Technology for assessing the level of customer satisfaction with service quality. PR technologies in the hotel business Questionnaires in the hotel

It is better if the maid does not collect the completed questionnaires (she will not let negative information about her work and the work of her colleagues pass above, and such questionnaires will not reach management). An alternative is to install a special box for questionnaires in the central lobby of the hotel or restaurant, about which guests will be informed using signs and the questionnaires themselves. Another option is to send the questionnaire to the guest by e-mail after his stay at the hotel. This way, you provide the opportunity to choose a time convenient for the person to fill out, and you receive all the data in already digitized form. However, the likelihood that a guest will fill out the form after some time is small. Still, you have a better chance of getting an answer from the questionnaire in the room. In addition, in the era of spam, a profile may be perceived negatively and immediately deleted. Analysis of questionnairesAnalysis of completed questionnaires is what everything, in fact, was started for.

Hotel guest questionnaire

One of these factors is obtaining higher education. To advance in your career, obtaining a higher education is very important.


Without higher education there will be no career. When applying theoretical knowledge to the labor process, mastering work, as well as developing professional skills, the main issue is getting a job. The factor on which your future career will depend will be your financial situation when opening your business, paperwork, the process of opening your business and business management, issues with clients, increasing competitiveness in the market, etc.


Finding and training your own shift is also a difficult task, because... Finding a worthy ally is very rare. The list of factors is very large, however, these are the most influential and important in the implementation of a career chart project.


Survey of guests of the hotel, inn, hostel

K], added 03/23/2009

Guest form

But the hotelier cannot influence this factor in any way - the guest either has it or doesn’t. The second factor is prizes and gifts, lottery drawings.
This option works almost flawlessly. This is how human psychology works - a nice little thing as a gift always makes you want to receive it. As a rule, guest forms are placed in the rooms.
But it is necessary to think through a system for motivating guests to fill out forms in advance. A small financial incentive - drawing prizes among guests (for example, free accommodation or dinner in a restaurant) gives good results.
You can give each person who fills out the form a mini-souvenir, which will also serve as an advertising reminder about your hotel. You should also ensure that staff access to already completed guest forms is limited.

A system for encouraging hotel guests to fill out a questionnaire To encourage hotel guests to fill out a questionnaire, the structure of the questionnaire should be simple and accessible to hotel guests. Questions should be available to all categories of guests, from ordinary people to businessmen and bosses.

The questionnaire should not contain information or questions about the guest who is filling out the questionnaire. The questions should be of a general nature and in sequence, aimed at a specific area of ​​activity - improving the quality of service, about the hotel as a whole, about the organization and quality of food and service.. Also, as an incentive for guests to fill out the questionnaire, you can introduce a system in which the guest, after filling out will receive a small souvenir in memory of spending time at the hotel. 3.

Satisfaction with hotel services

A qualitative analysis of questionnaires will help predict the vector of staff work and plan the necessary trainings and courses. For greater efficiency, it is better to conduct both quantitative and qualitative analysis of questionnaires. For clarity, you can build graphic images, for example, diagrams, graphs.
But it is also not worth unifying all questionnaires. You should not select only numerical information. Pay attention to comments and answers to open questions.

A certain amount of individual approach to the analysis of negative guest reviews should be present. It is better to respond to each specific complaint. Imagine how many such cases actually happen, because on average only one out of five guests fills out the questionnaire.

But it’s also not worth spewing thunder and lightning at the maids for not spinning swans out of towels. Remember that every guest is different, and not all ratings are objective.

Guest form to be completed on the day of arrival

In turn, the guest asked about the offer, the staff shrugged their shoulders - and now your client is already dissatisfied. You can find out about this from questionnaire items such as “Service” or “General comfort”.

But to do this, they need to leave an open question with the ability to add personal comments. A low service rating may also indicate that the guest's expectations are not met.

The director of the Hetmanska Fortetsya restaurant and hotel complex, Alexander Vilkhovoy, claims that it was the questionnaire that gave him the opportunity to understand why guests were dissatisfied with the level of rooms. “The fact is that on the highway at the entrance to the hotel there was a billboard inviting people to come visit us. It showed our best number luxury, and also contained the phrase: “Rooms from 400 UAH.”

