Descenders for industrial mountaineering. A brief overview of equipment for climbing ropes. A device for rappelling.

Long gone are the days when equipment for industrial mountaineering was the preserve of a select few, made independently from improvised materials. Now you can buy a descender, ropes, seats and other necessary equipment in the online store by clicking on the product you like. We will try to help you make your choice.

The wide selection of equipment today can amaze even the most experienced climber with the variety of costs, shapes, designs and manufacturers. When choosing a descending device for industrial mountaineering, you should understand that in this case the weight of the equipment is not of decisive importance: you do not have to carry it in a backpack for tens of kilometers, which significantly expands the choice of accessories.

Which descender to choose?

  • Eight. A classic solution that allows you to work with both one and two ropes. Eight triggers come in a variety of shapes: horned, round, square, half-square and specialized s. Perhaps the only functional drawback of eights for industrial mountaineering is the fact that they twist the rope, although in some cases this problem can be partially solved due to the design.
  • A basket, aka a puck. Depending on the design, these descenders are also used in single or double rope rappels. Experienced climbers recommend using such descending devices in the cold season, as they are much more reliable than figure eights on icy ropes. In addition, these trigger devices block the jerk more strongly in the event of a fall.
  • Video clip. Descending devices for industrial mountaineering, which are based on the use of a roller. This allows for significant changes in control capabilities, in particular self-braking trigger systems. The only drawback of such a trigger device is the price.

You can get detailed advice on descending devices for industrial mountaineering from the operators of our online store.

Descender - equipment for rappelling that provides height regulation and stabilization of the climber's position. Used in industrial mountaineering, for high-altitude work, speleology and tourism.

Materials and design

Devices for safe descent are made of light metal alloys with anti-corrosion treatment. The materials can withstand high loads, including sudden impacts, temperature changes, exposure to mineralization, precipitation and other climatic factors. Production is carried out primarily by milling or casting, which ensures the integrity and accuracy of the structures.

Depending on the manufacturer, purpose or modification, trigger devices may have different functions:

  • locking/unlocking the mechanism manually at the right time;
  • safety latch - prevents loss of the device;
  • fixing the climber’s position at any point;
  • “anti-panic” function, triggered when the handle is pressed hard;
  • stopper - error protection, preventing accidents at height;
  • selection of rope tension using a rotary eccentric.

The design and materials of release mechanisms must ensure safety and comply with the current standard EN 341 “Personal fall protection equipment”.

Advantages of equipment

Our online store offers high-quality descenders. The principle of operation of the mechanisms is based on the creation of additional friction when the rope moves through the elements of the device.


  • suitable for belaying, rappelling, positioning;
  • manual and automatic mode of rope release;
  • symmetry, comfortable for left and right hands;
  • provide reliable fixation on weight;
  • provide effective dynamic braking;
  • easy placement of rope or rope.

You can order descenders online or by phone. Delivery is carried out to all cities of Russia.

The figure eight is usually the first descending device that climbers master; it is as simple as an ax and as reliable as a crowbar. In addition, the figure eight can be used both for insurance and as a ring, in general, whatever your imagination allows. Let's talk about her.


Now there are a huge variety of eights on the market, different in functionality, some of these triggers no longer look like “8”.

All eights can be divided into two groups, with and without horns. The horned eight is comfortable where you need to hang and free both hands, the hornless ones are simply lighter and are considered more athletic.

Modern versions of this descender also offer different ways of threading the rope into them for different speeds of descent and for show-off.

There is a variety of figure eights with a large rectangular hole, this is necessary to eliminate the twist of the rope during descent. It was precisely because of the strong twist that eights were prohibited for use by speleologists during descent.

There is a variety called "Nine". It has a more advanced locking method, but it is not clear how to safely use it during descent. After all, to do this you need to loosen the free end of the rope going to your hand. How?? Only if you pull yourself up with one hand on a rope going up. If you know how to block it safely, write in the comments. But, in addition to the new blocking scheme, this “nine” also has classic horns, although they are short, they can be used. I think it will be well suited for industrial work where long hangs are needed.

There is a figure eight from Petzl with a special pad for gripping it with your hands when it gets hot. This is strange and incomprehensible. Let me explain, when descending, the figure eight heats up so much that it can burn your hand.. But for some reason the manufacturer didn’t think about the rope, but if it melts, then at best you’ll be hanging on the belay, and at worst, I think it’s clear.. Personally When descending, I control the heat, and if the figure eight is hot for my hand, then I slow down the pace a little.

