”: [arch . 09.12.2018 ] // Official website of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory.
  29. Minutes No. 37 of the meeting of the heraldic commission under the governor of the Stavropol Territory (June 28, 2018): [arch. 09.12.2018 ] // Portal of public authorities of the Stavropol Territory.
  30. Materials on statistics of the Terek Okrug: data from the censuses of 1916, 1917, 1920 and 1923, materials and works of the Bureau for 1920-1924 were used. / Terek District Statistical Bureau; [preface M. Sivokon]. - Pyatigorsk: 1st State Printing House, 1925. - , III, , 233, IV p.
  31. Mineralnye Vody: [arch. 10.12.2013 ] // People's encyclopedia “My City”. - Date of access: 10/12/2013.
  32. Administrative-territorial division of the USSR (as of January 1, 1931): I. RSFSR: [ arch. August 19, 2013] / Central Executive Committee of the USSR, All-Russia. Central Election Commission. - Moscow: Power of the Soviets, 1931. - 191 p.
  33. All-Union Population Census of 1959. The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender: [arch. 04/28/2013 ] // Demoscope Weekly. - Date of access: 09/25/2013.
  34. All-Union Population Census of 1970 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender: [arch. 04/28/2013 ] // Demoscope Weekly. - Date of access: 09/25/2013.
  35. All-Union Population Census of 1979 The size of the urban population of the RSFSR, its territorial units, urban settlements and urban areas by gender: [arch. 04/28/2013 ] // Demoscope Weekly. - Date of access: 09/25/2013.
  36. National economy of the USSR. 1922-1982: anniversary statistical yearbook: [ arch. February 16, 2018] / Central Statistical Office of the USSR. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1982. - 624 p.
  37. National economy of the USSR for 70 years: anniversary statistical yearbook: [arch. June 28, 2016] / USSR State Committee on Statistics. - Moscow: Finance and Statistics, 1987. - 766 p.
  38. All-Union population census of 1989. Urban population: [arch. 08/22/2011 ] // Demoscope Weekly.
  39. Resident population
  40. Population size for each urban and rural settlement of the Stavropol Territory as of the date of VPN-1989 and VPN-2002: [arch. 01/12/2015 ] // Stavropolstat website. - Date of access: 01/12/2015.
  41. Cities of the Stavropol Territory (number of inhabitants - estimate as of January 1, 2008, thousand people): [arch. 05/31/2016 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - Date of access: 05/31/2016.
  42. The permanent population of the Russian Federation by cities, urban-type settlements and regions as of January 1, 2009: [arch. 01/02/2014 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - Date of access: 01/02/2014.
  43. Results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Total population (including men, women) by municipalities and settlements of the Stavropol Territory: [arch. 04/05/2015 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District (North Caucasusstat). - Date of access: 04/05/2015.
  44. Estimation of the permanent population of the municipalities of the Stavropol Territory as of January 1, 2011 (taking into account the preliminary results of the 2010 All-Russian Population Census)
  45. Estimation of the permanent population of the municipalities of the Stavropol Territory as of January 1, 2012: [arch. 01/12/2015 ] // Stavropolstat website. - Date of access: 12/26/2017.
  46. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2013. - M.: Federal State Statistics Service Rosstat, 2013. - 528 p. (Table 33. Population of urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements, urban settlements, rural settlements). Retrieved November 16, 2013. Archived November 16, 2013.
  47. Estimation of the permanent population of the municipalities of the Stavropol Territory as of January 1, 2014: [arch. 04/02/2014 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service for the North Caucasus Federal District (North Caucasusstat). - Date of access: 04/02/2014.
  48. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2015: [arch. 06.08.2015 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - Date of access: 08/06/2015.
  49. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2016: [arch. 10.10.2017 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - Date of access: 04/27/2018.
  50. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2017: [arch. 07/31/2017 ] // Website of the Federal State Statistics Service (Rosstat). - 2017. - July 31. - Date of access: 07/31/2017.
  51. taking into account the cities of Crimea
  52. Population of the Russian Federation by municipalities as of January 1, 2018. Table “21. Population of cities and towns by federal districts and constituent entities of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2018" (RAR archive (1.0 Mb)). Federal State Statistics Service.
  53. Volume 3. Book 1. Table 6. “Population by nationality and proficiency in Russian language by urban districts, municipal districts, urban and rural settlements of the Stavropol Territory”
  54. Calendar public holidays Russian Federation, memorable dates and significant events of the Stavropol Territory for 2011. Retrieved January 17, 2015. Archived January 16, 2015.
  55. List of large, medium-sized enterprises and organizations located on the territory of the Mineralovodsk urban district: [arch. 07.17.2017 ] // Official website of the administration of the Mineralovodsk urban district.
  56. Gamayunov K. Multimodal transport and logistics hub - Mineralnye Vody: development concept: [arch. 10/20/2016 ] // Website of the Russian Institute of Urban Planning and Investment Development “Giprogor”.
  57. Transport services // Official website of the administration of the Mineralovodsk urban district.
  58. Route registry regular transportation passengers of the Mineralovodsk City District // Official website of the administration of the Mineralovodsk City District.
  59. Mass grave for the red partisans who died in the civil war of 1918-1920 (inaccessible link - story) . Retrieved August 27, 2012. Archived December 13, 2014.
  60. zhzhitel. Museum of Aviation Technology: There are sights in Mineralnye Vody!. Journal of one ZhZhitel (March 31, 2016). Retrieved March 31, 2016.

