What happened on Imeretian Bay before the Olympics. Sochi: Olympic Park and Imereti Lowland

It has become a good tradition to celebrate Village Day every year. This holiday takes place at different times in different villages. In our farm it coincides with the end of field work, with the Day of Agriculture and Processing Industry. I think that my script will help organize such a holiday for those who are not indifferent to their village, to their small homeland.

Scenario of the holiday “Village Day”

Good afternoon, dear farmers!
Hello, dear guests of the village!
We are pleased to welcome you to our “Village Day” holiday
And at this hour - in the Indian revival
And the looks radiate a kind light.
The village celebrates its birthday
Many joyful and good years to him!
Just as any birthday is always noticed by guests, ours is no exception.
We are glad to see familiar and dear faces in the hall. May this holiday give you joy, smiles, and good mood! And we give you our songs!

Allow me to open the festive evening with the song “Indychan Girls”

There are such places in vast Russia,
What you won’t find on big maps.
In a special way, the sky there seems blue,
The cherries there have a special smell.
This is the place where you were born
Often called a province.
Only there is no more beautiful land -
He will always be the only one for us!

The song “My Motherland” is played, written by Georgy Sviridov, performed by the ensemble
I love you at any time of the year
My native unsightly farm.
And on a warm day, in any bad weather
With you my soul is always light.
The familiar birch tree nods to me,
And I answered her “Hello!” I say
How good I feel, how simple it is in Russian
Live in my bright, gentle land.

And I want to believe that our farm was born under a happy constellation that protects us long years. And every star in this constellation is each of us, residents of the village! Today we will name these stars in your honor!
And we rightfully dedicate the first star to the head of our settlement, V.I. Miroshnikov.
Vladimir Ivanovich, you have the floor!

Song “Rowan Edge”, translation by N. Kadysheva. Performed by an ensemble.
Yes, there are different bosses,
But we can say frankly:
Without them, all the work would go sour
And she would be stunned instantly.
She won't get better
Without their business spirit.
And if the authorities try -
Then profits will triple!

We name the star “Glory to the Grain Growers” ​​in honor of the workers of arable land and fields. Congratulations and invite to the stage the most important star in this beautiful constellation - Semisinova A.A.

Dear grain growers!
You can handle all the secrets of the craft,
You serve your land honestly -
Guardians Russian village,
Our congratulations and songs to you.

Dance "Kalinka"

The old legend says,
When a person is born,
The star in the sky will light up,
To shine for him all his life.
This year there is a new addition to our friendly family! A wonderful baby was born, which means a new star has lit up in our constellation: and her name is Kirill Igorevich Krivonosov

We invite the parents of a newborn and their baby to this stage.

Dear baby!
Let your star shine
At least - up to a hundred years,
May happiness surround your home,
May there always be joy in him!

Song “I love him too” Words and music by Irina Dubtsova.

October 2 was World Older Persons Day. Our sincere congratulations to all our fellow villagers who already have rich life experience and have gone through many life trials. Many years to you, our dear and respected senior comrades. May the sky above you be peaceful and your health remain strong. We address special words and heartfelt congratulations to Tatyana Vasilievna Bondareva, as she sets us an example of longevity.
The floor for congratulations goes to M.P. Ovsyannikov.

Happy holiday, and accept it as a gift
Song “Curtains” from the movie “Matchmakers”, author Mikhail Maksimov
Just recently the whole country celebrated professional holiday education workers. As long as there is a school in the village, that means living in the village! Despite the fact that our school is small, from its walls came people who became professionals in education, medicine, science, who valiantly serve in the Russian army, and work in ministries and departments.
There is only one school in the village,
It’s like the moon in the night.
School is a golden ray,
School is our home.
School is a star
To always shine for us.

Today, we light the star “Learning is Light” in honor of the teaching staff of the Kuibyshev basic secondary school
Dear Colleagues! Without your love, filled with radiant light, without your faith in your work, the school would not have risen so high in its achievements. It is you who, with the fire of your soul, ignite a spark of knowledge in our children, teach patience, kindness, and curiosity.
For diligent service
Before, now, again and again
You have honor and respect,
Gratitude and love!

A musical gift for you!
Song “City of Big Lights”, lyrics by I. Sekachev, music by D. Koldun. Performed by Kalanchin D.
Since ancient times, as legends say, -
Love was sacred
But it’s all the more sacred millions of times,
If the family managed to save her!
Of all human relationships, family is the oldest and greatest. Loyalty, love, raising children - serve as the most durable laws of all human good!

Round dance with scarves.
The song “What Lady Is Missing”, author Katerina Galitsyna - performed by Semisinova A.
Life in a family is not only love, but also complete mutual understanding and mutual assistance. On this day I would like to congratulate couples who have been walking hand in hand for many years, through thick and thin, in sickness and in health.
We sincerely congratulate the silver jubilees. It’s fitting to call our autumn today not golden, but silver, because 4 married couples celebrated this glorious anniversary this fall. We sincerely congratulate you and invite you to the stage:
The married couple - Vladimir Ivanovich Miroshnikov and Margarita Vasilievna, who got married on August 26, 1989,
Chernukhins Alexander Sergeevich and Lyubov Vasilievna, who got married on September 2, 1989,
On September 18, 1989, the Kalyuzhny family of Nikolai Vasilyevich and Anna Nikolaevna was born,
And the wedding season of 1989 ended with the Bondarevs Sergei Mikhailovich and Svetlana Vasilievna, to whom they shouted BITTERLY on September 30th.
We invite you to the stage...

