Как добраться из жироны в мадрид. Найти поезд херона - мадрид Из Жироны в Мадрид на автобусе

Цена авиабилета Жирона — Мадрид очень сильно зависит от времени: чем раньше вы покупаете билет на самолёт, тем дешевле он окажется, мы нашли вам лучшую цену на авиабилет из Жироны в Мадрид стоимостью . Стоимость варьируется в зависимости от дня. Поэтому очень важно сравнивать цены не только на одну конкретную дату, но и на соседние дни — в таком случае можно найти значительно более дешёвый авиабилет.

Лучшие месяца для посещения Мадрида: март, апрель, май, август, сентябрь, октябрь - а значит и самые высокие цены на авиабилеты. Не забудьте заранее запланировать обратный перелёт — найдите авиабилеты по маршруту Мадрид — Жирона , и/или . Посмотрите расписание рейсов на сегодня.

Наш виджет «Динамика цен» позволяет провести подобное сравнение быстро и удобно. Посмотрите расписание самолетов и прибытие рейсов из Жироны в Мадрид и авиабилеты из Испании. Изучите цены на ближайшие две недели и выберите оптимальный вариант, который подходит вам и по стоимости, и по времени. Иногда авиабилеты Жирона — Мадрид «туда и обратно» оказываются дешевле билетов в одну сторону.

We have the record of low prices on train tickets Girona - Madrid. It’s essential to know all the options available when booking our trains Girona - Madrid on Trenes.com. Optimize your investment on train tickets Girona - Madrid.

The train departs from Girona, having its first departure at 6:46 h and reaching the station of Madrid at 10:10 h. The last train makes its departure at 18:11 h and arrives in Madrid at 22:00 h. We are proud of our work, because only here you have the seats on the train Girona - Madrid from 50,50 € . Also for the return route, .

The minimum time we will need to make the route from Girona to Madrid is of 3 hours 19 minutes , although it is usually done in 3 hours 48 minutes. Access the best rates in train tickets Girona - Madrid, without intermediaries. with AVE for only 50,50 € .

Exclusive Offers

Trains Girona to Madrid

Distance: 572 Km
Average length: 3 hours 48 minutes
Average speed: 150.1 km/h
Price of the cheapest ticket: 50,50 €
Average ticket price: 110,58 €
Price of the expensive ticket: 224,00 €

The cheapest train ticket Girona to Madrid

The search for the train ticket from Girona to Madrid with the cheapest price was made on the a las h, it is a AVE train with departure on the 15/12/2019 a las 17:36 h and arrival on the 15/12/2019 a las 20:55 h. The price of the cheapest ticket has been 50,50 € and the cheapest rate with which this price has been possible has been the rate Promo .

Renfe official ticket from Tren Girona to Madrid

Trenes.com issues official Tren Girona Madrid tickets and it does totally legally as a verified and authorised travel agency by Renfe, ie if you buy a Tren Girona Madrid ticket through our website, you only need to print the ticket or to show the bidi code sent to the mobile phone, present it at the Girona station and get on the train you have got assigned .

This is a real example of a Girona Madrid ticket issued by Trenes.com.

On it you can see the ticket number 7325700621031, the locator 6RU6VF, the origin and destination stations, in this case the train travels from Girona to Madrid Atocha. The railway operator Renfe, the train type AVE, the train number 03162 and the rail car 005. The contracted rate {{tarifaN}} in Turista class, the assigned seat 11C, the price for the ticket, this Girona Madrid train ticket is not necessarily the cheapest ticket since the price of the train ticket often depends on the time in advance with which you bought the ticket. In this case the price is 60,70€ and the departure date is 13/02/2016. The train departure time of this ticket is at 15:11 h and the arrival of this train at the Madrid Atocha station is at 19:10 h. The duration of the journey from Girona to Madrid Atocha has been 3 horas 59 minutos.

Trains from Girona to Madrid, stations, prices and schedules

Especially fast for the route Girona - Madrid are the AVE trains and as far as the timetables for the route by train from Girona to Madrid are concerned, the train that departs from Girona at 17:36 h is the one that reaches faster Madrid, as well as the one that arrives in Madrid at 20:55 h. The only way to enjoy the route Girona - Madrid is doing it by train. All the train timetables for trains from Girona to Madrid on .

The maximum duration to advance the 572 Km of distance between Girona - Madrid is of 3 hours 59 minutes , and these trips that are somehow longer in time are usually carried out on AVE trains and they also correlate with the train departures at 17:11 h. Book your travel by train Girona - Madrid from 50,50 €.

The cheapest price we offer for trains Girona - Madrid is of 50,50 €, regularly, if there are no specific offers, is that the price of the ticket Girona - Madrid is of 110,58 €, and that reaches 224,00 € at most. What requirements do you need for your trip from Girona to Madrid? The train tickets Girona - Madrid will meet your expectations, no doubt.

