How much money do you need to travel for a year? How much does a trip around the world cost? How much does a around the world cruise cost?

The most popular question we were asked after the trip was about money.
There wasn't a person who didn't ask how much it costs trip around the world for a year. And I, in general, understand these people; I probably wouldn’t have resisted myself.
In this post I will try to answer this question in as much detail as possible.
So, let's start our financial striptease -)

I warn you, the article is long and boring, just numbers and no photographs.
This article should not be taken as an axiom, i.e. If we spent this amount of money, this does not mean at all that it will be acceptable to everyone. These expenses were determined precisely by our desires and capabilities based on our preferences.
It cannot be said that we kept ourselves in a black body and sat on bread and water, but at the same time, sometimes we had to limit ourselves in some way. We lived in both hotels and hostels, flew on planes and hitchhiked, ate in restaurants and local cafes. It all depends on the country, the season and your specific circumstances. Therefore, these figures can be considered as some kind of indicator average temperature by hospital, i.e. it gives only a general idea, without specifics.

The following expenses include only travel expenses: flights/transfers, visas, food, accommodation, all kinds of tickets, bike rental, souvenirs, etc.
This does not include preparation costs: purchasing backpacks, insurance, trekking shoes, a camera, etc.
This also does not include unforeseen expenses that could have been avoided.
All costs are indicated for 2 people, i.e. If you are traveling alone, you can safely divide the amount in half.

We were traveling around the world for almost 1 year, from 2012 to 2013, prices are accordingly indicated for this period. So let's begin.

We spent a total of 198 days in Asia and spent $8,627 during this time.
On average, it cost about $45 per day for both of us, this amount does not include flights. Also, daily expenses do not include receiving expensive visas: Chinese, Australian and American. But daily expenses include travel and minor visas, which are issued at the border or obtained relatively easily, quickly and cheaply at the embassy.
Those expenses that were not taken into account in the daily expense are shaded in gray.

The daily expense includes everything except visas and flights, it is very convenient to use to approximately estimate the cost of living in the country. This also includes expenses for entrance tickets to various attractions. I will say again that these costs are average and approximate, i.e. It’s quite possible we forgot to calculate something.
We got a visa to Moscow through an agency, of course it was cheaper ourselves, but at the beginning of the journey we had little time and no experience at all in obtaining visas, so we decided to entrust this matter to professionals. The visa was issued for a double entry, because... We planned to stop by, but never did.
China turned out to be very expensive; in my naivety, for some reason I thought that it should have been cheaper there, for example, like in Thailand. It seems like cheap Chinese goods and all that, yeah of course -)
It turned out to be especially expensive to move around the country in China, because... The distances are long, but I want to see more. Moreover, in China we were just learning how to communicate with Asian sellers.
The cheapest country in Asia turned out to be for us; for a decent double with internet in a guesthouse in Siem Reap, we paid about 6-7 dollars per room.
I would also note that the longer you live in the country, the less expenses you have, especially if you rent a house for a month. That’s exactly what we did, and in the end we paid 5,500 rubles for a month of living in a house in Ao Nang. Hotel prices in Ao Nang for short term you can see .

The most expensive, of course, turned out to be, this was expected, and in general there is nothing to do there for more than 3 days. During this period, you can see everything. You can get a rough idea of ​​hotel prices in Singapore.

After Asia there was Australia, where we headed from Bali. In Australia, $1,301 was spent in 25 days

We received a visa to Australia in Bali, this process is described in great detail.
Australia was the most expensive country we visited, with the minimum price for a hostel averaging $30. And this is for the biggest dorm, far from being in the best hostel.
I wrote about prices in Australia and how you can save money there.
We mainly managed to save money by staying with couchsurfers. Especially thank you very much Dima and Tatyana Komarov.
Unfortunately, it was not possible to see the country thoroughly; to do this, you either need to hitchhike for a long time or rent a car (the best option).

