Ural mountains views. Ural mountains photo


One of the amazing Russian regions, which is absolutely
unlike anything else is the Ural

Most often these mountains are not high. Low and mid-mountain areas predominate.
These are smooth wooded ridges, waves stretching into the blue distances

Its mountain ranges stretch for thousands of kilometers, abutting the ice of the Arctic
and going down to the steppe expanses of Kazakhstan

No region of Russia can compare with the Urals in terms of the number of lakes!
There are more than 3 thousand reservoirs on its territory. That's why they call it
Southern Urals"Land of Lakes"

One of the most picturesque and high-mountain lakes of the Urals is Zyuratkul, its
altitude above sea level more than 700 meters. Like in a cradle, she laid me down
lake nature surrounded by five high ridges

The largest lake in the Southern Urals is Uvildy. The total volume of water in
It contains more than one billion cubic meters. Length coastline
more than a hundred kilometers.

One of the features of the reservoir is its numerous islands.
Birch, Alder, Beech, Elm, Spruce

The reservoir is located in a deep intermountain basin at an altitude of more than
300 meters above sea level. The area of ​​the lake is more than
25 square kilometers. About half a billion are stored here
cubic meters of pure drinking water planets

Kisigach - translated from Bashkir means “to cut the forest.”
And indeed, the mirror surface of the lake cuts through the protected forests
Ilmensky Nature Reserve. They say the water in the lake is so pure
and healing that even animals come here to heal their wounds

And Elovoe, located just a few kilometers from it, is the most
warm lake Ural

Several rivers flow into Lake Itkul

Lake Talkov Kamen is one of the most beautiful lakes in the Middle Urals,
Surprisingly, it was born not by nature, but by man

Baraus is a mountain lake. Most of the lake is located on the territory
Ilmensky Nature Reserve. The lake is small, but there are local
landscapes have a special charm, unique comfort

This is one of the main attractions of the Urals. Unique
The beauty of the reservoir is given by the picturesque mountains surrounding it
and rocks covered with forest

Natural complex Sugomak includes Lake Sugomak, Sugomak Cave,
Mount Sugomak

Sugomak Cave

It is the third longest river in Europe, second in
This indicator is only equal to the Volga and Danube. Shaitan-Kamen in the Urals

The beauty of the Chusovaya River is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent. Chusovaya -
a fabulous river famous for its “stones” - giant rocks
fancy shapes

The Usva River is the right tributary of the Chusovaya River

Its forested slopes sometimes have very beautiful rocky
outcrops. Stone Overhanging

The Belaya River is very picturesque and is distinguished by its extraordinary purity
flows rapidly in a beautiful valley, squeezed high mountains.
The river attracts tourists not only for its beauty,
but also the opportunity to raft on it

Persha River

The Vels River is a large left tributary of the Vishera. The Wels current is fast,
but the river is shallow, there are a lot of riffles

The Ural Mountains appeared about 600 million years ago.
Length Ural mountains- more than 2000 km, width from 40 to 150 km

Mount Narodnaya is the highest point of the Ural Mountains. The mountain is almost
two thousand meters above sea level is located in inaccessible
region in the Subpolar Urals

Mount Yamantau. The Yamantau facility has a top secret status.
According to some reports, a real underground mine was built in Mount Yamantau.
city ​​with all communications, including electricity.
The city is designed to accommodate 300 thousand people simultaneously.

On Mount Yurma there are gigantic shihan rocks. Passage between them
called the Devil's Gate

Mount Saber and the Sablinsky ridge are one of the most picturesque places Ural.
Alpine peaks like bluish ghosts rising above
swamp of the Aranets swamps

All photos are taken from the Internet

The Ural Mountains are one of the most beautiful mountains in the world, as well as the largest and most famous mountain system in Russia. According to various geologists, the Ural Mountains were formed about 400 million years ago. We look at the mountains of the Urals. ( 17 photos)

Mountains of the Urals represent a mountain system between the East European and West Siberian plains; roughly speaking, they are the border between Europe and Asia. The Ural Mountains were formed by the collision of two lithospheric plates, African and Eurasian, as a result of which one end fell on the other plate, crushing it under itself.

Length of the Ural Mountains is more than 2000 km, and the width ranges from 40 to 150 km. As you can see, the length of the mountains is quite large. It is not for nothing that in the first mention of the 11th century, the Ural Mountains were called the Earth Belt. The Russians also called them the Big Stone, the Siberian Stone and the Poyasov Stone.

