How long does it take to fly to Greece, the island of Crete. The cheapest way to fly to Crete

Heraklion, the capital of Crete, boasts a rich, historical heritage and picturesque landscapes. Around the city there are pebble and sandy beaches, which lie next to gardens full of vines and olive trees. Relaxing in Crete is a sheer pleasure due to its climate.

Direct flights from Heraklion to Moscow are available different airlines and won't take much time. Upon arrival you will be greeted by magnificent Mediterranean landscapes with warm sea. The city’s airport is the second largest, after “ air gate” .

It is called “Nikos Kazantzakis” and is located 5 km from the city. Both regular and... The history of the airport began in 1937. During the season it can be very busy, as the flow of tourists does not decrease either day or night. For this reason, registration and passing of passport and customs controls There are long queues.

Heraklion Airport.

The whole complex consists of two terminals - cargo and passenger. There are many shops in the terminal where you can buy souvenirs from the country. There you will find bank branches, currency exchange offices, etc.

You can reach the city by taxi for 20 euros or by bus. The trip will take everything away from you 20 minutes. If you arrive as part of tourist group, then you will be taken by bus from the travel agency to your hotel.

Prices of flights Moscow — Heraklion

Aegean Airlines and Ellinair offer tickets to Heraklion for 16,226 rub. round trip, but without luggage. This is″ rel=”nofollow” class=”TPAutoLinks” target=”_blank” >price for a direct flight. Vim-Avia has the same options, but more expensive - from 19,000 rub. both ways.

Olympic Air and Aegean Airlines operate flights with transfers in Thessaloniki, at Macedonia Airport. Tickets will cost you at 15,587 rubles., but this amount does not include baggage allowance. The same flight is available with a transfer in Athens for the price from 16,000 rub. in both directions.

SmartWings companies with Aegean Airlines have an option in Prague, Vaclav Havel Airport at a price from RUB 24,751 back and forth.


The same airlines have flights with 2 transfers. Their prices vary between from 16,000 to 20,000 rub. Therefore, the price of a flight does not depend on the number of transfers.

If you need to take luggage with you on flights that are sold without it, you will have to pay extra 5,000-8,000 rub.

Pay attention to the tariff conditions, with which you buy tickets in order to avoid unpleasant situations at the airport.

If you want to fly on a charter, but without purchasing a tourist package, then you can find out how to buy tickets for such flights.

Flight time Moscow - Heraklion

How long it takes to fly to Moscow from Heraklion may be affected weather conditions and airport congestion in summer period.

Flight delays are possible, but if this is due to the fault of the airline, then it must reimburse you for the time spent. Depending on the delay time, passengers are provided with bottles of water, meals or overnight stays in a hotel.

The flight time from Moscow to Heraklion with a direct flight will be 3 hours 40 minutes or 4 hours. The return journey may take 5 minutes more.

Fly with one transfer from 15 hours to 24 hours. You will spend on the transplant itself from 11 to 23 and a half hours.

If you choose the option with 2 transfers, then you will get on the road from 6 o'clock to 27. At transit airports you will spend from 3 to 11 o'clock.

Time difference between Moscow and Heraklion

In this regard, Crete has a significant advantage over other Greek resorts, since the time difference between Heraklion and Moscow does not exist. This is very convenient for passengers, as you can calmly talk on the phone or Skype with relatives, without regard for time.

When planning a trip (and not only to the Greek island of Crete, but anywhere), it is important to think through everything to the smallest detail. After all, the pleasure you get from your trip depends on planning. One of the stages of planning a route is purchasing tickets. In this sense, the question of how long it is to fly to Crete from Moscow is by no means idle. After all, you can get to the popular island either by direct flight or with transfers. Moreover, the latter option, paradoxically, may turn out to be much cheaper than the first. Of course, a trip with one or more transfers will take time. But you can relax at the connecting airports and at least see new countries out of the corner of your eye. And at the same time, you can also save significantly on your air ticket. Let's find out in more detail how long it is to fly to Crete from Moscow.