We wish you happiness and health!
We wish you cheerfulness and strength!
So that every day of ordinary life
He only brought you joy.
We name the star “Devotion” in your honor, silver jubilees, and give you a song!

Song “Silver Weddings”, music by Pavel Aedonitsky, lyrics by Ekaterina Sheveleva
Dance “Modern Rhythms”

This year our fellow villagers formed new families. Tanya Miroshnikova changed her last name to Gladush, Liza Tsvirkunova became Rubleva.
Today Vladimir Babichev and his chosen one Yulia were legally married.
Tearing off the petals of daisies,
When you really wanted a sip of happiness,
The girl was waiting for what she would say
"Loves!" her last petal...

And wandering through the deserted streets,
Looking at the moon with bated breath,
The guy thought with wormwood bitterness,
If he says no, I'll go crazy...
Only the cunning stars blinked,
The Universe told them a secret:
Loves! Loves! Loves! - they knew.
Yes! Yes! Yes! - the only answer.

And today, dear ones, all the wishes
Your ardent trembling hearts
Instantly shone like a diamond edge
Wedding gold rings.
So kiss under the sun of happiness!
Even if sadness rains down,
I wish you a kiss too!
Kissing in the morning, at night, during the day...

We wish you everything from the bottom of our hearts
So that your share is enviable,
So that there are no problems and adversities in life,
Let your eyes laugh forever,
Let it always be above you, not a day or a year
These bright angels are flying.

The song "I Met a Rose", Russian folk song.
I looked through the open door -
There the candle was quietly burning out,
The icon hung above her -
The prayer sounded quietly.

The mother bent over the candle,
There was anxiety in his gaze,
And my lips are tired of whispering
Asking God for forgiveness.

So that the son returns home,
And the bullets didn’t hit him.
So that the days of the coming spring
They warmed both my soul and my heart.

Mothers! Your feat is rarely appreciated by awards! But you deserve the highest honors! You fulfill your duty to the Motherland by accompanying your sons to the army.
We proudly pronounce the names of the guys who today serve in the ranks of the Russian Army. This:
Pokhozhaev Viktor Eduardovich
Litvinov Maxim Yurievich
Today we thank the parents of our defenders “for the excellent upbringing of their sons.”
And we dedicate the star “Valor” to soldiers and their mothers.
Thank you guys for being you.
What is most important in life is a soldier's honor
For the fact that you protect the world and sleep
Crimson ringing for ancient cathedrals!
Thank you guys for the joy of children,
We wish to have only reliable friends
We sincerely love you and are waiting for you to come home
Defender of the Fatherland - warrior, hero!

Song “Ships” The author of the music is Dmitry Koldun. The author of the words is I. Sekacheva, performed by A. Radchenkov.
The health of our “big family” is vigilantly monitored by Elena Vladimirovna Bondareva and Tatyana Grigorievna Mukha, who try their best to ensure that the citizens of our settlement undergo medical examinations on time, receive vaccinations, and rush to help in difficult times. In your honor, dear doctors, who recently celebrated their professional holiday, we light the “Health” star
You are like a fairy - modest and airy.
You bring peace and love to the world
And you will not remain indifferent,
You will quickly relieve anxiety and pain.

In your tender, caring palms
Everyone is recovering faster.
There is less pain and grief.
It’s not for nothing that they call you a nurse!

Song “My Beloved” by A. Semin-Osipova, from the movie “While the village is sleeping”
Letter to my daughter...
I'm very tired, my blood pressure is going up,
And it began to rain outside.
The doctor will come soon, maybe he’ll prescribe some drops,
Well, in general, everything is fine...

How are you, daughter, now?
You rarely write to me,
Apparently you don't have time...
It began to rain more.
Drumming on the roof.
Forgive me if anything happens, I love...

Don't scold me for calls and ridiculous letters,
There is simply no one else to write to.
I understand myself, sometimes there is no point
But I miss you again...

The forecast is for rain...
Nothing can be done, autumn...
As always, you won’t go anywhere….
If anything, forgive me, I miss you very much...
Everything will happen in time, daughter, you will understand...

In any weather, people with heavy bags on their shoulders rush to hand us such letters and a variety of them. They deliver newspapers on time, happily hand over pensions to those who have earned them over a long life, and for some reason they always try to leave as quickly as possible... probably because in many households they are eagerly awaited. Dear post office workers! Please accept our most sincere congratulations and wishes for good weather. Pleasant letters and telegrams that bring joy to your customers. Happiness to you, health, you- welcome guests in every house.
Today we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
All of you, our dear postmen.
You get pennies for your work,
We wish you millions!
Let the blizzard crackle with frost,
Let the thunder rumble outside the window with rain -
But the postman hurries to the house with news,
To please with good news.
Let them hang medals on your chest,
They will mark you all with the highest test!
Thank you, postal country,
Your work deserves special praise!

Dance "Flashmob"

The level of well-being of our people can be judged by how large the range of goods on the shelves of our stores is. And he is huge! And this is the greatest merit of those who stand behind the counter. And the people who work for us are people who are not indifferent, attentive, and who love their job. They will offer goods, and listen to wishes, and fulfill orders, and bring beauty near retail outlets!
Dear girls!
You fully deserve words of sincere gratitude for your hard work. Because working with people is the most responsible and difficult. And I know firsthand how your legs ache at the end of the working day.
Happy holiday. Please accept my most sincere congratulations and wishes for good earnings, fewer audits, understanding commissions, health and family well-being!

