Airliner 321 vbulletin black boxes. The black box of the plane that crashed in Egypt

"Black boxes" Russian aircraft An A321 that crashed in the Sinai on October 31 recorded a distinct explosion sound that was not related to an engine malfunction. On Friday, November 6, with reference to "an investigator who had access to the "black box" of the Russian A321," reports the French edition France 2. Flight information and sound recordings indicate that everything went as normal until 24 minutes after takeoff when the flight recorders suddenly failed, indicating a "very violent explosive decompression," a source told AFP. This data supports the version of an explosive device on board the aircraft. Another interlocutor of the agency claims that the plane crash was sudden and very fast. Earlier, the Russian Kommersant, citing sources close to the investigation, wrote that the decoding of the A321 parametric recorder, wrecked over Sinai on October 31, did not help to establish the causes of the disaster.

The decoding data of the black boxes of the A321 aircraft continues to arrive.

Black boxes did not help to establish the cause of the accident - Federal Air Transport Agency

The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency Alexander Neradko announced the completion of the decoding of the A321 parametric recorder on November 5 and immediately added that the investigation into the crash would take several months.

Fixing the operating modes of all systems of the aircraft by the registrar stopped immediately after the separation of the tail section, in which the device was located. Prior to this, according to the recorder, all A321 systems worked properly.

Experts believe that this could happen due to the explosive depressurization of the cabin. When the tail section was separated, all the cables connecting the black box with information sensors broke.

It will take more time to decode the voice recorder due to damage to the casing. At the same time, specialists will lay out the aircraft structural elements, which will determine the cause and sequence of the destruction of the aircraft. In parallel, five working groups will be created, each of them will deal with a separate area of ​​investigation - from the quality of pilot training to the search for explosives on the bodies of passengers.

The head of the Federal Air Transport Agency emphasized that now the commission does not have any one priority version.

One of the black boxes is seriously damaged - MAK

The International Aviation Committee (IAC) claims serious damage to one of the flight recorders of the A321 airliner that crashed in Egypt.

“The on-board voice recorder (CVR) received serious mechanical damage and at the moment in Egypt, with the participation of experts from the IAC and BEA of France, preparatory work is underway to copy the recorded information in compliance with all possible precautions,” the IAC said in a November 5 message.

An engine explosion caused the crash of a Russian airliner in Egypt

An investigation team set up in Egypt to investigate the causes of the crash of the Russian A321 aircraft has deciphered the data from the black boxes.

Sources in the investigation team report that an explosion in one of the engines caused the plane to crash.

The flight recorder showed that the plane fell rapidly and this, according to the investigation, indicates that there was a powerful explosion, all engines failed at the same time, and the ignition of a part of the fuselage and the destruction of the aircraft occurred while still in the air.

At the same time, a special technical laboratory will have to establish what provoked this explosion.

In order to find out, experts will also continue to study the crash site, the bodies of the dead and the wreckage of the aircraft.

Egyptian investigators also noted that the flight recorders did not record emergency signals from the crew to the controllers.

Flight recorders recorded 'uncharacteristic sound' as A321 disappeared from radar

Became known new decryption data "black boxes" from the crashed Airbus aircraft A321.

As it turned out, before the disappearance of the liner from the radar, “sounds uncharacteristic for a regular flight” are heard on the recording.

According to the source, “by the time the airliner disappeared from the radar screens, the recordings were preceded by sounds uncharacteristic for a regular flight.”

According to the recording of the conversation between the pilots and the controllers, it can be concluded that "four minutes before the plane disappeared from the radar, the situation remained normal."

“From the record of the flight crew’s conversations with the controllers, it follows that the situation on board 4 minutes before the aircraft disappeared from the radar remained normal, the crew conducted normal negotiations with the controllers, nothing indicated any problems on board, the crew did not report them either,” he said. agency interlocutor.

The interlocutor of the agency also confirmed that the crew did not give a distress signal.

"According to the record, emergency situation on board happened suddenly and came as a surprise to the flight crew,” he said.

Agency source ruled out as possible cause destruction of the aircraft in the air spontaneous explosion of a fire extinguisher or gas cylinder.

According to him, the power structure of the fuselage had to withstand such emergency situations.

The decoding of the "black boxes" will last from one to four weeks.

