Where is the island of Samoa - on the map, in which country? The island state of Samoa. Photo of Samoa Population of Samoa

Inhabited by Austronesian tribes approximately 2,000 years ago, the Samoan Islands served as one of the centers of formation of Polynesian culture, from where the development of numerous islands and atolls of the central Pacific Ocean began. By the middle of the 17th century these exotic islands turn into large shopping mall, connecting the Polynesians who settled the entire region and European explorers actively penetrating the Great Ocean. Much of the early contact degenerated into bloody clashes between the newcomers and the islanders, and the Samoans earned a reputation as hostile and aggressive warriors. However, Christian missionaries who arrived on the islands discovered amazing loyalty and tolerance of the islanders, which they themselves explained by the fact that local sacred texts predicted the emergence of a new religion that would be more powerful and stronger than the old gods. The power and wealth of the “palagi” (literally “arsonists of heaven”, as the Samoans nicknamed the Europeans) were quite obvious, and Christianity quickly took root in the souls of the local residents. Even today, the Samoan Islands carry the unofficial title of the "Bible Belt of the Pacific."

By the end of the 19th century, Great Britain, the USA and Germany made considerable efforts to gain control of these strategically important islands. However, at the same time, the warships of the three sides gathered in the harbor of Apia were hit by a powerful typhoon, whose waves simply sank them all, except for the British frigate Calliope. As a result of the subsequent negotiations, the archipelago was divided into two parts - its western part - modern Independent Samoa - went to Germany, Eastern Samoa came under US rule, and the British, oddly enough, returned home empty-handed.

Germany made the classic colonial mistake of ignoring local customs and the authority of tribal leaders, and soon the local people formed a powerful resistance movement, the Mau, whose ideology was not political independence, but the preservation of traditional culture and way of life. The outbreak of the First World War gave Germany many other problems besides the unruly islands, and after its defeat Western Samoa came under the control of New Zealand. The change of home country meant little to the Mau movement and the majority of Western Polynesians who continued to fight for independence. Finally, in 1961, the islands came under the trusteeship of the UN, and on January 1, 1962 they received full independence.

Unlike its neighbor, American Samoa, which remained under US protectorate, Independent (Western) Samoa is a corner of the Earth little touched by civilization. Here, among the high mountains and small reefs, you can find first-class beaches, see colorful Polynesian villages and get acquainted with many ancient traditions. It is not for nothing that the film “Return to Paradise” was filmed on the so-called “Paradise Beach”, and R. L. Stevenson, the author of the immortal “Treasure Island”, being already a great writer, left civilization to spend the rest of his years in Samoa.


The capital of Independent Samoa, its largest port and the only place on the islands that can be called a city, Apia lies on the shore of the harbor of the same name on the northern coast of the island of Upolu, at the mouth of the Vaisigano River. From the south, the city limits are supported by Mount Vaea (472 m) and two mountain ranges on both sides of the river valley, and from the north, a long cape protrudes into the bay, built up with quite modern shopping complexes and offices. For all its modern features, such as banks, offices and American-style eateries, the city still clearly retains the charm of its long history.

Mulinuu, the old ceremonial capital of the islands, still occupies the western part modern city. It is home to Fale Fono (Parliament House) and the old observatory, which today serves as the office of the local weather station. The clock tower in the center of Apia, a memorial to the victims of World War II, is considered a landmark for all walks in the city center. To the west of the tower is the large Flea Market, which sells all sorts of goods from around the world, from cheap clothing and electronics to traditional local "siapo" (leaf and bark-dyed fabrics), precious shells and coconuts. Directly opposite it, at the very coastline, stretches a small Fish Market, where fishermen bring their catch, and to the southwest, among the city blocks, lies the Fruit Market, whose specialization is also clear from the name. The new Maketi Phou market is located in the inland region of Fugalei, where it is believed to be much more protected from typhoon impacts than the old markets located near the coast.

The center of Apia is built up with one- and two-story European-style houses, above which church bell towers rise. The city has three hotels, many small businesses, numerous offices of foreign companies and banks, as well as government agencies of the country, which, by the way, look quite modest. One of the traditions of the capital is the morning Police Parade, which precedes the ceremony of raising the national flag on government buildings. Almost all traffic on the streets at this moment freezes, since Samoans take their sovereignty quite seriously, and many of them line up along the side of Beach Road and sing the anthem (however, this often happens in homes or right at their workplaces).

There are many old colonial buildings scattered throughout the city, but the most colorful of them is the courthouse, which today houses a good historical museum on its top floor. Main street Apia Beach Road, which follows the quaint curves of the wide, tidy harbour. The Little Samoan Museum on Beach Road contains a collection dedicated to Samoan culture and relics of the past.

Distributed throughout the city and around it large number churches, the largest of which is considered to be the Catholic Church, located right on the city shore. The Anglican Church, although smaller, has beautiful stained glass windows, and the Congregational Christian Church contains the relics of the Reverend John Williams, one of the first missionaries to come to the islands. In 1977-1983 in historical center the capital erected another religious object, which is the legitimate pride of the islanders - temple complex Apia Samoa Temple.

The capital's only beach area lies 200 meters from the city center in Vaiala. There is also a small marine reserve called Palolo Deep Marine Reserve, within which snorkeling is permitted. Its main attraction is a deep blue cave between two coral reefs inhabited by countless tropical fish. Also worth a visit is the oval pond and the spring that feeds it with water at the Piula Cave, which lies on the territory of the Theological College and Methodist Church in Fatoumea.