Trade and sell -
Not an easy task
Let in all your affairs
Good luck to you!
May you be healthy
For another two hundred years,
So that you are always with your loved ones
We lived together together!

For the profit to flow online,
Happiness is above the roof,
And hello our dear
you can hear it now!

Friends! There are a huge number of holidays in our lives, and not one of them is complete without cultural workers.

Odes and sonnets are not written about you,
And they don’t compose songs in your honor.
Maybe the poets didn't hear
What in the world is a cultural worker?
The artists don’t stand on the caturs,
To sing great deeds
A humble cultural worker,
An important village worker.
However, not for the line in the verse,
Not for gratitude from “the person”.
They just know exactly what the answer is
For human souls and hearts.
We dedicate the “Inspiration” star to the workers of the cultural center
and to all participants in amateur performances.

Song “Where to tell”, authors A. Borovykh, A. Kostyuk
In the land where the nightingales never stop talking,
They sing out their trills under the moon,
In spring the bird cherry trees make it boil
Indychiy is my dear little village.
In a quiet corner of my neighborhood
Your cherished dreams will come true.
After a white poplar blizzard
Your favorite flowers will bloom.
Round dance of birch trees at the edge,
There are orderly rows of lush pine trees.
I’ll ask the cuckoo, like in childhood:
"Don't cuckoo, cuckoo, I'm in trouble."
The river is so majestic
Its waves flow blue.
Honey aroma is braided
Meadow grass in lace.
The echoes of centuries are dull and strange,
I peer into the river expanse:
Whitefish are swimming along the river again,
And a choir is heard of ancient songs.
And I don’t need a more beautiful fate,
I saw distant edges.
You are my hope and joy,
My little homeland.
Dear friends! Look at the bright constellations shining above our beloved village, illuminating the stellar path of creation of our beloved outback.
Every year our farm becomes more and more beautiful and cozy. The streets are filled with flowers, the windows of well-kept houses smile at passers-by. To sum up the results of the competition for the best farmstead, the floor is given to V.I. Miroshnikov.

The “Improvement” star is lit in honor of the family farmstead of the Radchenkovs, Ivan Ivanovich and Tamara Ivanovna.
From a pure heart with an open soul
Today we wish you a great life
May there be health, happiness, and joy!
May the years fly by and not be a burden!
Song “And in the village...”, Ukrainian folk song

In the steppe covered with mortal dust,
A man sat and cried
And the creator of the universe walked by
Stopping he said:
I am a friend of the downtrodden and the poor,
I take care of all the poor,
I know many cherished words,
I am your God - I can do anything
Your sad appearance saddens me
What trouble are you pressed against?
And the man said:
I am Russian!
And God wept with him.

YES! We are Russians. We are villagers. And this is not an easy fate. We have special status, we have a responsible mission on earth - to feed people, to love the earth...
Kind, wonderful people
He lives here in his small homeland.
No, God did not offend us with fate,
responsible for everything that is and will be.
Holy pull of the earth
We feel it with every cell of our hearts.

Who else knows how to work like this?
How is a Russian rural person?
Someone will say: until the seventh sweat.
Or rather, his entire earthly age.
Who else knows how to live so peacefully?
The community, your big family?
In my opinion there is no need to explain:
Our man is rural and simple.

Song “To the Meadow Lands”, folk song

The joy of today was shared with you by the workers of the SDK, participants in amateur performances, and students of the Kuibyshev school.

Bow to you, kind, bright people - workers!
Peace and happiness on earth!

village day

The SCC is festively decorated with flowers, a garland of balloons, the inscription “Village Day”, music sounds, the presenters take the stage.

Presenter1. Today the holiday enters every home,

And joy comes to people with him boldly,

We congratulate everyone on a happy day,

Happy Birthday to the villages leading the way!

Presenter 2. Among the birches and fields there is a village where you and I grew up with friends.

I walked here barefoot on the dewy grass,

Here for the first time they said the word “mother”, which is dearer to me,

I love every corner here, it will warm my soul!

Presenter1. Dear fellow villagers! Every person and city has a birthday, and so does our village. And today we came to this holiday to rejoice, be proud and congratulate each other! Village Day is our holiday - our dearest and dearest. Let it become the brightest, most joyful and most festive in your life!

Presenter 2. Today is the village’s birthday.

This is the most joyful of days,

Let my simple congratulations

The village will also become your joy!

Presenter1. The floor for congratulations and awards is given to N.N. Barysheva. - Chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Housing and Communal Services of the Assembly of Deputies of the BMO. By resolution of the head of the BIS dated September 27. 20.. of the year No. 212 about awarding the Certificate of Honor.... (under the carcass, certificates, gratitude and flowers are awarded to the best fellow villagers)

Presenter2. Dear fellow villagers, school students have come to congratulate you. You are ready, we give you the floor.

Student. Well, the head of the BIS congratulated us, she didn’t leave us aside, now it’s our turn, let’s start with congratulations, Masha! (speech by schoolchildren, ending with the song “My Favorite Land”)

Presenter 1. Favorite land! The heart dreams of stacks of sun in the waters of the bosom.

