How to get from Venice airport to Lido di Jesolo. Distance from Lido di Jesolo to Venice

Many tourists are afraid of the prospect of traveling on their own, without looking back at the tour operator. These fears are completely in vain, since there are many specialized sites where you can find information: how to book tours yourself, where to eat and what to see.

If you are going to travel in Italy, we recommend that you pay attention to the Italian resort of Lido di Jesolo and study the tips and reviews independent tourists given in this article.

City Features

Lido di Jesolo is one of the youngest tourist cities. Built in the middle of the 20th century, in the 60s, Jesolo gained fame popular resort. its name translated from Italian as "the coast near Jesolo".

The main language is Italian, but in cafes, restaurants and hotels, employees speak English and French, in some places there are even signs “we speak Russian”.

The main street stretches through the whole city - it's almost 15 kilometers. But here you can find everything that tourists need- grocery and souvenir shops, entertainment centers and discos for young people, numerous cafes and restaurants. For children, you can find a wide range of attractions and playgrounds.

Artur, 43: “There are not very many Russian tourists here, when compared with more famous resorts. Mostly German or British. The resort itself is very calm, the city is clean, the residents are hospitable. On weekends you can watch breathtaking airshows here.”

Weather, beaches

Most auspicious time to visit the resort is the time from May to September when the water warms up to its maximum of +30 degrees. At the same time, the air is not dry, so the heat (from +22 to +31) is tolerated calmly, without much discomfort.

But don't want to go in august- at this time, it is time for the holidays for the Italians themselves, who also prefer to rest in Lido di Jesolo: there are almost no free sunbeds on the beaches, and there are no free places in hotels.

Very favorable conditions in the city for fans of a beach holiday: a wide strip of beaches stretches along the entire city. Due to special geographical location there are almost never storms here and high waves , and the sea near the coast is quite shallow - a great opportunity for families with small children.

On the beaches during the main tourist season passes Sand Sculpture Festival. Dozens of craftsmen compete to see who is better able to mold a real masterpiece out of wet sand.

For those who prefer active sports holidays, on the beach sports equipment rentals, water activities are available: diving, jet skis and skiing, catamaran riding.

Feedback from Evgenia, 29 years old: “The sea is very clean and warm, the entrance is very gentle, the depth starts after 10 meters, this Lido di Jesolo is very convenient when you go on vacation to Italy with a child. On the beaches there are playgrounds with a safe soft surface, animators work. There are small water parks for children, which is also very convenient.”

Trade is actively flourishing on the beaches: from a souvenir to a bag. But you need to take into account the fact that all glasses, bags and belts are fake. And the acquisition of fakes is punishable by Italian law. Buying a handbag from a fake Gucci can result in a fine of 200 euros.

On the map of Italy

Hotels and average prices

Lido di Jesolo has more than 400 hotels of various categories, a large number of mini-hotels and private villas, as good as all over Italy. All hotels are located on 3 lines, distance to the sea maximum 300 meters. Hotels of the first beach line close to the beaches. A small road separates the second and third lines, but the traffic along it can hardly be called intense.

Those who prefer comfort can recommend hotels on the 1st line with a wide range of services (including additional ones). The cost of living in 5 * hotels will cost 180-250 euros per night. The staff of some hotels of a higher class can speak Russian.

Hotels of category 4 and 3 stars have the same conditions, only a set additional services less, and the situation in hotels is simpler. Accommodation in such hotels will cost 110-160 euros. But it must be taken into account that Jesolo hotels almost do not have their own territory, and all amenities on the territory of the hotel are located very compactly.

In addition to hotels, there is another option for accommodation - apartments. You can rent them in advance, on special sites (you can consider Italian sites for renting housing). The apartments are located closer to the city center, cost of living within 90-140 euros per day.

Vyacheslav, 34 years old: “Choosing simpler hotels, for example, 3-star categories, you should not be fooled by the rich decoration of the facade. As a rule, it is limited to it, and inside the furniture and furnishings are ancient. It is worth carefully studying review sites, preferably with photographs taken by tourists in hotels, in order to have a more or less clear picture.

