Morrowind red mountain.


Battle of Red Mountain

the rise and fall of the Tribunal

[The following is a recording of Lord Vivec's speech to the renegade priest Malur Omayn, who opposed Vivec, citing Ashlander lore of the Battle of Red Mountain and the prophecies of the Nerevarine, as well as to the unnamed judges of the Inquisition who participated with Vivec in interrogating the renegade priest ].

Who can clearly remember events from the distant past? But you asked me to tell in my own words the events surrounding the Battle of Red Mountain, the birth of the Tribunal and the prophecies of Nerevar reborn. That's what I can tell you.

At that time, when the Chimer just left the herds and tents of their nomadic ancestors and founded the first Great Houses, we loved the Daedra and worshiped them as gods. However, our Dwemer brethren despised the Daedra and laughed at our stupid rituals, preferring to worship Reason and Logic. Therefore, a fierce war continued between the Chimer and the Dwemer until the Nords appeared and invaded Resdain. Only then did the Chimer and Dwemer turn a blind eye to their enmity and unite to resist the invaders.

When the Nords were expelled, the Chimer general Nerevar and the Dwemer general Dumac, who had learned to appreciate and respect each other, decided to make peace between their peoples. Back then I was just Nerevar's junior advisor. Nerevar's queen Almalexia and his beloved advisor Sotha Sil had doubts about the longevity of such an agreement, given the bitter differences between the Chimer and the Dwemer, but Nerevar and Dumac managed to maintain a fragile peace through diplomacy and compromise.

This alarmed Nerevar even more, and he made a pilgrimage to Holamayan, Azura's sacred temple, and Azura confirmed that Dagoth Ur was indeed right, and the creation of the New Dwemer God must be stopped at all costs. When Nerevar returned and conveyed to us the words of the goddess, we found in them confirmation of our conclusions and again called him to war, condemning his naive belief in friendship and reminding Nerevar of his duty to protect the faith and safety of the Chimer from the godlessness and dangerous aspirations of the Dwemer.

Then Nerevar's last time went to Vvardenfell, hoping that negotiations and compromises would once again preserve peace. But this time, Nerevar and Dumac, who were friends, had a strong quarrel, and the Chimer and Dwemer started a war.

The Dwemer were well protected by the walls of their fortress on Red Mountain, but Nerevar's cunning made it possible to lure most of Dumac's army into the field and hold it there, while Nerevar himself, along with Dagoth Ur and a small detachment, secretly made their way to the Chamber of Heart. There, Nerevar, king of the Chimers, met Dumac, king of the Dwarves, and both fell exhausted from severe wounds and debilitating magic. Seeing that Dumac had fallen and Dagoth Ur and the others were advancing, Kagrenac pointed his instruments at the Heart, and then, according to Nerevar, he saw Kagrenac and all the Dwemer with him instantly disappear from sight. At that very moment, the Dwemer disappeared from everywhere without a trace. But Kagrenac's tools remained. Dagoth Ur grabbed them and took them to Nerevar, saying: “That fool Kagrenac destroyed his own people with these objects. We must destroy them immediately before they fall into the wrong hands.”

But Nerevar was determined to hold council with his queen and his generals, who had foreseen this war and whose words he no longer intended to ignore. “I will ask the Tribunal what we should do with them, for in the past they have shown wisdom that I did not have. Stay here, faithful Dagoth Ur, until I return,” so Nerevar instructed Dagoth Ur to guard the instruments and the Chamber of the Heart until his return.

Then Nerevar was carried to us, who were waiting for him on the slopes of the Red Mountain, and he told us about everything that happened under the mountain. Nerevar said that the Dwemer used special tools to make their people immortal, and that unprecedented power lurks in the Heart of Lorkhan. [Only later did we learn from other witnesses that Dagoth Ur considered the Dwemer to be dead, and not to have achieved immortality. And no one can know what really happened there.]

After listening to Nerevar, we gave the advice he asked for: “These tools should be kept under our care for the well-being of the Chimer people. Who knows if the disappearance of the Dwemer was not temporary - perhaps they were only transported to a distant dimension, from where they could one day return, bringing with them a threat to our safety. Therefore, it is necessary to preserve these instruments, study them and the principle of their operation, in order to protect ourselves from danger for future generations.”

