Where is brno History of brno

Brno is famous not only for being the second largest Czech city (after Prague). The city, which has a very rich history and many historical and architectural attractions, attracts tourists from all over the world.

Residents of the city claim that not Prague, but Brno is the most important city in the Czech Republic, almost its capital. It was here that the family nest of the Přemyslid princes, the founders of the royal dynasty, was located. During the unification of the principalities, it was Brno that became the capital of royal life.

There are two versions of the origin of the city's name: according to the first, Brno got its name from the Czech word "brne", which means "armor", according to the second - from the word "brdno", that is, hilly. In principle, both of these names suit the city, since Brno is located in a hilly area, and in ancient times served as a defensive fortress.

The city has its own tradition, which has been observed ever since Brno was under siege by the Swedes. During the battle, the Swedes promised to lift the siege and withdraw if the city held out until noon. The resourceful bell ringer struck noon an hour earlier, and thus saved the city. Since then, as a sign of deliverance from danger and a sign of victory, the clock in the city square strikes noon at 11 o'clock.

Sights of the city of Brno

Despite numerous wars and sieges, the city has preserved many monuments of history and architecture, which are well preserved to this day. Some of these cultural attractions have been included in the list world heritage according to UNESCO.

The city center of Brno is an attraction in itself. Transformed into a huge pedestrian zone with a boulevard ring, the city center has become a place of rest for citizens and guests of the city.

Freedom Square resembles a triangle in shape (or rather, the letter “A”). It is here, on the square, that all significant city events, holidays and festivals are held. Nearby, a 10-minute walk is the historic center of Brno.

old town hall

This building is the oldest building in Brno - the oldest part of the building dates back to the beginning or middle of the 13th century. By the 16th century, the town hall was partially destroyed due to numerous wars. The building, which withstood more than one long siege, was repaired in the middle of the 17th century, the walls were strengthened, a stone portal was created with magnificent examples of late Gothic architecture.

Until the 70s of the 20th century, the city government was located in the building, that is, for almost 600 years the building was used for its intended purpose. Today, the building houses museum halls and expositions that tell about the heroic pages of Brno.

Several are associated with the town hall. local legends. One of them explains why the main tower of the town hall is slightly curved. In the 16th century, the city fathers decided to transform the town hall building and decorate it as exquisitely as possible. For this, the famous architect Pilgram was invited.

The authorities promised him mountains of gold if he would make the building the most majestic in the city, but did not keep his promise. In retaliation, Pilgram deliberately bent the tower, and the tower could no longer boast of the infallibility of the lines.

Address: Radnicka 8, 60200 Brno
You can visit the town hall inside from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

One of the most recognizable sights of the city is a national monument of the Czech Republic and the brightest landmark, a symbol of tourist Brno. main temple the city seems to rise above it - it is located on Peter's Hill. The cathedral was built on the site of an 11th century Roman basilica.

The temple received its current appearance at the end of the 20th century, at the same time two towers were completed, which are visible from anywhere in the city. By the way, the bell of this particular temple announced the end of the siege by the Swedes, ringing not at noon, but an hour earlier - at 11 o'clock.

Address: Římskokatolická farnost u kostela sv. Petra a Pavla 9 602 00 BRNO 2
Opening hours daily from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The castle (fortress, city) of Vevergi has already celebrated its 800th anniversary (2013). The first stone in the construction of the fortress was laid at the beginning of the 12th century. The castle is located on a narrow high rock, where the Svratka River turns sharply (near the dam, 14-15 kilometers from Brno).

It served as a defensive fortress during the siege of the city, more than once repulsed the blows of the conquerors. The reconstruction of the castle began at the beginning of the 20th century, and today Vevergi is one of the most popular places in the city.

At the end of August, the so-called Greek Saturday is held here - food tasting Greek cuisine, as well as a master class of Greek folk dances.

Address: 664 71 Veverská Bítyška
Opening hours: from 9.30 to 18 hours

Landmark of Brno, which has its own history. It is dedicated to the plague epidemic that broke out in these parts in the Middle Ages. Just a few centuries later, a famous Czech architect created a monument that looks more like a column - in memory of those difficult events and in memory of all those who were swept away by the plague.

Address: Masarykovo náměsti, 695 01 Hodonín, Czech Republic

Spilberk Fortress is not only a Czech and European landmark, but also a symbol of Brno - the outline of the fortress is minted on Czech coins. It was built in the middle of the 13th century, three centuries later it was turned into a defensive fortress, and after another three centuries it became a famous prison, the name of which terrified everyone.

Rebels, opponents of the existing government, as well as political prisoners served their sentences in the local casemates and dungeons.

In the middle of the 20th century (1960-61) the castle was turned into the City Museum. Near the castle are two Gothic chapels.

Address: Špilberk 1, 662 24 Brno

This unique natural attraction is located in the vicinity of the city. On an area of ​​120 square kilometers there is a whole underground city - caves, karsts, grottoes, small reservoirs and underground lakes. There are more than 400 such caves here, and unique stalactites have no analogues anywhere in Europe.