Despite its name, the resort town of Mineralnye Vody does not have a single source of medicinal mineral water on its territory, but despite this, thousands of tourists visit it every year. What should vacationers pay their attention to first of all?

Cathedral of the Virgin Mary in Mineralnye Vody

The main Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, built relatively recently. In 1990, with the approval of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, a plot of land was consecrated for the construction of the Cathedral. Some time later, local residents discovered an icon of the Tikhvin Mother of God at this place, which served as a good sign for construction. In 1997, the construction of the Cathedral was completed. Today, on the territory of the cathedral, everyone can see the whole architectural complex, which includes a temple, utility and administrative buildings and a large belfry with 8 bells. Look at the photos and videos in the article. Every year the Cathedral is visited by pilgrims from all over the country; every guest of the city considers it his duty to kneel before the icon of the Mother of God. Even non-believers remain deeply impressed by the beauty, wealth and luxury of the Cathedral.

Small, but very green, where there are many sanatoriums.

Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

One of the significant attractions of Mineralnye Vody is the Cathedral of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is not the only Orthodox attraction of Mineralnye Vody. The Church of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, also built in the second half of the twentieth century, is no less popular among city guests. The exterior and interior decoration of the church is very simple, but this does not make it any less beautiful. In this place, believers feel peace and extraordinary lightness. You can clearly see what the church looks like in the video and photos in the article.

In addition to the church, the architectural complex includes only a bell tower. The entire territory is fenced with a red brick fence; all other buildings are made of the same material. Visiting tourists should definitely visit the church, appreciate the simple beauty and feel the calm atmosphere reigning here.

Airport and railway station

Mineralnye Vody is the main transport artery of the entire Caucasian Mineralnye Vody. There is a huge airport here, where planes fly from all over Russia and countries near and far abroad. Next to the airport in Minvody there is a large railway station, from where you can travel to anywhere in Russia by train. You can also travel by train to the resort years of Pyatigorsk, Essentuki and Kislovodsk. For examples of what this looks like, look at the photos and videos in the article.

Also don’t forget to look at the article, you won’t regret it.

Eagle sculpture

What resort town of the Caucasian Mineral Waters can do without a sculpture of a majestic eagle. In Mineralnye Vody, this bird greets all guests at the station square. Almost every tourist knows that an eagle with open wings holding a snake in its claws symbolizes victory over disease.

The eagle was erected in the 20th century from bronze. Since then, the sculpture has not undergone any changes and today pleases the eye of every person who comes to Mineralnye Vody. Tourists love to take pictures near the Eagle - the symbol of the entire Caucasus. Look at the photo to see what an eagle looks like.

