Kolomenskoye estate. What kind of winter entertainment have the South Administrative Okrug parks prepared on the eve of the New Year holidays Kolomenskoye Park in winter

Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve is a royal estate with ancient architectural monuments and a vast park, one of the most interesting places in Moscow. Many pages and events of Russian history are connected with it.

According to legend, the village of Kolomenskoye was founded by immigrants from Kolomna, who came to these places fleeing the invasion of Batu Khan back in the 1230s. The first written mention of the village dates back to 1336: in a spiritual document, the Grand Duke of Moscow Ivan Kalita bequeathed his estate near Moscow to his heirs.

Later I was here country residence great Russian princes and Russian tsars. Vasily the Third, Ivan the Terrible, Peter the Great, Catherine the Second, and Alexander the First lived in Kolomenskoye. The heyday of the royal estate occurred during the reign of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich “The Quiet”, who built a wooden palace here extraordinary beauty. Unfortunately, this miracle of wooden architecture has not survived to this day.

Now the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich in Kolomenskoye has been rebuilt according to ancient drawings, but it does not stand on its own historical place. Previously, it was located in the center of the estate, in the Sovereign's courtyard, surrounded by a fence that has survived in fragments to this day.

The rear gate of the fence of the royal residence with the Streltsy guards served as a “back door” and was used for the delivery of provisions and household needs:

Guests of honor, ambassadors, and the Tsar himself entered the estate through the front front gate. Adjacent to the main entrance from the north is the Prikaznaya Izba, the royal office. From the south - the Colonels' Chambers, where the guards and the Nourishing Courtyard were located, which served as a kitchen and storage for supplies.

From the Back Gate to the Front Gate you can walk along the alley and admire the Tsar’s home temple - the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It is very elegant, with gold stars on the bulbs. Here is one of the most revered icons in Rus' - the miraculous “Sovereign Mother of God”.

Outside the Sovereign's courtyard, on a high slope of the bank of the Moscow River, stands the pearl of the royal estate - the snow-white Church of the Ascension in Kolomenskoye.

This temple was erected in 1530 under Vasily the Third in honor of the birth of his son and heir Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible. The height of the structure is 60 meters, this is the most tall building of that time and the first stone tented temple in Rus'. It has reached us in its original form and is protected by UNESCO.

Very close to the Church of the Ascension, the Church of St. George the Victorious and the round St. George bell tower were erected.

From Voznesenskaya Square there are wonderful views of the bend of the Moscow River.

Nearby is the Vodovzvodnaya Tower, which served to supply water to the royal residence.

A little further away stands the Palace Pavilion. Previously, there was a complex of buildings of the Imperial Alexander Palace in the Empire style, but it has not been preserved, only this building remains:

The Feed and Bread Yards, in which bread was baked and food was prepared for the day, have not been preserved. to the royal table. The photo shows the restored foundations.

Fragment of the wall surrounding the estate.

Another gate is the Garden Gate.

Through these gates you can go to the oldest trees on Moscow soil growing next to the Sovereign's courtyard - century-old oaks, witnesses of the stay of Dmitry Donskoy in Kolomenskoye, returning with his army to Moscow after the Battle of Kulikovo.

Peter the Great learned to read and write under the shade of these oaks - that’s why they are also called “Petrovsky”.

There are many in Kolomenskoye Park historical values, brought at different times from all over Russia. Here, for example, is a stone Polovtsian woman (summer photograph), a monument over a Polovtsian burial mound, dating from the late 11th - early 12th centuries. This is not a woman, as it might seem at first. Translated from Turkic, baba is father.

The granite “Borisov stone” is a border sign of the possessions of the Polotsk prince Boris in the upper reaches of the Northern Dvina. Dates from the 12th century. The inscription is carved on the stone: “Lord, save your servant Boris”

Kolomenskoye Park houses on its land a museum of wooden architecture, which contains ancient wooden buildings: the tower of the Bratsk fort, the log house of the meadery, the Holy Gate of the Nikolo-Korelsky Monastery. In 1934, the House of Peter the Great, originally built at the mouth of the Northern Dvina, was moved to Kolomenskoye Park. Peter lived in it for 2.5 months, observing the construction of ships and the Novodvinsk fortress.

Behind the ravine is the Church of the Beheading of John the Baptist, which was built by Ivan the Terrible in honor of the birth of his son Ivan.

There is also a big one there. Very popular place in May, during the flowering of apple trees, and also in August and September, when it is time to harvest.

