Mogilev - Osipovichi by train. Mogilev - Osipovichi timetable of trains and electric trains Schedule of commuter trains Mogilev Osipovichi

Timetable of trains and trains Mogilev - Osipovichi on this moment includes trains long distance- 9, train ( suburban trains, diesel) - 4. The first train departs from Mogilev station at night at 00:45 and arrives at the terminal station at 03:21. Last train departs from Mogilev station at 17:46 and arrives at the destination in the evening. According to the timetable, the average travel time from the point of departure Mogilev to the point of arrival Osipovichi is 2 h 46 m: the fastest train travels 2 h 0 m, the slowest train travels 3 h 34 m.
Some trains from Mogilev station to Osipovichi station run on separate days (they have a special timetable).
Trains on the route Mogilev - Osipovichi pass through such stations and settlements as: Drut .
Schedule of trains and electric trains along the route Mogilev - Osipovichi shown here is updated regularly and the summer and winter schedules are always available.
You can buy tickets for the Mogilev - Osipovichi train at the ticket office of the nearest station or online, and for the train - only at the ticket office of the station.

This train schedule for the route Mogilev - Osipovichi is informative and does not contain operational changes related to repair work and other circumstances. When planning a trip, it is recommended to check the schedule at the information station.

About the timetable of trains Mogilev - Osipovichi

At the moment, the Mogilev Osipovichi train schedule consists of 9 flights: direct trains - 0, passing - 9. These are flights 649B, 613B, 055B, 083A, 659B - the fastest of them 659B Mogilev-1 Novosibirsk-Glavny, which overcomes the distance on the route Mogilev Osipovichi in 0 d 2 h 0 min, the slowest train is 083A St. Petersburg-Vitebsky Soligorsk, departing at 06:36. The number of stops along the Mogilev Osipovichi route ranges from 3 to 5 depending on the train schedule and averages 4. Along the way, the train makes stops in accordance with the schedule on average every 41 minutes. Trains depart from Mogilev station in the morning - 00:45, 06:36, 06:36 and in the afternoon - 15:30, 15:30. All trains leave from Mogilev-1 stations and arrive at Osipovichi 1 stations.

At the moment, the schedule of trains and trains between settlements Mogilev-1 - Osipovichi-1 included 5 electric trains or electric trains and also 18 long-distance trains.

The first train No. 649B leaves at 0 hours 45 minutes. and arrives in Osipovichi-1 at about 3 hours 21 minutes. (is on the road 2 h 36 min). The first electric train numbered No. 6581 leaves the Mogilev-1 station at 3 hours 32 minutes. and arrives in 3 hours 11 minutes to the destination - Osipovichi-1 at 6 hours 43 minutes. .

Last passenger train under the number No. 691F follows from the Mogilev-1 station at 15 hours 30 minutes. and after 2 hours 10 minutes it arrives at the platform of Osipovichi-1 station at 17 hours 40 minutes. . The last electric train No. 6587 is on the way for 3 hours 34 minutes. Departing from Mogilev-1 station at 17 hours 46 minutes. and arriving in Osipovichi-1 at 21 hours 20 minutes. .

Please note that in online schedule for trains and electric trains Mogilev-1 - Osipovichi-1 there may be flights that take place on certain days of the week. When planning a trip, check the schedule for the desired date in advance. The schedule data on our website is constantly updated, thanks to which our visitors receive up-to-date information. If you have any questions on the route Mogilev-1 - Osipovichi-1 - you can contact the nearest railway ticket office, where the employees of the railway station will help and advise you. On the spot, you can also immediately purchase a ticket in the right direction.

Many trains on this route are subject to dynamic pricing. During the high season, the number of running trains increases. The more empty seats on the train, the lower the ticket price. Therefore, try to buy train tickets in advance.

How to buy a train ticket without overpayments?

Ideology lowtrip- to do everything to make your working, tourist, sightseeing trips as full as possible. Therefore, we offer on a separate page also free tours in Osipovichi, cheap housing, reviews local residents and a list of attractions. We also tell you how you can get from Mogilev to Osipovichi by train and other modes of transport.

Attention! Our service only finds the cheapest options for a train, but all the purchase and registration takes place with our partners - Russian Railways or OneTwoTrip. Our service does not add any additional commission to the cost, which helps travelers to buy tickets at the most affordable prices.

Conclusion: buy only on reliable sites that are partners of Russian Railways.

If you have any comments on the work, or you want to offer a partnership, then send an email to [email protected]

How to buy the cheapest train ticket?

Russian Railways opens sales of railway tickets 90 days before departure.

Tip: it is most profitable to buy tickets in advance, at the very beginning of sales, the cost is minimal.

Timetable for April 1, 2020

We've added the schedule to the page. railway trains in the direction Mogilev - Osipovichi, which is shown on April 1, 2020.