The scariest places in Japan. Mystical Japan: Suicide Forest Aokigahara Cursed house in japan story

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According to legend, himuro mansion is a large traditional Japanese house located in a rocky area somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo. The mansion became famous as the site of the worst massacre in Japanese history.

It was said that the Himuro family practiced ancient, forgotten Shinto rituals that were banned in Japan long ago. One of these occult rituals was called the "Suffocation Ritual", in which a young girl was sacrificially murdered.

The purpose of this terrible ritual was to protect the Himuro family from the bad karma they believed was coming out of the portal in the courtyard of the mansion.

The strangulation ritual was performed every fifty years. A baby girl was chosen in the family, who was secretly raised in a mansion. This girl was called "Maiden of the Rope Temple". The girl was not allowed into the world, she lived in complete isolation, otherwise the ritual would not have worked.

When the time came, the girl was brought to the temple in the courtyard and tied with ropes around her arms, legs and neck. Then several bulls began to pull the ropes in different directions, tearing the victim alive into several parts. The bloody ropes were then placed on the portal in the courtyard of the mansion. If the ritual was successful, then bad karma receded from the family for another fifty years.

This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation in the Himuro family. However, while preparing for the final ritual, something went wrong. The Maiden of the Temple of the Rope fell in love with a boy whom she accidentally saw from the window of the mansion. This was a real disaster, because she had to remain pure and free from worldly influences. Her blood and soul were corrupted, and when she was sacrificed, the ritual failed.

Upon learning that the girl was in love, the head of the Himuro family became distraught. He was responsible for the success of the ritual. Fearing that now all misfortunes would fall on the family, he fell into an indescribable rage. He brutally murdered the entire Himuro family by slashing all of the family members with the traditional Japanese katana sword. The head of the family believed that by killing them, he saved them from a more terrible death. When all family members were killed, he fell on his katana and committed suicide.

locals from the neighboring village kept quiet about Himuro's mansion and everything that happened there for decades. And then began endless eyewitness accounts of strange events happening in the mansion.

Inside the mansion, all the walls were covered in bloody handprints. Ghosts have been seen here, both at night and in broad daylight. Legend has it that they are the ghosts of murdered members of the Himuro family, and they will attempt to repeat their failed ritual on anyone foolhardy enough to dare enter the abandoned building.

From time to time, the corpses of people who dared to go there are found in the mansion. They have typical rope marks on their arms, legs, and neck, as if they had been strangled.

Several bodies were found in underground network tunnels under the mansion. The corpses were literally torn into several pieces. No one knows who made these tunnels or what purpose they served, but apparently they were made to perform the Suffocation Ritual.

The mansion also has a window that has gained a bad reputation. It is said that if this window is photographed, then a ghostly image of a young girl in a kimono will appear on the photograph.

These incidents have caused panic among people in Tokyo, and many believe that those who approach this mansion will be cursed. The mystery of the death of seven people found in this building has not yet been solved.

The urban legend of the Himuro mansion has become popular in the west. The haunted house story has become very fashionable. If the legend is true, then the Himuro Mansion is by far the most cursed building in Japan.

Hoi, dear residents of AA!!!

I am with you, Raccoon-san, and today we will look at three mysterious places Japan. I won’t delay with a greeting, let’s start)))

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Many people like to listen horror stories at night, especially when hiking, when everything around makes the atmosphere tense. And everything is fine, as long as it feels like a fiction. But quite different feelings evoke real legends, or even real stories with confirmation. And even if you say that it’s not creepy at all, then remembering this story without goosebumps will be oh, how difficult it is ... Now I will tell you just such stories, about three mystical places in the country of the sun. They won't be about murders and so on, but I'm not responsible for your nightmares :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp: :smiling_imp:

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Hashima Island (Hashima) is an abandoned island located in the East China Sea, about 15 km from the city of Nagasaki. This island also bears the name "Gunkanjima", which translates as "cruiser", because when viewed from above it resembles a ship (because of the buildings).

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The island was settled in 1810 when coal was first found there. The island was originally created by humans. By the 30s of the 20th century, Hashim had become a serious industrial center. There were not only mines, but also military factories. For some time, Chinese and Koreans were forcibly brought here. Many of them died from harsh working conditions.