During its heyday, Kolomenskoye was famous for its orchards: apple, pear and berry orchards, where currants, raspberries, and gooseberries grew. Now there are only three gardens left on the territory of the museum-reserve: Voznesensky, Dyakovsky and Kazansky. The trees are very old, but still bloom and bear fruit.

Walking a little further, you can see preserved wooden houses - the remains of the ancient village of Dyakovo. Nearby, archaeologists found a settlement of Finno-Ugric culture here. Dyakovo settlement is considered the most ancient settlement on the territory of Moscow.

The bank of the Moscow River is high here, the views are like this:

Well, we reached the palace of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich. Although this is a modern building, it was recreated according to historical drawings and sketches, so it’s interesting to look at this mansion.

The territory of Kolomna Park is huge. Here you can spend the whole day surrounded by greenery, flowers and beautiful views.

It will be interesting for children too. The park has several ethnographic exhibitions: a working blacksmith shop, a stable, a beekeeper's estate with beehives, an apothecary garden, and a water mill on the Zhuzha River.

How to get to Kolomenskoye

On public transport: Kolomenskaya metro station, then 3 minutes walk to the museum-reserve. You can also get off at Kashirskaya metro station.

Address: Moscow, Andropov Avenue, building 39.

Opening hours

Territory of the museum-reserve:

  • from 8-00 to 21-00

Museums are open:

  • in winter from September 30 to March 30, from Tuesday to Sunday - from 10-00 to 18-00
  • in summer from April 1 to September 29, from Tuesday to Friday and Sunday - from 10-00 to 18-00, on Saturday - from 11-00 to 19-00

Ticket prices

Entrance to the territory of the Kolomenskoye estate is free.

There is a fee for visiting museums and the Alexei Mikhailovich Palace.

The museum-reserve participates in the Department of Culture’s campaign “Moscow Museums - free on the third Sunday of every month”

New Year holidays are a wonderful time for family vacation. Finally, you can find time for long leisurely walks, visiting museums, ice skating, or just going on snow slides.
Yes, you can come up with a lot of things when you have so much free time.

Our family was incredibly lucky in the new year 2016, and this is primarily due to the choice of location.

Yesterday we decided to visit the well-known Kolomna Park and our walk lasted for two days.

So, I'll start in order.

Kolomenskoye Park has a fairly large territory and that is why one day was not enough for us.

We started with a visit to the Pasechnik Estate.

This exhibition is a small courtyard behind a fence, on the territory of which there are beehives, a well, and somewhere under the snow, beds and flower beds can be discerned.
Well, actually the house-museum itself.
Inside is a rather small room with period decorations.
Stoves, tubs, beds, pots, irons and so on.
The second half of the house is an exhibition dedicated to the technical part of beekeeping.
I can't say it's very interesting. For an adult it’s just curious, but for a child it’s informational.
Everything was new for our three-year-old, and for him this visit turned out to be useful and informative.

A visit to the beekeeper’s house will take no more than 15-20 minutes.

A wonderful cozy temple. As expected, there are scarves and skirts at the entrance. True, in winter this is not particularly relevant.

And very close by are the Front Gate Ensemble, 1672-73, the Church of the Ascension of the Lord.

The church houses a museum dedicated to the history of the creation of this temple.
The second floor is closed and all exhibitions are located on the first floor.
The room consists of two halls and the entire excursion will not take more than ten minutes.

Immediately behind the church there is an observation deck on the Moskva River embankment.
Even in winter time offers an excellent overview. True, it is industrial and urban.
The observation deck is equipped with telescopes, they are easily adjusted according to different parameters, but in winter the eyepieces become very foggy and the image is not very sharp.

Continuing your walk along the embankment you come across various architectural monuments.

There are also a lot of toilets on site. There is no need to look for them, as they are found almost everywhere. Moreover, there are also ordinary warm toilets and blue cubicles.
In this regard, the walk is very comfortable, including with a child.

In addition to the fact that there is something to see and visit in Kolomenskoye, there are also enough places for active recreation and entertainment.

A wonderful town with attractions, a skating rink,

Panda Park.

There are wonderful slides where you can have a great ride if you buy cheesecakes for a reasonable fee.

This pleasure costs 150 rubles for half an hour.
Everything is organized wisely.
There are a lot of people, but there is no crowd.
The ascent and descent are separated by a mesh. There is a caretaker downstairs who really keeps order. The slides are smooth, hilly and long.
You can safely consider this entertainment safe, and pleasure is guaranteed.

After riding the slides, we began to freeze and headed out to have a snack.
On one of the streets there is a row of elegant houses. Each has its own name (coffee shop, refectory, etc.), and there is a menu at the entrance. And you can choose a suitable establishment in advance.

