Solo hikes: what to take. Memo for a snowboarder - what to take with you to the mountains It’s better to take it on a hike

The correct choice of things for a hike determines how successful and even comfortable it will be. The selection of necessary things greatly depends on the seasonality of the trip, its duration, route, altitude and your personal needs.

We provide the most complete list of things, designed for hikes of different difficulty levels.

Using this checklist, you can easily select the necessary equipment.

Packing list for a day trip

For a weekend hike we will need:

  • backpack with a volume of 25-40 liters;
  • “seat” or thin rug;
  • clothes and shoes according to the weather;
  • flashlight and compass;
  • repellents (in summer);
  • a set of dishes and food for a picnic;
  • thermos with tea or coffee;
  • first aid kit;
  • sun cream;
  • money;
  • toilet paper.

Extended list of things for a multi-day camping trip with a tent


As a rule, you have to get to the starting point of the hike by train or plane, so you need a passport and travel booking documents. Also, as a rule, the night before the hike and after it before flying home is spent at the hotel.

  • passport;
  • booking information (air tickets, train tickets, transfers, hotel with directions);
  • paper or GPS maps;
  • money/bank card;
  • tent;
  • backpack 60-90 liters;
  • sleeping bag;
  • foam mat (karemat) or inflatable mat;
  • insurance policy (if you are traveling abroad).

A good basic kit for a week's summer camping trip.

Cloth. How much and what to take

When choosing clothes, choose modern synthetic materials that will dry quickly if you sweat or after washing. The ideal option is thermal underwear. For sleep, it is better to take one set of cotton underwear.

When choosing the number of sets of things, be guided by the hiking conditions. For the presence of water on the route, expected air temperatures, expected weather.

To protect from the sun, it is advisable to take T-shirts and shirts with long sleeves.

In the cold season and when climbing to heights, you must have a warm jacket, such as Doudoune. In sports stores you can find very lightweight options, complete with a compression bag.

For a 7-10 day trek, the minimum you need to take is: 3 T-shirts, 2 fleece sweaters, a hat, 2 trousers, raincoat trousers, a waterproof windbreaker jacket with a hood, 3-4 pairs of socks.

  • T-shirt for day trips;
  • Replaceable T-shirt for camp (preferably cotton);
  • shirt;
  • fleece or sweater;
  • sun hat with wide brim;
  • bandana;
  • warm fleece/wool hat for winter hiking or high altitudes;
  • quick-drying trousers for daytime marches;
  • changeable trousers for camp;
  • elastic inner trousers/stockings;
  • raincoat trousers;
  • waterproof windbreaker jacket with a hood;
  • warm jacket;
  • shorts or summer pants;
  • gaiters to protect the bottom of trousers from morning dew, wet grass after rain or snow;
  • socks (several pairs);
  • swimming trunks/swimsuit;
  • a neckerchief to protect against sunburn;
  • underwear, insulated during the cold season;
  • mosquito net;
  • gloves.

Shoes. How much and which one to take

For day treks, trekking boots are ideal, preferably high ones, protecting the ankle and with a hard toe. If the route involves crossing numerous fords, then it is advisable to have a second pair of shoes, for example, light sneakers. For single crossings of rivers or streams with a rocky bottom, simple plastic shoes that cover the toes are perfect. It will also be used at the campsite as a replacement one.

  • trekking boots;
  • sneakers;
  • light plastic shoes.

To avoid chafing your feet, you should not take new shoes or shoes that you have not used for a long time.

Things for the kitchen

You can take a plastic mug, bowl and spoon for the trip. Made from modern materials, they are quite durable.

  • burner + gas cartridges;
  • KLMN - mug, spoon, bowl, knife;
  • a kettle with a lid, with a capacity of up to 1 liter per person (1 kettle for the main course and 1 for tea is taken per group);
  • ladle;
  • thin cutting board;
  • folding plastic bucket;
  • lighter, flint or matches;
  • dry alcohol - very helpful in rainy weather for quickly starting a fire;
  • 10 meters of rope for hanging food on a tree at night (necessary where there are a lot of wild animals);
  • a tourist hatchet or a large folding knife instead of an ax;
  • saw chain (some people prefer);
  • gloves for kitchen attendants;
  • water filter or special tablets (in dry or unsanitary routes).

