On a ship in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk: the wonderful world of the Far East. Liner Spirit of Enderby (Professor Khromov), cruise company Vessels for active adventures ice-class expedition ship Professor Khromov real-time traffic map

Spirit of Enderby (Spirit ov Enderby, the old name is "Professor Khromov") is a small expedition vessel of the ice class. Specially equipped for cruising in regions where navigation of larger vessels is not possible.
In 1998, she was completely refitted to comfortably accommodate up to 49 passengers, the ideal number for a true expedition cruise.

In 2004 the ship was renovated. On board the vessel there is a flotilla of Zodiac type boats and 2 all-terrain vehicles on air cushion. This allows you to offer travelers active exploration of especially difficult landing sites. The captain and crew are Russians, experienced sailors, real enthusiasts of expedition travel. The spacious captain's bridge is always open for passengers. It offers stunning views of icebergs and coastal landscapes. The decks are specially re-equipped for the convenience of passengers admiring the views of nature from the open decks.


  • Year built: 1984
  • Length: 71.6 m
  • Width: 12.8 m
  • Displacement: 2140 t
  • Speed: 12 knots
  • Passengers/Cabins: 48/24
  • Flag: Russia


  • Bar, salon, library. These places of leisure are suitable for using portable laptops, video cameras. Opening hours depend on the events held on that day (disembarkation, zodiac walks, lectures). The bar offers a wide selection of alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks.
  • Restaurant. Our chefs will delight you with International cuisine prepared from the freshest ingredients. It is possible to follow special diets. Kosher and vegan cuisine is not available on board.
  • Medical service. Situated on main deck. The forwarding doctor is available 24 hours a day.
  • Connection. The vessel has an Iridium satellite telephone connection for phone calls and email.


  • Standard 3-seater, porthole
    Main deck.
    3 beds (2 lower and 1 upper), desk, wardrobe. Washbasin.
    Bathrooms with shower and toilet are conveniently located on the same deck.
  • Standard 2-seater, porthole
    Main deck.
    2 lower beds, desk, wardrobe. Washbasin.
    Bathrooms with shower and toilet are conveniently located on the same deck.
  • Superior
    Middle deck, window.
    2 beds (1 upper and 1 lower), desk, wardrobe. Bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin.
  • Superior Plus, window.
    Middle and Upper deck.
    2 lower beds, desk, wardrobe. Bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin.
  • Mini suite, windows.
    Upper deck.
    a separate small bedroom with a single bed, living room - single bed, desk, wardrobe. Bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin.
  • Heritage Suite. Large windows (front and side view).
    Upper deck.
    separate bedroom with double bed, spacious living room - single bed, desk, wardrobe and refrigerator. Bathroom with shower, toilet and washbasin.
  • Sergei Petrovich Khromov was born on August 22 (September 4) in the county town of Bronnitsy, Moscow province (now the Moscow region) into a family of employees. In 1928 S.P. Khromov graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Moscow University. Already during his studies at the university, Sergei Petrovich began working at the State Research Geophysical Institute.

    S.P. Khromov is one of the organizers of the USSR Weather Bureau (now the Hydrometeorological Center of the Russian Federation).

    In 1938 S.P. Khromov received the title of professor, and in 1943 he was awarded the degree of Doctor of Geographical Sciences.

    Labor activity of S.P. Khromov spent more than 50 years at the Geophysical Institute, at the Arctic Institute, at the Academy. Mozhaisky, in institutions of higher education.

    In 1946 S.P. Khromov, known for his classical works on synoptic meteorology, was invited to head the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of the Faculty of Geography of the Leningrad State University, who returned to Leningrad from evacuation. In this position, S.P. Khromov worked until 1953. In Leningrad, Professor S.P. Khromov lived on the 3rd line Vasilyevsky Island in house number 6.

    S.P. Khromov received an offer to move to Moscow, where, in connection with the completion of the construction of a new complex of Moscow State University on Sparrow Hills, the scientist's family was provided with comfortable housing. Since 1958 S.P. Khromov was a professor at the Faculty of Geography of Moscow State University, where for a long time (1958-1973) he headed the department of meteorology and climatology, which became the leading one in the country.

    S.P. Khromov - a participant in the second Antarctic voyage of the diesel-electric ship "Ob" in 1956-1957. During the flight "Obi" Professor S.P. Khromov collected a unique collection of photographs of cloudiness in various regions of the planet. During the expedition, Sergei Petrovich completed a generalization of information on the development of large-scale atmospheric processes around the Antarctic continent.

