India is a fabulous country. India is a fairyland

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The culture of India has been made up of different eras of history, customs, traditions and ideas, both invaders and immigrants. Many cultural practices, languages ​​and monuments have been cited as examples of this intermingling over the centuries.

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Gateway of India. India Gate is a famous landmark in New Delhi, it is an arch, the construction of which was completed in 1931. The India Gate is dedicated to the soldiers who died during the First World War. Going around the arch around, you can see many names of the dead soldiers carved on stone blocks. The arch is built of golden-colored basalt, it changes color with different lighting. At night, the arch is illuminated, and together with the nearby fountains, a beautiful architectural ensemble is obtained.

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At the foot of the India Gate is the Eternal Flame, and nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was created in 1971 after the end of the Third War between India and Pakistan. Near the arch there is a park where locals and tourists come to relax.

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Museum of India. The Museum of India, or the Indian Museum, is one of the oldest museums on earth. It was discovered near Calcutta in 1814 on the initiative of the biologist Nathaniel Wellish. Since its foundation, the museum has kept many historical, biological and mineralogical collections.

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Taj Mahal. This is a mosque-mausoleum located in India, near the Jumna River, built in the middle of the 17th century. The Taj Mahal is also called the wonder of the world of India. The Taj Mahal is known around the world as the finest example of Mughal architecture. The most famous element of this architectural masterpiece is the white marble dome.

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The Victoria Memorial is one of the landmarks of Kolkata. It was built in the early 20th century in honor of Queen Victoria and officially opened in 1921. This is a real palace in the British style, a snow-white building that strikes with its restrained beauty. The memorial was built of marble and decorated with many images of Queen Victoria. The memorial is surrounded by beautiful gardens.

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The Bondla Nature Reserve is essentially a large zoo, its area does not exceed 8 sq. km. Nevertheless, this is a very interesting place to visit, where you can get acquainted with the flora and fauna of this part of India. The reserve is located 55 km from the capital of Goa, Panjim.

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Slides captions:

India is a fairyland...

The culture of India has been made up of different eras of history, customs, traditions and ideas, both invaders and immigrants. Many cultural practices, languages ​​and monuments have been cited as examples of this intermingling over the centuries.

Landmarks of India.

Gateway of India. India Gate is a famous landmark in New Delhi, it is an arch, the construction of which was completed in 1931. The India Gate is dedicated to the soldiers who died during the First World War. Going around the arch around, you can see many names of the dead soldiers carved on stone blocks. The arch is built of golden-colored basalt, it changes color with different lighting. At night, the arch is illuminated, and together with the nearby fountains, a beautiful architectural ensemble is obtained.

At the foot of the India Gate is the Eternal Flame, and nearby is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, which was created in 1971 after the end of the Third War between India and Pakistan. Near the arch there is a park where locals and tourists come to relax.

Museum of India. The Museum of India, or the Indian Museum, is one of the oldest museums on earth. It was discovered near Calcutta in 1814 on the initiative of the biologist Nathaniel Wellish. Since its foundation, the museum has kept many historical, biological and mineralogical collections.

Taj Mahal. This is a mosque-mausoleum located in India, near the Jumna River, built in the middle of the 17th century. The Taj Mahal is also called the wonder of the world of India. The Taj Mahal is known around the world as the finest example of Mughal architecture. The most famous element of this architectural masterpiece is the white marble dome.

Victoria Memorial.

The Victoria Memorial is one of the landmarks of Kolkata. It was built in the early 20th century in honor of Queen Victoria and officially opened in 1921. This is a real palace in the British style, a snow-white building that strikes with its restrained beauty. The memorial was built of marble and decorated with many images of Queen Victoria. The memorial is surrounded by beautiful gardens.

Bondla nature reserve.

The Bondla Nature Reserve is essentially a large zoo, its area does not exceed 8 sq. km. Nevertheless, this is a very interesting place to visit, where you can get acquainted with the flora and fauna of this part of India. The reserve is located 55 km from the capital of Goa, Panjim.

Temple of the Sun in Konark.

The Temple of the Sun in Konarak used to be called the Black Pagoda by Europeans. It is considered the highest achievement of the architecture of the state of Orissa and a masterpiece of world significance. The temple was built in the 13th century, when King Nanarasimh ruled. Initially, it stood on the seashore, but over the course of seven centuries it receded by almost three kilometers.