Read also - all the information about the most interesting! How to get to museum complex, detailed description You can find ticket prices on our website.


The most popular vehicle in beautiful city Italy's Lido di Isolo are buses. The schedule and directions can be found at any bus stop- information is given not only in Italian, but also in English.

Bus routes:

  • Route number 2- "Bus station - Cortelazzo"
  • Route number 3- "Bus station - Faro Square"
  • Country route number 5(goes from the bus station towards Venice, to Puntta Sabioni)

Bus tickets are on sale in special vending machines at the bus stop. Moreover, you can take a one-way ticket and a round-trip ticket. Choose your destination carefully. The ticket must be validated (in the bus itself or at the bus stop in a special composter).

Ticket price: one way - 1.5 euros, round trip - 5 euros. No need to try to drive "hare" - in Italy, high fines for stowaways.

Mark, 31: “A lot of people move around the city on bicycles, both tourists and locals. There are dedicated bike paths. You can rent a bike for 1 euro per hour, and there are rental points even in hotels. But in the evening, after 20 o’clock, all traffic (car or bicycle) stops, and the streets become pedestrian.”

Restaurants and grocery stores

Near the bus station is Numerous cafes and restaurants provide a choice. The average check in a cafe is 25 euros, in a restaurant - 35 euros.

a large shopping center "Laguna", where you can buy food at relatively low prices (products for dinner for 3 people can cost as little as 10 euros).

More a more economical option is the Smile mini-market where you can buy food for dinner for only 6 euros. Truth, English language store staff does not own.

If you prefer a "quick" snack, then Lido di Jesola is open McDonald's, Burger King and sushi bar.

But With local cuisine Still, this food is incomparable.. Pasta with seafood, pasta carbonara, the thinnest pizza with all kinds of toppings - not only tasty, but also inexpensive (from 6 euros).

AT local cafes and restaurants you can taste dishes of both Mediterranean and European cuisines, there are dishes of Japanese, Indian and Chinese cuisines included in the menu. Taverns and restaurants on the coast specialize in seafood dishes.

Nearly all restaurants there is a menu in Russian, and in some places even Russian waiters serve.

By the way, do not forget about the siesta (rest time), when All establishments are closed from 14:00 to 17:00.

Reviews of tourists:

  • Maria, 28 years old:“We only had breakfast at our hotel. We had lunch and dinner in numerous cafes and small restaurants. A very large selection of dishes, each cafe has its own cute features. Very tasty ice cream!”
  • Denis, 26 years old:“The food here is delicious. Prices in some places are comparable to Moscow, and in some restaurants they bite. But the portions here are also large - sometimes one dish was taken for two. By the way, queues were observed in front of some cafes - for us this is an indicator that the service and menu here are at their best.”

Jesolo has a single discount card "Jesolo-OK Card". This is a special discount program that entitles you to receive discounts and various bonuses. This program works in shops, restaurants, hotels, entertainment venues.

Where to go, what to see?

The location of Lido di Jesolo is considered very successful and thanks to this you can visit attractions not only local, but also nearby cities Italy (Verona, Ravenna). In the city itself, there are children's theme parks and architectural monuments.

All attractions are marked on the city map, which you can take free in any store and supermarket.

  • Waterpark Aqualandia- the largest theme water park not only in the vicinity of Lido di Jesolo, but throughout Adriatic coast. It has 8 themed areas, 27 rides and 6 entertainment areas with animators.

    Ticket price - 30 euros. After the end of the high season, the entrance fee to the water park is set at 27 euros. And you can also get a discount on visiting the water park - if you meet water park vans on the city squares, you can get a colorful flyer that entitles you to a discount at the entrance.

  • Oceanarium. If you walk through a long underwater tunnel, in addition to all kinds of fish, you can see sharks swimming overhead.
  • Archaeological area "Antike Mura"(in translation it sounds like “ancient walls”) is the area where the ruins of the ancient cathedral and churches are located, the construction of which dates back to the 6th-7th centuries.

