Description of the mountains, general characteristics. Basic Concepts

Happy are the people who have had the opportunity to see mountains in their lives. Nature created mountains - huge objects protruding to the surface. But mountains are not always visible to our eyes. Mountain ranges also stretch along the bottom of the oceans. Some peaks of mountain ranges protrude from the water, forming islands. Others, terrestrial, have huge ice caps on themselves and never take them off.

Mountains have always surprised people with their majesty, inaccessibility, and some special beauty. What could it be better than the mountains? Only mountains. Mountains form where the earth is unquiet, as scientists say, in tectonically active areas. There are lonely mountains, there are mountain groups, mountain belts.

The best architect in the world is nature itself. She is the one who works to create beauty, including mountain beauty. Nature acts not only as an architect, builder, sculptor, but also as a decorator and illuminator. The light effects observed in the mountains leave no one indifferent. Due to different geological composition mountain peaks change their color under the rays of the rising and setting sun.

Where is the sun hiding? Maybe in the mountains? Maybe it is these giants that reliably guard the sun when it is resting?

The oldest mountains on earth are several hundred million years old. Once upon a time they were subjected to severe destruction, serious passions were in full swing. But centuries passed, internal movements in them stopped long ago. Examples of old mountains are the Ural mountains. They consist of short, elongated ridges, massifs and ridges. It seems that the mountains of the Urals were created by a sorcerer from an old fairy tale. Or rather, the sorceress is the Mistress of the Copper Mountain. In any case, she most likely also had a hand in creating the amazing mountains of the Urals.

Young mountains, as a rule, are no older than 50 million years. Young mountains are growing and maturing. This is accompanied by earthquakes and volcanic activity. Alps, Himalayas, Caucasus Mountains- young, they still have to grow up.

The most attractive thing about the mountain is the peak. This is exactly what climbers strive for. Standing at the top, you feel absolutely happy. The whole world is at your feet, and you yourself are much closer to the sun and stars. What are the peaks of the mountains? Peak-shaped, rounded, arched, plateau-shaped.

“The mountain peaks sleep in the darkness of the night...”

Writers, poets, and artists spared no effort in describing the beauty of the mountains. The mountains gave them strength, inspiration, beauty. It is impossible to remain indifferent near the mountains. Mountains stir the soul and make you think about the universe.

Everything connected with mountains has beautiful names- mountain ridge, mountain range, mountain pass. The mountains themselves are beautiful. Solid rocky walls, solemn towers, hanging cornices, mountain ranges carved with cracks - this variety of configurations pleases the eye.

Mountain system in the Urals, located between the East European and West Siberian plains. Ural Mountains are located on the territory of Russia and Kazakhstan and are unique geographical object, dividing the continent of Eurasia into two parts.

In ancient sources, the Ural Mountains were called Riphean or Hyperborean. Russian pioneers called them “Stone”. The toponym “Ural” was most likely taken from the Bashkir language and means “stone belt”.

Length more than 2000 km, width from 40 to 150 km.
Altitude: 1,895 m.
Area: 781,100 km2

The formation of the Ural mountain system began about 350 million years ago and ended about 200 million years ago.

The mountains originate from the shores of the Northern Arctic Ocean and end in the sultry deserts of Kazakhstan.

Minerals of the Ural Mountains
In the depths of the Urals are hidden countless riches known to the whole world. This includes the famous malachite, and semi-precious stones, colorfully described by Bazhov in his fairy tales, asbestos, platinum, gold and other minerals. Of the 55 types of important minerals that were developed in the USSR, 48 are represented in the Urals.

Nature of the Ural Mountains

This region is famous for its incredible natural beauty. People come here to look at the amazing mountains, plunge into clear waters numerous lakes, go down into caves or raft along the stormy rivers of the Ural Mountains.
The beauty of these mountains is best seen in natural parks and nature reserves. Once in Sverdlovsk region, you definitely need to visit Oleniye Ruchiye. Tourists come here to see the drawings painted on the surface of the rock. ancient man. Scientists discovered in Kapova Cave rock paintings, which are more than 14 thousand years old. In total, about 200 works by ancient artists were found in its vastness. In addition, you can visit numerous halls, grottoes and galleries located on three levels, and admire the underground lakes.