As for the name of the mountains, the term “Ural Mountains” was first mentioned in the report of V.N. Tatishchev already in the 17th century. Then he and his colleague P.I. Rychkov committed scientific expedition into these expanses, and to be honest, I was amazed by the richness of the rocks found in the structure of the mountains. But respected Vasily Nikolaevich did not come up with the name of these stunning mountains himself, but only borrowed their designation from the Bashkir people living here, and honestly stated this.

Translated from the Bashkir language, “ur *ör" height, elevation, as a result the word was transformed into the current Ural, although to this day there are heated debates surrounding the formation of the name of the mountains. It is also worth noting that due to the wide popularity of the Ural Mountains, the geographical region of Russia received the same name; today we all know the region - the Ural.

Many mountain systems are the birthplace of crystal clear mountain streams, which subsequently flow into quite impressive rivers. The Ural Mountains are no exception; hundreds of mountain streams gurgle and shimmer throughout the Ural mountain range, but there are also large rivers, such as the Kama, the Ural River of the same name (length 2428 km), the Belaya River, Pechora, Chusovaya.

The height of the Ural Mountains is set at 1895 meters above sea level; Mount Narodnaya has this height; it is the peak. In the Ural mountain system there are a number of equally famous mountain ranges: Payer (height 1499 meters); Manaraga (height 1662 meters); Telposis (height 1617 meters); Oslyanka (1119 meters); Yamantau (1640 meters).

To all the other advantages of the Ural Mountains I would like to add that, mountain range The Urals are a real treasure trove of minerals. Believe it or not, 48 types of minerals out of 55 mined in Russia are presented here. IN the greatest number The Ural Mountains include the following ores: copper pyrite (copper), skarn-magnetite (magnetic iron ore), titanium-magnetite (titanium), nickel (nickel), chromite (chrome). Precious metals: placers of platinum, gold, silver.

The Ural mountains are also rich in coal deposits. Currently, oil and gas production is taking place on a large scale. But the main asset of the Ural Mountains are precious stones; there are precious ores from which they are obtained: emeralds, diamonds, amethyst, aquamarine, jasper, rhodonite, malachite and others. Thus, most of the precious stones during the Soviet years were mined here, and some specimens were also made from local gems.

There is no doubt that the Urals are rich and great, but it is also a stunningly beautiful place, unique virgin nature combined with steep cliffs, sharpened by the action of the winds, have always attracted and inspired many artists and poets. The mountains of the Urals evoke an atmosphere that cannot be expressed in words; such grandeur in harmony with the picturesque landscapes makes them simply unearthly.

Many writers like to identify the Ural Mountains with a piggy bank or even a repository of all earthly wealth and values, which may be hidden somewhere in the depths, under a complex system underground passages, guarded by vigilant guards, and to reach which, to the common man alas it was not meant to be.

This is how we saw some of the most beautiful mountains in the world - the Ural Mountains. Still, it is better to see once than to hear a hundred times. Feel free to comment your opinion and enjoy your travel experience.

You should also look at this - , .

In this collection called Ural Mountains photos you can see picturesque corner With incredible story creation.

Geologists claim that the Ural Mountains were formed 400 million years ago.

The Ural Mountains are a mountain system of the East European and West Siberian plains. This is a kind of border between two continents - Europe and Asia.

The formation took place as follows: the Eurasian and African lithospheric plates collided, as a result of which one plate fell on top of the other.

The Ural Mountains stretch for 2,000 km, while their width reaches a minimum of 40 km, and a maximum of 150 km.

In one of the ancient references of the 11th century, the Ural mountains were called the Earth Belt. Today the names Big Stone and Siberian Stone are also known.

But the name “Ural Mountains” first appears only in the 17th century in Tatishchev’s report. The researcher and his colleague Rychkov organized an expedition to study the mountains. Although the name of the mountains cannot be attributed specifically to Tatishchev. In fact, he borrowed it from the local Bashkir people, who called the mountains exactly that.

In the Bashkir language, height or elevation means “үр *ör”. After a series of transformations, the word “Ural” appears. But this should not be the end, since research debates are still ongoing.

The height of the mountains is 1895 m, which is exactly the height that the highest peak, Narodnaya, reaches.

