Islands of British Columbia.

Obesity is one of the biggest problems in modern society. Many people in the world suffer from excess weight and the complications it leads to (diseases of the heart, veins, and so on). The largest number of obese people live in developed countries. Improper nutrition (fast foods), physical inactivity, overeating - all these factors lead to the appearance of excess weight.

Below is the top 10 fattest people on Earth, as well as photos that have lost weight.

Rosales Mayra Lizabet

Her Weight Limit was 500 kilograms. This woman possessed truly tremendous willpower. Myra was born in 1980 in the USA. At 32, due to the unrealistically large weight, the girl practically did not move. Thanks to eleven surgeries, a strict diet and special exercises, she managed to lose about 400 kg.

Now Myra is leading a special course for everyone who wants to say goodbye to being overweight. The whole life of a woman is a confirmation that everything can be achieved. You just have to really want it. To date, Myra has decided to lose another thirty kilograms, and she will surely succeed!

Hughes Robert Earl

The maximum weight is 486 kilograms. This very fat man in the world was born in the USA in 1926. This truly gigantic boy had problems with being overweight since childhood. So, at the age of six, Robert weighed ninety-two kilograms, and at thirteen his weight reached 248 kg. At an early age, the boy had whooping cough, after which weight gain became uncontrollable. Many times Robert tried to lose those extra pounds, but all attempts were in vain.

Using his weight, the young man earned money. As a curiosity, it was shown at fairs, and citizens willingly paid for such an unusual spectacle. Hughes was taken to events on a special cart, as it was extremely difficult for a young man to move independently. In those years, there were no clinics for the treatment of such problems.

During the next "show" Robert contracted measles and died, because they simply did not have time to take him to the nearest hospital. Thousands of Americans rushed to the funeral of a very fat man. Hughes died at the age of 32.

Diuel Patrick

This one of the very fat people in the USA was born in 1962. His body weight was 511 kg. For several years, Patrick did not leave his house due to the inability to move independently. After being hospitalized in a clinic where Diyuel had his fat deposits and part of his stomach removed, as well as several months of diet and exercise, he was able to lose up to 193 kilograms. The total weight loss was 318 kilograms.

Hebranco Michael

The maximum body weight of this giant was 453 kilograms. During his life, Michael was able to lose weight and gain about two tons.

This one of the very fat people in the USA was born in 1953. From early childhood, he began to have problems with being overweight. At the age of 16, his weight was 160 kg, and by the age of 23 he had grown to four hundred kilograms. After a complex treatment, Michael lost weight to ninety kilograms, and his waist decreased by 3 times. Exercise and diet helped achieve these results.

However, two years later, Michael again suffered from overweight and weighed 453 kg, which is why he again ended up in the hospital. Then he again managed to pull himself together and lose weight up to 80 kg. This man died in 2013 weighing two hundred and fifty kilograms. Thanks to his efforts, Michael entered the Guinness Book of Records as the only person to lose the largest body weight in history.

Bradford Rosalie

Rosalie was born in 1943 in the USA. By the age of fourteen, her weight had reached ninety-three kilograms. Rosalie gained her maximum weight by the age of forty-four, it was 544 kg. After that, the woman fell into a deep depression and even tried to commit suicide. At that time, Rosalie, due to her huge mass, was limited in her movements and could only clap her hands.

However, she managed to cope with depression, pulled herself together, followed a diet and went in for sports, thanks to which a year later her weight decreased by one hundred and ninety kilograms. Subsequently, the weight loss amounted to a total of four hundred and sixteen kilograms. Despite her successes, Rosalie still abandoned her diet, classes, and again began to rapidly recover. In 2006, a woman died due to postoperative complications, when she excised excess skin.

Hudson Walter

The maximum weight is 544 kilograms. Walter was born in 1944 in the USA. He went down in history as one of the very heavy people with a waist circumference of almost three meters. The man died at the age of forty-seven in 1991. The coffin for his funeral looked like a railway container.