I would like to get lost in your hundred-ringing greenery! Dear fellow villagers, Valentina Yambulatova sings “Corner of Russia” for you.

Presenter 2. And let’s remember, dear residents and guests of the village, how it all began, how our village was formed, everything happened for the first time and again... (demonstration from an overhead projector of slides of the presentation “My Native Village.”)

Presenter 1. This is such an interesting and unusual fate for our village. Just like the fate of our villagers. Many survived the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, fought on the fronts and returned home. This is Konnov F.M., Glazkov A.M. Zhdanov P.V., Starkov E.I., Podshivalov P.I., Kudashev A.S. others (Svechkov N.I., Tochilkina L.P., Fedorov V.S., Gorbunov V.F., participated in the development of virgin lands, in the construction of a new state farm life.

Presenter 2. (Reads the words to the music). Years passed, the village grew, developed, became better every day, and was replenished with new residents. Today the village has a population of 1,033 people. This year 4 new families were born in our village. In the category “Youngest Married Couple” the prize is awarded to the Muhometzyanov family, spouses Galina and Farid.

(a prize is presented, congratulations)

Presenter 1. The floor for congratulations is given to V.A. Solovyov, candidate for deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma. (congratulation). Dear fellow villagers, for you the dance “Merry Company” performed by the dance group “Rodnichok”.

Presenter 2. Let them tell me that there is the edges others, That there is another beauty in the world, And I love my dear places - My dear dear places! Everyone has their own small Motherland. For us, this is Novopolevodino, the place where we spent our barefoot childhood, where many of us met our first love. This musical gift “This is Love” performed by R. Kinzhigarinov sounds for all village residents and guests.

Presenter 1. We continue to honor the residents. In the nomination for the youngest baby, the prize is awarded to the Davydov family. They had their first child, a girl, Diana.

Your baby was born, another person appeared in the village. He will grow up sweet and gentle,

Let happiness be boundless! A special thank you to mom for the week-long stay. For your family the song "Baby" performed by

Presenter 2. Alexey Fedorovich Nikiforov is awarded in the category of old-timers of our village. Dear A.F.! We wish you a life without boredom, a happy, friendly family, We wish you to live until the day when all your grandchildren congratulate you on your diamond wedding! (a gift is presented, congratulations)

Volkova L.I. gives the floor for congratulations. -Head of Novopaolevodinsky Municipal entity. (congratulations, rewarding active residents)

Presenter 1. We wish our fellow villagers happiness and warmth, husbands, good friends and kindness,

Great hopes, drunken feasts, pleasant meetings and kind words.

We wish you success in everything, in love - happy days to the fullest, and on this day of fun, laughter, in all matters - no fluff, no feather!

Presenter 2. The next number of our program, dear gentlemen and ladies! We offer the concert, we wish you a pleasant time! (the following is a festive concert program for Village Day).

IN modern world For many, life in villages or towns is associated with an old rickety fence near an old house with a fallen roof or on a narrow village street. What if, instead, you just imagine a cozy mansion, which is immersed in bright colors in spring and summer, and lulled in winter by the lukewarm sound of firewood crackling in the fireplace?

The modern village today has all the opportunities for a cozy and comfortable stay. Such living is not at all different from urban living, and often exceeds it. Your own huge, modern house with a spacious terrace is fully equipped with all the latest technology, a backyard, a garden with an area for pleasant relaxation and entertainment - this is an absolute guarantee of living in peace, which is not found in the bustle of the city.

Life in the countryside is a completely different way of life from the city, with its own rules and habits. That is why the scenario for the day of the village should be written primarily taking into account these features.

Since the ancient Russian period, a lot of attention has always been paid to holidays. They personified preparation for the new, attracting prosperity and security in every home, as well as the wealth of the harvest and good weather. Nowadays, the holiday has acquired an additional meaning: a reason to relax, get positive and take part in folk festivities.

However, “Village Day” is a special type of event. It is celebrated as a tribute to the place of residence, acceptance of its characteristics, as well as gratitude for a calm and peaceful life. That is why it is especially worth celebrating.

What parts should the event consist of?

The village's birthday will be successful if all conditions are met, and the features of such an event are taken into account. So, it involves the execution of three main parts:

  1. Preliminary. It includes:
  2. Name of the topic, indication of the main goals, as well as a description of the participants.
  3. Schedule of main events.
  4. A detailed description of all parts of the holiday with a brief listing of spectators, guests and actors.
  5. Working with literary sources.
  6. Drawing up a scenario plan.
  7. Production and acquisition of improvised means and additional materials.
  8. Selection of key participants.
  9. Purchasing and preparing rewards for winners.
  10. Preparing the venue for the holiday, calculating the start and end time.
  11. Discussion of agreements by the head of the village - this should include the entire village administration.

Correction part. It includes the following additional elements:

  1. Checking the functionality of all equipment and technical supplies.
  2. Distribution and playing out roles with the main participants.
  3. Reproduction of announcements about the event through all types of media.
  4. Sending out invitations and visiting all villagers.

Main part. It includes, directly, preparation for the event:

  1. Decoration of a place for a village holiday.
  2. Arrangement of technical support.
  3. The event itself is according to the plan included in the script of the concert program for the village day.
  4. Summing up the results of the event.
  5. Drawing up manuals.
  6. Introducing the results of the event to the masses.

Doing all the parts listed above will help make the event memorable!