From Australia we flew to Buenos Aires and began traveling around South America.
As a result, in 81 days we spent $8,333 through joint efforts.

The flight to South Africa turned out to be even cheaper than we had planned, regular price about $2000 per ticket, but... we took the ticket the day before departure, the price was lower. Usually it’s the other way around, but as you can see, there are exceptions.
The most expensive country turned out to be (which was quite expected) about prices in Argentina there is this wonderful one.
But what we didn’t expect was such high prices from Brazil.
In general, in almost all countries of South Africa, prices are higher than in Russia, with exceptions and perhaps a couple of other countries that we have not visited.
Argentina came out on top in part because there is no cheap way to get around the country. Either expensive buses or planes. Moreover, the price of a plane is sometimes cheaper than a bus. The distances in the country are enormous, sometimes it is cheaper to fly somewhere by plane than to travel 20 hours by bus.
Bolivia turned out to be the cheapest, and in my opinion, the most colorful country in South Africa. To be honest, I didn’t expect to get so many emotions from this small country. Housing prices in Bolivia can be estimated based on the cost of hotels in the country's capital, La Paz.
By the way, in Bolivia we received an American visa without any problems; perhaps this information will be useful to those planning a trip around the world.
The biggest expense in Bolivia was probably the Uyuni salt flats tour. We chose the most expensive company and were very pleased.
an amazing place, unique and the only one on earth, and you wouldn’t mind spending any money to see it. I can say with confidence that for me this was the main motive for visiting SA.
Peru is a very touristy country, although once you get off the beaten path, you see something between Cambodia and Bolivia. You can see housing prices in perhaps the most popular Peruvian city of Cusco among tourists.

Who didn’t dream of traveling around the world as a child? Boys were eager to board pirate schooners with desperate captains, girls dreamed of big and beautiful liners, like in Titanic (but without the consequences). With age, such dreams have moved into the category of impossible, but in vain. Gazeta.Ru talked with people who have traveled around the world, with those who are just planning to take them, and with the organizers of such trips. I also found out how much the most modest and most comfortable trips will cost and who can afford it all.

Option #1: hitchhiking with friends


Budget:$1.5 thousand (71 thousand rubles at the current rate)
Transport: any rides (from cars and buses to horses and trains)
Travel time: 198 days (originally planned 1 thousand days)

Vladimir Peresedin is 35 years old and a professional traveler. He is fond of mountaineering, and decided to go around the world because of his thirst for adventure: he planned to travel around the world with friends in 1 thousand days and spend only $10 thousand on it. The days turned out to be five times less, but Vladimir is not discouraged: he says that it was only first try.

“We planned the travel route much in advance,” says the traveler. - First, we made a list of places that simply needed to be visited, then we drew a “thread” of the route and selected reference points on it - places to spend the night. Through the CouchSurfing website (a service that allows you to stay with foreigners for free in exchange for your own hospitality), we found guys who were ready to accommodate us and give us a tour of the city. Plus, the plan included overnight stays in hostels - in case it was not possible to stay comfortably due to the “couch”.

The level of comfort on such a trip is far from five, four or even three stars. You have to spend the night at the most different people with different incomes: sometimes guests are given a separate room with a bed, and sometimes you are content with a sleeping bag in the common room.

“As for food, no more money is spent on it than at home. And if you’re used to getting by on $5-10 a day, then you won’t spend any more on the road,” says Vladimir. — The duration of the trip directly depends on its cost: the more time you have, the less you will spend on your adventure, and vice versa. My journey was planned for a thousand days, but in the end I was on the road for only 198 days.

During this time, I visited 15 countries and drove a leisurely 31 thousand km. On my list I have Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, Türkiye, Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt, Sudan, Georgia.”