There is also an eight called "Petal", which is an interesting variety. It is very compact and has one horn and cutouts at the top for rope locking.


When it comes to rappelling, there are several ways to thread a figure eight rope.

First way– through the neck of the figure eight, without snapping the rope into the carabiner. With this method, the friction of the rope is higher, and therefore the speed of descent is lower. It is also easier to hold the free end of the rope. The downside is that to thread the rope this way, you need to unclip the figure eight from the carabiner.

Second way- through a carabiner and a larger hole in the figure eight, with this method the highest speed of descent and the least twist of the rope are achieved.

There is another way, but you should never use it. Look at the photo below. I repeat once again, do not use this method, I am talking about it only so that you know that it exists and that you cannot use it. This is life-threatening, you can simply lose the rope and continue almost free flight.

Other methods require non-standard figure eight configurations, and they are not particularly needed.

The best way of descent is the second one, it is the fastest, there is no risk of losing the figure eight and the twist of the rope is minimal.

Figure Eight Horns

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of figure eight horns. They come on two sides (this figure of eight is called “Invar”) and on one. Needed to block the rope in order to hang and free both hands. Many people simply wrap the free end of the rope around the horns, but this is also not safe. That's right - after winding, additionally throw the free end over the chassis, look at the photo.

Double horns can be used for blocking when rappelling on a double rope and for zigzag rappelling.

A zigzag descent is when two ropes, 1-2 meters apart from each other, are simultaneously passed through a figure of eight with double horns. When descending, one rope is blocked by a horn, and the other is released a little, then the ropes are changed. This method of descent can be useful for the ridge.

Alternative ways to use the figure eight

In addition to using the eight for its intended purpose, it also has other capabilities. For example, a figure eight can be used instead of a ring. If you click carabiners into it on both sides, then in some cases it can replace a quickdraw. Paired with a jumar, the figure eight can also be used for lifting. However, for lifting, it is better to replace it with some kind of grasping unit. It is the figure eight, due to the absence of moving and shock-sensitive parts on it, that is best attached to a rope instead of a load for throwing onto a branch or somewhere else. And of course, the figure eight is used to belay a partner, because if he falls, it will be quite easy to hold the rope.

Overview of descenders and belay devices

The main purpose of the descender is to completely control the descent along a fixed rope. The main function of the belay device is to provide reliable insurance. A controlled descent is achieved thanks to the adjustable friction force of the rope in the devices. In this regard, descending devices are divided into:

  • with backstop
  • without backstop

Devices with backstop

All devices of this type are used only on a single rope.

Self-locking descender Desanter

For working with rope with a diameter of 9 to 12 mm. Designed not only for descent, but also for belaying and ascent. Doesn't twist the rope. The brake locks automatically when the handle is released. Can be installed on a rope without being released from the harness thanks to the spring clip. Control of the descent occurs by holding the free end of the rope.


2. Doesn't twist the rope
3. It is possible to climb a rope without changing the position of the device.
4. Ability to hover at the required height without using additional devices.


2. High friction force when lifting.
3. Weight/dimensions
4. Not suitable for insurance
5. Not suitable for double rope work

Self-locking descender Anti-Panic

For working with rope with a diameter of 9-13 mm. Equipped with an anti-panic system
Completely eliminates the possibility of failure in case of panic, so it is perfect for rescue work, evacuation in emergency situations and in case of loss of control over the rope. The dual automatic braking system is activated not only when the handle is completely released, but also when you try to grab the device. When you press the handle, you have full control over the trigger. Doesn't spin the rope. Maximum descent length - 100 m


1. Full control of descent speed.
2. Doesn't twist the rope
3. If you lose control of the rope, the system completely locks and stops.


1. Does not work on icy, dirty, wet ropes.
2. Weight/dimensions
3. Not suitable for double rope work

Examples of devices with anti-panic system

GriGri descending belay device (Gri Gri)

For working with rope with a diameter of 8.9 to 11 mm. Thanks to automatic locking, the device is ideal for organizing insurance. It is light weight and very compact. The most popular belay device in rock climbing. A very simple belay technique: two hands are on the rope. Blocking: While stopping the fall, the belayer holds the free end of the rope, the cam rotates and grabs the rope, increasing the degree of blocking until the rope completely stops slipping. Smooth rope weaving, full sense of control when rappelling and belaying. It is very convenient that the diagram for using Gris Gris is engraved on the device itself.


