Where are the famous Canary Islands? Open left menu Canary Islands Canary Islands.

: 28°32′11″ n. w. 15°43′17″ W d. /  28.53639° N. w. 15.72139° W d. / 28.53639; -15.72139(G) (I)


According to another version, sea dogs were called “dogs” (lat. canis marinus) or sea lions, which previously had large colonies on the islands.

It is also possible that the indigenous population of the archipelago, the Guanches, considered dogs to be sacred animals. It is possible that there is a relationship between the Egyptian cult of the deity Anubis with the head of a dog and the Canarian dog worship.

Ancient Roman sources also contain a version of the name of the islands based on the Berber tribes living in Morocco.


The archipelago consists of seven large inhabited islands and several small ones. In the center is the largest island - Tenerife (2057 km²), Tenerife is the largest and most densely populated island. To the west are the islands of La Gomera (378 km²), Hierro (277 km²) and Palma (708 km²). The island of Gran Canaria is located east of Tenerife. It is the third largest island of the archipelago (1532 km²). Further east are Fuerteventura (1659 km²) and Lanzarote (795 km²). Of the six small islands, only Graciosa Island (27 km²) is inhabited. To the east are the islands of Alegranza (10 km²), Montagna Clara (1 km²), Lobos (6 km²), Roque del Oeste and Roque del Este. There are 13 islands in total.

Geographically, the archipelago is part of Macaronesia, a group of volcanic islands along with the Azores, Cape Verde Islands, Madeira and Selvagenes.


The climate of the Canary Islands is tropical trade wind, moderately hot and dry, it is determined by:

  1. It is close to Africa (the Sahara Desert), which is why the Shergi (Sirocco) wind blows here in waves, bringing heat and sand. The eastern islands are drier;
  2. Constant trade winds blowing from the northeast. They carry moisture and soften the influence of Africa;
  3. The influence of the Atlantic Ocean, the cold Canary Current, and the presence of a permanent anticyclone over the Azores softens the climate. It should be noted that due to the current there is less precipitation on the islands, but it is not hot on the coastal beaches;
  4. These islands are mountainous, so the climate and weather are also affected by altitude and topography. This is especially noticeable on Tenerife, Palma, Gran Canaria - the highest islands of the archipelago. They are said to be “continents in miniature”: the climate varies dramatically from sea level to the coast, where the temperature, even in winter, rarely deviates from 20 ° C, to 2000 m altitude, rising to which you can see snow, sometimes even in summer;
  5. The entire archipelago is characterized by significant differences in climate and weather between north and south - the northern islands are greener and wetter, the southern islands are drier.

In general, the islands are characterized by an extremely uniform temperature distribution. Most days the weather is warm, sunny, dry, the water temperature is constant all year round and does not fall below 20 °C, on the coast the air temperature rarely drops below 10 °C and rarely rises above 25 °C in winter, while in summer the temperature is rarely lower 20 °C, but often exceeds 30 °C.


Before Europeans arrived on the islands, they were inhabited by Guanche tribes. Their development was at the level of the Stone Age, they were engaged in cattle breeding and primitive agriculture. Animal skins were used as clothing. They knew how to mummify their leaders. They left behind the Guimar pyramids - an amazing monument of megalithic architecture.

In Antiquity, the Canary Islands were visited by the Phoenicians, Greeks and Carthaginians, as mentioned by Pliny the Elder.

