When will the new zoo open? The new Kazan Zoo “Zambezi River” will open in August

What’s happening at the new zoo and why it’s taking so long to build it - Realnoe Vremya exclusive

This week, information appeared in the Kazan media that the Zambezi River Zoo would not be completed by the promised deadline - the fourth quarter of 2018. The new commissioning date is the third quarter of 2019. The zoo’s completion date has been postponed for the fifth time. “We do it, then we redo it, then we redo it again, and we redo it again,” complain the builders. The designer was developing “housing” for animals for the first time and did not take into account many points, for example, the height of the steps for hippos. However, construction is nearing completion. Realnoe Vremya visited the future safari park and prepared an exclusive report.

Everything is like in Zambezia, even Victoria is there

The facade of the future Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden is ready - the ticket office and entrance lobby have been built. There is a flowerbed on a square made of yellow paving stones that imitate African sand. From a height of human height it is difficult to understand the designer's idea, but from the altitude of a quadcopter it is clear that the flowerbed imitates a lion's paw print.

From behind the fence rise metal pillars with circles at the top, reminiscent of hogweed inflorescences. In fact, these are future vines - chimpanzees will climb on them. There are many such iron frames on the territory; prop artists transform them into stones, rocks, baobabs and other plants characteristic of the African savannah.

The first thing a future visitor to the Zambezi River will see is an elephant colony. The principle of the new Kazan zoo is no cages, so all that separates elephants from people is a moat with water. If the zoo is called the “Zambezi River”, then there is also a waterfall here - more modest, of course, than Victoria - the most important attraction of the real Zambezia.

The elephant keeper also has a winter enclosure. It's almost ready. There will be no cages or even a glass wall here either, just a moat.

In the center of the elephant house there is a baobab tree with dry branches sticking out. The baobab tree is not real - it is a structure made of metal, concrete and paint. As the workers told Realnoe Vremya, the tree will not “overgrow” with leaves, even artificial ones - so that the monkeys that will climb here will not eat plastic.

“Animals live in better conditions than the people who take care of them!”

The elephant keeper also has a winter enclosure. It's almost ready. Here, too, there will be no cages or even a glass wall, only a moat. The artists painted African landscapes on the walls; nearby lie the frames of future rocks, trees, and stones.

First, a reinforcement frame is made, then it is covered with mesh, coated with mortar, filled with lightweight concrete, a concrete layer is applied on top, from which a texture is then cut out - stone or wood, and then painted, - describes the manufacturing process Maxim Vanchev, site manager of MosbioEngineering LLC, Moscow A company that specializes in decorative design for zoos recreates the natural habitat of animals using artificial materials.

The elephant house is designed for 4 people and is in a high state of readiness; sand has already been brought here - a layer more than half a meter thick. There is a swimming pool nearby with another waterfall so that the elephants can take a shower in winter too.

Judging by these conditions, the elephants in the zoo will live better than many Kazan residents. In addition to the living room, so to speak, where they will receive people, everyone has an isolated room.

Zoo defenders check every element, animals live in better conditions than the people who care about them! - say the workers.

The area of ​​the elephant sanctuary is 2.2 thousand square meters. meters is a quarter of the area of ​​the entire zoo.

The key object of the hippopotamus is a 2.5 meter deep pool. Since hippos do not know how to dive from the side into the pool, the designers provided steps for descending and ascending

“We build, we remodel, then we remake again and we remake again.”

Another room that is almost ready is the hippopotamus. The contractor suffered especially with him. The key object of the hippopotamus is a 2.5 meter deep pool. Since hippos do not know how to dive from the side into the pool, the designers provided steps for descending and ascending. The builders concreted them according to the project, but then zoologists came and criticized them - they were not the right height, the clumsy hippopotamus would not be able to go down them. I had to redo it. The feature of the hippopotamus is floor-to-ceiling glass; in fact, it is a giant aquarium, through the walls of which you can watch the hippopotamus frolic under water. “It should be like this: a child comes up, and a hippo swims up to him,” the builders explain.

But the designers miscalculated a little - in order to see the hippopotamus, people would have to squat or crawl on their knees. As a result, in order not to create inconvenience, a niche had to be cut in the already finished floor. The sketch below is an already redone version and here you can just see how much the floor level was lowered.