Fauna of the Ural Mountains

No less varied is the animal world"Earth Belt". A predominant position in the local fauna is occupied by forest animals, whose habitat is coniferous, broad-leaved or mixed forests. Thus, squirrels live in coniferous forests, the main diet of which is spruce seeds, and in winter these cute animals with a fluffy tail feed on previously stored pine nuts and dried mushrooms. The marten is widespread in local forests, the existence of which is difficult to imagine without the already mentioned squirrel, which this predator hunts.
But the real wealth of these places is the fur-bearing game animals, the fame of which extends far beyond the region, for example, the sable, which lives in the forests of the Northern Urals. It, however, differs from the dark Siberian sable in its less beautiful skin of a reddish color. Uncontrolled hunting for valuable furry animals is prohibited by law. Without this ban, it would probably have been completely destroyed by now.
The taiga forests of the Ural Mountains are also home to the traditional Russian wolf, bear and elk. Roe deer are found in mixed forests. On the plains adjacent to mountain ranges, the brown hare and the fox feel at ease. We did not make a reservation: they live precisely on flat terrain, and for them the forest is just a shelter. And, of course, the tree crowns are well inhabited by many species of birds.

A message on the topic “What are mountains” for children will briefly help you prepare for a geography lesson and deepen your knowledge about these large landforms.

Message about the mountains

You already know that the surface of the planet is not perfectly flat. It has hills, canyons, plains and mountains. These “irregularities” are collectively called relief. And each area is characterized by its own unique topography.

Mountains is a large elevation of the Earth's topography that can be seen for kilometers. Even the smallest mountain will be visible from afar. By the way, over time, the elevations may decrease, since the winds blowing the mountain carry away grains of sand that have broken off from it year after year.

The mountains consist of:

  • Peaks - the top of a mountain.
  • Slope - that part of the mountain along which one descends from the top to the bottom.
  • Foot – the bottom of the mountain. This is where the slope ends and the normal terrain begins.

The shape of mountains can be very different. Some have sharp peaks, others are flat topped or look like oval domes.

The higher the mountain, the harsher and colder the climate at its top. And what’s most interesting is that at the foot there can be incredible heat, and at the same moment the top of the mountain is covered with a huge cap of snow and ice. Then small streams begin to gather from the top and closer to the slope they turn into a real river. Yes, rivers also erode the surface of the elevation and reduce the height of the mountain.

When did the mountains appear?

They appeared a long time ago, millions of years ago, when terrible earthquakes occurred on the planet. Fountains of hot lava erupted strongly from the ground and froze, turning into mountains. Today such mountains still exist. Lava is still boiling under them, which can burst out at any moment. This process is called a volcanic eruption, and such mountains are called an active or dormant volcano. But the mountains under which lava does not show activity are called an extinct volcano. It is worth noting that solidified lava is a source of minerals, so work is underway in the mountains to extract metals, ores or precious stones.

It is also rare to see seamounts. It is impossible to notice it underwater, but sometimes the top of such a mountain sticks out from the waters and resembles a rocky island.

Interesting facts about mountains for children:

  • The world's highest mountain stands on the border between Nepal and China. It's called Everest. The height of its peak is 8848 m.
  • Some mountains were formed in places where there once was a sea or ocean. This happened during the process of shifting folds of the seabed. These mountains include the Carpathian Mountains, the Himalayas and the Alps. In them you can find the remains of marine organisms.
  • Africa's Mount Kilimanjaro was formed due to the eruption of lava from underground.
  • The process of aging, reduction or growth of mountains is invisible to the human eye. After all, these processes take millions of years.
  • In ancient times, mountains were considered the home of the gods. Therefore to sacred mountains It was strictly forbidden to even approach.
  • The most high peaks in the world these are Everest, Mont Blanc and Elbrus.

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Mountains occupy about 24% of all land. The most mountains are in Asia - 64%, the least in Africa - 3%. 10% of the world's population lives in the mountains. And it is in the mountains that most rivers on our planet originate.

Characteristics of mountains

By geographical location mountains are united into different communities that must be distinguished.

