See what "urban" is in other dictionaries. The meaning of the word “settlement” Why an urban village

In urban-type settlements during the Soviet period, the minimum number of inhabitants must be at least 3 thousand people (in the city - at least 12 thousand inhabitants). Often in such villages there was only one main (“city-forming”) enterprise.

Along with the concept of “urban-type settlement,” the term “working settlement” is also used. For the most part, these concepts (in the territory of the former RSFSR and modern Russia) are identical. At the same time, the scope of their use differs: an urban-type settlement is a geographical term denoting a type of settlement, and a working settlement (r.p.) is an administrative and economic concept.

Urban settlements in Russia

Currently, there are no uniform criteria across Russia for the formation of urban-type settlements; this issue falls under the jurisdiction of the federal subjects.


  • Protsenko S. M. Village of the local type // Geographical Encyclopedia of Ukraine. T. 3. - K., 1993. - P. 173.


  • Regulations on the order of the supreme power of the administrative-territorial structure of the Ukrainian RSR, established by the Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the Ukrainian RSR dated 12 February 1981 No. 1654-X.
  • Law of the Republic of Belarus of May 5, 1998 No. 154-Z “On the administrative-territorial division and the procedure for resolving issues of the administrative-territorial structure of the Republic of Belarus”.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “PGT” is in other dictionaries:

    PGT- steam and gas turbine; steam-gas turbine energy Example of use department of PGT p.g.t. urban-type settlement urban-type settlement. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p....

    town- p.g.t. urban-type settlement urban-type settlement. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations

    Urban-type settlement (urban-type settlement, urban-type settlement) is a type of settlement identified during the USSR. In terms of population, it occupies an intermediate position between the city and the village. Unlike villages, in such settlements the bulk of the population (at least 85%) is not... ... Wikipedia

    town- urban-type settlement... Russian spelling dictionary

    PGT- urban-type settlement, soil-hydrogeological body... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

    Urban settlement New Bilyary Country: Ukraine ... Wikipedia

urban village

Russian spelling dictionary. / Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute rus. language them. V. V. Vinogradova. - M.: "Azbukovnik". V. V. Lopatin (executive editor), B. Z. Bukchina, N. A. Eskova and others.. 1999 .

See what “smt” is in other dictionaries:

    PGT- steam and gas turbine; steam-gas turbine energy Example of use department of PGT p.g.t. urban-type settlement urban-type settlement. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p....

    town- p.g.t. urban-type settlement urban-type settlement. Dictionary: S. Fadeev. Dictionary of abbreviations of the modern Russian language. St. Petersburg: Politekhnika, 1997. 527 p.... Dictionary of abbreviations and abbreviations


    town- Urban-type settlement (urban-type settlement, urban-type settlement) a type of settlement identified during the times of the USSR. In terms of population, it occupies an intermediate position between the city and the village. Unlike villages, in such settlements the bulk of the population (at least 85%) is not... ... Wikipedia

    PGT- urban-type settlement, soil-hydrogeological body... Dictionary of Russian abbreviations

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    Town.Chernomorskoe- urban-type settlement Chernomorskoye, Ukrainian. Chernomorsk Country: ... Wikipedia

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    Smt. Sosnovoborsk- Sosnovoborsk: Sosnovoborsk is a city in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Sosnovoborsk is an urban-type settlement of the Penza region, Sosnovoborsk district ... Wikipedia

    Former Russian towns- Former urban-type settlements in Russia, urban-type settlements (working, resort and dacha), which lost this status due to administrative-territorial transformations. Complete data for 1989–2007 are provided. According to earlier events... ... Wikipedia


  • village Eternity Buy for 545 RUR
  • village Eternity, Osipov Maxim. The collection includes works of different genres: essays, short stories, a novella and a dramatic monologue - all of them were written in modern times, when politics began to strongly interfere with everyday life. IN…
  • A village is one of the types of settlements in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.

    A village is initially a small settlement located near the city, the main settlement, which arose mainly as a separation from the main settlement (dacha village, resort village), or arose around a railway station, factory, plant and the like (working village: station village, factory village, gold mining village, etc.).

    Settlements are also called isolated parts of cities that are located on the outskirts or absorbed by the city, but not destroyed during mass development. Often, before annexation to the city, they were independent administrative units. In the hierarchy of address elements, in this case the village occupies an intermediate place between an urban area and a street, and is often equated to a microdistrict. In small inner-city villages, sometimes there are no street names and houses are addressed according to their belonging to the village. In cities without division into districts or districts, it is the villages that act as structural units, even at the administrative level (distribution of cultural institutions, education, medicine, social services). The cities of the Kemerovo region Anzhero-Sudzhensk, Belovo, Kiselevsk, Prokopyevsk consist exclusively of working mining villages, grouped around a miniature urban center, usually located near the railway station.

    In Russian and Ukrainian legislation there is no clear definition of the term “village” and criteria for distinguishing a town from a village. Most often, small settlements that had the historical name of a farm, a corner, a fishing and holiday village, and the like are called villages. Such villages usually belong administratively to a village council located in a larger village. In official documents and in everyday life, settlements are also called urban-type settlements (urban-type settlements), settlements located near a city or a factory, factory, etc. The population of the village is usually up to 10,000 people.

    Unlike other settlements, a settlement can be of a rural or urban type. Accordingly, in statistical calculations, the population of rural-type settlements is included in the rural population, and urban-type settlements are included in the urban population.

    There are 3 types of such settlements: workers’ settlements (on their territory there are industrial enterprises, construction sites, railway junctions and other objects); resort villages (designed for recreation and treatment); dacha villages (summer vacation spots for city residents).

Before the reform, in which such administrative units were given their current name, they were posads.

In order for a village to have an urban type, certain nuances must be observed. One of them is that at least 85% of the population of a given location should work in non-agricultural activities. In addition, the number of urban settlements occupies an average value between the number of people living in villages and cities. For example, previously, at least 2 thousand residents in Ukraine and 3 thousand in Russia had to live in an urban settlement.

In the Federation, in addition to the standard name, you can also hear other names in everyday life: dacha, resort or working village. However, from a scientific point of view, the listed structural units are a division of the general concept of an urban settlement.

Types of towns

Even during the existence of the Russian SFSR, classification procedures for urban settlements developed. Let's look at them below.

  1. Resort towns Such an urban-type settlement must have a population of at least 2 thousand people. It necessarily has several medical institutions on its territory. In this case, the number of vacationers must be at least half of the permanent residents.
  2. Workers in the village. An urban-type settlement must have at least 3 thousand permanent residents. Of these, 85% should have been involved in work at enterprises, in the railway sector, industrial sector, etc. Also, on the territory of the working town there must be universities, schools and other educational institutions.
  3. Dacha villages Such an urban-type settlement is an area that provides summer recreation or recreation services.

Today, most of the towns remain in their category since the times of the USSR. However, at the moment, it is impossible to name exact criteria for classification, since they are not uniform. By the way, since the times of the RSFSR, the number of urban settlements has noticeably decreased (from 2100 to 1900).

As of 2015, Sunzha is considered the largest in terms of population. The urban-type settlement (see photo below) is located in Ingushetia, and is inhabited by more than 64 thousand people.


Sunzha is a town, which until 2015 was still considered a village. Before it was officially recognized as an urban village, it was considered the largest village in Russia and one of the largest in the whole world.

Being the largest urban settlement in the Russian Federation, throughout Ingushetia (including cities) Sunzha ranks second in population. Every year there is an increase in population, which, perhaps, in the next fifty years will turn it into a small city, and then into a metropolis. The national composition is, of course, represented by Russians (less than 1%), Chechens (7%) and Ingush (90%). The rest are from other minorities. It is worth noting that back in 2002 there were much more Chechens here - 50% of the total population, but by today this figure has sharply decreased.

Looking at the plan of an urban-type settlement, one can notice that on its territory there is an important facility for the economy - a creamery plant. There are also several schools, colleges and higher education institutions (there are even universities).


Nakhabino is a town located in the Moscow region. According to (and 40 thousand people live here) it ranks second in Russia. Until 2015, he was the leader for 4 years, but then lost to Sunzha.

Surprisingly, according to historical reports, the population in Nakhabino was constantly increasing. And to this day there is an increase. It is not as large as we would like, but the very fact of the increase should please local authorities.

The economy of this urban village is constantly improving. This is due to the presence of a railway depot, various factories operating in the industrial sector, and there is also furniture production. Even some larger cities and towns cannot boast such a developed economy.


In the Stavropol Territory there is the third largest urban settlement in Russia. By the way, it is located on a river called Podkumok. Thanks to road bridges (there are three of them), Goryachevodsky connects with Pyatigorsk.

Until 2010, the population in the urban settlement was steadily increasing, but for several years it has been declining. As of 2016, there are only a little more than 36 thousand residents here. The national composition is as follows: Russians (68%), Armenians (18%), others (12%).

In 2010, urban-type settlements in Russia were represented by Goryachevodsky, however, due to certain factors, the population began to immigrate to other settlements of the state.


Privolzhsky, located in the Saratov region, is one of the largest urban settlements in Russia. As of 2015, just under 35 thousand people live in it. Recently, the dynamics of population changes are unclear: over the course of several years it has increased, decreased and remained the same. Therefore, it is impossible to say for sure whether the number is declining or not.

Urban-type settlements are designed in such a way that there remains territory for development for schools and other educational institutions. Thus, in Privolzhsky there are 4 general education institutions and 9 kindergartens.

It was given the title of a workers' village back in 1939, and to this day it remains so.


The Takhtamukaisky district (Adygea) includes the village of Yablonovsky, founded in 1888. A little more than 32 thousand people live here. Considering the national composition, it is necessary to mention Russians, Armenians, Ukrainians, and Koreans.

The climate of this area is typical for the Russian Federation. Winter minimum -36°С, summer maximum +42°С. Precipitation is 700 mm per year. The urban village itself stands on the banks of the river. Kuban, opposite the well-known city of Krasnodar.

There are two markets in Yablonovsky that specialize in food sales. There is Russian Post and Sberbank branches. There are hospitals, hospitals, schools and kindergartens. A branch of one of the Russian technological universities was built.


Another urban village located in the Moscow region. It is inhabited by 31 thousand people. Founded in 1894.

This settlement has a very favorable economic location. A railway runs near it on both sides, and it itself “stands” on one of the Russian highways (route P105).

Tomilino became famous in the previous century for its excellent nature and infrastructure. This allows us to call it a holiday village. People are attracted to permanent residence by the fact that it is close to Moscow and the Moscow Ring Road.

According to one version, the name appeared when the town passed into the possession of the merchant Tomilin.


This resort town, located in the Stavropol Territory, has a population of 27 thousand people. The classification was assigned to it in 1959. Mostly Russians, Armenians and Greeks live here. Near the village there is a mountain called Beshtau.

Since 2010, the population began to decline sharply, which is observed to this day. As of the same period, it was revealed that men live in Inozemtsevo less than women, by almost 10%.

If we consider cellular communications, then there are 2G, 3G and 4G networks. This is a huge advantage that not all urban-type settlements in Russia have. There is also a sufficient number of kindergartens (6 pcs.), schools (4 pcs.); there is a lyceum, an orphanage and two technical schools.


Vlasikha, located in, has a population of 25 thousand people. This urban-type settlement has a unique feature - until 2009 it was considered a closed military facility.

There are 8 schools of various profiles, 3 sports clubs and 2 cultural centers here. Moreover, the city has its own television channel. Previously (until 2008) there was a large shopping center in the village, but it burned down, and, unfortunately, to such an extent that it cannot be restored.

Where do you live? In the city? In a village or town? Have you ever thought about the differences between one settlement and another? Most likely not. Few people pay attention to such little things in everyday life. Therefore, we decided to reveal a little the nuances of territorial division in Russia. Today we will look at urban-type settlements.

Types of settlements in Russia

The administrative-territorial division in our country can be represented as follows:

  • village;
  • village;
  • village;
  • urban village;
  • city.

If we talk about the types of settlements in more detail, it should be noted that a village is usually considered a settlement in which even less than ten people can live. There are no infrastructure or leisure facilities there.

The expanded village, in which a school, kindergarten and clinic are built, becomes a village. Most often, villages are located within easy reach of the city and have constant transport links with it.

All the listed infrastructure facilities and a church are located in the village. Its presence is required to obtain the status of this locality. In addition, villages can be formed far from cities and regional centers.

There is another type of settlement - ZATO. These settlements are closed and, according to their characteristics, belong to urban-type settlements. Its inhabitants are employees of secret enterprises of strategic importance for our country. Usually the population of ZATO is small, it rarely exceeds two thousand people. Until the nineties of the last century, these settlements were strictly secret and did not even have their own names.

What is an urban village?

Urban-type settlements (abbreviated as PGT) are settlements inhabited by at least three thousand people. Moreover, more than 80% of the population should be employed outside the agricultural sector. We can say that the urban settlement is an intermediate link between the village and the city.

Urban settlement: history of its appearance in Russia

In pre-revolutionary Russia there was no such thing as “urban-type settlements.” The administrative-territorial division did not provide for such a unit, but in the early twenties of the last century, the government of the young country decided to make serious changes to the definitions and names of some territorial units. For the first time, the definition of posad was introduced, from which an urban-type settlement was subsequently formed.

Urban settlement: classification

Urban-type settlements in Russia do not represent a single structure. This name is general. In fact, PGT can be divided into several subtypes:

  • resort villages;
  • holiday villages;
  • workers' villages.