During the most populous years of its history, the island had 30 housing blocks, 25 shops, a school, two swimming pools, a hospital and a cemetery. For 50 years, the island was one of the most densely populated places on the planet: in 1959, the population of the island was 5259 people per km². But the fossils began to gradually dry up and every year the mines became less and less. In 1927, the island was completely deserted. For many years, visiting the island was prohibited and even punished.

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Items from the ghost town were in demand by wealthy collectors. And there were always those who were not averse to "spend a vacation" on an abandoned island.

Trophy hunters had their own beliefs. One of them said that the island must be left before midnight, so as not to invite trouble. Not everyone believed in these beliefs. Many died on that island in very strange circumstances. But only when an experienced climber, who was trying to climb through the window of a blocked floor of one of the buildings, fell off the roof and crashed despite the safety cable, everyone began to believe in them more willingly.

At the moment, visiting the abandoned mining town is allowed. But only with a guide and only in the "safe zone". After all, every step to the side is a chance to try your luck...


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Hashima has also left his mark on the film industry. In 2009, in the series "Life after people." And in 2011, some episodes from the movie “007: Skyfall Coordinates” were filmed on it.


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Mount Osorezan is one of the extraordinary creepy places Japan, where the spirit world meets the living world. Therefore, the mountain is also called the Mountain of Fear. This place was discovered over 1000 years ago by a Buddhist priest. Currently, the Mountain of Fear is part of the territory of the Bodaiji Temple. There is no history as such in this mountain, so let's move on to beliefs.

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The mountain is considered the gateway to the afterlife. Not many believers come here, because the surrounding landscape resembles a Buddhist hell: rocky terrain, the smell of sulfur, a poisonous lake, many snakes, eight surrounding peaks and the Sanzu no Kawa River (believed to be crossed by all dead souls on their way to the afterlife) .

Around Osorezan, you can see statues of Jizo (statues of children), toy windmills, and towers made of piles of stones and pebbles, laid out by the parents of deceased children. This is done in the hope that the sacred stones will help the souls of children find their way to heaven.


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The Bodaiji festival is held here every year. People come to visit lost loved ones through Itako (blind women who have undergone extensive spiritual training). But often the dead do not speak in their own voice, and even talk about things that they should not know about.

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Aokigahara ("Plain of Green Trees"), also known as Jukai ("Sea of ​​Trees"), is a forest at the foot of Mount Fuji on Japanese island Honshu. This forest, located right at the foot of the volcano itself, stands out from the general landscape.

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In 864 there was the strongest eruption Mount Fuji. An unbreakable lava flow has created a huge lava plateau with an area of ​​40 km², on which a very unusual forest has taken root. It looks as if the soil is dug up, as if the roots were trying to crawl out of the ground.

The forest terrain is full of caves, some of which extend underground for several hundred meters, and some of which never melt the ice.

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With the onset of twilight, people begin to talk about this place only in a whisper. Suicide is very common here. Tourists are strictly punished not to turn off the path. The magnetic anomaly makes the compass a useless item, and similar terrain does not allow finding a way out from memory.

Numerous ghosts living in the forest have long been legendary. This place gained notoriety in the Middle Ages (when in the famine years people left their relatives here to die). The Japanese say that their ghosts lie in wait for lonely travelers in the forest, wanting to avenge their suffering.

Rumor has it that white ghostly shapes of yurei can be seen between the trees here. Yurei are those who have accepted a violent death or committed suicide. They come to our world in the form of legless ghostly figures with long arms and eyes glowing in the dark.

Those who decide to visit Aokigahara must have strong nerves. After all, the crunch underfoot may turn out to be the crunch of bones, and the strange outline of a man in the distance may turn out to be the corpse of another gallows.

The country rising sun is not only skyscrapers, high technologies and ancient culture with interesting customs and unique traditions. Also this country mystical secrets, terrifying superstitions and anomalous zones. One of those that Japan can “boast about” is the Aokigahara Suicide Forest, which regularly enters the ratings of the most terrible places on the planet.

Aokigahara National Park

The infamous forest is located at the foot of Mount Fuji, not far from the Japanese capital. This is a fairly young natural formation that appeared twelve centuries ago after the devastating eruption of Fujiyama in the middle of the 9th century. The solidified magma formed a plateau, which was gradually covered with a layer of soil and overgrown with trees and shrubs. In Japanese, Aokigahara means "plain of blue trees". The second name of the forest is Jukai ("sea of ​​trees").