    The main studies of S.P. Khromov were performed in the field of synoptic meteorology, the development of weather forecasting methods, tropical meteorology, the study of the general circulation of the atmosphere and the assessment of the influence of atmospheric dynamics on the climate of the USSR, the polar regions and the planet as a whole.

    In 1959 L.I. Mamontov and S.P. Khromov published an English-Russian meteorological dictionary in Gidrometeoizdat, the meaning of which has not been lost over the past decades, despite the rapid development of meteorological science.

    A wonderful teacher S.P. Khromov prepared several classic textbooks for geographical faculties of universities and universities: "Meteorology and climatology", "Synoptic meteorology", "Introduction to synoptic analysis" and others, on which all modern domestic climatologists grew up. Textbooks S.P. Khromov received well-deserved recognition abroad. They have been translated into German, Czech, Hungarian, Chinese, Slovak and Polish.

    S.P. Khromov was a member academic councils a number of leading research centers, an expert of the committees for the award of the Lenin and State Prizes of the USSR.

    S.P. Khromov was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, government medals, and the Litke Gold Medal of the Geographical Society. In 1975 S.P. Khromov was awarded the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science of the RSFSR". Professor S.P. Khromov (posthumously) and Professor M.A. Petrosyants were awarded the prize. D.N. Anuchin for the textbook "Meteorology and climatology".

    The name of Professor S.P. Khromov was assigned to a research vessel belonging to the Far Eastern Research Institute. This ship with a displacement of 2140 tons was built in 1982-1983. and took part in Arctic expeditions as part of the Polex-North and Cromex national experiments.

    The creator of the national school of synoptic meteorology, Professor of Moscow University S.P. Khromov died in Moscow on April 29, 1977 and was buried at the Vagankovsky cemetery.

    In October 2004, the Department of Meteorology and Climatology of Moscow State University, in honor of the centenary of S.P. Khromov, organized an all-Russian scientific conference.

    Installation of a memorial plaque in honor of S.P. Khromov on the house where the famous "Synoptic Meteorology" was written, is important for preserving the memory of the outstanding Russian climatologist.

    Literature about S.P. Chrome:

  • Kalesnik S.V. To the fiftieth anniversary of S.P. Khromova // Izvestiya VGO. - 1954. - T. 86. - Issue. 4, - S. 357-358.
  • Bugaev V.A., Giorgio V.A. Sergei Petrovich Khromov (on the occasion of his 60th birthday) // Meteorology and Hydrology. - 1964. - No. 8. - S. 55-57.
  • Sergei Petrovich Khromov (on the occasion of his 70th birthday) // Meteorology and Hydrology. - 1974. - N 8. - S. 119.
  • In memory of Sergei Petrovich Khromov // Bulletin of the Moscow University. 1977. - N 4. - C. 121.
  • Khromov S.P. (to the 100th anniversary of the birth) // Meteorology and hydrology. - 2004. - N 9.- S. 117-118.
  • Selected works:

  • Khromov S.P. Introduction to synoptic analysis. Ed. GUGMS. 1935.
  • Khromov S.P. Introduction to synoptic analysis, 2nd ed., M., 1937.
  • Khromov S.P. Fundamentals of synoptic meteorology, L., 1948.
  • Khromov S.P. Atmospheric circulation and weather on the way "Ob" in navigation 1956-1957. // Proceedings of the SAE. - 1959.- T. 5. - S. 27-83.
  • Khromov S.P. To the 75th anniversary of Tour Bergeron // Meteorology and Hydrology. 1966. No. 8.
  • Khromov S.P. Meteorology and climatology for geographical faculties, 2nd ed., L., 1968.
  • Khromov S.P. 100 years of our weather service // Meteorology and Hydrology. 1972. No. 10.
  • Khromov S.P. Solar cycles and climate // Meteorology and hydrology. - 1973. - N 9. - C. 93-110.
  • Khromov S.P., Mamontova L.I. Meteorological dictionary. Third edition, revised and enlarged. L. Gidrometeoizdat. 1974. - 568 p.
  • Khromov S.P., Petrosyants M.A. Meteorology and climatology. M., 1994.
  • Khromov S.P., Petrosyants M.A. Meteorology and climatology. Fifth edition, revised and enlarged. M., Publishing house of Moscow State University. 2001. - 527 p.
  • VLADIVOSTOK, July 10, PrimaMedia. The research expedition vessel "Professor Khromov", which has already "acquainted" with Kamchatka and Chukotka thanks to the joint efforts of Heritage Expeditions and Pacific Travel, made calls to Sakhalin, the islands of small and large Kuril ridge, the coast of the Kamchatka Peninsula and the Commander Islands. This is the official website of the government Kamchatka Territory with reference to the directorate of the Kronotsky State Biosphere Reserve.

