Natural bridge pont d'arc france.

Place de la Concorde is considered the most beautiful in Paris. It is located extremely well: it offers views of the prospect of the Champs Elysees, the Tuileries Garden and the Louvre, and the Eiffel Tower.

The square was founded by Louis XV. The choice of location was influenced by precise economic calculations: in 1755, this territory was not part of the city, the land was cheap. Architect Gabriel designed Place Louis XV as an octagon with an equestrian statue of the king in the center.

During the revolution, the monument was demolished, the Statue of Liberty was erected on the pedestal, and the square was given a new name - Revolution. Louis XVI was executed here, and then a guillotine was placed near the terrace of the Tuileries Garden, on which 1,119 people met their death: Duke of Orleans Philip, Charlotte Corday, Saint-Just, Demoulins, Danton, Robespierre. In 1795, with the end of civil strife, the square was named by its current name.

Under King Louis Philippe I, between the two revolutions (1830-1848), the square was renovated. The oldest of Parisian monuments was installed on it - a granite obelisk from the era of Pharaoh Ramses II. Egypt donated the monument, weighing 250 tons, to France, and a special ship, the Luxor, was built to deliver it here. The raising of the obelisk in front of the royal family and a crowd of two hundred thousand took three hours.

On both sides of the obelisk there are two nine-meter fountains - smaller copies of the fountains from Rome's St. Peter's Square. In the evenings they are illuminated unusually beautifully. From the north, the square is framed by buildings whose architecture resembles the Louvre - the French Ministry of the Navy and the Crillon Hotel. On the corner of Saint-Florentin Street stands a mansion that once belonged to Talleyrand - Russian Emperor Alexander I lived here in 1814. On Easter, the Emperor ordered the construction of an altar on the square and a thanksgiving service for the end of the bloodshed.

The square is also famous for the famous innovative painting by Degas (1876). It depicts the artist’s friend Viscount Lepic crossing the square with his two daughters. The canvas ended up in Germany, after the fall of Berlin in 1945 - in the Hermitage, where it is now.

Area of ​​agreement - central square Paris, lying between the Champs Elysees and the Tuileries Garden.


The square was designed and built (in 1772) under Louis XV and was named after him. Initially, it was an octagon surrounded by a moat. At its corners were statues symbolizing largest cities France, and in the center is an equestrian statue of the king himself. During the years of the French Revolution, the square was renamed (to Revolution Square), the equestrian king was removed and a guillotine was installed. Here, in front of jubilant crowds, Louis XVI, Marie Antoinette, and then the leaders of the revolution - Danton and Robespierre - were beheaded. In addition to celebrities, many lesser-known characters also lost their heads (about 2,500 in total). At the end of the revolutionary passions, the guillotine was removed, and the square was peacefully renamed Place de la Concorde. In subsequent years, the square was developed and acquired new decorative elements (obelisk, fountains).


The Luxor Obelisk is the most prominent structure in the square. Once part of an ancient Egyptian temple, it was given to France by the ruler of Egypt in 1829. It took several years to deliver and install, and for good reason - carved from granite, it reaches a height of 23 meters and weighs 250 tons! On both sides of the obelisk there are two beautiful fountains, richly decorated with statues, built in 1840. One of them symbolizes the country's participation in navigation and commerce, the second - the two rivers flowing through France - the Rhone and the Rhine.

The buildings along the perimeter of the square deserve special attention. On the north side is the magnificent building of the Ministry of the Navy (its proximity explains the theme of the fountains) and the Crillon Hotel - once the home of noble families, and since 1909, one of the most prestigious hotels in Paris. Nearby is the Church of St. Mary Magdalene (often called simply Madeleine). From the side of the Seine embankment, the Pont de la Concorde adjoins the square; on the other side of the river is the French National Assembly (lower house of parliament) - the building was once the Bourbon Palace.

The Egyptian ruler Muhammad Ali gave two obelisks to France, but only one crossed the Mediterranean Sea - with the technology of that time, such transportation was too difficult and expensive. In 1990, the rights to the second obelisk were officially returned to Egypt by French President Mitterrand.

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Enjoy virtual trip to some of the most beautiful naturally created arches in nature. These gigantic natural masterpieces are carved from solid rocks, under the power of water, wind and sun. Regardless of the method of origin, all of these beautiful natural formations have a unique arch shape. Some of them rise tens of meters above the ground, while others only a few meters. There are also huge parks, which are full of unique natural arches and other impressive natural formations such as pillars, stumps, spheres and others. Topping the list is a huge arch in southeastern France, high across the picturesque waters of the Ardèche River.

Pont d'Arc

The natural arch Pont d'Arc is located in France and reaches more than 50 meters in height. Essentially, it is a giant natural bridge that connects the banks of the Ardèche River. This place is located far from urban areas and is devoid of any noise and bustle. This is a truly tempting destination for a weekend getaway with family and friends. Canoeing is the most common pastime, especially in midsummer, when the mountains are engulfed in lush green flowers, the clear alpine air is clean and fresh, and the gentle rays of light are accompanied by clear blue skies and shapeless white clouds. The waters of the river are fresh and cool, and as you pass under the arch in a canoe, you will understand the true meaning of the Pont d'Arc, which is an arched bridge.