The coast of goa is what a sea. What washes Goa: the sea or the ocean? Comfortable and understandable route

One of most popular resorts , which many tourists from all over the world aspire to, is Goa. But some vacationers have a question: what is the sea or ocean in Goa?

This is a very important question, because sometimes this geographical conditions depends on the ability to swim in plenty in the reservoir, since, for example, the ocean coast can be dangerous ( a large number of sharks, poisonous jellyfish), and the sea was created for active water recreation.

  • Indian pools
  • Is there ocean or sea in India?
  • Holidays in Goa
  • Coast
  • Beaches
  • Entertainment
  • A little about seasonality

This may come in handy - a table of seasonality by country for vacation planning.

Indian pools

If you wondered: what awaits you on the coast of Goa (sea or ocean), get ready to get multiple answers that contradict each other.

Read in our article how to get to Goa by plane, and how long the flight takes.

Is there ocean or sea in India?

From the west, India is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Bay of Bengal, a small southern part- the Laccadive Sea, and the union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands washed by the waters andaman sea. All these bodies of water, in turn, are part of indian ocean.

Which body of water borders North and South Goa?

For many inexperienced tourists who decide to go on their vacation to Goa, the question of whether what waters wash the resort: marine or oceanic.

The answer here lies on the surface: Goa is located in the west of India, respectively, washed by the Arabian Sea.

Given that the Arabian Sea is open part the Indian Ocean, it can be said that there is both the sea and the ocean. Sharks are rarely found in the oceanic part of the water expanses of Goa; large concentrations of them are found off the coast of Australia and Oceania.

Also, sharks are very fond of reef zones, so divers need to be careful when diving. found in the Indian Ocean brindle, gray and big White shark , and the most dangerous resorts of these waters are Cosi Bay in South Africa, Seychelles, resorts in Australia.

Holidays in Goa

It should be noted that a beach holiday is not the strongest side state of Goa.


The sea coast of North Goa and South Goa is not much different. The only visible difference is that sand. In the southern part of the resort, the sand is whiter. Due to this, it visually seems that the beaches here are cleaner, and the sea is more transparent. In the northern half of the resort from Sinkerim-Candolim to Anjuna, the sand is more yellow with a grayish tinge, coarse.

In general, we can say that lovers of clean "paradise" beaches will have a hard time here, since the Indian mentality is rather indifferent to garbage, so you can talk about cleanliness and order here. forget.

Sea waters here seem cloudy, because the Arabian Sea is constantly worried and mixed with sand and clay from the coast, so lovers of diving off the coast with a mask will have to give up the idea. Many tourists speak unfavorably about the coast of the northern part of the resort, since the bottom of the coastal waters here is strewn with sharp stones, which can easily hurt you.

Find out in the following article what time of the year is best for a holiday in Goa.

In addition to the uneven bottom, dirty sea and unattractive beaches, here you may encounter, for example, cows roaming freely along the coast. So for those who love an unusual vacation, there will be something to remember after the trip.


For those who cannot decide on a beach, here are some of the most popular beaches in both North and South Goa:


Apart from beach holiday, Goa has a number of attractions, among which you can find something that is right for you so that your vacation will be remembered for a long time.

Read in this article what natural and man-made attractions are worth seeing in North and South Goa.

From water activities, which can be combined with beach passive recreation, are presented:

In addition to water activities, there are land excursions. For example, a popular excursion remains elephant riding. There are not many elephants here, but it is not difficult to find those who provide the opportunity to ride this animal. Sometimes even bathing with elephants is offered, if excursion route passes next to a waterfall or spice plantations.

For those who like to experience another culture, there are Indian dance courses, cooking courses, as well as yoga.

Extreme lovers can purchase tickets for bullfighting- spectacles that are held spontaneously, without special arenas or preparations.

A little about seasonality

In addition to the place of rest, you need to choose the time of rest. high or low season, large or small number of tourists, high or low prices- all this is very important when organizing a holiday.

High season starts in Goa around December and ends in February. It is in December that the most motley audience tends to India to get a unique golden tan, as well as to swim in the sea.

Water temperature in the high season it is not much different from other times in Goa, it ranges from +26 to +29 degrees. You can swim in Goa all year round, so it is not necessary to choose a tourist peak for this. The air temperature is around 29°C to 31°C all year round.

Beaches and the ocean are the treasure of Goa, for which hundreds of thousands of tourists from all over the world come here every year. Indeed, no matter how much you look for the best beaches and ocean for swimming on our planet, it is very difficult to find a better combination of many factors for a beach holiday than in Goa.

