How many kg should a suitcase be at the airport? Size and weight of hand luggage and rules for transporting it on an airplane

When planning to travel by air, it is important to familiarize yourself with weight standards luggage The rules are constantly changing, so you need to keep track up-to-date information. Some passengers are responsible enough to arrange their suitcase so that later there are no problems during check-in. So, how much can a suitcase weigh?

When traveling by plane, luggage has 3 types: suitcase, hand luggage, personal items. The number of things that can be carried depends on the cost of the ticket. The higher the price, the more items are allowed to be transported for free. There are certain items that are strictly prohibited from taking on a plane.

Important! Only things approved by law (purse, outerwear, documents, etc.) can be carried on board the plane free of charge.

Criteria for baggage assessment by airlines:

It is important to carefully study the tariff plan. This indicator determines the number of seats and weight allowed for transportation. Benefits are provided to passengers who participate in loyalty programs. For a child under two years old, even without purchasing a seat, baggage weighing 5–10 kg is allowed (depending on the airline’s policy).

What should the weight of a suitcase for one person be in 2018?

The final calculation of weight is carried out according to two systems: mass and number of seats. The weight version is used for flights in the CIS countries and Asia. There is a permissible weight that can be transported for free. This indicator is determined by the cost of tickets.

Baggage transportation standards by weight:

  • in economy class you are allowed to take 20 kg per passenger;
  • for business class, the permissible weight is 30 kg;
  • For a child under two years old, you can check out a suitcase weighing up to 10 kg.

Important! With a weighing system, you can take any number of bags. The main thing is that the total weight of luggage does not exceed the norm.

The system according to the number of seats allows you to distribute the weight over only two suitcases, if the ticket class allows it. Even if the total weight of two bags does not exceed 15 kg, you will still have to pay for the third. This option for transporting luggage is more typical for America. In Russia, only Aeroflot airline uses such a system. Thus, a business class passenger can take 32 kg with him on a trip. And economy class – 23 kg.

Allowable weight of a suitcase for two people

If passengers are traveling together, their baggage is not combined. Each person is responsible for their own suitcases. If one airline client takes excess baggage with him, he will have to pay for the excess, even if his friend is underweight.

There are preferential programs for regular customers. You can get bonuses on membership cards and miles for additional seats. You can add a few kilograms to your baggage allowance.

Exceeding the weight limit of a suitcase - what to do?

When the weight of luggage exceeds the norm, then the passenger must pay extra for overload. Some airlines allow small excesses without requiring additional payment. If the client immediately understands that the weight of his suitcase is higher than normal, then he needs to familiarize himself with the company’s rules in this regard in advance.

What to do if the suitcase is very heavy?

If the weight of luggage exceeds 30–32 kg, then it is called heavy. The dimensions of such things are quite large. Suitcase sizes are also taken into account during check-in. So the width, length and height of the bag should not exceed 1.58 m(the norm is used for the weight system for transporting luggage). For the weight version, the norm is 2.03 m.

Heavy luggage:

Such transportation must be agreed upon in advance. Additional time is required to load luggage. You need to be prepared for refusal, because the airline may have few seats in the luggage compartment or they may all be occupied.

There are items that require particularly delicate conditions during transportation. In this case, you will have to buy another one passenger seat. This will protect your luggage from damage during transportation.

What can you take with you to the cabin if it doesn’t fit in your suitcase?

Norms are constantly changing. As of 2018, you can take luggage from 5 kg into the aircraft cabin. But some airlines adhere to the old rules and allow both adults and children to carry 10 kg.

Items that can be brought into the salon for free:

IN hand luggage the passenger can pack a pacemaker, medications, tools for repairing glasses, needles and syringes for injections, oxygen cylinders. They take a razor, curling iron, and a robot toy with them to the salon. You are allowed to keep these items with you or pack them in your hand luggage.

Important! Before the adoption of the new law, it was allowed to take a laptop on board without placing it in a bag, mobile phone, umbrella. Now these items need to be hidden.