1. Doesn't twist the rope.
2. The ability to hover at the required height without using additional devices.
3. Very simple but reliable insurance.


1. Not suitable for double rope work
2. Requires maintenance
3. Price

Self-locking descender I"D

Equipped with an anti-panic system.
For working with rope diameter: 10-11.5mm.
Thanks to the anti-panic mechanism, automatic blocking occurs and the descent stops. It is difficult to make a mistake when threading the rope incorrectly, since the device has a special stopper.
The handle has multiple functions: control the speed of descent by holding the free end of the rope, locking/unlocking the device, fixing the position on the rope at any point during the descent.
Improved sliding of the device along the rope due to the shape of the stopper. The rotary eccentric easily picks up the slack in the rope. Perfect for pulling pulleys and for short rope climbs.


1. Automatic blocking.
2. The ability to hover at the required height without using additional devices.
3. Protection against improper rope threading.
4. Excellent rope sliding


1. Not suitable for double rope work
2. Requires maintenance
3. Price

Descender device "Lattice"

A very popular descending device for cavers and speleologists. Perfect for long vertical descents. Does not “twist” the rope due to its design. Allows you to hover at a height when descending without using your hands. There is an opinion that the use of a grid wears out the rope much less than similar devices.


1. Easy to use.
2. The device is very durable and reliable.
3. Low maintenance required
4. Doesn't twist the rope.
5. It is comfortable to work on two ropes.
6. Possibility of freezing when descending


1. Large dimensions.
2. It is not possible to use it under insurance

Devices without a backstop include

Figure 8 belay device

The figure eight is the most common device for organizing belay and descent in mountaineering and sports tourism. Usually, this is a solid metal part, in the form of the number “eight”. For the descender belay device there are UIAA requirements, in which, according to the standard, the figure eight must withstand a load of 2500 kg
There are a large number of types of eights. There are ones with horns/whiskers/fangs for fixing the rope on these “growths”. Such devices are used in mountaineering and mountain tourism. There are lightweight eights without extra “growths”. They are usually used in sports tourism.


1. Simple but very durable device
2. Low price
3. Small Weight


1. Twists the rope.
2. There is no possibility of fixing the rope if there are no horns.
3. When insuring you need to be very careful.

Descender Basket

Can be used on both single and double ropes. It has low weight but high strength. Convenient to use. Thanks to the design of the basket, you can quickly and easily thread the rope. But it is worth keeping in mind that with a very fast descent the rope may heat up. Now there is a wide selection of basket-type descenders on the market, differing in price and functionality.

Good day. I would like to bring to your attention a review of descending devices for organizing rappelling. This review is my personal subjective opinion, formed due to considerable experience in rock climbing and working as an industrial climber.
I have three triggers at my immediate disposal, the rest I just happened to use.
The simplest and most famous figure-of-eight trigger device.

Depending on the size of the holes, it can be used on both single and double ropes with a diameter of 8 to 13 mm. In the model shown, a small hole can be used for descending thin ropes and for organizing belays.

Pros of this device:
4.No maintenance required.
6.Light weight.

1. Twists the rope.
2. In some models (for example, as in the photo) there are no mustaches for fixing the rope, which in turn makes it difficult to hang on such a descender.

My favorite trigger is the petzl PIRANA. Despite its similarity to the figure eight, this device was developed by petzl specifically for canyoning, which introduced a number of good innovations into its design.

For reference: Canyoning (eng. Canyoning or Canyoneering) - overcoming canyons without the help of floating devices (boats, rafts, canoes, kayaks, etc.) using various techniques for overcoming complex water-rock terrain: rock climbing, rappelling, diving , swimming.
When passing canyons, climbing technical equipment is used: ropes, carabiners, safety harnesses, descending devices, helmets, etc.

Pros of this device:
4.No maintenance required.
6.Ability to work calmly on wet, dirty, icy rope.
7. Ability to work calmly when descending with heavy weight.
8.Very easy to secure the rope to stop and equally easy to remove.
9. Light weight.

Disadvantages of this device:
1. Twists the rope.

"Basket" type descender.

