Poster of concerts in Lazarevsky for September. Events

The Center of National Cultures at the Lazarevskoye resort is the central place of the resort for holding cultural and entertainment events. On the base cultural center Lazarevsky hosts concerts by local performers and Russian pop stars, festive shows and themed events.

The center has repeatedly received prestigious state awards. In his "portfolio": the Grand Prix of the festival of federal significance "Kuban Cossack" and the prize of the festival "Culture Brings Peoples Together", which is recognized at the international level. Also, the Center for National Cultures is included in the encyclopedia "The Best People of Russia" for its merits in maintaining national traditions and creative teams of different peoples.

Poster of the regional center of national cultures

Despite the frightening clerical name, MBUK TsNK in Lazarevsky is the most popular concert venue cities.

The Lazarevsky Cultural Center is a permanent venue for the All-Russian Folklore Festival "Kuban Cossack". Every year, the international holiday competition gathers folk art groups from all over Russia, as well as from Armenia, Ukraine, Abkhazia, Belarus and Georgia.

Today, on the stage of the Lazarevsky Cultural Center. K. S. Mazlumyan constantly pass:

  • All-Russian traditional festival "Culture unites peoples"
  • Festival of National Cultures "Culture Brings Peoples Together"
  • All-Russian festival of documentary films and author's programs of the South of Russia "Kunaki"
  • All-Russian festival of children's creativity "Aquatoria"
  • International Festival of Choreographic Art under the auspices of the Representative Office of the Assembly of Peoples of Russia in the Caucasus (in memory of Inal Khvarchiy)

The history of the creation of the cultural center. Mazlumyan

Sochi and its environs is a multinational area, famous for its tolerance towards representatives of other cultures. In the 90s, during the tense situation in the Caucasus, in the south of Russia, the task was to maintain peace and harmony among the peoples. National societies began to be created: Circassians, Armenians, Greeks, Cossacks.

In the early 90s, the head of the highest officials resort area It was decided to establish centers of national cultures. The center bears the name of Krikor Sahakovich Mazlumyan, who inspired the district authorities to open a cultural enterprise. Krikor Saakovich, for a career of 40 years, received the title of Honored Worker of Culture of Russia and became the owner of state prizes in Russia and Armenia.

The mission of the Center for National Culture in Lazarevskoye is to enable each nationality to support and develop the multinational cultural community of Greater Sochi, revive the traditions of the past, acquaint the population with the diversity of cultures in the region, protect the interests of communities and help restore ties with their historical homeland.

Today, on the basis of the Center of National Culture, folk art groups are created and national holidays are organized.

Clubs of the Lazarevsky Center of Cultures

Currently, 47 creative teams of different nationalities are engaged in the Center for National Creativity in Lazarevsky. Most of the groups at different times received the title of "People's amateur group" or "Exemplary art group". Among them:

  • vocal groups.
  • People's film and video studio "Medusa".
  • Variety-instrumental ensembles.
  • experimental theatres.
  • choreographic groups.
  • Studios of arts and crafts.
  • Orchestras and choirs.
  • Folk song and national dance ensembles.

The association of the cultural center named after Krikor Sahakovich Mazlumyan includes centers of cultures: Russian, Ukrainian, Cossack, Adyghe, Belarusian, Armenian and Greek; also 33 rural houses of culture and 3 urban ones.

The collectives of the Lazarev Center at various times performed in the Kremlin, at the Sochi venues, at Poklonnaya Hill and on Red Square

How to get to the cultural center in Lazarevsky

Lazarevsky district center national cultures is located on the square with a fountain at the intersection of Calarasi and Pobeda streets. The building with a mirror facade is one of the landmarks in the city.

Get to the Center of National Cultures in Lazarevsky from other settlements and resort areas Sochi is most convenient by suburban train.

From railway station can be reached in the following ways:

  • On the public transport you need to go to the stop "Tsentr Lazarevskoe". Bus number 70 runs along the route from the Lazarevsky railway station. The bus runs until 8-9 pm with an interval of 30 minutes.
  • On foot from the railway station, you will need to walk 1.3 km along Lazareva Street to the intersection with Calarasi Street. At the crossroads, turn right and walk along Calarasi Street 2 blocks.
  • By taxi - 5 minutes directly to the Center of National Cultures. A trip through popular taxi services in Russia will be more budgetary: Yandex. Taxi, Uber, Gett, Maxim.

View from Victory Street to the Center of National Cultures

Video: flash mob at the Lazarevskoye TsNK

Spring came! Residents of Sochi cheerfully met one of the most long-awaited and beloved holidays in Russia - Maslenitsa. During the week, the solemn farewell to winter and the beginning of Lent were also widely celebrated in many settlements Lazarevsky seaside. Folk festivities with ancient rites, funny songs, dances, playful competitions, jokes, fun, gambling competitions, prizes and, of course, the main symbol of Shrovetide - pancakes have long become a good tradition in the resort, gathering people of various nationalities and ages into one big friendly round dance .