Uribe Manuel

The maximum body weight is 587 kilograms. From childhood, this Mexican boy was fat, and by the age of twenty-two, his weight had reached the mark of 130 kilograms. But on this, the process of gaining mass continued, and soon Uribe could no longer move.

The doctors suggested that he undergo a special operation, but Manuel preferred a strict diet, thanks to which he subsequently lost weight to three hundred and eighty-one kilograms and was even able to leave the house. In 2008, Manuel got married and in three years was able to lose weight up to one hundred and eighty-seven kilograms. But in 2014, the man died in the hospital.

Khalid Bin Mohsen Shaari

This man from Saudi Arabia was born in 1991. Its maximum weight was 610 kilograms. Shaari can no longer move on her own. On this moment he is the fattest man on earth. The ruler of Saudi Arabia personally ordered that Shaari be transferred to the capital and hospitalized. In 2013, the man underwent an operation, as a result of which he got rid of one hundred and fifty kilograms.

Minnoch John

Weight - six hundred thirty-five kilograms. He was born in 1941 and by the age of twenty he had reached one hundred and eighty kilograms. By the age of thirty, his weight had increased to four hundred kilograms, because of which the young man could not walk. A sedentary lifestyle provoked even more weight gain. For several years, its weight has grown to 635 kilograms. The man could not even roll over without assistance.

Minnoch was hospitalized. Thanks to diets, his weight dropped to two hundred and fifteen kilograms. Unfortunately, after the cessation of therapy, the previous kilograms quickly returned. The man died in 1983.

Yeager Carol

The maximum weight is 727 kilograms. It is considered the fattest among all very fat people. Carol was born in Michigan in 1960. Since childhood, the girl suffered from overweight. In her youth, a relative tried to rape her, and because of the stress she experienced, the girl began to eat too much. Carol was repeatedly hospitalized, each time transported with the help of firefighters.

Doctors helped her lose a few pounds, but after treatment they returned again. So Carol reached a record seven hundred and twenty-seven kilograms. The body width at the same time was one and a half meters, and the weight index was 251.

Due to obesity, the woman became disabled with heart failure and diabetes. She couldn't walk. In 1994, Yeager died weighing five hundred and forty-five kilograms.

How fat people lose weight

The treatment of obesity is complex. Moreover, for very fat people (see photo above), treatment should include consultations with a psychologist, a nutritionist, a set of exercises, a special diet, medication (for example, restoring hormonal levels) and surgical treatment, as well as therapy for concomitant diseases (diabetes mellitus and so on).

Among the surgical operations performed for obesity, there are:

  • Banding of the stomach. It is a laparoscopic (that is, without incisions) intervention, during which a special ring is placed on the stomach, which gives it the appearance of an hourglass. The upper part of the stomach at the same time has a volume of only fifteen milliliters, and only a tablespoon of food is enough to fill (that is, saturate) it. Therefore, such an operation simply excludes overeating. An indication for such an intervention is a weight of more than 180 kg.
  • Sleeve gastroplasty. A specific operation that is used to narrow the stomach (to limit excess food intake). When carrying out such a surgical intervention, a narrow passage is formed from the stomach in order to impede the passage of solid food.
  • Gastric bypass. It is prescribed if it is necessary to get rid of ninety percent of the excess mass. This intervention combines a decrease in the volume of the stomach and malabsorption, that is, insufficient absorption of food. Such an intervention involves the formation of the so-called small stomach by cutting off the organ and suturing a loop of the small intestine to it. As a result, food passes the gastrointestinal tract much faster. A small stomach with a volume of up to sixty grams greatly limits the amount of food taken, and a food lump meets with bile only after it has passed through the small intestine one and a half meters long.

In addition to the methods described above, liposuction is used, and subsequently excision of the "extra" stretched skin.

Photos of very fat people who have lost weight

The problem is intractable. But some overweight people, thanks to a clearly set goal and incredible willpower, still managed to get rid of the hated kilograms. Below are very fat people who have lost weight, before and after photos.