And although Nerevar expressed serious misgivings, he decided to follow our advice, but under one condition: that we all take a solemn oath before Azura that the tools would never be used in the unholy way in which the Dwemer intended to use them. We readily agreed and, by the will of Nerevar, took solemn oaths.

Nerevar and I then returned to the depths of the Red Mountain and met with Dagoth Ur. Dagoth Ur refused to give us the tools, saying that they were dangerous and we should not touch them. HE behaved strangely, insisting that he alone should be entrusted with the tools, which made us suspect that the possession of these objects had somehow influenced him. Now I am sure that he secretly learned about the power of the tools and desired to get them for himself alone. Then Nerevar decided to take the tools by force. Somehow, Dagoth Ur and his minions managed to escape, but we captured the instruments and gave them to Sotha Sil for storage and study.

For several years we kept the oath made to Azura under Nerevar, but during this time Sotha Sil secretly studied the instruments and solved their riddle. Eventually he came to us, bringing with him a vision of a new world and its harmony, justice and honor for the nobles, health and prosperity for the common people and the Tribunal as immortal patrons and guides. Dedicated to creating this new world, we made a pilgrimage to Red Mountain and were transformed by the power of Kagrenac's tools.

And as soon as we completed the rituals and began to learn our new capabilities, the Daedric Lord Azura appeared before us and cursed us for breaking the oaths we had taken. Using the power of foresight, she foretold that her hero, Nerevar, true to his oath, would return to punish us for our treachery and ensure that never again could this unholy knowledge be used to mock the gods and oppose their will. But Sotha Sil told her: “The old gods are cruel and capricious, they are far from the fears and aspirations of the mer. Your age is gone. We are new gods, born in the flesh, familiar with and attentive to the needs of our people. Deliver us from your threats and reproaches, spirit of fickleness. We are brave and full of strength and are not afraid of you.”

And then, at that very moment, all the Chimers turned into Dunmer, and our skin became like ashes and our eyes like flames. Of course, then we could only see what happened to us, but Azura said: “This deed does not belong to me, but to you. You have chosen your fate and the fate of all your people, and all Dunmer will share this fate with you, from now until the end of time. You think you are gods, but you are blind, and there is only darkness around.” And Azura left us alone in the darkness, and we all felt fear, but we put on a brave face and emerged from the depths of Red Mountain to build the world of our dreams.

And the world we created was glorious and noble, and the faith of the Dunmer was ardent and full of gratitude. At first the Dunmer were frightened by their new appearance, but Sotha Sil turned to them and said that this was not a curse, but a blessing, a sign of their changed nature, a sign of the special favor that they would receive as New Mers, no longer barbarians, trembling before ghosts and spirits, but civilized measures, communicating directly with their immortal friends and patrons, the three faces of the Tribunal. And we were all inspired by the speech and vision of Sotha Sil, and we took heart. And over time, we introduced orders and establishments of an honest and just society, and thousands of years of peace, equality and prosperity came to Resdain, which other, savage races had not known.

But Dagoth Ur survived under the Red Mountain. And while the light of our brave new world shone ever brighter, a darkness gathered beneath the Red Mountain that was akin to the bright light that Sotha Sil had drawn from the Heart of Lorkhan with the Tools of Kagrenac. And we fought with the growing darkness, and built walls to fence it off from us, but we were not given the opportunity to destroy it, for the darkness came from the same source from which our divine inspiration came.

And so in the Morrowind of our day, reduced to the status of a subservient province of the Western Empire, as the glory of the Temple fades and the darkness of Red Mountain deepens, we are reminded of Azura and the return of her promised hero. We waited, blind and in darkness, mere shadows, having lost our flaming gaze, ashamed of our madness, fearing our sentence and hoping for our deliverance. We do not know whether the stranger who claims to fulfill the prophecies of the Nerevarine is truly our revived old comrade Nerevar, or a pawn in the hands of the Emperor, or a tool in the hands of Azura, or just a random upstart. But we insist that you respect the doctrine of the Temple and observe the boundaries separating Hierograph and Apograph, and not divulge what should not be spoken openly. Act as befits a faithful priest, remembering your vow of obedience to the canons and archcanons, and everything will be forgiven you. Resist me and you will know what it is like to fight God.

