Why did the ancients build pyramids all over the earth? Ancient pyramids of the world - system or coincidence Who built the pyramids and why

Pyramids are certainly one of the most mysterious structures on our planet. Perhaps nothing compares with their grandeur and the precision of their execution. But only today is it understood that the meaning of these religious buildings extends far beyond the concepts of official science - such as tombs, “grain storage barns” or even religious temples.

Many scientists agree that these buildings are the oldest receivers and transmitters of information. And there is obviously some part of truth in this. But most likely not all of it. The real possibilities and goals of creating these structures are much broader and more functional. It seems that these were also excellent power plants - accumulating and generating electricity. energy due to their design and the material from which they were mainly built. Granite, marble, concrete slabs of silicon sand - served as resonators with external vibrations of the Planet and Space. A g linen, limestone, brick - were used as insulating materials. If we delve deeper, then, of course, at first a difference was created in the potential of more subtle energy plays - called high-frequency static / direct current. And only then, through transformer devices (which are depicted in large numbers on the walls interior spaces some of the pyramids), fed to various technical devices for domestic and industrial purposes - from lighting lamps to electrolytic devices and sawmill and grinding equipment...

By the way, at that time there was no need to use special wires for transporting electricity. energy. Transmitting and receiving resonators were used - based on the same internal structure of the substance and external shape. Substance - identical content + exact proportions metal alloys. Shapes - spheres, crosses, cubes, etc. - including pyramidal shapes. But that's another story. Which we'll talk about another time.

In the meantime, let's return to the topic of the pyramids themselves and their purpose.

So, according to another version, the pyramids were built as pyramidal lenses - to concentrate the output/input of energy from/from the Earth and Space. And they were not built randomly - but strictly along certain energy lines and the intersections of their nodes.

So if we consider the Earth itself as a crystal, then the pyramids were built on the “tops” of the corners of this crystal. For example:

Simply put, the pyramids were built to stabilize the Earth's magnetic field. All pyramids were located at certain points on the Earth to change the electromagnetic flow passing through them. In other words, the pyramid itself is nothing more than an ordinary lens that modulates the flows passing through it. Feeding the energy fields of the Earth and preventing the movement of the lithosphere.

Although, to be absolutely precise, the pyramids did not change the electromagnetic flow itself, but the gravitational and its adjacent levels - being like a funnel with the wide part facing down to capture the gravitational radiation of the Earth and concentrate the radiation at the top. Physical interactions take place here, which are still little understood by modern science. Academic scientists have yet to tackle this issue, since scientific world It is customary to ignore facts if they cannot yet be explained. And, by the way, the pyramids were not necessarily built from beginning to end. Often a suitable hill was used, which was covered with the necessary construction and installation material - giving it the desired pyramidal shape.

And it is worth SEPARATELY EMPHASIZING A VERY IMPORTANT POINT: most of the pyramid complexes are absolutely precisely tied to the main “reference points” of the Orion constellation (most often to the Orion belt). And this gives some researchers reason to insist on the theory of “Orion enslavement of the Earth.” And already in this version, the theory of a Planet unbalanced by pyramids comes into conflict with the opinion of those who insist on the stabilizing role of these same pyramids.

As always, the Truth seems to be somewhere in the middle. That is, the pyramids were built. in its various forms, for all purposes - at the same time: and as capacitors-power stations-energy transmitters; and as receivers and transmitters of information - both within the Earth and near and far Space; and as stations for body rejuvenation and organ regeneration; and as teleportation stations for objects and bodies of people/gods themselves. And this was a widespread phenomenon in ancient times.

Therefore, pyramids were built not only in Egypt. They were built and survived to varying degrees throughout the world. Both on the surface, and underground, and under water. And even on other planets and their satellites.

And to confirm all of the above, I will give photos of specific objects-artifacts - pyramids - on different continents - in different countries world:

Let’s begin our journey through the countries of the world:

As expected, it’s already good for an aperitif famous pyramids Egypt:

Pyramids in Numibia (Sudan):

Many other images of pyramids in Egypt and Africa

Pyramids in Teotihuacan, Mexico

"State of the City of Snakes" - Kalamkul pyramids in Mexico

Altun Ha Pyramid - Belize + Temple of the Great Jaguar - Honduras

Grand Pyramid + pyramidal complex of Machu Picchu in Peru...

Now let's move to the other side of the world. Pyramids in Europe:

Bosnia. Mount Visocica - Pyramid of the Sun

Pyramids in Romania:

Pyramids in France:

And in many other places in Europe -

And few people know that there are ancient pyramids in Russia:


Altai, Sartyklay pyramid


Kamchatka... + Baikal

Chukotka + Kola Peninsula


And here is video evidence of the presence of ancient pyramids in Russia -

Now let's turn our attention to Asia and take a look at the pyramids here:

Tibet + India

Indonesia + Cambodia (Kampuchea)

What's under our water?