It will take one to four weeks to prepare a report on the crash of the Russian airliner in the Sinai - the time will depend on the condition of the A321 black boxes, Egyptian government spokesman Husam al-Kawish said.

"The decoding of these black boxes depends on the technical condition in which they were found," he said on the air of the local CBC TV channel, RIA Novosti reports.

"Minister civil aviation assured that the black boxes were found in good condition, so the report should be prepared in a short period of one to four weeks," al-Kawish added.

One of the black boxes contains information about the state of the aircraft's systems, the other contains records of the pilots' conversations and what is happening in the cabin, he explained.

Al-Kawish also said that experts from Egypt, Russia, France, Germany and Ireland, as well as a representative of the Kogalymavia company that operated the plane, would be part of the commission to investigate the causes of the crash of the Russian airliner.

On Monday, November 2, it was reported that the A321 aircraft was not subjected to external influence, the pilot did not inform the dispatchers about any problems on the eve of the disappearance of the A321 airliner from the radar, the aircraft did not give SOS signals before hitting the ground.

Recall. Earlier, at a press conference in Moscow, the management of Kogalymavia stated that the only explicable cause of the plane crash in the air could be an external impact on the aircraft.

“There is no such failure that could cause the aircraft to break up in the air. In this case, the aircraft was destroyed on impact with the ground. The A320 is a very reliable aircraft, the automation will not allow reaching large overloads even with a gross pilot error, ”said Alexander Smirnov, Deputy General Director of Kogalymavia for the organization of flight work.

However, the decryption data of the "black boxes" refute his words. Thus, the guilt of Kogalymavia and the subsequent prosecution of the airline's management is becoming more and more real.

It should be noted that Andrey Averyanov, Deputy Director General of the Kogalymavia airline for technical and production issues, said that the crew of the A321 completely lost control of the aircraft.

"During the transition to the fall, the A321 aircraft, most likely, received significant structural damage that did not allow the flight to continue. And, apparently, in connection with this, at the same moment the development of the catastrophic situation began, the crew completely lost working capacity, this can explain the fact that there was not a single attempt to get in touch and report on the emergency on board," Averyanov said at a press conference in Moscow.

But, in fact, these words are not news in the light of the well-known information about the circumstances of the accident. The main question is different: what caused the aircraft to go out of control of the crew? The answer to this question should be given by the decoding of the flight recorders.

A photo of the flight recorders (those same “black boxes”) of the A321 airliner that crashed in Egypt has been published. The picture shows that one of the recorders is slightly damaged, but the other is in very good condition.

The head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia, Vladimir Puchkov, confirmed that the "black boxes" were preserved in good condition.

Prior to that, he, together with the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko, examined the recorders of the aircraft that crashed in Egypt. Puchkov also held a meeting with the Minister of Transport of Egypt.

"During the meeting, issues of organizing joint work at the second stage of the search operation were discussed. In particular, a transport corridor was organized from the emergency zone where the disaster occurred to the Cairo airport to deliver the personal belongings of the dead," Interfax quoted the Russian minister as saying.

During the investigation of the causes of plane crashes, they hope to decipher the black box records in order to understand what happened. And, I must say, it is not pleasant to hear the voices of those who, in most cases, know that they will die in a moment.

First crash: An-148 of Saratov Airlines, February 11, 2018

The plane crashed in the Ramensky district of the Moscow region. None of the 71 people on board survived. The reason was the error of the co-pilot and icing of the speed sensors. Below you can find a text transcript of the conversation of the pilots, where the PIC is the aircraft commander, and the VP is the co-pilot.

FAC: Up! Here.
VP: Now, now.
FAC: Are you down...
VP: In general, some kind of garbage!
FAC: No, well, as I understand it, you wanted it... And you, on the contrary, down.
VP: We'll talk later. Yes, we control everything!
KVS: Everything, everything is fine.
VP: That's it, the speed has returned to normal.

VP: Op-op-op! 390!
FAC: Down to somewhere?! Where are you down? Why down?! Where?!
ALARMS: Speed ​​compare, speed compare.
VP: Yes, because what is good ***, 200 speed, ***!
FAC: Height! Height! Height!

FAC: Up!
ALARM: Terrain ahead! Pull up! Terrain ahead!
FAC: Everything, ***.

Other transcripts are presented in audio format.