    The corner of the wall, the crypt, the foundation of the ancient bell tower have survived to this day. Many artifacts were found at the site of the excavations, which can be seen in the museum of the municipality of Jesolo.

  • Tower of Mists (Torre Caligo). The tower was erected in the middle of the 11th century (according to some documents - 930) to protect the trade routes that run through the city. According to legends and some written sources, a hermit, St. Romuald, lived here in the 16th century; an altar cross was subsequently erected in his honor, which has survived to this day.
  • Church of Santa Maria di Assunta is the oldest church in Jesolo. In the Middle Ages, it was considered the second largest and most important building after St. Mark's Cathedral. During excavations under the foundation of the church, remains of an even more ancient structure were discovered.
  • Church of El Cristo, erected at the end of the 16th century, is famous for the fact that it contains an altar cross found in the ground. Plowmen discovered it, but no matter how much they took their find from the field, the cross miraculously returned to its place. Therefore, it was decided to erect a church and leave the cross within its walls.
  • Flea market "Casa Bianca". Here is the real kingdom of antiques. Merchants offer a variety of goods - from antique brooches to furniture and household utensils.

On the streets of Jesolo there are a lot of travel companies that offer sightseeing trips to nearby cities. From Jesolo you can go on an excursion to:

  • Venice (walking along St. Mark's Square, gondola rides, shopping).
  • Verona (must visit the grotto of Romeo and Juliet).

Vera, 33 years old: “Jesolo is a great place to relax with the whole family, there are a lot of places that were interesting for children. water parks, aquariums, amusement parks, and everything is affordable.”

How to get there?

Lido di Jesolo can be reached in several ways:

  • From Venice, which is located just 35 kilometers from Jesolo, there is a regular bus service: for 14 euros you can get to the bus station in Jesolo in about an hour.
  • Even faster can be reached by sea- Tourist boats run between Venice and Jesolo every half hour, the journey time is about 40-45 minutes.
  • From Verona Jesolo can be reached by train (journey time approximately 2 hours).

Lido di Jesolo is relative calm resort designed for both family vacations and youth recreation. Developed entertainment industry, a large selection of restaurants and cafes, comfortable beach holiday- for many tourists this is a worthy reason to come back here again and again.

In contact with

Lido di Jesolo / Italian. Lido di Jesolo, this is resort town in Veneto, which is close to Venice. In this article, we will look at how to get to Lido di Jesolo from and from Venice and We will also look at how to move on public transport actually Lido di Jesolo.

Local map
  • Marco Polo Airport - Lido di Jesolo

ATVO bus company provides routes between and Lido di Jesolo. There are express buses that make one intermediate stop at Treviso airport and there are special buses (linee per il mare, meaning routes to the sea) that operate only in summer.

1. Express buses operate 4 routes per day. Travel time 30 minutes.

2. Special buses (linee per il mare) directly connect and Lido di Jesolo from 16.06 to 31.08.16.

  • Marco Polo Airport - Mestre - Venice - Lido di Jesolo

Buses 10A companies ATVO carry out numerous routes between and Lido di Jesolo passing also Venice. Travel time 30 minutes.

Lido di Jesolo
  • Lido di Jesolo - Treviso Airport, Express

bus company ATVO carries out a route between Lido di Jesolo and . Buses carry out 4 routes per day. Travel time is approximately an hour.

Lido di Jesolo
  • Venice - Mestre train station - Lido di Jesolo

bus company ATVO carries out a route between Venice, and Lido di Jesolo with the help of bus lines 29. Buses make many stops, including. In Venice, the bus stops at Piazza. Roma, in near the railway. stations.

Please note that tickets must be booked. You can purchase tickets online, on the ATVO official website, or at ticket sales points (addresses are shown in the schedule below).

Lido di Jesolo
  • City routes in Lido di Jesolo

bus company ATVO carries out a route between Lido di Jesolo by buses number 60. Buses depart either from the bus station or from the square. Faro/Piazza Faro. Travel time - 20 minutes.