Museums Brno

It is located in the building of the Špilberk castle. The expositions of the museum will tell the whole history of the city, the pages of its military history, about the famous citizens, their way of life for many centuries.

Address Špilberk 1, 662 24 Brno
Ticket price - 7 euros

The development of science and technology in the city and the Czech Republic as a whole is reflected in the exhibitions and expositions of the museum.

Address: Purkyňova 105 612 00 Brno – Kralovo Pole
Entrance ticket - 6 euros

It is a complex of several buildings - a 17th-century baroque mansion, the Menelianum and Anthropos pavilions. The museum can be proud that it has in its collection a unique ceramic figurine of the Paleolithic period - the Venus of Vestonica, which is about 2700 years old.

Address: Husova 14, Husova 18, 662 26 Brno
Entrance ticket - 9 euros

This people is universal and ubiquitous, but its culture is bright and original. A lot of settled gypsies live in Moravia to this day, so Brno was chosen to create the museum. The museum reflects the colorful gypsy culture, the expositions contain books and documents, household items of gypsies.

Brno is not only historical sights. It is also great shopping, entertainment for the whole family ( Botanical Garden, zoo, all kinds of attractions).

Ticket price - 7 euros

Reviews of tourists

If you came to Brno for the first time and don't know where to go and what to see, then a universal guide will help, which you can get at the office of the Tourist Information Office (it can be found on main square in the city center, Radnická 2, 658 78 Brno).

In the office of this company, you can not only take detailed map, but also a guide in Russian, indicating detailed directions to a particular attraction.

For lovers of delicious dinner, Brno is a real expanse. The crispy bread that is baked in local bakeries is much tastier than the store-bought one we are used to. Baked pork knuckles are generously flavored with various seasonings and are perfect for freshly brewed beer. By the way, in local pubs (something like small taverns) you can find more than 20 varieties of beer.

Lovers of sweets will not be left idle either: charlottes and strudel with cherries will satisfy the most demanding sweet tooth.

Brno hosts an annual fireworks parade - Ignis Brunensis. At the beginning of summer, the sky above the city is lit up with hundreds of colorful lights, and parade participants compete with each other - whose fireworks are more colorful and unusual. August is marked by the "days of Brno", when the townspeople celebrate another anniversary of deliverance from the Swedish invaders in the 17th century.

Classical and symphonic music lovers come here every year for the Spielberg Festival and the International Music Festival.

On the outskirts of Brno there is an open track for racing. Here, for several seasons in a row, races of the FIA ​​GT, MotoGP, Formula 2 stages have been held.

This is not a complete list of all the sights of Brno, but only a small part of them. Each tourist who comes to Brno discovers his own tourist Brno, and takes away from the city not only vivid photos, but also wonderful impressions.

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On this moment Brno is considered the second largest city in the country. It is located in the southeastern part of the Czech Republic and has the status of the main center of the South Moravian region. The first historical references to the small settlement of Brno date back to 1243. In the 19th century, the city was a fortress, and after the industrial revolution it became the main industrial center of Moravia. Now sometimes Brno is called the "Czech Manchester".

There are three versions about the origin of the city's name. According to the first, the name comes from the word "Hill"; according to another - from the Slavic verb "brniti" (defend, strengthen); according to the third, this is the changed name of the Celtic settlement of Eburodunon.

Brno is also an important cultural center. The city has become the residence of the State Philharmonic Orchestra of the Czech Republic, and there are an incredible number of museums and theaters of various repertoire.

Climate and weather

The weather in Brno is quite favorable, mainly dominated by a temperate continental climate, which is characterized by mild winters and warm summers. The average annual temperature fluctuates around 9.0°C(in summer time +17.8°C, and in winter - - 1.0°C). Precipitation here is dominated by rains brought by westerly winds, and snow falls quite rarely.

The most comfortable months to travel are May, June, July, August and September.


The city of Brno is located in a very picturesque area: on three sides it is surrounded by hills covered with forests, in the south there is the South Moravian Plain, and in the north the city is protected by the spurs of the Bohemian-Moravian and Dragana Uplands. The city lies in the Brno basin, next to it there is a confluence of the Svitava and Svratka rivers. The height above sea level is 191-426 m, the length of the city from west to east is 21 km.

Within Brno, the Svratka River (29 km within the city) and Svitava (13 km) flow, and a popular recreation area, the Brno Reservoir, has been created in the northwestern region of Svratka.


Brno has a large number of interesting places. The most significant are Freedom Square, church Saint Jan, Old town hall and castle Špilberk. One of the main attractions is the Capuchin Monastery with a crypt in which the mummies of monks and local aristocrats are buried. AND Saint Paul's Cathedral and Petra unique for its clock, which strikes noon an hour earlier in honor of the events of the 15th century, when the ringer saved Brno during the siege of the Swedes by ringing noon at 11 o'clock.