Which means "City of the Powerful Shield". District Vvardenfell located island of the same name, a huge land mass in the middle of which rises a giant volcano Red Mountain; the island is cut off from the mainland of Morrowind by the surrounding By Inland Sea . The part of the Padomayan Ocean that is located north of Vvardenfella, called Sea of ​​Ghosts.

Vvardenfell only recently was it opened for settlement and trade. Most of the population lives in the southwest and is concentrated in the ancient city of Vivec and the ancient centers of the Great Houses - Balmora (House Hlaalu), Ald'ruhn (House Redoran) and Sadrith Mora (House Telvanni).

Dominant point Vvardenfella, Red Mountain, is a huge volcano in the center of the island. The Phantom Reach, a barrier that prevents the spread of disease-causing ash clouds called Blight and prevents pestilence monsters from spreading, surrounds the outer slopes of the volcano. You can overcome it only through the Phantom Gate or fly over using levitation.

Such a weather phenomenon as ash storms is usually characteristic only Vvardenfell.

Vvardenfell Island Map

Regions of Vvardenfell

The territory of Vvardenfell can be divided into nine main geographical regions, each of which has its own vegetation, climate, and landscape.

Ascadian Islands

Ascadian Islands- the green gardens of Vvardenfell, a land of lakes and rivers, small farms and plantations. This is the valley north of Vivec. To the west are Pelagiad and Balmora, to the north are the green hills Western Highlands, to the northeast are the fetid mists and lava lakes of Molag Amur, to the east are the inaccessible cliffs of the Azura Coast. The Ascadian Islands feature small farms and huge plantations. Swamp reed, cork (an inedible root vegetable) and communica (berry bush), salt rice grow here, as well as ash yam, black anther (flower), golden canet (flower), green lichen, heather, stonewort (flower) and willow flower ( flower).

Gorky Bereg

Gorky Bereg - West Coast Vvardenfell, from Seyda Neen north to Gnaar Mok. The salt marshes and damp marshes of the area are uninhabited, with settlements located only in the convenient harbors of Gnaar Mok, Hla Oudh and Seyda Neen. The secluded caves and islands of this region, also called the Smuggler's Coast, are home to criminal trade, and frequent fogs and rains hide the small boats of trespassers from tax collectors.


Grayslands- land of green pastures. Good soil and regular rainfall here encourage grass to grow. Graylands is located in the northeast of Vvardenfell, between Ashland and the Azura Coast. The village of Vos and the towers of Tel Vos and Tel Fir are located here. Zainab's Ashlanders roam the valleys with their herds in search of new pastures. There are no roads here, but traveling across the open plains is not too difficult.

Western Highlands

Western Highlands extends from the Sea of ​​Ghosts in the northwest to Balmora, near which it passes between the Bitter Shore and Ashland. In addition to Balmora, large settlements in this area are the trading village of Gnisis, Ald'ruhn, Caldera. On the northern coast are the fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Huul. There musk (a type of flora that produces a substance with weak magical properties) grows and chokeweed and rubrush (shrubs) are collected.

Red Mountain

Red Mountain- this is famous big volcano in the very center of Vvardenfell. At its heart is the citadel of Dagoth Ur.


Raw ebonite

Raw ebonite- one of the most valuable substances in the Empire, and its largest deposits are located in Vvardenfell. Raw ebonite itself is an incredibly durable, dark purple glassy substance, according to legend the crystallized blood of the gods. Raw ebony is protected by Imperial Law, and without Imperial Permission, the extraction and export of ebony is prohibited. Ebony smuggling brings in a lot of money, but is a very dangerous criminal activity in Vvardenfell.

Raw glass

Raw glass similar to raw ebonite, but less common. This substance is milky green in color. It is not as strong, but much lighter and more elastic than ebonite. Glass is commonly used to make the elegant armor and weapons of the High Elves.


Mineral components of commercial importance in Vvardenfell include:

Ash salts- gray crystals formed from ash accumulated after ash storms in deserts and lava fields. Ash salts are often collected from the remains of creatures such as the ash slave, ash ghoul, and ash zombie.

Diamond- This is a transparent, colorless gemstone; there are diamond mines in Vvardenfell.

Emerald is a transparent green gemstone with modest magical properties.