Mayra Rosales: before losing weight, her weight is 500 kg, and after - about 70.

This is Emma Seeley. Her weight before losing weight was 181 kilograms, and after losing weight it decreased to almost 51.

The problem of obesity in the world is most acute in recent decades.

Nervous work, stress, ecology, fast food - everything contributes to rapid weight gain. Read in our article all about the fattest people on planet Earth.

The fattest man in the world

The fattest person in the world in history is an American named Carol Yeager, the maximum weight is 727 kilograms. She is also the fattest woman on earth. Carol was born in 1960 in Flint, Michigan, USA. And already a little girl began to differ from her peers in weight and impressive dimensions. main reason her fullness - an irrepressible appetite. Carol admitted that the desire to eat haunts her after she experienced extreme stress - one of her relatives harassed her.

At 20, Carol Yeager weighed so much that her own legs could not support her. The girl was chained to the bed, she could not even make elementary movements. She was cared for by her daughter Heather and paramedics. Gradually, everyone began to understand that the weight would play a rather bad joke on Carol's health. Every day the situation went downhill - the girl grew stout. As a result, the American was able to reach the well-known nutritionist Richard Simmons and showman Jerry Springer. At the latter, Carol began to participate in the program, advertising it. And as payment received free treatment. However, later it turned out that she did not receive any help from a nutritionist.

Hoping to at least somehow improve her well-being, Carol Yeager began to travel to local clinics. But here, too, failure awaited her - the doctors could not help her. Due to excess weight and bed rest, the girl began to find new diseases and their complications. Hospitalizations became regular - an American woman was taken away 8-10 times a year. Moreover, firefighters and their special equipment participated in each transportation, otherwise it would simply not have been possible to take such a fat person to the hospital.

In 1993, during the next hospitalization, Carol's weight reached 540 kilograms. She suffered from edema. The liquid did not have time to leave the body, as a result it pressed on the internal organs and even appeared through the skin. At the Hurley Medical Center, Carol Yeager managed to get rid of 235 kilograms while on a special diet. She was helped to remove excess water from the body. In addition, nutritionists allowed her to eat only 1200 kilocalories per day. But losing weight did not save the woman from heart failure, impaired breathing and excessive blood sugar.

Carol returned from the clinic three months later and began to gain weight again. The lost kilograms returned in full, the woman gained unprecedented weight - 727 kilograms. And, as a result, she became known as the fattest person in the world and as the fattest woman. The width of her body has reached 1.5 meters, and the mass index is 251, at a time when the norm is only 18-25. However, the weight of 727 kilograms was not officially registered. It was only confirmed by the public. Previously, representatives of the Guinness Book of Records measured Carol, then with a height of 170 centimeters, she weighed 544 kilograms. This mark was not enough for a new record.

After another hospitalization in 1994, Carol Yeager died. She died at the age of 34. Doctors recorded the weight at the time of death - 545 kilograms. The fattest woman is buried in a private cemetery in the city of Flint. On the last journey, Carol was seen only by relatives and friends.

The fattest man in the world

John Minnoch is not only the fattest man in the world, but also officially the fattest person. He was born in 1941 on american island Bainbridge, Washington State. All his life he was fat. Despite this, he worked, communicated with people, in a word, lived a full life. As a young man, he worked as a taxi driver. Then he was about 20 and he already weighed 180 kilograms. At the age of 24-25, the first problems came with extra pounds. In 1966, his weight reached 317.5 kilograms, and every day John Minnoch got fatter. After 10 years, he was already immense - 400 kilograms. The man stopped moving independently, and was very limited in funds. Lying life and constant meals led him to a weight of 635 kilograms with a height of 185 centimeters. There was a huge amount of fluid in his body - about 400 liters. It took 14 helpers to turn him over on the bed.

Nutritionists came to the aid of John Minnoch. And they assigned him a strict diet - only 500 kilocalories per day. The man claimed that such a restriction in food only kills him. Only muscle mass is reduced, not weight.