11.03.2019 15:49

Sochi is our native and glorious city

Long-awaited gifts for the celebration: as part of the celebration of the birthday of the country's main resort, which has already become traditional, several significant events took place in the Lazarevsky district. About how Sochi residents will remember an important date in centuries-old history hometown, - in the report "LN".

27.11.2018 17:47

Sochi hosted the Ecodvor holiday

Ecological holiday "Ecodvor", dedicated to International Day Black Sea, took place in Sochi on November 24. The organizers were the Coca-Cola system in Russia together with the ERA Foundation with the support of the ECA Movement. The purpose of the event was to unite residents to promote the culture and practice of separate waste collection and solve the garbage problem in the city.

27.11.2018 17:38

Active, creative, businesslike

It turns out for those who work: in Lazarevsky summed up the results of the regional stage municipal competition for the best landscaping "A clean house is a beautiful city!".

20.11.2018 15:29

One people - a strong state

"Come in, dear guests!" - Participants of the cheerful regional holiday “In Unity are Strength, Spirit and Good!”, which was widely unfolded last Sunday on the square in front of the Center for National Cultures in Lazarevsky, were touted in a variety of languages. However, you no longer feel like a guest here after five minutes - the atmosphere of cordiality and hospitality around is sincere, cordial, you are welcome everywhere. And, of course, it’s not customary to look into the passport here, so no one is particularly interested in who you are and where you are from - welcome, be a friend!

07.11.2018 17:15

Interdistrict IFTS of Russia No. 7 for Krasnodar Territory holds Open Days on personal income tax to inform citizens about tax legislation and the procedure for filling out tax returns on personal income tax.

15.03.2018 10:57

Action “Good morning to Victory”

In the military-patriotic work of the Lazarevsky district, a special place is given to the care of monuments and memorable symbols. Weekly on Fridays, in accordance with the order of the head of the district, S. N. Brazhnikov, the cleaning of monuments by the youth of the district is carried out. 23 monuments have already been put in order. More than 500 people took part. Until May 9, more than 83 monuments will be updated and removed.

07.02.2018 15:57

With the acceleration of the pace of information, technical and socio-economic development of society, people began to solve any life problems, turning not to traditions, but to the latest achievements of science, technology, to the opinions of authoritative contemporaries. Today's children master various technical achievements faster than adults, and it is no coincidence that we can observe life situations when “eggs teach chicken”. It is not correct to say that we are preparing our child for the future life, since it is hardly possible to imagine what this life will be like even in ten years and whether the experience of adults will be useful to our children.

18.01.2018 10:57

New Year's party

As they worked, so they rested. The northernmost region of Sochi celebrated the New Year and Christmas holidays with a bang - the number and variety of events the festive poster has set a record for the past few years. What was not there - Santa Claus parades, concerts, exhibitions, charity events, flash mobs, performances, costume performances, carnivals, children's entertainment and game programs, sports competitions, folk festivals - entertainment for every taste and for all ages. These were for real unforgettable days- unexpected surprises, numerous gifts and fulfillment of the most cherished desires!

11.01.2018 10:57

Plan of New Year's events in the Lazarevsky intracity district of Sochi

Events dedicated to the celebration of the New Year 2018 will be held in the Lazarevsky intracity district of Sochi.

June holiday experience

At this time it is very good to rest. The weather is excellent, the sea is already warm enough for swimming, there are many fruits, but there are few vacationers, the prices are somewhat lower than in the rest of the summer months.

Vacation with children

There are many canteens at the resort where you can properly feed your child, for example, soups, oatmeal. Entry into the sea is also convenient for children, the beaches are large and clean. There is a park with many children's entertainment. Roads are paved everywhere, it is convenient to carry babies in strollers.

What to take with you on vacation?

Be sure to take swimwear and towels on vacation. Those who do not like to walk barefoot on pebbles should take bathing slippers. If you do not have them, you can easily buy them on the spot, they are sold throughout the village. Several changes of clothes for different kind leisure: hiking shoes and shorts/pants for hiking, beachwear, clothes for an evening walk, going to a restaurant.

Where is the best place to stay?

There are a lot of housing for rent, you need to choose according to your finances. For a very comfortable stay, you can choose a hotel on the first line in food and housekeeping. If money is not enough, then you should look at private housing. Here the principle applies - the farther from the sea, the cheaper. Also an important role is played by the presence of air conditioning and a personal bathroom or one for several rooms. In a word, decide what is more important - comfort or cost.