From the center of the capital to the west stretches a series of neat villages of the coastal region, rising up the valleys and hillsides. Just 4 km from the city center along Beach Road lies the suburb of Vailima ("wallima" or "vailima" is the Samoan name for one of the varieties of jumping spiders), which houses a local shrine - the estate of the famous English writer Robert Louis Stevenson, who lived on the island for the rest of his life. of your days. Lying at the rear of the estate, almost at the top of Mount Vaea, the tombstone of the famous writer looks out over the town, the white edge of the reef and the distant horizon. After the writer's death, the islanders worked 24 hours non-stop to cut a path to the top of the hill so that the body of their beloved "tusital" ("storyteller", as they respectfully called Stevenson) could be buried the next day with full ceremonial honors. Stevenson’s elegy is engraved on the tombstone, his favorite two lines: “The sailor’s home is in the sea... And the hunter’s home is in the hills.”

Upolu Island

Upolu Island (1120 sq. km) is located 13 km southeast of Savaii Island, on the other side of the Apolima Strait. The island is quite mountainous; the Upolu ridge, formed by the slopes of numerous extinct volcanoes, stretches along its entire length. The northern and eastern parts of the island are elevated and strongly dissected by numerous mountain ridges and gorges, while wide plains extend to the northwest. Exploring Upolu is quite easy, since its entire coastline goes around good road, and several others run radially through the center of the island, connecting Apia with the southern coast (the entire island can be driven around by car in just 4-5 hours). Here you can visit the Stevenson Museum, numerous centers of traditional Polynesian art and the Samoan Village Museum, relax on the famous "Paradise Beach", scuba dive, take part in ocean fishing or get to know the nature of the island's interior.

North of the island

The road along the northern coast runs along numerous bays and mountain ranges. The area's many valleys and waterfalls form a breathtaking landscape, and there are even some nice coastlines and beaches. The spectacular and remote Fagaloa Bay region, with its tiny Albatross Island, isolated valleys and traditional villages, is the perfect place to immerse yourself in the local culture. After the picturesque Falefa Falls (65 km from the capital), the road again reaches the coast at Utuloa Point, considered one of the most beautiful places on the Samoan Islands, passes through the colorful villages of Taelefaga and Uafato and ends in the equally pretty village of Salelele. Uafato Forest Reserve is considered one of the last areas of natural rainforest in Independent Samoa and one of the best places for bird watching. The region is also famous for its woodcarvers, so the village of Loi in Sinas Beach Fales is worth a visit. The main highway bypasses this remote area and heads inland through the chaos of mountains around La Mafa Pass, offering superb mountain and coastal views.

Lake Lanotoo(or Goldfish Lake), located near the capital, is currently quite little known, although this was not always the case. During the German occupation of the Samoan Islands, the lake was a popular place for picnics and entertainment. Entire processions of young women, covered in the fashion of the time with beach umbrellas, were escorted to the lake by German officers or sophisticated European gentlemen - Lanotoo was something of a promenade, a favorite place for relaxation and flirtation for many wealthy Europeans. Today, the lake's waters are a strange green color and full of wild goldfish, which still gather around the lake's shores, still waiting for handouts from people. The lake has a strange charm, partly due to its amazing green color and hordes of goldfish, partly due to the fact that no one has ever been able to reach the bottom of the lake, despite numerous attempts. The Baha'i Temple rises nearby, serving as a landmark when moving towards the lake - old road almost overgrown, and these days you can only get here on foot. And 2 km to the south you can see the hundred-meter waterfall Papapapai-Uta, or Tiavi Falls.

Southeast coast

The southeastern shore of Upolu is one of the most popular tourist places islands. Here you can find numerous beaches with excellent swimming and snorkeling conditions, framed by the jagged mountains of the surrounding mountains. Four uninhabited islands rise off the coast Aleipata with protected seabird nesting areas and rich marine life. The village deserves a stop Lalomanu opposite the island of Nuutele, famous for its breathtakingly beautiful white sand beach and shallow turquoise lagoon where you can dive and snorkel (the area is considered the best snorkeling spot on the island, so is often crowded with holidaymakers on weekends). There's a whole line here small resorts and restaurants, and each of the beaches (there are four in the area around Lalomanu) differs from its neighbor only in size. Nearby is the Fuipisia waterfall, 55 meters high.

The coast between Lalomanu and Saleapaga is considered one of the most beautiful parts of the island, replete with magnificent panoramas of mountain ranges and isolated wild beaches. Particularly good are the beach areas near Boomerang Creek, the sandy Faofao beach in the village of Saleapaga, and the isolated and somewhat unusually designed beach in Vava'u (traditional Polynesian houses with leaf-covered roofs here have replaced structures made of corrugated iron and wood that are quite urban by local standards, but neither the beach itself and the service were not affected by this). From the walls of the Lalomanu hospital, a short path begins to a long-extinct volcanic crater, within which a large colony of flying foxes lives.

The main highway immediately after the beach area turns inland and after a few kilometers comes out to the picturesque Sopoaga waterfalls, falling from a height of 60 meters into a small green valley. Another interesting one natural monument these places with the funny name Papassea Sliding Rock ("Papassea moving the rock") - a cascade of five-meter waterfalls sliding directly into a common reservoir, lost along the banks in the intricacy of the jungle.

South Coast

The southern coast of Upolu Island is a string of sparkling beaches surrounded by palm trees where you can lie down and enjoy the tranquility of life in this idyllic place. This is one of the most breathtaking areas of Independent Samoa with beautiful reefs, turquoise blue water and stunning beaches all around. In the very heart of the southern coast you can find many remote and quite “wild” shores, among which the popular resort area of ​​Maninoa Beach stands out in contrast with an elegant shallow sandy lagoon, on the territory of which there are two luxury resorts and several quite affordable private beaches. A string of traditional Samoan villages stretches along the road - a good place to get acquainted with local customs and way of life.