After the diet, John went to the clinic and underwent a special weight loss course. The treatment was effective and already in 1981 the fattest man began to weigh only 215 kilograms. During the course, the man dropped 5 kilograms per week. It was possible to remove excess fluid from the body. But after discharge, the weight, which was reduced with such great difficulty, returned back. In just a week, John gained 90 kilograms. After such a dubious record, Minnoha was again hospitalized and allowed to eat 1200 kilocalories per day. In 1983, the fattest man on the planet died. At the time of his death, he weighed 363 kilograms. The man is survived by his wife and two children.

The fattest man in the world who was able to lose a record number of kilograms

Already at 22, the Mexican Manuel Uribe weighed 130 kilograms. And then he began to rapidly gain weight. It got to the point that since 2002, the man could not get out of bed and, accordingly, leave his house in Monterrey. In desperation, he asked for help from specialists. The Italians offered to perform an operation on him - to impose an anastomosis on the gastrointestinal tract. But the man refused and went on a diet.

He ate low-carb, high-protein meals. The process of losing weight was observed by doctors. The situation changed dramatically when a beloved woman moved to Manuel Uribe. Claudia was already married, and her husband died of a heart attack due to obesity, she began to help the man do exercises and dance.

As a result, the 42-year-old Mexican lost 230 kilograms. Now he dreams of losing 2 times more weight in order to drive the ball with Claudia's son.

The fattest child in the world.

Jessica Leonard was born in Chicago. The world found out about her in 2007, when the girl shocked everyone with her appearance on popular American TV channels. At that time, the 7-year-old child weighed 222 kilograms. And there were very specific reasons for this. Food was her greatest passion. Mom says that her daughter constantly asked for food as soon as she got up after the next meal. Moreover, her diet included only unhealthy dishes, mostly fast food. The girl happily devoured giant portions of french fries, fried chicken, chickens, pizza, cheeseburgers, hamburgers, and washed down everything with soda. A day in the stomach of the "baby" turned out to be 10 thousand kilocalories, while the children's norm was only 1800. Mother Caroline Shu Guzh reported that she simply could not refuse a hungry child. Jessica threw tantrums and with tears asked for more food.

As a result of such concessions, at 3 years old the girl weighed 77 kilograms, and at 4 - already 100. The American could not move independently and even stand. But she could crawl, sit and roll, but with severe shortness of breath. And at the same time, Jessica had her first problems - first with movement, then with speech. From a large weight, Leonard's body has changed - the bones of the legs are twisted, the joints are frozen in an irregular shape. All this is accompanied by constant pain. Facial obesity has led to difficulties in speaking, so the baby rarely speaks.

After a series of reports about the fattest child, the public was horrified. The police were inundated with petitions for help for the child. People demanded that the abuse of the girl should end and that the mother be held accountable. Jessica was taken to the clinic and put on a strict diet. She was forbidden to eat fried, fatty and starchy foods, and was forced to exercise. A year and a half later, Jessica weighed 82 kilograms. However, there is stretched skin that needs to be removed. After a series of operations, doctors plan to return Jessica Leonard to normal life.

The editors of "Know Everything" stand up for the right lifestyle - healthy eating and sports activities. In our another article, you can read about the most pumped up man in the world.
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Each person is certainly unique in their own way. The world is inhabited by people with different looks, different hair colors, body constitution and height. External differences allow us to emphasize our individuality and highlight the inner world, to be special for our relatives and friends, or to be remembered at the first communication. Perhaps it will be difficult to forget the fattest man in the world.

When it comes to fat people, we are faced with specific images or characters in the film.

Frame from the film "Three Fat Men"

But in the vastness of our planet there are very many that have become known to the whole world.

Fat people always arouse an increased interest in their person, first of all, their appearance and lifestyle catches the eye, and only then there is an interest in what exactly served and became the cause of their condition.

List of biggest people

Let's meet the fattest man in the world. Among women, the undisputed leader with world fame has become a resident of America - Carol Ann Yager.