The mysterious unearthly beauty of the forest is given by the unusual roots of plants, which, being unable to break through the petrified lava, come to the surface and form bizarre intricacies. The plateau on which the forest grows is dotted with faults, cracks and cavities, forming numerous sinkholes and caves.

Officially, the Aokigahara forest is a national park with all the necessary attributes - picnic glades, parking lots and hiking trails. AT national park There are several famous caves, dense coniferous forests and thickets of boxwood, the purest mountain air and amazing views of the main Japanese peak - Fujiyama volcano.

The forest has earned itself a bad reputation since time immemorial. There is a legend that the poor took the seriously ill, the elderly and small children, who were a burden for the family, into the forest, and left them there to certain death. Since then, restless souls have been innocently dead people wander through the forest and lie in wait for lone travelers in the hope of avenging their suffering.

According to Shinto, only the souls of those who died of natural causes can be reunited with their ancestors after life. Those people who accepted a violent death or committed suicide are doomed to eternal wanderings in search of peace in the form of disembodied ghosts - yurei. Eyewitnesses say that they happened to meet these transparent ghosts in the forest with unnaturally long upper limbs and hellish flames in empty eye sockets.

The forest makes riddles even today. It is really easy to get lost in the dense thickets, but it is very difficult to get back. Compass orientation will not help here - in this anomalous zone his arrow performs tricks, randomly changing its position.

Unfortunately, it was not the majestic nature and not even the ghosts that made Aokigahara one of the most famous and sad sights in Japan. This place ranks second in the lists of the most popular places to commit suicide after the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, USA.

Japan is a country where the culture of so-called revered suicides has developed since ancient times. Suicide methods have a long history and tradition:

  • seppuku - ritual suicide of the samurai;
  • tokkotai - military suicide bombers;
  • shinju - simultaneous suicide of lovers;
  • self-mummification of the monks of some Buddhist schools;
  • mass and family suicides.

In modern times, voluntary death continues to be a popular way to solve any problems - job loss, divorce, retirement, unhappy love, atonement for family, company, sports team.

As for Aokigahara, it is not known why this particular forest has become so attractive to those who decide to commit suicide. Maybe the forest really has a strong negative energy, or a magnetic anomaly has a certain effect on consciousness, or maybe the bad reputation of the forest attracts people with an unbalanced psyche here. Not the last role is played by books and films, the heroes of which go on their last journey along the paths of Aokigahara. In 1993, a manual for suicides was published, where Aokigahara is recommended as perfect place for suicide.

If a curious tourist nevertheless dares to turn off the path, he will easily find the terrible traces of the accidents that have occurred - the remains of a protective tape left over from the police, packaging medicines, bags, mobile phones. Authorities organize yearly raids to search for bodies.

Active measures are being taken to save potential suicides - signs with a helpline are posted on all trails, video surveillance and patrols are being conducted, shops in nearby villages do not sell medicines, ropes and other items that can serve as a tool for suicide, local residents report to the police about appearance of suspicious people. But, despite this, the number of suicides is increasing every year and reaches 100 people a year.

Japan, where the forest of suicides is located, occupies one of the leading positions among the states of the world, not only in terms of development and life, but also in the number of suicides committed by its citizens. The Japanese are often referred to as a "suicide nation". The reason, perhaps, lies not only in the historical background, but also in the intricacies of the Japanese mentality, the important role of society, which requires people to be humble, diligent and submissive, and sometimes imposes unbearable demands on them.

Japan is rightfully included in. The Japanese are basically a nation obsessed with creepy ghost movies. From the horror movie icon of crawling Sadako in The Ring to the creepy scenes of Suicide Club. It's an undeniable fact that Japan has produced a number of films containing some of the most terrifying moments in the history of the horror genre.

Whether you're a moviegoer or a movie buff who breathes and feeds on your favorite movies, Japanese horror movies will definitely impress you. So, top 18 creepiest places in japan.

Of course, Sadako and other characters from the plots of Japanese horror films are fictional and generated by fantasy-rich writers and directors of the Land of the Rising Sun. But did you know that there are many scary places in Japan that can scare a person until the end of his days? Trust me, there are dozens of places in this country that are as frightening as Sadako herself. Want to see something as frightening as Sadako in the Land of the Rising Sun? Make sure you take our tips into account when planning your trip to Japan.