The center of Brno is a pedestrian area. Here on market square housed the oldest theater in the city and the Moravian Museum. Be sure to visit the ancient Augustinian Monastery and the Exhibition Complex, where international exhibitions are held.

Not far from the city is Slavkov castle, better known as Austerlitz. It was here that the famous Battle of Austerlitz took place. And in the north is the most interesting area for tourists - Moravian Karst where grottoes, canyons, caves, underground rivers and lakes are concentrated in a small area. Visitors to this place can walk through the caves and go by boat along the underground river to the Macocha abyss.


For lovers of delicious food, Brno is one of the best cities in the Czech Republic. Old Czech recipes can pleasantly surprise any gourmet. The main ingredients of the dishes are potatoes, meat and legumes. First of all, try Czech pretzels, beef tenderloin, pork with cabbage and a rich selection of sauces and soups. The signature dish of the city is pork shank, seasoned with a variety of herbs. They are famous for their unique aroma and go well with beer.

If we are already talking about beer, it is worth noting that a brewery is located in Brno "Starobrno". It has two own bars ( "Richard's" and "Pegasus"). The latter is notable for the fact that beer is brewed there right in front of visitors. The traditional beer of the city is Starobrno, which is served on tap. It is traditionally served here with "toast"(hot spicy baguette and pork neck appetizer).

The city also has its own signature desserts - in Brno, strudel with cherries is skillfully baked right on an open fire. Fragrant lemon Lebanese with blueberries are also popular. In the city center, fresh pastries and crispy bread straight from the bakery are sold everywhere.

The best restaurants in Brno have proven themselves Rialto Ristorante and "U Kastelana"(their average bill is $50-75). You can eat much cheaper Hansen Restaurant where one meat dish costs no more than $6.


City hotels and hotels are always glad to see guests. Brno hotels offer comfortable rooms and excellent service. Many hotels are located in the historic district of the city, which allows tourists to admire local attractions right from the windows.

The prices here are not too high and depend on the status of the hotel and the room. The best hotels considered "Continental" and "Royal Ricc"(from $117). Frugal people find housing also will not be a problem. Often in three-star hotels in the city, prices are strikingly lower, and service and living conditions are only slightly worse than in luxury hotels. In addition, you can stay in a boarding house (from $ 15), there are also many of them in Brno.

Entertainment and recreation

In terms of entertainment, Brno can satisfy any preference.

The city is famous for its summer festivals as part of "Cultural Summer", which take place annually from mid-June to the end of September. Throughout the season, theatrical performances and concert programs are held directly under open sky. Moreover, every year Shakespeare's plays are played here and symphonic music concerts are held.

In addition, Brno is known for its art galleries ("Moravian Gallery", "G99 Gallery") and theaters (the National Theatre, the Magen Theatre, etc.) There are a lot of various museums, cinemas and nightclubs in the city. Available entertainment centers, planetarium, observatory and zoo. And for lovers of speed and adrenaline, there is a racing track near the city, where MotoGP, Formula 2 and other stages are held every season.


Shopping in Brno is popular with those who dislike the hustle and bustle of Prague. In Brno, shops offer a huge range of goods that can satisfy absolutely any shopaholic. New supermarkets and shops are constantly being built in the city, almost everything that is offered in Prague can be bought in Brno. Prices here are often lower than in the capital, and shops can boast of inexpensive and high-quality goods from Austria, which is located very close by.

Fans of high life and glitz can head to shopping center"Galerie Vankovka", which captivates with bright windows, well-known brands and impeccable service. Souvenir hunters will appreciate the place called "Olympia", where you can spend hours studying products created by craftsmen of the city. And gourmets keep their way to the market squares Billa, Interspar and Paneria: here you can always buy fresh meat and fish, crispy bread and local wines. The Zelný trh summer market is also worth a visit, where beer tastings and fairs are often held.

Shops of the city are open on weekdays from 09:00 to 18:00, and on Saturday - until lunch. Grocery stores and markets start working from 06:00 in the morning.


In Brno, as in any city in the Czech Republic, urban public transport operates on a strict schedule. System public transport consists of tram and trolleybus lines, as well as day and night bus routes. During the day, transport stops at 23:00, and at night buses run every hour. A day pass for city trips costs $4.0, and on weekends this pass allows two adults and three children to travel. There are hourly tickets ($1.2) and tickets for short trips (0,6 $).

Any ticket can be bought at the yellow ticket machine at the bus stop, as well as from the public transport driver.


All types of communication in Brno operate smoothly. Cellular provide four operators (Vodafone, T-Mobile, O2 and Telefonica) that work in the standard GSM, and you can connect without a passport. Payphones are everywhere, from where it is much more profitable to call than from a hotel. There are no problems with Internet access either, Internet cafes work around the clock (from $ 0.4 per hour) and are provided everywhere WiFi.