Carol Ann Yager

The maximum weight that she reached in her life was 727 kilograms. It is difficult for a physically healthy person to even imagine such a figure on their scales and the limitations of a full-fledged life that an overweight person faces.

Carol was born in 1960. While still very young, Yager was already strikingly different from her peers. The main reason for her obesity is a huge appetite, which the woman never sought to control. Already at the age of twenty, she gained such weight that her bones were unable to withstand, and the girl began to lead an immobile lifestyle. Due to the huge weight, she began to have health complications, but the doctors could no longer help her. With the help of special equipment and with the support of firefighters, Carol Yager had to be taken to the hospital about ten times a year.

When she was hospitalized again, the girl's weight reached 540 kilograms. The strongest edema, pressure on the internal organs - every day the girl was. In one of the clinics, American nutritionists helped her lose about 235 kilograms with the help of a special diet. The calorie content of Carol's meals did not exceed 1200 kilocalories. Having removed excess water from the body, the doctors did not achieve a healthy state, since the girl still had serious heart problems and diabetes.

Returning home, Carol could not stay in shape and again gained weight, this time becoming a record holder and gaining an incompatible weight of 727 kilograms. Being a completely young woman, at the age of 34, during another hospitalization, Carol Ann Yager died. Only relatives accompanied her on her last journey. Unfortunately, fat people who are obese become antisocial, having no friends and loved ones, forced and alone throughout their lives.

John Brown Minnock

As for men, the fattest man in the world is John Brown Minnock. Let's talk about it further. John was born in America on Bainbridge Island, Washington. This is an example of a person who, despite being hugely overweight, tried to live as much as possible. interesting life. In his youth, he worked as a taxi driver, although even then he had a rather impressive weight. His height reached 185 centimeters, and with such a weight he seemed just a giant. When he was 22 years old, John Minnock weighed 178 kilograms.

His weight increased literally every day and by the age of 37 had reached a critical and terrifying mark. The accumulated fluid, which his body could no longer cope with, posed a real threat to his life. In order to simply roll over, he needed the help of a huge number of people - 13 people.

With the help of nutritionists, John went on a strict diet - consuming only 1200 kilocalories per day, this was a real test for him and simply nullified all the doctors' aspirations. Nevertheless, despite this, nutritionists managed to achieve a result: John lost weight to 215 kilograms. However, after being discharged home, the weight again began to grow at a terrifying pace.

Despite the desire of relatives and John Minnock himself to live, the efforts of the doctors were not crowned with long-term success. At the age of 41, John died of heart failure at a weight of 362 kilograms, leaving his wife and two children alone.

If we talk about the problem of obesity among children, then the story of Jessica Leonard from Chicago was able to shake all the airwaves. The world first heard about her in 2007, her appearance on American TV channels shocked everyone who saw her. The child weighed incredibly much - 222 kilograms. This story shocked and made a splash, a lawsuit was filed against her mother for bullying a child.

From an early age, Jessica had an unrealistic passion for. The child’s diet was not particularly monitored, not attaching due importance to the harm from fast food. Her diet consisted of French fries and hamburgers, fried meat, pizza and soda. Of course, the result of such nutrition was not long in coming: already at an early age, the girl faced huge health problems.

The mother justified herself by the fact that the girl threw incredible tantrums and simply begged to eat with tears, and she simply could not refuse the crying child. At 3 years old, the baby weighed 77 kilograms, at 4 years old - 100. Naturally, with such a weight, she could not move independently, her bones and joints were deformed, and there were problems with her speech apparatus. With such a load on the body, the girl's life was accompanied by constant pain.

When the public recovered from the shock, the girl was admitted to a clinic where they prescribed a strict diet and added to her life. Due to her young age, the results were excellent, and after 1.5 years the girl weighed 82 kilograms. After several plastic surgeries to remove excess skin, doctors predict the introduction of Jessica into the normal and healthy life of a modern teenager.