More than 48 types of minerals have been discovered in the mountain area - copper, nickel, iron ore, chromium, etc. But the main value is precious stones - amethyst, emeralds, jasper, malachite.

We hope you liked our selection of Ural Mountains: photos. Share your impressions in the comments.

Ural Mountains- the mountain range that crosses Russia from north to south is the border between two parts of the world and the two largest parts (macroregions) of our country - European and Asian.

Geographical location of the Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains stretch from north to south, mainly along the 60th meridian. In the north they bend towards the northeast, towards the Yamal Peninsula, in the south they turn towards the southwest. One of their features is that the mountainous area expands as you move from north to south (this is clearly visible on the map on the right). In the very south, in the region of the Orenburg region, the Ural Mountains connect with nearby elevations, such as General Syrt.

No matter how strange it may seem, the exact geological border of the Ural Mountains (and therefore the exact geographical border between Europe and Asia) still cannot be accurately determined.

The Ural Mountains are conventionally divided into five regions: Polar Urals, Subpolar Urals, Northern Urals, Middle Urals and Southern Urals.

To one degree or another, part of the Ural Mountains is captured by the following regions (from north to south): Arkhangelsk region, Komi Republic, Yamalo-Nenets autonomous region, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug, Perm Territory, Sverdlovsk region, Chelyabinsk region, Republic of Bashkortostan, Orenburg region, as well as part of Kazakhstan.

Professor D.N. Anuchin wrote in the 19th century about the diversity of landscapes in the Urals:

“From the Konstantinovsky Stone in the north to the Mugodzharsky Mountains in the south, the Urals exhibit different characters in different latitudes. Wild, with rocky peaks in the north, it becomes forested, with more rounded outlines in the middle part, again acquiring rockiness in the Kyshtym Urals, and especially near Zlatoust and further, where the high Iremel rises. And these lovely lakes of the Trans-Urals, bordered on the west by a beautiful line of mountains. These rocky shores of Chusovaya with its dangerous “fighters”, these Tagil rocks with their mysterious “pisanians”, these beauties of the southern, Bashkir Urals, how much material they provide for a photographer, painter, geologist, geographer!

Origin of the Ural Mountains

The Ural Mountains have a long and complex history. It begins back in the Proterozoic era - such an ancient and little-studied stage in the history of our planet that scientists do not even divide it into periods and eras. About 3.5 billion years ago, at the site of the future mountains, a rupture of the earth's crust occurred, which soon reached a depth of more than ten kilometers. Over the course of almost two billion years, this rift widened, so that about 430 million years ago an ocean up to a thousand kilometers wide was formed. However, soon after this, the convergence of lithospheric plates began; The ocean disappeared relatively quickly, and mountains formed in its place. This happened about 300 million years ago - this corresponds to the era of the so-called Hercynian folding.

New large uplifts in the Urals resumed only 30 million years ago, during which the Polar, Subpolar, Northern and Southern parts of the mountains were raised by almost a kilometer, and the Middle Urals by about 300-400 meters.

Currently, the Ural Mountains have stabilized - no major movements of the earth's crust are observed here. However, to this day they remind people of their active history: from time to time earthquakes occur here, and very large ones (the strongest had an amplitude of 7 points and was recorded not so long ago - in 1914).

Features of the structure and relief of the Urals

From a geological point of view, the Ural Mountains are very complex. They are formed by rocks of various types and ages. In many ways, the features of the internal structure of the Urals are related to its history, for example, traces of deep faults and even sections of oceanic crust are still preserved.

The Ural mountains are medium and low in height, highest point- Mount Narodnaya in the Subpolar Urals, reaching 1895 meters. In profile, the Ural Mountains resemble a depression: the highest ridges are located in the north and south, and the middle part does not exceed 400-500 meters, so that when crossing the Middle Urals, you may not even notice the mountains.

View of the Main Ural Range in the territory Perm region. Photo by Yulia Vandysheva

We can say that the Ural Mountains were “unlucky” in terms of height: they were formed during the same period as Altai, but subsequently experienced much less strong uplifts. The result is that the highest point in Altai, Mount Belukha, reaches four and a half kilometers, and the Ural Mountains are more than two times lower. However, this “elevated” position of Altai turned into a danger of earthquakes - the Urals in this regard are much safer for life.