Brno is considered a fairly safe city, and serious crimes happen very rarely here. However, in crowded areas and transport, caution does not hurt, since no one is safe from pickpocketing. In addition, there are beggars in the central part of the city, they rarely cause problems (insults and rude gestures), but it is recommended not to give them money.

Do not interfere with caution when crossing the street. According to the rules traffic, the driver must stop in front of the pedestrian as soon as he stepped on the roadway. But drivers do not always follow this rule, which is fraught with accidents. Therefore, it is always necessary to make sure that the motorist is really going to stop.

Business climate

At the moment, Brno is the main economic region of the Czech Republic. The main industrial direction is heavy engineering.

Since 1926, Brno has hosted International Industrial Fairs, for which big square(500 thousand m²). It also hosts international financial and tourism fairs.

Real estate

At the moment, real estate in Brno is not very popular with foreigners. Probably the reason for this fact is that it is an industrial city. Although buying a home here can be a pretty good investment.

Compared to Prague, the prices for any real estate in Brno are much lower. In the central part of the city there are many old buildings that are combined with newly built structures. This is where apartment prices will have a high price tag. And on the outskirts of housing can be purchased much cheaper. Buying real estate here does not border on risk, because the country's economy is constantly improving.

The people of Brno keep the city clean and respect its laws. There are very large fines in case of violation of public order, garbage can only be thrown into trash cans, and picnics in parks are allowed only in special places. Local motorists and pedestrians are well aware of and carefully observe the rules of the road. Therefore, visitors should also respectfully comply with the current rules.

Brno is considered one of the most beautiful cities in Central Europe and still remains the capital of the Moravian Region. From the moment of its foundation to the present day, the city has not lost its significance, which is one of the reasons for its popularity among tourists.

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History of the city of Brno

Starting from the 5th century AD, the territory on which the city is located began to be inhabited by people. At the turn of two millennia, here, next to the ford across the Svratka, the settlement of Brno arose, which gave its name to the city (today it is Old Brno).

Chronicles mention Brno in the 11th century. like a castle of the Přemyslid family; from the end of the 12th century. The Břetislav free castle around it is the center of the Przemyslovichi specific principality. From that time until 1939, Brno acquired the fame of a fortress city, the only one in Moravia that did not submit to the conquerors. Although the Hussites, the Swedes (twice), and the Prussians stood under its walls. Erected here in the 13th century. Špilberk Castle, which gained the glory of an impregnable fortress, from the end of the 18th century. for decades it was turned into the most terrible prison in Europe, which went down in its history as the "Prison of Nations".

Crafts and trade flourished in Brno twice: the first time in the 14th century, the second in the 18th century. By the 1840s, the rapidly developing textile and construction industries, as well as the transformation of the city into a major railway junction, made Brno the "Bohemian Manchester".

In November 1939, the city, which had been part of Czechoslovakia since 1918, was occupied by Nazi Germany. World War II severely damaged Brno three times: by the occupation regime, the bombing of Anglo-American aircraft and the forced deportation of the German population by the communists to neighboring Austria.

Today Brno, the administrative center of the South Moravian Region, is one of the leading economic centers of the Czech Republic, as well as a constellation of historical and architectural monuments.

Attractions Brno

There are a number of attractions in Brno that guides and travel guides recommend visiting. The most famous of them:

The Spilberk fortress was stormed by both the Swedes and the Russians, but the walls withstood and did not submit to anyone. In the 19th century, the gloomy-looking building was turned into the most famous prison of Austria-Hungary. The attraction is located on a hill to the west of the city center.

The Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul was erected at the end of the 13th century on Peter's Hill. Next to the Cathedral is the Episcopal Palace. They say that the Swedes who besieged the city in 1645 could not capture the recalcitrant fortress. Their leader, weary of the long battle, swore an oath to stop the assault and withdraw the troops if the townspeople did not surrender before noon. The Swedes rushed into battle with renewed vigor, when suddenly the bell ringer on the bell tower struck twelve strokes an hour earlier. The invaders immediately left the fortress walls, and the local bell tower from that day beats twelve strokes at 11 o'clock. The two spiers of the Cathedral, soaring into the Moravian sky, dominate the city. They can be observed from almost anywhere in Brno. Behind the temple there is an entrance to observation deck from which you can admire the magnificent panorama of the city.

Villa Tugendhat is called a pearl architectural style modern. Built in 1930 by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe, she is listed cultural heritage UNESCO as a World Heritage Site cultural significance. The villa is of interest from the point of view of the elegance of the interior solution, technological equipment and carefully crafted details of the furnishings.

An interesting object to visit can be Capuchin monastery, where representatives of noble Czech families are buried, and the monks resting here look like they are alive due to the special air circulation. The Capuchin tombs are famous for the phrase engraved on the gravestone, full of philosophical eternal meaning: “We were like you ... You will become like us ...”