Each person is free to decide for himself: whether to choose the way of life that will be harmonious for him. At the same time, I would like everyone to remember that very often the appearance reflects not only the state of a person’s health, but also the state of his inner world. Often very fat people choose for themselves a life of isolation, the inability to live fully, communicate with friends and start a family. Health is not just one of the keys to a happy life. Choosing health, a person chooses a full, active, happy and long life!

Video with photos of fat people:

Every day we consume a lot of carbohydrates, as well as fatty foods, which make our body fat and ugly. But this is not the worst! By increasing its volume, a person is threatened with various health problems, and critical fullness can even lead to death. While the fattest people in the world are trying to fight their problems, the rest of the overweight people, who have not yet reached critical mass, continue to absorb food, causing harm to their health. This article provides examples and stories of some of the most complete people, looking at which, you will think about your diet and weight.

Huge Carol Yeager

Carol Yeager became famous as the fattest woman in history. It is said that her weight reached 727 kg, but this weight has not been officially confirmed. In the documentation, you can find a note that her weight was 544 kg, when the woman's height was 170 cm.

Since childhood, Carol had an immoderate appetite, which every day increased her weight more and more.

The reason for the strongest appetite, according to her, was sexual harassment by a relative. The girl's depression grew, and with it, the weight also increased. At the age of 20, Carol became so stout that her legs simply could not withstand her enormous weight. And the woman began to lead a bed lifestyle.

Carol Yeager dies at 34

Over time, the American went to the famous nutritionist Richard Simmons. The girl, in return for advertising the program, was supposed to receive free treatment from this famous doctor, but, as it turned out, she did not wait for help. Desperate, the girl began to visit various clinics, where, due to the large weight, doctors found more and more new diseases and complications. Carol was hospitalized about 8-10 times a year, and it was not an easy process. After all, special equipment was involved in her transportation, transporting her heavy body from home to the clinic and back.

In 1993, the woman began to suffer from swelling, and her weight reached 540 kg. Thanks to the doctors who developed a diet and freed her body from excess fluid, the woman lost 235 kg of the total mass. But, unfortunately, weight loss did not save Carol from her problems and illnesses. When she returned from the clinic, she began to gain weight even more actively, eventually breaking all world records. Her weight at that time reached 727 kg, but this weight was not documented.

In 1994, the woman died of kidney failure. At the time of death, Carol's body weight was 544 kg. She was buried in a private cemetery, where about 90 people came to say goodbye.

Record holder Rosalie Bradford

Rosalie is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records twice. First, as the fattest person on the planet, and then as a person who has lost the maximum mass.

The woman was born in Pannsylvania in 1943, and at the age of six months she was rejected by her mother. Rosalie's childhood cannot be called happy and carefree, she grew up in a foster family. Rosalie was afraid of her stepfather. When the girl was 8 years old, her mother unexpectedly returned and wanted to take Rosalie away from her foster family. But the foster family defended the right to raise a child.

Childhood stress affected Rosalie's later life

How did Rosalie gain weight? From early childhood, she was a chubby child. And closer to adolescence, the weight began to grow actively. First, at the age of 14, he approached the 100 kg mark. And just a year later, the girl already weighed all 140 kg. Despite her extra weight, Rosalie met her fate in the person of a man named Robert and successfully married. After the birth of her son, Rosalie weighed 227 kg. In early 1980, a woman falls ill with sepsis, which chains her to the bed. This is what caused further weight gain. During her illness, her weight reached 544 kg, when her height was only 167 cm. But, despite her huge weight, Robert did not leave her. Moreover, he took care of their joint son Robbie himself.

Because of the immobile lifestyle, Rosalie developed terrible bedsores. And once, having fallen out of bed, I had to raise it with the help of a rescue team. To raise it, a special device was used, which is used to turn cars over.