However, guests were very often unhappy with the hotel, and I did not know what was wrong. Our rooms have had forms with the questionnaire for a long time.

Guest questionnaire sample

However, even if someone looks at a few responses from guests, not everyone carries out a qualitative analysis on their basis, extracting the maximum information useful for the establishment. The thing is that too much attention is not paid to the presence of questionnaires; they are partly turned into a formality. But it is from the questionnaires that you can find out: - where the weak point is in the hotel; - why the guest will not visit your hotel again; - how many people already see the problem that top management does not notice under their noses. What is so important that you can learn from the questionnaire? Firstly, who, if not your guests, will tell you how well the service staff works.

Secondly, you can trace both the work of one department and a specific person. For example, the hotel operates special offer, and the administrator, waiters or other line staff are not aware of this promotion.

Study of hotel service quality

Not aware Correctness of the bill Not aware Attention and courtesy of the staff at the reception desk Not aware What problems do you have? Booking accuracy Check-in/Check-out Housekeeping staff Housekeeping contact/attitude Wake-up Room cleanliness Heating/cooling/ventilation system Water pressure/hot water Telephone TV/remote control Noise Broken items/repairs Food and drinks High speed Internet Describe your problems in more detail: Please tell us the names of the employees who tried to make your stay at the hotel pleasant: Do you have any additional comments that will help us improve the conditions of your stay at the hotel? If so, please provide them below: Your opinion is very important to us, all your comments and wishes will be considered and taken into account.

Questionnaires for hotel guests

Performing the basic functions of the tourism industry. Search for optimal management solutions. graduate work, added 07/05/2017

  • Analysis of service quality in hotel management The concept of quality and the importance of using service quality models in the hospitality industry. Analysis of the quality of services provided by the Bristol Hotel.

    Proposals to improve the level of quality of service and expand relations with travel agencies. course work, added 02/20/2011

  • Quality of trade services The concept and indicators of the quality of trade services. Customer service culture as one of the quality indicators.

    Regulatory support for the quality of trade services. Analysis of the quality of trade services in the Astor trade enterprise.

Sample questionnaire for hotel guests

Please note that next to each question in the questionnaire you must leave an empty space so that the guest can indicate his own answer. After all, very often it is impossible to provide for all possible answers; accordingly, the question will not provide the necessary informational benefit for the institution. Second block of questions. Next, we recommend placing a block of questions about room comfort and technical parameters hotel. It would be useful to ask the guest, for example: - is the room comfortable; - does he like the conference room; - has the guest visited the fitness center and restaurant.

In the same block of questions, you can ask a question, for example, what, in the guest’s opinion, is missing in the hotel. To achieve maximum response efficiency, it is better to formulate some questions “half-closed”, that is, with an empty line for own version guest response.

Third block of questions.

Questionnaires for hotel guests

The result of the analysis of the questionnaires can be a comprehensive conclusion about the level of work of the hotel and a list of recommendations. For example, the boarding house “Utes” ordered an analysis of questionnaires from a marketing agency, which, based on the results, issued a whole list of recommendations.

Guests also complained about too little parking and high prices in the restaurant. Guests also asked to extend the restaurant's opening hours.


Before the questionnaire was designed and written, the study and method to be used were identified. The questionnaire included only those questions that would help achieve the goal. In compiling the questionnaire, the principle was used that questionnaires, with the help of which respondents are “examined,” take up their time. Accordingly, the shorter the survey time and the more clearly formulated the questions, the more likely it is to count on the cooperation of respondents. The only way to ask concise questions is to know in advance what you want to find out with each one.

The questionnaire used structured, closed questions. Closed questions are easier to ask and quicker to answer because they do not require the respondent to think for a long time. Such questions, as a rule, provide similar answers such as “very satisfied”, “satisfied”, “not satisfied”, “not satisfied at all”. You should be very careful with answer options like “it’s hard to say” or “I don’t know,” since respondents are more likely to resort to them instead of thinking and analyzing their opinions.

The questions were designed to be accessible and specific. The questionnaire did not use technical or jargon terms, which are not always clear to respondents.

When compiling the questionnaire, no preconceived questions were formulated. After all, the main task is to find out the real opinion of people and how exactly they feel about the existing service, where they learned about the hotel, and what the guests lack.

