Actions of air passengers during an emergency landing. “Rules of conduct in case of an accident on air, water and rail transport

Briefing for flight attendants

Security Council informs all flight attendants about the current situation.

If there is enough time, the briefing can be held at the front of the aircraft.

To prepare the passenger cabin for emergency landing necessary

full lighting.

Information for passengers

The ship's commander informs passengers about the situation on board. If this is entrusted to the Security Council, it may use the established texts of information for passengers.

Preparation of work areas.

Remove all loose items, including newspapers and magazines (place in a bag).

Close and lock toilets, remove video monitors, remove bassinets.

Secure kitchen equipment (containers, carts, etc.).

Disconnect all electrical equipment and remove fuses.

Lock all compartments and wardrobes.

Open and secure curtains, tear them down if possible.

Clear escape routes of any objects (hand luggage, etc.).

Doors and gangways

The door selectors must be in the “ARMED” position.

Helper passengers

When selecting passenger assistants, preference is given to crew members of any airlines traveling as passengers, as well as other airline employees.

Passenger assistance should sit in emergency exit seats, in empty flight attendant seats, and next to passengers who require additional assistance (disabled persons, unaccompanied children).

When transferring assistant passengers, it is necessary to convince other passengers to give them their seats.

Passenger preparation information

The SB reads out the stages of preparation for an emergency landing point by point according to the text of the emergency information. If there is little time for preparation, then the Security Council selects only those items whose implementation is necessary in this particular emergency situation.

The flight attendants themselves carry out and check that passengers comply with the instructions of the Security Council, sequentially transmitting a signal about the completion of each stage of preparation:

Place the seat backs in an upright position, remove the folding tables,

running boards and individual video monitors to: clear escape routes,

Take a safety pose to avoid injury when landing.

Remove ties and unbutton collars to avoid breathing difficulties.

Outerwear. Wear according to external conditions.

Sharp and cutting objects, glasses, dentures must be removed and placed in hand luggage. If time is short, these items can be placed between the seats of the chairs. Placing these items in the pockets of the seats in front is prohibited.

Hand luggage must be placed under the seats of the seats in front.

Light items are placed on luggage racks (as an exception, they may be

toilets are used). In case of evacuation, hand luggage

must be left on board the aircraft. Take off your shoes and place them on a shelf or under the seat in front of you to avoid damaging inflatable ladders and rafts.

Demonstrate emergency exits.

Emergency lighting.

Flight attendants must display the light trail (if available) and

exit light boards.

Emergency landing.

The use of stairways and wing exits must be explained.

Landing on water.

Life jackets must be worn before landing on the water. Vests are inflated: immediately before leaving the aircraft through the door or after leaving the aircraft through the emergency hatch (a prematurely inflated vest will interfere with taking a safe pose, evacuation and may be damaged during evacuation).

Life jackets for small children must be inflated by an accompanying person immediately after the aircraft stops. The child's rescue cradle is inflated before leaving the aircraft.

Safe posture.

Passengers need to explain the meaning of the command "SAFETY POSITION" and that it may sound shortly before landing. It is necessary to demonstrate a safe position to passengers: while the security guard explains how to take a safe position, the flight attendants, sitting on the back of the first row seat in their area, demonstrate it. In first and business class cabins, safe posture is demonstrated by flight attendants standing in the aisles. The safe position for the baby is individually explained to the accompanying person.

Warn passengers to expect several strong

shocks and should remain seated with their seat belts fastened until the aircraft comes to a stop.

Explain the beginning of the evacuation: at the command of the flight attendants, you need to unfasten your seat belts and

quickly run to the nearest exit.

Safety belt.

After demonstrating the seat belt and training in its use,

require passengers to fasten their seat belts tightly at hip level

(A prematurely fastened seat belt will make it difficult for the passenger to get ready.)

Safety instructions for passengers.

Helper passengers.

The passenger assistant's instructions include: opening exits; help below at the gangway; providing assistance on the wing of the aircraft and on the ground; providing assistance to disabled passengers; gathering passengers at a safe distance; assistance to passengers who need it (the elderly, the sick, children).