Returning to the coast from Sopoaga Falls, the main road passes numerous traditional villages. One of the most popular tourist areas here is the village of Lliili, around which you can visit the O-Le-Poupu-Puet National Park with many hiking trails, passing through a small rainforest, the cozy and isolated Matiwa Treehouse opposite the tiny coral island of Nuusafee, which can be reached by boat (the strait between the island and Utola is considered an excellent place for surfing), Togitogiga Falls (the reservoirs located here are one of the few places on the island , where you can swim in fresh water, there is even a shower, which is already unusual by local standards) and the nearby Peapea Cave and two nature reserves, as well as the black volcanic sand beach at Aganoa, which can only be reached on foot or by jeep. Nearby, in the village of Siumu, you can see an unusual beach with red sand.

The most picturesque area of ​​long isolated coastlines stretches along the southwestern coast from Saanapu to Lefaga. 6 km from Saanapu is the famous Paradise Beach ("Paradise Beach") is one of the most beautiful coastlines in the South Pacific, and around the village itself there is a long strip of protected mangrove forests of the Saanapu Wetlands Retreat, which can only be explored by boat hired from any of the local villages. Also noteworthy are the picturesque Virgin Cove Bay with its isolated beach (however, there are several traditional restaurants and cafes), the resort areas around the village of Salamumu, the popular surf resort of Samoana (it is believed that the best instructors in this sport work here), and Matareva Beach is also quiet.

West Coast

The west coast of Upolu may offer a huge number of quiet fishing villages, luxurious trekking and windsurfing conditions, but there are almost no sailing beaches or tourist infrastructure.

The northwestern coast of Upolu between Falealo Airport and Apia is the most densely populated area of ​​the country, with an almost endless string of villages and plantations. Here you can find many picturesque churches or natural pools right next to the rocky coastline, explore several ancient volcanic calderas "tafua", sail along the coast on a traditional Samoan catamaran canoe, watch everyday village life or get a tattoo so characteristic of this place, but no There are no accommodation facilities or beach areas here.

Savai'i Island

Savaii is one of the largest and one of the least populated islands in Polynesia. This virtually untouched and ancient island, little exposed to the influence of modern civilization, has long been considered a real reserve of Polynesian culture - the inhabitants of Savaii have retained their way of life even more traditional than on Upolu. Here you can find a huge number of first-class beaches that are good for swimming, snorkeling or other types of sea recreation, but most of them do not have any maintenance facilities and are in almost pristine condition.

The main attractions of the island are: the ancient mound of Tia Seu - the largest ancient structure in all of Polynesia (its height exceeds 12 meters), the Mu Pagoa waterfall between the villages of Puleia and Gautavai, the lava caves of Peapea (Letui) and Paia Dwarfs near the village of Paia ( the total length of each cave exceeds a kilometer), several good beaches and an ancient star-shaped ritual mound near Cape Mulinuu, the picturesque cone of Mount Silisili and the protected Aopo Cave at its foot, the famous volcanic cavern of Alofaaga near the village of Taga, the ancient village of Fagaloa (the local population believes that they are direct descendants of the first settlers of the island), located to the west of the reserve of the same name, the Falealupo lava tubes, which can be compared in size with similar ones natural phenomena Hawaiian Islands, and also great beach Satihuatua with its colorful village church.

Tafua Rainforest Reserve, located near the coastal village of the same name, is considered one of the most beautiful and accessible rainforest reserves on the island. Situated on a stretch of coastline with the Matawanu lava fields, formed in the early 1900s when the Tafua volcano erupted lava almost continuously for nearly six years, it is replete with caves and grottoes. The impressive lunar landscape of the reserve is one of the " business cards" islands, and a walk around the crater of the volcano is one of the most attractive excursions in Samoa, since here you can not only see this riot of elements with your own eyes, but also take a couple of lava "souvenirs" with you as a souvenir.

Another tropical forest reserve on Savai'i, Falealupo has a unique natural object- a green canopy over the gallery passage between the majestic banyan trees, woven from thousands of tree branches. For a few extra tala here you can feel like Robinson and stop for the night right in one of the huge hollow trees that these places are rich in. An unusual local way of fighting for the protection of wildlife is the “Aula” program organized by the local Women’s Committee, during which the wounded or weakened gather on the beaches of the island sea ​​turtles, are carefully nursed and then released back into the sea.


Small volcanic island Manono, lying in the Apolima Strait between Upolu and Savaii, is almost unknown outside the country. On an island only 3 km across there are five small villages (about a thousand inhabitants, most of whom live here irregularly), there are absolutely no dogs, roads or vehicles, which completely guarantees absolute silence, broken only by the rustle of the wind in the crowns of palm trees and the measured roar of the waves . This is such a quiet and peaceful place that many residents of the rather noisy capital of the islands come here on weekends to relax. People here still live only in traditional "fale"(a canopy roof covered with leaves on pillars, walls missing or replaced with wicker mats) and enjoy a “semi-wild” lifestyle and an abundance of pure nature. The main historical monuments of the island are the so-called “Star Mound” on the top of Mount Tulimanuiva (110 m) and the ancient “Tomb of 99 Stones”, created, according to archaeological data, approximately in the 9th-11th centuries. n. e., during the era of mass settlement of Polynesians throughout the region.

There are many small cozy beaches on the island, many of which are framed along the shores by palm groves and equipped with small “fales” with carved balconies and steps. Most of them, like the famous Vaotuua Lagoon, are located on the western side of Manono. On the far side of the island, in the village of Apai, lies one of the most scenic spots on the islands - from the top of the nearest hill a unique panorama of the islands lined up opens up - Manono itself, tiny Nuulop, the slightly larger Apolim and the high peaks of Savaii, as if framed by the blue waters of the strait and the azure skies.

The government of Western Samoa is also making significant efforts to preserve the fragile Manono ecosystem and support environmentally friendly actions of the population.