In addition, along all the paths there are various tasty stalls where you can buy hot corn, donuts, tea or coffee, and so on.

We chose the Tea Room.

A small house in Russian style, with wooden tables and benches. It’s not interesting to sit there for a long time, but it’s ideal for warming up and having a snack.

We were three adults and one child.
Tea, coffee for everyone, a portion of pancakes with condensed milk, three portions of shish kebab and juice cost us 1,800 rubles.

Satisfied and well-fed, we continued our excursion and headed to the Peasant and Blacksmith Estates.
These are two adjacent exhibitions, but independent.

The Peasant's Estate is a full-fledged visit to a large two-story house-museum and a courtyard with a stable.
A horse and a huge beautiful brown cow live in the stable.
The animals are well-groomed and very cute, but very unfriendly.
The horse kept trying to bite, and the cow regularly butted.
So be careful with children when visiting the stables.

This is a very interesting exhibition and takes a lot of time.
But visiting the Blacksmith's Estate was even more interesting.

First you visit the house itself with its decorations, and then you go to the blacksmith herself.

And that's what's interesting! Blacksmith is not an exposition! She's the real one. A real blacksmith works there and you can watch his work as much as you like.

It was interesting for us adults - we were all at the blacksmith for the first time. Well, the baby was very impressed by the visit!

It was late in the evening, there was a lot more to see and visit, but we had to choose what we would have time for. And we decided to take a wonderful excursion on a fabulous train.
We headed to the Front Gate, where the departure point of this train is located.

In a souvenir shop located nearby, I bought train tickets (adults 100 rubles, children under three years old free. Ours is 3.5, but they let him through anyway), and also bought a souvenir whistle for 100 rubles

and within five minutes we were off on our journey.
The train is very comfortable and elegant. Divided into sections of approximately four people.

A train ride is not only a pleasure ride, but also an excursion.

The entire journey (about 15 minutes) there is an audio tour in the cabin. It tells about the history of the population of Kolomenskoye, and then about the most remarkable place - the palace of Alexei Mikhailovich.
Passing the ravines, the train arrives at the final point of its route - the palace.

This huge palace is a remake, but that doesn’t make it any less beautiful. In addition, it preserves quite a few genuine things of great historical value.
The area around the palace is not large and other than visiting the palace itself, there is nothing else to do there.
In winter, it will be difficult to return on foot, so you should immediately take care of return tickets by train.
It runs every hour and tickets are sold strictly on time.
Therefore, you need to plan your time in advance.
The most optimal time to visit the palace is approximately 1.5-2 hours.

Inside the palace is interesting not only for adults, but also for children.

There are many rooms, many exhibits - all this helps to feel the spirit of that time.

For the convenience of visiting, shoe covers are provided, and there are several dressing rooms.

We really enjoyed the final part of our excursion, but time was running out and we ran to our magical trailer.
It turns out it was already dark and the surroundings became even more beautiful.

Towards the end we admired the lights of the evening Kolomna Park and went home.

Well, finally, I’ll tell you that Kolomenskoye regularly hosts concerts and events for big and small, and their schedule can be seen at each entrance. And we didn’t even walk around a fifth of the park.

Therefore, I have no doubt that each of you will be able to think through your own equally interesting excursion route.

Have a nice holiday and enjoy your holiday.
See you again!

This year in Moscow there are many places for winter entertainment where you can come and relax with the whole family. One of them is the Sadovniki park in the Southern District. Our correspondent found out what you can do on its territory. Read more in the “Tested by yourself” section.

Park "Sadovniki"

This winter, Sadovniki Park has traditionally become a place for winter holiday. Both adults and children can find something to do here. For skiing enthusiasts, the park has a track, and rental equipment is also available.

On Fontannaya Square near the main pavilion there is a tubing slide - a great way for daredevils to experience all the delights of winter extreme sports. It is equipped with two ramps - one of them is three and the second is six meters long. The park also has a slide for children with a natural descent.

But the most interesting novelty of this season is the rental of winter bicycles. They come in two types - tracked and on rubber with spikes. These bikes have excellent cross-country ability even in deep snow. They will bring a lot of pleasure to those who decide to ride them.

On the eve of the holidays, the park is decorated with illuminations, as well as a large fir tree on central square. At night, “Gardeners” becomes a truly magical place that you don’t want to leave.