Carry-on luggage must meet certain dimensions. The height of a suitcase in the cabin should not exceed 55 cm. The maximum width of the bag is 40 cm. The thickness of hand luggage is allowed to be 20 cm. At the airport there is a limiting frame that checks luggage for compliance with regulatory parameters.

The popularity of aircraft, as one of the most safe species transport is ensured through strict adherence to standards for the carriage of passengers with baggage, which indicate what specific weight of baggage and hand luggage is allowed for transportation in a certain type of airliner.

Failure to comply with standard regulations may overload the airliner and have a negative impact on the safety of the flight.

All baggage coming on board is classified as follows::

  • Hand luggage is those things (bag, briefcase, etc.) that a passenger can safely take with him into the aircraft cabin. Each air carrier may establish and officially approve its own rules regarding the size and total weight of this baggage. On average this figure is 2 pcs. hand luggage, each weighing a maximum of 8-10 kg.
  • Checked baggage in this category includes items that are scheduled to be transported in cargo compartment liner (weighing up to 20-23 kg) and delivery, which takes place at the check-in desk.

How much baggage can you carry on a plane?

Today, almost all air carriers use 2 main systems, according to which the final calculation of the allowance for bags and suitcases is made:

  1. Weight system;
  2. Number of seats system.

The weight system is the most popular and in demand on existing flights in the CIS countries and Asia.

The following baggage allowances are often established and in effect, services for which are provided free of charge:

  • Economy class – max 20 kg per 1 passenger;
  • Business class – max 30 kg per person;
  • For a child under 2 years of age – max 10 kg.

A fundamental element of this system is to set limits on the weight of bags and suitcases, rather than the physical space in which it is located. For example, people who buy an economy class ticket can take several suitcases or bags, the total weight of which does not exceed 20 kg.

For some routes, slightly higher standards may be established, the details of which should be displayed in the itinerary receipt. If data of this kind is not included in the document or related questions arise, then it is better to clarify controversial and unclear points on the official website of the air carrier.

The system of number of seats is a modern standard for the carriage of baggage, which is based on the method of calculation by the number of seats. It is most in demand on existing and popular flights in the Americas and on all Aeroflot airline routes (the system was introduced not so long ago).

According to the norms of the system, each passenger is given the opportunity to transport free of charge:

  • Economy class – 1st place = max 23 kg;
  • Business class – 2 seats = max 32 kg (each).

Attention! The total weight of two suitcases is not summed up, so if the weight of one of them exceeds the norm, and the weight of the second is several times less than the norm, then an additional payment for the excess of the first will be necessary according to the current tariffs of the carrier.

Interesting! For regular customers who are active participants in existing airline loyalty programs, incentives can be applied in the form of bonuses, the equivalent of which are additional seats (1-2) or a couple of kilograms (10-20).

Sizes and dimensions of luggage on the plane

The size of baggage and its dimensions are directly dependent on the active system of standards that the air carrier follows:

  • In the number of seats system, the sum of the width, length and height of the suitcase is a maximum of 1.58 m.
  • In the weight system, this figure should not exceed 2.03 m.

Allowable weight luggage on the plane of leading Russian airlines is approximate.

You should focus on the basic parameters and dimensions and should not exceed them:

Baggage weight restrictions on S7, UTair and other airlines may change periodically, so you should check the website for updates.

You can find out what weight of baggage is allowed on the plane from the air carrier whose services the potential passenger is going to use, depending on whether he is traveling alone or in a company with children, the age of whom also needs to be taken into account.

Baggage and hand luggage on the plane

Carry-on luggage on airliners is subject to strict control, which is done in order to increase flight safety.

Most often, each airline prohibits the following items from being carried as hand luggage::

  1. Scissors and knives (even nail scissors are often confiscated);
  2. Knitting needles;
  3. Corkscrews (regardless of size and material of manufacture);
  4. Needles from syringes for injections (may be allowed only in certain cases).