Last readiness check

Flight attendants must make sure that the cabins and galleys are fully prepared for an emergency landing.


Wear a full set of uniforms to distinguish yourself as a crew member. Remove metal emblems and name badges. Flight attendants remove their shoes at the time of informing passengers during training, or at the time of the last readiness check.

Passenger cabin lighting

Upon completion of preparation, the interior lighting should correspond to the exterior

conditions at the time of landing.

Removable emergency equipment

Make sure emergency equipment is available. All equipment is in place until it is needed after landing.

Completion of preparation

Flight attendants must report to the Security Council, and the Security Service to the ship's commander.

Flight attendant seat

Take your seat and do a 30-second tune-up.

Carrying out evacuation

Preparations for an emergency landing are not always followed by evacuation.

If evacuation becomes necessary, flight attendants must

start it after the “PASSENGER EVACUATION” command in accordance with the “Instructions

for evacuation"

Actions of passengers in case of an emergency (collision, coup, rollover) on urban public transport

    group yourself, grab the handrails tightly, try to avoid falling

    place your feet on the floor, hands on the back of the front seat, tilt your head forward

    leave the vehicle through doors, windows, emergency exits. As a leader, provide assistance to the victims

items: a fire extinguisher located in the brine, a brake shoe, a hard briefcase, etc.; as a last resort, knock out the glass with a strong kick to the corner of the window while hanging by your hands on the ceiling handrails. Before leaving, be sure to clear the window opening of any remaining glass.

If there is a burning smell, such measures should be considered mandatory, since passengers may not have time to form a line leading to an active exit. In case of fire, city vehicles burn very quickly. In this case, the nose and mouth should be protected in advance with a scarf, sleeve or other material, if possible moistening it with any liquid.

In the event of a fire in the cabin, notify the driver, open the doors (using emergency opening), emergency exits or break a window. If there is a fire extinguisher in the cabin, take measures to eliminate the fire. Get out of the cabin outside, bending down, without touching the walls or metal parts.

In the event of an accident, if a live wire is damaged, the safest places in a tram or trolleybus are sitting. In this case, it is better to lift your feet off the floor and not touch the walls and handrails. You should get out of the electric vehicle by jumping, with both feet forward at the same time, without touching the body, so as not to close the electrical circuit with your body.

If you fall into the water, wait until the cabin is half filled with water, hold your breath and emerge through a door, emergency exit or broken window.

Actions of passengers in case of fire in public transport

    immediately report the fire to the driver

    Protect your mouth and nose with a handkerchief, scarf, sleeve

    start putting out the fire

    open the doors with the emergency release button or break the glass

    leave vehicle, letting children, women, old people pass ahead

    provide assistance to the victims

Actions of passengers when public transport falls in

    if the vehicle is afloat, get out through the window

When immersed in water, remove excess clothing

    take a deep breath and get out through the door or window

    if necessary, break out the glass 126

    help children and non-swimmers

    Once ashore, provide assistance to the victims

Accidents in the subway Danger zones in the subway


It is prohibited to: jump over the turnstile; go through the turnstile in a group


It is prohibited: to run along the escalator; sit on the steps of the escalator and place things on the handrails; linger at the exit of the escalator and create a crush

It is prohibited: to go down the metro tracks; go beyond the boundary line at the edge of the platform; come close to the car until it comes to a complete stop

It is prohibited to: lean against the doors; prevent doors from opening and closing;

open doors while driving and at stops

From the rules for using the subway. If people and objects fall on the subway tracks, smoke, fire, or other dangerous situations arise, contact the station duty officer or train driver using the “passenger-driver” system.

If you find forgotten, ownerless or suspicious things and objects in the subway or train carriage, immediately notify police officers, subway workers or the train driver.