Apolima Island is even more remote and inaccessible than Manono. It is located in the Apolima Strait, west of Manono, outside barrier reef, surrounding Manono and Upolu. Apolima is almost entirely composed of volcanic rocks from fossilized ancient lava flows - in fact, the entire island is a destroyed volcanic crater with steep cliffs of the outer ring and a small, relatively flat “patch” of the caldera. From the sea to the only village on the island, where only 150 people live (of which only 50-60 islanders live here permanently), there is only one narrow and rather difficult path, almost a pass.

This is one of the most untouched (how many times is this word used in relation to Samoa?!) places in Polynesia. The island lies outside the main tourist roads, so in order to get here, it is better to get an invitation from one of the villagers and then organize a special charter of a yacht or boat from Upolu. But in the end, all the work will be more than rewarded - those who had a chance to visit Apolim claim that none of them have ever experienced a greater feeling of isolation from the world in their lives. And in combination with beautiful nature, coastal waters full of life and a healthy climate, this is worth a lot for a modern person who is tired of the “bounty of civilization.”

Other islands

An islet lying within the Upolu Reef Namua can offer a good sandy beach and good conditions for snorkeling. Fanuatapu- one of the uninhabited islands lying off the eastern tip of Upolu. This is a popular place for day trips with a casual picnic on the shore or a swim among the rocky reefs. Desert Island Nuulopa located on the west side of Manono and is sometimes used for picnics, snorkeling and easy outdoor recreation. Spectacular island Nuutele with its dramatically steep cliffs rises out of the water near Lalomanu, near the southeastern cape of Upolu. The island is uninhabited, but is famous for its wild beach, where sea turtles regularly lay their eggs. There is a tiny island nearby Nuulua, where seabirds nest. A relatively large and uninhabited island Nuusafee, lying off the southern coast of Upolu, is a popular destination for day trips and weddings.

Today Samoa is a small island state located in Pacific Ocean, in the west of the archipelago of the same name. It consists of two fairly large islands ( Upolu And Savaii), which accounts for about 96% of the total area of ​​the country, and eight small islands that are concentrated in the western part of the archipelago ( Manono, Nuutele, Apolima, Nuulua, Fanuatapu, Namua, Nuulopa And Nuusafee). From 1900 to 1914 the islands were called German Samoa, from 1914 to 1997 - Western Samoa, and from 1997 they received the name Independent State of Samoa.

According to the Constitution of 1960, the country has a republican form of government, but here it is combined with local traditions and customs. For example, local power belongs to the matai chiefs, and almost all land is distributed among villages and families. Unlike American Samoa, this country has so far been little affected by civilization and is an almost pristine corner of the Earth. Tourists are attracted to this place by its high mountains and first-class beaches, which are ideal for active recreation, as well as colorful festivals and colorful Polynesian villages, allowing you to get acquainted with ancient traditions. No wonder even R. L. Stevenson, author famous novel"Treasure Island" spent the rest of his years in Samoa.



Population density

76 people/km²

Samoan, English



Form of government

parliamentary republic

Time zone

International dialing code

Domain zone


Climate and weather

Samoa is dominated by a tropical trade wind climate, so the weather here is quite hot, humid and windy. Winter on the islands occurs from May to October, during which southeast trade winds dominate. In the summer season (from November to April) they change their direction to the north-west. There are also powerful tropical typhoons that bring storms throughout the year. Their greatest number occurs in the summer. Precipitation mainly falls from December to April.

The average annual air temperature is stable and stays within +25...+27 °C, the water temperature is always warm (not lower +24 °C). The best time The dry season for visiting Samoa is May - October.


Western Samoa is an island nation in the South Pacific Ocean. It consists of two large islands ( Upolu And Savaii) and eight small ones, of which only two are inhabited ( Manono And Apolim A). The islands of Savai'i and Upolu, which are separated by Apolima Strait, are the tips of underwater volcanoes, so they have a mountainous landscape. Volcanic cones rise in the center of both islands Silisili And Phyto. The northern slopes of the islands are flatter than the southern ones, and their western parts are covered with plains. Coastline quite narrow and all cut up by lagoons. A significant part of the islands is occupied by forests and wet tropical thickets. The flora on the islands is diverse: there are approximately 600 plant species. Animal world represented by bats, several species of lizards, many birds and insects. Dolphins live in coastal waters.

Due to its volcanic origin, the islands abound with small rivers and waterfalls. The exception is western part Upolu and most of Savai'i.


Western Samoa is a beautiful corner of the Earth that has not yet been greatly affected by civilization. For this reason, the country's main treasures are its mountains, forests, beaches and picturesque villages. If we talk about man-made attractions, then the largest number of them are concentrated in the capital of Apia on the island of Upolu. For example, in its western part there is an old ceremonial capital Mulinuu. The most interesting buildings in this area are the old observatory and the House of Parliament. In the central part of Apia, the most interesting is the memorial Clock Tower. Also scattered throughout the city are old colonial buildings, among which the most colorful is the courthouse, within the walls of which is located Historical Museum. In addition, many churches were built in the capital and its suburbs: Catholic Church, complex of temples Apia Samoa Temple, Congregationalist Church, etc. Just 4 km from the center of the capital, on the outskirts of Vailim, is the estate of the writer R.L. Stevenson, and next to her is his tombstone.

There are other interesting places on the island of Upolu. Thus, in its northern part there are picturesque waterfalls Falefa, forest reserve Uafato and lake Lanotoo, next to which rises a temple Bahá'í Temple. On the southeast coast the most interesting cascade of five-meter waterfalls Papassea Sliding Rock. Well, the main attractions of the south coast are national park O-Le-Pupu-Pue and beach Paradise Beach.