Let's start from the sea. By the way, whether to call the body of water near Goa an ocean or a sea is a mere convention. On the one hand, on the map, the body of water near Goa is called the Arabian Sea; on the other hand, it is the open sea, which is part of the Indian Ocean. Therefore, I prefer to consider the body of water near Goa as an ocean, but calling it a sea is also absolutely correct.

The sea is the most important thing for which most tourists from Russia go on vacation. Who and how well rested is primarily judged by the quantity and quality of sea bathing, and only after that by the intricacy of excursions, the beauties of architecture, low prices, frills national cuisine or quality of service. For a tourist from Russia, tired of the cold and gloomy skies for most of the year, the main thing is the sun, the sea and the beach. It is with this that everything is in the best way in Goa. All European seas pale in comparison with the ocean near Goa. And the point here is not at all about beauty, there are many much more colorful water surfaces. The most important thing is the water temperature in Goa, which never drops below +28, and for most of the year it is around +30 degrees. Anyone who has ever rested in the Crimea or on Black Sea coast Caucasus, it is well known that even in the hottest months - July and August, the water in the sea always remains cool, not rising above 25 degrees. As for the other resort months, in May it is still very cold in the Black Sea, in June it is just cold, in September it is still tolerable, and from October it is only for "walruses".


The same applies to all European seas, even in the most visited Russian tourists countries. Whether you're on canary islands, on the coast of Spain, Greece, Cyprus or Turkey - the water in the seas near these countries is never really warm, staying in it for more than 5-10 minutes is fraught with colds, especially for children. If you think otherwise, then most likely you just haven't bathed in a real warm seas, which are found only in the tropics. I loved swimming in the sea since childhood, a trip to the south with my parents was the main event of the year. But there was not a single trip during which, in the very first days of rest, I would not have had a cold due to being in cold sea water. I thought that with age, the immune system will get stronger. But nothing has changed at the age of 20, when I was vacationing in the Crimea, or at 25, when I was vacationing in Sochi, or at 30, when I was vacationing in Turkey and swimming in the Mediterranean Sea, or at 40, when I was vacationing. in Montenegro and swam in the Adriatic Sea. The cold sea has always been the cause of my colds, which poisoned my vacation. Everything changed when I first visited Goa at the age of 35. From the very first swim, the ocean in Goa shocked me. He was so warm and tender that he did not want to get out of it at all. It was January 20th - during the period when the water temperature in Goa reaches its minimum, dropping to +28 degrees. When they told me that it was winter in Goa, I realized that people here simply do not understand what winter is, because they live in paradise. Subsequently, my conclusions were fully confirmed.

We should especially talk about the waves in Goa, because there are a lot of rumors on this topic. The water area off the coast of Goa is the open sea, part of the ocean, so there is almost no complete calm here, there are almost always waves. At the same time, there are never big waves in Goa. That is why, unlike, say, Bali, there are no surfers in Goa. There is simply nowhere to go surfing in Goa, because there are no waves suitable for surfers. Goa and surfing are two mutually exclusive concepts. The maximum that you can find in Goa is a school for beginner surfers who need small, safe waves. These are the small and safe waves in Goa. In some months they are a little more, in others - less, sometimes there are no waves at all.


The absence of big waves off the coast in Goa has its own reason. In Goa, by the way, in principle, the collapse of a tsunami is impossible. The fact is that a large wave needs depth to disperse, while the Arabian Sea off the coast of Goa is shallow for many kilometers away from the coast. There is no space to disperse the waves, which would allow them to gain real power. Therefore, the waves off the coast of Goa, even in the windiest weather, almost never reach dangerous sizes for humans. Most of the time, the waves in Goa are completely harmless. It is important to note that the seabed in Goa is sandy. The ocean is easy to enter, the sandy bottom is pleasant to feel with your feet. There are no cliffs and depressions, the entrance to the water is smooth, gradual. You can clearly control the depth at which you are comfortable swimming. Children in Goa can splash 5-10 meters from the shore, where even adults only reach the knee. Adults will be comfortable 50-100 meters from the shore, where the water reaches the chest or neck. More experienced swimmers can easily swim in Goa 300-500 meters away from the coast, where there are no waves at all, and the silent expanse of water gives absolute bliss.