The travelers didn’t have any special idea: they wanted to see the world, observe people. Even beautiful photos turned out by themselves. True, it was not possible to end the journey in this story beautifully: “There were no dangerous situations on the road, but there were critical ones. My partner lost his passport in Afghanistan and was in prison for two months - there were problems with his release. Another disadvantage was the periodic lack of overnight accommodation, but here the tent saved the day. Well, in the end we did not complete the round the world trip because we got sick in Sudan. There was a strong suspicion of malaria, so we urgently returned home. We plan to finish our route in the future.”

Option number 2: the whole family in a private car


Budget: 4.5 million rubles.
Transport: Ford Transit van
Travel time: 2.5 years

Sergei and Ekaterina set off on their first trip around the world in the summer of 2015 together with their nine-year-old son Alexei. Their trip around the world is also a kind of experiment lasting 2.5 years: during the trip, Lesha will receive distance education according to the school curriculum.

“We really love traveling by car and want to show our son how beautiful and diverse our planet is,” says Sergei. — We don’t have a clear route for the entire trip: the road, of course, will be planned and worked out, but not for the entire circumnavigation of the world at once, but in parts. First we will travel through Russia (here the route is almost ready), then Mongolia, Kazakhstan. Next, most likely, China.”

Another feature of this trip will be interactivity. The route will change depending on the wishes of readers who follow the family’s movements on social networks.

“According to our preliminary calculations, the total cost of a trip around the world is about 4.5 million rubles,” explains Ekaterina. — We have a two-room apartment in Moscow: we plan to rent it out and travel with this money.

And there is a certain amount that we collected as starting capital for the trip. Insurance will be set aside from it: money for an emergency return home from anywhere in the world.”

In addition to passive income, the family has regular income. Sergey is a programmer who creates websites. The main advantage of such work is that you can do it anywhere in the world, provided there is Internet. The family is also counting on sponsorship: their website already has bank details for voluntary donations to the trip fund.

“We want to travel in a spacious Ford Transit van,” travelers say. “We calculated that it would be possible to install a third seat, make two folding beds, build in a tile, a refrigerator and a dry closet. Now we are even thinking about how to make a shower. But along the way, of course, we will sometimes stay in hostels and inexpensive hotels. Now we are completely euphoric in anticipation of adventure, but there is also some fear. Still, this is a long journey, and we don’t know what difficulties lie ahead. But we firmly believe in success."

Option number 3: romantic sea cruise


Budget: from $20 thousand (about 900 thousand rubles at the current rate)
Transport: cruise ship(liner)
Travel time: minimum 90 days

Of course, it’s impossible to call such an adventure affordable or budget-friendly. But theoretically, you can save up for such a trip once in your life. In addition, there are so-called round-the-world travel segments, when you buy a ticket only for a certain part of the journey.

“A full-fledged trip around the world is considered to be a voyage in which the ship crossed all meridians and twice the equator. But there are cruises that are not inferior in scale to a trip around the world. For example, when a ship leaves Europe, goes around Africa, goes to South America and back - this is called a grand voyage, but not a trip around the world,” explains PR director of the Via Maris company Elena Karmanova. Cruise companies really smash round the world route into segments: most tourists who choose to relax go on such “partial” trips cruise ship. Such voyages last from two to four weeks.

“As for trips around the world specifically, only a few people book such tours. Even if you collect all the Russian companies that deal with cruises, you can count the number of such orders on your fingers.

For example, our company doesn’t even sell a trip around the world every year,” explains Elena. According to her, there are not so many people in the West who want to travel around the Earth. As a rule, these are wealthy people in the 55+ category, well-off, in high positions and with a decent salary. “In Russia, the age of such travelers is 40 and above. These are, as a rule, top managers, less often businessmen. There are, of course, those who somehow saved up for a cruise, but very rarely,” concludes a representative of the cruise company.