In addition to the above items, there are restrictions on the transportation of liquids in luggage, which include:

  1. Personal hygiene products: shower gel, shampoo;
  2. Perfumes: perfumes, sprays;
  3. Cosmetics, both decorative and skin care: creams, mascara.

These products can be transported hermetically sealed in containers not exceeding 100 ml. Each airline sets its own more precise requirements.

Exception from current rules Only liquid medications and food for children, which are vital during the flight, can become available.

Foods and liquids of all types purchased in Duty Free, also do not fall under general rules and restrictions.

Important! All products in hand luggage must be packed in individual zippered polyethylene bags.

Regardless of hand luggage, you are allowed to take such things with you on board the airliner:

  1. Baby stroller, cradle, baby food, diapers;
  2. Laptop, netbook, tablet, smartphone, camera;
  3. Outerwear, coat, raincoat or blanket;
  4. A package with goods purchased at Duty Free (alcohol, shampoo, sweets, etc.);
  5. A handbag, a briefcase, a folder for papers;
  6. Umbrella, cane;
  7. Magazines or other printed publications intended to be viewed and read throughout the flight.

Carriage of the above items is not subject to mandatory documentation, weighing and marking, because they belong to the category of hand luggage.

Limits for transporting alcoholic beverages on board an airliner

Many tourists are often concerned about the question of how much alcohol they can safely transport in their luggage on an airplane, and whether it is necessary to check it in and whether it can be left with them in the cabin.

Important! According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the transportation of alcohol is permitted only to adult citizens. It is worth considering that in other countries this indicator may differ significantly from that established in Russia.

Transport of up to 5 liters of alcohol is allowed into the territory of the Russian Federation:

  • Up to 3 l alcoholic drinks– without imposing duties;
  • 3-5 liters – the tariff for each liter is 10 euros.

These rules apply only to individuals and apply to all bottles of alcohol that are imported into the Russian Federation, regardless of where the bottles are actually located (cargo compartment, backpack in hand luggage, or bags with goods from Duty Free).

All alcohol must be packaged in original bottles and marked with standard appropriate labeling. Accordingly, homemade alcohol, liqueurs, vodka and wine cannot be transported in airplane luggage.

The customs rules of each country differ from each other (sometimes quite significantly) and clearly regulate what can be transported, so before the trip it is worth checking whether transporting a bottle of good wine or vodka will not violate the rules of the receiving state.

On domestic flights There are no such strict restrictions; some air carriers allow you to pack alcohol in luggage, but it is worth remembering that such goods are fragile. Before the flight, you should agree on all the conditions and rules regarding the transportation of alcoholic beverages.

In the aircraft cabin, it is possible to transport 1 liter of alcohol, divided into factory-made transparent containers, the volume of which does not exceed 100 ml.

What you cannot take in checked luggage and hand luggage

All bona fide air carriers use the same rules, which strictly prohibit the transportation of baggage in any compartment of the aircraft, which includes:

  1. Substances that have a caustic and corrosive effect (acids, alkalis, mercury, etc.).
  2. Gases of all types.
  3. Highly flammable substances and liquids (paints, solvents, lighters, etc.).
  4. Substances that oxidize (bleaches, etc.).
  5. Explosive objects of all types (guns, fireworks, etc.).
  6. Radioactive substances.
  7. Substances of an infectious, toxic and poisonous nature.
  8. Small-sized vehicles that run on lithium batteries.
  9. Items with built-in alarm devices (suitcases, etc.).
  10. Magnetized substances.
  11. Other substances that pose a potential threat to both passengers and crew of the aircraft.

A complete list of things that are prohibited and that are not recommended to be taken in luggage and transported on board an aircraft is available for viewing on the official resource of each airline and is constantly updated.

Detected prohibited items are confiscated, and the decision on the possibility of flying remains with airport employees (the outcome of the situation depends on the type and quantity of prohibited substances).

Permissible weight and excess baggage at Aeroflot airline in 2019

Aeroflot airline is guided by carriage standards based on the number of seats system. Each passenger is given the opportunity to transport a suitcase or bag in 1 seat, while the weight of checked luggage should not exceed 23 kg.