The woman could no longer live like this and in 1988 she even tried to commit suicide, but, fortunately, she did not succeed. Then nutritionist Richard Simmons became interested in her weight. He developed a special diet and exercise therapy for Rosalie. So, starting with simple exercises and a developed diet, Rosalie lost 190 kg in a year. Then, continuing to follow the doctor's instructions, the woman achieved a weight loss of up to 300 kg.

She lost 416 kg, and her weight was 128 kg. With such a huge weight loss, Rosalie had a large number of excess skin. And then she decided to remove this skin with the help of plastic surgery. It was this idea that became fatal for a woman. And in 2006, when she was 63 years old, Rosalie passed away. This heroic woman is still one of the fattest women in the world, having lost such a record weight.

Rosalie's cause of death was a complication after surgery to remove excess skin.

John has always been a man of immense size. He is officially considered the fattest man on the planet, his weight is documented. He was born in 1941. The young guy, working as a taxi driver, already weighed 120 kg. Its mass was actively growing until it reached the mark of 635 kg.

John by this point could not even move in bed. To turn it over, I had to call for help about 14 people. Because of the weight, the man began to have health problems. He was hospitalized and prescribed a special diet, thanks to which he lost 215 kg. But after treatment, Johnn again began to gain weight rapidly.

Donn Minnoch died in 1983, leaving a wife and two children.

This heavyweight guy was born in 1991 and is a resident of Saudi Arabia. It was listed in the Guinness Book of Records because of its huge mass of 610 kg. Having such weight, he could not walk and move.

By order of the King of Saudi Arabia himself, in 2013, the young man was taken on a special plane to the hospital. Khalid's treatment was also paid for by Abdullah. The guy was transported by several people at once. And in order to get it from the place of residence, I had to dismantle part of the house.

At the hospital, Khalid was helped to lose about 320 kg. And now he can move around with the help of a special wheelchair. The doctors found out that the guy's overweight does not lie in the cause of nutrition.

In fact, the huge mass of Khalidu is the result of the guy's health problems. Without the operation, the young man would have simply died.

Khalidu started walking again in 2016

At the age of 22, Manuel's body weight was 130 kg. Then his weight was actively growing until it became 587 kg. The man could no longer get out of bed. The Mexican realized that something had to be changed in life. He began to turn to specialists who offered him an operation to reduce the stomach. The man refused such a procedure and began to reduce his weight with the help of a special diet. He gave up carbohydrate-rich foods and ate a lot of protein. Thus, he lost weight to 381 kg.

Also, the beloved woman of the Mexican became the reason for the sharp weight loss. She helped him do special exercises and taught dance classes. The human attitude did its job, and Manuel began to actively lose those extra pounds. His weight after special exercises and diet was 187 kg. Unfortunately, in 2014, the man died in the hospital from health problems caused by being overweight.

Love works wonders and helps to overcome any difficulties.

Another victim of fast food is a man named Patrick Dewell. His fate is not so tragic, because the man got married and is still alive. He grew up as a perfectly healthy child and almost did not suffer from excess weight. But then he began to gain sharply. The maximum weight of a man was 511 kg. Doctors refused to treat him, but in the end he found help. The man's treatment required more than $1 million, which was paid for by the hospital administration.

Patrick was hospitalized in a special car, and in order to arrange a bed for him, two beds had to be moved together. During the treatment, Patrick lost 144 kg, but he decided not to stop there and throw off another 203 kg. And he almost succeeded.

Patrick goes to the intended goal

Inspirational Myra Lisbeth Rosales

Why inspiring? Because with her result in weight loss, she inspired the whole world. For all fat people, it is Myra who is the ideal that you want to be equal to. How much did Myra weigh and what result did she manage to achieve?

This woman weighed almost 500 kg and was a hostage to her own body. Due to her extra weight, she could not even get out of bed. And her huge folds of fat were so huge that other people mistook them for pillows.

In 2008, when she was 32 years old, Myra became famous throughout the world as the fattest criminal. She took the blame for the murder of her nephew. The woman claimed that she accidentally crushed him with her weight. But later the situation cleared up, and Myra was acquitted. In fact, in this way she wanted to cover her sister, who, with severe beatings, brought the child to death.