Option #4: elite travel along the meridian


Budget: up to $1.5 million (about 71 million rubles at the current exchange rate)
Transport: private business jet
Travel time: 27 days and 26 nights

For obvious reasons, this option is not suitable for everyone. However, you can still dream about it. In Russia, similar tours are organized by a special company - “Exotic Travel Club”. “A person plans such trips once in his life. It’s very difficult to organize it: you have to charter a private plane - this is already a significant amount, about $1 million,” says general manager"Club" Igor Logunov. — Usually such a business plane has 8-9 seats, but such trips are still more often taken by couples who want to be alone. Less often - companies.

These round-the-world cruises are ordered approximately once a year. Then in the reviews they write in one line: “I liked everything.”

According to the expert, such trips are truly memorable: those who order a tour are served at the highest level at every stage of the journey. Not only the employees of the organizing company work hard for them, but also local residents and even power. For example, in Chukotka, which is one of the last points on the route, the state Chukotka-Eskimo ensemble “Ergyron” performs for vacationers. It is interesting that, despite the enormous cost of such a voyage, food and drinks in restaurants visited by the traveler are paid separately.

A question that I have been analyzing for a long time, and to which, using the method of calculations and estimates, I finally received an answer - how much money is needed for an independent, modest, so-called. backpacker, world travel? I traveled a lot myself, all the time counting, recording and analyzing, and learned a lot from forums and guidebooks.

Calculations have shown that people often estimate the level of travel expenses in a particular country incorrectly, and with meticulous calculation, the average amount of currency spent per day, then per week and ultimately per month turns out to be different than they themselves expect.

Reasons for this phenomenon:

a) objective - in just 5-10 years, the situation in a once cheap country may change, it ceases to be so, but in the minds of many it is still so;

b) subjective - if there is an opinion about a country that it is cheap, then trying to argue this for himself, a person remembers only the most cheap price for lunch/drink/candy, ever seen, and tries to involuntarily forget about what was more expensive. And vice versa - if a person is convinced that somewhere is incredibly expensive, then he will try to retain in memory only examples of this high cost.

So, after calculations, it turned out that the price of travel in Ukraine and in some Vietnam or Syria is almost the same, despite the fact that Ukraine for some reason is considered by many to be more expensive. This is not true. Here's more. Eastern Europe is sometimes cited as an example of a zone with average, moderate prices, but in reality they are very high there.

For the adequacy of calculations, equals should be compared with equals. For example, someone gives an example of cheap food in some country, but after clarifying the nature of the dish, it turns out that it is an ordinary vegetarian cereal with spices and gravy. So, two or three servings of a side dish as a standard dish will be inexpensive everywhere. Meals containing meat or fish should be compared with similar foods in another country.

Another example. In very hot countries, a traveler from our latitudes needs air conditioning for a minimally comfortable overnight stay. If its presence is considered a necessity (which is certainly the case in some countries), then it is worth comparing it with a hotel with hot radiators in our country. Norm? As a rule, yes. A very simple hotel, in which there is only a ceiling fan, is comparable to our very bad hotel, in which the radiators are barely full, and you have to wrap yourself in three blankets. It’s the same with hot water - its availability in hotels in the countries of Black Africa will be very expensive. So which Africa is cheap? Of course - very expensive. Or for some reason they write that trains are cheap in India. Really? Let's compare the cost of not a Stolypin carriage (which is completely free in the CIS), but a compartment here, and the cost of a train of similar comfort there? Is it that cheap? That's it. Well, if you really are homeless, then in Paris you can spend the night on the sidewalk and eat scraps from the trash can. Absolutely zero. And ride on freight trains in wagons with coal. Then there will be nothing to compare - everywhere there is one continuous communism.

One more point about human misconceptions. Prices in different countries very different, and accordingly, to maintain the same standard of living, they need completely different amounts of money. The thesis would seem indisputable. However, no, there are people who think differently. Those who have never traveled anywhere just wave their hands when talking about foreign countries, confident that everywhere is equally expensive, so expensive that there is no way to afford such expenses. Despite the fact that in their place of residence, prices for many things can be higher. Or the same thing, but vice versa: everything is equally cheap everywhere, in any country you will spend exactly the same as at home. These opinions are equally far from reality.