The most beautiful square in Brno is the Freedom Square. It has an unusual triangular shape and its main attraction is the plague column, erected in 1679 as a token of gratitude for ridding the city of the plague. The pillar is made in the Baroque style and is decorated with the figure of the Virgin Mary with a baby. Also noteworthy on the square is the façade of the house “At the four boobies”, which is famous for the Atlanteans supporting the balcony, whose faces look extremely dissatisfied.

The Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary is located in the Cistercian Monastery, founded in 1323 by Queen Eliska. In 1783, it became the property of the Augustinians and is famous for the fact that one of the monks of this order, Gregor Mendel, deduced and studied the laws of heredity here. The Church of the Virgin Mary, located on the territory of the monastery, is unique in that it is the southernmost Gothic brick building in Europe.

The vegetable market in the center is a colorful and unique place. Fruits and vegetables have been traded here since the 13th century. The Parnassus fountain on the market square is also a local attraction. Built in the 17th century, it is decorated with a sculpture of Hercules defeating the mythical three-headed Cerberus, and female figures symbolizing the ancient empires - Babylon, Hellas and Persia.

You can wander around Brno for hours and admire every street and every house - Old city since centuries richest history worthy of it.

Cultural life in Brno

Being the cultural and business center of the country, where many tourists and businessmen from all over the world flock every year, the city of Brno provides them with an exciting cultural and entertainment program. In addition to various historical attractions, there are many great theatres, museums, galleries and libraries.

There are almost two dozen theaters in the city with a population of about 400 thousand people. The Redoubt building, one of the oldest and most famous theaters, adorns the Vegetable Market Square. Now on its stage, as well as in two other theaters named after Magen and Janacek, there are performances of the National Theater. It was on its stage that Mozart's first performance took place.
Among the most popular are also: the Brno City Theatre, "Polarka", "G-Studio", "Seven and a half", and the theater "Bolek Polivka". The puppet theater "Joy" is open for children.

Movie lovers can visit: cinemas "Lucerna", "Kino Skala" and "Cinema City".

One of the best art centers - the gallery. Wannieka, is located a few minutes from the city center. In addition to the main exhibition hall, there are two thematic departments. The basis of the gallery's collection are the works of Czech artists of the late XX century. It also exhibits works by young artists from a number of European countries.

The second largest Moravian Gallery in the country contains collections of graphics, painting, plastic arts, applied works, photography and graphic design. The gallery complex includes 5 buildings: Yurkovich's villa, Josef Hoffmann's house, Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts, Mistrodzhitelsky and Prazhakuv palaces. It will be interesting to visit the galleries belonging to the Brno Cultural Center, as well as the G99 Gallery.

The most interesting thing in Brno will be visiting the Moravian Land Museum, which includes the Dietrichstein and Bishop's Palaces, the Atropos Pavilion and the Mendelianum. In the Dietrichstein Palace, you can admire the famous Westonice Venus, the oldest ceramic figurine. In addition to it, the Museum of Romanesque Culture, the Museum of Technology and the Museum of the City of Brno are open to the public.

The city of Brno has gained great fame thanks to various international festivals and fairs. Since 1926, the International Industrial Fair has been held here, later the International Tourism, Financial and other fairs joined it.

Every year, at the beginning of summer, the Ignis Brunensis fireworks parade is held here. Theatrical festivals run throughout the summer, offering performances from Shakespeare to folklore. In August, the Brno Days are held, where the famous reconstruction of the defense of the city from 1645 is reproduced. Brno is also known as the annual venue for the Brno International Music Festival, the Spielberg International Open Air Music Festival, the Semtex Culture and Alternativa Brno youth music festivals. Relatively recently, a festival was added to them balloons Baloon Jam.

Gastronomic highlights of Brno

A traveler who is lucky enough to come to the city of Brno will be pleasantly surprised by the cheapness of almost all services and food in the capital of Moravia. Suffice it to say that the average bill without wine in the restaurants of the city is about 5 EUR, and for 100 EUR you can eat quite well for the whole month.

Traditionally, meat dishes are very common in the Czech Republic - beef, pork, venison, which must be marinated before cooking. Poultry, especially roast goose, is considered a delicacy and is usually served with red cabbage as a side dish. Another national dish that certainly accompanies every dinner is dumplings - boiled pieces of dough that are served with sauce, where they should be dipped. Pork knuckle is very popular, but fish does not have such a distribution, of all breeds, only carp is preferred, the presence of which is mandatory on the festive table.

The Czech Republic is a country in which the main drink is beer. Beer is added to sauces and soups, meat is marinated in it, and special Olomouc small curds were invented for beer, the production of which dates back almost six hundred years.
In addition to beer, the most popular drink is Slivovitz, a very strong alcoholic drink. Its main ingredient is plum juice. Also popular is the Becherovka liqueur, which got its name in honor of its creator.

Best restaurants in Brno

The most popular restaurants in Brno are "Ristorante Rialto" (Veveří 125) and "U Kastelána" (Kotlarska 51a), you can come to them with a large company, and the chef will definitely prepare a toast - a hot pork appetizer and recommend boar's knee or duck with cranberries . For dessert, be sure to take a cherry strudel or the famous walnut cake.