    Traditional places to visit on Commander Islands are places of accumulation of marine mammals - rookeries and seasonal haulouts of sea lions, fur seals, bird colonies, the burial place of Vitus Bering's 2nd Kamchatka expedition in Komandor Bay and, of course, the local history museum in the village of Nikolsky.

    special attention and "studying" required visiting places with special status protection - the waters of the federal state reserves(Kurilsky, Kronotsky and Commander). For this, the travel agency, together with the administrations of the reserves, carried out a contractual campaign in advance, provided comprehensive instructions on the operation of the vessel and boats near the protected complexes, and identified the persons responsible for ensuring control over the visit. Under such conditions, the risk of any environmental violation and disturbing the natural regime of rookeries and bird rookeries is minimized.

    On board the "Professor Khromov" there were 40 tourists - citizens of Great Britain, Canada and Sweden.

    According to the director of the reserve Nikolai Pavlov, visiting unique natural complexes located on the territory of the Commander Reserve - an integral part of most routes. "Given the inaccessibility of the Commander archipelago for air transport and as a result, there are great difficulties in organizing excursion activities there, tours using a sea vessel are a great alternative. We are very impressed that the tour program pays great attention to the scientific and historical component," Pavlov said.

    Lectures, presentations on history, economics, and natural attractions are held daily for tourists. For this, scientists and experienced experts are invited to the flight. Every day in the evenings, in a special room, the results of the meetings of birds and mammals are summed up; for this, tourists are provided with special tables-journals. The information collected during the cruise on the encountered species of birds, pinnipeds and cetaceans is eventually available for the reserve and can be included in the annual chronicle of nature.

    "Along with such a positive effect from cruises as popularization of the recreational potential of the Commander Islands, revenues to the budget of the reserve and to the institutions of the village of Nikolsky, there is another - the ship assists the reserve in the delivery of material and technical supplies from the regional center to Bering Island. We hope for long-term fruitful cooperation and we consider assistance in the development of sea cruise programs on the Commander Islands to be one of our most important tasks," said Nikolai Pavlov.

    R/V "Professor Khromov" is a small ice-class expedition vessel ideal for expedition cruises. The main task of all expeditions is to allow travelers to actively and fully explore the region they visit,

    offering them the maximum possible number of landings.

    Brief characteristics:

    Date of construction: 03/16/1978, Japan.

    Shipowner Far Eastern Regional Research Hydrometeorological Institute.

    Port of registry Okhotsk.

    Length, width, draft - 48.87 m x 8.52 m x 3.25 m.

    Displacement - 828 tons.

    The main engine is 6M 28 KEHS.

    Speed ​​- 13 knots.

    In 1998, Professor Khromov was completely refitted to comfortably accommodate up to 50 passengers, the perfect number for a true expedition cruise. There are 22 crew members on board. In 2013 the ship was renovated.

    The region of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk remains one of the richest regions of the planet in terms of fauna. However, very few people know this. According to our information, this is only the second expedition for travelers to this remote corner of the planet.

    Route description

    Day 1

    Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk-Port Korsakov, Sakhalin Island; boarding the ship Upon arrival at the airport of Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk by bus we will go seaport Korsakov (40 minutes drive).
    Travel participants will be warmly welcomed by members of the expedition team who will help us to accommodate in our cabins on board the expedition ship Professor Khromov. We go out to sea.
    It's time to learn the "rules of the game" - the expedition team will hold informational briefings, during which we will learn about the safety rules on the ship and how the landings on the wild coasts on the Zodiac expedition boats will take place.
    Our expedition ship is heading southeast on Sea of ​​Okhotsk, and we see the first sea birds, among which are colorful and extravagant-looking hatchets, old men, Bering cormorants, black-tailed gulls, gray storm-petrels.

    We will also see huge flocks of slender-billed petrels - almost the entire world population of these birds, famous for migrating very long distances, at this time endures the process of molting in the waters of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

    In addition to birds, we will see the first whales, which may include white-winged porpoise, northern minke whale and killer whales.