Direct flight

If you are flying to an island for vacation, you want to reach your destination as quickly as possible. Therefore, it is worth thinking about a landing point that will not be very far from your hotel. There are three airports on the island, and all of them have international status. But direct flights from Moscow are accepted only by the main airport of Crete - Nikos Kazantzakis in the main city of Heraklion. It should be noted that transport links everything is fine on the island. And if you are determined to take a direct flight, then from Heraklion airport you will quickly get to your resort. How long does it take to fly to Crete from Moscow without stops along the way? It depends on the airline you choose. Thus, the airliners of the Greek company Aegean Airlines will take you to Heraklion in three hours and forty-five minutes. If you trust more Russian air carrier, then Aeroflot will take you to the capital of Crete in 4 hours 10 minutes. The trip with another Greek company, Ellinair, will be ten minutes shorter. As you can see, the path is not long. Four hours on board is a relatively short period of time. And you will get off the ramp not as tired as if you were heading to the Dominican Republic or Australia.

How long does it take to fly to Crete from Moscow with transfers?

If you want to save money and get to Heraklion airport for less money, you will have to use connecting flights. And here a truly huge choice opens up for the traveler. You can use the services of venerable airlines, famous for high level service and comfort, as well as low-cost airlines offering simply ridiculous prices for tickets on the Moscow-Crete route. This will increase the flight time. But if you guess, it won’t be much. If you make a transfer in the capital of Greece or in the second big city country, Thessaloniki, the entire journey will take only five hours and ten minutes. In this case, you need to use the services of Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air. Another tempting offer is with a transfer in Prague. The journey with Smart Wings and Czech Airlines will last six and a half hours.

How to save on a ticket but quickly get to Crete

During the summer, Heraklion Nikos Kazantzakis Airport is very crowded. Regular flights are supplemented by numerous charters arriving from different countries, including from major cities Russia. This travel companies charter planes and send their clients to island resorts. Of course, 99% of charter flight passengers purchased the entire package of services. But there is still one percent that can take advantage solo traveler. On such Moscow-Crete liners, the flight time is the same as on regular flights, but the ticket costs much less. Charters also have their downsides. So, you can buy a ticket just a few days before departure. And there will be fewer services on board. Charter flight may reschedule or delay your flight.

Moscow-Crete: how long to fly to other airports on the island

If you are going to have to make transfers, then why not choose the airport closest to the resort as your landing site? There are no direct flights to Chania and Sitia from the Russian capital. But the Moscow-Crete flight will not be long if you first get to Thessaloniki or Athens on the wings of Aeroflot. The entire journey will take at most six hours, because Olympic Air planes fly from these Greek cities to Chania several times a day. Crete's third international airport, Sitia, can be reached by Aegean Airlines. In this case, passengers will have a transfer in Athens. The journey will take six hours and 45 minutes. There is another option, with landing in Istanbul. Turkish Airlines and Olympic Air will get you to Sitia in seven hours and 40 minutes.

The Greek island of Crete is one of the most popular resorts in the Mediterranean. Its administrative center is Heraklion. There are 3 airports on the island, all of them international: in Chania, Heraklion and Sitia. There are direct and connecting flights to Crete from Moscow on regular and charter flights.

Map of Greece and Crete

Heraklion Airport

Planes from Moscow land at Heraklion Airport “Nikos Kazantzakis”. This largest air harbor on the island is located 5 km from the city center, almost on the shore, so it seems that the runway goes straight into the sea. The airport receives approximately 5 million passengers per year. It was opened in 1939, since then it has been reconstructed several times, has 2 runways, but at the same time it is difficult to cope with the ever-increasing flow of passengers. It is especially crowded in the summer, when not only regular flights arrive, but also charter ones.

The terminal building has everything travelers need: restaurants, a bank, currency exchange offices, a post office, a playroom for children, Duty Free shops.

From the airport you can easily get to any point on the island by taxi, rented car or bus. Rental companies have their offices here; car rental prices are usually slightly lower than in the cities of Crete.

Direct flights

The most convenient way is to fly to Heraklion without transfers. How long to fly to Crete from Moscow on a direct flight is the first question that arises among those who are planning a trip to the most big island Greece. Flight time Moscow - Crete without landing is approximately 4 hours.

Direct flights from Moscow to Heraklion are operated by Russian and Greek airlines:

  • Aeroflot, travel time 4.10 hours;
  • Aegean Airlines, 3.45 hours;
  • Ellinair, 4 hours

In summer, the number of flights increases significantly. In addition to regular flights, there are also direct charter flights to Crete. Tickets for charters are purchased from a travel agency as part of package tour, and separately, which happens less often.