National cuisine is also offered by the grandiose “Kaskáda” (Na Golfu č.p. 1772) and the cozy “Sherlock Holmes” (Jakubske namesti 1), where beer soup and fried goose are a must-try. By the way, these restaurants are frequented locals- the best advertising for such establishments.

There are a lot of Italian cuisine establishments in the city - "Il Mercato" (Zelny Trh 2) and "Spolek" (Orli 22), there are specializing in French - "La Bouchee" (Udolni 33), and Chinese - "Asia" (Marešova 14) .

Accommodation in the city

You can stay in Brno in the city center, in hotels located within walking distance from Luzhanka Park - these can be both expensive hotels and cozy family pensions at a very affordable price. Apartments will cost a little more than a room in a family boarding house, but they have a kitchen, and you can stay there with a large company.

Check prices for hotels in Brno

A traveler planning a trip to Brno can be recommended to carefully look at the map of the city - almost all the sights are located in the central part, in the old town. Therefore, it would be logical to settle closer to the places that will be visited, especially since tourist centre cities - pedestrian, and the entry of vehicles there is prohibited. Numerous hotels in the city center for all tastes and budgets will provide you with accommodation close to the main attractions of Brno.

Fans of exotic and antiquity can settle in a real knight's castle of the thirteenth century "Knights Templar", however, it is located quite far from the city, but the feeling of waking up in such a dwelling is indescribable!

Visiting any city in the Czech Republic, you will fall in love with this country forever. Each city is unique and cozy in its own way, and the second largest city of Brno is no exception.

Brno - Big City Czech Republic, which is second in size only to Prague. It is located at the confluence of two rivers - Svitava and Svratka. Brno (Czech Republic) is famous for its rich history and many old buildings. Translated into Russian, its name can be translated as "armor" or "armor". Brno is considered the center of Moravia (the eastern region in the Czech Republic).

General information

This charming city is located among the Czecho-Moravian mountains and the Drahan Upland. The first mention of the city dates back to the 9th century. The settlement began to be built around the Spielberg fortress, which was erected to protect against attacks from the south. Since 1243 it has been considered a city. For a long time the city of Brno was the capital of the Duchy of Moravia, as well as an important trade and cultural center.

Spielberg Castle

This ancient building, perhaps, can be called the main attraction of the city. It was erected on a high bank of the river, covering the landscape that extends further. The fortress was built in the 13th century by the Czech king Přemysl Otakar II. The castle was first mentioned in 1277, at that time it served as the residence of a famous Luxembourg family. Blanca Valois (wife of Karel IV) lived here for a short time.

However, the main purpose of the castle was strategic. He protected the locals during and also during the period of strife between the Hungarians and the Czech king Jiri. Since the 15th century, interest in the castle has been decreasing. Some time later, Spielberg came under the rule of Brno (Czech Republic). True, after the 1621 rebellion, this fortification was confiscated and appointed as an imperial fortress.

The castle became famous in 1645, when it withstood a 4-month siege at the very end of the Thirty Years' War. Later the fortress was restored. In the 17-19 centuries, Spielberg was a prison where many political prisoners were kept, as well as especially cruel and dangerous criminals. Those sentenced to life imprisonment were chained, the feeding was very poor - they gave only 750 g of bread and some water. In such inhuman conditions, the prisoners died very quickly. Currently, there is a museum with an exposition of furniture, paintings and various antique interior items. In the summer, various events often take place in Spielberg cultural events: concerts, festivals, tournaments. The fortress offers a great panoramic view of the city.

Historic quarter

We continue our journey through the city of Brno, Czech Republic. The sights of this settlement can also be studied in historical quarter. Of particular interest is the Central Square, where it is always noisy and crowded. Here is a plague column, erected in 1689, with a statue of the Virgin Mary.

town hall

To fully enjoy amazing city Brno (Czech Republic), worth a visit old town hall. It was built in the 13th century. On the arch of the building you can see the "dragon". As early as the beginning of the 16th century, a foreigner presented a stuffed crocodile, which greatly impressed the inhabitants of the city. In this regard, the legend was born about the terrible "Brnev" dragon, which lived in these places and ate local merchants. To kill the monster, people decided to build an unusual trap: they sewed quicklime into a calfskin and left the bait on the shore. The dragon, having swallowed his prey, began to experience intense thirst and went to a watering hole. As a result, the extinguishing process began in his womb, from which the monster tore from the inside. As a sign of victory over the dragon, the locals took his skin and hung it on the wall of the town hall.

Zelni Square and other buildings

The city of Brno (Czech Republic) is truly unique locality with its own special color. Near the town hall there is a beautiful fountain that illustrates the fight between Cerberus and Hercules, as well as the plague column of the Holy Trinity. Then you can admire the Cathedral of St. Paul and Peter. It began to be built back in the 11th century, over many centuries it was rebuilt more than once, and received its modern appearance only in the 19th century. Its main highlight is the statue of Our Lady (15th century).