Subject to the “Premium” tariff for the purchase of tickets in basic economy class, then 1 passenger is provided with 2 seats, a lot of things, which should not exceed 23 kg. The same rule applies to comfort class ticket holders. In business class, this figure should not exceed 32 kg.

For economy and comfort class passengers, the airline provides 1 seat, the intended purpose of which is to transport hand luggage with a maximum weight of up to 10 kg; for business class ticket holders, the maximum weight is 15 kg.

Each ticket indicates “1рс”, where the number indicates that it is possible (allowed) to carry a certain number of suitcases (1-3), taking into account the items transported in the cabin.

For some air carriers, excess weight by 1-2 kg is not considered a significant excess of the norm, but for others, an excess of 1 kg can cost the passenger several tens of euros.

What can you take in luggage on a plane?

All items that do not belong to the list of prohibited items for transportation and do not exceed the current standards, both in size and in dimensions and weight, can be accepted on board the airliner as baggage.

If you are carrying non-standard luggage (large, fragile or especially valuable), then this issue must be discussed and clarified when booking or purchasing a ticket, so as not to encounter prohibitions at the moment when you are already checking in your bags before check-in.

Important! A wheelchair, as a means of transportation, can be carried both in the aircraft cabin and in the cargo compartment. For detailed information It is best to contact airport staff in advance to ensure all documents are completed correctly.

Allowed baggage on the plane

More detailed information about general rules, lists of additional items, prohibited items and current restrictions can be found on the official website of the air carrier company.

Despite the fact that all airlines operate according to the same rules, there are differences, such as maximum baggage and hand luggage limits, tariffs for excess baggage, features of transporting alcohol and many other equally important points.

How much to pay extra for luggage

Most passengers wonder how much baggage costs on an airplane. In the practice of most companies specializing in air transportation, baggage transportation according to the standards is free, but many set their own rules and may be billed for additional pieces of baggage in the cargo compartment, excess baggage on the plane, etc.

For example, Aeroflot airline has a rule that if a passenger’s baggage exceeds the norm, both in terms of the amount of space, and in size and weight, then it automatically falls into the category of excess baggage, for the carriage of which an additional payment is established:

  • For taking the 2nd place if there is 1st free, the cost of the 1st place is 2500 rubles, and each subsequent place is 7500 rubles.
  • For taking the 3rd place if there are 2 free places, you will have to pay 7,500 rubles.
  • For excess weight of luggage (1 piece), but not more than 32 kg - the cost of luggage, or rather the additional payment for it, is 2500 rubles.
  • For excess baggage weight (1 piece) within the range of 32-50 kg, you must pay 5,000 rubles.
  • For exceeding the norms for the dimensions of carried luggage, when the amount does not exceed 2.03 m, you must pay 5,000 rubles.
  • For exceeding the permitted baggage size limits, when the total amount exceeds 2.03 m, you must pay 7,500 rubles for each piece.

You can pay for paid baggage on the plane immediately before departure at a nearby window located not far from the check-in counters. You can always find out about the exact location from the airport staff.

Before your flight, be sure to visit the official website of the airline whose services you decide to use.

It contains all the information that passengers are interested in, whether it is possible to bring certain products on board, what can be put in a suitcase and what is better to leave with you, what the price is for certain services and much other information useful for everyone, giving an exact understanding of how to pack luggage in airplane.

Each passenger prepares in advance for a long flight on board an airliner. In addition to the list of possible activities, you need to think about what things you might need along the way. Basic luggage and large items are not allowed into the aircraft cabin. According to generally accepted rules, a passenger has the right to take with him a small suitcase or bag, within the permissible weight and volume.

International Association air transport(IATA) has introduced uniform dimensions for hand luggage, but these standards are not mandatory. Each company approves its own size of hand luggage on the plane, which is not always convenient for the airline’s customers. Before flying with a new airline, you need to check what is the allowable carry-on baggage on its plane.