The questionnaire was tested. The developed questionnaire was shown to colleagues to identify possible errors.

As a “test” questionnaire, a “Guest Questionnaire” was compiled and proposed to identify internal errors in the hotel’s operation and obtain information about the client’s opinion. The questionnaire was given to guests at Reception. The questionnaire included a block of questions about the frequency of visits to hotels in the city of Yekaterinburg, to identify the need for a hotel among city guests, and about the frequency of visits to the Hotel de Paris, to identify the degree of commitment of guests to this particular hotel. Also included were blocks about the degree of satisfaction with services and sources of information about our hotel. These blocks were introduced to establish two-way communication and identify the needs of guests. The results of the study were indicators of the favorable impression of visitors about the hotel, both regular customers and those who visited it for the first time.

To research clients and potential clients and identify the need for any changes in the provision of services at the Hotel de Paris, a survey of 40 people - hotel clients - was conducted. The age of respondents ranged from 25 to 55 years, the majority (32 people) were between 35 and 45 years old. The survey was conducted anonymously, and respondents were informed of the purpose of the research. The questionnaire is a questionnaire consisting of 9 questions (Appendix 2).

The results were as follows:

Frequency of visits to Ekaterinburg hotels:

1-2 times a year - 24 people

Once a quarter - 8 people

1-2 times a month -6 people

Your own option - 2 people

Frequency of visits to hotels in Yekaterinburg

Based on the results of the diagram, we can conclude that in the city of Yekaterinburg there is an urgent need to provide hotel services. 60% of city guests visit hotels in Yekaterinburg 1-2 times a year, 20% of respondents - once a quarter, 15% - 1-2 times a year and 5% more often.

Frequency of visits to the Hotel de Paris:

For the first time - 10 people

Sometimes - 4 people

Often - 11 people

Always - 15 people

Frequency of visits to the Hotel de Paris

The chart shows that 25% of city guests visited the Hotel de Paris for the first time, 10% of visitors stay at the Hotel de Paris sometimes, 27.5% of guests often visit the Hotel de Paris and 37.5% always prefer this hotel. From the presented data we can conclude that the degree of loyalty of city guests to the Hotel de Paris is at high level, but nevertheless there is a need to develop recommendations for maintaining the existing reputation of the institution and attracting new clients.

Rating on a 5-point scale for the work of hotel administrators:

10 people

20 people

3 - 0 people

4 - 7 people

5 - 33 people

Rating the quality of the service provided on a 5-point scale:


4 - 12 people

5 - 28 people

Serving breakfast:

4 - 3 people

5 - 37 people

Estimated level of hotel compliance with standards:

1 star - 0 people

2 stars - 4 people

3 stars - 32 people

4 stars - 3 people

5 stars - 1 person

From what sources did you learn about our hotel?

Internet - 23 people

Sources of information about the Hotel de Paris

Based on the presented diagram, we can conclude that it is necessary to create your own website page, due to the fact that 57.5% of respondents learn about the hotel via the Internet, while only 22.5% through advertising in print media and 20% by recommendation.

Gender of respondents:

male - 26

female - 14

Average age of respondents:

men - 38 - 40 years old

women - 27 - 35 years old

Studying the responses received, it can be argued that the level of service in the hotel is at a high level. Based on the survey results, it can be concluded that a large number of guests learn about the hotel via the Internet, as a result of which there is an urgent need to create the hotel’s own website as a new technology for PR promotion.


If observation is used for exploratory research, then survey is more suitable for conducting descriptive research to identify customer preferences. Questionnaires or survey-interviews are quite labor-intensive methods of collecting information.

First, you need to clearly define the purpose for which the survey is being conducted. What exactly do you want to know? Based on this goal, questions are thought through. There should not be too many of them - after all, the client, unlike a focus group, does not receive compensation for his participation in the survey, and therefore agrees to help out of his own free will, which should not be abused.

The questions included in the questionnaire can be closed-ended, with a pre-given list of answers, or open-ended, where the consumer describes the sensations in his own words. The first type of questions is easier to process, but the second provides more food for thought. It is recommended to place easy questions at the beginning, more difficult ones at the end of the questionnaire. And in any case, you should not ask something that the guest does not know or that he will not want to answer. This may reduce the value of such a survey. This research method can also be used for “self-criticism.” In this case, the questionnaires are filled out by service personnel.