Every tourist should know

During their visit to Mineralnye Vody, tourists should not miss the opportunity to visit the Tersky Stud Farm, located at the foot of Mount Zmeyka. It was built in 1880 by order of Count S. A. Stroganov, who attempted to breed Arabian horses in Russia. Up to this point, he had tried several times to bring an “overseas horse” into the country, but to no avail. Then he began to look for an area that would be similar to the animal’s natural habitat, and his choice fell on Mineralnye Vody.

Revolutions and wars had a negative impact on the development of the stud farm; in the mid-twentieth century, the number of horses decreased sharply, but did not disappear completely. It was at this plant that a new breed of horses was bred - Terskaya. Today, the Terek Stud Farm holds animal exhibitions and international auctions. Animal connoisseurs have the opportunity to admire noble animals and also ride them.


In this video clip you can see what the resort town of Mineralnye Vody is like. If you visited Minvody as a tourist, then leave your review below in the comments. And perhaps you can advise interesting places for visiting. We and our users will be very grateful.

Latitude: 44°12′37″ N
Longitude: 43°08′07″E
Altitude: 310 m

Coordinates of Mineralnye Vody in decimal degrees

Latitude: 44.2102800°
Longitude: 43.1352800°

Coordinates of Mineralnye Vody in degrees and decimal minutes

Latitude: 44°12.6168′N
Longitude: 43°8.1168′E

All coordinates are given in the WGS 84 world coordinate system.
WGS 84 is used in the GPS global positioning and navigation satellite system.
Coordinates (latitude and longitude) determine the position of a point on the Earth's surface. The coordinates are angular values. The canonical form of representing coordinates is degrees (°), minutes (′) and seconds (″). GPS systems widely use the representation of coordinates in degrees and decimal minutes or in decimal degrees.
Latitude takes values ​​from −90° to 90°. 0° - latitude of the equator; −90° - latitude of the South Pole; 90° - latitude of the North Pole. Positive values ​​correspond to northern latitude (points north of the equator, abbreviated N or N); negative - southern latitude (points south of the equator, abbreviated as S or S).
Longitude is measured from the prime meridian (IERS Reference Meridian in the WGS 84 system) and takes values ​​from −180° to 180°. Positive values ​​correspond to east longitude (abbreviated as E or E); negative - western longitude (abbreviated as W or W).
Height above sea level shows the height of a point relative to conventional sea level. We use a digital elevation model

In the southeast of the Stavropol Territory is located the beautiful resort town of Mineralnye Vody, which is famous for its clean air, picturesque nature, magnificent parks and unique attractions. The city received its name because of its proximity to the Caucasian mineral water deposit, although there are no springs in the city itself.

Most tourists come to the Stavropol Territory to improve their health, relax in the mountains and explore local attractions.


The city is located in the valley of the Kuma River, 172 km south of Stavropol. The city of Mineralnye Vody in the Stavropol Territory is located at the foot of Mount Zmeyka, which is mainly occupied by the Beshtaugorsky forest, and from the side of the city it is a cluster of rocks and quarries, which are connected by serpentine roads.

In the second half of the 19th century, the construction of the Rostov - Vladikavkaz railway was completed. In 1875, the first trains were launched. The Sultanovskaya station was built on a site where railway tracks go towards Kislovodsk. It received its name in honor of Sultan Giray, who allowed part of his lands to be occupied for the resettlement of workers who serviced the transport sector. At that time there were about 500 people.

Every year the population of this settlement increased. Artisans began to come here to make and sell their goods. This is how the village of Sultanovsky, named so in 1878, arose. A glass factory began operating on its territory in 1898. Naturally, this led to further population growth and expansion of the village area.

In 1906, it was renamed, calling Illarionovsky, in honor of Illarion Vorontsov-Dashkov, the Caucasian governor.

In 1922, the new authorities decided that the railway station, as well as the nearby village, should become one administrative unit. This is how a city with the name Mineralnye Vody appeared on the map of the young republic. As before, it remained the most important point transport infrastructure in the south of our country.

