Flooded park. Underwater sculpture park

Green lake in Austria. underwater park

There is an amazing place in Austria - Gruner See (green lake). From August to April it is a green park with paths, benches, green glades, bridges over streams. In spring, the water level in the lake rises strongly due to the melting of snow and glaciers in the mountains, so melt water floods this picturesque area by 4-5 meters annually. Sometimes the water level reaches 8 meters, but at the same time visibility in clear water persists up to 30 meters or more. It is at this time that you need to be there in order to see with your own eyes the crystal clear fresh water of the lake and the fabulously beautiful underwater park.

green lake(Green Lake) is located in near the mountains hochschwab near the village of Tragos ( Tragöss) in Austria. This lake is one of the most unusual and beautiful natural phenomena in the world. In winter, this lake does not stand out from millions of others. broken here beautiful park with a magnificent view of the mountains, where people come to take a break from the bustle of the city.

The water level in the Green Lake usually changes from 1-2 meters to 8-10 meters in early summer. It is at this time that divers come here from all over the world to admire the opening views. mountain park under the water. As well as, simple tourists traveling through the beautiful corners of the earth.

The most unusual phenomenon is that fish swim in the lake above wooden benches, and the ground is covered with green grass and flowers. Air bubbles accumulated on the foliage of trees sparkle with all the colors of the rainbow. Trees, roads and bridges - all this creates a surreal world on the ground, but which is also under a layer of water.

Green Lake gets its name from its emerald green, crystal clear water. The lake is located in the mountains at an altitude of 776 m above sea level, the depth reaches 11 meters during the melting of snow. With the beginning of snow melting, the lake does not become muddy, as it is filled with crystal clear spring water. Maximum temperature from + 8 to + 4 ° С.

We present to you one of the most amazing places on the ground.
Green Lake is located in Styria, Austria and is known for its stunning emerald green water and changing depths. Periodically, the waters of the lake completely flood the park located on it, turning it into an amazing undersea world. Since the water in the lake increases due to the melting of snow from the mountains, the lake reaches its greatest depth in spring.

Usually the depth of the lake is one meter. For most of the year, nature lovers can walk around the picturesque lagoon, enjoying the stunning view from one of the benches at the water's edge.

They can roam the sidewalks and cross numerous small bridges. But every year, as soon as the snow begins to melt, the water from the lake floods everything around. about 12 meters deep floods trees, sidewalks and bridges. The water temperature in the lake at this time usually reaches 7 degrees Celsius.

This place has become a real paradise for divers. In the underwater park, you can even see a submerged tree, which gives it a magical look. Photographer and diver Mark Henauer was the first to try to go down to the bottom of the lake and take amazing pictures.

“When I was under water, it seemed to me that I was in some kind of Magic world, it was so beautiful there,” says the 39-year-old man. “I was lucky with the weather: the rays of the sun passed through the water, creating amazing lighting. During the seven days that my wife and I were there, we dived three times daily, each dive lasting about an hour.”

Mr Henauer was shocked by the beauty of the resulting photographs. All photos were taken in natural light, no flash. We had very little time to photograph the underwater world. Diving on the lake is possible only in spring. The rest of the time the depth of the lake is too shallow. The visibility is just amazing. Usually, water of such purity and transparency is found only in tropical latitudes. Diving in Vietnam can be just as exciting, amazing country with unique color. Holidays in Vietnam 2013 will give a lot of unforgettable experience for lovers of everything unusual.

Alny is one of picturesque places in Europe. Some believe that the Austrian Alps have a special great views, and it's hard to argue with them, especially if you look at this amazing park. This lake is 10 meters deep in Styria, a province of Austria. The water in the lake is crystal clear, so it perfect place for diving and underwater walks. In the lake you can not only swim in the underwater alleys, but also sit on a bench like in a regular park. These benches, oddly enough, were not built specifically under water. It's all about amazing feature this lake.

The fact is that in winter the Green Lake dries up and its bed turns into a park where people like to walk locals. Then they set up these benches. During the winter, snow accumulates in the mountains, it melts in the spring, glaciers also make their contribution, and by the summer the Green Lake is again filled with the purest alpine water. The most full-flowing Green Lake becomes in June, then numerous divers come to it. And there is something to see here. Benches, paths, park paths, bridges are hidden under water, grass grows, fish swim. In a word, a surreal picture, as if drawn in 3D.