Underwater pyramids of Japan - Yonaguni...

Underwater Pyramids Atlantic Ocean and the Caribbean Sea:

A little video on this topic:

Pyramids of Atlantis

Underwater pyramids of North America

Underwater pyramids of China


Well, and quite unexpectedly - pyramids in Antarctica:

VIDEO: Pyramids of Antarctica


And finally, let’s arm ourselves with a telescope and take a closer look at near space:

Lunar surface + zoom


VIDEO: Pyramid and remains of buildings on the Moon

VIDEO: Traces ancient civilization on the moon


And this is Mars:

There are several hundred pyramids on Earth - from relatively small ones to buildings the size of a 30-story building. But scientists still have questions about their functionality.

Common features

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered throughout the planet vary in size, shape, and time of construction, they have much more common features than might seem at first glance. Researchers note a largely similar style in the construction of the pyramids. This applies to both stone processing and its installation. Some pyramids, in particular the Mexican ones and those located in ocean depths is united by the presence of a “stylized head” carved from the monolith at the foot.

Scientists at the University of California recently mapped all known pyramids and found that they are located approximately on the same line. If we take the Giza pyramids as our starting point, then this line ends at the Guimara pyramids, built on the Canary Islands.
According to the Norwegian traveler Thor Heyerdahl, the similarity of ancient megalithic buildings is explained by the fact that there was an exchange of experience between the islands and continents. With his expeditions, Heyerdahl proved the possibility of ancient people swimming over fairly long distances.


The most popular hypothesis for the construction of pyramids is the desire of contemporaries to perpetuate the name of an earthly ruler by building a tomb for him. For these purposes, according to most historians, Egyptian pyramids they created special burial chambers that were equipped for the posthumous life of the pharaoh: they left him jewelry, household utensils, furniture, and weapons. And false corridors and stone doors, according to popular belief, were supposed to protect the pharaoh from uninvited guests.

However, according to archaeologists, mummies have never been found in the pyramids. Burials took place in necropolises. For example, the mummy of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings, Ramses II was found in rock tombs, and the mummy of Cheops, the “owner” of the largest Egyptian pyramid, was never discovered.

Knowledge Repository

One of the latest versions of the functional purpose of the pyramids suggests that they were built as a repository of knowledge of previous civilizations, in which astronomical and geographic information expressed in the language of geometry.
Domestic and foreign scientists, including the British mathematician John Legon, carried out numerous calculations of the length of the faces and bases of the pyramids, their volumes, areas and even the distances between the pyramids, and discovered strict patterns of multiplicity of series of numbers.
In particular, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Cheops pyramid to its height is equal to the number 2Pi. Based on this fact, scientists conclude that the pyramid serves as a map projection on a scale of 1:43200 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

Navigation station

French researchers A. de Belizal and L. Chomery made an unusual assumption that the Great Pyramid of Egypt served as a transmitting station. According to researchers, thanks to the enormous mass of the pyramid and the peculiarities of its shape, which was a “false vibrational prism,” the possibility of powerful radiation was created.

Radiesthetic studies conducted by French specialists, in their opinion, showed that radiation could be detected at very long distance using a scaled-down model of such a pyramid. This allowed ancient people to orient the route of a ship at sea or a caravan in the desert without a compass.


Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences Olga Dluzhnevskaya suggests that the Mexican pyramid of Kukulcan could serve as a calendar. Along the entire perimeter, the structure is surrounded by stairs: on each side there are 91 steps - a total of 364, which is equal to the number of days in a year of the Mayan calendar. The stairs are divided into 18 flights, each of which corresponds to a month - that’s how many the Mayan calendar counted.
Moreover, the location of the pyramid is very clearly oriented to the cardinal points, which on the days of the equinox creates the opportunity for an unusual visual effect. When the rays of the sun fall on the steps, something similar to a huge snake is formed: its head appears at the base of the stairs, while its body extends up the entire pyramid.

Energy transformer

According to one hypothesis, pyramids are powerful generators that are capable of converting negative energy into positive. Thus, it is assumed that the accumulated energy of the Cheops pyramid is focused in the royal room at the location of the sarcophagus.
Russian engineer Alexander Golod indirectly confirms the functional purpose of the ancient pyramids by building so-called energy pyramids, which, in his opinion, harmonize the structure of the surrounding space and have a positive effect on humans. However, official science is skeptical about the theories of the Russian researcher.


Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the ancient pyramids were observatories. In particular, this is indicated by the “astronomical orientation” of the pyramids: to sunset during the summer solstice, and to sunrise during the winter solstice.
Egyptologist Nikolai Danilov says that the Great Pyramid as an observatory was mentioned by Arab historians. However, for a long time it was not clear how astronomers could climb the smooth walls of the pyramid, or how internal organization pyramid corresponded to the tasks of the observatory.