Two years later, a decree was issued on the formation of the Mineralovodsk region. The importance of the city increased even more in 1925, when an airport was built nearby. Over time, industry developed - in the late 20s and early 30s they opened industrial enterprises for the extraction of non-metallic materials and their further processing by crushing.

At the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, 18 thousand citizens, including volunteers, went to the front. Some city enterprises began to produce products for military orders. Women, old people and teenagers worked for them. In August 1942, the city was occupied by the Nazis, and the commandant's office was located in the station building. The transport hub played an important role in supplying German units that were rushing to Vladikavkaz and Baku.

During the five months of occupation in the city, the most important economic facilities, a depot and a station were destroyed. Jews from all the resort towns of Kavminvod were brought to Mineralnye Vody in the Stavropol Territory. The surrounding area of ​​the glass factory became the site of mass shootings. The bodies of the dead were thrown into an anti-tank ditch. In total, more than 10 thousand people were killed.

The city was liberated in January 1943. More than 7 thousand city residents did not return from the war, more than 6 thousand people were awarded, 12 citizens were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Immediately after the liberation, Mineralnye Vody in the Stavropol Territory began to be restored, but it was possible to fully recover from the enormous damage and begin to massively build housing and expand communications in the second half of the 50s. A new station building appeared at the railway station in 1955.

The development of the city allowed it to become one of the largest Mineral Waters in the Stavropol Territory. The city greeted the beginning of the 80s with a well-groomed and comfortable environment - active construction of multi-storey buildings, including high-rise residential buildings, was underway. Development mining quarry, which lasted more than half a century, was completed in 1984, continued to develop transport links— a new highway was built between Mineralnye Vody of the Stavropol Territory and Kislovodsk.

Modern city

Today Mineralnye Vody is still largest city Stavropol region, an important transport hub. It covers an area of ​​51.6 sq. km. The population grew to 76 thousand inhabitants. Telephone code: +7 87922, index of Mineralnye Vody of the Stavropol Territory - 357200.

This is a large industrial center with an excellent investment climate. About a thousand enterprises of various profiles operate successfully in the city - instrument making, food, light, woodworking, chemical and construction industries. Two thousand entrepreneurs work. The well-known and popular mineral water “Novoterskaya Healing” is produced here, which is extracted at the Zmeykinskoye deposit, at a depth of about 1.5 thousand m. All vacancies of Mineral Waters of the Stavropol Territory are collected in the city Employment Center. The most in demand are blue-collar jobs; service and trade workers are required.

Mineralnye Vody in Stavropol Territory (Russia): attractions

Today it is one of the most popular resorts KMV, although in the city mineral springs No. But thousands of tourists come here every year to relax. The city has many interesting places and architectural and historical attractions.

This is one of the most majestic sights of Mineralnye Vody in the Stavropol Territory. officially recognized as national natural monument under state protection. The flora of the mountain is presented rare species shrubs and trees: oriental beech, Georgian lily. Among the animals, we should highlight roe deer, wild boars, lizards, snakes, and frogs.

Guests enjoy visiting interesting places located on the territory of the mountain - the Holy Spring, the Devil's Finger.

The mountain, 874 meters high, is located in the south of the city of Lermontov, which is located very close to Mineralnye Vody. Its so unusual name it got it because of its appearance - its slopes are covered with random boulders and rock formations. Local residents claim that it once had the shape of a pyramid. The mountainside has now been cut away since stones were quarried here for construction in 1970.

Having climbed to the top, vacationers have the opportunity to see a stunning panorama of resort towns (Lermontov and Pyatigorsk).

This amazing place is located 100 km from Mineralnye Vody on the Chegem mountain river. This area has many different waterfalls. For some, the water flows down in small droplets, for others it falls in a huge, wide stream at high speed. The most powerful of them is considered to be the Maiden's Braid.

This area is impressive winter time, when large ice columns resembling stalactites line up in the gorge. This is an amazing sight that is worth seeing with your own eyes. And in the summer, tourists love to visit the museum under open air in the village of Verkhny Chegem. While walking along the gorge, do not forget that wild animals live here, which you may meet along the way - foxes, wolves, lynxes. Other animals also live here - deer and roe deer, hares and martens.