Actions of a passenger who has fallen on the tracks

    do not climb from the tracks onto the platform (there is a high-voltage power line underneath it)

contact rail)

    if the train is not visible, run to the beginning of the platform (there are stairs there)

    if a train appears, lie down between the rails, covering your ears with your hands and opening

Actions of train passengers when it stops in a tunnel

    do not leave the carriage without the train driver’s command “Get out!” on command, leave the carriage from the side where the contact rail does not pass; move along the track along the train between the rails; when a train appears, take shelter in the niches of the tunnel; be careful on the tracks when exiting the tunnel

    do not carry flammable, chemical or explosive substances with you

    do not connect household appliances to the car's power supply

    If you smell burning rubber or see smoke, contact a conductor immediately

    if there is a real threat, immediately leave the carriage through the vestibule doors and emergency exits; as a last resort, knock out window panes with improvised objects (ladders - stepladders, hard briefcases - diplomats, tables and clothing shelves torn from their sockets)

    don’t reach for your suitcases, throw them away; your life is not worth the things in them

Actions of passengers during a train crash

    move away from windows and doors

    grab hold of the stationary parts of the carriage and rest your feet on something

    leave the carriage through the exits and windows. Evacuate victims and children first

    To avoid being hit by step voltage, move at least 30 m away from the path

    provide first aid to the injured

In crashes involving collisions and emergency braking, most injuries occur as a result of falls from shelves. To avoid them or at least soften the blow, you should, in addition to securing your luggage, remove unsafe bottles from the tables, glasses in cup holders with spoons sticking out of them like daggers, etc. Bend, especially on shelves where children sleep. Mattresses on the outside or place a folded blanket or unnecessary clothing under them to create a protective cushion that is difficult to roll over. Completely close or open the compartment doors until they lock, so that during a sudden stop they do not cause injury to a hand or head caught in the opening.

In the event of a serious accident, you must immediately get out of the carriage (only when jumping out, do not get hit by an oncoming train) and provide assistance to the injured passengers. Carefully look around for fallen live wires nearby: they can pose a mortal danger.

A fire on a train is scary not because of the flames, but, first of all, because of the toxic combustion products of synthetic finishing materials. Poisoning occurs in a matter of minutes. And with intense combustion - seconds. To avoid this, on a moving train, move to the next car. Preferably in the direction of traffic, when stopped on the street, if possible from the side, where there are no railway tracks. Do not scatter in all directions, as the arriving rescuers will look for you near the canvas.

If there is heavy smoke in the carriage, cover your nose and mouth with a rag moistened with water - a towel, pillowcase, sheet, or a piece of torn clothing. In half-empty carriages you can move on your knees. Since there is less smoke at the bottom (near the floor). There are situations when a moving train cannot be stopped. In such cases, it is necessary to proceed according to the following scheme.

    put on more clothes. Protect your head

    jump along the train to the side where there are no pillars

    try to land with your feet together

    use somersaults and rolls to reduce the speed of falling

Jump out of a moving train only in cases of immediate danger to life!

Actions of passengers in case of fire on a train If a fire occurs

    report the fire to the carriage conductor

    wake up sleeping passengers

    go to the front cars; if this is impossible - to the rear; closing the doors tightly

If exits are cut off by fire

    go to the compartment or to the toilet

    close the door tightly behind you and open the window

If the fire cannot be put out

    stop the train with the stop valve

    open the doors, break out the windows

    help children and victims evacuate

    get out of the car, move away from it

After an accident, quickly get out of the car through the door or windows - emergency exits (depending on the situation), as there is a high probability of fire. The emergency exit from the carriages is provided by quickly opening windows in the 3rd and 6th compartments on the side of the transverse shelves. Break it up

Open the compartment window only with heavy improvised objects. When leaving the carriage through the emergency exit, get out to the other side railway track, where there is more free space, take with you documents, money, clothes or blankets. Once outside, immediately get involved in rescue efforts: help passengers in other compartments break windows, pull out victims, etc.

During an accident, fuel may spill. In this case, move away from the train to a safe distance, as there is a risk of fire and explosion. If a current-carrying wire is broken and touches the ground, move away from it by jumping or taking short steps to protect yourself from step voltage. The distance over which the electric current spreads across the ground can be from 2 (dry) to 30 (wet) meters.

Check your knowledge by checking your answers to the tests with the answers given at the end of the textbook.