The answer was found by English astronomer Richard Proctor while studying the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Proclus. It noted that the Great Pyramid was used as an observatory when it was built to the level of the Great Gallery, which opened onto a square platform.

Modern researchers are puzzled by one fact: why is the ascending tunnel Great Pyramid suddenly gives way to a gallery whose height exceeds 8 meters? Proctor explains this as a convenience for stargazing. “If an ancient astronomer needed a large observation slit, precisely bisected by a meridian across the North Pole, in order to observe the passage of celestial bodies, what would he have asked of the architect? A very high tunnel with vertical walls,” the researcher concludes.

Today, several hundred pyramids are known on Earth - from very small ones to stone hulks the height of a skyscraper. When mentioning the pyramids, almost everyone’s head brings to mind images of the Egyptian Giza Plateau and, most likely, the Pyramid of Cheops - one of the tallest such structures, whose height reaches 140 meters.

Mysterious ancient stone polyhedra are also found in Mexico, China, Iraq, Greece, India, Rome and even the Canary Islands.

Despite the fact that the pyramids scattered throughout the planet vary in size, shape, and time of construction, they have much more common features than might seem at first glance.

So why and why did ancient builders build pyramids?

Experience exchange

Researchers studying the pyramids have repeatedly noted similar features in the design of these ancient megaliths - be it the processing of the stone or its laying.

For example, the Norwegian researcher Thor Heyerdahl in many of his books explained the similarity of megalithic buildings by the fact that ancient people exchanged experiences between islands and continents. With his expeditions, Heyerdahl repeatedly proved the possibility of our ancestors sailing over long distances.

When looking at the pyramids, the question arises: why do ancient structures have this particular shape?

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According to Maxim Lebedev, a senior researcher at the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Historical Sciences, the peoples of antiquity had technologies that were very primitive by today’s standards. And human societies have been moving towards the use of stone columns, large arched, domed and other structures for centuries, or even millennia.

The pyramid is one of the most stable forms for creating a high-rise building. Even a child playing in the sandbox knows this. If the ancient Egyptians, Sumerians, Aztecs or Mayans wanted to erect a building 50-150 meters high, then they had, by and large, only one option - a pyramid,
Maxim Lebedev told Snow.TV.

The largest Nuraghi towers in Sardinia were unlikely to exceed 20 meters in height, since in order to build higher, one had to be able to lighten the structure or make the base very wide and the top narrow, i.e., build a pyramid.

According to Lebedev, the peoples who lived in the Copper-Stone Age were not able to build something like Alexandria lighthouse, to which Mediterranean civilization in the broad sense of the word still had a very long path of technological development to go. And the pyramid could...


Archaeologists to this day find hidden rooms in the pyramids, which without the participation of modern technologies, such as 3D scanning, would remain unknown for a long time. So why were the pyramids built?

According to one theory, ancient civilizations built stone pyramids as tombs for their rulers. However, according to archaeologists, mummies were never found in the pyramids - burials were made in necropolises. For example, the mummy of Tutankhamun was found in the Valley of the Kings, the mummy of Cheops was never discovered, and the Chichen Itza pyramid in Mexico also turned out to be empty.

But for whom or what then were the so-called inside the pyramids located? burial chambers? In the book about Egyptian culture “Gods. Tombs. Scientists" Kurt Keram talks about how the pyramids were created for the pharaoh, for his soul and his “Ka”:

The pyramids were not, like the huge structures of Christians, temples or cathedrals intended for one or another pious community of believers; Nor were they, like the Babylonian ziggurat towers, the abode of the gods and at the same time a universal shrine. They were intended for only one person - for the pharaoh.

It is possible that burials were initially carried out in the Egyptian pyramids, but due to robberies, during which the pharaoh’s mummy could have been damaged, it was subsequently decided for safety reasons to bury the ruler’s body in another place. The pyramids themselves began to be intended only for the soul of the great ruler.

Knowledge Repository

Another modern version of the functional purpose of the pyramids is a repository of the knowledge of civilization, expressed in the language of geometry.

Thus, domestic and foreign scientists found that during the construction of the pyramids, strict scales and proportions were observed.

For example, the ratio of the perimeter of the base of the Cheops pyramid to its height is 2 pi. Based on this fact, scientists have suggested that this pyramid served for the Egyptians as a cartographic projection on a scale of 1:43,200 of the Northern Hemisphere of the Earth.

It can be assumed that all ancient societies had the same main idea - to connect earth and heaven, the world of people and the world of gods, dead and living, with the help of high religious buildings. Moreover, for each civilization that created pyramidal structures, these buildings certainly had their own special original symbolism, says Maxim Lebedev.