The Venetian lagoon is fenced off from high seas narrow long islands. The closest of them to Venice is the island Lido di Venezia. It can be considered as the nearest suburb of Venice and as a magnificent beach resort. sandy beaches The Lido di Venezia stretches for many kilometers.

The Lido is long and narrow. The widest point is about 1 km, and the length is 13 km.

There are several piers on the island, but the main one is Lido S.M.E. (Santa Maria Elizabeth - according to the nearest church). Vaparetto No. 1 lands at this stop. Vaparetto No. 2, 6, N (night) also go there.

Vaparetto No. 1 is the most popular route in Venice. It starts from Piazza Roma, passes through the entire Grand Canal, and from the pier of San Zaccaria heads towards Lido di Venezia. Lido S.M.E - his Ending station. She is directly opposite Venetian island Saint Helena.

One day, a little tired of museums, we decided to go to the island of Lido di Venezia. It happened in winter, there was no talk of swimming. I just wanted to be transported to a completely different environment. Wander along the winter beach, look at Palazzo del Chinema(The Venice Film Festival takes place exactly on the Lido di Venezia), look at Venice from the other side.

Well, we set off.

Our boat headed for the Church of Santa Maria Vittoria, the most striking building in this part of the Lido. This church was built in memory of the victims of the First World War.

In about 10 minutes we covered the path from San Zaccaria to Lido Santa Maria Elisabeth.

By the way, the Church of Santa Maria Elizabeth was quite inconspicuous. A simple whitewashed house.

First Impressions

The first thing that catches your eye is that cars and buses drive here! In Venice, you quickly get used to the fact that there are no cars around, they are deleted from the landscape. And here, please.

There are several on the Lido bus routes. The most popular of them is number 11, which runs along the entire island.

If you have a Vaparetto pass, then it is also valid for Lido di Venezia, since this is the same transport company - ATVO. A ticket for 1 day costs 20 euros, for two - 30, for three - 40, for a week - 60. Valid in Venice, Murano, Burano, Torcello, Lido, Mestre. Not valid for travel from the airport to Venice.

I must say, the wind on the embankment blew serious. There was no such wind in Venice. And we immediately dived deep into the island.

From the Lido south to Chioggia

In the northern part of the island is relatively wide, there are two parallel highways: along the beach and in the center.

Street along the island

To the south, the island narrows, two roads merge into one. In the center of the Lido is the village of Malamocco, and on its southern tip there is the fortress of Alberoni and a large golf course.

Lido ends, and another, already quite narrow island of Pellestrina begins.

Behind Pellestrina is the fishing village of Chioggia, and I had the idea to someday get to this place. Chioggia is lined with canals, has Cathedral and in general, according to rumors, a nice place. And Chioggia is also famous for its fish restaurants, and, they say, Venetian gourmets specially go to Chioggia to eat fish. Not far from Chioggia there is the beach of Sottomarina.

Apparently, the route from Venice to Chioggia is quite popular, because upon arrival at Lido di Venezia, we found a map on the pier showing how to get from Venice to Chioggia via Lido and Pellestrina.

It can be seen from the diagram that first we travel 20 minutes around the Lido island by bus number 11. Then we take a boat in 10 minutes to get to neighboring island Pellestrina.

15 minutes by bus along Pellestrina. Then we sail for 25 minutes to the end point - Chioggi. Thus, at least 1.10 must be laid on the road in one direction. Throughout the route, the Venetian ticket(both vaporetto and bus).

You can replace the bus with a bicycle. Green dots on the map are bike rentals. At the beginning of the island I took a bike, at the end I gave it up.

Well, maybe someday we'll take that walk.

And this time we decided that it was time to return to beautiful Venice, and crossed to the other side of the island to go back to the pier.

The Corbusier was out of sight. And so, you know, somehow I began to like Lido. Lovely houses, nooks and crannies. Fishing boats on the shore. The locals ride bikes. Cozy and calm. Definitely nicer than Rimini.

A couple of hundred meters from the shore, you could see a green small island with a high bell tower - the island of San Lazzaro dei Armeni with a unique Armenian monastery (we will go to this island in a day, and a story about it is ahead).