The island of Savaii is a virtually untouched place. Its main attractions are the Peapea and Paia Dwarfs lava caves, the ritual mound near Cape Mulinuu, the Alofaaga volcanic cavern, the Tia Seu mound, the ancient village of Fagaloa, the Falealupo lava tubes and Satiuatua beach with a colorful church. Also worth mentioning separately is Manono Island, the main historical monuments of which are "Mound of Stars" and embankment "Tomb of 99 Stones".


The national cuisine of Samoa is distinguished by not too spicy dishes, consisting of individual components, which are served separately and mixed directly during the meal. Here you can also try dishes that are cooked in umu earthen ovens. Some of the most important components of the local menu are coconut, sweet potato, vegetables and root vegetables, grains, fresh fruits and seafood. Among fish dishes, the main place is oka, which is finely chopped and specially marinated fish, which is then heat-treated or eaten raw. Prepared according to similar recipes faiai-eleni(herring in coconut milk), faiai-fee(octopus in coconut milk) and other seafood (clams, shark meat, crustaceans, sea snakes, etc.).

Among the most popular dishes in restaurants it is worth noting palus(pickled colocasia leaves in which the fillings are wrapped), Taisi-moa(fried chicken in banana leaves), soupy(coconut milk and papaya soup) fia-fia(a mixture of meat and vegetables, fried in umu), Lupe-tunuwilivili(roasted pigeon) and puaa-tunuwilili(Umu fried pork). All dishes are served with soy sauce, tapa and breadfruit.

Local restaurants offer fruit as dessert, fausi(a dish made from coconut milk and baked pumpkin), coco-arasa(cocoa with rice) and a variety of flour products.

The most common drinks include nui (the juice of the green coconut fruit), kawa (an unusual drink made from the yangona root) and strong cocoa, as well as local sodas. Alcoholic drinks in the country are mainly imported, and Vailima beer is the most popular among locals.


Today, tourism in Western Samoa is just developing, so the choice of hotels here is not yet very large. At the same time, Samoa is one of the cheapest countries in the South Pacific region. For this reason, the cost of living in high-level hotels here starts from $130-150 per night. In mid-price establishments you can count on $50 per day, and in motels and small private boarding houses - $35-40. In addition, many rural communities offer home rentals with full meals. In case of such accommodation, the cost of living will be only $20 per day.

Most of the hotels are located on the island of Upolu; on the island of Savaii their choice is much lower.

Entertainment and relaxation

Thanks to its rich nature, Samoa is an excellent destination for active holidays and hiking. The best way to explore the islands is by boat or canoe. Bicycle rides are also quite popular among tourists, especially around the territory picturesque island Savaii. The islands also have many beautiful beaches that are suitable for both a simple beach holiday and snorkeling, and in some places even for exploring the underwater world. Best places dive sites located next to the marine reserve Palolo Deep Marine Reserve and in the area Maninoa Beach(Upolu Island).

Surfing in Samoa is quite a difficult task, since many suitable places are replete with unstable currents and reefs. However, there are now resorts on the islands that specialize in « playing with the wave » (Maninoa Beach, Ananoa Beach, Salouafata Harbor And Samoana). Fishing in Samoa is quite accessible, but expensive. The fact is that local residents often view sports fishermen as their direct competitors. For this reason, tribal leaders charge tourists quite large sums for harmless fishing.

An interesting way to spend time could be to participate in one of the local holidays and festivals. Among them, the largest is the weekly Teuila Festival, which takes place in early September. The program of this event includes competitions of dance groups and choirs, traditional dances, kirikiti competitions, fautasi boat races and Flower Parade. Among other events, the most interesting are:

  • International fishing tournament
  • Argungu Fishing and Cultural Festival,
  • South Pacific Games (rowing),
  • Birthday of Tanumafili II Malietoa,
  • International rugby competitions and a celebration in honor of the Palolo turtles.


The largest shopping establishments in Samoa are located in Apia- it's big Flea Market and two supermarkets ( Frankie And Farmer Joe). You can find almost any product on the market - from cheap electronics to jewelry. In supermarkets, the choice of goods is slightly smaller, but their quality is better. In general, almost every city and town in the country has its own market, where you can find very interesting souvenirs and simply make useful purchases. The most common items tourists purchase are bags and baskets made from ramp fibers, exquisite fabrics made from paper mulberry bark, wooden weapons, model canoes, wooden bowls, avocado oil and local honey. Local crafts, such as wicker fans, small figurines, vases, etc., are in particular demand. Women are advised to pay attention to original jewelry made from coconut shells, as well as amazing precious shells. The rugs woven by local craftsmen are also amazing. Their amazing pictures and bizarre ornaments conceal a piece of Samoan culture.

Most retail establishments are open from 08:00 to 16:30, and on Saturdays until 12:30, although many private shops have their own opening hours. On Sundays all shops are closed.


Located in Apia largest port country through which Samoa maintains regular maritime links with New Zealand, Great Britain and Fiji. Less significant ports are located in Asau, Saleologa And Mulifanua. Between the islands Savaii And Upolu, as well as with the island Pago Pago, which belongs American Samoa, there is a regular ferry service. International airport located in Faleolo, 34 km from the capital.

Samoa has more than two thousand kilometers of roads, mostly rural. The main mode of intercity and urban transport is old buses with wooden seats. In addition, they run extremely irregularly. For example, if the driver feels tired or decides to play rugby with friends, then the bus will no longer operate. Stopping points are missing. In order for the driver to stop, you need to vote. Well, in order to get out, it is customary here to knock loudly on the roof. It must be borne in mind that Samoan buses have their own seating order for passengers. According to it, unmarried girls must sit together, and foreigners and elderly people must sit at the front of the bus. If the bus is full, locals sit on each other's laps.