Despite the relatively low altitudes, the Ural ridge serves as a barrier to air masses moving mainly from the west. There is more precipitation on the western slope than on the eastern slope. In the mountains themselves, the nature of the vegetation clearly shows altitudinal zonation.

Typical vegetation of the mountain tundra belt in the Ural Mountains. The picture was taken on the slope of Mount Humboldt (Main Ural Range, Northern Urals) at an altitude of 1310 meters. Photo by Natalya Shmaenkova

The long, continuous struggle of volcanic forces against the forces of wind and water (in geography, the former are called endogenous, and the latter exogenous) created a huge number of unique natural attractions in the Urals: rocks, caves and many others.

The Urals are also famous for their huge reserves of minerals of all types. These are, first of all, iron, copper, nickel, manganese and many other types of ores, building materials. The Kachkanar iron deposit is one of the largest in the country. Although the metal content in the ore is low, it contains rare but very valuable metals - manganese and vanadium.

In the north, in the Pechora coal basin, hard coal is mined. There are also precious metals in our region - gold, silver, platinum. Undoubtedly, Ural precious and semi-precious stones are widely known: emeralds mined near Yekaterinburg, diamonds, gems from the Murzinsky strip, and, of course, Ural malachite.

Unfortunately, many valuable old deposits have already been developed. The “Magnetic Mountains,” containing large reserves of iron ore, have been turned into quarries, and malachite reserves have been preserved only in museums and in the form of separate inclusions at the site of old mines - it is hardly possible to find even a three-hundred-kilogram monolith now. Nevertheless, these minerals largely ensured the economic power and glory of the Urals for centuries.

Film about the Ural Mountains:

Posted Sun, 01/08/2017 - 10:13 by Cap

The part of the Ural Mountains from the Kosvinsky Kamen massif in the south to the bank of the Shchugor River in the north is called the Northern Ural. In this place, the width of the Ural ridge is 50-60 kilometers. As a result of the uplift of ancient mountains and the impact of subsequent glaciations and modern frost weathering, the territory has a mid-mountain relief with flat tops.
The Northern Urals are very popular among tourists. Of particular interest are the rocks and remains of the Man-Pupu-Nier, Torre-Porre-Iz, and Muning-Tump massifs. To the side of the watershed ridge are the main peaks of this part of the Urals: Konzhakovsky Kamen (1569 meters), Denezhkin Kamen (1492 meters), Chistop (1292), Otorten (1182), Kozhim-Iz (1195),

Northernmost peak mountain system Ural - Mount Telposis in Komi. The facility is located on the territory of the republic. Mount Telposis in Komi is composed of quartzite sandstones, crystalline shales and conglomerates. On the slopes of Mount Telposis in Komi, a taiga forest grows - mountain tundra. Translated from the language of the local population, oronym means “Nest of the Winds.”
The Subpolar Urals are one of the most beautiful areas our Motherland. Its ridges stretch in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposis in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.
The little-explored harsh nature, the abundance of fish in rivers and lakes, and berries and mushrooms in the taiga attract travelers here. Good communications along the North railway, on steamships and boats along Pechora, Usa, Ob, Northern Sosva and Lyapin, as well as a network of airlines make it possible to develop water, hiking, hiking and ski routes in the Subpolar Urals crossing the Ural ridge or along its western and eastern slopes.
A characteristic feature of the relief of the Subpolar Urals is high altitude ridges with alpine relief forms, the asymmetry of its slopes, deep dissection by through transverse valleys and gorges, significant heights of passes. Most high peaks are located in the center of the Subpolar Urals.
The absolute height of the passes across the main watershed separating Europe from Asia, and through the ridges located to the west of it, is from 600 to 1500 m above sea level. The relative heights of the peaks near the passes are 300-1000 m. The passes on the Sablinsky and Neprestupny ridges, the slopes of which end in steep-walled pits, are especially high and difficult to overcome. The most easily passable passes through the Research Range (from 600 to 750 m above sea level) with relatively gentle insignificant rises, allowing easy portages, are located in the southern part of the ridge between the upper reaches of the Puyva (right tributary of the Shchekurya) and Torgovaya (right tributary of the Shchugor), as well as between the upper reaches of the Shchekurya, Manya (Lyapin basin) and Bolshoi Patok (right tributary of the Shchugor).
In the area of ​​Mount Narodnaya and on the Narodo-Itinsky ridge, the height of the passes is 900-1200 m, but even here, many of them are crossed by paths along which relatively easy portages from the upper reaches of the Khulga (Lyapin), Khaimayu, Grubeya, Khalmeryu, Narody to the upper reaches of the tributaries of the Lemva , on Kozhim and Balbanyo (Usa basin).

