The most detailed satellite map of Belarus. Satellite map of belarus online

Free online map of Belarus. On tourist map marks were made with the exact location of all recreation centers, mini hotels, cottages and where you can stay and relax. Additionally, on the interactive map, you can see marked , and create a convenient route for your trip around Belarus.

For the convenience of using the interactive map of Belarus, it has several controls. To change the scale, use the +/- slider to the left of the map or the "mouse" scroll wheel. You can change the active layer of the map, measure the distance, get directions on the map and see traffic jams in Belarus.

Online map of Belarus from satellite (Google / Google)

Interactive satellite map of Belarus with highways. On the Yandex map from a satellite, you can view virtual panoramas streets and roads, just drag the little man icon from the top left corner of the map to the area of ​​the map you are interested in. Panoramas are not available for all cities and towns, street sections with panoramas are highlighted in blue when you drag the icon.

satellite map Belarus will help to navigate the terrain, as well as to study the features geographical location, take a virtual walk through the dense forests, numerous lakes and rivers of the country. A satellite map of Belarus displays all the features of the country of green tourism.

4 advantages of a satellite map of Belarus

  • Convenient navigation. A real-time map displays the geopolitical location of the state, a router along highways and roads, a map of cities, infrastructure facilities.
  • Image clarity. Images taken from space are the clearest and most accurate.
  • Possibility to build a route. interactive map makes it possible to study the roads and build the most profitable route without leaving the house.
  • The interface of the map of Belarus from the satellite is user-friendly, the version is Russified, it functions on all mobile media and portable computers.

Satellite map of Belarus: country features

Only in Belarus, spruce forests alternate with cornflower fields, creating an unusual flavor of the country. The republic is often called the "country of ecological tourism", due to the saturation of forests, lakes and rivers. Among cultural heritage countries, it is worth paying attention to the architecture of the Khotyn monumental complex, the Farny Church, the Nesvizh manor complex of the Radziwills. Ask a question on the satellite map of Belarus to find castles, monasteries and churches, the architecture and history of which will not leave you indifferent. Of particular interest to tourists in Belarus is National cuisine: such dumplings, borscht, potato pancakes, soups with mushrooms and cold drinks can only be tasted there.

The satellite map of Belarus will become a guide around the country and will introduce you to its features in a virtual mode.

Satellite map of Belarus. Explore the satellite map of Belarus online in real time. detailed map Belarus was created on the basis of high-resolution satellite images. As close as possible, the satellite map of Belarus allows you to explore in detail the streets, individual houses and sights of Belarus. A map of Belarus from a satellite easily switches to a regular map mode (scheme).

Satellite maps of major cities of Belarus

Belarus- a state that is located in the center of Eastern Europe and has no access to the sea. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk. official languages are Belarusian and Russian, and in everyday life almost the entire population of the country uses only Russian.

Climate of Belarus continental temperate, in which 4 seasons are distinguished. The hottest time is the month of July, the average temperature of which is +24 ... +27 C. Often the thermometer rises to +30 ... +33 C. Winters in Belarus are cold, with average temperatures of -5 ... - 9C. In the coldest month of February, frosts down to -20 C occur.

Belarus has collected many features of other peoples, but at the same time it has managed to preserve its originality. Today in Belarus there are a huge number of religious, historical and architectural monuments. These are numerous cathedrals, churches, castles and fortresses.

What to see in Belarus- The most visited places in Belarus are Brest Fortress, Mir Castle and St. Sophia Cathedral. The nature of Belarus is one of the most beautiful in all of Europe. Natural sights are the property and treasure of Belarus. The most famous of them are the Braslav Lakes, the Berezinsky Reserve and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Those who are tired of the bustle of the city and are looking for a relaxing holiday. Most tourists rest on the lakes (Naroch, Braslav lakes). Some travelers prefer ecotourism and city tours in Belarus.

In winter, tourists will also find something to do, as in Belarus they are open and successfully work and develop ski resorts. The best of them is "Logoisk", which is often called "Belarusian Switzerland". The second most visited winter resort is Silichi. Health-improving, therapeutic type of recreation is also actively developing in the republic. Thanks to beautiful nature, and in Belarus there are many sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest houses.

Satellite map of Belarus

Satellite map of Belarus. You can view the satellite map of Belarus in the following modes: map of Belarus with the names of objects, satellite map of Belarus, geographic map Belarus.