Taxis are available in the capital and major populated areas, car rental is only available to people over 25 years of age.


The islands have a completely modern telephone system, which is developing rapidly. Pay phones are installed in all major settlements. They work using prepaid cards, which are sold in stores, post offices and kiosks. You can also make a call from most hotels, however, its cost will be 15-20% more expensive.

Mobile communications in Samoa have an analogue system (TDMA): only phones that support this standard can be used here. If necessary, such a phone can be rented at the offices of cellular companies. The coverage area mainly covers the capital, as well as nearby areas. On at the moment A system of repeaters is being built, which allows for high-quality communication between all points of the country.

Network services on the islands are developing rapidly, so there are Internet cafes in the capital and other localities of the country. Local mobile operators support WAP and GPRS.


Samoa is considered one of the most tranquil places in the region. The crime rate on these islands is extremely low, so there will be no problems with personal safety here. Still, it is not recommended to neglect simple precautions. Women traveling alone should be prepared for increased attention from local men. As a rule, it is expressed in various verbal comments, but some caution obviously does not hurt.

Tap water in populated areas is chlorinated and therefore safe for consumption. Although during the first week of your stay, we recommend using bottled or boiled water for drinking and brushing your teeth.

Before traveling to Samoa, vaccination against hepatitis B, cholera, typhoid, polio and Japanese encephalitis is recommended. In addition, outbreaks of tropical fever, carried by mosquitoes, sometimes occur on the islands. For this reason, it is worth bringing insect repellents with you.

Business climate

Samoa's financial system is almost completely integrated into the world economy, and the country's stable financial, economic and political structure attracts investors here, and their activities are encouraged by the government. In general, government policy is aimed at turning Samoa into a powerful offshore center in the Pacific region. Today, light industry is very developed here. A promising industry, of course, is the hotel business and the tourism sector in general.

On the islands, most of the land, including the coast, is communal property, the rights to which belong to families or villages. Rural communities view their shores as a protected area and therefore monitor them very jealously. This means that you will need to pay $1-3 for swimming on a stretch of coastline you like. There is no point in bargaining and sparing this money, as it goes towards the needs of medicine or community education. In addition, in some communities it is prohibited to go to sea on Sundays, and surfers and windsurfers are charged a small daily fee ($1-1.5). The money goes to support the local school education program.

Visa information

A Samoan visa is issued directly upon crossing the border. To obtain it, you will need tickets and a passport, which is valid for 6 months after departure from Samoa. Sometimes customs officials ask you to show evidence of sufficient finances for the duration of your stay in a given country.

A visa is issued at the border for 30 days, but if necessary it can be extended for 60 days. To do this you need to contact Apia Immigration Office and present your passport, tickets, proof of sufficient financial resources, reasons for extending your stay, hotel reservation or confirmation of another method of accommodation, and pay a fee (about $45).

Where is Samoa located on the world map. Detailed map of Samoa in Russian online. Satellite map Samoa with cities and resorts. Samoa on the world map is a state located in the Pacific Ocean, in its southwestern part on the archipelago of the same name between New Zealand and the Hawaiian Islands.

The country is characterized by exotic virgin nature, beautiful landscapes and lush vegetation. The capital is the city of Apia. The official languages ​​are English and Samoan.

Map of Samoa in Russian:

Samoa - Wikipedia:

Population of Samoa- 190,372 people (2013)
Capital of Samoa- Apia
Samoa dialing code - 685
Internet domains Samoa- .ws
Languages ​​used in Samoa- Samoan language, English language

Climate in a country depends on the region. Thus, in western Samoa, a tropical humid climate zone prevails, where on average the air temperature remains within +25...+27 C. In other regions, it is at most a little cooler, due to more precipitation and strong winds. There are two seasons - wet (rainy season) and hot dry.

Even though Samoa– is considered an exotic country and more suitable for relaxation; there is something to see here. First of all, tourists will be interested in the island of Upolu, where the center of Polynesian art is located, Paradise Beach, the Stevenson Museum and the Samoan Village Museum, where you can get acquainted with the national culture of the Samoans, as well as the Papasea rock, which is a five-meter descent, leading to the forest lake. There are also many other interesting structures in Samoa. For example, churches that are located near the capital. The largest of the churches is Catholic, located on the coast.

Tourism in Samoa is actively developing. Samoa Islands considered one of the best places for diving and beach holidays. The best beaches and resort are located on the southern coast of Upolu: Aganoa, Matareva, Salamuma and others. Diving enthusiasts also come here, as southern shores There are beautiful coral reefs. The western coast of the state is an excellent place for active recreation. Tourists have the opportunity to go boating or canoeing, cycling and much more.

We departed from Nadi (Fiji) on September 30, and arrived in Apia (Samoa) on September 29 ;) It’s really cool to live twice today and miss tomorrow;) Actually, this is what we were counting on when planning our trip. Crossing the date line, what could be more mysterious?! But the Samoan leadership decided to outsmart everyone by introducing a new time zone, GMT+14, into Samoa. ;)


Our acquaintance with Samoa began on the plane. I have never seen such a gathering of obese people in one place. All 10 people in our group were scattered around the plane like precious seeds, although they asked to be seated as a group together.

Denis and I were lucky, and the Samoan agreed to change places with me, although he began to terribly resent the fact that he had a seat by the window, but had to sit in the middle. What window, is it night outside?! Our luck didn’t end there; they seated an obese girl next to us, who, oh joy!, fit into her seat. But our fellow traveler was unlucky; our chubby’s husband was put in with her. He raised, insolently, the dividing handle and sat down on the 1.5 seats. Believe it or not, no one even thought about solving this problem. The flight attendant just shrugged. But on normal airlines, obese people are required to buy 2 tickets!!!