The Subpolar Urals are one of the most beautiful regions of our Motherland. Its ridges stretch in a wide arc from the sources of the Khulga River in the north to Mount Telposis in the south. The area of ​​the mountainous part of the region is about 32,000 km2.

Northern border
From the border Perm region to the east along the northern borders of blocks 1-5 of the forestry of the state industrial enterprise "Denezhkin Kamen" (Sverdlovsk region) to the north-eastern corner of block 5.

Eastern border
From the northeast corner of the square. 5 south along the eastern borders of blocks 5, 19, 33 to the south-eastern corner of the block. 33, further east along the northern border of the block. 56 to its southeastern corner, then south along the eastern border of the square. 56 to its southeastern corner, then east along the northern border of the square. 73 to its northeastern corner, further south along the eastern border of blocks 73, 88, 103 to the Bolshaya Kosva River and further along the left bank of the river. B. Kosva until it flows into the Shegultan River, then along the left bank of the river. Shegultan to the eastern border of the quarter. 172 and further south along the eastern borders of blocks 172, 187 to the southeastern corner of the block. 187, further east along the northern border of the square. 204 to its northeast corner.
Further south along the eastern borders of blocks 204, 220, 237, 253, 270, 286, 303, 319 to the southeastern corner of the block. 319, further east along the northern border of blocks 336, 337 to the northeastern corner of block. 337.
Further south along the eastern border of blocks 337, 349, 369, 381, 401, 414, 434, 446, 469, 491, 510 to the southeastern corner of the block. 510.

Southern border
From the southwest corner of the square. 447 east along the southern borders of blocks 447, 470, 471, 492, 493 to the Sosva River, then along the right bank of the river. Sosva to the south-eastern corner of the quarter. 510.

Western border
From the southwest corner of the square. 447 north along the border of the Perm region to the northwestern corner of the square. 1 forestry of the state industrial enterprise "Denezhkin Kamen".

Geographic coordinates
Center: lat - 60о30"29.71", lon - 59о29"35.60"
North: lat - 60о47 "24.30", lon - 59о35 "0.10"
East: lat - 60о26"51.17", lon - 59о42"32.68"
South: lat - 60о19"15.99", lon - 59о32"45.14"
West: lat - 60о22"56.30", lon - 59о12"6.02"

The Ilmenogorsky complex is located in the southern part of the Sysert-Ilmenogorsky anticlinorium of the East Ural uplift, has a folded-block structure and is composed of igneous and metamorphic rocks of various compositions. Of greatest interest here are the numerous unique pegmate veins, in which topaz, aquamarine, phenacite, zircon, sapphire, tourmaline, amazonite, and various rare metal minerals are found. Here, for the first time in the world, 16 minerals were discovered - ilmenite, ilmenorutile, potassium-sadanagaite (potassium ferrisadanagaite), cancrinite, makarochkinite, monazite-(Ce), polyakovite-(Ce), samarskite-(Y), svyazvinite, ushkovite, fergusonite-beta-(Ce ), fluoromagnesioarfvedsonite, fluororichterite, chiolite, chevkinite-(Ce), aeshinite-(Ce).

Ilmensky Reserve

The relief of the western part is low mountain. The average heights of the ridges (Ilmensky and Ishkulsky) are 400-450 m above sea level, the maximum elevation is 747 m. The eastern foothills are formed by low hills. More than 80% of the area is occupied by forests, about 6% by meadows and steppes. The tops of the mountains are covered with larch and pine forests. Pine forests predominate in the south, and pine-birch and birch forests in the north. On the western slopes of the Ilmen Mountains there is an array of old pine forest. There are areas of larch forests, stony, grass-forb and shrub steppes, moss bogs with cranberries and wild rosemary. The flora contains more than 1,200 species of plants, many endemic, relict and rare species. Inhabitants are ermine, forest ferret, weasel weasel, wolf, lynx, flying squirrel, hares - white hare and hare, and a brown bear. Elk and roe deer are few in number. Sika deer and beaver are acclimatized. The most common birds are grouse - capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, gray partridge. The whooper swan and gray crane nest in the reserve, and rare birds have been spotted - white-tailed eagle, imperial eagle, peregrine falcon, osprey, saker falcon, little bustard.