Most visited architectural structure in Mineralnye Vody. Construction of the temple began in 1992 and lasted 5 years. The façade of the building is decorated with figured brickwork. The temple is crowned with several steel domes. On its territory there are cells for pilgrims, administrative building, service rooms.

Church of St. Nicholas

The temple is located near the city cultural park. Construction of the complex was completed in 1950. At that time it was consecrated in the name of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. A few years later, the church was renamed at the insistence of the Metropolitan of Stavropol, in honor of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The shrine of the church is the ancient Athos icon.

The church has a rather simple architecture. In addition to the main building, there is a bell tower on the territory of the church. A red brick wall encloses the entire temple area.

The grand opening of this memorial complex took place in 1976. Processions, rallies, and city celebrations are held in this place every year. The monument is a composition of figures that seem to rise above the surface and stone columns.

At the base of the pylons there is a recess lined with marble with stones and a star. Erupts from a star Eternal flame. On the territory of the memorial complex there is a beautiful square, on both sides of which trees and flowers are planted.

22 years after the liberation of the city from the fascist occupiers (1943), the Monument to the Dead Tankers was opened in Mineralnye Vody. The names of the heroes who fought are carved on a marble board. There are always fresh flowers lying here - the townspeople are sensitive to the memory of the fallen heroes.

Mineralnye Vody- city, administrative center of the Mineralovodsk urban district of the Stavropol Territory. It is part of the ecological resort region of Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Name options

  • Mineralnye Vody (Kumskaya)
  • Min-Water (in everyday use)


The city is located in the valley of the Kuma River, approximately 130 km southeast of Stavropol. The city is home to the largest airport in the south of Russia, connecting the Caucasian Mineral Waters region with other regions of Russia, a junction railway station of the North Caucasus Railway on the Armavir - Prokhladnaya line with a branch to Kislovodsk, and the federal highway "M-29 Caucasus". From here you can get to the resort cities of Zheleznovodsk, Pyatigorsk, Essentuki, Kislovodsk, as well as the city of Lermontov.

The city stands (at an altitude of 330-350 m above sea level; 300 m in the Railway Station, in the Kuma region) at the foot of the picturesque Zmeyka Mountain, 994 m above sea level. Most of the mountain is covered with Beshtaugorsk forest, and part of the city side is a formidable view of rocks and quarries connected by serpentine old roads. In the middle of the last century, building materials were actively mined here and a stone processing plant was operating. In good weather, the peaks of Elbrus are visible from the city, which is 91 km away in a straight line. From the city you can go to it by excursion bus; along roads this distance will increase to 250 km.

The climate of the city is relatively dry; moist air masses from the Black Sea do not reach here; they are delayed by the Main Caucasus Range. The climate of the city of Mineralnye Vody is characterized by contrast - summers are hot and dry, winters are frosty and rainy. Spring and summer are clearly defined. The coldest months are January and February, the warmest are July and August. Spring begins at the end of February.

Summer begins in mid-May. It is warm and long-lasting (about 140 days). Autumn begins at the end of September - at the beginning of October. The best time of year for relaxation and travel is autumn. It can be sunny, dry, rich in fruits and brightly colored landscapes. Precipitation in the city is extremely uneven across the seasons and ranges from 300 mm to 600 mm per year.

The city of Mineralnye Vody is located mainly in the steppe zone. The plains here have long been developed, plowed and built up; virgin areas with silver feather grass have been preserved only in small fragments along the roadsides. Here, in addition to feather grass, fescue, tonkonogo, and wheatgrass grow on the soils; in the spring, speedwell turns blue; in the summer, gray leaves of Elecampane, yellow baskets of elecampane, and prickly rosettes of elecampane appear in the summer. At the foot of the mountain, Crimean wormwood, creeping kochia and kermek are abundantly found on solonetzic soils. The fauna of the territory has been significantly reduced and changed by humans. In the steppe areas you can occasionally see the brown hare, jerboa, gray hamster, hedgehog, and steppe ferret. Voles live here. The mounds of earth are lined up in a row, which indicates the underground work of the common mole rat. There are also eagle, hawk, owl and owl.