We build, redo, then redo again and redo again,” says a representative of the contractor.

The Zambezi River Zoo was designed by Tatinvestgrazhdanproekt. This is their first experience of building for animals, and therefore there were many mistakes.

They made a door for the gorillas in the monkey barn. Zoo employees come, look, and they are shocked - it turns out that the strength of the gorilla is 17 times greater than that of a human, and the gorilla can simply take out this door. We had to redo it - strengthen the openings, install more powerful doors. We cannot retreat from the project, and the people who designed the zoo did this for the first time,” says a representative of the general contractor, PSO Kazan LLC.

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“It’s clear that people traveled, looked and tried to apply all the best in their own country”

Plus, the zoo staff, who carefully monitor all work, are constantly making changes. They will go on a business trip to foreign zoos, get inspired and bring new ideas to Kazan - they improve and improve.

Due to the fact that changes are constantly being made to the project, there are constant delays. The next version of the Zambezi River was approved in May of this year, so it is obvious that the project will not be completed by December. On the other hand, it is better to bring it to fruition at the construction stage than to then be content with an inconvenient object that does not correspond to the spirit of the times. So far, zoo experts say it's going well.

The Kazan Zoo is more modern than other Russian zoos. It is clear that people traveled, looked and tried to apply all the best in themselves. A zoo with such a concept, when a certain area is taken, in this case the savannah, does not exist in Russia, usually a little is collected from all parts of the world. This is a very interesting idea,” says Maxim Vanchev, site manager at MosbioEngineering LLC.

The zoo will have lions, hippos, elephants, monkeys, crocodiles, antelopes, zebras, giraffes, turtles and small animals of the African subtropics. There is a separate enclosure for vultures - huge birds of prey with a wingspan of more than two meters. Now it is being decorated - nests are being built on the concrete wall.

Pond for flamingos and jacuzzi for hippopotamus

Not far from the monkey bar there is an enclosure for flamingos and a pond in which they will swim. The monkey bars are not cages, but separate houses with glass walls - it will be possible to observe the primates only from the street. Or wait for them to crawl out - they built a huge labyrinth with climbing frames and slides - like in the best parks for human children.

Let's return to our hippos - knowing that they do not bother themselves with hygiene and relieve themselves where it is convenient for them, the pool has a powerful water purification and aeration system, reminiscent of a Jacuzzi.

The second largest zoo facility is the enclosures for artiodactyls. The enclosures themselves are modest, but the area where zebras and antelopes will frolic is large. Hills have been formed there, some of them will be planted with grass, and some will be covered with sand. Again, no fences - either ditches or an “electronic shepherd” - an energized grid.

This does not mean that the animals will be constantly shocked. The voltage there is not high, but as zoologists explained to us, electricity emits ozone. The human sense of smell does not detect this smell, but animals sense it well, and if they are tickled once by an electric current, then remembering this smell and unpleasant sensations, they will not come close, says a representative of the general contractor.

In fact, the main facilities are already ready, according to a representative of PSO Kazan LLC, about 80 people from them and another 20 from MosbioEngineering are working at the construction site. Decoration work will be done outside as long as the weather permits, so they will move on to interior decoration.

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Attempt number five

As for the history of the construction of the new zoo, the deadline for its completion has been postponed for the 5th time. Construction began in 2015, 1 billion rubles were allocated by decree of the government of the republic, and it was expected that it would be completed by the end of 2016 - the 200th anniversary of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden. The work began vigorously - by April 2016 the walls of the enclosures were completed, but then the pace slowed down. In March 2018, journalists were invited to the zoo and told that the construction had reached the finish line, only the interior decoration remained and the opening would take place in May. The next date was August 2018, then the fourth quarter of 2018. But it is obvious that the Zambezi River will not open by the end of the year.

It’s not enough to build, we need to transfer the animals. As zoo director Fanis Nurmukhametov previously told Realnoe Vremya, pets must adapt. This requires at least four months.