Hand luggage concept

Hand luggage is bags, packages, backpacks, suitcases, cases that can be taken on board a ship. Their contents are checked at the airport, as there is a whole list of items that are not allowed into the cabin. For many items, special transportation rules have been introduced, which include the method of transportation, the permissible quantity, the need to obtain permits, etc.

Personal belongings of travelers in the aircraft cabin are placed on the upper shelves in the luggage compartments , as well as under the seat of the chair in front. You cannot place your purses or suitcases in the aisles, near the exit, in the toilet, or far from yourself. All hand luggage must be kept next to the passenger. Electronics are transported turned off, in accordance with safety guidelines, since the equipment can distort the signal on the communication line between the pilot and ground controllers.

Acceptable standards for major air carrierscove

Hand luggage on an airplane, its size and weight are strictly regulated by each company. The regulations regarding the rules for transporting specific items and permitted items also differ.

Please pay attention! L Personal clothing, including outerwear, in which a passenger boards the plane does not count as hand luggage. This can be used if you put things that do not fit into the inner pockets. bags.

  1. In the company " Ural Airlines» The permitted dimensions of hand luggage are no more than 115 cm, if you add up three dimensions (55/40/20). The weight of bags differs in economy and business classes: in the first you are allowed to take up to 5 kg with you and occupy one seat, in the second - a total weight of up to 15 kg for two seats in the compartment. For children under 2 years old, you can carry up to 5 kg of things necessary for the flight. There are exceptions for certain flights and destinations;
  2. At the Rossiya air carrier, the rules regarding personal belongings in the cabin also differ depending on the class of service and flight numbering. The volume of bags should not exceed 115 cm, that is, 55/40/20 cm in three dimensions. The permissible weight of hand luggage on some planes is 5 kg in economy class, 10 kg in business class, on others - class increased comfort gives the right to carry up to 15 kg of unchecked baggage, standard cabin – up to 10 kg. Without weighing, measuring and without paying, you can take with you personal items such as a handbag, folder, cane, umbrella, bouquet, suit in a special case, mobile phone, camera or video camera, personal laptop, book, crutches, as well as purchases from the "Duty free" zone. Children are allowed to take a portable bassinet and special food on board. These items are universal and are included on many airlines' lists, with or without extras. It is recommended that you check with your carrier for a complete list before traveling;
  3. The national air carrier Aeroflot allows you to take the same 115 cm into the cabin. This means the maximum dimensions of the suitcase should be 55 cm in length, 40 cm in width and 20 in height. The list of items that are not subject to weighing and marking when brought into the cabin is identical to the list of the previous airline. The permissible weight of hand luggage in economy and comfort classes should not exceed 10 kg, in business - no more than 15 kg;
  4. The weight of hand luggage on an S7 aircraft should not exceed 10 and 15 kg in economy and business class cabins, respectively. Regarding the size of the bag, the standard is the same as that of previous carriers - no more than 115 cm (55/40/20);
  5. The air carrier Utair does not divide the permitted weight of hand luggage depending on the class of service. The permissible weight of bags is up to 10 kg. Volumes – 55/40/20 cm or 115 cm in the sum of three dimensions;
  6. The foreign airline giant Lufthansa has slightly different size and weight requirements: 55/40/23 or 117 cm, weighing 8 kg in economy and premium economy classes, 16 kg in business and first classes. In standard cabins you can take only 1 place on the shelf, in high-service compartments - 2 places. For children, the company may allow you to take a folding stroller into the cabin (at the discretion of the ship’s crew, depending on the parameters of the stroller and the availability of space on board), a portable cradle or a car seat.

Additional information. If a passenger has booked a ticket that involves several flights on different airlines, the rulestransportation of hand luggage on each leg of the route is regulated by a specific airline.

Prohibited and permitted items

Everyone has their own personal items needed during a flight. It could be drugs hygiene products, glasses, cosmetics, valuables, digital equipment, telephone, documents, fragile cargo, children's equipment and more. If you are taking food, it is worth checking in advance whether there is a ban on the import of food in the country of arrival.