The combination of shallow water, small waves and sandy bottom off the coast of Goa provides another very important advantage for bathers. AT sea ​​depths Goa is not found dangerous predators for people, this is not their habitat. Of course, there are sharks, stingrays and large fish in the ocean further away. But all of them need depth and an environment rich in food to live. There is nothing of this off the coast of Goa. Even a kilometer from the coast of Goa, the depth rarely exceeds 15 meters, which is not suitable for the habitat of large marine predators. Many tourists in Goa paid attention to the catch with which fishing boats return to shore. As a rule, fishermen's nets contain only small mackerel, which would be enough for one family's dinner, and nothing else. The sandy bottom, the absence of corals and plankton creates unsuitable conditions for the existence of even small fish, not to mention those who hunt them. Therefore, off the coast of Goa, unlike most other warm, tropical seas, swimming is safe. The ocean in Goa is comfortable for swimming six months a year: from mid-October to mid-April. It is at this time that it lasts tourist season in Goa. But even within these six heavenly months there are some nuances, and I will tell you about them. In October, the ocean in Goa is very warm, the water temperature is stable + 30 + 32 degrees. A more comfortable temperature for swimming is impossible to imagine. Water in October in Goa is associated with fresh milk - the same warm, tender and velvety.


But in October you can't be sure about the consistency of the weather in Goa. In October, the rainy season, called "munsun", is just ending in Goa. At this time, cyclones are not uncommon, which bring with them heavy rains and rough seas. Waves can break the idyll of swimming in October in Goa. In November, the cyclones leave, the ocean calms down off the coast of Goa, and the conditions for swimming become ideal. The water temperature in November in Goa is still +30. But it should be borne in mind that in the first half of November the air in Goa is hotter and more humid, at this time you should not forget to use sunscreens. The most comfortable atmosphere in Goa begins in the second half of November. November in Goa smoothly turns into a fertile December. The ocean in Goa at this time becomes more refreshing. The water temperature in Goa in December drops slightly below +30, the waves become very small or disappear altogether. Bathing turns into sheer bliss.


In January, the water temperature in Goa drops to its minimum of +28 degrees, i.e. approximately the same as in Russian pools with heated water. Only unlike the pools, the water in the ocean without bleach and other poisons, rich in all natural elements. Swimming in the ocean near Goa fills you with a feeling of joy and happiness so much that it can be compared to swimming in the "living water" from fairy tales. By the way, boys and girls experience the best moments of their childhood in Goa. About such beaches and such a sea as in Goa, children in Russia can only dream of. Beaches of fine sand, from which it is so convenient to build castles. A smooth entry into the shallow ocean, where you can splash around for hours. Warm sea water, from which you can not get out at all from morning to evening, without any risk of catching a cold. It is the ocean in Goa that is the main holiday for children, which is then impossible to forget for a lifetime.

Ideal weather in Goa lasts until February 6th. On this day in Goa, as a rule, strong winds come. The winds bring with them a wave of the surface of the ocean. The waves are small and not dangerous, but disturbing, which makes it difficult for some to relax in the water. For others, on the contrary, the waves in February in Goa give another reason to enjoy swimming in the ocean, because it is more interesting to swing on the waves, and overcoming them, it is more interesting to swim. To each his own. In February, the atmosphere in Goa is still beautiful, but not so stable. If from mid-November to early February, the heavenly weather in Goa is unchanged almost every day, then in February the climate can change much more often. windy and cloudy days alternate with calm and clear. Due to the changeability of celestial patterns in Goa in February, you can watch some of the most beautiful sunsets over the ocean, when the sun's rays pierce tunnels through the clouds and illuminate the surface of the ocean with bizarre "laser shows".


In March, Indian summer comes to Goa. In India, the summer months are March, April, May. Exactly during Russian spring in Goa, the hottest weather sets in, which not everyone can comfortably endure. True, it should be clarified that in Goa there is no +40, as in the summer in Turkey or Greece, and there is no +50, as in the summer in Egypt or United Arab Emirates. The climate in Goa is much milder. Even during the hottest period in Goa, in May the temperature rarely rises above +35. But if we take into account the humidity that is still rising to 80% during this period, not everyone can comfortably endure such weather. In March, the Indian summer in Goa is just beginning. Many Russians who came on vacation to Goa at this time do not notice at all that the sun has become very active. And yet it is exactly so. Let's say, if in January you can get a tan in two weeks, at best, to the "Moscow region" level, then in March, a few days will be enough to reach the skin color of a shade of dark bronze. The main thing in March and April in Goa is not to forget to use sunscreen.