Basic requirements for the name, main idea and script:

These three components are the basis of any holiday. Their correct distribution, composition and performance is the result of the correct holding of a spectacular and long-lastingly memorable event.

The name is a reflection of the main idea of ​​the celebration. The village day scenario in a rural settlement should fully comply with this idea. In addition, it should be reflected in the invitations, which will later be sent out among the guests. Thus, the title should reflect:

  1. Venue of the holiday. For example, the title may read: “Village Day on such and such a street” or in such and such a building.
  2. Purpose of the event. For example, this could be a phrase such as: “The Birth of our Motherland” or “The Birthday of the Village.”
  3. How would this happen. The title indicates: “Walk” or “Festive Concert”.

The main idea of ​​the holiday is the name itself and a brief summary of the entire course of the holiday: preparation, use of additional details, etc. It can be very diverse - depending on the wishes of the organizers themselves, or on what the village administration wants to see.

After the main idea has been drawn up and approved by the authorities from above, you can begin to write a script for a village day in a rural settlement. It should include everything from welcoming guests to holding competitions, celebrations and concerts. Here the following details must be taken into account:

  1. Presenter's outfit. A full description is the key to 100% transmission of the main idea to the organizers.
  2. Service staff clothing. Ideally, it will be fully consistent with the spirit of the event.
  3. Decoration of the hall and the area surrounding the building. All invitees should see the venue of the holiday from afar.
  4. Preparing packaging and gifts for guests.
  5. Drawing up a sequence of concert performances.
  6. Composing the names of dishes and drinks. It is recommended to prepare sufficient quantities of them in advance to avoid frantic shopping around on the eve of the event.

Script writing work

When a script needs to be drawn up for a village holiday, preliminary work should be done with the material. However, in order for it to turn out in accordance with the rules and at the same time interesting, a number of conditions must be met:

Study of sources. The following series of conditions must be met:

  1. There should not be enough literature. The optimal number is 4, as this will allow the topic to be revealed as much as possible.
  2. The material must be processed carefully. You should only select what is one hundred percent consistent with the idea of ​​the event.
  3. It is required to work carefully with the literature of the Soviet period. The presence of the leaders of the proletariat mentioning Marx and Engels is unlikely to be appreciated by the guests of the holiday.

The main idea of ​​the script. Being the basis of the entire holiday, it should help in fully writing the event plan. This is a kind of skeleton on which other facts and pictures are built up.

When the village day scenario in a rural settlement has acquired its concept, you can move on to compiling a short list of the stages of the entire event. It consists of content that includes the following points:

  1. General plan of the event.
  2. A brief summary of the entire course of action.
  3. List of used sources.

Along with drawing up the content, you should also take a responsible approach to preparing the script on paper. On the title page it is written:

  1. Name of the organizing company.
  2. Scenario name. Not only the name itself must be indicated, but also the type of holiday: a festive concert or festivities.
  3. Indication of the author's initials. Complete data must be written: last name, first name and patronymic.
  4. Date of preparation of the event plan.

When compiling the main part, the following sequence should be present:

  1. Name of the event.
  2. What form does it belong to?
  3. Name.
  4. What category of people is it intended for?
  5. Organizers.
  6. Materials and techniques used.
  7. Basic plan for the event.

Correct script writing

  1. Lack of specifics. Generalized sentences should be used more often: the village holiday script should be compiled in such a way that, in the future, it can be used in other rural areas.
  2. The use of literary techniques is allowed. Phraseologisms and additional words can be used as them.

As for the stylistic requirements, they should be as follows:

  1. Composition and brevity. If poems are written about the village, they should not be too long so that the guests do not get bored. If there is some kind of scene, then without numerous descriptions and dialogues.
  2. The presence of logic, coherence and consistency. You cannot write a script in which, for example, first there is a talk about congratulations, and then - abruptly - a scene and fireworks. The original event plan should be carefully adhered to.
  3. Absence of clichés and complete retelling. No matter how interesting the sketch in the manual is, you should add something of your own to it. Otherwise, there may be such unpleasant situations as filing a lawsuit for copyright infringement. It is also not recommended to use stamps.
  4. The presence of meaningfulness and rational grain. Every viewer present at the event should learn something for themselves and take something new away from it.

Requirements for style, design and gifts

The presence of style is an indispensable attribute of all events. It is this that often turns out to be the main component of the overall theme of the holiday. It is important that the style is present in everything: in the clothing of guests, staff and presenters, as well as in the design of the site where the festive concert and all other events will take place.

In addition, the style should be reflected in memorable gifts for guests. Thus, two problems are solved at once:

  1. Guests receive a lot of positivity and joy from owning a gift.
  2. The organizers notify the entire village and beyond.

As for the design, it must fully comply with the main idea of ​​the event. To make congratulations on Village Day as effective as possible, it is recommended to arrange some kind of photo collage describing the main milestones of history or arrange something in accordance with the customs or signs of the rural area. In addition, there must be balls at the entrance.

Preparing for the meeting of invitees

All holiday festivities begin with a meeting of the invited people. This, of course, is the shortest part of the entire event, however, it determines how successfully the entire holiday will go.

It is recommended to pay attention to the techniques for the meeting. It could be a clown at the entrance giving away some funny trinket. Or you can come up with a person in national clothes, who gives out funny or stylistic ribbons to everyone. All this is necessary to create the appropriate mood for everyone and the general atmosphere of the holiday - in general. In addition, you should select greeters who skillfully navigate their approach to each person: all people are different, and what one person likes, another may not like.