Z banned for transportation items:

  • Weapons, as well as items imitating weapons;
  • Substances that have the property of igniting or exploding. Some cosmetics may include aerosol hairspray, deodorant with a spray;
  • Piercing objects, things with pointed elements, blades;
  • Cartridges for printing equipment;
  • Flammable substances, lithium-based batteries.

Everything that was bought in the store duty free, transported to transparent bags, in any quantity. Liquid products cannot be printed. Receipts must be kept; they may be asked for at control. When transferring, goods from “Duty Free” migrate to the main baggage. This must be taken into account when forming bags.

Important! For items that travelers hand over tomain luggage compartment, fully responsible for the airline. For things that the passenger took into the cabin, he is responsible myself.

Rules for transporting liquids

Most airlines adhere to the following rules:

  • Substances that have a liquid composition are packaged in a container with transparent plastic walls and tightly closed. This could be a bag or container;
  • Liquids in total should not exceed 1 liter, each item individually - no more than 100 ml;
  • Airport security staff have the right to open the package for additional inspection;
  • Alcoholic drinks can be transported in hand luggage, but not more than 100 ml.

The exception is high-volume liquid medicines. For each such drug, it is recommended to have a prescription or a formal justification for the need to transport the medication (extract from the medical card, medical record).

Tips for packing hand luggage

  1. You can have more than one bag or backpack with you. If there are several items, but their total parameters fall within the allowed limits, they will be counted as one place;
  2. It is recommended that you measure and weigh your cargo in advance to avoid problems during check-in. IN major airports there are convenient scales and dimensional stands for these purposes;
  3. Please note that the lower the fare at which the ticket is purchased, the more restrictions will apply to hand luggage, and the more picky the search will be;
  4. When packing, it is necessary to compactly compact all things in a backpack or suitcase to visually reduce its size. It’s good if the bag has side zippers that can be fastened when all the things are packed;
  5. Things can be rolled up rather than folded, and socks can be placed in shoes. To save space, you can use special plastic bags with a compression function (air is removed from the bag, thereby reducing its area).


While at the airport, during check-in and security procedures, you must comply with all requests and requirements of the staff. You cannot joke about the presence of a bomb or explosive device in bags, since in many states such actions will be considered, at best, hooliganism, and at worst, a deliberately false terrorist threat.

Have a nice trip!

Backpacks, bags, purses, wallets, knapsacks, baskets, suitcases, or, more simply, hand luggage. All these objects have their own shape and size. They also allow you to cram in a myriad of important and necessary items during the flight. Vigilant airlines are prepared for such a turn of events and strictly regulate the amount, size and weight of hand luggage that is allowed per passenger during the flight.

Each airline sets its own requirements for hand luggage. This depends on the carrying capacity of the aircraft fleet and its technical equipment. Next we will talk about that carry-on baggage that is called free. Or rather, it is included in the ticket price for the selected fare. And also about what size and weight standards need to be observed in order not to pay extra money to the airline.

If tourist travelers are more concerned about the maximum size of a suitcase that will travel in the luggage compartment, then citizens on business trips are more often interested in the maximum permitted overall size of hand luggage when flying in Russia and abroad. With careful planning, a two or three day business trip or visit to friends does not oblige you to move large quantity things. This means there is a chance to significantly save on airfare. First, let's look at the sizes of bags and suitcases.

So, according to transportation standards, you can take hand luggage with you into the cabin in the size of 55x40x20 cm. These are the most common parameters for the width, depth and height of bags, suitcases or backpacks for many airlines. Of course, deviations from the standard volume occur, but this is at the discretion of the individual air carrier. For example, Pobeda Airlines LLC set a frankly meager hand luggage size of 36 x 30 x 27 cm. Passengers who encountered this domestic low-cost airline for the first time complained that often even their bag with a laptop did not pass control, and completely unexpectedly I had to pay extra for it.

Before departure, always try to check the permitted size of hand luggage with your airline.