The water in the ocean in March in Goa heats up to the October level: the temperature of +32 becomes the norm. You don’t want to get out of the water in March in Goa at all. But sometimes you still have to do this, because in March, as in October, the ocean in Goa is not stable: calm days alternate with windy ones, calm is replaced by disturbing waves. It is almost impossible to predict such changes in advance. In April, the season in Goa ends. The heat in April, especially in the second half of the month, increases to +34 in the shade, the humidity of the air rises. The ocean in Goa at this time becomes even too warm, its temperature reaches +34 degrees. On calm days, swimming in Goa in April is a delight. But in April, the ocean in Goa is rarely calm, at this time the waves intensify, which sometimes do not even allow you to enter the water, knocking you down. In May, the heat and excitement of the ocean in Goa intensify even more. In May, there are not so many favorable days for swimming in Goa; big waves, and the water becomes so warm (about +36) that swimming in it is not very refreshing after being in the same hot air. However, I know people who claim that May is their favorite time in Goa, because there are very few tourists and you can fully feel like a serene native in a tropical Goan paradise. In June, the munsun begins in Goa, that is, the rainy season. The sun at this time hides behind a dense cover of clouds, waterfalls of moisture fall from the sky. Streams of heavenly water descend on the Goan hills into the sea, flooding the beaches. The ocean during moonsun turns into a seething, dark brown mess with white crests of raging waves. Entering the ocean at this time is life-threatening, you can never get back.


If you have scheduled a vacation during the Russian summer, then there is no point in going to Goa at this time, most likely, you will only get disappointed. Goa is a winter resort. Moreover, one should not think that the weather in Goa during the munsun, from June to the end of September, changes by analogy with the Russian one. In Goa, everything happens in a completely different way. The downpour falls on Goa, as a rule, on June 6-7 and then lasts for four months, almost without interruption, flooding everything and everything. In recent years, however, this tradition has been violated by global climate change on earth: rains in Goa during the munsun period are becoming less and more sun. But be that as it may, munsun is an unfavorable period for relaxing in Goa: the air humidity is too high, and it is impossible to swim in the ocean.


There are very few tourists in Goa during the Moonsun period. Almost all restaurants and shops in Goa are closed for the monsun period, their owners go home to different states of India and abroad, turning from those who provide tourist services in those who receive them. Goa rests during the munsun period. Turbulent streams of water from heaven cleanse the space of paradise in order to reopen their doors in October to suffering vacationers from all over the world. In October, the sun peeps out of the clouds in the sky over Goa, and with it the first restaurants open and the first tourists arrive. The new season begins in the Goan paradise.

That's all I wanted to tell you about the seasons in Goa.

29/01/2016 16:00

The opinion of tourists may not coincide with the opinion of the editors.

One of most popular resorts, which many tourists from all over the world aspire to, is Goa. But some vacationers have a question: what is the sea or ocean in Goa?

This is a very important question, since sometimes the opportunity to swim in a reservoir depends on this geographical condition, since, for example, the ocean coast can be dangerous (a large number of sharks, poisonous jellyfish), and the sea coast is created for active water recreation.

Indian pools

If you wondered what awaits you on the coast (sea or ocean), get ready to get multiple answers that contradict each other.

Is there ocean or sea in India?

From the west, India is washed by the waters of the Arabian Sea, from the east by the Bay of Bengal, a small southern part by the Laccadive Sea, and the union territory of the Andaman and Nicobar Islands is washed by the waters. All these reservoirs, in turn, are part of the Indian Ocean.

Which body of water borders North and South Goa?

For many inexperienced tourists who decide to go on their vacation to Goa, the question of whether what waters wash the resort: marine or oceanic.

The answer here lies on the surface: Goa is located in the west of India, respectively, washed by the Arabian Sea.

Given that the Arabian Sea is an open part of the Indian Ocean, we can say that there is both the sea and the ocean. In the oceanic part of the water expanses of Goa, sharks are rarely found; large concentrations of them are found off the coast and Oceania.

Also, sharks are very fond of reef zones, so divers need to be careful when diving. found in the Indian Ocean tiger, gray and great white sharks, and the most dangerous resorts of these waters are Cosi Bay in South Africa, Seychelles, resorts in Australia.

Holidays in Goa

It should be noted that a beach holiday is not the strongest side state of Goa.