Charter flights allow you to purchase tickets much cheaper, provided that they are sold a few days before departure. Otherwise, the price is usually comparable to regular flight tickets.

Heraklion Airport

Flights with transfers
If you want to save money or visit several cities or countries in one trip, you can use flights with connections. The flight Moscow - Crete in this case will be longer. Many airlines have flights from Moscow to Heraklion with one transfer in their schedules:

  • Ural Airlines, landing in Yekaterinburg, travel time from 10.40 hours;
  • S7 together with Air Berlin, through German cities, at least 7.15 hours;
  • Aegean Airlines and Olympic Air, with a transfer in Athens or Thessaloniki, from 5.10 hours;
  • Swiss Air together with Edelweiss Air, via Zurich, at least 10.30 hours;
  • Smart Wings and Czech Airlines, landing in Prague, from 6.30 am;
  • Austrian Airlines, with a transfer in Vienna, travel time from 14.15 hours.

There are a lot of flight options to the capital of Crete; how long it takes to fly from Moscow to Heraklion depends on the chosen airline and the number of transfers. Most European airlines have flights to this wonderful Greek island on their schedule. A flight from Moscow to Crete also has two or more stops; you can create a route of any complexity and cost, but the travel time increases greatly.

Every tourist tries to foresee all the nuances of a future trip and carefully plan their stay at the resort. A trip abroad begins with arrival at the airport, respectively, and all subsequent vacations are counted from this point. Therefore, the question of how long to fly from Moscow to Crete is extremely important for planning a trip. Today we will analyze in detail what travelers can expect from a flight to Crete and tell you how to prepare your trip with maximum benefit and comfort.

Flight Moscow-Crete: travel features

Resorts of Greece – popular destination air transportation of passengers from Moscow and other regions of Russia. And Crete, how largest island country, the undisputed leader in the number of flights.

The flight to the island does not take much time. But before calculating how long to fly to Crete from Moscow, it’s worth finding out the important nuances and features of the trip. For example, from which airport does the flight take off, what conditions do foreign and Russian airlines offer to passengers, and also at which airport in Greece the plane will land.

Departure airports (Moscow)

In the summer, air traffic from Moscow to Crete experiences a real peak of activity. There are about ten direct flights per day, and the number of connecting flights is difficult to even count. Most flights pass through Domodedovo Airport, but you can also fly to the island of Crete from Vnukovo and Sheremetyevo. It all depends on the carrier company and the specific date of the flight.

Airlines flying to Crete

The travel conditions that the airline offers to passengers have a great influence on the trip, namely: airport of arrival/departure, baggage allowance, flight time, meals, ticket price, etc.

Flights to the resort of Crete from Greek cities or foreign countries are served by dozens of carriers, each of which has its own travel rules. Airplanes of the following companies most often fly from Moscow in this direction:

  • Ellinair;
  • AegeanAirlines;
  • Nordstar;
  • Aeroflot;
  • Russia.

Direct and connecting flights are also operated by Azurair, Pegas fly, S7 Airlines and Olympic Air.

The cost of the trip depends on the pricing policy and service of the company. The cheapest tickets can be purchased for charters if there is a “hot” sale, i.e. There are still tickets left for upcoming dates. But regular flight It’s easy to book in advance and also save on the final cost of your trip.

The duration of the flight also depends on which airline operates the flight. Foreign companies fly over Ukraine and therefore they fly faster, for example, Aegean Airlines arrives in 3 hours 45 minutes. But Aeroflot flies over Belarus, bypassing Ukraine, so the travel time lasts 4 hours 20 minutes.

Where passengers fly to (Crete airports)

The island of Crete is characterized by well-established air communications, as there are three airport terminals. They are located in the cities of Heraklion, Chania and Sitia, with the latter policy specializing exclusively in domestic routes.

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Regular flights from Russia, as a rule, arrive at the island's largest transport hub - Heraklion Airport, which annually serves over 5 million passengers. Flights also arrive from Russia to Heraklion with transfers at Athens or Thessaloniki airports. You can only get to Chania in the summer season, when travel agencies organize charter flights.