It’s good when the air carrier allows you to carry a suitcase larger than the usual 55 x 40 x 20 cm, such as, for example, British Airways. Their permitted dimensions of hand luggage for air travel international flights and within the country - 56 x 45 x 22 cm. But it’s a shame not to fit into the validator (a means of checking the size of hand luggage at the airport) Emirates - 55 x 38 x 20 cm.

But don't be upset. Different airlines, different rules. Clear parameters for the height, width and depth of a passenger’s bag are not typical for all air carriers. Often an indulgence is made, and the company gives permission to baggage allowance based on the sum of three dimensions. Basically, this figure does not exceed 115 cm.

Measuring the dimensions of hand luggage in three dimensions is easy. Just measure with a ruler:

  • height,
  • width,
  • the depth of a suitcase or bag.

Measure an oval backpack at its widest and highest part. Experienced domestic travelers and tourists advise taking a soft bag as hand luggage in Europe, rather than a small hard suitcase. It's easier to squeeze into the validator at the airport.

By the way, be careful when reading information on airlines’ pages. There are countries that provide size information in inches rather than centimeters (Great Britain, USA, partly Canada and others).

There is a concept of large carry-on luggage. Of course, the company will not be happy if a passenger brings something bulky and heavy into the cabin. They will do their best to persuade him to hand over the cargo to luggage compartment airplane. The situation here is individual, but in any case, an additional payment is required for such an item. If a musician is carrying a valuable cello, which he does not agree to hand over to the responsibility of the movers, then he must be prepared for the fact that he will have to buy one seat to place your tool there.

What is the maximum weight of hand luggage that can be carried on an airplane?

Limiting the weight of hand luggage on an airplane is a normal practice for airlines. Typically, a suitcase, bag or backpack should weigh no more than 10 kg. Although information from Air France states that you can take 12-18 kg of hand luggage on a plane per person (depending on the cabin in which you are flying). And the same generous British Airways allows you to carry a passenger bag weighing 23 kilograms in the cabin! Even in the Basic tariff!

The permitted weight on airplanes in Russia at Aeroflot will not exceed an average of 10 kg per person. But for economy class tickets, Ural Airlines offers to carry only 5 kg of hand luggage free of charge, as was the case with the low-cost carrier Pobeda until recently. Recently, the company announced that it allows you to carry any weight of hand luggage in the cabin, as long as the bag fits within the specified dimensions (remember, this is 36x30x27 cm).

How do they check the size and weight of hand luggage at the airport?

Experienced passengers say that airport workers have such a trained eye on passenger luggage that checking the dimensions or weight of bags and suitcases is very rare. However, to avoid problems, first measure your hand luggage at home with a ruler. And when you arrive at the airport, use the established frame to check your hand luggage. Its second name is a baggage calibrator (or validator). Take a closer look, there should be a metal stop next to each section specific airline. Just put your suitcase, bag or backpack in it and make sure your luggage gets in and out without any problems.

As we already wrote above, an air carrier employee will ask you to perform this procedure only if he sees obvious excesses in dimensions.

However, travelers note that some domestic carriers, seeing that the soft bag is wrinkled and fits normally into the calibrator, force the passenger to take it out, straighten it, and they themselves measure all the parameters manually with a ruler. As a result, there is an additional charge for oversized hand luggage. Interestingly, airlines from other countries have not yet been seen in such situations.

When checking weight, things are even simpler. Hand luggage is rarely weighed. This usually occurs during check-in at the counter, weighing and transferring large suitcases to the luggage compartment. And only if the receptionist has a suspicion that you are about to burst under the weight of your carry-on luggage. But this is not a reason to carry bricks in your backpack and violate the required maximum 10 kg. If the airline trusts you, you should respect its rules.

What should I do if my hand luggage is larger than the allowed size?

Firstly, try to avoid situations with an advantage or larger dimensions carry-on luggage, as specified by the rules.

Secondly, Air carrier loyalty depends on many factors. If the registrar sees that your suitcase with hand luggage is more than 2 cm from the required limit, and you have no other luggage to rearrange your things, then, most likely, he will have mercy and turn a blind eye to this minor nuance ( remember the life hack with a soft bag, which is easier to fit into the limiter than a plastic suitcase!).