And if some experts consider self-criticism not the best way evaluate the quality of services, others are of the opinion that if the corporate culture encourages the expression of honest opinions about shortcomings and ways to eliminate them, this will work, since people are often afraid that expressing a negative assessment may worsen their situation and therefore remain silent. If the fear of criticism of the system goes away, the company can receive a powerful resource for its development. The main thing is that the corporate culture prevailing at a particular enterprise encourages constructive proposals.

Complaints with guests.

Unforeseen situations often arise in life, which can subsequently develop into conflict. Work in hotel business involves the ability to resolve any situation without leading to conflict. Despite the fact that it is not always possible to prepare a hotel employee for emergency situations, he must clearly understand how to behave in order to satisfy the client’s complaint and not spoil the hotel’s image or the guest’s impression of the city. Whether it is a large hotel or a mini-hotel, complaints should be handled in the same way.

Guest complaints can be divided into 4 types: complaints about equipment or furniture (air conditioning, lighting, water supply, elevator, etc.), about the attitude of hotel staff, about service, about unforeseen circumstances. Any of them can be solved in 4 steps.

Step 1. First of all, you need to listen carefully to the guest, find out about all his complaints and the reason for his dissatisfaction. Each problem must be approached with all seriousness and in no case should it be said that the problem is insignificant (even if it is such). Under no circumstances should you take complaints personally, because the guest is not reproaching you, but informing him that there is something he is not happy with at the hotel. Never argue with a guest and try to keep your face as friendly as possible. It happens that guests who have complaints speak too emotionally. As a hotel employee, you need to remain calm and clearly identify the problem. If you are unable to solve the problem yourself, you must inform the manager about the incident, and then report to the guest about the progress of the solution. Remember, in this case you are personally responsible, and the outcome of the event depends on your behavior.

Step 2: The guest must be informed of the actions being taken at every step of the way. If you cannot contact your manager, you must also report this: “Dear ***, I will report the current situation to the manager/supervisor and we will solve the problem within 10 minutes.” It is advisable to inform the manager in the presence of the guest.

Step 3: The supervisor or manager should contact the guest and let them know that they have been informed of the situation. The supervisor/manager should apologize and offer an alternative solution or bonus from the hotel. Typically, as a bonus, guests are provided with relocation to a superior room with the same cost, a discount on accommodation, a free transfer, and free accommodation (if the problem is truly global). If the problem has not been resolved, you must report it to CEO.

Step 4. After reporting to the General Director, the hotel administrator should ask the guest whether the problem has been resolved, and then make an entry in the journal. Any situation should be resolved within 24 hours.

Unfortunately, these seemingly simple rules are not always followed. But it is they who would significantly improve the rating of hotels and the hotel business in Russia as a whole.

Result: - our guests will be calm and confident that their problems, complaints or requests will be resolved and satisfied quickly, competently, reliably and sincerely

  • - you will be pleased and satisfied with your work and confirmation of your professionalism
  • - guests whose problems or complaints were quickly and competently resolved and satisfied can become regular guests of the hotel.

To confirm the second and test the third hypothesis (the most significant HRM practice in which cross-cultural factors should be taken into account for hotel workers who have direct contact with guests is staff training (and, above all, cross-cultural training)), it is necessary to go To results of a survey of hotel workers.

When conducting semi-structured interviews (which can only be considered pilot), it was not possible to get acquainted with the opinions of all hotel employees who have direct contact with foreign guests. As a result of the survey, it was possible to interview 89 employees, including 70 those who have direct contact with guests, which is 78% of all respondents. The composition of the interviewed respondents is presented in Table 4.

Table 4. Department

Of course, when assessing the representativeness of the sample, it is important to take into account the length of service of the hotel employee. In this case, the opinion of those who have been working at the hotel for more than a year and those who started working less than a month ago was taken into account. This approach in identifying respondents allows us to take into account the opinions of those employees who have been working at Novotel for a relatively long time and those who are still adapting to working in a hotel. As can be seen in Figure 1, most of the respondents have been working at the hotel for more than a year. Consequently, the majority of respondents can already objectively evaluate the HRM practices (adaptation, training, incentives, etc. of personnel) of the hotel.