Since 1930, there has been a mineralogical museum founded by A.E. Fersman, which displays more than 200 different minerals discovered in the Ilmen Range, including topazes, corundums, amazonites, etc.

In 1991, a branch was organized - the historical and landscape archaeological monument "Arkaim" with an area of ​​3.8 thousand hectares. Located in the steppe foothills of the eastern Urals, in the Karagan Valley. More than 50 are stored here archaeological sites: Mesolithic and Neolithic sites, burial grounds, Bronze Age settlements, other historical sites. Of particular importance is the fortified settlement of Arkaim in the 17th - 16th centuries. BC e.


Gremyachinsky district of Perm region.

Type of monument: Geomorphological.

Brief description: Remains of weathering in Lower Carboniferous quartzite sandstones.

Status: Landscape monument nature of regional significance.

A city turned to stone.

The city is located on the main peak of the Rudyansky Spoy ridge, absolute altitude which is equal to 526 m above sea level. It is a powerful rock mass composed of fine-grained quartz sandstones of the Lower Carboniferous, which are part of the coal-bearing strata formed in the delta of a large river.

The massif is cut by deep, up to 8-12 m, cracks with a width of 1 to 8 m in both the meridional and latitudinal directions, which creates the illusion of deep and narrow perpendicularly intersecting streets, alleys and alleys of an ancient abandoned city.

Ural - mountainous country, which stretches from north to south from the shores of the icy Kara Sea to the Central Asian steppes and semi-deserts. The Ural Mountains are a natural border between Europe and Asia.
In the north, the Urals ends in the low Pai-Khoi ridge, in the south - in the Mugodzhary mountain range. The total length of the Urals with Pai-Khoi and Mugodzhary is more than 2500 km.

In the east of the Orenburg region rise the Guberlinsky Mountains ( southern part Ural Mountains) is one of the most beautiful places in the Orenburg region. The Guberlinsky Mountains are located 30-40 kilometers west of the city of Orsk on the right bank of the Urals, where the Guberlya River flows into it.

The Guberlinsky Mountains are an eroded edge of the high Orsk steppe, strongly dissected and indented by the valley of the Guberli River, the ravines and gorges of its tributaries. Therefore, the mountains do not rise above the steppe, but lie below it.

They occupy a narrow strip along the valley of the Ural River, to the north turning into the high Orsk steppe, and to the west, on the right bank of Guberli, they are replaced by ridged low-mountain relief. The gentle eastern slope of the Guberlinsky Mountains imperceptibly passes into the plain on which the city of Novotroitsk is located.

The territory occupied by the Guberlinsky Mountains is about 400 square kilometers.

“From the open cracks of the crevices, a thin, trembling steam rises incessantly, against the sun, which is impossible to touch with your hand; birch bark or dry wood chips thrown there caught fire in one minute; in bad weather and on dark nights it seems like a red flame or fiery steam several arshins high,” wrote academician and traveler Peter Simon Pallas more than 200 years ago about an unusual mountain in Bashkiria.

A long time ago, Mount Yangantau was called differently: Karagosh-Tau or Berkutova Mountain. According to the good old tradition, “I call what I see.” For the mountain to be renamed, some exceptional event had to happen. They say that this event even has an exact date: 1758. Lightning struck the mountain, all the trees and bushes on the southern slope caught fire. Since then, the mountain has become known under the name Yangantau (Yangan-tau), translated from Bashkir as “burnt mountain.” The Russians slightly changed the name: Burnt Mountain. However, despite the wide popularity and absolute uniqueness of Yangantau, local residents they still remember the old name, Karagosh-tau, and still use it.

Hiking trips to Iremel can be carried out from May to October from the village of Tyulyuk (Chelyabinsk region). It can be reached from railway station Vyazovaya (70 km).

The road to Tyulyuk is covered with gravel, while to Meseda it is asphalt. There is a bus.

Tyulyuk - view of the Zigalga ridge

The base camp can be set up either in Tyulyuk, where there are special paid places for tents or houses to choose from, or on the road to Iremel near the Karagayka River.


Team Nomads.
Encyclopedia of the Urals
List of mountains and ranges of the Urals.
Mountains and peaks of the Urals.