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India - fabulous and alluring

India is mysterious and fabulous, unusual and alluring with its fabulousness and singularity. This country was created by the heavens themselves, by the Buddha himself for spiritual well-being and relaxation. There are not only historical sights here, but places that are absolutely unusual in their climate, where it is good not only to relax, but also to improve and strengthen your health. Resorts in India are very popular. So, you need to go to this fabulous country not only for interesting impressions, but also for physical and mental balance.

To paraphrase a well-known expression, we can say that India has everything. And thanks to this “everything”, India has been and remains an attractive pearl for thousands of years, for the possession of which the European powers and European civilization have been fighting for many centuries.

Thanks to India, America was discovered, because Christopher Columbus went across the ocean in search of another way to India, and ran into the West Indies, that is, America.

The Epoch of the Great Geographical Discoveries began with the search for ways to India. The Portuguese, Dutch and British fought among themselves for those places. Invaders and colonizers were attracted to India primarily by spices, gold, jewelry, and silk. But they took out from India not only these goods. Through them, the world learned about a unique system of mind and body care called yoga. Many non-traditional methods of treatment and healing of the body came from India.

Europeans began to travel to India, among other things, to maintain and improve their health, because in these places there are and have been preserved oases to improve the health of the body and gain peace of mind. Everyone has heard the word Ayurveda. Ayurveda is a worldview, a knowledge of life and a medical system like no other. And people from all over the world come to India not only to have a pleasant rest, not only to gain new impressions, but also to improve their health in these fabulous places. Resorts of India, such places as Goa, Kerala, Mumbai (Bombay), Chennai (Madras) attract people from all over the world with both exotic and non-traditional methods of treatment.. If you have the opportunity, be sure to visit India. And you will want to visit here again and again!

Svetlana Tsarkova

GOAL: Expand children's ideas about nature and human society. Clarify and expand children's knowledge about India. Continue to acquaint children with the globe, form concepts: « countries» , "the border", "continents". Continue to learn to name animals of this countries(habits, habitat).

DEMO MATERIAL: presentation « Indian fairy tales» , natural objects6 items of clothing, dishes, musical accompaniment.

Course of the lesson:

caregiver: Guys, today we invite you to journey to fairyland, which is on the globe. And where we will go will have to guess ... Music sounds. (girls dance "hatuba").

Educator: Did you guess what country in question? Children's answers

Educator: Let us tell you about this country full of secrets and magic. own name country received in honor of the IND river.


FLAG: is a rectangular panel of three horizontal stripes of equal width: top - saffron, middle - white and bottom - green. In the center of the flag is an image of a wheel with 24 spokes, dark blue. Orange means spirituality, white means peacefulness, green means fertility, the circle is a religious symbol.

COAT OF ARMS: The coat of arms depicts four Indian lion on a round abacus. The fourth lion is behind and therefore out of sight. The coat of arms symbolizes a nation that is "brave in courage, strong in body, prudent in council and intimidates opponents.


Far, far, beyond the seas and forests, beyond the rivers and deserts, there is a high mountain and its name is Everest, this is the highest point on our planet. Imagine that you have climbed this mountain and below you, far, far, below lies a beautiful fairy land india.

India. View from Everest (SLIDE #5).

The children recite the poem.

There is no higher place on earth

Than the top of Everest.

Climb Everest -

And you will see everything around.

You would immediately see

Calicut, Madras and Delhi (SLIDE #6)

City fabulous Bombay

With the dance of poisonous snakes (SLIDE №7,8)

Yogis dancing on coals

Monkeys and tigers in the jungle (SLIDE #9)

Rhino that's like a tank

Moves along the river Ganges.

All the temples are visible from above:

Buddha, Vishnu, Krishnu, Rama (SLIDE #10)

Shiva's third eye is visible.

Panorama - the highest class!

Put a chair on top

And admire from above.

If only the whole picture (SLIDE #11)

Clouds won't cover.

Educator: When they talk about India immediately remembered the great river Ganges (SLIDE-12). The Ganges is one of the deepest and longest rivers in South Asia. The Ganges is considered a sacred river. It is also considered a heavenly river that descended to earth and became the Ganges River.

main city India is considered - Delhi. The city is home to the world-famous Taj Mahal Museum, a monument of love. The museum is considered the 8th wonder of the world.

Educator: AT India the natives are considered vegetarians. (ask children if they know who vegetarians are). This is due to the fact that, first of all, India is very hot, meat and fish quickly deteriorate, and secondly, the use of cow meat is prohibited, because cows are considered India sacred animals and roam freely on the street.