The sea coast of North Goa and South Goa is not much different. The only visible difference is that sand. In the southern part of the resort, the sand is whiter. Due to this, it visually seems that the beaches here are cleaner, and the sea is more transparent. In the northern half of the resort from Sinkerim-Candolim to Anjuna, the sand is more yellow with a grayish tinge, coarse.

In general, we can say that lovers of clean "paradise" beaches will have a hard time here, since the Indian mentality is rather indifferent to garbage, so you can talk about cleanliness and order here. forget.

Sea waters here seem cloudy, because it constantly worries and mixes with sand and clay from the coast, so lovers of diving off the coast with a mask will have to give up the idea. Many tourists speak unfavorably about the coast of the northern part of the resort, since the bottom of the coastal waters here is strewn with sharp stones, which can easily hurt you.

In addition to uneven bottoms, dirty seas and unattractive beaches, here you may encounter, for example, cows roaming freely along the coast. So for those who love an unusual vacation, there will be something to remember after the trip.


For those who cannot decide on a beach, here are some of the most popular beaches in both North and South Goa:


In addition to a beach holiday, Goa has a number of attractions, among which you can find something that is right for you so that your vacation will be remembered for a long time.

From water activities, which can be combined with beach passive recreation, are presented:

In addition to water activities, there are land excursions. For example, a popular excursion remains elephant riding. There are not many elephants here, but it is not difficult to find those who provide the opportunity to ride this animal. Sometimes even bathing with elephants is offered if the excursion route passes near a waterfall or spice plantations.

For those who like to experience another culture, there are Indian dance courses, cooking courses, as well as yoga.

Extreme lovers can purchase tickets for bullfighting- spectacles that are held spontaneously, without special arenas or preparations.

A little about seasonality

In addition to the place of rest, you need to choose the time of rest. High or low season, large or small number of tourists, high or low prices - all this is very important when organizing a holiday.

High season starts in Goa around December and ends in February. It is in December that the most motley audience strives to get a unique golden tan, as well as swim in the sea.

Water temperature in the high season it is not much different from other times in Goa, it ranges from +26 to +29 degrees. You can swim in Goa all year round, so it is not necessary to choose a tourist peak for this. The air temperature is around 29°C to 31°C all year round.

Silence covers Goa in May, this month the parties subside, the hotels are empty, restaurants and cafes are closed. May days bring suffocating heat, stuffiness and the rainy season to the Indian state.

Water in the sea it warms up to +30 degrees, with constant unrest and such a temperature, it is impossible to swim. The only plus of a holiday in the low season, perhaps, will be the prices.

The coast of the Arabian Sea in Goa is next video:

On the pages of our site you will find many articles about Goa beaches. We analyzed this topic very well, but we said almost nothing about the sea in Goa. The time has come to fill this gap and talk in detail not only about what washes Goa, but also about the state of the water in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe beaches.

Which sea is washed by Goa

If you are well versed in geography, then such a question may even seem stupid to you. But many tourists will not even be able to find Goa on the map. I am sometimes even asked about what kind of sea or ocean surrounds Goa. That is, some people think that Goa is an island.

In fact - Goa is part of India, a state located in the west of the country. This is not an island (although there are several small islands in the state), so nothing surrounds it, but is washed by the Arabian Sea on the western side.
Can we say that Goa is washed by the Indian Ocean? As I think, it is possible to say so, and it will not be a mistake. After all, the Arabian Sea looks like part of the Indian Ocean, and you can’t even find the border between them. For example, the Baltic and mediterranean sea isolated from the Atlantic Ocean, so I won’t turn my tongue to say during a vacation in Turkey that I’m relaxing on Atlantic Ocean. In the case of Goa, Sri Lanka, Phuket and some other regions of Asia, one can say so.

State of the sea near Goa

With the name of the sea washing Goa, we figured it out. Now let's look at what this sea looks like shores of Goa. Although the beaches of Goa are considered among the best in India, they still cannot be included among the most the best beaches in the Indian Ocean basin. On the same Phuket there are several more beautiful beaches. Moreover, the water in the Goa region is not always calm, and there are often dangerous currents. There are beautiful flags here even during the peak season, and during the monsoon season they never disappear at all.
Between October and May, you can swim in the sea near Goa in more or less safe water, but it is important to watch the flags on the beaches. If there is a red flag on the beach, then swimming on it is dangerous. The red-yellow flag signals more or less good conditions for swimming, but you still need to be careful not to swim too far. Even with a yellow flag, you need to be careful. It is also worth noting that sometimes an army of "Portuguese boats" approaches the coast of Goa. These are jellyfish that are not in the water, but on its surface, but their flagella are under water. In general, contact with such a jellyfish is not dangerous, but if it happens far from the coast, then different options are possible.