The AVE trains are those we have to choose if we want that the train ticket Girona - Madrid is cheaper, and if the departure time is at 17:36 h , we will also be getting cheaper train tickets from Girona to Madrid. We are relentless with our low prices for train tickets Girona - Madrid. The train that arrives at Girona at 20:55 h is also one of the cheapest ones. Our users benefit from the most advantageous conditions for their seats in trains Girona - Madrid.

The regular thing is that the train tickets from Girona to Madrid are cheaper on a timetable in the evening, especially if we book and buy the train ticket of Girona - Madrid in advance and in Turista class. Travelling with our train tickets Girona - Madrid is so cheap that you can surprise your couple with a short break.

It will also be a better price to buy the train ticket Girona to Madrid for ida. Are you tired of being late? Choose to travel from Girona to Madrid by train.

The opposite happens with AVE trains, even more at the departure time at 6:46 h and the arrival at 10:10 h, especially if we travel in Preferente class. Manage to make the journey Girona - Madrid in the most affordable way, with our train tickets Girona - Madrid.

Так уж получается, что большинство моих путешествий проходит без каких-либо спутников. Но мне в одиночку вовсе не скучно, лишь иногда не хватает личного фотографа, собутыльника или носильщика чемодана, а так – нормально! Вот и по Испании довелось поездить самостоятельно. Я старалась увидеть как можно больше уголков этой страны, но чтобы не было ощущения «галопа». Поэтому в большинстве городов у меня была запланирована хотя бы одна ночевка, ну а в крупных, конечно, больше.

Из Жироны в Мадрид на машине

От Жироны до Мадрида ехать на автомобиле 6,5-7 часов (680 км), это без учета остановок на отдых или пробок. Путь лежит по трассам C-250, N-II, A-2, C-17, LL-11, C-13, E15, AP-2 и A-2 / E-90. За платные участки придется заплатить 37 евро (для легковой машины). Заправиться нужно будет на 65-70 евро, смотря какой расход у вашего авто. Ну и еще прибавьте аренду машинки – сутки получается 50-60 евро. Можно найти и за меньшую стоимость, но я девушка балованная, мне навигатор подавай, да коробку-автомат. Аренду поищите сами или вот посмотрите.Испанские дороги в отличном состоянии, как платные, так и государственные. Заправок по пути хватает, дорожных указателей предостаточно – можно ездить и радоваться. Я дома вожу машину, но в чужой стране побоялась это делать. Хотя изначально готовилась, читала про испанскую манеру вождения и советы по аренде авто.

Из Жироны в Мадрид поездом

Ежедневно можно уехать с ЖД вокзала Жироны на Plaça Espanya до вокзала PUERTA DE ATOCHA в Мадриде на Plaza Emperador Carlos V. Первый рейс в 06:46, последний – в 19:56, всего 16 отправлений. Интервал между ними разный, от 3 мин до 2,5 ч. Есть как прямые рейсы, так и с пересадкой. В пути до Мадрида нужно будет провести от 3,5 до 5 ч. Казалось бы, как можно так быстро преодолеть 700 км? хорошая статья, которая рассказывает много полезного о железной дороге Испании и типах поездов. На данном маршруте вы можете встретить такие составы: AVE, AVANT, TGV и MD.

Где купить билеты

Безусловно, лучший способ – это онлайн на сайте . Во-первых, в кассы и билетные автоматы на вокзале может быть очередь. Во-вторых, свободные места могут закончиться, что очень неприятно. Ну и в-третьих, цена перед поездкой будет выше, чем при покупке заранее в несколько раз.

Стоимость проезда

  • В день путешествия – от 124,75 до 189,40 евро.
  • Заранее – от 60,70 евро.

Из Жироны в Мадрид на автобусе

Автобусный перевозчик Alsa каждый день ездит между Жироной и Мадридом. Рейс в сутки всего один, в 09:45, как по мне, так не очень удобный. Получается, что нужно будет провести практически весь световой день в дороге. Отправляются автобусы от автостанции возле железнодорожного вокзала Жироны на PLAZA DE ESPAÑA, а через 9 ч 20 мин прибывают на INTERCAMBIADOR DE AUTOBUSES AVENIDA DE AMERICA в Мадриде.

Где купить билеты

Билеты продаются на сайте перевозчика или в кассах автовокзалов. Желательно заранее озаботиться этим вопросом, так как в день поездки может не быть мест, да и цена будет самая высокая.

Стоимость проезда

  • Заранее – от 16 евро.
  • Перед выездом – от 29 до 46,70 евро.


Жаль, что прямых авиарейсов между этими городами нет, а пересадку делать мне не хотелось. Автобус мне очень подходил по стоимости билета, но вот по графику – совсем никак. Поэтому я поехала прямым поездом – 4 часа в комфорте, чистоте и уюте – и я уже в Мадриде!