The harbor soon appeared. We also had an idea to go to the church of San Nicolò. It stands closer to the northern tip of the Lido, and it contains a particle of the relics of Nicholas of Myra.

But the vaporetto approached, the towers and domes of Venice rose invitingly ahead, and we left the Lido di Venezia without having carried out the intention.

View of Venice from the Lido

Lido di Venezia or Lido di Jesolo?

In general, Lido left a very pleasant impression. I think that in summer it is much more pleasant to rent an apartment on the Lido, and to go to Venice by vaporetto.

We are more familiar with the resort of Lido di Jesolo. It is considered democratic, and in travel agencies package tours in Lido di Jesolo, prices are on par with Rimini, the cheapest Italian resort.

However, getting from Venice to Lido di Jesolo is longer and more inconvenient: first by vaporetto - to Punto Sabioni, and then by bus along the coast to your hotel. Or by land around the northern part of the lagoon by bus.

Lido di Venezia has the undeniable advantage that within 15 minutes you are out of hot summer Venice you can move to green Island and in the next 10 minutes on foot cross it and end up on the beach.

Compare prices for hotels in Lido di Jesolo and Lido di Venezia.

Booking shows that you can rent Lido di Jesolo during the high season Double Room in a 3 * hotel for 70 euros per night (i.e. 35 euros per person), and in Lido di Venezia - for 85 (43 per person). The difference is not so significant. In addition, you can look for cheaper apartments or choose a lower season. However, it also matters how important the proximity of Venice is to you. If you go a couple of times, then Lido di Jesolo is quite suitable. Especially in the heat in the city is not at all comfortable.

But at the end of the season, somewhere in mid-September, when hotel prices drop and the heat recedes, Lido di Venezia, in my opinion, is the best accommodation option.

Useful websites to prepare for your trip

Lido di Jesolo - small village fishermen, who eventually became quite famous resort. It is located next to, and therefore it makes sense to go to it and explore the surroundings, having rested on the sea. I am no exception among tourists, and have traveled to Lido di Jesolo more than once different types transport, in order to feel the charm sea ​​waves and gaze at the local lighthouse. Now I will tell you how you can get to this town.

Travel by car

Traveling in Italy by car is a real pleasure. The road network in Italy is simply magnificent. It consists of toll and free roads, oh toll roads just in case, you can read. True, I will say that the road to Lido Di Jesolo from Venice does not involve driving on toll roads, so there is already some savings)

True, there is something in Italy that is really worth paying attention to on the road - local drivers and.

If you start your journey from the old part of the city, then first you will need to cross the waters of the bay along long bridge, road-rail type. Then you should continue along the SR-11 highway. It passes within the city limits and is rather narrow, and therefore it is important to be more attentive so that there is no accident involving a car and pedestrians.

At the entrance to the San Giuliano Park there will be a small interchange, allowing you to get on the new highway with the code SS-14. At first, it also passes within the boundaries of the settlement:

True, then the situation will change. There are few sights along the way, except for the park itself, and also a little further the road will pass near the Marco Polo airport, and if you're lucky, you can see the landing or takeoff of airliners in the sky. Fans of spotting will definitely rejoice at this opportunity.

The terrain eventually turns into bright green fields and lawns.

Highway SS-14 will take most of the journey. Usually there are not too many cars here, so you can drive at a speed close to the maximum.

You need to drive along this highway before turning onto the Via Riviera Sile highway. The turn is quite simple - just turn off the road, and that's it. No junctions or anything like that.

You will need to drive along Via Riviera Sile until the intersection with the next highway, which has the code SR-43. This road leads all the way to Lido di Jesolo. Her path runs along the Venetian Lagoon, and therefore, if you wish, you can look at her. True, you will have to go through thickets of shrubs growing along the road and blocking the view of the reservoir. Otherwise

The entire journey will take approximately one hour. There is one more thing: since Lido Di Jesolo is a small village, then at the peak holiday season possible problem with parking space for auto. The problem is not required, but possible.