So, to the point. Calculations have shown that the cheapest countries in the world for independent travel are: Ukraine, countries of the Middle East (i.e. Syria, Jordan, Lebanon, Egypt; without Turkey), Central Asia(Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan), Southeast Asia (I haven’t been here yet, I analyzed prices based on guidebooks for the region, stories from people who recently visited Vietnam, Laos and the “Vinsky forum”). This is the first price group studied. The second is Eastern Europe (Czech Republic, Slovakia, Poland, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, etc.; without Bulgaria). The third group is Western Europe, where prices are not the same - closer to the south they fall, to the north they rise. Separate calculations have not been carried out for Russia, but you can estimate by eye that Russia is between groups 1 and 2. Türkiye and Bulgaria are also there. Similarly, all other countries of the world can be classified as one of the groups or in an intermediate position between them.

Prices for a modest (backpacker) trip around the world:
1. The cheapest countries in the world to travel: Middle East, Middle, Southeast Asia and Ukraine - 800-1000 US dollars per month per person. That is ok. 30 dollars per day, of which 15-20 is spent on the hotel, 10-15 on food, museums, souvenirs.
2. Eastern Europe - 2000-2500 dollars per month per person.
3. Western Europe - $3500-4500 per month per person. 115-150 dollars. per day, of which 30-50% is spent on overnight stays, the rest on transport - it is very expensive, food, etc.

* When traveling as a two-piece, you can save up to 30-40% of the above amount on hotels (they are often cheaper for two).
** The amount of expenses does not include tickets from home to the host country/countries and back, and there are no visa costs.
*** The calculation does not take into account the possibility of spending the night for free by registration, in tents and hitchhiking. If you do this, then costs are greatly reduced, significantly.

From these numbers it immediately becomes clear why independent travelers so much in Europe, and so little here. Spending 2-4 thousand dollars on a modest trip where you are constantly thinking about saving? Our people would rather invest this money in a dacha or a car. And the majority simply do not have such amounts. So the class of backpackers has not yet formed as such in our country and will not form soon. To do this, the country needs to become very rich.

A modest (backpacker) trip implies:
a) overnight stay in some cases in multi-bed primitive rooms, often with other people (sharing), often in rooms without toilet and shower. The rest of the time - in private rooms in hotels. Approximately once every 8 days, this budget includes an overnight stay in a regular 3-star hotel with hot water in the room, TV and breakfast. So to speak - once every 8 days, remember good comfort.

b) traveling on the cheapest local transport - local buses without air conditioning, trains of low and middle classes (for the CIS, up to a reserved seat), sometimes, four times a month, using buses or trains more than high class if necessary. The budget does not include the use of aircraft - this must be added above the indicated amount, in addition to possible cheap flights on promotions/low-cost airlines.

c) the use of public transport is included in the budget sufficiently for a full-fledged trip, however, if you constantly purchase passes for several days or tourist cards, the budget will quickly be exceeded.

d) 3 meals a day (sometimes 4 meals a day) during the journey. Due to the use of the cheapest hotels/hostels, breakfast included in the price of your stay should be expected only occasionally and not particularly rich.

Food for money with such a budget is carried out in the cheapest establishments: for Ukraine this is from a factory canteen to a self-service cafe like “Puzatay Khata”, for Western Europe - Turkish or Chinese primitive cafes and McDonald's, for Eastern Europe - left over from the times socialism canteens or the same Asian eateries. It is possible to use discounts for lunch in mid-level cafes/restaurants in weekdays(so-called “business lunch”).