Carrying out the main part of the holiday

To make the village day scenario interesting, you need to pay attention to absolutely all parts of the holiday. One of them is the main part of the holiday. At it, usually, the host of the event introduces the participants and also conducts the award ceremony.

This part should be carefully considered. It is recommended to avoid lengthy speeches and plan the time for it in advance. So, if the head of the district administration goes first and is used to talking a lot, then it is recommended to take a cheerful pause after him. This way, guests will remain in a good mood and relaxed.

An important element is the involvement of children or animals. So, when introducing the next member of the administration, you can use the presence of a child who will announce the exit of the participant. Or, when opening a building during a holiday, you can use the cat to be the first to enter the door or the dog to chew through the ribbon.

Correct selection of presenters

Not a single holiday can do without an experienced presenter who is able to adapt to any mood of the audience. It is advisable if this is a person from the same village, who is well acquainted not only with the customs and characteristics of his homeland, but also with its inhabitants. Along with this, the event host must have the following advantages:

  1. Excellent diction. The holiday will be much more fun and interesting if the presenter speaks not only cheerfully, but also understandably for everyone.
  2. The ability to find a way out of any situation. In the event of a breakdown of scenery or technical equipment, this person must promptly divert the public's attention to something else - until the problem is repaired and eliminated. In the same way, he must be able to maintain constant interest and intrigue among guests and invitees.
  3. Pleasant appearance. So that the same head of the village council does not blush because of the appearance of the presenter, you should select someone who knows how to dress beautifully and has pretty facial features.

In general, the ability to find a way out of any situation is an important advantage of every professional presenter. And there are different cases: the guest is drunk, the absence of an important person, the loss of valuable prizes or awards, and much more.

But what to do if there is no such talent in the village? In this case, you should hire a TV presenter or radio station. They have extensive experience in organizing large-scale celebrations: they brilliantly recite poems about the village, and also tell many funny incidents that will certainly make the audience laugh. And besides, such professionals will easily find a way out of any incident.

Preparing for the feast

After the administration expresses congratulations on the village day, and all the guests and invitees arrive, a mass feast begins. Usually these are huge tables filled with various delicious dishes, fruits and sweets. And here the most important thing is to choose the right menu.

It should contain the general style of the holiday, as well as ease of preparation: not all guests can benefit from this or that product. Therefore, it is better to cook the dishes that residents are accustomed to. And, of course, the menu should contain elements of the holiday: it could be an image of a village in a cake or land in a salad. By applying these simple tips, you can always make your holiday memorable.

Photographer's invitation

Absolutely every holiday consists of three blocks: the ceremonial part, the festivities and photography. The first two parts have already been discussed above. As for the third block, here too there are some peculiarities and nuances.

An experienced photographer should be invited to the Village Day holiday. He must have the following skills:

  1. Find the most successful shots. It is not necessary to take photographs at the table. Can be used various places and situations: during a dance, near trees, and so on.
  2. Be able to adapt to the wishes of the public. If she wants to take a photo of herself in front of the lake, then that’s the photo she should take.
  3. Be able to navigate in any situations. If a tipsy guest does not want to fit into the frame, then he should be carefully excluded or, if this is an important guest, prepared for capture on film.

This person will have to be present throughout the holiday, regularly capturing the main milestones of the historical event. In this regard, the photographer must be hardy, resistant to alcohol and have a pleasant appearance.

The final part of the event

Along with holding a ceremonial part, walking, feasting and photographing, the event should include fireworks or any memorable action.

When deciding to organize a fireworks display, preliminary work should be done. It includes:

  1. Preparation of props. It should be purchased in bulk - it is cheaper and completely eliminates the presence of defects. However, it would be a good idea to conduct a preliminary check of fireworks.
  2. Preparing the site. It must be presented to him special conditions: complete fenced off from the place of celebration; compliance with safety regulations.
  3. Involvement of pyrotechnicians. They should be specially trained people with experience working with fireworks.
  4. Involvement of ambulances and firefighters. Despite preliminary work, situations such as fire cannot be completely excluded. This, in turn, entails sacrifices. The presence of services will help them, if not completely eliminate them, then minimize them as much as possible.

At the end of the fireworks, the end of the event and the safe exit of the public should be properly organized. It would be useful to involve law enforcement agencies to remove troublemakers from the site or building.

On August 19 in Preobrazhenye, Village Day was celebrated on a grand scale. According to the established good tradition, it coincides with the Apple Savior - a throne celebration. It has been celebrated here since ancient times brightly, widely and cheerfully. It was the same this time: both the villagers and the guests had a great time.

Lines of cars from all over the area drove up to the festival site until late in the evening. First, numerous spectators gathered in improvised areas in front of the village administration and the House of Culture. There are shopping tents, inflatable trampolines, a shooting gallery, and a carousel. Children could go on rides, and adults could taste aromatic kebab and spicy pie. And wherever you look: happy faces of people, distracted for one day from the constant rural worries illuminated by rays bright sun and friendly smiles. Well, the female half, of course, did not miss the opportunity to demonstrate the beautiful dresses and suits prepared for the occasion.

By two o'clock the celebration moved to the rural House of Culture, where, as they say, there was nowhere for an apple to fall: there were not enough seats, they even had to set up benches, and some even had to stand and dance.