18 scariest places on the planet and in Japan that can scare you no less than Sadako herself

1. Aokigahara Forest

When it comes to the terrifying places in Japan, there is no doubt that the most terrible and mysterious is the forest of Aokigahara. This place has a well-characterized nickname - "Forest of Suicides". Aokigahara, unfortunately, has the reputation of being the second most popular suicide site in the world. For decades, thousands of people have been coming to this mystical forest in order to commit suicide. Sounds pretty creepy, doesn't it?

Don't be too surprised if you run into Sadako and her comrades during your visit to this chilling forest. Yet it is the forest of Aokigahara that is known for the lion's share paranormal activity in Japan. Even if the government is trying to keep a record of suicides in the forest, this place has already managed to acquire numerous creepy myths and legends like scariest place on the planet. And it is in our ranking in first place.

2. Old Chusetsu Tunnel, Fukuoka

Are you afraid of Sadako and other ghosts? In this case, I recommend entering the abandoned old tunnel Chusetsu, located in the city of Fukuoka. Locals claim that you can hear strange voices in this terrifying tunnel.

3. Oiran Buti, Yamanashi

It looks as if you are trying to deceive us, the most sophisticated people will say, applying these words to this and the next position on our list. Despite the wonderful landscape around, Oiran Buti occupies a worthy place in the list of the most scary places on the planet and in Japan. After all, it was here that in ancient times about 50 oirans (prostitutes) were killed. In addition, this place has a creepy suspension bridge, as if copied from a scene from the Silent Hill movies.

4. Hiroshima and Nagasaki

In these cities, people often hear cries and cries for help from restless souls at night until dawn.

5. Akasaka Mansion, Tokyo

Known as Tokyo's scariest inn, the Akasaka Mansion is capable of scaring the occupants half to death with hair-raising visions. In fact, one woman staying at the hotel said that an unknown force grabbed her by the hair and dragged her across the room. Could this be the work of Sadako? Spend the night yourself in this inn and you might be able to find something.

6. Field Hospital, Kanagawa Prefecture.

From unusual sounds to opening windows, there are numerous reports of paranormal activity at this field hospital.

7. Doryodo Ruins, Tokyo

In the ruins of Doryodo, bystanders can hear the cry of a girl, a student whose body was dumped here after a brutal murder committed in 1973. She doesn't have to be Sadako, but her moans will definitely make your hair stand on end.

8. Himuro Mansion, Tokyo

Incarnated in the game Fatal Frame, Himuro's mansion was the site of the notorious massacre by the head of the Himuro family of his entire clan. This horrific crime is often considered one of the most brutal and shocking murders in Japanese history. But some say that this story of Himuro's mansion is nothing more than just a fabrication.

Want to know if this is true urban legend? There is only one way to check! Visit one of scariest places on the planet and make sure!

9. Hakone Yama, Tokyo

Try to take a long night walk in Hakone Yama and listen to the terrifying sobs, wails and other mysterious noises in this place. In addition to mystical sounds, the park leaves a strong feeling that this place has an extraterrestrial, supernatural nature. Although Sadako will most likely not appear here, Hakone Yama remains a tempting target for thrill-seekers and ghost hunters.

10. Skyscraper "Sunshine 60", Tokyo

Visit this building at sunset and you may be lucky enough to see the appearance of mysterious fireballs floating in the air.

11. Round school building, Hokkaido. One of the scariest places on the planet.

This school is one of the most famous scary places in Japan, because the creepy building, inhabited by ghosts, can scare even the bravest lovers of the underworld. There are many stories on the Internet about the round school, including legends about people who entered the building, but disappeared forever or left with a damaged mind.

12. Royal Hotel, Okinawa

One of the most famous scary places in Japan, " Royal Hotel is an abandoned hotel built on the once sacred grounds of Nakagusuku Castle. According to legend, the spirits and ghosts that lived in the castle were disturbed by the new construction, causing a number of accidents with the innkeeper and construction workers.

13. Curve SSS, Okinawa

Want to capture ghosts during your trip to Japan? I recommend you go to the SSS curve in Okinawa.

14 Tea House Ruins, Okinawa

The ruins of this tea house are a gold mine for paranormal experts and ghost hunters.

15. Gate No. 3 of Camp Hansen Military Base, Okinawa

Would you like to meet Sadako? You will not find her in this camp, but there is a chance to encounter another strange entity. Apparently, here, on this gloomy American military base, the appearance of a bloodied soldier from the Second World War was repeatedly recorded. Some people say that he asks for a light (in particular with a lighter), and then disappears without a trace.