The city owes its birth to the construction of the Rostov-Vladikavkaz railway. Construction was completed in 1875. The junction station with a branch to Kislovodsk was named “Sultanovskaya”, since it was located on lands that belonged to the former Crimean Sultan Giray. At that time, about 500 workers who served the local locomotive depot, station and other railway enterprises lived in the right-of-way (the territory belonging to the railway joint-stock company, limited by a concrete wall). And nearby, on the lands of Sultan Dzhanbek-Girey, with his consent, new settlers soon settled. These were mainly artisans and traders who supplied their products and goods to the railway workers. The settlers submitted a petition to the authorities to form a settlement. In 1878, the village received legal status and the name “Sultanovsky”.

In 1929-1930, enterprises for the extraction and processing of non-metallic materials appeared - the Zmeyka stone crushing plant and the Beshtaunit mine. After the construction of the airport in 1925, the city became an important point on the main air routes of the USSR. In 1924, by Decree of the All-Russian Central Executive Committee, the Mineralovodsky district was formed.

The Holy Monk Theodosius of the Caucasus (1841-1948) lived in Mineralnye Vody from 1931 to 1948, after returning from the Solovetsky Islands he accepted the feat of foolishness. In recent years, he lived with novices in a small, damp house with low ceilings. In December 1994, in the Stavropol diocesan administration at the diocesan council, the question of studying the life of Hieroschemamonk Theodosius and the people's veneration of him as a saint of God was raised. The relics of St. Theodosius of the Caucasus are located in the Church of the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the first days of the Great Patriotic War, 18 thousand mineral water workers went to the front. Their jobs were taken by women and children. Some enterprises switched to producing military products. 6,269 city residents were awarded orders and medals, 12 people were awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. 7 thousand mineral water workers died in the war.

On the evening of August 8, 1942, the 40th German Tank Corps of the 1st Tank Army of Baron Leo-Geir von Schweppenburg approached the northern bank of the Kuma River, where it was met by the defenders of the city - cadets of the Novocherkassk Cavalry School. On August 10, the city was occupied by Nazi German troops. The Mineralnye Vody railway station was an extremely important facility; German troops advancing on Vladikavkaz and Baku were supplied through it. The German commandant's office was located in the railway station building, where interrogations were conducted. Outside the city, near the glass factory there was a deep anti-tank ditch, where massacres of civilians were carried out every day. More than 10 thousand people from all over the Caucasian Mineral Waters were killed and buried there.

On January 11, 1943, a Soviet tank battalion under the command of Captain Petrov entered the city along the railway line from Prokhladny, advancing in the direction of the railway station, where the main enemy forces were concentrated. At the same time, rifle units entered the city. Soviet troops blocked several trains with German equipment, uniforms and food at the station. On the street “50 Years of October” there is a memorial to tankers with a T-34-85 tank.

After the war, Mineralnye Vody became one of the largest cities in the Stavropol region.

On June 5, 1964, the Council of Ministers of the RSFSR decided to limit the registration of citizens in the resort cities of Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk, Zheleznovodsk, Essentuki, Mineralnye Vody and adjacent settlements of the Stavropol Territory.


  • Mass grave for the red partisans who died in the civil war of 1918-1920.
  • Monument to V.I. Lenin - the intersection of Karl Marx and XXII Party Congress avenues. It was installed on November 5, 1960.
  • Monument-memorial “Fire of Eternal Glory” to soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Opened May 9, 1976
  • Monument to General Ermolov.
  • Monument to tank crews on the Dzhemukha River.
  • Monument to St. Sergius of Radonezh, erected in December 2014.
  • Monument to Peter and Fevronia at the entrance to the local registry office, erected on July 9, 2013.


From 1998 to 2008, at the entrance to the city there was a “Mineralnye Vody” stele, erected for the 120th anniversary of the city. In its place, the Vershina shopping center was built.