Do not forget to take into account that after arriving at the airport it will still take time to get through passport control and baggage claim.

The largest Greek island is located 2435 km from the capital of Russia. According to average indicators, the duration of the Moscow-Crete flight is about 4 hours. But this figure is not final.

If we talk in detail about how long it is to fly from Moscow airports to Crete, then it is worth taking into account not only the mileage, but also the parameters specific flight, down to the aircraft model and possible deviations from the schedule. But even taking into account all the conditions, it is difficult to say how long it will take to fly by plane to Crete. Strict plans may interfere with:

  • bad weather;
  • problems with the technical condition of transport;
  • runway congestion;
  • emergency situations.

Therefore, we will operate only with approximate data on flight times from Russia to most popular resort Greece.

How long does it take to fly from Moscow to Crete on a direct flight?

The format of the route is of decisive importance for the duration of the Moscow-Crete flight. Naturally, the fastest way to get to the island is a direct flight from the Russian airport to Heraklion. Then, when calculating how long it takes to fly to the resorts of Crete from Moscow on a direct flight, the approximate total will be 4 hours.

If the route runs through air harbors additional cities, the travel time will increase significantly.

How long does it take to fly to Crete from Moscow with a transfer?

It happens that the flight to Crete takes place through several cities or countries. Accordingly, due to transfers and downtime at the airport, such a trip will require more time.

Connecting flights of the Greek company Aegean Airlines will deliver passengers to Crete the fastest. They fly through the capital of Greece, from where you can easily and quickly fly not only to the island of Crete, but also go to any other Greek destination. The journey from Moscow to Crete with a transfer in Athens takes no more than 5.5 hours.

Flights with Olympic Air will take a little longer. This carrier connects flights through airports in Athens or Thessaloniki. Travel time from Moscow to the island will be about 6 hours.

The longest flights to Crete are via European cities. Thus, a flight of the S7 company through Germany will take 7 hours of flight, and routes from Moscow through Zurich of the Swiss carrier Swiss Air will require 10.5 hours. But the longest way is the flight of the Austrian by Austrian airline Airlines connecting in Vienna. Such a trip will require 14.5 hours.

How long does it take to fly to Crete from St. Petersburg?

To the resorts of the largest Greek island flights depart to and from northern capital Russia. Direct flights from Pulkovo to Crete are operated by Russia airlines (travel time 4 hours 5 minutes) and Ellinair (4 hours 40 minutes).

It is not surprising that every person wants his vacation to be as successful as possible. To do this, tourists carefully plan their vacation and are often interested in the question of how long the flight will take.

Today, time is priceless for every person. Therefore, it needs to be distributed as correctly as possible. When planning to visit the island of Crete in Greece, it is not surprising that many tourists are interested in how long the flight will take. In some cases, people simply find it uncomfortable to travel by plane, while in others they worry about how quickly they can get to a wonderful place. The island of Crete is popular among holidaymakers, so it has successfully operating international airports, and getting there will not be difficult.

How long does it take to fly to Crete on a direct flight?

Tourists can be sure that they will get to the island quickly, comfortably and that time will fly by almost unnoticed.

On average, a flight from Moscow to the island of Crete will take 3–3.5 hours. Thus, in a short period of time, visitors will be able to enjoy the stunning, mysterious and unforgettable atmosphere around. Tourists will be able to land in one of the famous international airports islands, namely:

  • Nikos Kazantzakis in Heraklion;
  • Ioannis Daskalogiannis in the city of Chania;
  • Sitia.

Heraklion is the capital of the island of Crete, so the airport is this city considered the most popular. Flights are operated from it to different parts of the planet, and it is a comfortable, presentable room. From Nikos Kazantzakis Airport you can get to any corner of the island and stay in the chosen hotel. There is another option to get to the island of Crete - fly to the capital of Greece or a nearby airport, and then arrive at the right place.

Approximate flight times from Moscow to different points on the island of Crete:

The table shows that the flight time differs by several minutes, so you can land in any of the three proposed cities. Taking into account where the tourist's hotel is located, as a rule, a route is chosen.

How long does a connecting flight take?

Naturally, there is an option to get to the island of Crete with transfers. It is, of course, recommended to take direct flights, but if you choose the first option, the estimated travel time will take 5 hours 30 minutes (if you fly through Athens).