Sea in Goa during monsoon season

June - September is the time of the monsoons in Goa, when the prevailing wind changes from the southeast to the southwest and brings a huge amount of rainfall. Since Goa is located on west coast India, then here are formed high waves and dangerous currents. Such waves can knock you off your feet, which can cause you to break your knees, hands and face, pass out or even get a fracture.
Reverse currents are even more dangerous. Their danger lies in the fact that they are often found in areas with calm, smooth and mostly darker water, and therefore look very good to the inexperienced swimmer. If you go into such a current, you will be pulled into the sea very quickly, faster than you can swim. The current itself is not very dangerous, but people often start to panic, try to fight it and swim to the shore (which is completely pointless, since the current moves faster than an Olympic champion swimmer). As a result, due to panic or fatigue, a person drowns. In Goa, unfortunately, tourists often drown and locals. Many people are simply unaware of this danger, so don't be fooled by the fact that there are a lot of people in the water. If you see red flags on the beach, then in no case go into the water.
Remember that during the monsoon season there are no lifeguards on the beaches in Goa, so it is unlikely that anyone will help you if you drown.

Sea cleanliness in Goa

Interestingly, it is during the monsoon season that the water in the sea near Goa is the cleanest. It's hard to believe when you look at the raging gray sea, but it's true. The reason is banal: during the rainy season in Goa less tourists, fewer vacationers on the beaches, less garbage, respectively, less dirty drains. Only at the beginning of the monsoon season, heavy rains wash away the accumulated garbage and various harmful bacteria into the sea, but already in July the sea becomes clear. But unfortunately not suitable for swimming.
During the high season, the sea in Goa is a little dirtier, but this does not mean that you cannot swim in it. But still for swimming it is advisable to choose appropriate place. I would not advise you to choose those places that are located very close to the mouths of the rivers, since these rivers often bring garbage and runoff from the villages and cities located on their coast. AT north goa really hard to find clean beach with clean water. Offhand, I only remember Mandrem. In South Goa, things are better in this regard. There are no really dirty beaches here.


If you are going to Goa mainly for the sake of swimming in the sea, then we advise you to choose a beach in the south of the state, on a long strip where the beaches of Colva, Cavellosim and others are located. The beaches to the south of this coast (Agonda, Palolem, etc.) are also good for swimming, but you need to be careful here, as there may be stones in the water.

The Tver merchant Afanasy Nikitin, who visited faraway India in the 15th century, called his masterpiece literary work “Journey beyond three seas”. In addition to colorful saris, bright oriental bazaars and an endless kaleidoscope of impressions from the local cuisine and customs, the traveler was also conquered by the seas of India, which today are one of the main magnets for tourists from all over the world.

Edge of eternal summer

Wintering in the country of elephants and tea is very popular today. Freelancers and other fans of unpretentious work contracts, whose conditions do not include a daily appearance in the office or at work, answer without hesitation to the question of which sea washes India. Their fiefdom is the province of Goa, where the most warm beaches, and the variety of levels and prices of hotels allows even the most modest travelers not to appear in the gray Moscow slush for many months.
The Hindustan peninsula is washed by the Arabian Sea from the west, which enters the Indian Ocean basin. It is on its coast that the main beaches of North and South Goa are located. The climate on the local shores is tropical, it is characterized by monsoons, and the water temperature ranges from +23 degrees in winter to +29 in summer. The maximum precipitation on the Indian shores of the Arabian Sea occurs in the summer months.

Western direction

But not only Goa is the only Indian tourist alive, and when asked what seas are in India, the most advanced answer is the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. Here is a very unusual state, which includes the islands of the Andaman and Nicobar archipelagos. What is the special charm of rest on Indian islands?

  • The archipelagos are a closed area, because there are reserves and National parks. The consequence of this is the need for special permits to visit, and therefore a real opportunity to be alone with nature.
  • On the Andaman Islands ships depart from the ports of Chennai and Kolkata, the journey on which fans may enjoy seascapes.
  • On Havelock Island there is an opportunity to go diving and get acquainted with the inhabitants of the Indian sea. The list of possible candidates - sea ​​turtles and dolphins. The forests on the shore delight with many bright birds and even elephants that live here quite legally.
  • For those who prefer to admire the colorful flora and fauna without diving, excursions on a glass bottom boat are included in the entertainment program on the islands.