. Mountain belts- the largest formations, often stretching across several continents. For example, the Alpine-Himalayan belt passes through Europe and Asia or the Andean-Cordilleran belt, stretching through North and South America.
. Mountain system- groups of mountains and ranges similar in structure and age. For example, the Ural Mountains.

. Mountain ranges- a group of mountains stretched in a line (Sangre de Cristo in the USA).

. Mountain groups- also a group of mountains, but not stretched out in a line, but simply located nearby. For example, the Bear Pau Mountains in Montana.

. Single mountains- unrelated to others, often of volcanic origin (Table Mountain in South Africa).

Natural mountain areas

Natural areas in the mountains they are arranged in layers and change depending on the height. At the foothills there is most often a zone of meadows (in the highlands) and forests (in the middle and low mountains). The higher you go, the harsher the climate becomes.

The change of zones is influenced by climate, altitude, mountain topography and their geographical location. For example, the continental mountains do not have a belt of forests. From the base to the summit, the natural areas vary from deserts to grasslands.

Types of mountains

There are several classifications of mountains according to various criteria: structure, shape, origin, age, geographical location. Let's look at the most basic types:

1. By age old and young mountains are distinguished.

Old are called mountain systems whose age is estimated at hundreds of millions of years. Internal processes in them have calmed down, but external processes (wind, water) continue to destroy, gradually comparing them with the plains. The old mountains include the Ural, Scandinavian, and Khibiny mountains (on the Kola Peninsula).

2. Height There are low mountains, middle mountains and high mountains.

Low mountains (up to 800 m) - with rounded or flat tops and gentle slopes. There are many rivers in such mountains. Examples: Northern Urals, Khibiny Mountains, spurs of the Tien Shan.

Average mountains (800-3000 m). They are characterized by a change in landscape depending on the height. This Polar Urals, Appalachians, mountains of the Far East.

High mountains (over 3000 m). These are mostly young mountains with steep slopes and sharp peaks. Natural areas change from forests to icy deserts. Examples: Pamirs, Caucasus, Andes, Himalayas, Alps, Rocky Mountains.

3. By origin There are volcanic (Fujiyama), tectonic (Altai mountains) and denudation, or erosion (Vilyuisky, Ilimsky).

4. According to the shape of the top mountains can be peak-shaped (Communism Peak, Kazbek), plateau-shaped and table-shaped (Amba in Ethiopia or Monument Valley in the USA), domed (Ayu-Dag, Mashuk).

Climate in the mountains

The mountain climate has a number of characteristic features, which appear with height.

Decrease in temperature - the higher it is, the colder it is. It is no coincidence that the peaks of the highest mountains are covered with glaciers.

Atmospheric pressure decreases. For example, at the top of Everest the pressure is two times lower than at sea level. This is why water boils faster in the mountains - at 86-90ºC.

The intensity of solar radiation increases. In the mountains, sunlight contains more ultraviolet radiation.

The amount of precipitation is increasing.

High mountain ranges trap precipitation and influence the movement of cyclones. Therefore, the climate on different slopes of the same mountain may differ. On the windward side there is a lot of moisture and sun, on the leeward side it is always dry and cool. A striking example is the Alps, where on one side of the slopes there are subtropics, and on the other, a temperate climate prevails.

The highest mountains in the world

(Click on the picture to enlarge the diagram in full size)

There are seven highest peaks in the world that all climbers dream of conquering. Those who succeed become honorary members of the Seven Peaks Club. These are mountains such as:

. Chomolungma, or Everest (8848 m). Located on the border of Nepal and Tibet. Refers to mountain system Himalayas. It has the shape of a triangular pyramid. The first conquest of the mountain took place in 1953.

. Aconcagua(6962 m). It is the highest mountain in the southern hemisphere, located in Argentina. Belongs to the Andes mountain system. The first ascent took place in 1897.

. McKinley- highest peak North America(6168 m). Located in Alaska. First conquered in 1913. It was considered the highest point in Russia until Alaska was sold to America.

. Kilimanjaro- the highest point in Africa (5891.8 m). Located in Tanzania. First conquered in 1889. This is the only mountain where all types of Earth's belts are represented.