When leaving the plane through the exit with the ladder extended and inflated, you need to jump onto it without stopping, and not sit on the edge and then slide down. Only by jumping can an increase in evacuation speed be achieved.

Leaving the plane by jumping onto the ramp

Right wrong

Escape from an airplane using a canvas ramp

    try to wear a coat or jacket made of materials that are difficult to ignite and difficult to melt

    think about what shoes you should wear; Avoid high heels, but if you are wearing them and need to use an inflatable escape slide during evacuation, remove them when leaving the plane

    Make sure the seat belt is tight around your hips during every takeoff and landing.

    know what fixed position you need to take during an emergency landing; keep track of what's happening outside the plane; If everything indicates that an accident is imminent, take the necessary position

    know where the exits are located on the plane and how they open

Actions of air passengers during decompression (depressurization of the cabin)

    put on an oxygen mask immediately

    fasten your seat belt and prepare for a sharp descent

Actions of air passengers in case of fire on an airplane

    listen and follow crew members' commands

    Protect yourself from burns by covering exposed areas of your body

    crouch down and crawl to the exit on all fours

    if the passage is blocked, move on top of the lowered backrests of the airplane seats

    Once outside the plane, move as far away from it as possible Forced landing of a plane on water happens rarely.

Actions of air passengers during a forced (emergency) landing on water.

    put it on life vest and inflate it slightly

    bring or wear warm clothes

    take your place in the life raft

A. After careful instructions to passengers and if conditions so require, it is necessary to remove covers from emergency exit hatches and store them in the kitchen or restrooms. In case of a forced landing on water, you should not open exits that may be below the water level after the aircraft lands.

B. In the event of a fire on an aircraft, emergency exits can only be opened at strictly specified times.

B. The need to clear the cabin of smoke in some cases determines which exits should be opened.

D. If it is impossible to open the emergency exit, you should break out the window with an emergency axe.

Crew actions before leaving the aircraft

If the cabin is dark, the emergency lights should be turned on before landing.

As soon as the plane stops, you need to open the appropriate exits and begin evacuating passengers from the plane.

Radio transmitter

Due to the fact that during a forced landing the rear of the aircraft suffers less damage than the front, it is in the rear of the aircraft that the Gibson Girl emergency radio transmitter or other portable radio is placed, which can be used by people who do not have any radio training.

If the aircraft radio was not damaged during landing, you can use it to establish communication.


Preparing for an emergency landing

If an emergency occurs during flight, the crew may decide to make an emergency landing. When preparing it, you must immediately clear the aisles and take your seats in your chairs, the backs of which should be brought to a vertical position. In addition, it is necessary to remove glasses, dentures, remove sharp objects (pens, knives, lighters) from inside pockets, remove high-heeled shoes, loosen your tie and unbutton your collar. After this, put soft things on your knees to protect your head and torso, fasten and tighten the seat belts tightly. At the command of the flight attendant “Attention landing!” You should lean forward, cover your head with soft things and place it on your hands, with which you clasp your knees. You need to remain in this position until the plane comes to a complete stop.

Evacuation on land

After the plane stops, you need to unfasten your seat belts and prepare for evacuation. For emergency exit of the aircraft by passengers and crew, all main and emergency doors are used, as well as emergency exits, located, as a rule, on the left and right sides of the fuselage. Passenger exits, approaches and opening means are clearly marked to facilitate their identification. All inscriptions are illuminated from the inside, regardless of the main lighting system. The design of emergency hatches and their locks with handles is made simple, noticeable and does not require much effort to open. Instructions for opening them are printed on the doors (hatches). In the areas where emergency exits are located on the wing, the passages between the seats are wider than elsewhere and do not interfere with the opening of the hatches and the exit of passengers.

When leaving your seat, you do not need to take with you any luggage you took on board as hand luggage. This is for safety reasons, as it is likely that some items in your bag will have sharp corners and edges. This may cause damage and deflation of the inflatable escape ladder, which in turn will lead to injury and possibly death to passengers waiting in line for evacuation.