In order to stay on budget, breakfast or dinner in a cafe should often be replaced with a dry snack made from products purchased in a store/supermarket. In stores with such a budget, you need to choose cheaper products, for Europe - preferably on promotions. When purchasing goodies on the streets (buns, ice cream, water), you need to carefully check that the price is not higher than the national average, otherwise the budget will be exceeded. You should also refrain from shopping for food in the heart of large European cities(with some possible exceptions). A backpacker tradition is to drink a glass or two of beer or another cheap drink in a cafe in the evenings. This is included in the calculations.

e) the budget includes visiting museums, but their number is moderate - one museum for every 2-3 days of travel. Fans of museums, paid monasteries and parks should prepare for an increase in the budget.

Is the stated amount of $1000 for cheap Asia and $4000 for Western Europe strictly fixed, is it possible to spend a different amount of money? My answer is this: of course, you can spend another amount. Let's consider these cases.

Case 1, civil travel. If you want to travel between cities in new buses of good companies, and not in simple regional ones, on trains in the CIS, choose coupes and SVs, and in Europe - Intercity or sleeping cars, spend the night not in hostels, but in respectable hotels " three stars” and sometimes higher, in the evenings to return home from the bar by taxi, so as not to wait for a long time for transport at the bus stop, to attend football matches/concerts in addition to museums, in a word, to relax as most of our compatriots dream in their dreams, then for such a trip to the cheapest Asia you will need from 1500-2000 dollars, in Eastern Europe- 3000-4000 dollars, and Western Europe- at least 6000-9000 dollars.

Of course, for lovers of comfort it is much cheaper to use the services of travel agencies and buy a tour - because good conditions on an independent (!) trip they cost a lot, oh, how much.

Case 2, uncivil travel. If your finances are not enough for a backpacker trip, that is, at the level at which most people travel with backpacks around the world, then there is only one way out - to start rebuilding the entire structure of the trip.

The most expensive thing when traveling is hostels/hotels, so if you start spending the night with local residents, at train stations in waiting rooms, in tents in parks or along roads, then the budget can be reduced significantly, several times over.

The second resource for saving is transport. If you minimize the use of city transport and try to walk all the time, if you ride a bicycle or hitchhike between cities, you can also reduce costs significantly.

The third way, the saddest, is saving on food. If in all canteens and cafes you specifically choose the cheapest dish from the menu, refuse meat, but get three servings of side dishes (gravy is free :), then the amount of expenses for the month will decrease. An even more radical way is to buy the cereal yourself, cook it wherever necessary, and walk around all day with a saucepan (plastic box) and slowly eat it as hunger arises.

With a combined homeless-backpacker trip (that is, finding part of the overnight accommodation for free, but from time to time staying in hotels, as well as transport and food), you will be able to save up to 50% of the budget stated at the beginning of the article without a significant loss of comfort and pace of travel. If you spend even less (and you can reduce costs to 3-5 dollars a day), you have to slow down, missing out on some countries/cities, and spend more time searching for cheap food and/or preparing it.

An alternative way to save money is to skip a busy trip and settle in one place for a month. Then the cost of renting housing will sharply decrease anywhere in the world - renting one hotel room for a month is much cheaper than paying daily, and renting an apartment will be even cheaper. Costs for intercity transport are falling significantly - you will only have to pay for radial trips from the place of your main deployment, and not for constant transfers. Costs for food are also reduced - if you stay for a long time, you can get used to the country/city and know where, what and how much. It also becomes much cheaper with permanent dislocation cellular communication, Internet, etc.

Based on the price list proposed above, everyone can determine for themselves the direction to which they could go, the level of comfort and the timing of the trip. Happy travels! :)

I was born and raised in Tyumen. But I always wondered: it’s like this here, but what’s it like there, in another city, another country, on another continent?

As a teenager, I decided that I would travel around the world. My parents didn’t support my aspiration, but they didn’t prohibit it either. At the age of 20 I found myself abroad for the first time, and at 21 I went around the world.

In my understanding, a round-the-world trip is when the start and finish are at one point, with the intersection of all meridians.