Back we specifically asked that we, our group, be seated together. And even such a request was not fulfilled!!! We were scattered around the plane again. But this time, we didn’t leave the reception desk until we were given seats next to each other!!! What a rush has begun! Despite the fact that the plane was half full and “filled” with tiny people of an incomprehensible race. Neither Chinese nor Filipinos, but some men were small and thin;) They looked like real migrant workers;)

Samoa Hotels

I couldn't sleep for a minute. We got to the hotel, and it was a wonderful Aggie Gray's Resort, at 5 am. Despite the fact that the check in time in any hotel in the world is 14:00, we were promised that the rooms would be ready by 9.00, so we settled in, who, where we found a place. But first, we were invited to have breakfast. A chic restaurant, tablecloths and cloth napkins for breakfast - this is an indicator. The dishes were tasty and varied, but the fried eggs did not work out, they stuck and spread, and he was worried and this made it even better. worse. Due to the time shift, because of the late dinner on the plane, and because of the early breakfast at the hotel, the gap between meals was 2 hours;)

The restaurant at Aggie Gray's Resort is ready to receive visitors even at 5 am

And after breakfast, our fellow travelers sat on sun loungers by the pool and relaxed, or, in other words, fell asleep. I want to sleep.

We went to the ocean to greet the sunrise and take pictures. Impressive! White sand, blue water, waves crashing on a reef somewhere in the distance and near the shore the water is calm like on a lake, the birds are singing, you lie under a palm tree, look at the coconuts and get high;) And such a sweet buzz that you fell asleep right there;)

A heavenly place. Morning beaches at Aggie Gray's Resort

And when we woke up, Aggie Gray's rooms were ready to welcome and surprise us. A cozy spacious room, a bright bathroom sparkling with surgical cleanliness, a large open loggia and a stunning view of the ocean!

There was no time to sleep, at 10.00 our acquaintance with the island of Upolu began. The island is actually small, 3 hours is enough to go around it. But our guides managed to stretch this trip over three days:) From the hotel in one direction and half the way, from the hotel in the other direction and the other half of the island;) Well, the third day, getting acquainted with the capital of Western Samoa - the city of Apia. Well, it’s hard to call it a city, the entire population of the island is 125 thousand.

Our second hotel, Tanoa Tusitala Hotel, a city hotel, was located in the center of the capital of Western Samoa in the courtyard of a government building. And lying by the pool in the evening, we could unhinderedly see what was going on inside. And on the porch of this building children, grimy and grimy, were playing. Across the road, with its frightening height (2 floors with a roof), we were pleased with its presence by the Ministry of (Rate) Women, something else and social development;)

Life of the inhabitants of Western Samoa

Here you go. So that you understand what Western Samoa is. These are 10 islands. But we were only on one. The island has endless white sandy beaches surrounded by blue open ocean. Coral reefs They save beaches from large waves so much that even the foam does not reach the shore. People live on the coast. Their homes are monstrously poor and open to everything and everyone.

They have no walls, no windows. Only the flooring raised above the ground and the roof resting on wooden columns. Fabric curtains protect your home from the sun, wind and rain. Richer houses have glass shutters instead of windows and walls. The closer you get to the capital, the houses become different, because they are richer (?), some even have walls;) and certainly richer people have more substantial houses.

Everywhere you look you will see a coke palm or a banana grove. In general, it seemed to me that when going through passport control at the entrance to the country, they should be given helmets. Because coconuts tend to fall, and walking under palm trees covered with this seemingly kind and harmless murder weapon was scary at first ;) but you get used to everything and relax.

I still haven’t seen what people are doing here. We saw few people here. On Sunday, everyone dressed in white clothes returned from churches, and on Monday, schoolchildren dressed in colorful uniforms (white top and pink or bright green bottom) went to school.

The grimy children were still running through the banana thickets, and the women were lying stupidly on the floor of their homes. Here the men wear pareo skirts, somewhat reminiscent of the long aprons of our waiters.

And one more interesting thing. Here, women do not use washing machines, everything is done by hand. And if you consider that there are 5-6 children in the family, you begin to understand why they are so grimy. But if the washing is successful, then the laundry is hung in a rainbow, in the sense of taking into account colors, tones and halftones, with all the rules for transitioning from color to color. Apparently this is a kind of masochism: first wash it, and then hang it up. Or maybe it’s this kind of love for your island. Unlike Fiji, the cleanliness here is amazing, even in the most remote village.


Who hasn’t dreamed of going to exotic islands lost in the ocean in order to take a break from all its benefits far from civilization? Incredibly beautiful sandy beaches, the hot sun, giving the body a chocolate hue, picturesque landscapes surprise even the most experienced travelers. Due to their remoteness from the whole world, tropical paradises are extremely attractive for world tourism. The leaders of relaxing holidays - the islands of Hawaii, Galapagos, Samoa - are of volcanic origin. It is all the more interesting to visit fantastically beautiful lands created without any human intervention.

Samoa Islands - where is it?

In the Pacific paradise there are islands that became independent more than fifty years ago. Untouched by civilization, they are a real find for all those who like to travel and sunbathe, while enjoying underwater views and local landscapes. The country includes 10 of them that accept travelers, while the rest are either small or uninhabited.

Excursion into history

The volcanic archipelago, according to researchers, was inhabited in the 5th century AD, and later it became developing center Polynesian culture. A navigator from the Netherlands discovered the Samoan Islands in the Pacific Ocean for Europeans at the beginning of the 18th century. The French traveler Bougainville visits the archipelago several years later during his round the world expedition. Until the end of the 19th century, no one was interested in the fate of the archipelago, until the rivalry between America, Germany and Great Britain began for the right to own it. According to the Treaty of Berlin, the islands were divided: Western Samoa, which gained independence sixty-three years later, went to Germany, and eastern part took over the USA.