When leaving the plane through the exit with the ladder extended and inflated, you need to jump onto it without stopping, and not sit on the edge and then slide down. Only by jumping can an increase in evacuation speed be achieved.

  • it is necessary to wear a coat or jacket made of materials that are difficult to ignite and difficult to melt;
  • High-heeled shoes should be avoided, but if they are worn, and during evacuation you will have to use an inflatable rescue ladder, you must remove them when leaving the plane;
  • During every takeoff and landing, you must ensure that the seat belt is tightly taut at your hips;
  • you need to remember what fixed position you need to take during an emergency landing; it is necessary to monitor what is happening on board the aircraft; if everything indicates that an accident is inevitable, it is necessary to take the necessary position;
  • You need to know where the exits are located on the plane and how they open.

Evacuation to water

An emergency landing can be made on a water surface. In this situation, inflatable boats with emergency power supplies are used to rescue people. drinking water, medicines, alarm systems.

A forced landing of an airplane on water is rare. Before sinking, the plane can float from 10 to 40 minutes. However, if the fuselage is damaged, this time is significantly shorter.

Airplanes with engines located on the wings will float in a horizontal position, and those with two or more engines on the tail will float with the tail down.

During splashdown, which is always unexpected, there is practically no time for preparation. In one case, the plane can touch the surface so smoothly that it is unclear whether it landed or splashed down; in another, it can fall apart and quickly sink. Therefore, during splashdown, it is necessary to act on the command of the crew commander or flight attendant, i.e. put on a life jacket and inflate it, take it with you or put on warm clothes and go to the exit indicated by the flight attendant to board the life raft.

After a forced landing, life rafts are lowered into the water. The time to bring the raft into working condition is approximately 1 minute in summer and 3 minutes in winter. If the splashdown occurred in the cold season, you need to take more warm clothes on the raft. Don't forget to stock up on water and food. The raft comes with an emergency supply, which may not be enough if the voyage is long. The command of all passengers on the water is assumed by the captain of the aircraft crew.

Using oars and available objects, you need to move away from the place where the plane dives. After this, straighten and throw overboard a floating anchor, which will reduce the speed of the raft's drift downwind and will keep those escaping in the area of ​​the accident.

According to the results of official statistics, the aircraft was recognized not only as the fastest and most comfortable, but also in a safe way passenger transport. The number of people dying in plane crashes is significantly less than in the same car accidents. In addition, mass road accidents occur almost every day, but major accidents involving passenger aviation once every few years.

However, many people are afraid of flying and try in every possible way to avoid them. The reason lies in the fact that the airplane is a confined space with a large crowd of people, and its operation requires being on high altitude above the ground. Not everyone manages to survive during a fall, fire in an airplane cabin, or a hard landing. This is due to a lack of information about how to behave in case of an emergency on board an aircraft, as well as inattention to the instructions of the flight staff. The article describes the most common emergency situations that may arise during a flight. A procedure is given that will help you act more confidently and competently, which will significantly increase your chances of a successful outcome of your air travel.

Emergency door opening

Rowdy on board: what to do in case of conflict or fight

Aggressive behavior of passengers on board in Lately Airplane emergencies are becoming increasingly common. This often happens due to heavy alcohol intoxication or the presence of a phobia before flying. Fear and anxiety take on a panicked form, and a person is simply unable to keep these feelings inside. Most often, it is men who initiate the conflict, but a woman can also show herself in all her glory.

In aviation there is even such a thing as “drunk charters.” It is most often applied to tourist flights to Turkey, Thailand, Egypt and the UAE.

The greatest danger is when there are groups of sports fans on board an aircraft. Mass conflicts with emotionally agitated people are more difficult to resolve.

Do not get involved in a conflict under any circumstances. Do not respond to provocations, especially if the person is drunk. Watch your movements and the tone of your voice. Any sharp wave of the hand or shout can become a trigger for the rowdy, and he will go on the attack. If you witness a fight, call a flight attendant and remain calm.

There are specially trained marshals on board foreign airlines. They are the ones who are engaged in pacifying aggressive passengers. There is no such practice in Russia yet. However, an innovation was the training of flight personnel in some self-defense techniques. They consist in the ability to calm him down quickly, effectively, and most importantly, in a non-traumatic way for the rowdy person.