At first I was driven simply by natural curiosity. Then travel became a part of life. The more I move around the world, the more I want to understand why I can, but my neighbor can’t? How to teach your neighbor to put aside obstacles and experience the happiness of travel?

IN free time I conduct master classes for those who want to know our planet. I like to inspire people. But I would travel even if my experience was of no interest to anyone and if there was no Internet to share my impressions.

How much does a trip around the world cost?

I spent 180,000 rubles on my first circumnavigation. This amount included:

  • air travel - 72,000 rubles;
  • housing - 17,500 rubles;
  • visas - 6,700 rubles;
  • food - approximately 50,000 rubles;
  • communication, entertainment and other small expenses - the rest.

Another important point. I never take cash when traveling. Currency only bank cards. Because if I lose the cash, I will be left without a livelihood. If I lose my card, I’ll transfer the funds to a second one and calmly continue my journey.

How to prepare for your first solo trip?

I advise you not to use ready-made checklists from the Internet, but to create your own. It is necessary to calculate the travel budget and prepare a backup plan for each force majeure.

For example, I usually have an alternative place to stay in case the hotel I was planning to stay at is full. At the same time, you need to be prepared to sleep at the airport or on the beach if everything goes completely wrong. By the way, there is even a rating of the most convenient airports for sleeping and instructions on how to do it correctly.

A modern traveler does not have to be able to navigate using a compass (if my iPhone is taken away, I will be stuck for a long time in an unfamiliar place), but must be unpretentious and open to the world. The second is the most important.

Take the minimum amount of stuff with you, and then cut that minimum in half again.
  • Rules of conduct. In decent establishments there are always regulations: you cannot bring guests, make noise after eleven, leave things in the washing machine, and so on. The more rules there are in the hostel, the cleaner and more comfortable it will be.
  • Stay limit. In good hostels you cannot stay longer than a week or even a couple of days. If there are no restrictions, there is a high probability that guest workers or prostitutes have settled there.

I am looking for housing through Hotellook or Ostrovok. At the same time, I always check the “free breakfast” and “free Wi-Fi” boxes. You save a lot when these services are included in the price of your stay.

Does couchsurfing work?

Yes! I love I even made a video on how to use this service.

The most hospitable people from the countries I have visited, by the way, are here in Russia.

How to communicate with the local population?

At the time of the start of the first trip around the world, I knew English at the cat, home, sorry level. But during my travels I improved my tongue well. If you don’t understand what’s happening around you, then you risk your life and your brain is activated - you learn new words and phrases instantly.

  • “Hello!”, “Thank you”, “Sorry” - simple politeness that is greatly appreciated by local residents.
  • “Stop, that’s enough!” - useful in the market or, for example, in a massage parlor.
  • "What is the price?" - if you ask in the local language, you can pass for a foreigner who is well versed in local realities and who should not be overcharged.
  • "Where?" - helps out in many situations; you can find out where some landmark or toilet is located.
  • “I need help” - if you give an SOS signal in a language that people understand, they will come to your rescue faster. Well, you can start any conversation with this phrase in an unfamiliar country.

How to eat while traveling?

I never eat at tourist places. As soon as you walk 200 meters from the Louvre, the prices in the cafe are completely different. When traveling abroad I always use Groupon - it helps me save on food.

If you have just arrived and are terribly hungry, do not rush to immediately get acquainted with the local cuisine. As they say, if you don’t know the ford, don’t stick your nose into the water. Go to McDonald's or another well-known franchise establishment. Then the locals will tell you where the best food is served. delicious dishes, which restaurant they’ve been going to as a family for seven years now.

What else can you save on?

  1. Traveling around the city. I try to book accommodation near the center and use public transport. During my entire trip around the world I only took a taxi once. In the future I plan to try out running excursions and bike rentals.
  2. Connection. I always get a SIM card with unlimited internet if I plan to stay in the country for more than four or five days. And I don’t miss the opportunity to use free Wi-Fi.
  3. Excursions. I never use the services of a guide: I’m interested in feeling the spirit of a place, and not listening to someone’s chatter. If I need to know the history of a particular attraction, I open Wikipedia.
  4. Souvenirs. Do you need it at all? But if necessary, try to pay in local currency (you can withdraw some cash from an ATM).