Educator: Due to favorable climate India has a great variety of flora and fauna. A huge number of different species of animals, insects, and many types of plants grow here. AT India national parks, reserves, tiger reserves, 200 zoos have been created.

Educator: In the past, the elephant was a symbol of the power and greatness of the rulers countries - maharajas, and now - a hardworking assistant to the peasants. This animal is the hero of many Hindu and Buddhist parables and legends. The best compliment ever indian girl is to tell her that she walks like an elephant.

And now we will introduce you to animals India through riddles.

Riddles about animals India:

Lots of power in it.

He is almost as tall as a house.

He has a huge nose

As if the nose has grown for a thousand years. (Elephant) SLIDE-18

It sits on its hind legs

That goes to four.

And something from branch to branch

Jumps like a runner.

He loves to ride

On big vines.

You probably guessed it (A monkey). SLIDE-19

Majestic, graceful.

Fall it, know, deadly.

Kohl will inflate the hood,

Get out better! (Cobra) SLIDE-20

How big is he

Graceful and smart.

But he does not like different games

Striped menacing. (Tiger) SLIDE-21

Graceful, beautiful, strong and dexterous,

Surrounded by legends for a long time.

Emerald eyes glow brightly

The black dress suits them so well. (Panther) SLIDE-22

TEACHER: And here's another riddle, it's about a boy. Say his name.

The boy grew up in a pack of wolves

He considers himself a wolf

Friends with a bear and a panther,

He is agile and bold. SLIDE-23


That's right - Mowgli, but you know that the action of this fairy tales happens just in India. Let's remember the heroes of this wonderful story (Children name animals) Well, now you have an idea about the richest animal world Indian jungle.

Educator: And now let's take a closer look at the wonders that are hidden among the tangled streets of old Delhi. See how unusually decorated the street is.

Slide 25. Look, here sits a yogi. (child tells who is a yogi) .

These are people who have dedicated their lives to perfecting the body and spirit. They say, and there is a lot of evidence for this, that an experienced yogi can not only walk barefoot on hot coals or sharp nails, but even fly. Would you like to become a little yogi?

Children with a teacher show exercises.

Belly breathing:

I. Place your hands loosely on your stomach.

2. Inhale slowly and deeply through your nose, sticking out your belly like a balloon.

3. Slowly exhale air through the nose, tensing the abdominal muscles.

Breath "bellows":

I. Place your hands on your chest.

2. Inhale slowly and deeply, expanding the chest.

3. Slowly exhale the air, contracting the chest.

4. Repeat the exercise three times.

bird pose

The birds flew to the sun

And then they sat down on the grass.

Sit down, sit down

They flew into the sky again.

We stand straight, we bend our backs back. Then we lean forward. Legs try not to bend

Pilot Pose

Plane in the blue sky

I am a pilot on an airplane.

Here I turn on full speed, Like an arrow I fly forward!

Balance exercise. We stand up straight. Slowly tilt the body forward, stretch the arms with palms to each other in front of you. We take one of the legs back. We return to the starting position and perform a symmetrical pose.

Lion Pose

There will be a mane, like dad,

And with claws there will be paws.

Lion cub - he's also a cat,

Just a little more...

We sit on our knees, heels under ourselves, putting our hands on our knees. We take a full breath, we retract the tummy. We spread our fingers wide, straighten the arms at the elbows, goggle our eyes, bringing them inward, stick out our tongue and try to reach the chin. Growling: - rrr. Asana strengthens the nasopharynx, makes speech more intelligible. Recommended for children with speech impairment.

tree pose

There is a tree in the field

And an owl flies over the tree. "Uh, uh, uh" He speaks

We get up straight. We imagine that our legs are like the roots of a mighty tree. We take the handles of the foot of one leg and raise it as high as it turns out. We bend the handles at the elbows, connecting the palms together - these are the branches of the tree. We stand in this position for as long as it is pleasant. Then we change the leg.

TEACHER: Look who's sitting in the market square. It's another miracle India! Fakir - lord of snakes!

Sounds slow indian melody and the Fakir comes out to the middle of the carpet (boy dressed in national indian clothes) .

Dance with snake spell. Fakir under the bright, impulsive Indian the melody is trying to tame the snake, which is portrayed by the girls.