You should be aware that punishment for such behavior may include either forcibly removing a passenger from the plane and adding him to the “black” list, or issuing a fine and arrest.

Actions to take when an airplane is hijacked by terrorists

The hijacking of an airliner is an extremely rare event, so there is no need to worry too much about it. However, such situations have happened in the history of aviation, and repetitions cannot be guaranteed to be excluded. Let's look at the basic recommendations that can save your life if the plane is hijacked.

  1. Do not panic. Try not to interfere, no matter what happens. Don't get up from your chair, stop your neighbors from taking such a rash step.
  2. Do not contradict the invaders, do not ask them questions, and generally remain silent until you are asked. If you are contacted, do not ignore it.
  3. Even if you are confident that you can cope with the terrorist, do not take risks. It is quite possible that he is not alone. In addition, he may have an explosive under his clothes, and your attempt to save everyone may destroy everyone.
  4. Do not respond to possible insults or mockery from criminals
  5. Try to behave quietly and inconspicuously, do not communicate with neighboring passengers. Don't try to use the phone. All this can provoke aggression in the invaders.
  6. The best action when hijacking an airplane is to submit and accept the situation.
  7. The only thing you need to do is, if possible, remember all the conversations of the criminals, the timbre of their voice, their appearance, clothing, and demeanor.
  8. In an attempt to relax or calm down, do not resort to drinking alcohol. Do not react to crying children, rather help calm them down.
  9. Do not stand up for crew members or show dissatisfaction with their decisions or actions. Always follow the instructions received from the pilots, even if you categorically disagree with them.
  10. Do not collude with terrorists, do not believe their promises. They can use anything to achieve their goals.
  11. Think about yourself, but don’t forget that there are children and elderly people in the cabin with you. Behave in such a way that you won’t feel ashamed later.
  12. If you witness how one of the passengers or crew members was able to secretly leave the plane, do not change your behavior. Don’t draw anyone’s attention to this fact, don’t tell anyone about it.
  13. If you feel unwell or need to take any medication, please notify the criminals.

Remember that if negotiations between the special services and the hijackers are unsuccessful, then most likely the plane will be hijacked by law enforcement officers. In this case, you should fall down or hide behind the backs of the chairs. Don't run around the cabin. You may get caught in the crossfire.

If you receive an order to leave the aircraft, do so quickly. Do not search or collect your belongings. Be psychologically prepared to be interviewed. Try to pull yourself together and answer all the questions as accurately as possible.

Turbulence: behavior when entering an air pocket

While flying over water or locality Displacements of air flows are possible, since the air in such places is heated unevenly. The plane can rise and fall several meters, causing slight shaking and pitching in the cabin.

Usually this phenomenon does not pose a great danger, but it can quite frighten passengers. It should be remembered that when passing through a turbulence zone, you must fasten your seat belt to avoid bruises and injuries.

All things must be well secured, otherwise during a strong shake they will fall on the seated passengers. When boarding and taking your seat, make sure that there are no heavy, sharp objects near or above you.

It is better to empty your clothing pockets of their contents; you should especially take out pens, keys, and lighters. You may accidentally bump into them and get injured.

Fire on an airplane: rules of conduct

Fire during flight can occur for various reasons. This can be caused by a breakdown on board, an unforeseen situation during landing or takeoff, or a short circuit of electrical equipment. In addition, passengers themselves are often the culprits in such a terrible and dangerous situation. Some people simply ignore the prohibitions on smoking on board and using open flames.