Crash 2: Flydubai Boeing, March 19, 2016

The aircraft attempted to re-land after a go-around and went into a tailspin. During the disaster, 62 people died (7 crew members and 55 passengers). The reason for the rapid descent of the vessel was the simultaneous return of the helm "away from you" and the deflection of the stabilizer into a dive.

Crash Three: Falcon 50, October 20, 2014

During the takeoff run, the aircraft collided with an airfield snowplow, collapsed and caught fire. Four French citizens on board, including Christophe de Margerie, head of the major oil and gas company Total, were killed. The plane crash occurred after a series of violations.

Fourth crash: Yak-42D, September 7, 2011

During the takeoff run on the runway of the Yaroslavl airport Tunoshna in simple weather conditions, the plane rolled out of the runway. He took off already from the ground 400 meters behind the end of the runway. From that moment, he gained a height of 5-6 meters, collided with a radio beacon, crashed into the ground and exploded. On board at that time was the Lokomotiv hockey club. The plane crash killed 44 people. The reason was called pressing by one of the pilots of the brake pedal at the time of the takeoff of the liner.

Crash fifth: Boeing 737-505, September 14, 2008

The liner flew on the Moscow-Perm route. At the end point, he was already landing, but did not fly 11 kilometers to the Bolshoye Savino airport. The plane crashed to the ground and completely collapsed, leaving no one alive out of the 88 people on board. The experts cited the shortcomings of the entire system for preparing the crew for flights, as well as the lack of interaction in the crew, as the reason.

Crash sixth: Tu-154M, August 22, 2006

The liner crashed on approach to Irkutsk, where it was supposed to make an intermediate landing during the flight Yekaterinburg-Vladivostok. When turning and landing, the plane turned 180 degrees, it began to fall. The cause of the accident was that the crew did not hold the set altitude of 850 meters during landing. The co-pilot tried to correct the error, for which he pulled the steering wheel towards himself. The plane completely lost control and crashed, taking the lives of 144 people.

Parametric recorder did not help to find out the cause of the disaster

Deciphering the data of the parametric recorder of the Airbus A321 airliner that crashed in Egypt did not help to establish the cause of the tragedy. At some point, the "black box" stopped recording the work of all systems. Most likely, this happened as a result of the separation of the tail section of the aircraft, where the device was located, according to the sources of the Kommersant newspaper.

Among the data preserved on the parametric recorder of the A321 aircraft of the Kogalymavia company, there is no information about the crash, the Kommersant newspaper writes, citing sources close to the investigation.

According to the source, the "black box" showed that throughout the flight, which lasted a little more than 20 minutes, all A321 systems worked properly. The aircraft, controlled by the autopilot, after takeoff, almost gained the necessary altitude to get to the given flight level.

However, then a certain event occurred, after which the recording of the parameters of the aircraft systems was instantly interrupted. The interlocutor of the publication compared this record with a cardiogram, which recorded only the sudden death of a person from cardiac arrest.

Experts interviewed by the newspaper believe that the reason for the abrupt break in all records could be, as a result of which its tail part separated from the fuselage of the aircraft, in which the parametric recorder was located.

“The catastrophic situation on board developed so quickly that the pilots who flew the aircraft, most likely, also did not have time to react to it. Therefore, the recordings of the voice recorder, which was also badly damaged, may turn out to be useless,” the newspaper writes.

Earlier, the Interfax agency, citing sources in Cairo, reported that the pilots did not discuss technical problems among themselves, in particular, "the situation remained normal four minutes before the aircraft disappeared from radar." However, just before the crash, the A321 voice recorder recorded

The authorities admit that the liner died as a result of a terrorist attack. The secret services of these countries of the alleged "Sinai province" - the Egyptian division banned in the "Islamic State" - about their preparation of an explosion on board the A321. In turn, the Egyptian authorities, on whose territory the plane crashed, insist that it was not subjected to any external influence.

The day before, the head of the Federal Air Transport Agency, Alexander Neradko, said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 TV channel that it was impossible to put forward any versions until the investigation of the accident with the A321 was completed, until all aspects of the crash of the Russian airliner in Sinai were analyzed. According to Neradko, his data was transferred to specialists. Speech, despite the fact that it has some damage to the casing, will be deciphered in the near future.

Aircraft A321 Russian airline Kogalymavia, operating flight 9268 Sharm el-Sheikh - St. Petersburg, crashed on the morning of October 31 in the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt. All 224 people on board were killed: 217 passengers and seven crew members.