Ruby- These are transparent red gems that are rarely found on the surface and much more often in the underground deposits of Vvardenfell.

Pearl- is not a mineral component, but is traditionally grouped with gemstones due to its stone-like appearance and visual beauty.

Food for locals

The staple food is salted rice, usually eaten as a porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food made from huge domesticated beetles). The leaves of hucklew (a very succulent edible plant) can be eaten all year round and can be eaten cooked or raw, but bitterleaf can only be eaten cooked and is very toxic in its raw form.

The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and domesticated guar meat. They also eat the meat of the nix hound. Rat meat is food for the poor and has an unpleasant aftertaste. The most popular alcoholic drinks are mazt (local beer made from fermented salted rice) and sudjamma (a strong bitter liquor).

The local population uses moon sugar and skooma produced from it as a drug.

Material used

Main areas and regions in The Elder Scrolls
Planes of Existence:

red mountain (Red Mountain), sometimes called Mount Dagoth-Ur, a large volcano that rises above the island of Vvardenfell in Morrowind. This island was named after the volcano: the original name of the red mountain was Vvardenfell, which translates from Dwemer as "City of the Strong Shield". This small isolated land is cut off from the rest of Morrowind by the remains of a giant volcanic crater.

This region is considered the most dangerous on the entire continent. In this desert, cut by deep gorges, also known as Foiades, with pools of lava, where hull-affected monsters live. The minions of Dagoth Ur, also known as the Ash Monsters, roam this land. Access to Red Mountain is limited: along the perimeter of the red mountain, the Tribunal Temple has built a Phantom Fence, a huge ghostly wall. The only way to cross it other than by levitation is to go through the ghost gate located to the south. This region is notable for the steppe that stretches to the top of the mountain, and sandstorms that fill the air and reduce visibility to just a few feet. Travelers new to Morrowind should be wary of this region, and anyone venturing into it should be very careful.

Since the loss of the Dwemer artifacts (3E 414), the Divider and the Cleaver, few have ventured across the Wraithwall. Red Mountain is largely unexplored, and no one will find accurate, up-to-date maps of the area or guides no matter where they look. Although, it is known that there are four Dwemer Citadels there, three of which are the residences of Dagoth ur, the most trusted of the Ash Vampires; and the fourth is the base and refuge of Dagoth himself. And despite the danger of these places, there are Glass and Ebony mines, which are protected by imperial guards.

During the Imperial Illusion, Jagar Tharn used the Dwemer mines as a hiding place for part of the broken Staff of Chaos. The immortal champion found the entrance to the mines by striking Gharen's hammer against Mithas's anvil, which produced a ringing sound that indicated the entrance to the mines. The hero returned the hidden part, restored the staff, only to discover that Yagar had given the energy to this part to Jewel Fire.

Foyada Mamea leads from the Phantom Gate to the Moonmoth Legion, near Balmora. An unknown foyad is moving beyond the Phantom Gate northeast of Aldrun. Just north of the gate lies the lost Dunmer fortress of the Six Houses of Kogorun. There is a secret entrance that connects it and Red Mountain. This passage is not empty and you will have to meet with many creatures in the caves of Kogorun. The Ghost Gate has a lot of supplies and information, so it's best for newbies to use this route.

Which means "City of the Powerful Shield". District Vvardenfell is located on the island of the same name, a huge land mass in the middle of which rises a giant volcano Red Mountain; the island is cut off from the mainland of Morrowind by the surrounding By Inland Sea. The part of the Padomayan Ocean that is located north of Vvardenfella, called Sea of ​​Ghosts.

Vvardenfell only recently was it opened for settlement and trade. Most of the population lives in the southwest and is concentrated in the ancient Vivec city and ancient centers Great Houses - Balmora (House of Hlaalu), Ald'ruhn ( House Redoran) And Sadrith More (House Telvanni).

Dominant point Vvardenfella, Red Mountain, is a huge volcano in the center of the island. Phantom Reach, a barrier that prevents the spread of disease-causing ash clouds called Blight and prevents settlement pestilence monsters, surrounds the outer slopes of the volcano. You can overcome it only through the Phantom Gate or fly over using levitation.

Such a weather phenomenon as ash storms is usually characteristic only Vvardenfell.