Monastery of the Capuchins

Brno (Czech Republic) is also famous for the ancient Capuchin monastery. In the center of the city is the seemingly unremarkable Place des Capucines. From here you can see part of the monastery - the Church of the Holy Cross, built in the Baroque style. The church itself is hidden from the eyes of the inhabitants. led a rather modest, one might even say, ascetic lifestyle. And they settled in Brno in the 17th century.

During the war, the monastery was destroyed by the Swedes, but soon a church was erected on this site: very modest on the outside and luxurious on the inside. Later, the monastery was also revived. Due to the peculiarities of the climate, all the people buried here turned into mummies. The most daring tourists can go down to underground labyrinths monastery and look at the remains of the nobility and monks who have been in the church since the 18th century.

Fortress Veverzhi

Spielberg Castle, medieval streets, churches - this is not all that Brno (Czech Republic) can surprise you with. Attractions are located literally throughout the city. In 2013, Veverzhi Castle (also known as Grad) celebrated its 800th anniversary. However, according to legend, the fortress has existed here much longer. The Czechs claim that this structure is at least 1100 years old. The castle is located on a high and very narrow rock a few kilometers from the city. At this point, the Svratka River makes a sharp bend.

The fortress has changed owners more than once, in connection with this it has another name - Moravian Karlstejn. It is also noteworthy that the Swedes were never able to capture Veverzhi. Serious reconstruction of the fortress began at the end of the 20th century, it took more than one million Czech crowns. Now Veverzhi - most popular place among tourists. At the end of August, Greek Saturday is held here every year. On this day, you can taste many dishes of Greek cuisine and even learn


One of the first Czech theaters, Reduta, is located in the city. The largest is the Brno National Theatre. It is worth noting that there are quite a lot of similar cultural institutions in the city: puppet show"Joy", children's theater "Vankovka", "Goose on a leash" and others.

Czech Republic, Brno: Universities

The history of the local education system dates back to 1899. At that time, the Technical University was opened here. Today, there are many educational institutions in the city.

In 1919, the university was opened in Brno. Masaryk. In the 1920s, he occupied a significant place in the scientific and cultural life Czech Republic. Now the university is considered the second largest Czech state university. There are many faculties represented here: legal, medical, pedagogical, philosophical, social sciences, etc.

The oldest university in Brno is the Technical University. It consists of 8 faculties. In the institution, in addition to technical, they also study a number of artistic disciplines.

Pharmaceutical and Veterinary University. It opened its doors in 1918 and experienced one suspension in 1939. Now students have the opportunity to study at 3 faculties that operate in this university.

University of Forestry and Agriculture. Mendel. It was opened in 1919. It has several faculties in its arsenal (forestry, horticulture, regional development, economics).

In all these public universities education is absolutely free. There are also a number of private educational institutions in Brno.

Caves of the Moravian Karst

Moravia is considered one of the largest karst regions in central Europe. Various formations can be found in the area: caves. In general, there are about 1000 caves on the territory of Moravia. True, only four of them can be visited. The most popular is Punkva, where the river of the same name flows, along which you can take a boat tour. The canyons Dry and Empty trough, Rudnitsky failure, as well as the Belaya Voda failure are also impressive. It is worth noting that the Moravian Karst is a protected area with unique flora and fauna.

City hotels

There is no shortage of hotels here. Hotels in Brno (Czech Republic) are practically scattered throughout the city. Options in historical center, of course, will be expensive, and on the outskirts you can settle for a very reasonable fee. Let's consider some of them.

How to get to Brno?

Get to this town with amazing landscapes, ancient architecture and just a unique atmosphere is not at all difficult, since it has its own international Airport. Brno (Czech Republic) is a medieval fairy tale that can slightly open the veil of mystery of those times and tell a lot of interesting and informative things. In addition, you can use the railway or other means of transport if you plan to travel to Brno from Prague. It will definitely not be possible to get around all the outstanding places of the city in one day. So try to set aside at least 3-4 days for the trip, and you will definitely not regret that you came here and saw all this beauty with your own eyes.

Walking through the streets of Brno, pay attention to the surprisingly harmonious combination of old and new, with a complete absence of kitsch manifestations and ridiculous stylistic dissonance. A magnificent baroque facade can quite organically adjoin a building with walls made of trendy material, and a house painted with funny animals using the sgraffito technique can be located next to a high-tech cube.

On the northern edge of the South Moravian Plain, under the spurs of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands, where the Svratka and Svitava rivers merge, stands the city of Brno. This is one of most beautiful cities in Central Europe, the capital of the South Moravian Region, an important industrial center. Brno - historical city that has existed for over a millennium. Its outskirts are occupied by typical high-rise buildings familiar to the eye, but the old center is a pedestrian zone filled with bright monuments of culture and architecture.