Will there be a second circumnavigation?

Yes, in January 2017. It is scheduled for five months. Approximate route: Russia - UAE - Nepal - Maldives - Thailand - Malaysia - Singapore - Indonesia - Australia - USA - Colombia - Iceland - Spain - Russia.

With the current dollar exchange rate, the budget is 200,000 rubles. But this time everything will be more complicated. I plan to earn money while traveling and participate in two Ironman races. Lifehacker inspired me to participate in it. :)

By the way, if readers still have any questions about traveling around the world (and not only), I’m ready to chat in the comments.

We decided to lift the veil of mystery around the world for you a little. And tell us about one of the possible options for such a trip. How to organize this? How much does it cost? How much time do you need to prepare? Are there last-minute trips around the world? Now let's talk about everything in order.

A trip around the world is a trip for which you need to prepare in advance. Even, probably, very, very in advance. If you are a US or European citizen, consider yourself lucky. AND visa-free countries for you much more than for citizens of Ukraine. Because obtaining visas for a trip around the world is a labor-intensive and lengthy process. Most likely, you will need help in this matter.

Are there last-minute trips around the world?

Our answer is no! For example, the trip around the world, which we will talk about in this article, will take place on January 4, 2019 and is already on sale. Organizing such a trip spontaneously is simply physically impossible. And, despite the high cost, places run out long before the start.

How to organize a trip around the world?

The easiest way to organize a trip around the world is a round the world cruise. You live on a comfortable ship, with lots of entertainment on board. The cruise we are going to talk about today will take place on the MSC Magnifica, a MSC Cruises company. So why is it so convenient to travel on a cruise and why do hundreds of thousands of tourists year after year seek to spend their holidays at sea?

Let's imagine that today is January 4, 2019. You have arrived in Rome. Your passport is full of all kinds of visas. A lot of preparation has been done and you have a journey ahead that you have probably been planning your whole life. Today at 19:00 from cruise port in the town of Civitavecchia you go on a 119-day cruise around the world. Your ship will cross all meridians and the equator twice. During the cruise you will spend 54 days at sea, and on the remaining days you will visit more than 30 countries.

On such a trip, you will have access to all the benefits of a 5* hotel with only one difference: tomorrow morning you will wake up in a new city or even country. And you will have the whole day for walks, photographs, tasting local cuisine and everything your heart desires. Around 6-7 pm you return back to the ship, where everyone is ready to feed and entertain you. If we talk about the liner itself, it has everything: from a theater and karaoke, to a casino and an art gallery. The length of the ship is 294 meters, this is the same as if a house of almost 100 floors rested on the water. So, there was even room for a tennis court and basketball court.

So. If you plan to spend 54 days at sea, that means 65 days are left to explore new cities and countries. What route awaits us?

Italy – France – Spain – Madeira – Saint Martin – Virgin Islands– Puerto Rico – Curacao – Aruba – Colombia – Panama – Costa Rica – Nicaragua – Guatemala – Mexico – USA – French PolynesiaAmerican Samoa– Samoa – Tonga – Fiji – New Zealand– Australia – Singapore – Malaysia – Thailand – Sri Lanka – Maldives – UAE – Oman – Jordan – Egypt – Greece

Not bad, right? Well, the main question.

How much does a around the world cruise cost?

The most inexpensive inside cabin for two it will cost 24,958 euros. Cabins with a balcony start at €36,958. Well, the most expensive suite will cost tourists 76,358 euros. This is the cost for two people, including mandatory port taxes. This includes three meals a day and all entertainment on board. 15 shore excursions included as a bonus.