According to the scientist, among the Egyptians, the shape of the pyramid was apparently associated with the image of a staircase to heaven, and with the sun's rays, and with the silhouette of the mountains of the Western Desert, and with the shape of the first hill of the earth that appears with the retreat of the annual Nile flood, and many other symbols.

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We will be able to discover some of the possible symbols in the future, because every year we understand the world of the ancient Egyptians better and better, the Egyptologist hopes.

But the Mexican pyramids could well have been calendars. The 30-meter pyramid of Kukulkan, built between the 9th and 12th centuries, according to Olga Dluzhnevskaya, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, served as a calendar.

Along the entire perimeter, the pyramid is surrounded by stairs: on each side there are 91 steps - a total of 364, which is equal to the number of days in a year of the Mayan calendar. The stairs are divided into 18 flights, each of which corresponds to a month - that’s how many the Mayan calendar counted.

Another one interesting feature: When the sun's rays hit the steps, the light forms a figure like a huge snake that moves up the stairs along with the movement of the light.

Ancient observatories

Recently, scientists are increasingly inclined to believe that the ancient pyramids were observatories. In particular, this is indicated by the “astronomical orientation” of the pyramids: to sunset during the summer solstice, and to sunrise during the winter solstice.

Proof of this theory can be ziggurats - pyramidal stepped buildings of the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. English astronomer Richard Proctor, studying the works of the ancient Greek philosopher Proclus, also noted that ancient pyramids could be used as observatories.

As you can see, there are a lot of theories that answer the questions of the creation of pyramids, and they all have the right to exist. Scientists cannot give a specific rationale for the construction of a particular pyramid, since the true meaning of the construction of pyramids can only be understood based on the characteristics of both religious and everyday views of ancient civilizations.

The Pyramid of Cheops- the tallest pyramid in Egypt, at the same time it is the most mysterious and majestic structure in the world. This is the only remaining miracle from the ancient list of the Seven Wonders of the World, a masterpiece of engineering and architectural art not only because of its gigantic size (its height is 150 meters, area is 4000 square meters, gigantic stones are stacked in 200 rows).

The Pyramid of Cheops was built around 2550 year BC. It seems that it is simply not subject to time, and, by the way, it is already at least 5 thousand years old. Who built them, and even so skillfully, is a question that has no answer.

It is believed that the Cheops pyramid weighs 6,3 million tons, and contains more building material than all the cathedrals, churches and chapels of England! The pyramid was faced with white polished limestone until the 13th century. But after an earthquake in the 13th century, which loosened some of the casing stones, the Arabs began using casing to build and restore Cairo's mosques and palaces (including the Sultan Hassan Mosque).

Historians claim that the construction of the pyramid lasted 14 - 20 years, and their architect was Hemiun- Vizier of Cheops. In history books ancient egypt pictures of pyramid construction are shown, where Egyptian workers use cranes made from palm branches to build the pyramid - how naive it is! Not long ago, a team of Egyptological scientists conducted a small experiment - they tried to build a miniature pyramid 10 meters high using cranes made from palm branches, simulating the construction conditions of that time. The result was disastrous; the palm cranes simply could not withstand the weight of the stones, so the scientists soon had to stop their attempts.

The Pyramid of Cheops is the only pyramid with ascending and descending passages. It is impossible not to highlight the huge descent present in its design, called “ large gallery" At its end there is a narrow passage that leads to the “king’s room”, where the walls are decorated with polished granite. Scientists believe that the "king's room" was a triumph of Egyptian geometry because, according to their calculations, it was built according to the golden ratio. The sarcophagus is made of a monolith of red granite, and its dimensions are even larger than the entrance to the room itself. The sarcophagus was first discovered open and no valuables were found in it. Nowadays, no one knows whether it was intended for the body of the pharaoh.

In the very center is the smallest room - the “Queen's Room”. The eastern wall of the Cheops pyramid has a niche where, according to Egyptologists, there was a statue of the pharaoh's wife. The third room has an unfinished appearance and is located underground at a depth of 27.5 meters. It is decorated crudely, without the luxury of the other two rooms. There is an opinion among Egyptologists that this particular room was supposed to serve as a burial chamber for the pharaoh, but Cheops changed his mind and ordered it to be built higher.

Some constructive facts testify to the deep astronomical and mathematical knowledge of the priests who supervised the construction of the Cheops pyramid. For example, adding up the four sides of the base of this pyramid and dividing the resulting number by its height, we get 3.1416 - the well-known number “Pi”. And the next feature is simply amazing - the height of the Cheops pyramid exactly coincides with a billionth of the distance from the Earth to the Sun! It turns out that the Egyptians already 5000 years ago possessed the knowledge that even the scientists of Newton’s era did not have. It is not surprising that these days there are a wide variety of assumptions about how the Cheops pyramid was built, including hypotheses about the intervention of aliens in this process.

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