16. Atsugi Naval Base, Kanagawa

At this base of the US Navy, the cases of the appearance of a restless soul were also recorded. As far as I know, this ghost is related to a Marine who died in a horrific car accident in the 1960s.

17. Rusted hangar, Kanagawa

This hangar, located away from the US Navy base, is also known for a number of strange paranormal phenomena. Here you can hear the doors closing on their own, and red-eyed ghosts have also been observed in this place.

18. Gridley Tunnel, Yokosuka

Want to see the ghosts of Japanese samurai? The Gridley Tunnel at the Yokosuka Navy Base is a single-lane, narrow tunnel that has housed the spirit of a samurai who was once taken by surprise and killed. There is a belief that this warrior set off on a journey to avenge the death of his master, and on the way he was attacked by his enemies. Since he was unable to complete the work he had begun, the ghost of the samurai could not leave this place.

We can't blame this samurai for showing up in the tunnel. Besides, it must be terribly boring to spend millennia in such a cramped place. Fortunately, our good friend Sadako can always pay a visit to this tunnel and offer a few words of support to the fallen warrior.

On this our story from the series the most scary places on the planet finished. If you liked the selection - write in the comments and we will continue in the same spirit!

By the way, did you know that Sadako is capable of hitting baseball? I must say that she has a very good shot with her right hand.

Himuro Mansion

According to legend, the Himuro mansion is a large traditional Japanese house located in a rocky area somewhere on the outskirts of Tokyo. The mansion became famous as the site of the worst massacre in Japanese history.

It was said that the Himuro family practiced ancient, forgotten Shinto rituals that were banned in Japan long ago. One of these occult rituals was called the "Suffocation Ritual", in which a young girl was sacrificially murdered. The purpose of this terrible ritual was to protect the Himuro family from the bad karma they believed was coming out of the portal in the courtyard of the mansion.

The strangulation ritual was performed every fifty years. A baby girl was chosen in the family, who was secretly raised in a mansion. This girl was called "Maiden of the Rope Temple". The girl was not allowed into the world, she lived in complete isolation, otherwise the ritual would not have worked.

When the time came, the girl was brought to the temple in the courtyard and tied with ropes around her arms, legs and neck. Then several bulls began to pull the ropes in different directions, tearing the victim alive into several parts. The bloody ropes were then placed on the portal in the courtyard of the mansion. If the ritual was successful, then bad karma receded from the family for another fifty years.

This tradition has been passed down from generation to generation in the Himuro family. However, while preparing for the final ritual, something went wrong. The Maiden of the Temple of the Rope fell in love with a boy whom she accidentally saw from the window of the mansion. This was a real disaster, because she had to remain pure and free from worldly influences. Her blood and soul were corrupted, and when she was sacrificed, the ritual failed.

Upon learning that the girl was in love, the head of the Himuro family became distraught. He was responsible for the success of the ritual. Fearing that now all misfortunes would fall on the family, he fell into an indescribable rage. He brutally murdered the entire Himuro family by slashing all of the family members with the traditional Japanese katana sword. The head of the family believed that by killing them, he saved them from a more terrible death. When all family members were killed, he fell on his katana and committed suicide.

The locals from the nearby village have been silent about Himuro's mansion and everything that happened there for decades. And then began endless eyewitness accounts of strange events happening in the mansion.

Inside the mansion, all the walls were covered in bloody handprints. Ghosts have been seen here, both at night and in broad daylight. Legend has it that they are the ghosts of murdered members of the Himuro family, and they will attempt to repeat their failed ritual on anyone foolhardy enough to dare enter the abandoned building.

From time to time, the corpses of people who dared to go there are found in the mansion. They have typical rope marks on their arms, legs, and neck, as if they had been strangled. Several corpses were found in the underground network of tunnels under the mansion. The corpses were literally torn into several pieces. No one knows who made these tunnels or what purpose they served, but apparently they were made to perform the Suffocation Ritual.

The mansion also has a window that has gained a bad reputation. It is said that if this window is photographed, then a ghostly image of a young girl in a kimono will appear on the photograph.

These incidents have caused panic among people in Tokyo, and many believe that those who approach this mansion will be cursed. The mystery of the death of seven people found in this building has not yet been solved.

The urban legend of the Himuro mansion has become popular in the west. The haunted house story has become very fashionable. If the legend is true, then the Himuro Mansion is by far the most cursed building in Japan.

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