Water and food

Water on the route. For daily personal use, you need to have some kind of water container, from 0.5 to 1.5 liters, depending on the aridity of the route. The best and most affordable option is a store-bought plastic water bottle.

  • individual 1.5 liter plastic water bottle;
  • food for a hike ().

Personal hygiene items

  • soap with soap dish or tube of liquid soap;
  • a toothbrush and a small tube of toothpaste;
  • toilet paper;
  • wet wipes are indispensable if you cannot take a shower;
  • antibacterial hand disinfection cream;
  • handkerchief;
  • small scissors;
  • a small mirror for those who wear contact lenses;
  • earplugs from noisy neighbors in the tent;
  • hygienic lipstick against chapped lips;
  • towel;
  • deodorant;
  • razor.


What may be useful from electronics and gadgets:

  • head flashlight;
  • mobile phone or smartphone;
  • mobile router with external antenna for distributing wifi in the camp;
  • satellite phone (for hiking in remote areas);
  • camera;
  • tripod/tripod;
  • player and headphones;
  • watch;
  • compass;
  • GPS navigator;
  • battery for charging gadgets (power bank);
  • spare battery sets;
  • chargers for all equipment;
  • flash drive;
  • solar panel;
  • e-book;
  • walkie-talkie

First aid kit

What are the essentials that should be in an individual first aid kit?
A hiking first aid kit should be hermetically sealed and contain a set of medications necessary for the hike. First of all, these are disinfectants and dressings, antihistamines, as well as against poisoning and intestinal infections.

Various camping items

  • cushion seat;
  • needles, threads and spare buttons in several sizes;
  • notebook and pen;
  • sunglasses (preferably for mountain hikes or when there is a lot of snow);
  • clothesline for drying clothes + 3-4 clothespins;
  • insect repellents;
  • contact lenses;
  • inflatable pillow;
  • plastic bags of different sizes for packing clothes and sleeping bags, as well as for various household needs;
  • a small sealed bag for documents and a smartphone;
  • photocopy of documents;
  • bank rubber bands - very convenient for open bags of anything;
  • condoms - sometimes used as an airtight container for documents;
  • waterproof card case;
  • a sheet-cover inside the sleeping bag.

Security features

In places where encounters with wild animals, such as bears, are possible, it is advisable to have special means.

  • a can of pepper spray;
  • flare;
  • whistle or football buzzer;
  • telephone numbers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and other services.

When hiking in the lakes in winter, you need to have an additional knife suspended on a string around your neck. Having fallen into the wormwood, he will help you get to the surface of the ice.

List of additional things for a boat trip

A small difference between a water trip and a walking trip is that you need more waterproof equipment. Its weight can be increased, since you only have to drag the equipment to the starting point and back. It is advisable to have a backpack without a rigid frame. On the kayak it is stored rolled up, as compact as possible.

  • a set of quick-drying clothes for daily rafting;
  • a waterproof backpack that can be used as an airtight bag;
  • hermetic bags or dry bags;
  • repair kit for a kayak or raft;
  • helmet;
  • life jacket;
  • an elastic band for sunglasses or glasses to prevent them from falling into the water;
  • Be sure to wear a comfortable sun hat;
  • a piece of polyethylene film 1x1.5 meters, to protect feet from splashes in the autumn-spring period;
  • grill grate for roasting fish.

What to take for a hike with a child

  • a backpack for carrying a child (if he is very small);
  • water purification products (filter or tablets);
  • wool socks;
  • diapers at the rate of 4-5 pcs. for a day;
  • a potty (if the child cannot do without it);
  • favorite personal toys;
  • toys for active games in the camping.

Additional equipment

  • alpenstock;
  • trekking sticks;
  • "cats";
  • skis.

Keep in mind that anatomically, backpacks are divided into men's and women's.
For a 7-day hike, a backpack with a volume of 60 liters is enough; for 14 days you will need a backpack with a volume of 80-90 liters.

Check if the package includes a cover to protect the backpack from rain. Additionally, we recommend purchasing an internal waterproof bag, which will help keep your clothes and sleeping bag dry from heavy rain or when it falls into the river. A plus will be the presence of external fastenings for a rug, tent, clothes, trekking poles.