American (Eastern) Samoa

The small part of the archipelago that went to America consists of seven small islands. Residents living here do not participate in presidential elections and are not US citizens, but are under their protection. The land surface here forms high mountain peaks and most of the villages are located in the coastal areas.

Sights of American Samoa

Tourists dreaming of a secluded holiday visit the deserted island of Aunnu. The picturesque landscape will help you take a break from the hustle and bustle of city life, and silence will be a real gift for dreamy lovers. It is very dangerous to approach the quicksand for which the island is famous, so it is better to admire their continuous play from afar.

American Samoa is also famous for the fantastically beautiful Maamaa Bay with huge stones of the most bizarre shapes, on which rolling waves break into tiny particles of water. A small section of the deserted coast attracts with its unearthly beauty. You can’t leave without taking a photo against the backdrop of the rising, as if boiling, water in the bay.

The capital of Pago Pago is considered authentic. Poor wooden huts are combined with beautiful buildings in an exotic style. The small town is extremely popular with tourists who are eager to stroll through the small streets with expensive restaurants and fashionable hotels. The parking lot of expensive liners and the Haydon Museum, which visually represents the art of the islanders, leave a lasting memory unforgettable experience. True, tourists note the specific smell of the capital due to the close location of fish factories, which you need to get used to.

Western part of the Samoan archipelago

The independent islands of Samoa are located in the very center of Polynesia and consist of two relatively large ones (Upolu and Savaii), but occupying ninety-six percent of the total area of ​​the country, on which almost the entire population lives, and another eight small and uninhabited ones. Mountainous terrain The island is associated with high tectonic activity. The capital of the state is the small town of Apia, built up with European-style houses, but at the same time preserving

The island of Upolu (Samoa) is extremely attractive for vacationers. The most popular beaches are located there, and one stands out with its exotic black sand. Lake Lanotoo, not very well known to tourists, with cool water of a dark emerald color, is simply teeming with small golden-colored fish that are not afraid to swim up to the hands of people. And ancient legends say that no one knows its exact depth, although many tried to reach the bottom, but did not succeed.

The island in the Samoan archipelago is home to the main attraction - a pool formed by nature itself inside the crater long ago extinct volcano. Local residents have long ago equipped a deep pond for swimming, constructing a staircase and a makeshift pier, and hundreds of travelers admire the crystal clear water.

The original islands of Samoa. How do they live there?

All tourists note the very friendly attitude of the indigenous people, whose culture is traditionally supported by the principles of respect for each other. The bulk of the island's population are Christians, but there are friendly co-existing representatives of other religions. The aborigines live in single communities, which are the main unit of society of the archipelago and consist of several generations of relatives. The highest status is held by the chief, who heads Samoan society and is responsible for all areas of family affairs.

Residents honor an ancient culture that combines religious beliefs with local traditions, observing all international and local holidays. Being a Christian Samoa holds various festivals to observe religious rituals. In addition, the islands are famous for their colorful dance and song festivals, in which the entire local population takes part, and visitors are amazed at the rich life of the aborigines.

Picturesque landscapes

Vacationers appreciate unusual nature, the mountainous terrain of which represents the tops of volcanoes, whose active activity ended more than a hundred years ago. Once upon a time, erupting lava flowed along the mountain ranges of rocks, but now the erupting lava has frozen. The awe-inspiring islands of Samoa are covered with tropical thickets of ferns, bamboo, mangroves growing in clear water. The western part is especially rich in valuable timber, which is used by the local population to build houses. But they are deprived of fertility, with the exception of cultivated coastal areas.

Stevenson's last refuge

The Samoan Islands became the final refuge of the author of an adventure book about pirates. Stevenson, who bought land on the island, fiercely defended the rights of the local population during the division of the country between large states, after which he gained fame as a hero. They buried him on the top of the mountain, hewing the rock like a sarcophagus and strictly prohibiting the use of firearms, so that no noise would disturb the spirit of the writer, and only the birds would sing their songs at his grave. For all tourists who dare to climb to heights, two interesting routes. Without knowing it, Stevenson turned a visit to his resting place into a little adventure. It must be said that the natives remember him to this day: hotels, streets and cafes are named after the author of “Treasure Island”, and tourists are invited to visit the writer’s museum located on Upolu.

An unforgettable holiday on the islands

To visit the island, it is best to plan your vacation from the beginning of May to the end of October. Clear weather without rain or strong hurricanes will leave many pleasant impressions. The tropical climate attracts numerous tourists who do not like the sweltering heat, because all year round average temperature on the island is twenty-six degrees.

What do travelers to Samoa need to know? The ocean and snow-white sand, which is so pleasant to lie on, are the key moments of relaxation for all visitors. Entrance to the beach costs money, this small but mandatory fee goes towards community expenses. Additional payment is also taken from fishermen, whose catch is perceived as some kind of threat to the country, which lives on the gifts of the ocean. All divers on the planet dream of visiting American Samoa, which provides diving services in areas of sunken ships and coral reefs, but it is worth mentioning that without tourist visa It is impossible for the USA to get there.

Safety rules

Before setting foot on islands remote from civilization, you should take care of your health. To do this, vaccinations against hepatitis, cholera, polio, yellow fever are given in advance, and on the island it is necessary to use special means against mosquitoes - carriers of various diseases. The water in the country is chlorinated, but for visitors it is best to use boiled water. All tourists must follow the rules and remember that it is prohibited to drink alcohol on the street and the beach, and on Sunday alcohol is sold only in local hotels and only to guests of the country.

The tropical islands of Samoa seem to be created by nature for unforgettable holiday. It’s probably still worth going a long way to fully enjoy unique nature and unique views that amaze the imagination.