Today we celebrate Village Day - our most long-awaited holiday,” said the head of the settlement, Gennady Nikulnikov, in his welcoming speech. - After all, the place where a person was born and raised is the most precious on earth. Love for him unites people of different generations. Our Preobrazhenye is a wonderful village, with its wonderful traditions, with its history, outstanding fellow countrymen, labor achievements, and most importantly - with you - its residents, thanks to whom it becomes more modern, more beautiful and more comfortable. May today's celebration bring everyone a good mood, joy and smiles, happy children's laughter and the joy of communicating with friends. With all my heart I wish you goodness, peace and happiness!

On this day, Preobrazhensk traditionally honors people who have worked gloriously for the good of their region. Many kind and warm words were addressed to them. The best of the best went up to the stage, where they received memorable gifts in a solemn atmosphere. Among the recipients are long-livers who have crossed the 95-year mark of life - M. P. Osipova and M. I. Zakharov, leaders in production: milkmaid O. V. Stakhanova, machine operator V. A. Baibakov, specialist S. A. Pertsev and driver V. A. Ziborov; workers in the service sector and education: teachers V. A. Kruglykh and E. A. Nikulnikova, head. post office L. S. Ziborova, cook A. A. Akbarova, seller T. A. Shestakova, rural administration specialist L. N. Shchedrina, cultural worker O. E. Belokopytova and a permanent participant in amateur performances S. A. Ledenev. The villagers greeted the Marakhovs Varvara Sergeevna and Vasily Vasilyevich, who lived in love and harmony for 50 years, with friendly applause. We have not forgotten those who are celebrating Silver Weddings this year, as well as newlyweds, young parents, newborns and the winners of the “House of Exemplary Maintenance” competition. “Whoever works well should have a good rest,” the village leadership decided and organized such a large-scale celebration for the villagers. After all, the main asset of any settlement is its people, and glorious workers live in Preobrazhenye, so the head of the village administration tried not to ignore anyone.

The award ceremony was accompanied by concert performances from the district House of Culture: soulful lyrical songs intertwined with cheerful, incendiary dance rhythms. The higher the mood rose, the more active the audience became, who really enjoyed the performances of the artists, and the stormy and prolonged applause was proof of this.

The Moscow ensemble “Uslada”, laureate of the “Sholokhov Spring” festival, also came to congratulate the Preobrazhensky residents and their guests on the wonderful holiday. Its soloists - Elena Sharova and Olga Akulova - performed Russian folk songs, songs from the repertoire of Nadezhda Kadysheva and other famous performers in modern arrangements, causinga warm response in the hearts of listeners.Not only people of the older generation, but also their children and grandchildren sang and danced along to the timeless chords of beautiful music.

For two and a half hours, residents were able to enjoy the wonderful performance of regional and Moscow artists, and then everyone was invited to sports competitions in weight lifting (the winner is N. Melnikov - the head of the Chernavsky settlement) and tug of war. And so the whole day: one event was replaced by another. Until late in the evening, music sounded in the center of the village, the concert was replaced by a disco and a performance by S. Tinyakov and G. Vyskochkov, and the final chords of the final song were drowned out festive fireworks. Young people stayed for the disco, while older people lined up in a long line to go home. The holiday is over, and with dawn workdays will begin again: a summer day, as you know, feeds the year. This means you can’t miss a single nice day.


(based on the holiday script)

Over the past decades, our Pakshenga has changed a lot. New residents have appeared, life has changed, new houses have been built, the old bakery building is being restored, and the Church of St. Matrona of Moscow has grown in the center, in the construction of which many fellow villagers are taking part.

Participants and veterans of the Great Patriotic War, many honorary residents who previously lived and worked on our land, have left us forever. A younger generation is growing up, to whom Pakshenga has also become dear and beloved.

Since ancient times, village festivals have been held in the middle of summer. Once upon a time it was the throne - Peter and Paul, later - the Day of Songs, now it is the Day of the Village, to which guests are invited and their village is glorified.

This year 2015, Village Day was held on Saturday, July 18th. The beginning of the holiday was announced bell ringing. The doors of the temple were open, and all Orthodox Christians who wished could venerate the Holy Matronushka, light candles, and make donations for the construction and improvement of the temple.

According to ancient custom, guests were greeted with bread and salt. Beautiful girl in national dress she walked around the rows of spectators and treated everyone to a ruddy loaf.

Zenovskaya Alina

The concert was opened by the director of the local House of Culture, Maria Pavlovna Shilovskaya, and the vocal group “Biryuza” with the song “Roads of Russia”.

Valentina Valerievna Vishnyakova spoke from the Pakshenga rural administration and congratulated her fellow villagers.

Local poets, Vera Alexandrovna Ryzhenkova and Sergei Alexandrovich Priluchny, read their poems, which reflect their love for their native village and its inhabitants. Our bard, Vladimir Nikolaevich Tretyakov, sang a song about school life, his home school and his favorite teachers.

The dance group “Madam” performed the dance “Quadrille from the Stove.” Beautiful young ladies in beautiful costumes performed a fiery dance.