A very light and convenient descender that allows you to work equally comfortably on both one and two ropes. If you have a secure attachment point for the rope, this baby will have you just flying the distance you need in a matter of seconds.
In my opinion, the most convenient device is a descender that can be used for belaying on a rocky route.

Pros of this device:
4.No maintenance required.
5.Light weight.
6. Doesn't twist the rope.
7. Very comfortable work on two ropes.
8. The ability to calmly work on a wet, dirty, icy rope.

Disadvantages of this device:
1. There is no possibility to hover (reliably hover) at the required height without using other devices.

Descender device "Lattice".

Perhaps I’m going a little overboard, but at most I’m going a little too far if I say that this is the favorite descending device of almost all speleologists. I don't really like him, but this probably has more to do with my lack of understanding of him and the fact that I am not a speleologist. A large number of my friends have been using its various modifications for many years, and from them I hear only positive feedback.

Pros of this device:
4.No maintenance required.
5. Doesn't twist the rope.
6. Very comfortable work on two ropes.
7. The ability to work calmly on a wet, dirty, icy rope.

Disadvantages of this device:

The next device has so many popular names that I’d rather take SIMPLE, known to all cavers.

This is the little brother, or sister, of the petzl stopper. SIMPLE is quite a convenient device for long descents on a single rope. Due to the absence of protruding elements and parts, it is very convenient in narrow places. But as for me, this is where its advantages end.

Pros of this device:
1. Does not twist the rope.

Disadvantages of this device:
2.Weight. (not very hard, but I would like it to be easier)
3. Lack of ability to use as a belay device.
4. It is not possible to hover (reliably hover) at the required height without using other devices.
5. There is no possibility to work on a double rope.
6.Requires care.

Stopper from petzl.

One of the most popular caving descenders in the world. Allows good control over the speed of descent. Can be installed on a rope without detaching from the harness thanks to the spring clip.
The automatic braking system is activated when the handle is released.
It is possible to climb a rope without changing the position of the device using a leg loop and a jumar.

Pros of this device:
1. Does not twist the rope.
2. The ability to work calmly on a wet, dirty, icy rope.
3. The ability to hover (reliably hover) at the required height without using other devices.

Disadvantages of this device:
2.Weight. (not very hard, but I would like it to be easier)
3. Lack of ability to use as a belay device.

5.Requires maintenance.

Automatic belay (belay) device GRIGRI 2.

May lovers of bells and whistles forgive me, but I have never understood it and never will.
Description from the manufacturer's website:
Automatic locking belay device for ropes from 8.9 to 11 mm.

The GRIGRI 2 automatic locking belay device is designed to make belaying easier. GRIGRI 2 works equally well for leader belay and top belay. The device can be used with all single dynamic ropes from 8.9 to 11 mm (ideal for ropes from 9.4 to 10.3 mm). Compact and ultra-lightweight, the GRIGRI 2 will serve you well in your climbing events around the world for years to come. The new GRIGRI 2 design provides better control during descent.

The belay technique is identical to classic belay systems: both hands on the rope. Stopping the fall is done by holding the free end of the rope.
Blocking: While stopping the fall, the belayer holds the free end of the rope, the cam rotates and grips the rope, increasing the degree of blocking until the rope completely stops slipping.
The new GRIGRI 2 design provides excellent control during descent. One hand holds the free end of the rope while the other hand presses the handle to release the cam. The patented handle design allows for very smooth rope pickling. Combined with the strong locking action of the cam, this provides a feeling of complete control when descending.
GRIGRI 2 is a compact and ultra-light device: only 185 g (25% less and 20% lighter than the previous version of GRIGRI).
The design of the device includes a brake plate and a cam made of stainless steel to ensure a long service life of the product.
For use with single ropes from 8.9 to 11 mm diameter (ideal for ropes from 9.4 to 10.3 mm).
Schemes for installing the device on the rope are engraved on the device (on the outer and inner sides).

And now I’ll scold this miracle of technology. Personally, I absolutely did not like working with him, although perhaps it was all a matter of habit. I felt very uncomfortable giving the rope to the leader; if I did it with even the slightest jerk, the rope would immediately be jammed.

Pros of this device:
1. Does not twist the rope.
2. The ability to hover (reliably hover) at the required height without using other devices.
3.Convenient for belaying the second person in a pair.

Disadvantages of this device:
1. Abundance of mechanics.
2. Demanding requirements for rope!!!
4. It is not possible to work on a double rope.
5.Requires maintenance.