The customer of the project is the Tatarstan GISU, but they refrain from commenting on the deadlines for delivery, citing the press secretary’s vacation. The veil of secrecy was lifted in the republican Ministry of Construction - the new deadline is the third quarter of 2019.

The second stage is the reconstruction of the old animal park and its connection with the “Zambezi River” by a tunnel through the railway. But it’s too early to talk about timing.

The zoo has switched to spring operating hours. And very soon, residents of New Moscow will come to see exotic animals not in Presnya, but in the Moskovsky settlement.

The details of the “NO” project were told by the General Director of the Moscow Zoo, Svetlana Akulova.

The zoo plans to open a branch in New Moscow. Tell us when it will be launched?

This is a joint project with the Moscow Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection. The fauna of Russia will be presented in this park. We know a lot, for example, about lemurs or tropical fish, but, unfortunately, very little about the animals that live in our country. This project will help bridge the knowledge gap. We have created and developed the concept of the park, but so far it is only on paper. It should be agreed upon in the near future.

What kind of park will this be?

A multi-complex consisting of several zones. The first is an entertainment park, an amusement park, including a Ferris wheel, dinosaurs, and so on. The second part is devoted to environmental education and educational projects.

Are the parameters of the future park known?

While the area is planned to be up to 647 hectares, 347 hectares are allocated for the safari park; we don’t know yet what area they will stop at. The territory for the creation of a branch of the Moscow Zoo is reserved in the region. Its total area is 600 hectares, on which there are forests and natural reservoirs. We want to make sure that it is not people who come to look at the animals in the park, but the residents of the park - the animals - who look at us without leaving their natural habitat. We will make sure that people look at the animals from tunnels or from somewhere above from observation platforms and that the animals walk in their natural environment.

Svetlana, what projects is the Moscow Zoo involved in during the Year of Ecology?

We try to keep up with our colleagues, and in some cases, get ahead of them. So, in 1986, for the first time in the world, the Steller's sea eagle was bred. This amazing bird of prey nests only in Russia. The Moscow Zoo maintains the European studbook for the Steller's sea eagle and oversees an international program for its conservation in the wild and in captivity. In 2017, a program to repatriate the Steller's sea eagle to its habitat was launched. We will resume the breeding program for the largest flying birds - bustards. Conservation programs will be launched for the Menzbier's marmot, which has never been represented in the zoo's collection, and the fish owl, a rare and little-studied bird that is on the verge of extinction.

What about the animals familiar to Muscovites?

This year we started a bat rescue program. In recent years, during winter thaws, they awaken from sleep, fly out into the streets and die. We plan to pick them up, house them for the winter, and release them in the spring.

Lidiya Polyakova, resident of the village of Verkhnee Valuevo,:

Great idea! We live in Valuevo, you can take a bus from us to Moskovskoye. It takes much longer to get to the capital; you won’t be able to travel with small children. And I’m raising my grandchildren, my eldest granddaughter is already a mother herself. Taking your kids to the zoo is a dream. I am for!

Alexey Nidziy, resident of the Moskovsky settlement:

Both as a father and a businessman, I will say: we need a zoo in Moscow! There will be a place to take my son for a walk and show him the animals in person. There’s always no time, and it’s a pity to spend it on a trip to the center on a weekend. In addition, the construction of the zoo will significantly increase the investment attractiveness of our area. But as for concerns about deforestation, I believe that if not a zoo, then an alternative will appear - high-rise buildings. So I vote for the zoo.

Ekaterina Semenova, resident of the Moskovsky settlement:

As a resident of Moscow, I have a negative attitude. The zoo will bring a large number of cars into our city. If they build it somewhere nearby, I will, of course, be happy. But we have a residential area here, and there are too many cars.

Sofya Mikhailova, resident:

I like that there will be a zoo next to us. Going to Moscow is quite an adventure. The Moskovsky settlement is much closer. It will be easy for residents of Troitsk to get there with friends and children: a shuttle bus goes straight from the station. Comfortable!

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“Where did you have lunch, sparrow? At the zoo with the animals...” Perhaps, soon a whole day will not be enough for the capital’s sparrows to fly around the cages with lions and elephants. All because the Moscow Zoo will expand by 30 times! Let us remind you that the area of ​​the historical menagerie on Krasnaya Presnya is 21.4 hectares. With the expansion of Moscow, the city authorities have a new project. How much money will have to be spent on it is still unknown. The exact opening date has not yet been chosen. But the place and concept already exist.