Figure 1. Period of work at the hotel

Among all respondents, 4% of respondents occupy management positions, which also accounts for 67% of the total number of managers at the Novotel Moscow Center hotel (Figure 2). Therefore, in this case, the opinion of the majority of hotel managers is taken into account and the research sample is representative.

As already mentioned in the results of semi-structured interviews, when conducting interviews for HR specialists, knowledge of a foreign language is not the main selection criterion. Let's check at what level the respondents speak foreign languages ​​(Figure 2).

Figure 2. Proficiency in foreign languages

As can be seen in Figure 3, 30% of respondents are fluent in English. 24% speak English at a conversational level (understand and speak well), 9% can explain themselves. The rest speak other foreign languages.

Front office employees interact with guests the most. It would be interesting to find out at what level, for example, do department administrators speak English? Of the 14 front desk administrators who responded, only 63% (5 people) are fluent in English, 28% (4 people) understand and speak well, and 1 person responded that they could communicate in English. I would like to note that in job description As a Front Desk Administrator, fluency in English is a mandatory requirement. However, only 63% of administrators speak English fluently.

Since Accor is a French hotel chain, it is interesting how many receptionists speak French. It turned out that 2 administrators understand and speak French well, and 1 administrator can explain himself. 1 administrator understands and speaks German well, and 1 administrator can communicate in German.

The survey results also revealed that the majority of respondents most often interact with guests from France (14%), Spain (13%) and the USA (11%) (Figure 3).

Figure 3. Frequent guests

At the same time, most often difficulties arise with guests from India (21%), China (17%), Spain (15%) and France (12%) (Figure 5). This confirms the need for hotel employees to speak more than just English.

Figure 4. Difficulties with guests

An interesting question to consider is what kind of difficulties hotel employees encounter when interacting with foreign guests (Figure 5).

Figure 5. Difficulties when working with foreigners

Despite the fact that the majority of respondents identified India as the country whose representatives most often encounter difficulties, the results of the answers to the next question differ from the previous ones. As a result, it turned out that 30% of respondents are faced with the fact that the guest can only speak his native (non-English) language, which the employee does not speak (for example, Spanish). 20% of respondents answered that it is difficult for them to understand English language a guest from non-English-speaking countries due to the presence of a specific (national) accent (for example, Japanese).

It is also interesting to study the question of which categories foreign guests Do difficulties arise most often for group or individual tourists? For 42% of administrators, difficulties most often arise with groups of tourists; for 29% of administrators, difficulties arise with both groups and individual tourists. The remaining 29% of administrators noted that problems arise with both groups and individual tourists. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the system of serving group tourists. You should find out exactly what problems arise with groups of foreign tourists: a language barrier or any cultural characteristics that are difficult to take into account without possessing certain skills. A continuation of the study of this problem could be to identify difficulties with each of the groups: what difficulties most often arise with groups of tourists from Spain, China, etc. Why India is the country with whose representatives problems most often arise, etc.

As has already been revealed, the language barrier is one of the main difficulties when serving foreign guests. Thanks to the survey, it was possible to find out which languages ​​are most often needed when working with foreign guests, as well as which foreign languages ​​employees would like to learn additionally for more successful work with foreign guests (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Languages ​​required for work

As can be seen in Figure 7, the following languages ​​are most often needed to carry out work: English (48% of respondents), French (22% of respondents) and Spanish (20%). This is because English, as stated earlier, is international language hospitality industry. Since Novotel belongs to a French hotel chain, it is reasonable to assume that the most frequent visitors to the hotel are from France. It is for this reason that French is in second place in terms of frequency of use in work after English. At the same time, in addition, for more successful work, respondents are ready to study Spanish(30%), French (23%) and Italian (15%) (Table 5).

Table 5. Proficiency in different languages ​​for more successful work

It is important to note that the majority of respondents consider it important to take into account their national characteristics when serving foreign guests (45%). Moreover, 43% of respondents are interested in culture, religious traditions, national cuisine and other characteristics of foreign guests (Figure 7).