Belarus- a state that is located in the center of Eastern Europe and has no access to the sea. The capital of Belarus is the city of Minsk. The official languages ​​are Belarusian and Russian, and in everyday life almost the entire population of the country uses only Russian.

The climate of Belarus is continental temperate with 4 seasons. The hottest time is the month of July, the average temperature of which is +24 ... +27 C. Often the thermometer rises to +32 ... +33 C. Winters in Belarus are cold, with average temperatures of -5 ... - 9C. In the coldest month of February, frosts up to -30 C occur.

Belarus has collected many features of other peoples, but at the same time it has managed to preserve its originality. Today in Belarus there are a huge number of religious, historical and architectural monuments. These are numerous cathedrals, churches, castles and fortresses. The most visited places in Belarus are Brest Fortress, Mir Castle and St. Sophia Cathedral. The nature of Belarus is one of the most beautiful in all of Europe. Natural sights are the property and treasure of Belarus. The most famous of them are the Braslav Lakes, the Berezinsky Reserve and Belovezhskaya Pushcha.

Those who are tired of the bustle of the city and are looking for a relaxing holiday are mainly sent to Belarus on vacation. Most tourists rest on the lakes (Naroch, Braslav lakes). Some travelers prefer ecotourism and city tours in Belarus. In winter, tourists will also find something to do, as ski resorts are open and successfully operating and developing in Belarus. The best of them is "Logoisk", which is often called "Belarusian Switzerland". The second most visited winter resort is Silichi. Health-improving, therapeutic type of recreation is also actively developing in the republic. Thanks to the beautiful nature, many sanatoriums, boarding houses and rest houses are open in Belarus.

Belarus (Republic of Belarus) is an Eastern European state that has common borders with Russia, Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia. It is the largest (by territory) country in Europe that does not have direct access to the sea. official state languages Belarusian and Russian are recognized. Territorial division The country includes 6 regions, subdivided into 118 districts and 12 cities of regional subordination. The capital - the city of Minsk - is an independent administrative unit, consisting of city districts. Other big cities: Bobruisk, Vitebsk, Grodno, Gomel, Mogilev, Brest.

Online map Belarus this is satellite photo high resolution, assembled from a variety of space pictures into one image.

For increase satellite image of Belarus use the navigation bar on the top left.

Belarus satellite map high resolution

Climatic conditions are close to temperate continental, in some places turning into marine ones (under the influence of Atlantic cyclones and anticyclones). The winter period is characterized by an abundance of thaws, and the summer period is characterized by a large amount of precipitation and low temperatures.

Satellite maps of cities in Belarus:

On the territory of the state there are deposits (and they are being developed) of such minerals as oil and gas, peat, potash and rock salts, dolomites, sands, clay, building stone. At present, the extraction of oil shale, brown coal, phosphorites, and gypsum has been abandoned. To save natural wealth Special protected areas have been created in Belarus, the work of which is supported by UNESCO: National parks"Belovezhskaya Pushcha", "Braslav Lakes", "Pripyatsky" and "Narochansky" and the Berezinsky Reserve; there are more than a hundred reserves.
Today, representatives of more than 100 nationalities live in the country, the most numerous of which are Belarusians, Russians, Poles, Ukrainians, Jews, Armenians, Tatars, Azerbaijanis, and Gypsies. The number of Moldovans, Turkmens, Georgians, Uzbeks, Kazakhs, Chinese, Germans, Latvians is constantly growing. The main republican religion is Orthodoxy, traditionally a large number of adherents of Islam, Hinduism and the Old Believers.
Economic development Belarus is based on such industries as mechanical engineering and metalworking, chemical production and woodworking, electric power, food and light industry. In the structure of agriculture, the production of grain, industrial and fodder crops, the meat and dairy direction of cattle breeding, fish farming, the cultivation and processing of vegetables and fruits are distinguished.
Main Paths transport communication in Belarus - a network of automobile and railways having both domestic and international lines (with Moscow and Warsaw); there are seven airports international class, navigation is carried out along the Dnieper.
The main part of Belarusian sights is connected in one way or another with painful memories of the Great Patriotic War: for example, almost all of Minsk was destroyed to the ground and rebuilt only after it ended. Therefore, the few buildings and structures that survived during the hostilities are of particular interest to tourists. Such legendary cities as Brest and Grodno are today the most beautiful and unique museums under open sky. Mogilev, Bobruisk and Vitebsk are the oldest settlements with a distinctive history and unusual architecture.
Belarus is one of the founders and a member of such international associations as the CIS, the UN, the Union State and others.