Train travel

Railways in Italy are the main way to travel between cities. There are different classes and types of trains, you can read more about this. But alas, there is no railway connection with Lido Di Jesolo, so the option is not relevant.

Travel by bus

Due to the lack of an option with the railway, a trip by bus is practically uncontested. Bus services to Lido di Jesolo are provided by ATVO buses. Their buses are quite comfortable, it is comfortable to sit, though a little cramped than on the train, but you can endure.

Buses depart for Venice from Piazzale Roma, this is the western part of the old part of the city, the local police department is also located nearby for reference).

There are buses to the center of Lido Di Jesolo, the address is Via Equilio, 40, Lido di Jesolo. However, given the size of the resort, the place of arrival is not particularly important, the whole town can be easily walked around.

The required bus number is 10a. Its schedule can be found on the company's website. According to the schedule, it is clear that the buses run from morning to evening. You can leave without much difficulty.

Where to buy tickets

Tickets are purchased on the bus itself.


A ticket will cost about 7-8 euros.

Boat trip

In addition, there is also a boat trip option called Moby Dick II.

The boat departs, as a rule, in the evening, from the pier near Piazza San Marco (address Riva degli Schiavoni, 30124 Venezia) and arrives in Lido Di Jesolo to the pier near the Faro lighthouse (address Via del Faro, 24, Cavallino-Treporti).

Where to buy tickets

Tickets are purchased near the boat.


The price of the trip will be 25 euros.

Airplane flight

There is no airport in Lido Di Jesolo, the option is not relevant.


It is most convenient to travel by car, and if you do not have one, you will have to go by bus. And if you want comfort and romance, then a boat is the only possible option.

The cozy resort town of Lido di Jesolo is located in the northern part of the Apennine Peninsula, stretching along the coast of the Adriatic Sea. This seaside resort is ideal for a relaxing family vacation: despite the large influx of tourists during the beach season, life in the city flows quietly and measuredly. But you should not consider the city the capital of a sleepy kingdom, there is enough entertainment here - for children, for young people, and for the older generation.

As a resort, Lido di Jesolo is quite young: the tourist infrastructure of the town was created in the 60s of the last century, although the settlement itself existed already in the 1st century BC. The layout of the city is typical for sea ​​resorts- streets with hotels, villas, entertainment venues, restaurants and shops stretch along the coast.

Lido di Jesolo - a typical seaside resort

By the way, the central street of Via Levantina, smoothly turning into Via Altinate, is the longest in Europe, hundreds of boutiques are located on it, shopping centers, cafes, taverns, nightclubs and discos. In the evenings, the main city streets turn into a pedestrian zone - after 20:00, the movement of cars is prohibited.

Weather in Lido di Jesolo

The climate in Lido di Jesolo is very pleasant - due to the proximity of the Alps, which cover the city from storm winds and cyclones, a special microclimate has been created here without sudden temperature changes. Precipitation is extremely rare, most of the rainy days occur in November-December - about 4 days a month.

On the beaches of Lido di Jesolo there are yacht clubs and diving centers

As in other Mediterranean resorts, Lido di Jesolo weather pleases with warmth from early spring to late autumn. The beach season here begins in May, when the air temperature reaches +20-22C, and the sea warms up to +19+21C. End bathing season falls at the end of September - by this time most vacationers are leaving, the streets and beaches are empty, and some entertainment venues are closed until the next season.

How to get there

Lido di Jesolo is located about 35 kilometers from romantic Venice, where international Airport. From Venice to Lido there is a bus that covers the distance between cities in an hour. Getting to Lido di Jesolo it is also possible by sea - on one of the comfortable boats plying between cities at half an hour intervals. The journey by sea takes about 45 minutes.

From Lido di Jesolo to Venice can be reached in 1 hour

If necessary, you can use by rail- the nearest station is located 20 kilometers from the resort, in the town of San Dona di Piave.

Hotels in Lido di Jesolo

The choice of local hotels can envy even the most prestigious resort- there are both cozy home hotels and hotels of well-known international chains. Although Lido di Jesolo hotels located in three lines, the distance from the farthest of them to the sea does not exceed three hundred kilometers.