This year in the park you can not only relax on the weekend, but also meet New Year. On the night of December 31 to January 1, visitors will enjoy a jazz concert. Famous bands “Jazz Forever!” will perform on the main stage of the park. Band", "Alfa Music Jazz" and "The Beat Love" - ​​the official tribute group of "The Beatles" in Russia. At midnight, the president’s traditional New Year’s address will be heard from the big screen, and festive fireworks will be launched at 1:00.

Parks of the Southern Administrative District

This year you can plunge into winter activities not only at Gardeners. So, ski slopes, tubing slides also operate in the Tsaritsyno museum-reserve. In Kolomenskoye this winter a skating rink with an area of ​​3 thousand square meters has been completed. In addition, visitors can ride on an inflatable Banana sleigh attached to a snowmobile.


This winter residents Southern District you won't be bored. Local parks offer plenty of activities to keep you busy throughout the season. And in Sadovniki Park you can celebrate the New Year in an exciting way without leaving home.

The museum-reserve is not only unique historical attractions, but also a place where Muscovites and guests of the capital have fun and play sports. With the onset of winter, on the eve New Year holidays, all its territories are prepared for active recreation on fresh air.

The museum-reserve will be one of the first in Moscow to offer visitors the opportunity to ride a K-Trak winter bicycle. You can rent it with a protective helmet for 30 minutes for 150 rubles. For lovers of skiing in picturesque places Kolomenskoye there are ski trails 3 km and 5 km long. The cost of ski rental is 200 rubles (1000 rubles deposit).

Muscovites are already accustomed to the fact that in winter there is an outdoor skating rink in Kolomenskoye with a warm locker room, luggage storage and a rental point where you can rent skates of different sizes and relax in a warm cafe listening to pleasant music. We make sure that our museum-reserve remains a favorite vacation spot for families with children. Therefore, for children under 6 years of age, admission to the skating rink is free. Schoolchildren from 7 to 12 years old in weekdays visiting the skating rink will cost 50 rubles, on weekends – 100 rubles. Ice skating on weekends and holidays will cost 450 rubles (entrance 250 rubles, skate rental 200 rubles). In this winter season Especially for young visitors to the skating rink, you can rent a “Penguin” skating simulator for 100 rubles per hour.
Considering the great popularity enjoyed by our visitors of such winter fun as the attraction “Cheese sledding (tubing)”, two slopes equipped for safe descent have been organized on the territory of Kolomenskoye. Inflatable sleds – “cheesecakes” – can be rented here for 150 rubles for 30 minutes.

In Kolomenskoye, riding on an inflatable “Banana” sled attached to a snowmobile along a new route has been organized. The route begins in the area of ​​​​the rental of cheesecake sleds on the street. Bottom. Then you will be taken to the street. Zhuzha and back. The 10-minute trip is full of unforgettable sensations. Try them out!
You can ride the Banana on Saturdays, Sundays and holidays from 11.00 to 13.30 and from 14.00 to 18.00. Ten minutes of such a trip will cost 200 rubles (100 rubles for a child’s ticket).

Such winter entertainment will not leave anyone indifferent and will help you forget that you are within the city.

If you love skiing and decide to devote a day active recreation in Kolomenskoye, then we invite you to combine impressions from the unique winter beauty our reserve, physical activity and deepening your knowledge about the ancient Kolomna land. A quest, or rather a ski quest, the route of which will pass along the Museum of Wooden Architecture, the Zaansk House of Peter I, along the cozy embankment of the Moskva River, past the soaring Church of the Ascension of the Lord and the majestic Church of John the Baptist in Dyakovo to the oldest settlement people, known throughout the world as Dyakovo Settlement, will help you take a fresh look at the history of not only Kolomenskoye itself, but also the history of our capital in general. Having received skis and a ticket for the quest at the Fairgrounds, you will need to activate the game through your mobile device, go to the beginning of the ski slope and - hit the road for new sensations and new knowledge! And a selfie taken against the backdrop of the 1532 church – the Church of the Ascension of the Lord – will preserve this unique day for you for many years.

A new ski route 1 km long will appear on Izmailovsky Island. So, on the territory of the former royal estate it will be possible not only to visit exhibitions and take part in excursion programs, but also to go skiing.

Two ski trails, 2 km and 1 km long, will appear in Lefortovo Park. Skiers and other park visitors will be able to take a breather and refresh themselves in the warm and cozy café pavilion next to the Lower Children's Playground.

With the onset of cold weather, the Lyublino Estate will open hockey rink with a rental point where you can choose skates and protective equipment according to your size. Admission is free. The rental office will be open on weekends and holidays from 11-00 to 21-00. Here you can also rent skates for 200 rubles per hour.