TEACHER: Let's look at the male Indian national clothes. The main thing in it is considered a turban. (child's story)

AT India everywhere men wear turbans. It is a long piece of cloth, usually 5 meters long, which is wrapped many times around the head. The turban was originally intended to protect the head from the heat and the sultry sun. To cope with the hot desert climate, this long piece of cloth was soaked in water overnight and then tied around the head in the morning. The many layers of the turban retain moisture throughout the day and so save from the blazing heat.

Sounds like indian melody. Enter girls dressed in indian National costumes.

Indian girl tells

Why indian clothes so unusual? Because it has retained its traditional character and national characteristics. Even being influenced by other cultures, she took all the best. Indian the clothes are very elegant, comfortable and convenient. No matter what, Indians wear it with great pride. Holidays, family celebrations, official ceremonies are the moment when Indians give special preference to traditional national clothes. The saree is one of the most beautiful outfits that are worn. indians. When one imagines Indian woman, the first thing that comes to mind is the sari the woman is wearing.

A sari is a rectangular piece of fabric, usually 5 to 9 meters long, woven from delicate cotton or silk. Plain or with floral patterns, it can be both casual and festive, embroidered with gold threads and sparkles. One thing is certain - the tradition of wearing a sari, which has existed for thousands of years, will never disappear here.

adult indian continues showing your outfit:

- Indian clothing is famous for its color saturation and goodness emanating from it. Clothing for women, such as, for example, saris, emphasizes femininity in them, while men's clothing is comfortable and convenient in hot climates. Indian the outfits are as varied as the whole indian culture. Each village, city, region differs from each other not only in their way of life, language, food, but also in the style of wearing, colors, and the way of draping clothes. There is no strict uniformity here, although a common style is visible.

Educator: Well, guys, all good things come to an end. And our the journey has come to an end. Pay attention to the screen, it shows how the guys and I studied this fairyland.

SLIDE-29, 30.31.

At the end the fakir and the girl Indian invite children to examine and examine the objects that they brought with yourself: dishes, costumes, books. The teacher invites the children to name what certain objects are made of, how they look, why people need them.

India is a fairy tale country, a mystery country, a magnet country, the cradle of civilization and humanity.

Throughout the centuries, India has attracted travelers with its bright colors and flavor of life, history and various architectural monuments of past centuries.

So she beckoned us so much that we had to make an incredibly difficult and bright journey through her vast expanses.

We visited many cities, villages, countless palaces, temples, tombs, fortresses, museums, and also swam and sunbathed in Goa.

There is a country on earth - an eternal mystery!
And just the desire to understand it is not enough.

There are miracles, there is a true story, there is a fairy tale,
It can only be sincerely accepted!

Everything is harmonious, deep and dignified,
There is inspiration of life in every stone and flower!

You feel comfortable and calm there.
And there is no place for sadness and longing!

Here is a beautiful poem I found about India. Of course, one cannot agree with every line of his.

Far from all corners of the vast country you feel comfortable and calm.

And the words "there is no place for sadness and melancholy" are completely wrong.

India has the largest number of illiterate people, more than half of them.

India is a monstrously dirty country. You can see heaps of rubbish all around.

In India, They live in very poor conditions, the children are starving and begging.

The rivers are polluted, many diseases arise from this ...

The country has to solve a huge number of problems. We wish her success in this.

Tourism is an important branch of the Indian economy.

Every year more and more foreign tourists visit India.

Indians are a positive, sociable and smiling people.

They sincerely know how to enjoy the sun, people, nature and a piece of ordinary bread.

Exotics there ... more than enough.

Indians enjoy taking pictures.

I would like to give some advice. Grab a pack of shoe covers from home, as well as warm socks. Shoes are not allowed to enter temples.

The most important law is not to drink tap water. Even brushing your teeth is better with drinking water.

Also be sure to bring a few rolls of toilet paper with you. In India, it is only in hotels. In the rest, even the most visited places, you will not see it.

Before you climb on an elephant, camel or somewhere else, precisely negotiate the price, when paying at the end of the voyage, be adamant, no matter how the owners of exotic vehicles whine.

India can be compared to a coin that has lain in the ground for a long time. And it depends only on you whether you see dirt on it or gold behind the dirt. We saw gold!

Impressions over the edge! You have to come to your senses a little before proceeding with the stories.

And to start the stories, I think, should be with the monkeys. After all, they are the symbol of this year.

All photos are own.