Sleeping bags, like clothes, have their own size. Pay attention to this. The wider the sleeping bag, the more comfortable it is to sleep in it. To the “Comfort” value (not “Comfort limit”) indicated in the specifications, feel free to add 10-15 degrees for women and 5 degrees for men.

The above list of equipment will not weigh down your backpack too much and will cover 99% of your travel needs.

What additional things do you take on your trips?

The essentials for a hike with a budget set of gear from Decathlon.

Holidays in the mountains involve a lot of sensations and impressions, especially if you decide on an active winter holiday. You need to understand that you can’t just pick up and go - you need to prepare. Consequently, the question may arise “what to take with you to the mountains?” if you are going there for the first time. Active recreation is, first of all, movement. To move - you don’t have to run or climb the slopes quickly - you can rent a snowboard and ride it, thereby getting new sensations.

Properly selected clothing for active recreation in the mountains is the key to a great time. Remember that clothing should not allow your body to cool down, as you may get frostbite. It also shouldn't keep you too warm, since if you sweat excessively, the wind can blow through you. Consider several options for what clothing is suitable for you in mountainous areas.

  1. Heat balance.
    Clothing must maintain thermal balance - as much heat as you produce, you must lose as much, otherwise excess or deficiency can negatively affect your health and rest in general.
  2. Dry skin.
    To maintain a comfortable stay in clothes, you need to keep your skin dry. First of all, you need to choose clothing that will protect you from external influences of nature (rain, snow, hail), water flows, etc. If clothing is able to wick sweat away from the surface of the skin, then this is a definite plus. In general, you'll need clothing that is both breathable and water-repellent to keep you dry.
  3. Impact protection.
    Since you're at greater risk of damaging your skin in nature than in urban areas, it's important to choose protective clothing. It has padding and reinforced materials to potentially protect you from external damage.

If we look more specifically, the following things will be useful to you:

  • Underwear for thermoregulation - a jacket for the top and pants;
  • Thin and thick fleece sweater;
  • The coat with a hood is naturally warm;
  • Jacket and pants - for protection from the wind;
  • Thin and warm mittens;
  • One main knitted hat, another - in case the first one is wet;
  • Balaclava - to protect the face from the wind.

Clothes should not be made of cotton; synthetic ones are better suited here. It dries quickly in the wind, unlike cotton items. Membrane clothing goes well with fleece and thermal underwear.

What shoes should I wear?

For active recreation in the mountains in winter, ordinary sneakers are not suitable. You need to choose good, high-quality winter shoes that will be as comfortable as possible for you. Renting a snowboard is a simple matter, but let's figure out what shoes to choose for it. There are special boots for snowboards; they are divided into children's, men's and women's. If you are just starting to master snowboarding, soft boots that are comfortable to control the board will be suitable for you. If you are already a good skier, you will need hard boots, like ski boots.

Don't forget to take warm and thin socks, as well as nylon shoe covers. Shoe covers are needed to protect against environmental influences.

Additional things for relaxation.

One day hike.

  • A backpack with a capacity of up to 60 liters, but not less than 30;
  • Headlamp with spare batteries;
  • Food supply for several days and a thermos with tea or coffee;
  • Documents in waterproof film;
  • First aid kit (count on all your fellow travelers);
  • Cream against exposure to cold temperatures;
  • Mobile phone (in case), navigator and camera.

A hike for several days.

Everything that is presented for a one-day hike is necessary for a hike of several days, only now you will need a backpack with a volume of 100 liters or more. To these things you need to add:

  • Tents must have no zippers, because... they freeze;
  • Foam mats for thermal insulation;
  • Comfortable warm sleeping sets;
  • Burners, primus stoves - for heating tea, coffee, food;
  • Additional food supply according to the formula: number of days of rest + for another 3 days.
  • Sets for food and drink;
  • Several bottles of water, 1 - 1.5 liters each.
  • Saw, matches, candles and axe;
  • Hygiene products. It is better to take a towel made of microfiber or synthetic.

Now you know how to properly pack for the mountains. We wish you a great holiday and pleasant sensations and may you not be afraid of the cold winter winds.

The list will be useful both for novice snowboarders going to the mountains for the first time, and for experienced snowboarders to check if they forgot anything they needed. You can cross out unnecessary items and use the list when preparing for the mountains.

Snowboard clothing

  • Thermal underwear
  • The underlayer of clothing should not heat up. Its purpose is to remove moisture that forms during physical activity. For this purpose, there is thermal underwear that removes moisture from the skin, thereby retaining body heat. Thermal underwear should fit snugly to the body, but not pinch or restrict movement. It can be natural (“passive”) and synthetic (“active”). Passive thermal underwear contains more wool or cotton and less synthetics.

    This thermal underwear is intended for walking outdoors, winter fishing and other sedentary activities. but not for physical activity. Cotton and wool initially warm, but as they absorb sweat, they become wet and cold. Another thing is active thermal underwear made of synthetic fabric. It is elastic and perfectly removes moisture. The fabric composition is dominated by synthetics, and a small amount of natural wool may be added. When choosing thermal underwear for snowboarding, choose “active” ones from synthetic fabrics.

  • Thermal socks
  • The same principle as thermal underwear - wicking sweat away. For example, if you ride in ordinary terry socks at -20, there is a chance of freezing your feet, the sock will accumulate moisture, and it will freeze your feet.

  • Fleece jacket, Down vest
  • This is a layer of insulation. Its task is to warm the body and also remove the steam that forms on the surface of the thermal underwear. Snowboarders use clothes made of fleece, microfleece or Polartek (they are all the same, the difference is only in the name and quality, the essence is the same). These are soft, synthetic materials that provide excellent warmth, wick sweat away, and do not restrict movement. It is worth taking a compact, lightweight down vest with you. In case of severe frost and wind, you will thank her by wearing a fleece jacket under your jacket.

  • Membrane jacket, pants (or overalls)
  • The last element is a protective casing made from a membrane jacket, pants or overalls. This layer completes the mission of the previous two, completely removing moisture outside and preventing external moisture from penetrating inside. The quality of the membrane is characterized by two properties: 1 – how much moisture it can remove to the outside; 2 – what water pressure from outside it can withstand. Manufacturers of membrane fabrics claim that the higher the numbers of both indicators, the better (for example, a membrane of 20,000/20,000 is considered worthy).

  • Head protection from wind – Buff or balaclava (balaclava)
  • When riding in the mountains, you will inevitably encounter wind and snowstorms. A balaclava or buff will help protect you from them. The most universal thing is buff; you can buy it ready-made or sew it yourself. The buff can be used as a scarf, as a hat, as a balaclava, as protection against frostbite on the cheeks, by wearing it in different ways.

  • Mittens, gloves
  • Gloves or mittens? Wearing gloves will make it easier to grab anything and everything; this is important when skating with children, helping your girlfriend, or working as an instructor. The mitten version will be warmer. Take at least two sets on a trip to the mountains! Gloves get wet, get lost, forgotten, blown away by the wind on the mountain, and many other options.

  • *Civilian clothes for changing in the evening after the mountain
  • After the mountain, you need to dry your skiing clothes by the next day, so you need a full set of civilian clothes in which you will go to have fun with friends both outdoors and indoors.


  • Knee pads
  • Important element! You can use hard snowboard ones, or soft helium ones. Dress on top of thermal underwear. Functions of the knee pad: mechanical protection; prevent the knee joint from getting too cold and developing bursitis (the rider often leans on his knees in the snow).

  • Back protection
  • If you are going to ride in the mountains where there is a lot of traffic on the slopes, or are going to “hard” freeride where it is not uncommon to encounter stones and trees, if you are a fan of jibbing, think about protecting your back. The spine will still be useful to you.

  • Helmet
  • It is believed that without a helmet you cannot go on the slope at all.


  • Fastenings
  • Mask, sunglasses
  • The mask should have good visibility, be well ventilated and ideally have two filters. The first filter for fog and snowstorm - protects your eyes in bad weather and increases contrast. The second sun filter prevents your eyes from burning. You can also take mountain sunglasses.

  • Case
  • When planning to fly to the mountains by plane and packing a cover, protect the edges of the snowboard from impacts by putting a protector on them, and also wrap the packed cover well with film. These manipulations will increase the chance of seeing the equipment intact.