Vvardenfell Island Map

Regions of Vvardenfell

The territory of Vvardenfell can be divided into nine main geographical regions, each of which has its own vegetation, climate, and landscape.

Ascadian Islands

Ascadian Islands- the green gardens of Vvardenfell, a land of lakes and rivers, small farms and plantations. This is the valley north of Vivec. To the west are Pelagiad And Balmora, to the north are the green hills of the Western Highlands, to the northeast are the fetid mists and lava lakes of Molag Amur, to the east are the inaccessible cliffs of the Azura Coast. The Ascadian Islands feature small farms and huge plantations. Swamp reed, cork (an inedible root vegetable) and communica (berry bush), salt rice grow here, as well as ash yam, black anther (flower), golden canet (flower), green lichen, heather, stonewort (flower) and willow flower ( flower).

Gorky Bereg

Gorky Bereg- western coast of Vvardenfell, from Seyda Nin north to Gnaar Moka. The salt marshes and wet swamps of this area are uninhabited, with settlements located only in convenient harbors Gnaar Moka , Hla Ouda And Seyda Nin. The secluded caves and islands of this region, also called the Smuggler's Coast, are home to criminal trade, and frequent fog and rain hide the small boats of trespassers from tax collectors.


Grayslands- land of green pastures. Good soil and regular rainfall here encourage grass to grow. Graylands is located in the northeast of Vvardenfell, between Ashland and the Azura Coast. This is where the village is located Vos and towers Tel Vos And Tel Fir. Ashlanders The Zainab wander with their herds through the valleys in search of new pastures. There are no roads here, but traveling across the open plains is not too difficult.

Western Highlands

Western Highlands extends from the Sea of ​​Ghosts in the northwest to Balmora, near which it passes between the Bitter Shore and Ashland. In addition to Balmora, there are large settlements in the area - a trading village Gnisis , Ald'ruhn , Caldera. On the northern coast are the fishing villages of Ald Velothi and Hoole. There musk (a type of flora that produces a substance with weak magical properties) grows and chokeweed and rubrush (shrubs) are collected.

Red Mountain

Red Mountain is the famous large volcano in the very center of Vvardenfell. At its heart is the citadel of Dagoth Ur.


Raw ebonite

Raw ebonite- one of the most valuable substances in the Empire, and its largest deposits are located in Vvardenfell. Raw ebonite itself is an incredibly durable, dark purple glassy substance, according to legend the crystallized blood of the gods. Raw ebony is protected by Imperial Law, and without Imperial Permission, the extraction and export of ebony is prohibited. Ebony smuggling brings in a lot of money, but is a very dangerous criminal activity in Vvardenfell.

Raw glass

Raw glass similar to raw ebonite, but less common. This substance is milky green in color. It is not as strong, but much lighter and more elastic than ebonite. Glass is commonly used to make the elegant armor and weapons of the High Elves.


Mineral components of commercial importance in Vvardenfell include:

Ash salts- gray crystals formed from ash accumulated after ash storms in deserts and lava fields. Ash salts are often collected from the remains of creatures such as the ash slave, ash ghoul, and ash zombie.

Diamond- This is a transparent, colorless gemstone; there are diamond mines in Vvardenfell.

Emerald is a transparent green gemstone with modest magical properties.

Ruby- These are transparent red gems that are rarely found on the surface and much more often in the underground deposits of Vvardenfell.

Pearl- is not a mineral component, but is traditionally grouped with gemstones due to its stone-like appearance and visual beauty.

Food for locals

The staple food is salted rice, usually eaten as a porridge mixed with scuttle (a cheese-like food made from huge domesticated beetles). The leaves of hucklew (a very succulent edible plant) can be eaten all year round and can be eaten cooked or raw, but bitterleaf can only be eaten cooked and is very toxic in its raw form.

The most popular sources of protein are kwama eggs and domesticated guar meat. They also eat the meat of the nix hound. Rat meat is food for the poor and has an unpleasant aftertaste. The most popular alcoholic drinks are mazt (local beer made from fermented salted rice) and sudjamma (a strong bitter liquor).

The local population uses moon sugar and skooma produced from it as a drug.

Material used

Main areas and regions V The Elder Scrolls
Planes of Existence: