Heart of the forest. Heart of the Forest The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt Heart of the Forest

We continue to analyze the most interesting quests The Witcher 3. And today our analysis is dedicated to an exciting task The Witcher 3- “Heart of the Forest.” You can receive this quest in two ways: through the notice board located in Kaer Trolde, or upon arrival in the village of Ferlund, you can find it on the map.

As soon as you find yourself in Ferlund, you will have to witness an unpleasant dispute that has arisen between two villagers - Sven and Harald. To hear all the important details, come closer to them. And you will notice, near the arguing people, the corpse of a hunter, pierced by the winding roots of a tree. Pointing to the deceased, Harald tells Sven that this is a punishment from the angry Spirit of the Forest due to the villagers’ violation of hunting traditions. But Sven doesn't think so. He is convinced that it is not the Spirit of the Forest at all, but an ordinary monster that dealt so cruelly with the unfortunate hunters. You will be interested in this mysterious matter, and you will want to offer your services to pacify the forest monster. But, of course, not for free. Residents will react differently to the help offered. Harald will consider you a murderer and will want you to get out of their village as soon as possible. On the contrary, Sven will be extremely interested in hiring you.

Before you go in search of the Spirit of the Forest, carefully examine the remains of a hunter entwined with roots. You will notice that the victim's entrails were pecked out by crows, which indicates a very unusual method of murder. At the same time, the wise Harald will say that with such a cruel death, the angry Forest Spirit punishes cowardly people as a sign of contempt, and for the brave, the so-called noble reprisal is provided. After this, Harald and Sven will continue their argument, and you will no longer be able to get useful information about the Spirit of the Forest. Therefore, you yourself must further unravel this mysterious matter and understand what is what, and what was the reason for all these atrocities.

The first thing you should do when starting a task The Witcher 3"Heart of the Forest" is about thoroughly exploring the forest itself. Use your witcher senses for this. It will help you find very important detail- remains of a dog. Having examined them, you will notice not only unusual thin and very deep cuts, but also traces of the forest monster itself.

Follow the tracks further, and they will lead you to another important piece of evidence - remains with crushed bones on a stone. What you see will lead you to believe that whoever committed this atrocity must have fantastic power.

At the next location, be prepared to meet white wolves. They will attack without hesitation, so keep your sword ready. As soon as you deal with them. Look around. You should come across a stone with marks from huge and sharp claws.

Having studied all the evidence received, Geralt will come to the conclusion that the forest monster that keeps the inhabitants of the village of Ferlund in fear is an ancient and very powerful Leshy. To understand what kind of monster this is and what power it has, look at the bestiary. And only then go in search of forest evil spirits.

Spirit of the Forest: to kill or not?

We have come to the most important thing, namely the choice that you have to make in deciding the fate of the Forest Spirit: kill him or perform a ritual to appease the Leshy. Keep in mind that your choice, whatever it may be, will have consequences for the villagers. And, unfortunately, there is no way to do without victims. The decision on what to do is up to you, but before that it would be right to talk with Harald and Sven again.

Spirit of the Forest consequences: conversation with Harald

In a conversation with the character Harald, you will tell him that the monster that keeps the villagers in fear is the ancient Goblin and you, as an experienced witcher, can deal with him. But Harald will not support Geralt’s idea to kill the Forest Spirit, since, in his opinion, it was his patronage that once made the inhabitants of Ferlund strong warriors. And the Spirit also filled the forests with animals, on which the villagers honed their hunting skills. Harald will offer you, instead of killing, to perform a magical ritual and appease the Spirit of the Forest so that he changes his anger to mercy and again patronizes the villagers. You can immediately choose in favor of Harald’s idea, or you can also talk with Sven and only then make the final choice.

If you listen to Harald and decide to perform a ritual to appease the Spirit of the Forest, then follow to the altar. On the way you will meet wolves. They must be killed, and the hearts of the fallen animals must be taken for the ritual. How will you find yourself near sacred place, put the hearts of wolves on the altar and set them on fire. Crows will flock to this ritual fire. And also during the ritual you will notice Leshy himself.

Once everything is finished, return to old man Harald to receive your reward. He will see a flock of crows - as evidence that the Forest Spirit has calmed down. During the conversation with Harald, Sven and his henchmen will join you. While you were completing the task, the latter had already killed all the village elders, except Harald. And now it’s his turn. You will have a choice: protect the old man and deal with Sven and his gang (then Harald will remain alive), or stay on the sidelines and let the residents of Ferlund resolve their issues themselves. The latter, naturally, will entail the death of the unfortunate old man.

Spirit of the Forest consequences: conversation with Sven

Before you talk to Sven, you will witness his conversation with a girl named Hilda. From this conversation it will become clear that the latter clearly sympathizes with the young village woman. In a conversation with the second character, you should also tell him that you conducted an investigation and found out that the Forest Spirit that is rampant in their lands is the ancient Leshy. And you can deal with him for a reward.

According to the development of this scenario of the quest “Heart of the Forest” in Witch 3, it turns out that the Forest Spirit marked one of the villagers with his sign and as long as the one marked by the monster remains in Ferlund, it is impossible to kill him. Before you go in search of Leshy, you must first find this person and decide his fate: kill or expel him from the village. Use your witcher senses to search. The one marked by the monster will be Hilda, the girl with whom Sven flirted. Once you recognize her, you will have to decide whether she should leave or die. As soon as the choice is made, Hilda will either be killed by Sven’s henchmen, or they will expel her from the village forever.

Having decided Hilda's fate, go meet the forest monster. But keep in mind, before you get to Leshiy, you must first destroy all his totem signs, as well as deal with the wolves and climbing roots that protect the totems of the Forest Spirit. To destroy totem signs, use your sword or the magic sign of Igni.

Once all the totems are destroyed, you will hear a fierce scream. This sound is made by an angry forest monster. Follow the sound and soon you will meet Leshiy face to face. But keep in mind, the monster will not be alone, a pack of wolves will come to his defense.

How to kill the Forest Spirit in The Witcher 3?

In the battle with Goblin, use the magical sign of Igni, as well as oil that fights relics. The battle will not be easy. And not only because the forest monster is very strong, but also because he is helped by dangerous wolves who come running to his call. Before dealing with the monster, it is better to kill all the wolves first. As soon as the last wolf is destroyed, immediately rush to attack Leshy. The opponent is very strong and is capable of not only disappearing, but also striking with roots while in the distance. Therefore, as soon as you notice that the Forest Spirit lowers its powerful ugly hands to the ground to direct deadly roots at you, use a roll to dodge.

Having dealt with the forest monster, do not forget to collect the loot left behind and go to meet Sven for your reward.

Upon arrival in the village, you will find out that during your absence, Sven and his gang have already dealt with poor Harald and other village elders. You won’t be able to somehow punish the cruel Sven for killing people, but you will also receive the Assassin’s Boots as a bonus in addition to the cash reward.

Our analysis of the quest The Witcher 3“Heart of the Forest” has come to an end, and finally I would like to say that it’s up to you to decide what is the best thing to do: kill the Spirit of the Forest or not. But, it is worth considering that by choosing the option proposed by Harald, you will become a peacemaker who preserves the peace and traditions of the village. And, if you follow the path of cruelty imposed by Sven, you will side with a bandit who wanted power and caused the death of innocent people. So which path will you choose?

Where to find (on the map):

How to get started- You can receive this task in two ways, either by using the notice board in the port of Kaer Trolde, or simply by being in the village of Ferlund.

Once in the village of Ferlund, you will witness a dispute between the villagers; when you get closer to them, you will be able to find out the reason for the disagreement. Harald, pointing to the corpse entangled in the roots, will try to explain to Sven that they violated old traditions, which angered the Spirit of the Forest. Sven, in turn, is sure that this is the work of an ordinary monster from the thicket, which has already caused the death of five hunters. Interested in the corpse, Geralt will decide to participate in the dialogue and offer the residents his services as a witcher. Harald will not be happy with the appearance of the “killer” and will tell him to get lost, while Sven, interested in getting rid of the monster, will support the idea of ​​​​hiring a witcher. Of those who remained alive, no one saw this Spirit of the Forest. Traces of the teeth of predators and the pecked out entrails of the body in the roots will make Geralt think about the manner of killing the victims. Harold will add that such a death as this, the Spirit of the Forest punishes only cowards, for the brave at heart he has a completely different, worthy death. According to Harald, the spirit decided to take revenge on the residents because they began to violate hunting traditions, after which the clarification of their relationship with Sven will continue and you will no longer be able to find useful information from these people.

You will need to understand for yourself what is happening here and who is to blame. First, you will need to explore the forest, with your witcher senses helping you. At the first point you will need to find the corpse of a dog, on which you will find subtle but deep wounds, as well as traces of a monster.

Continuing along the direction of the tracks, you will come across a stone with the corpse of a victim whose bones were crushed, this requires enormous strength.

In the next place, in addition to the white wolves that will immediately attack you, you can find claw marks on the stone.

Having received all the information, the witcher will come to the conclusion that the monster annoying the villagers is a very old goblin, you will have to read about it in the bestiary to continue.

Next you will have choice, carrying his consequences for villagers, but before choosing the one you need option, you will still be able to communicate with two people, Sven and Harald, each of whom will have their own point of view on how to deal with the goblin ( what to do, it’s up to you to decide, but casualties cannot be avoided in any case):

1. Talk to Harald - the Witcher will tell him that he has found out that the monster plaguing the village is the Goblin and he is able to cope with it. Harald believes that it was the influence of the goblin that made the inhabitants invincible, forcing them to turn into great warriors, the forests are full of animals precisely by the will of the goblin, which is why this village is famous for the best hunters in Skellige. He will also mention a certain ritual that every novice hunter must undergo, in which not everyone survives, which is reminiscent of witchers. Geralt will ask about another method that Harald mentioned earlier. He will tell the witcher a ritual that should calm the monster, which is what Geralt will need to perform in order to rid the village of the rage of the Leshy. You can immediately agree with Harald or talk with Sven.

If you decide to follow Harald's advice, then you will have to go to the altar and undergo a test in which you will have to fight five wolves, whose hearts, after victory, will need to be collected and placed on the altar for the ritual. Having accomplished all this, the witcher will light the hearts, to which a flock of crows will flock (you will be able to notice the devil during the ritual).

All that remains is to return to the old man for the reward. He saw smoke, indicating the ceremony, as well as the dance of ravens, which indicates that the goblin accepted the sacrifice. Having thanked the witcher for solving the problem, Sven and his people joined the conversation; they had already dealt with all the elders, and now only Harald remained. You will have a choice with consequences:

I will not allow him to be killed - the Witcher will be against killing Harald, you will have to fight Sven and his two men. Harald will live.

It's none of my business - Sven will deal with Harald, as well as with the rest of the elders who supported the old rituals, and Sven will become the ruler of the village.

2. Talk to Sven - You will find Sven talking with Hilda, he clearly has some feelings for the girl. Telling him that you managed to find out that the monster plaguing the village is an old goblin, which the witcher will be able to deal with for a certain fee. But there is one peculiarity: the goblin chose one of the village residents, and while he is in it, it will not be possible to get rid of him completely. That is why you will have to find a mark on one of the villagers.

You can find the mark using the witcher's sense from the same Hilda, who you can find next to the forge.

Returning to Sven, who suspects all the elders of conspiring with the monster, you will have to make a choice that will have consequences for the girl’s fate.

You must get rid of the marked one - Sven's people will kill Hilda.

You must expel the marked one - Sven will order his people to expel Hilda from the village, telling her not to appear here again.

In any case, in order to kill the goblin, you will first need to destroy all the totems of the monster, when approaching them you will be attacked by the roots of the monster, as well as wolves.

In order to destroy the totem, you will need to either use the Igni sign, or simply hit it with your sword.

After destroying all the totems, you will need to follow the sound made by the monster, after which the goblin will appear surrounded by wolves.

How to kill a devil (Spirit of the Forest):

Anti-relic oil, as well as the Igni sign, will help you in the battle with him. Throughout the battle with the monster, wolves from the forest will come to his aid, which in themselves are very dangerous, so first it is better to deal with them and as soon as you are left alone with the goblin, immediately attack. he has the ability to dissolve in the air and attack from afar using his roots, so as soon as he starts to lower his hands to the ground, roll.

After defeating the monster, do not forget to collect trophies; all you have to do is return to the village to receive your reward. Sven has already managed to deal with the elders, including Harald, in your absence; you will not be able to punish him, but as a reward, in addition to the crowns, you will also receive the killer's boots.

What's the best way to proceed?- it’s up to you, but if you follow the path of Harald, you will follow the traditions of the village and ultimately be able to get rid of Sven, who acts like the last bandit who decided to commit lynching and tyranny.

And most importantly, they are very kind and approach their work with an open heart.

Monday, December 30, 2019

While waiting for our city to finally be fully decorated, we decided to visit the capital of our homeland, Moscow.
It’s such a pity that we weren’t able to dress up the city for the opening of the project, but we really wanted to look forward to the New Year’s mood for a whole month, especially in such grey, nasty weather when nothing makes us happy. Well, okay, let’s head to Moscow to get in the New Year’s spirit.

Moscow is also still in the process of preparing for the New Year, but the main sites have already been decorated and are fully operational. The scope of New Year's celebrations in Moscow is, of course, a masterpiece. We decided to draw some kind of parallel, and friends, indeed Ryazan in some ways already resembles the capital of our homeland.

For example, the forest park is decorated with exactly the same trees as on the boulevards of Moscow. And the balls near the Kremlin are very reminiscent of Nikolskaya Street near GUM. By the way, this street attracts a lot of Instagrammers))).

New Year's installations in the shape of balls, we also have these! Let's go for holiday photo shoots!
And our Christmas trees are no less beautiful than Moscow beauties, despite the lack of excessive pathos. We even have an exhibition of original Christmas trees from leading companies in the city, like in Guma!

In some ways it’s even more interesting than the Moscow one, because in GUM we didn’t see any Christmas trees made from radio components! If you want to go to a beautiful skating rink, please, we also have one, and it is almost as beautiful as the skating rink on Red Square, it’s a pity that the entrance to it is paid! Don't forget to take your skates! But don't take the horse)))

We also have Christmas markets. Their big advantage over Moscow is that you can easily pamper yourself with wonderful New Year's souvenirs from Ryazan. After all, the price is much more affordable than in the capital! As well as cafes and restaurants, where you can treat yourself to goodies at reasonable prices. Of course, the capital shines and shimmers; it’s hard to resist and remain indifferent to this spectacle. But while we were away, the city finally turned on the illumination of the streets, it was transformed, and also became very beautiful! We invite you to Ryazan!

Friday, December 13, 2019

New Year is the most long-awaited holiday for all people, of any age.
This year, Ryazan residents were especially looking forward to the New Year, because Ryazan was declared the New Year's capital 2020.

The opening of the New Year's capital took place on December 8 with a large procession of many Santa Clauses. The beautiful, bright spectacle was overshadowed by a long wait in the cold for the start, and by the Christmas tree, which the country's main Santa Claus from Veliky Ustyug could not light because they simply did not have time to decorate it.

But Ryazan people are a people with an excellent sense of humor. At first they were indignant about how the tree was not lit, and then the Internet was filled with jokes on this topic.

This even aroused intense interest among tourists in our city - there are practically no empty rooms in the city’s hotels, and almost all restaurants are also booked. As they say, there would be no happiness, but misfortune helped.

As part of the New Year's Capital 2020 project, many events are planned for children and adults. The most detailed information about them in the appendix.

There are also discounts in various shops and cafes in the city. But they are insignificant 1-5 percent, somewhere around 10.

Although not everyone had time to dress up and decorate for the opening, the city is gradually filled with lights, and the degree of festive mood rises in the air. Great place The Lesopark park is suitable for family walks.

This place is especially noteworthy for children, because it is here that the residence of the main wizard of the country, Santa Claus, is located. Here you can write a letter to your grandfather, wish for a gift, ride the slides, and admire the lights. When all this is dressed up to the end, it will be very cool!

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Travel sites are full of offers to celebrate the New Year “over the hill.”
But why go somewhere far and pay huge sums, because you can perfectly meet and spend this wonderful holiday in the New Year's capital of 2019-2020 in Ryazan!

You can stay outside the city, in Solotch, just twenty minutes away, and enjoy fresh air, filled with the aromas of centuries-old pine trees. There is a bathhouse and delicious food here.

And when you want spectacles, go to the city! Take a walk around the ancient Russian city, explore its sights, immerse yourself in its history, and enjoy the festive decoration of the city.

Starting from December 7, New Year's celebrations will be held for residents and guests of the city for a whole month. They will arrange it for us various shows, parades, fairs, festivals. It definitely won't be boring!

Friday, September 6, 2019

A man living among smog, noise and bustle big city often strives for peace and solitude in the clean air. Meshchera forests are excellent for these purposes. Here there is nature untouched by man, an abundance of forests, beautiful picturesque lakes.

There is a lot of game in the forests, rivers and lakes are full of fish, many mushrooms and wild berries. Isn't this a paradise for fishermen, hunters and simply nature lovers? It is in such a paradise that the Polushkino recreation center is located. You can come here as a couple for a romantic getaway, or with children. You can rent a house and come with a group to celebrate some kind of celebration. You can even organize a banquet here! And what picturesque scenery there is for organizing an on-site marriage registration! Well, just a wonderful place.

The Polushkino recreation center is located in Spas-Klepiki, just an hour’s drive from Ryazan. And for more secluded relaxation The Polushkino VIP recreation center was built - a complex of cottages for a company, on the shores of lakes, with landscaped territory. Here you can feel like a real aristocrat in your own estate in wide open spaces.

If you don’t want to waste years of your life, then go to work! Only in the process of work will you be able to understand what you are drawn to and what you are not, you can change several professions, and only then will you understand what your calling is!

In the port of Kaer Trolde, on the notice board you can find a note from a certain Sven from the village of Ferlund, who needs the help of a monster master!

Head to the village, it is located in the central part of Ard Skellige!

On your way out of the village, near the old forest, you will come across a fierce dispute between the elders and the new ruling group led by Sven.

The whole trouble is due to disagreements over old customs - Testing the spirit of the forest to cajole nature. A lot of young men die because of this custom, says Sven. But the elder is on the contrary, saying that they have stopped honoring traditions, so the village will face punishment. Basically, tell them you'll sort it out.

Follow the tracks and marks, and you will find yourself in a clearing with totems and marks of the devil. In fact, there are 2 ways to solve this problem:
1) Talk to Sven and tell him that Leshy has already marked the person and won’t just leave. This person will turn out to be Helga (sort of Sven's lover). She can either be killed or banished. Then you need to go into the forest and destroy the totems of Leshy, simultaneously killing him and his wolves. Afterwards, return to the village, and by that time Sven will slaughter all the elders and a new era of the village will begin - under the leadership of Sven.