Borovskaya Marina, Gorbunova Tatyana, Priluchnaya Irina, Gorbunova Elena

This year is the anniversary of the Pakshenga House of Culture! Exactly 40 years ago its doors opened for the first time! Creative people with enthusiasm and sparkle have worked here and are still working here. Everyone who comes to the House of Culture finds here understanding, kind attitude, participation and attention. A lot of cultural and mass work is carried out by workers of the cultural center. The village residents gave a very warm welcome to the singer and artist Olga Petrovna Gorbunova, who for many years was the leader and organizer of all village events.

2015 turned out to be a very fruitful year for anniversaries. More than 50 people (only over 40 years old) in Pakshenga and Shoksha were included in this honorary list. Traditionally, the Veterans Council collectively visits and congratulates each hero of the day. No one is left without attention, this is especially appreciated by elderly and lonely people.

Anniversary is a wonderful date!

Whether the time will be short or long -

Life is so good and so rich

And he doesn’t ask for anything as collateral!

Accept her gifts with all your heart,

Accept gifts from the heart!

Happiness and goodness, bright successes!

And may there be eternal May in love!

Pakshenga is a heavenly, dear corner, which is popularly called “The Kingdom of the Seven Winds”. And on this holiday, residents are congratulated and given gifts. There is a special attitude towards teachers in the villages; words of gratitude and love are expressed to them. For the teachers of the Pakshenga school, the song “Call me with you” performed by Tatyana Gorbunova is played.

The results of a previously held (at 12 noon) volleyball match between friendly village teams were announced by Alexey Valentinovich Shamanin. As a result, friendship won, and all the players enjoyed the prizes.

Sports competitions were held for children - bicycle races. Received prizes:

Among the kids:

1st place went to Kirill Tikhonov, 2nd place to Daria Tikhonova.

Among the elders:

1st place – Vera Shamanina, 2nd place – Egor Osipov, 3rd place – Artyom Golubchikov.

Consolation prizes went to Daniil Plashkin and Maxim Protsiv.

A group of kids showed how to do exercises in the morning. The children cheerfully and cheerfully performed the dance “I dance with my elbows.”

For staff kindergarten“Beryozka” Marina Borovskaya performed the song “Let me go, river”

The “Health” star was lit for our beloved medical workers, and Tatyana Gorbunova presented them with the song “On the Mountain is a Collective Farm.”

For long-lived villagers:

Borovskaya Ekaterina Stepanovna (88 years old)

Lidia Affanasyevna Priluchnaya (90 years old)

Lidia Andriyanovna Gorbunova (92 years old)

children read poems.

The musical gift was prepared by neighbors - residents of Shoksha.

Words of gratitude were expressed to the sponsors who provided financial assistance for the celebration. This:

  1. Grigoryan Sevada Vartanovich
  2. Novoselov Alexey V.
  3. MO "Pakshengskaya S.A."
  4. Department of Culture, Sports, Tourism for Youth Affairs of the Velsky Municipal District, headed by Olga Ivanovna Berezina.
  5. Lyubarskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna
  6. Shilovskaya Olga Sergeevna
  7. Semakova Lyudmila Vladimirovna
  8. Makarova Lyudmila Leonidovna
  9. Grachev Vladimir Ivanovich
  10. Moskalenko Tatyana Petrovna
  11. Ershov Viktor Vladimirovich
  12. Gorbunova Svetlana Nikolaevna
  13. Voluevich Mikhail Mikhailovich

Wedding anniversaries celebrated this year:

Lodygins Eva Grigorievna and Vladimir Ivanovich - 45 years old.

Voluevich Tatyana Genrikovna and Mikhail Mikhailovich - 25 years old.

Zinoviev Marina and Victor - 10 years old.

For them, the group “Madam” performed the dance “And I was making tea.”

Over the course of a year (from July 12, 2014 to July 18, 2015), 12 babies were born - new residents of Pakshenga:

Ksenia Gorbunova, Vasilisa Nelyubova, Matvey Lodygin, Platon Barsukov, Daria Lodygina, Alexey Cherevkov, Marianna Razina, Renata Zinovieva, Alina Chumakova, Alesya Chumakova, Egor and Anton Bugrovy.

For young parents, the song “My Doll” was performed by Shamanina Vera.

The following housewives were awarded the title “Best owner of their land”:

Titova Lyudmila Borisovna,

Shumilova Natalia Alexandrovna,

Gorbunova Svetlana Nikolaevna,

Priluchnaya Irina Leonidovna,

Gorbunova Lyubov Alexandrovna,

Gorbunova Maria Alekseevna,

Gorbunova Galina Leonidovna,

Shamanina Svetlana Leonidovna,

Trifonova Anna Pavlovna.

Ditties accompanied by an accordion were performed by Valentin Ivanovich Gorbunov and Maria Pavlovna Shilovskaya.

At the end of the concert, the vocal group “Turquoise” and Alexander Albertovich Priluchny performed.

After the performance of local artists there was a concert by a musical group from Velsk.

Lots of entertainment was provided for children.

For the guests of the holiday there was a catering buffet from Selmenga with barbecue, fish, drinks and cooking.

In the evening there was a disco with the participation of Mikhail Zhukov. The people were having fun.

Lovers of poetry and bard songs gathered for a creative meeting that lasted well past midnight.

The next day, Maria Pavlovna Shilovskaya invited those who wanted to relax in nature on the Pakshenga River near Petregino. More than 20 people gathered, boiled tea over a fire, sang songs with a guitar, ditties, and reminisced interesting stories from childhood and youth, raised a toast to the prosperity and revival of our native village.