  • Backpack
  • You may need a lot of things on the mountain: a camera, sandwiches, spare mittens, etc. A trekking backpack is a good solution. It’s better to leave your backpack with your things in the storage room on the mountain than to ride with it. If you like to ride with a backpack, then it should fit like a glove and have back protection in its design so that if you fall, things do not become part of your spine.

  • Action camera, monopod, charger, walkie-talkie
  • A walkie-talkie is a useful thing when riding with a group. Needed to improve safety in the mountains.

Repair kit and more

  • Screwdriver - A must have for every snowboarder on the mountain!
  • Spare screws for fastenings
  • It often happens that fasteners become loose and screws are lost. It is better to immediately take a spare set of 8 pieces. You can buy it in snowboard stores, or you can buy it in a hardware store. The last option is cheaper. Take stainless steel screws.

  • Spare toothed straps
  • Carry with you: two front gear straps and one large rear one. Most often the front straps break.

  • Spare center strap
  • Spare front strap
  • Fasten the straps when entering the rope rope queue, otherwise there is a risk that they will cut them off for you or you will have to do it yourself.

  • Anti-ultraviolet and frostbite cream
  • There are many special creams to protect your facial skin. The main thing is that there is no water in the composition. Natural coconut oil works no worse than expensive creams.

  • Hygienic lipstick- To protect lips.

For food

  • Penknife
  • Thermos
  • Container
  • Nutrition - Nuts, dried fruits, nutrition bars, etc.

For freeride

  • Avalanche backpack
  • Beeper
  • Avalanche shovel

More and more people prefer to spend their weekends on active recreation in nature rather than waste them mindlessly sitting in front of the TV. Various types of hiking are becoming increasingly popular. However, few novice tourists take a responsible approach to collecting the necessary things for travel.

Even if the hiking route is thought out to the smallest detail and lasts only 1 day, the tourist’s backpack must still be assembled according to all the rules. This is the key to a good outdoor recreation. A big mistake for newbie tourists is overloading. In this article we will try to figure out what you need to take with you on a hike, what requirements there are for a tourist’s clothing, whether a first aid kit is needed, and how to assemble it yourself.

A complete list of possible things for a hike is available using the download button after the article.

Preparing for the hike

Fees will depend on many factors. First you need to decide on the route. What kind of terrain will it pass through (forest, taiga, mountains), approximate duration in days, will you spend the night in nature or are you planning to settle in hotels for the night. You should take into account the time of year, the age of the participants in the hike and their number.

Be sure to read the information:

When solving the dilemma of what to pack for a hiking trip, keep in mind that the maximum weight of a backpack for a man is 30 kg, but for a woman it is limited to 15 kg.

The required minimum of things can usually be divided into 3 categories:

  1. For movement. This includes all navigation items (map, compass), comfortable clothes, shoes. In addition, for active activities in nature you will need any auxiliary items (flashlight, whistle, magnifying glass, rope) and a first aid kit.
  2. For relaxation. For a one-day trip, a blanket or travel rug will be enough. If your plans include spending the night in the forest, then you need to think about a tent and sleeping bags. You will need means to start a fire (matches, lighter, paper or newspaper).
  3. Nutrition. A minimum picnic set consisting of metal kitchen utensils, a knife and a dry ration. For long hikes, it makes sense to purchase a gas burner.

Many people are concerned about the question of what to take a child on a hike? All of the above, but don’t forget about sports equipment that will help pass the time on vacation. This could be a ball, tennis rackets, badminton.

Clothes and shoes

Assembling a travel backpack correctly is not that difficult. You just need to make a list in advance of the required minimum of things that you cannot do without on your hike.

IMPORTANT: Pay attention to additional materials in the block MATERIALS ON THE TOPIC!

Mountain hikes require considerable physical endurance, so you should soberly assess your strength and start with simple climbs to low altitudes. Only after gaining self-confidence can you embark on long high-altitude trips.

When climbing, weight and proper packing of the backpack play a big role. Any item on a hike should be functional, moderately light, durable and resistant to low temperatures and high humidity.

Clothes and shoes

Good shoes are the most important element of hiking equipment. Modern trekking boots are suitable for almost any hike - they do not slip on crust and rocks, they are quite light and comfortable. Remember that during the hike you will have to cross mountain rivers, and any material will get wet sooner or later.

It is important to have time and opportunity to dry your shoes after a day's trek. On multi-day camping trips, you can wear light sneakers while your boots are drying.