From royal palaces to flamenco shows, museums to bodegas, Madrid oozes a unique charm. Fill your suitcase with eclectic designer threads along Gran Via, revel in royal history at one of the many palaces, or feel football fever at Santiago Bernabeu stadium, home of the Real Madrid soccer team. Tour the city’s parks, visit a cervecería (beer hall), and take in the grandeur of the city’s main square, Plaza Mayor. Sink your teeth into some of the best tapas in the world, sample the famed churros at San Gines, wash them down with some sangria then join in the city’s booming nightlife scene until the wee hours of the morning.

Things to do in Madrid

  • Museo del Prado

    The Prado Museum is the main Spanish national art museum, located in central Madrid. It is widely considered to have one of the world"s finest collections of European art, dating from the 12th century to the early 20th century, based on the former Spanish Royal Collection, and the single best collection of Spanish art. Founded as a museum of paintings and sculpture in 1819, it also contains important collections of other types of works. El Prado is one of the most visited sites in the world, and it is considered one of the greatest art museums in the world. The numerous works by Francisco Goya, the single most extensively represented artist, as well as by Hieronymus Bosch, El Greco, Peter Paul Rubens, Titian, and Diego Velázquez, are some of the highlights of the collection.

  • Royal Palace of Madrid

    The Royal Palace of Madrid (Spanish: Palacio Real de Madrid) is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family at the city of Madrid, but it is only used for state ceremonies. King Felipe VI and the Royal Family do not reside in the palace, choosing instead the more modest Palacio de la Zarzuela on the outskirts of Madrid.

  • Matadero Madrid

    Matadero Madrid is a former slaughterhouse in the Arganzuela district of Madrid, which has been converted to an arts centre. is a lively, constantly changing space at the service of creative processes, participatory artistic training and dialogue between the arts. It was set up to help reflect on the contemporary sociocultural environment and support processes to build the culture of today and tomorrow. A unique lab for experimentation and promoting new cross-disciplinary formulae.

  • Puerta del Sol

    The Puerta del Sol (Spanish for "Gate of the Sun") is a public square in Madrid, one of the best known and busiest places in the city. This is the centre (Km 0) of the radial network of Spanish roads. The square also contains the famous clock whose bells mark the traditional eating of the Twelve Grapes and the beginning of a new year. The New Year"s celebration has been broadcast live on national television since 31 December 1962.

From royal palaces to flamenco shows, museums to bodegas, Madrid oozes a unique charm. Fill your suitcase with eclectic designer threads along Gran Via, revel in royal history at one of the many palaces, or feel football fever at Santiago Bernabeu stadium, home of the Real Madrid soccer team. Tour the city’s parks, visit a cervecería (beer hall), and take in the grandeur of the city’s main square, Plaza Mayor. Sink your teeth into some of the best tapas in the world, sample the famed churros at San Gines, wash them down with some sangria then join in the city’s booming nightlife scene until the wee hours of the morning.

Things to do in Madrid

  • Museo del Prado

    The Prado Museum is the main Spanish national art museum, located in central Madrid. It is widely considered to have one of the world"s finest collections of European art, dating from the 12th century to the early 20th century, based on the former Spanish Royal Collection, and the single best collection of Spanish art. Founded as a museum of paintings and sculpture in 1819, it also contains important collections of other types of works. El Prado is one of the most visited sites in the world, and it is considered one of the greatest art museums in the world. The numerous works by Francisco Goya, the single most extensively represented artist, as well as by Hieronymus Bosch, El Greco, Peter Paul Rubens, Titian, and Diego Velázquez, are some of the highlights of the collection.

  • Royal Palace of Madrid

    The Royal Palace of Madrid (Spanish: Palacio Real de Madrid) is the official residence of the Spanish Royal Family at the city of Madrid, but it is only used for state ceremonies. King Felipe VI and the Royal Family do not reside in the palace, choosing instead the more modest Palacio de la Zarzuela on the outskirts of Madrid.

  • Matadero Madrid

    Matadero Madrid is a former slaughterhouse in the Arganzuela district of Madrid, which has been converted to an arts centre. is a lively, constantly changing space at the service of creative processes, participatory artistic training and dialogue between the arts. It was set up to help reflect on the contemporary sociocultural environment and support processes to build the culture of today and tomorrow. A unique lab for experimentation and promoting new cross-disciplinary formulae.

  • Puerta del Sol

    The Puerta del Sol (Spanish for "Gate of the Sun") is a public square in Madrid, one of the best known and busiest places in the city. This is the centre (Km 0) of the radial network of Spanish roads. The square also contains the famous clock whose bells mark the traditional eating of the Twelve Grapes and the beginning of a new year. The New Year"s celebration has been broadcast live on national television since 31 December 1962.