2) After searching in the forest, go to the Elder, he will tell you that you can solve the problem peacefully by passing the tests of the forest. Well, I prefer this option.

We go to the indicated place with the place of offering, kill 5 white wolves and collect their hearts.

We put it on the temple. The Spirit of the Forest will be pleased. Return to the village.

There, Sven's guys cut all the elders, except one. You have a choice to help him or let him be torn to pieces. In general, we chop Sven and his accomplices into cabbage and talk to the elder, after thanks, the quest ends.

- If you follow Sven’s path, wolves will begin to attack the village. Since it was this custom that cajoled the Spirit of the Forest, who controlled the wolves.
- And Sven just wanted to gain power over the village, and not solve the problem with the forest.

“We will definitely need to go through the directly related quest “Whispering Hill”. In this quest, it is worth paying attention to the fact that the choice we make will definitely have very significant consequences. The situation is complicated by the fact that in this case you have no idea in advance what this or that choice will lead to. Many here will be asking the question “What should I do?” and this will certainly affect the completion of the quests “Mistress of the Forest” with the story of the witches from Crooked-Ear Marshes and “Family Matters” with the story of the Bloody Baron and his wife. Next, the consequences of the choice in The Witcher 3 when completing this quest will be described in detail.

In the process of completing the quest “Whispering Hill” in a cave under Whispering Hill we will meet a certain spirit imprisoned there. He will ask us to free him, then he promises to save the children living in the swamp from the witches. Here we are faced with the most difficult choice, on which the lives of many people will subsequently depend. We have to either kill the spirit or free it. Our choices will affect future fate the following characters:

  1. Children from the orphanage on Crooked Ear Marshes;
  2. Residents of the village of Shteiger;
  3. The wife of the Bloody Baron Anna, whom we are looking for in the quest “Family Matters”;
  4. The Bloody Baron himself, familiar to us from the already mentioned quest “Family Matters”.

If we decide to kill the spirit, we get the following picture:

  1. The children will suffer a sad fate, they will be eaten by witches from Crooked-Ear Marshes;
  2. Many residents of the village in the swamp will be hanged by hunters of sorcerers, who visited here with the daughter of the Bloody Baron in search of the wife of the Bloody Baron Anna;
  3. The witches will be pleased with the Bloody Baron's wife Anna for fattening and looking after the children for them, she will remain alive, but will go crazy;
  4. The bloody baron will go with his wife to the healer, and in his absence, ordinary peasants in the area of ​​the baron’s castle will be subjected to robbery and violence by the baron’s people who have felt the freedom.

If we decide to help the spirit and free it, then the consequences of the choice will be as follows:

  1. Children who live with their grandmother in an orphanage in the swamps will be saved, in confirmation of this they can later be found in Novigrad in the Marabella orphanage (we will visit this institution as part of the quest “List of Harlots”);
  2. The spirit will still kill the villagers from the village of Steigers and ghosts will move into the villages;
  3. The witches will be angry with the Bloody Baron's Wife Anna for not taking care of the children and letting the spirit take them and free them from the witches, and they will put a spell on her. It will be possible to disenchant her, but she will still die, having managed to finally see the Bloody Baron and her daughter;
  4. The bloody baron will hang himself, unable to bear the grief that has happened.

For complete clarification, it is worth noting that it will not be possible to save both the children from the orphanage and the long-suffering Bloody Baron and his wife at the same time. You can try to go through the “Whispering Hill” quest first with the option of freeing the spirit before visiting the orphanage with the children as part of the “Mistresses of the Forest” quest, but even in this case, everyone will not be saved. Then the liberated spirit will not promise to save the children, since we have not yet visited the shelter in the swamp and are not aware of the situation of the children. Under this set of circumstances, the baron and his wife will remain alive, since the children will go to the witches, and these same witches will not hold a grudge against Anna. Also, in this case, the spirit will kill all the inhabitants of the village of Steigers due to the fact that they tried to get rid of it.