The first line hotels are close to the beaches, there is a small road between the first and second lines, and the main city highway is located behind the third line of hotels, so that on the way to the sea, vacationers do not have to overcome streets with intense road traffic. Many hotels have their own beach area, where guests are provided with free umbrellas and sun loungers.

The choice of hotels in the resort is quite extensive.

The most ordered information about local hotels - location, number of rooms, photos, reviews of tourists, as well as the ability to book a room to your taste is presented at the link below.

What to see in Lido di Jesolo and around

Main historical Landmark Lido di Jesolo preserved to this day - city ​​hall built in 1876. Once the town hall building was the center of city life, but today it houses a library.

Another interesting attraction, from which, unfortunately, only ruins remain is the Tower of the Mists (Torre del Caligo). The tower was erected on the banks of the canal in the 11th century. In the Middle Ages, the holy hermit Romuald lived in it, in whose honor an iron cross was erected on the ruins, which can still be seen today.

The main historical attraction of Lido di Jesolo is the City Hall

In the form of ruins came to us and Basilica of Saint Mary of Assunta- the oldest church of Lido di Jesolo, which in the Middle Ages was the second largest cathedral in Italy after the Venetian Basilica of St. Mark. During archaeological excavations in the 60s of the 20th century, the remains of another church with a magnificent mosaic floor were discovered under the ruins of the basilica. Scientists suggest that the age of this building is at least 1200 years.

Fans of antiques should visit the Casa Bianca market - here you can find everything your heart desires: antique clothes and household items, jewelry and toys, books and photographs.

In the central part of the resort there is a magnificent water park Aqualandia one of the largest in Italy. In that entertainment center you can spend the whole day: a variety of slides, pools with artificial waves, suspension bridges, bungee jumps, a football field with soapy water, water aerobics classes - everyone will find something to their liking. The Lido di Jesolo water park has won seven awards, as best water park Italy.

Both children and adults enjoy visiting the zoo, where amazing tropical animals are kept. No less interesting Sea life aquarium with its more than a hundred species marine life placed in 30 pools. And, of course, numerous amusement parks. For fans of karting, the resort has an excellent Pista Azzurra karting track, for lovers of riding - equestrian school.

Vacationers in Lido di Jesolo can go on an excursion to - admire Piazza San Marco, listen to the songs of the gondoliers, climb observation deck Santa Maria Maggiore, visit the Accademia Gallery or go to one of the islands of the Venetian lagoon. If desired, all this can be done together with a Russian-speaking guide, about which BlogoItaliano. One of the days can be devoted to a trip to, or Padua.

You can get from Lido to Venice by bus or by sea

Very popular Excursions from Lido di Jesolo to Lake Garda - the largest and, perhaps, the most beautiful. Adult travelers are happy to admire the natural beauties, while children are more interested in the amusement park and amusement park Gardaland - the Italian version of Disneyland.

From the resort of Lido di Jesolo in a couple of hours you can reach Dolomites, where at an altitude of 400 meters there is an amazingly beautiful Mountain Lake San Croce. The lake has an excellent beach, a comfortable recreation area, as well as a funicular that takes tourists to the mountains to a height of 2,000 meters.

The beaches of Lido di Jesolo

The beaches of Lido di Jesolo deserve special attention, because it is as much as 15 kilometers of soft golden sand and the purest sea- transparent and shallow.

Sand sculpture competitions take place on the beaches of Jesolo from May to August

The infrastructure of the beaches is excellently developed - there are all possible entertainments: yacht clubs, diving centers, surfing schools, boat trips on boats and boats, water attractions, volleyball, basketball and football fields, golf courses, tennis courts, bicycle rental, and, of course, many taverns and restaurants. Many beaches are marked with the European Blue Flag.

From the end of May to the middle of August the beaches of Lido di Jesolo sand sculpture competitions are held; at the end of the season, this event traditionally ends with a grandiose pyrotechnic

Photos by: ,, dvdbramhall, Sarah, Tomáš Gluchman,, The Vecchino, Martin Wippel, aqualandia jesolo.