City `s history

Like many ancient Czech cities, Brno arose on the site of a Celtic stronghold. In the annals, it was first mentioned in the 11th century as a fortified castle of the Přemyslids - Břetislav Castle. From the end of the 12th century, it was the center of a specific principality - impregnable fortress, in the entire history of which has never submitted to the conquerors. The city suffered many shocks in its history, but survived. During World War II, Brno was seriously destroyed by Anglo-American bombardments. After liberation in 1945, most of the German population was deported from its territory to neighboring Austria.

Attractions Brno

old town hall

Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Church of St. John the Baptist and John the Evangelist

Moravian Gallery in the Governor's Palace

Wannieck Gallery

Theater Goose on a leash

Museum of Roman culture

Exhibition Complex

Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul

In the center of Brno, a lot of historical monuments. The dominant of the city is the beautiful Petrov (Petrov), the neo-Gothic Cathedral of St. Peter and Paul (Katedrala svatého Petra a Pavla). The spiers of the majestic temple rise above the ancient buildings. Its bells at 11 o'clock, unexpectedly for tourists, beat off noon. The townspeople are not surprised by this, and the guests will learn an old legend explaining where such a strange custom came from in Brno.


The Špilberk fortress has protected the city since the 13th century. It was of decisive strategic importance, since the 18th century it was the largest prison of the Habsburgs - the "Prison of Nations". Since 1855, Špilberk served as a barracks, and in 1960 it was transformed into the Museum of the City of Brno.

Monastery of the Capuchins

Freedom Square (Náměstí Svobody) is the largest in Brno. It is a triangular pedestrian space with a baroque Marian column and a modern fountain, with magnificent buildings built at different times. The square has existed since the 13th century. Here are the palaces of Kounitz and Klein, the house with the unusual name "At the Four Fools" with four strange figures, the original clock in the form of a bullet, "shooting" at 11 o'clock in the afternoon with a glass bullet from the clockwork.

old town hall

Church of St. John the Baptist and John the Evangelist (Kostel svatého Jana Křtitele a svatého Jana Evangelisty) (XIII century) is famous for its organ, magnificent painted vault and unusual decor of the Holy See. This temple is especially popular with young couples in love.

Church of St. Jacob

The Church of St. Jacob (Kostel svatého Jakuba) was built in the 13th century. The Romanesque church was almost completely destroyed in the 15th century. It was restored in the late Gothic style. Height main tower church to the top of the spire is 92 meters.

Square Vegetable Market

The Vegetable Market Square (Zelný trh) has existed since the 13th century and is famous for its monumental stone fountain"Parnassus" by Jan Bernard Fischer. In the old days, this square was called the Cabbage Market, but any goods were sold here. Today the market is still popular, the townspeople rush here for fresh food and flowers.


The largest art collection in Brno is located in the Moravian Gallery. This complex of five buildings exhibits collections of graphics, painting, applied art, photography, and sculpture. The expositions of the gallery cover a huge period - 11 centuries.

Not far from the center, on the territory of the reconstructed Mitrovsky country estate (the former Wankovka factory), there is a non-profit Wannieck Gallery. The basis of its collection are the works of contemporary Czech artists and European masters of the XX century. Gallery website: adamgallery.cz.

In the central part of Brno there is the Copernicus Observatory with a Planetarium (Hvězdárna a planetárium) and a virtual platform. This is a major research center of European importance - not only lectures, excursion programs and observations of celestial bodies are held here, but also demonstrations of scientific experiments. Planetarium website: hvezdarna.cz.

Villa Tugendhat

The city of Brno is an important cultural center of Moravia and the Czech Republic. It has more than twenty theatrical institutions. Only on Zelný trh square there are 3 theaters - "At the Table", (Divadlo Reduta), "Goose on a Tether" (Husa na provázku).

Magen Theater (Mahenovo divadlo) - one of the stages of the National Theater Brno, beautiful building, built in 1882 and one of the first electrified stage buildings in the world. Theater website: ndbrno.cz.


On Vegetable Market Square stands the Dietrichstein Palace (Dietrichsteinský palác), a Renaissance-Baroque building built in 1618 according to the design of the Italian Giovanni Tencala. Now it houses the Moravian Museum (Moravské zemské muzeum), which houses the oldest ceramic figurine, the Vestonice Venus.

Technical Museum, photo Jiří Sedláček – Frettie

The museums of Romanesque culture (Muzeum romské kultury) and the Technical Museum (Technické muzeum) are open in the city - with interesting exhibitions.

Brewer Starobrno

Starobrno brewery, photo by El Coleccionista de Instantes

Brno has its own brewery Starobrno. Its history began in 1325, when the Cistercian monks began to brew beer. Joseph Mandel and Hermann Hayek in 1872 decided to brew beer in a new way. In 1930 Starobrno became the largest brewery in Moravia. During the Second World War it was nationalized. In 1994, the Austrian company BBAG became the owner of the brewery. Today, its building houses: a pub serving local beer; restaurant with terrace, Heineken bar and coffee shop. Be sure to try the green beer here.

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