Each type indicated can be safely classified as PGT, but they have their own characteristics and features. For example, a workers' settlement is located very close to a city or a large city-forming enterprise. All its residents can work in one place, and the population often does not exceed two thousand people.

Resort and holiday villages are located in places where sanatoriums and health resorts are built. The population of these urban centers is served by various institutions and is subject to seasonality. This is especially true for holiday villages; they retained their status only if there were at least one and a half thousand inhabitants throughout the year.

Urban settlement: description

PGT in general terms is practically no different from the city. In central Russia, where many ancient cities are located, the population of urban-type settlements is often several times greater than the number of urban residents. However, they are still called PGT.

An urban settlement is usually quite large. The average urban-type settlement has a population of 15,000 people. On its territory there are clinics, schools, preschool institutions and numerous shopping centers. Quite often, several roads, including federal ones, pass through an urban settlement. Often such a settlement has several parks or is crossed by a river. In this case, it simply occupies a huge territory.

We can say that the urban-type settlement is the same city, but it lacks social infrastructure. Children have no place to engage in creative activities, adults do not have the opportunity to get to the theater or museum. This is precisely what prevents this settlement from receiving city status. On average, the population of urban-type settlements ranges from one to two thousand people to two hundred thousand people.

City and urban village: differences

These two types of settlements are very similar to each other and, at first glance, do not have significant differences. But in fact there are some differences.

First of all, the differences are noticeable in the management of the settlement. The PGT has a head who has a staff of administrative workers. But according to the tariff schedule, his position is called “head of an urban village.” The head of the city is the mayor, and in his absence the deputies deal with important issues. Next come lower-level officials.

It is unlikely that you will find an urban village whose residential buildings have thirty floors, although this is not prohibited by law. But in reality, urban settlements are built with houses no higher than nine floors.

A private house in an urban village is not uncommon. Quite often, residents prefer to build on their own plot of land, thus expanding the boundaries of the settlement. This is impossible in the city. A person can purchase land for individual construction only outside a populated area. Within the city limits, free land is always given over to high-rise construction.

The most important and noticeable difference between an urban settlement and a city is its infrastructure facilities. Typically, urban settlements do not have a swimming pool, circus or theater. All other entertainment and leisure facilities in the urban settlement are identical to those in the city.

How are postal codes formed?

Urban-type settlements have the same index formation system as other settlements in the country. After the forties of the last century, an innovative postal identification system was introduced, which is still in effect.

Our country has adopted six-digit indexes. In this case, the first three digits indicate the settlement code, and the second three - the post office number. Large cities may have several codes that facilitate the delivery of correspondence to the addressee. But PGTs usually have one code and several post offices.

The largest and sparsely populated urban settlements in Russia

At the moment, federal legislation does not regulate the acquisition of urban-type settlement status by a settlement. This is done by local authorities. But the dispersion in the population of urban-type settlements within the country is quite large. For example, the urban settlement of Sunzha is considered the largest; more than sixty thousand people live in it. More than a hundred urban-type settlements have a population of less than one thousand people. But the smallest is considered to be PGT Kozhym. It is located in the Komi Republic, and only four people live on its territory.

Moscow region

Urban-type settlements in the Moscow region are quite numerous; currently there are twenty-four territorial units:

  • Nakhabino.
  • Tomilino.
  • Malakhovka.
  • Vlasikha.
  • Kraskovo.
  • Kalininets.
  • Monino.
  • Beloozersky.
  • Tuchkovo.
  • October.
  • Specific.
  • Sofrino.
  • Selyatino.
  • Dam.
  • Bolshie Vyazemy.
  • Mikhnevo.
  • Fryanovo.
  • Ilyinsky.
  • Andreevka.
  • Bykovo.
  • Nekrasovsky.
  • Shakhovskaya.
  • Pravdinsky.
  • Obukhovo.

The most populous is the urban-type settlement of Nakhabino, with just over forty thousand residents. And the smallest urban settlement was Obukhovo, its population is ten thousand people.

We can say that the urban settlements of the Moscow region are characterized by rapid population growth and transformation into a different status. Sociologists attribute this to the proximity of Moscow. The huge metropolis is gradually expanding and approaching urban-type settlements. As a result, they merge into a single territorial unit and become part of the city. This practice is actively used all over the world, because cities with a population of over a million tend to develop and grow not only in height, but also in width.

In conclusion, I would like to say that urban-type settlements are an intermediate administrative-territorial unit. During the period of decline in urbanization, they lose their importance and numbers, but at the time of rapid urban growth, it is urban settlements that become a kind of fuel for numerous urban enterprises in need of workers.