. Elbrus- the highest peak in Europe and Russia (5642 m). Located in the Caucasus. The first ascent took place in 1829.

. Vinson Massif- the highest mountain in Antarctica (4897 m). Part of the Ellsworth Mountains system. First conquered in 1966.

. Mont Blanchighest point Europe (many attribute Elbrus to Asia). Height - 4810 m. Located on the border of France and Italy, it belongs to the Alps mountain system. The first ascent in 1786, and a century later, in 1886, Theodore Roosevelt conquered the top of Mont Blanc.

. Carstens Pyramid- the highest mountain in Australia and Oceania (4884 m). Located on an island New Guinea. The first conquest was in 1962.

Guys! Today we will learn about another object that can be found in nature.

Guess the riddle.

She's tall, cool,

There is snow on the top,

Like a fur hat,

And the eagle circles above her. (Mountain.)

♦ Have you seen the mountains?

Mountains are large areas of the earth's surface, raised high above the adjacent plains. They make an impression on people that will last a lifetime. Each peak is unique, each turn of the gorge seems interesting and attracts you. I want to climb higher and higher into the mountains, to where the snow sparkles on the peaks, glaciers shimmer in the sun, the air is crystal clear and transparent, and from there, from a bird’s eye view, look at the world around me.

Mountains rarely stand alone; more often they go in a row, one after another, forming ridges. Between them lie mountain valleys, where people settle. On globe mountains occupy about 40% of the land.

Listen to the poem.

Mountain ranges

Mountains lined up in a row

They stand like heroes.

They have ice helmets on them,

The mountains are powerful and gray

They keep the secret for eternity.

The squally winds are fierce,

Snow avalanches are falling,

Still the brave men storm

Inaccessible peaks!

As the poem correctly notes, climbers conquer the highest mountain peaks.

♦ What helps them with this?

First of all, a person’s eternal desire for new, bright impressions, courage, appropriate equipment and endless training!

Beginners usually begin to conquer mountain peaks under the guidance of an experienced instructor and choose low peaks with well-known routes.

♦ Would you like to become mountain climbers? Why?

The most mountainous continent is Eurasia. Here are highest mountains- Himalayas, Pamirs, Tien Shan. By the way, Tien Shan translated from Chinese means “heavenly mountains”.

The mountains are different in appearance. There are young mountains, and there are old ones. The old mountains have rounded peaks, gentle slopes, covered with greenery; among young people the peaks are sharp, rocky, steep, the slopes are steep. There is snow and ice on the peaks.

An example of young mountains is the Alps, Caucasus, Pamir, Himalayas. On the slopes of the mountains you can see giant boulders. Under the influence of wind, water, temperature differences - day and night - rocks are destroyed and eroded. Weathering of rocks occurs very slowly—millions of years. As a result of destruction, the top layer of the mountain is crushed and gradually becomes the basis for the formation of soil and the appearance of plants.

Scientists have established that modern Donbass, now a rocky plain, was more than 300 million years ago mountainous country with peaks reaching five kilometers!

At the foot of the mountains or in the valleys between mountain ranges and people live. Proximity majestic mountains, cleanest air and the melt water of mountain rivers and streams, the wonderful beauty of green mountainous meadows gives their life a special meaning! The mountains are silent and solemn, they seem to be thinking their age-old mysterious thoughts. There is no rush or fuss here. Life flows smoothly and calmly, in accordance with nature.

Perhaps this is why centenarians most often live in mountainous areas. They are wise and calm, like the mountains themselves are wise.

Listen to the poem.

How wise nature is silent!

In silence, the fields ripen in the sun.

The black forest lakes are silent,

The mountains are silent, enveloped in deep thought.

But in the silence of age-old nature

Everything is permeated with living thought.

Answer the questions

1. What are mountains?

2. What do they look like?

3. What is a mountain range?

4. Where are the mountain valleys located?

5. Do people live in the mountains? Where do they build their houses?

6. What is the most mountainous continent on Earth?

7. Which mountains are called young and which are old? How are they different?

8. Name the highest mountains in the world.

9. Why do mountains weather?

10. What does this lead to?