In the mountains, the weather changes quickly, and there is often fog and rain. On bare slopes above 1000 m there is almost always a strong wind. Therefore, when choosing clothes, it is important that they are not blown through. You should definitely take a raincoat or waterproof cape.

It is always quite cool here, even if the temperatures are high at the foot. Therefore, it is better to take a warm sweater and jacket. There is special membrane clothing for mountain hiking. Warm gloves will also come in handy in the mountains.

Pants should be comfortable, as you will have to wade over unstable rocks, ridges, and overcome passes.

Clothing should be made of thick, waterproof fabric. It is better not to take jeans, as they usually do not have time to dry while parked. Even in the south in the mountains it is quite cool in the evening and at night, so woolen items or more compact thermal underwear will not be superfluous.

It is important to provide yourself with dry and warm clothing, especially when traveling for long periods of time. To do this, you should always have spare socks in stock, and for sleeping it is better to take an extra pair. To keep things in the backpack dry, it needs to be protected with a special cover.

If your trip is only 1 day, still take the climb seriously. You need to select things for such a trip in the same way as for a multi-day trip. A small assault backpack will accommodate all the items necessary for climbing.

Many tourists, when hiking in the mountains, especially if there is a long climb ahead, purchase special trekking poles. They protect your knees and reduce stress on your legs. Instead of special ones, you can use telescopic ski poles, which cope with these tasks no worse.

If there are glaciers and snowfields on the mountain, then you need to purchase sunglasses or special mountain glasses - without them you can get an eye burn. It is better to secure the glasses with an elastic band. It is also important to remember about your headdress - it should be warm and cover your ears. A membrane hat will help avoid sunstroke, provide the necessary ventilation and protect from cold winds.

Collecting a first aid kit

In the mountains there is no way to quickly get to an emergency room, so all necessary first aid must be carried out independently. To do this, you will need a properly assembled first aid kit. In addition to the usual medications, your travel first aid kit should contain additional medications.

The most common injury on mountain routes is sprains, so the kit must include regular and elastic bandages and anti-inflammatory ointments. Do not forget about open wounds - in the mountains you can fall on sharp stones. Therefore, the first aid kit should contain means for their treatment (iodine or brilliant green).

Another danger that mountain tourists are exposed to is temperature changes and high humidity. Participants of the hike may catch a cold: the temperature may rise, the ears or throat may hurt. The best remedy for a cold is warm and dry clothing and hot food; you should stock up on antipyretics from medications. Some even experienced tourists may feel ill at high altitude - the first aid kit should have appropriate medications for heart pain.

Each traveler must take care of the medications that he personally needs.

Necessary little things

Above are all the basic items, but there are many accessories, personal items that are essential for traveling. This includes personal hygiene items, a mug and bowl made of unbreakable materials, a knife or folding set, which additionally includes a fork and spoon, matches, repair and sewing kits. All important documents, money, a map of the area with the route marked must be placed in a sealed bag. The camera must be packed in a waterproof bag.

In the mountains, a strong rope can come in handy, especially if you have a difficult climb ahead. You should also take a flashlight with you, preferably several. You may have to finish your trek at dusk.

Equipment for a multi-day hike

If the above items are enough for a one-day hike, then for a long trip you will need a tent and a sleeping bag. When choosing this equipment, you need to take into account low temperatures at night and strong winds. The tent must be stable and protected from moisture. It is better to choose an option with a vestibule where you can put your backpack at night.

The sleeping bag must be warm even for traveling in the southern mountains. It is better to choose models that can withstand temperatures down to -5 °C. It is important that it be light enough, so you should choose a sleeping bag made from modern materials. You can take a mattress of sufficient thickness or an inflatable travel mat, then it will be warmer and more comfortable to spend the night in the mountains.

The backpack deserves special attention. Do not strive for lightness and choose a model without a rigid back. The frame will help to better distribute things in the backpack and provide even pressure on the back, and this is very important when climbing.

If a group of people goes on a hike, then it is necessary to distribute common items among them. The approximate weight of a men's backpack is 80–100 kg, a women's backpack is 30–40 kg. If you choose a one-day hike, then each participant should have a small waterproof backpack with personal belongings, food for the day and a flask of water.