The immediate plans are to create a branch of the Moscow Zoo in the area of ​​the Moskovsky village in New Moscow, said Anton Kulbachevsky, head of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Protection, in an interview on Radio Komsomolskaya Pravda (97.2 FM). - Its area will be about 630 hectares. We are already beginning to consider proposals from private investors to participate in this project.

At the same time, the old territory on Krasnaya Presnya will not be closed.

By the way, so far the largest zoo in Russia is considered to be the zoo in Rostov-on-Don (98 hectares). And in the world - Toronto Zoo in Canada (287 hectares).


The forest will not be completely cut down

Let’s make a reservation right away: the project has not yet been approved. But the concept of an ecological educational and entertainment complex has already been invented (this is what they officially propose to call the branch of the Moscow Zoo. - Author). It was developed by the company "Architecton" from Yaroslavl. The main feature of the new zoo will be wildlife. The place is ideal for this.

The forest covers an area of ​​more than 630 hectares, it goes to the northeast of the residential areas of Moskovsky in the Novomoskovsky district of the capital. The site is adjacent to the Kievskoye Highway from the north, 3 kilometers from the Vnukovo airport interchange. From the east there are the villages of Kartmazovo and Filatov Meadow, from the south there is the village of Zimenki. From the southwest and west - residential buildings of Moskovsky.

The forest is mostly deciduous. Along the Kyiv highway - mixed, many pine trees. During construction, trees, especially valuable species, will be tried not to be touched.

In the center of the future zoo is a forest backwater. Next to it they will make another large reservoir with canals and streams. The most interesting exhibitions and recreation areas for visitors will be located near this lake.


Museums and tent city

A real island will appear in the center of the zoo, surrounded by straits and canals. It can be reached along the alley from the main entrance. And see the diorama complex “History of Russia”. And from the museum you can go straight to the square of the ethno-village, where holidays and folk festivities will be held. Here you can walk around the courtyards, watch the work of craftsmen, and learn about Russian folk crafts. In winter you can enjoy the outdoor skating rink and ice tracks. And in the summer, the “Robinson Island” tent camp will be located in this place. Lovers of outdoor recreation will be able to stay in a tent for several days and feel like wild tourists.

The island will house several more museums - writing, musical instruments, civilization. The Alexander Nevsky Temple will be built near the main square on a separate small island.


Parking, exhibition halls, therapeutic baths

The main entrance to the zoo will be from the north, from the village of Kartmazovo. The now empty field next door could turn into a huge parking lot.

Natural-style pavilions will be built at the entrance. They will have green multi-level roofs with observation decks. The unusual buildings will house classrooms, auditoriums, laboratories, exhibition halls and galleries.

The architects proposed creating a recreation area with paths, benches, restaurants and cafes nearby. Next door there will also be three transparent pavilions with greenhouses, parks for exotic heat-loving animals, a tropical forest and enclosures with primates.

Next to the parking lot there will be a hotel, entertainment and health complex: in addition to rooms, there will be swimming pools, therapeutic baths, and treatment rooms. A Paralympic center and a rehabilitation center for disabled people will also be built here.

Not far from the main entrance there will be a petting zoo area with an animal theater. In the same part there will be a place for parking of caravaners - those who travel in motor homes. And they will house an environmentalists’ club, an “incubator” for young talents, a center for children’s and youth’s technical creativity, an animal shelter, and veterinary clinics.


"Lukomorye", fishing, "Artek"

In the northwestern part of the complex they are going to open an entertainment center with several more parks - amusement parks, dinosaurs, hot air balloons, fairy tales "Lukomorye" - as well as cascading fountains and waterfalls. Nearby there is an eco-bazaar, Luna Park, rock and science parks, and outdoor experimental sites.

For residents of houses adjacent to the zoo in the Moskovsky village, a free city-wide park will be built with bicycle paths, tracks for ATVs, snowmobiles, roller skates, and skiers. There will be gazebos and summer houses for relaxation here. And in the south of the zoo they will open fishing spots and a children’s camp - an analogue of Artek.


Capsule cars and children's room Railway

Getting to the new zoo will be quite convenient. At the main entrance there is a plan to have its own transport hub with metro and monorail stations, with public transport stops and parking for excursion buses. This is where the start and finish of your trip around the zoo will be.

The nearest metro stop may be the Filatov Lug station currently being designed on the Sokolnicheskaya line.

You can ride monorail trains around the Safari Park. In them, passengers will be seated for 10 - 12 people in durable glass capsules - cabins with panoramic views. You can see everything up close, even get close to a tiger. The capsules will travel between enclosures, fly over the forest and in caves, and even dive into the lake - into a special underwater pavilion.

There will be water transport - pleasure boats and yachts, and air transport - a cable car. A children's railway train will run between the parks and pavilions. Along the way, little spectators will see fairy-tale scenes, a dinosaur park and fountains.


From African predators to the Russian North

In the eastern part of the zoo they plan to create a separate, largest zone - “Safari Park”. They want to use about a third of the entire area of ​​the complex for it. Here you can admire the animals as closely as possible, literally at arm's length. And without cages or fences.

The Safari Park is expected to house more than 30 large enclosures and exhibitions (see diagram).

The area of ​​the Kazan Zoo will soon triple. Visitors will be able to visit this vast area throughout the day with a single ticket. The second part of the Zambezi River zoo will open in August. A Tatar-inform correspondent visited behind doors closed to visitors.

"Magadascar" in the city center

Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin called the new part of the Kazan Zoo “Zambezi River” a real “Magadascar”, a piece of Africa in the very heart of Kazan.

We were delayed with the construction deadlines, there were objective and subjective reasons. Here we encountered things that did not go away. We are the first African zoo in Russia, in our region. We took on complex tasks and understood that there would be them, but not of such volume,” the mayor told reporters immediately after touring the new territory of the Ilsur Metshin Zoo.

According to him, African animal species are the most visited in the world. Taking into account the long winter period in our zone, during construction, individual objects had to be further designed and redesigned. Construction will finally be completed in early August. The next stage concerns the acquisition and adaptation of animals.

Construction of the first stage of the project to renovate and expand the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden has been underway since 2015. The new territory, called the “Zambezi River”, is located on the shores of Lake Kaban on an area of ​​6.7 hectares. Large exotic animals will live here - elephants, giraffes, rhinoceroses, gorillas, chimpanzees. In total, the African exhibition will include 34 species of animals.

“Friends of the Zoo” for 114 million rubles

The Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden successfully implements the “Friends of the Zoo” program. For the first time, animals are purchased using funds donated by caring people.

“It is important that the Friends of the Zoo program was used for the first time, which must be continued. Thanks to patrons, business structures and simply caring residents, our smaller brothers were purchased for 114 million rubles. We are looking forward to them. Each type of animal has curators, they are strict and demanding, and rightly so. There will be not only a phased delivery, but also a phased launch of each part of the zoo. I won’t give specific dates; we won’t decide this. The Animal Welfare Society will decide when this or that part of the zoo will open its doors to visitors,” Metshin explained.

For another 26 percent of the animals in the new collection, sales contracts have been concluded. Their acquisition is expected in September-October of this year. Among them are the legendary marabou and flamingos, griffon vultures, crowned cranes, Kaffir raven, Egyptian heron, zebras, cheetahs, and lemurs.

“We do all this, first of all, for our residents, for small Kazan residents, as well as for guests of the capital. But we are still thinking about science. The next stage will be a zoo and botanical garden, this is a joint project with KFU. There will be a scientific school here. We are seriously thinking about joining the ranks of the leading zoos in the world, both in terms of the composition of animals and their diversity, and, as they say, in the quality of blood. There will be purebred animals here that will represent the value of zoos in the world,” the mayor of Kazan emphasized.

Restaurant with observation deck, mother and child room and souvenir shop

Public spaces will be organized in the new part of the Kazan Zoo. A cafe and restaurant, a souvenir shop and much more will be open to visitors. The director of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden, Fanis Nurmukhametov, spoke about this.

“There will be public spaces here: a playground for children, a mother and child corner where you can change the baby’s diaper, as well as heat food and feed the baby. We will have a small outpatient clinic. If one of the children suddenly gets injured, it will be possible to bandage him,” he said.

The Zambezi River site also has a toilet for people with disabilities. In addition, ramps and signs in Braille will be installed. Playgrounds, a café and restaurant with an outdoor observation deck, and a souvenir shop will be open for young visitors and their parents.

The inhabitants of the Zambezi River will be monitored by “electric shepherds”

The Zambezi River enclosures are made in African style. Animals will be kept at a safe distance from visitors. “Electric shepherds” will look after the zoo’s inhabitants.

“Electronic Shepherd” is a grid with current, it is not a stun gun. Don't think that this kills, it's only 12 volts. This is enough for animals to stay away from the fence. Animals will be pinched a little, and they will not go beyond the designated territory. A water ditch has also been dug, special slates, a security system, and automatic closing and opening of doors are provided,” explained the director of the zoo.

According to the speaker, such a protection system is absolutely safe for animals. It is widely distributed in leading zoos in the world.

The animals will celebrate their housewarming this year

About 70 percent of the inhabitants of the new part of the Kazan Zoo “Zambezi River” will celebrate their housewarming this year. The mayor of Kazan, Ilsur Metshin, told reporters about this.

Two thirds of the animals - about 70 percent - will move in this year. The next batch will arrive in 2020, and this process will be completed in 2021,” the mayor said.

The director of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden, Fanis Nurmukhametov, added that the zoo has now concluded an agreement and brought 40 percent of the animals. There are already lions, ostriches, a pair of wildebeest, a hippopotamus, meerkats, hyraxes, and dik-diks. Now they live in enclosures in the old part of the zoo. Another 26-27 percent of animals will arrive by August-September. One hundred percent occupancy will be in 2020-2021.

“You have to understand that elephants, gorillas, rhinoceroses, giraffes are a very complex exhibition that needs to be agreed upon with the curator in order to be brought here. Not all airlines take such animals on board. Our gorilla and chimpanzee curators are scheduled to visit in early August. We wait for them a little fearfully, but at the same time with confidence that they will give us a positive result. Still, when designing, we took into account all their comments,” said Nurmukhametov.

Zambezi River will become the first owner of African elephants

Kazan's Zambezi River will become the first owner of African elephants among Russian zoos. An adult male African elephant weighs up to 12 tons. Its Asian counterpart weighs 4-5 tons. The African elephant is three times larger and heavier.

“There will be unique animals here. For example, there are no African elephants in Russian zoos, but there will be some in Kazan. We are planning to purchase three female and one male elephants. But these will not be large animals. They will grow for another 15 years, and only then will they be ready to reproduce,” added Nurmukhametov,” said the director of the zoo.

According to Fanis Nurmukhametov, during construction there were some unforeseen situations. Initially, an enclosure was built for white rhinoceroses, but it so happened that they disappeared from the wild.

“The curator suggested that instead of a pair of white rhinoceroses, we should deliver five: two males and three females. If we created such conditions, then half of the new territory should have been given over only to rhinoceroses. We could not come to such a decision, and we were offered to purchase a pair of black rhinoceroses. They have their own character, more aggressive than whites. It was necessary to redo the enclosure,” said the director of the zoo.

Maze simulator for monkeys

In the new territory, an unusual round metal structure with intricate staircases attracts attention. It turns out that this is an open enclosure for monkeys. Only it is not yet surrounded by bars.

“In nature, monkeys look for food themselves. To keep our monkeys from sitting idle, they will have to find food themselves. The outdoor enclosure is a kind of labyrinth and a monkey running simulator, covered with netting on the outside,” said the director of the zoo.

In the new territory you will be able to see chimpanzees, gorillas, Brazza monkeys, and lemurs. Another interesting fact is that in the new exhibition, elephants will be housed in the same enclosure with hamadryas. 19 hamadryas, the director said, have already been imported.

Visitors to the new part of the Kazan Zoo “Zambezi River” will be able to feed exotic animals.

There will be an opportunity to feed and touch some exotic animals. For example, it will be possible to feed lemurs, giraffes, and elephants. These are the animals that pose no danger. You can only use food purchased at the zoo. It will also be possible to take a photo as a souvenir,” said the zoo director.

It is worth noting that video surveillance will be conducted along the perimeter of the new territory. In total, more than a hundred video cameras will be installed.

The ancient greenhouse and the Fuchs House will be restored

After the opening of the “Zambezi River” at the Kazan Zoo, reconstruction of the old territory is planned. The director of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden also told reporters about this.

“There are plans to reconstruct the old zoo area. This is the greenhouse from 1834 and the Fuchs House - the building of the former administration. We will carry out restoration of these buildings,” said Fanis Nurmukhametov.

The speaker explained that before closing the old part for reconstruction, it is necessary to rebuild the economic zone. These are administrative buildings, warehouses, hangars with animal food and hay, refrigerators, a vivarium where mice and rats are bred for feeding. Now all this is on the old territory.

“If you look at all these objects that need to be placed, then we have to devote half of the zoo to this. Opposite the zoo there is the territory of "Gorvodzelenkhoz" on the territory of 2.5 hectares. There was a conversation about our placement there after moving their base,” the speaker noted.

Tickets will become more expensive

The cost of tickets to the new part of the Kazan Zoo “Zambezi River” will be slightly higher than to the existing, old part. The director of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden, Fanis Nurmukhametov, told reporters about this.

“Tickets to the new part will cost 250 rubles for adults and 150 rubles for children.

For the preferential category of citizens, tickets will cost 100 rubles. Tickets on the old territory cost 200 rubles for adults, 100 rubles for children and 60 rubles for a preferential category. Children from large families and disabled people of the first group will come to us free of charge,” he said.

At first, the entrances to the new and old parts of the zoo will be separate. Visitors will also need to purchase tickets for these parts separately. “The Zambezi River” is the second stage of reconstruction of the Kazan Zoo and Botanical Garden. At the third stage of reconstruction, it is planned to build a complex of enclosures on the opposite side of Lake Kaban, which will be called “Amazon River”, dedicated to Brazil. The area of ​​each of the three parts of the zoo is 7 hectares. Thus, the total area of ​​the zoo will increase to 21 hectares. World practice shows that such an area is the most optimal for a zoo. Then it will be possible to purchase a single ticket for all three parts.

“In the future there will be a single ticket. When all three parts open, the ticket price will rise, such is the economy. We can't do it any cheaper. For example, in Nizhny Novgorod a ticket costs 500 rubles and there is high attendance, and in Izhevsk it costs 250 rubles and the attendance is 625 thousand,” said Fanis Nurmukhametov.

He also noted that after reconstruction the zoo will have three entrances and several exits. The new part of the zoo has parking for visitors.


Children's Zoo— a department of the Moscow Zoo intended for the youngest visitors will open in Moscow after reconstruction in March-May next year.

The project provides that the youngest visitors will find it interesting, and the animals will not only be comfortable, but also have fun. Project architect Bella Filatova said that the main idea of ​​the new concept Children's Zoo was the creation of an educational environment. “It is important to understand that this is not a menagerie, but an educational environment where both animals and visitors should feel comfortable,” said B. Filatova. For example, on the territory of the Children's Zoo it is planned to create the largest contact zone in Russia with an area of ​​​​about 1.5 thousand square meters. “This area will only contain pets that cannot cause harm to visitors.”

According to her, the contact zone will include areas for goats, sheep, chickens, geese, rabbits, cows and park deer. “In addition, new landscape structures that are interesting for animals will be created, such as swings, a trampoline and a climbing wall for goats and goats, slides for ducks, ramps and houses for birds and geese,” the architect said. She also said that on the territory of the children's zoo there will be located Aviary— a special space for the most comfortable living of birds.

“There are four different routes throughout the Children’s Zoo with different travel times. However, each of them has contact areas and an interactive environment where children can learn a lot of interesting and useful things about animals in a playful way.” The project involves planting new trees, placing cafes and fountains on the territory of the zoo. Let us remind you that the Children's Zoo is part of the Moscow Zoo st. B. Gruzinskaya.