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Yes-Yes-Yes It's great) somewhere I read about the lake, which also fills the shore and there is a whole meadow of flowers under the water))


No, I'm talking about this natural phenomenon I hear it for the first time.

L-a-n-a Story! Very beautiful!

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Green Lake is rightfully considered a water pearl Upper Austria, Styria and Salzburg, known for their "lake country" Salzkammergut.

This land is popular Austrian resort thanks to the many picturesque natural reservoirs, in the purest waters of which, as if in mirrors, white clouds, blue skies and majestic mountain peaks are reflected.

Can a park be a lake? In fact, such a place exists in Austria. Any Austrian who knows firsthand about the Green Lake, a unique natural phenomenon, will easily confirm this for you.

The park, located in Austria at the foot of Mount Hochschwab, is good for everyone: there is green vegetation, clean air, cozy shady alleys, comfortable benches, and footbridges across small lakes. Not even lakes - rather puddles, you can jump over

It is good to come here to take a break from the bustle of the city - the park is popular with both tourists and the Austrians themselves. What could be better: around the mountain with snow-capped peaks, birds sing in the trees, herbs and flowers are fragrant everywhere. Yes, this is what it looks like until the end of spring.

Thus, already at the beginning of summer, all paths, benches, trees and flowers are covered with water. Now the "depth of the park" in some places reaches 12 meters - so it became Lake Grüner See (Grüner See) or Green Lake!

By the time the park is completely flooded, the land surrounding it has time to become covered with the greenery of alpine meadows. That's why it amazing lake called Green.

Already in July, the water level will begin to decline again, so diving enthusiasts do not waste time. They grab their flippers and masks and rush to dive into the depths of the park!

Green Lake is one of the cleanest reservoirs on the planet, thanks to the crystal melt mountain water, updated annually. Under water, the park looks completely different than before. There is a feeling of being in a small Austrian Atlantis, once inhabited by people, but then flooded by a worldwide 12-meter flood

That's not all. Don't ask where, but during the summer months, fish, shellfish and other aquatic life appear in the Green Lake. They float around the chess pieces left by someone on the bench. In the meantime, the birds are leaving the valley - on the trees, the crowns of which are immersed in the water column, they, you know, do not sing.

By the end of summer, the lake will dry up, absorb, evaporate and gradually cease to exist. Temporarily, of course - no further than until the next warming. Marine life and divers will go home, birds, as if from Noah's Ark, will return to their nests, and the park will fill up with new visitors. Some of them will not even believe that there was a lake here not so long ago.

This is how life goes on in a pseudo-post-apocalyptic closed ecosystem of a periodically changing nature, called the "Green Lake". The Russian Wikipedia contains rather scarce information about it, but, meanwhile, this is the only such natural phenomenon on the planet.

The lake is classified as a specially protected natural area, and therefore the nature around it has remained almost untouched.

The Salzkammergut is an amazingly beautiful "country of lakes" in the federal province of Austria - Styria. Here, at the bottom of the Green Lake, there is a real ghost park that appears only in winter. In summer, this place becomes a deep reservoir, and then you can only walk around the park with scuba gear. It's amazing to see cozy benches, flower beds, bridges and paved paths underwater...

(Total 17 photos + 1 video)

1. Green Lake is rightfully considered the water pearl of Upper Austria, Styria and Salzburg, known for their "lake country" Salzkammergut.

2. This land is a popular Austrian resort due to the many picturesque natural reservoirs, in the purest waters of which, as if in mirrors, white clouds, blue skies and majestic mountain peaks are reflected.

3. The secret of the unusual Green Lake is that in spring the snow melts in the mountains, and it is filled with melt water.

4. The depth of the lake increases from 2 meters to 12, and all the paths of the park, neat flower beds, perennial trees, bushes, grass and benches go under water.

5. By the time the park is completely flooded, the land surrounding it has time to become covered with the greenery of alpine meadows. That is why this amazing lake is called Green.

6. Green lake - favorite place for those who prefer active and educational recreation - scuba diving.

7. The melt waters of the reservoir are crystal clear, so the visibility in the water is very good.

8. In addition, the depth of the lake gives great opportunity go diving and watch the fish swim along the winding paths of the underwater park past the shops abandoned until winter.

9. Shallow unusual lake starts in July. By winter, the valley becomes dry, and an amazing, one might even say, ghostly park appears on the site of the reservoir.

10. It is so pleasant to walk along it, enjoying the picturesque landscapes and breathing clean air.