Actions in case of fire on an airplane include the following:

  • Before the flight, listen carefully to the flight attendant, who explains the location of not only the central entrances on board, but also where the emergency (emergency) exits are located.
  • Remember how far you are from the exit, count the seats so that you can navigate by touch in a smoky cabin.
  • If a fire occurs, do not try at all costs to get to the exit through which you boarded the plane. Almost all passengers will do this, and there will be a crush. Remember emergency exits, most often there are very few people there.
  • There is only 1.5-2 minutes to escape from a burning plane. Don't linger at the inflated ramp. There is no need to squat down and slide away quietly. Just jump on it.
  • Get rid of all flammable clothing. This is especially true for girls. Leggings and nylon tights will need to be removed to avoid severe burns.
  • Also remove high-heeled shoes to avoid dislocations, injury to other passengers and damage to the emergency slide. Hold it in your hands so that you can quickly put on your shoes once you’re on the ground.
  • Cover exposed areas of skin with thick fabric made from natural materials.
  • Protect your head and respiratory tract from combustion products. In cases of heavy smoke, you must bend down to the floor or crawl towards the exit.
  • Do not open hatches yourself. This action can intensify the flame.

If a fire occurs during a flight, you should prepare for a hard landing. Small fires can be dealt with using those available on board. Remember that flight attendants and crew are doing everything to save passengers and the aircraft, so do not ignore their instructions, do not panic or interfere with their work.

Depressurization on an airplane: what to do to survive

The loss of airtightness of an aircraft under the influence of internal or external factors is called depressurization. In this situation, decompression is extremely dangerous. It represents a sharp drop in air pressure in the cabin. At the same time, it can be extremely fast, accompanied by loud noise and the sound of air escaping from the cabin, and slow, when its signs are detected only when hypoxia occurs.

When depressurizing on an airplane, actions must be clear and quick, since the loss of even a few minutes can cost you your life. This situation often leads to accidents in which no one can survive. However, modern aircraft provide a security system that can help passengers even in such a seemingly hopeless situation.

  1. Fasten your seat belts. They will be able to hold you in the seat, and you will not be carried away by the air flow from the cabin.
  2. Put on an oxygen mask immediately. A common mistake is to apply the mask to your face and hold it with your hand. With any strong shaking or deterioration in health, the mask will fall out and you will suffocate.
  3. First of all, take care of yourself, then help your loved ones, loved ones and neighbors.
  4. Don't get up from your seat. Group yourself as it is written in the memo.

The mask will allow you to breathe normally for 15 minutes. This time may be enough for pilots to lower the board to an altitude of 3 km, at which the air is not so thin. In this case, people will be able to breathe on their own without causing severe harm to their health.

Emergency on an airplane during takeoff or landing

In this case, you should follow the instructions of the flight attendants. Fasten the seat belts and adjust them to your weight. It is correct that they are at the level of the hips, and not on the stomach, and fit snugly to the body.

Take the following pose:

  1. cross your arms and rest them on the back of the next chair, or you can rest your elbows;
  2. put your head in your hands and cover it with your palms;
  3. rest your feet on the floor;
  4. tense all your muscles.

Any accessories around the neck can be dangerous. It is recommended to remove chains, scarves, and ties before the flight. When hitting, lean forward and down a little. Do not get out of your seat or unfasten your seat belt until the aircraft comes to a final stop. The first blow is often followed by more shocks that have much greater destructive power.

When stopped, an evacuation will be announced. Inflatable ladders are stretched at all exits, including emergency ones. It is necessary to act quickly, as an accident may be accompanied by fire and explosion.

After leaving the plane, move to a safe distance. Do not disturb other passengers and emergency personnel.

General rules for an emergency landing on an airplane

In the event of an emergency on board an aircraft, an emergency landing may be necessary, even if the flight is over water.

In this case, the pilots will try to land the aircraft so that it remains on the surface as long as possible. With a horizontal soft landing, the plane will remain afloat for 30-40 minutes.

The aviation safety system for such cases provides for the presence on board of individual (life jackets) and collective life-saving equipment (inflatable raft). Vests are located under each seat.

If the flight will take place over water for a long time, then before takeoff it is necessary to be briefed on correct use vests. Usually it should be worn over the head. Dress in layers of warm clothing in advance. Adjust the size using special straps. Don't inflate it until you get out of the plane. Once in the water, use a whistle and flashlight to attract rescuers.

A raft for collective rescue, as a rule, begins to inflate on its own when it comes into contact with water. If this does not happen, use the special lever on the side of the raft.

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