    Day 2

    Seal Island

    This tiny island (just over 600 meters long) is home to the largest colony of northern fur seals and sea lions. The colony contains several thousand animals.
    It is one of the few islands in the northern part of the region. Pacific Ocean, where fur seals form large rookeries - thousands of animals gather on the coast, females give birth to cubs, while males fight fiercely for territory and females.

    This spectacle of the everyday life of cats, sometimes reminiscent of our own, human life, can be watched for hours. Numerous seabirds also nest on the island, nestling closely in the ledges and indentations of the rocks that border the coast. Seal Island, a lone rock in the ocean with no fresh water or vegetation, is a true haven for fauna, with every inch occupied by an animal or bird - and we'll see this wonder today.

    Day 3

    Piltun Bay

    The northeastern part of Sakhalin Island, especially Piltun Bay – famous place feeding of western gray whales. These mammals are on the verge of extinction, and there are only about 120 representatives of this species on the entire planet, not counting individuals in captivity. To this day, numerous issues of gray whale ecology remain unsolved.
    Some time ago, this species was considered completely extinct after a brutal extermination in the 19th and 20th centuries, but in some miraculous way, several individuals were subsequently found in the wild world.
    During the summer months, Piltun Bay is home to the highest concentration of gray whales, every year they swim into the nutrient-rich waters offshore.
    This region has also become the subject of conflict between oil companies and environmental organizations because of ongoing seismic work.

    Day 4

    Iona Island

    Iona is a small island in the vast expanses of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, lying more than 200 km from the mainland. The island is uninhabited, the only reminders of civilization here are an automatic meteorological station and a small hut of unknown origin.
    Iona is the most important habitat for the endangered sea lions. There are very few breeding sites for these mammals in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk region, and Iona Island is one of such places. Each rock of the island is literally covered with the carcasses of these huge animals.
    You will have a wonderful opportunity to see sea lions resting on the rocks or swimming near our expedition boats - we are no less interesting for them than they are for us.

    On the coastal cliffs, next to the sea lions, huge bird colonies peacefully coexist, consisting of hundreds of thousands of guillemots (including such an attractive species as the little auklet), hatchets, guillemots and gulls.
    Birds literally fill the sky when they leave their nests and rush to the sea for food. Iona is the seat of the regional natural heritage. We will make here boat trips on the Zodiacs around the island, which will allow us to see in close proximity beautiful birds and sea lions.

    Day 5-6

    Shantar Islands

    This large archipelago consists of 15 islands - 4 large, surrounded by small islands-rocks. The Shantar archipelago occupies large area in the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.
    The climate here is quite severe. Sea ice covers the strait for most of the year, and only a few months, when the ice melts, access to the islands opens.
    Even in July, you can see large ice floes floating on the sea. The surface of the Shantar Islands is covered with deciduous and pine forests, constituting an ideal habitat for more than 200 species of birds.
    The Steller's sea eagle, the world's largest sea eagle, deserves special attention among the local birds. This fantastic bird nests on Shantar Islands, and we have an excellent chance of seeing an eagle during landings or sea ​​trips on the Zodiacs.

    On the rocks, coastal and located right in the ocean, numerous birds also nest. We will be able to see hatchets, ipatok, guillemots, auklets and spectacled guillemots. As we move deeper into the islands, our chances of seeing the largest terrestrial animals - brown bears and other representatives of the local terrestrial fauna increase.
    Seals and whales also do not bypass these waters - during the spring and summer months, Amur herds of beluga whales migrate to the area of ​​​​the archipelago. Beluga whales form numerous herds during migration.
    Thanks to this, as well as the radiant snow-white color of the body, they are easily distinguishable in sea waters. The probability of seeing these beautiful whales during our boat trips on the Zodiacs is very high.
    We also hope to hear belugas, which are called "sea canaries" because of their outstanding vocal abilities. Killer whales and bowhead whales are also found in this region.

    Of the seals in this region, bearded seals, spotted seals, ringed seals and the most popular, due to their picturesque appearance, striped seals live. In addition to the rich wildlife, the islands are remarkable beautiful nature– we will be able to see numerous rivers, lakes and waterfalls. The only inhabitants of the islands, apart from animal world, are employees of the meteorological station.

    Day 7

    Malminsky Islands and Fedora Bay

    In the western part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is a fantastic place - a group of small islands that form the wildest and least explored reserve in Russia, Dzhugdzhursky.
    The reserve occupies a vast territory of 8 thousand hectares and consists of three parts, including a large marine area. The harsh Siberian climate and breathtaking landscapes - this nature reserve incorporated the main characteristics of the region of Siberia.