Low-cost airlines with cheap tickets are very zealous about maintaining dimensions and weight. It's better not to joke with them.

However, there is a limit to everything. Even a beloved passenger from expensive ticket the airline will ask you to pay extra for oversized hand luggage if your suitcase is 5 cm larger than the standard limit. This is a matter of respect for the airline and other passengers. The rules are the same for everyone. And if a person is not sure about the correct size and weight of his luggage, which he plans to take with him on the plane, he should prepare a reserve amount, which will insure in case of compensation to the carrier for excess weight and excess in centimeters. Have a nice flight!

A passenger traveling by plane must distinguish between luggage checked at the counter and hand luggage. These are completely different concepts, and if you distinguish between them, you can save a lot. Baggage is a large suitcase that is checked in upon boarding. It must be verified and registered. Carry-on luggage is a travel bag or backpack that a passenger can carry on board. It may have such weight and dimensions that you can put it in place yourself. But how much hand luggage can be taken on a plane and what exactly can be placed in such a backpack depends on the airline’s standards.

What can you carry in hand luggage?

    Medicines and baby food. Meals must be separately packaged and must be presented during inspection. But in order to bring medicine onto the plane, you must have the appropriate prescription with the doctor’s stamp and signature. This is especially true for aerosols and preparations that contain narcotic substances.

    Liquids. Here, some airlines limit volume very strictly. You must contact the airline in advance for information. In order to easily transport a certain volume of liquid, you need to follow some rules. All tubes must be packed in one bag. Any liquid substances must be transported in containers, and their volume must not exceed 100 ml. The tube of liquid itself should be packed in a plastic bag with a zipper.

    Hygiene products. You can take almost everything, but most of them are liquids, which is why they are carried according to the appropriate rules. But aerosols are not allowed at all.

    Electronics. You can take any gadgets with you on the plane. They are considered personal items and not carry-on luggage, so they are not included in the 10 kg weight limit. During boarding, they usually check large electronics: a laptop or a camera.

    Food. You can take any food on board the plane - dry or solid. But regarding conservation, there is a restriction on liquid.

    Duty free zone. This issue should always be considered separately. Anything you buy directly from DutyFree before boarding can be transported as long as the packaging is not damaged. The only thing is that all this fits into a weight of 10 kg. If your hand luggage exceeds the volume, then you will have to pay a fine.

In addition, many airlines allow you to take personal items with you, which include: umbrellas, pillows, blankets, handbags, books, and so on.

It is prohibited to take:

    Liquids up to one hundred milliliters in volume.

    Hazardous chemical or biological substances.

    Dangerous objects, weapons.

    Products of animal origin, except sandwiches.

    Explosive items.

How much hand luggage can you take on a plane?

If a passenger travels in economy class, he can bring a bag with him on board for one piece of luggage, and in business class he is allowed to take up two full seats.

The term “one place” means a bag with the sum of the sides in three dimensions (width, height, length added) up to 115 centimeters. A standard flight bag has dimensions of 55*40*20. But the weight may vary between different air carriers. It may depend on the distance or proximity of the route, or the type of aircraft. For example, Aeroflot allows transportation of up to 10 kg of hand luggage, KLM - about 12 kg, Lufthansa - up to 8 kg. At the same time, do not forget that you will lift your bag into place yourself.

Most carriers in Europe and the CIS countries consider the weight of hand luggage to be in the range of 8-10 kg as the norm. Before the flight, be sure to check this information with the company so that you do not have to pay extra. Some air carriers allow overload, others force you to buy a second seat even if there is a slight excess of 300-500 grams.

Some Canadian and American carriers provide a full two pieces of carry-on luggage even for economy class passengers. This is a great way to save money.

To avoid paying a fine, you must be sure to familiarize yourself with the airline’s requirements regarding personal belongings and how much hand luggage you can take on the plane.