Figure 7. Employees' attitudes towards cultural sensitivity

Thus, these results once again confirm the relevance of studying the problem of the influence of cross-cultural factors on HRM standards and practices in a hotel. Employees understand that it is important to consider cross-cultural factors when providing service, and in fact, they are interested in it. The conclusion about the need to take these factors into account and introduce them into HRM standards and practices allows us to draw the following results (Figure 8):

Figure 8. Impact of acquired knowledge about guest culture on service quality

Of those who answered this question negatively, 11 respondents (12% of all respondents) are those who have direct contact with guests, and 5 (6% of all respondents) more often interact with intermediaries (travel agencies, company representatives) (Table 6).

Table 6. Distribution of positions

Thanks to the survey results Hypothesis No. 1 is once again confirmed that cross-cultural factors influence the content of HRM practices, but are not declared in hotel standards. For example, when asked whether, when applying for a job at a hotel, a question was asked about knowledge of the cultural traditions and national characteristics of people from different countries, 89% of respondents answered negatively (Figure 9)

Figure 9. Cross-cultural component at the selection stage

3% (3 respondents) answered positively. Among them: 1 bartender, 1 visa support agent and a business center assistant secretary. To clarify, the business center is a department that interacts with the corporate segment of the sales and marketing department, deals with the supply of equipment for conferences and various trainings; Often the assistants also provide assistance to the guests themselves: printing and scanning documents.

As has already turned out, employees are ready for changes in service practices because they believe that they can do their jobs better if they have knowledge about traditions and national characteristics guests from different countries. Let's check whether they are ready for changes in service without making changes to the incentive system, or are employees ready to take into account cross-cultural factors only with additional incentives? To find out this, respondents were asked the following question: “Do you think that employees who speak several foreign languages ​​or have knowledge about the cultural characteristics of guests from different countries should receive additional remuneration?” (Figure 10).

Figure 10. Reward for additional knowledge

  • 58% of respondents believe that employees should receive additional remuneration if they speak several foreign languages ​​or have knowledge about the cultural characteristics of guests. In my opinion, this is explained by the fact that such employees use the languages ​​they speak and the cultural characteristics of the guests, which increases their satisfaction. However, the remaining respondents did not believe that guests should be rewarded in any way for knowing and applying this cultural knowledge. In other words, if employees are willing to take cross-cultural factors into account at work, then they are willing to do so without additional remuneration. Or maybe it’s just that these workers have a worse command of a foreign language? That is why there is such a reaction to paying those who have it better.
  • 70% of respondents are interested in the culture, religious traditions and other characteristics of foreign guests. Hotel workers receive information about such features from the stories of colleagues, acquaintances, and friends (25%), as well as by independently studying Internet resources (27%) (Figure 11).

Figure 11. Sources of information about different cultures

More than half of the respondents believe that the personnel department should help hotel employees obtain information about the culture, national traditions and other characteristics of guests from different countries. The remaining half believe that such knowledge comes with work experience or that immediate department heads should help in acquiring knowledge (Figure 12).

Figure 12. Helping HR gain knowledge of guest cultures

Having analyzed most of the results, we should move on to testing the third hypothesis. As it turned out, the most significant HRM practice that should take into account cross-cultural factors for employees who have direct contact with guests is introductory training to study the traditions and cultural characteristics of those nationalities of guests who most often come to the hotel (34%) (Figure 13).

Figure 13. Top priority practices for workers

Moreover, the highest priority form of introductory training is “group training” (handouts + role-playing games), conducted by a hotel HR specialist outside working hours (33% of respondents) (Figure 14).

Figure 14. Priority form of training for employees

Thus, we can conclude that hypothesis No. 3 that the most significant HRM practice that should take into account cross-cultural factors for hotel employees who have direct contact with guests is staff training (and, above all, cross-cultural training), confirmed.

Thus, as a result of the research, the goal of the work was achieved by solving the assigned problems. In other words, the influence of cross-cultural factors on the content of HRM standards and practices at the Novotel Moscow Center hotel was revealed. The relevance of studying this problem in the hotel - the object of the study was confirmed by studying the content of Novotel standards, conducting semi-structured interviews with various categories of hotel workers, and also thanks to the results of a survey of hotel workers. 3 hypotheses were put forward, 2 of which were confirmed. The second hypothesis was partially confirmed, which is of additional interest for more in-depth testing.

Since the results of this study may have practical applications, it seems appropriate to develop recommendations for changing the content of standards and practices of the HRM system in a hotel.

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