    The Malminsky Islands are home to a large number of seabirds; the largest colony of spectacled guillemots lives here, as well as kittiwakes, white belly, puffins and other species.
    There are also great chances to see Steller's sea eagles. The taiga fauna is widely represented on the continent in this region: brown bears roam freely here, as well as wolves, wolverines, foxes, various types of martens, Siberian musk deer, and elks.

    The marine fauna is no less diverse: four species of seals and several species of whales live here, including the local population of right whales and the most coveted species of whales for connoisseurs - the Japanese whale.
    These places are very attractive due to their pristine and inaccessibility, only a few know about them, and even fewer of those who were lucky enough to visit here. Our activities are entirely dependent on weather conditions and ice conditions, and there will be an innumerable number of opportunities for research here.

    Day 8


    This is one of the first cities Far East Russia, the first settlement was established here by Russian Cossacks in 1647. The famous explorer Vitus Bering visited this city on his way to Kamchatka during the First Kamchatka Expedition. He suggested establishing a navigation school for young sailors in Okhotsk.
    Since then, and for almost a century, Okhotsk served as an important port of the Far East, from where numerous expeditions started. At the beginning of the 19th century, the city lost its first positions - the regalia of the most important port passed to Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky.

    In the era Soviet Union Okhotsk flourished again thanks to a prosperous fish factory. However, the decline of the Union provoked the decline of the fishing industry and the prosperity of the city. Now only a shadow of former prosperity can be traced here.
    Okhotsk has shrunk in size, but boasts a stubborn and proud Russian nature provincial town- some houses have hardly changed at all since they were founded in the 19th century.
    There is a small museum in Okhotsk dedicated to local history, culture and wildlife. Residents treat him with special care, which can be found only in the smallest and most remote towns. Residents of Okhotsk will meet us with a folklore performance.

    Day 9

    Talan Island

    A tiny island in the northern part of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk supports an amazing wealth of wildlife and is famous among bird lovers all over the world. More than 140 species of birds can be seen on the island, these are mostly migrants. There are also nesting birds, there are 21 species of them.
    It is amazing how one of the largest colonies of seabirds in the north of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk is located on this piece of land. More than 1.8 million birds nest on the rocks, and sometimes overshadow the sky, rushing to the sea for fish. Seagulls, kittiwakes, thick-billed guillemots, ipatki, puffins, white-bellies, little and great auklets, ordinary old men and other bird species are the blissful inhabitants of this feathered paradise.
    Not surprisingly, this is where scientific studies of migratory and nesting bird species have been conducted for many years. Arctic foxes are found on the island, which differ from other populations in their rather bold behavior, which allows travelers to take wonderful pictures of these animals.
    There are also birds of prey here - the magnificent Steller's sea eagle already known to us, as well as the eagle, whose victims are mainly sea ​​views birds.

    Day 10

    Koni Peninsula

    Beautiful mountains, mountain rivers and lakes covered with a fur coat - all this is the Koni Peninsula, located just 50 kilometers from Magadan on the territory of the Olsky section of the Magadansky reserve.
    On landings we will be accompanied by a reserve ranger. Among the places we plan to explore today are numerous bays and sheltered coves, where we hope to see representatives of the rich wildlife of these places, including brown bear and bighorn sheep.

    Day 11

    Yamsky Islands

    According to some biologists, the Yamskiye Islands archipelago contains the largest bird colony in the North Pacific. An estimated 7 million birds nest on the big island archipelago - Matykil. If we are lucky, we can also meet sea lions and whales here - bowhead, Japanese, humpback and fin whales.

    Day 12


    Founded in 1929 and only granted city status in 1939, Magadan served for a long time as a distribution point for those arrested in various northeastern Siberian Gulag camps. With the fall of the Stalinist regime, Magadan turned into an industrial and Cultural Center, which, despite the massive migration of residents to other cities in the 90s, continues to develop rapidly.
    The city has several central universities, institutes and museums. Magadan is rightfully considered a real cultural capital region. Here is a truly exciting monument dedicated to the victims of repression, and the local cathedral is the largest in the Far East region and one of the highest in Russia.
    Arrives at the port of Magadan at about 12 noon. Here our journey ends. We are waiting for disembarkation from the ship and transfer to the city center or airport - at your request.