Myra continues to eat healthy food and keeps her weight normal

After all the upheavals, Myra decided that she could no longer live such a terrible life and wants to change her life for the better. She underwent about 11 operations, constantly performed exercises, sitting on a special diet, and achieved very great results. She threw off 400 kg. And returned to normal life.

Heavyweight Egyptian Iman Ahmad Abdulati

Egyptian Iman is one of the fattest people on the planet. At 36, she weighs half a ton and has been suffering from elephantiasis for over 25 years. In February 2017, it became known that Iman could no longer live in the body of a giant. She decides to have an operation to suture her stomach. This was made possible thanks to the donations of kind people. Iman had an operation in the city of Mumbai.

In addition to reducing the stomach, she removed part of the adipose tissue. She successfully underwent surgery and lost about 100 kg. Following a special diet, she should reduce her weight by about 100 kg. Doctors also prescribed bariatric procedures for her to achieve best results.

Iman was transported to Mumbai on a specially equipped cargo plane

In fact, there are many such examples. This article describes only a part of them, and basically all fates are tragic. So think about your diet and health. And if there are problems with being overweight, then you should immediately consult a doctor so as not to get on the list of the fattest people on earth.

For the foreseeable period of history, he lived in a country where today most people have extra pounds - in the United States of America.

John Minnock is the fattest man on earth

His name was John Minnock, he was a taxi driver in the town of Bainbridge as long as his size allowed him to fit into a car. Subsequently, he left work and was constantly at home, while his weight approached the mark of 630 kilograms.

The convened council of doctors decided that the "fattest" person in the world should urgently lose weight, for which a diet of 1200 calories per day was compiled, on which John was for 2 years. This allowed him to lose weight to 216 kg. However, there were periods in his life when he again gained weight (up to 90 kg per week), so he failed to finally cope with his illness. He died in 1983 at the age of 20.

The most complete woman in the world

The "fattest" female person in the world also lived in America. The woman, whose waist was about 3 meters, was called Carol Yeager. The lady had a mass of about 544 kg with a height of 1.7 meters. They tried to help her, including eminent nutritionists, she was repeatedly sent to the hospital (each time up to 20 firefighters participated in the moving work), but, unfortunately, everything turned out to be in vain. Carol was never able to lose weight, and overweight and illness reduced her life to 34 years.

"Lucky" Urbe

Against the background of the above personalities, the "fattest" person in the world in 2007, Manuel Urbe, can be considered lucky. With a weight of more than 550 kg, he lived for more than forty years. Today, his age is close to 50 years, and the latest developments in the field of medicine have made it possible to truncate the volume of the stomach, as a result of which (and in combination with a diet) Manuel reduced his weight by two centners and even married his nurse after that.

A young generation is growing

The world can grow out of one of the children who were born in Russia. Today, two cases are known when boys aged 10 and 13 years old weighed 150 and 180 kilograms, respectively. These are Dzhambulat Khotokhov from Nalchik and Alexander Pekhteleev from Volgograd, respectively. If Sasha's weight is accompanied by a rare disease, then Dzhambulat was born an ordinary child in an ordinary family. He has three brothers with a standard mass. Today, the guy is engaged in sumo, and Russian, as well as Japanese experts, believe that he can succeed in this field.

Watch your weight and be healthy!

A photo of the "fattest" person of all time is not a very pleasant sight. Therefore, in the absence of any congenital anomalies, excess weight must be fought. This is especially true today, when the quality of food is not very high, and the mobility of people in developed countries, including Russia, is rapidly falling. In order to avoid obesity, you need to know that your own weight in kilograms divided by height squared (in meters) should not exceed 22.9 for people under the age of 25 and not exceed 25.9 for people over twenty-five years old. . Higher rates indicate excess weight, as well as various stages of obesity. Coefficients in the range of 35-36 for the respective age groups require urgent measures to reduce weight.