What to do at the resort?

On your own, you can go to the gorges located on both sides of Lazarevsky - Crab and Svir. There are waterfalls, canyons, and places for swimming in a mountain stream. Very interesting and pleasant in the summer heat. Entrance fee is inexpensive, 100 rubles for an adult ticket, children are free.

You can visit the aquarium, penguinarium, watch shows or swim with dolphins. There is a Center for National Cultures, where concerts of Russian pop stars are periodically held. There is a water park, it is also very fun to ride from the slides. There is an amusement park for both kids and adults.

Beaches in Lazarevskoe with fairly small pebbles, there are large stationary bamboo umbrellas, they are free. there are sun loungers on the beaches, here they are paid, 50 rubles per hour or 250 rubles per day. Because of them, it can be a little crowded, you have to look for where to lay your blanket if you don’t want to lie on the sun loungers. The beaches have lifeguards, toilets and even showers. From entertainment - riding a banana, parachute, boat. Well, the ubiquitous peddlers of tubes with condensed milk, crayfish and other goodies. The beaches are regularly cleaned from what the sea brings. On the embankment, right behind the beach, there are many cafes and restaurants where you can immediately eat after swimming, but you don’t have to go there in a swimsuit, they won’t let you in.

What can be bought?

Small shops with souvenirs are full at every step. Get fridge magnets if you like. We also took local spices for different meals, herbal teas, tkemali sauces, draft wine. Everything is delicious and inexpensive.

About product prices

Magnets from 10 to 50 rubles, T-shirts with the words "Sochi" and the like, from 250 rubles for a child and 350 for an adult. Scratch for the back - 50 rubles. A package of herbal tea or a jar of sauce 100 rubles, spices from 50 rubles, churchkhela from 35 rubles. Local draft wine 80 rubles per half liter.

Where can you eat?

From the cafe I can advise "Penguin". They make their own ice cream, chebureks (although they are fatty), manti, pilaf, beer, sushi - everything is delicious. And so we ate in canteens, mainly on Pavlova Street, they are there at every step, they cook deliciously, there are also dietary dishes, if anyone is interested. And there is McDonald's.

About the quality of food and service

I liked the food, quite tasty. Canteens are all self-service, the cafe has quite decent waiters.

How much does it cost to eat? About food prices.

In canteens, dine for one from 70 to 200 rubles, depending on appetite. For example, pilaf and tea will cost just 70 rubles, and if you take the first, second, salad and compote, then it’s closer to 200 rubles. McDonald's is 20% more expensive there than in middle lane Russia. But in sandwiches with greens, instead of cabbage, they put arugula, for example. Prices for barbecue in a cafe by the sea yes 100 grams: pork 150 rubles, vegetables 80 rubles, trout / salmon 350 rubles, lamb 200 rubles. In "Penguin" 100 grams of ice cream 60 rubles, beer 108 rubles for 600 ml.


Ferris wheel - 300 rubles riding in a closed booth, 350 - in an open one.

Water park - adult ticket 1000 rubles 4 hours, 1250 all day. Children - 800 rubles for 4 hours, 1000 - all day.

Riding on a boat adult ticket 700-1000 rubles, children 350-500 rubles.

Excursion to the "Crab Gorge" - adult ticket 100 rubles, children free of charge.

House upside down adult ticket 250 rubles, children free.

Attractions from 80 to 150 rubles.

Pros of rest in Lazarevsky

I liked the developed infrastructure, that is, there is a lot for a good rest, and there is a choice where to go - and take a walk, and eat, and the beaches are large. I liked the compactness of the village, the fact that the railway station is located in the center. I liked the nature, very beautiful palm trees, roses, magnolias. The Ferris wheel glows at night, also beautiful. Cleanliness is everywhere on the streets. People are friendly.

If your vacation in Lazarevsky falls on such dates that the sea has already cooled down, do not despair. Firstly, sea air has a good effect on health, and exotic nature blooms with new colors in June.

Lazarevskoye is a well-known health resort. A lot of tourists constantly come here to improve their health. In June, prices are traditionally lower than in the season. Also, some procedures are best done in the non-hot season.

Sanatoriums and dispensaries, Lazarevsky rest houses are well equipped and provide both individual procedures and course treatment. Many people who visited Lazarevskoye noticed an improvement in their health.

The sea does not disappear anywhere - you can go to the promenade to enjoy the fresh sea air and admire the view. You can take memorable photos. Also, festivals, concerts, exhibitions are often organized in Lazarevsky. Museums and attractions are also open on schedule. Lazarevskoye will be interesting for lovers of long walks, families with children, and those who just want a change of scenery.