Provinces Adm. center Population,
people (2011)
Municipalities Qty
Santa Cruz de Tenerife Santa Cruz de Tenerife 995 429 3381 Santa Cruz de Tenerife, San Cristobal de la Laguna, Arona, Adeje, La Orotava, Granadilla de Abona, Los Realejos, Puerto de la Cruz, Candelaria, Icod de Los Vinos, Tacoronte, Los Llanos de Aridane, Guia de Isora, Guimar, El Rosario, San Miguel de Abona, Santa Cruz de la Palma, Santa Ursula, Santiago del Teide, Tegueste, San Sebastian de la Gomera, El Sauzal, La Victoria de Acentejo, La Matanza de Acentejo, Arico, El Paso, Breña Alta, Tazacorte, Arafo, La Guancha, Garachico, Breña Baja, Los Silos, Buenavista del Norte, Valle Gran Rey, San Juan de la Rambla, Valverde, Villa de Maso, San Andrés y Sauces, Frontera, Vallehermoso, El Tanque, Fasnia, Tijarafe, Puntallana, Barlovento, Hermigua, Puntagorda, Alajero, Fuencaliente de la Palma, Vilaflor, El Pinar de el Hierro, Garafia, Agulo
Las Palmas Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 1 087 225 4066 Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Telde, Santa Lucia de Tirajana, Arrecife, San Bartolome de Tirajana, Arucas, Puerto del Rosario, Ingenio, Aguimes, Galdar, Mogan, La Oliva, Pajara, Teguise, Tias, Santa Brijida, San Bartolome, Yaiza, Santa Maria de Guia de Gran Canaria, Tuineje, Teror, Antigua, Valsequillo de Gran Canaria, La Aldea de San Nicolas, Moya, Vega de San Mateo, Firgas, Agaete, Tinajo, Aria, Valleseco, Tejeda, Artenara, Betancuria


The inhabitants are descendants of marriages between the Spaniards and the ancient indigenous population, the Guanches (proto-Berber population), although there is a significant preponderance in favor of the Spaniards:

Total population: 2,111,013 people
Cities with more than 10 thousand inhabitants
as of January 1, 2005
Las Palmas de Gran Canaria 378,6 Candelaria 20,6
Santa Cruz de Tenerife 221,6 Los Llanos de Aridane 19,9
San Cristobal de La Laguna 141,6 Santa Brijida 18,8
Telde 96,5 Guia de Isora 18,7
Arona 65,6 Plowman 18,2
Santa Lucia de Tirajana 56,3 Santa Cruz de la Palma 17,8
Arrecife 53,9 San Bartolome 17,5
San Bartolome de Tirajana 46,4 La Oliva 17,3
La Orotava 40,4 Tias 16,9
Los Realejos 36,2 Guimar 16,5
Arucas 34,2 El Rosario 16,0
Adeje 33,7 Mogan 16,0
Granadilla de Abona 33,2 Teguise 15,8
Puerto de la Cruz 30,6 Santa Maria de Guia 14,1
Puerto del Rosario 30,4 Santa Ursula 12,6
Ingenio 27,3 Tuinehe 12,5
Aguimes 25,5 Terror 12,2
Icod de los Vinos 24,3 San Miguel de Abona 11,7
Galdar 23,2 Santiago del Teide 11,2
Tacoronte 22,3 Tegeste 10,3

The problem of illegal immigration

In recent decades, the Canary Islands have gradually become a transit point for people from West African countries (Morocco, Western Sahara, Mauritania, Mali, Gambia, Senegal, etc.) trying to move from their countries to Spain or other countries of the European Union. Many die at sea before reaching land in their homemade boats or rafts. The islands have special relief camps for refugees, including specialized facilities for children, whose number among illegal immigrants is constantly increasing due to the fact that Spanish laws prohibit the deportation of persons under 18 years of age.

See also

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  • Knipovich N. M.// Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron: in 86 volumes (82 volumes and 4 additional). - St. Petersburg. , 1890-1907.
  • Bolshakov A. A. Behind the Pillars of Hercules. Canary Islands. - M.: Nauka, 1988.



Excerpt describing the Canary Islands

- So, did our militias really benefit the state? No! They just ruined our farms. It’s better to have another set... otherwise neither a soldier nor a man will return to you, and only one debauchery. The nobles do not spare their belly, we ourselves will all go, take another recruit, and all of us just call the goose call (that’s how the sovereign pronounced it), we will all die for him,” the speaker added with animation.
Ilya Andreich swallowed his drool with pleasure and pushed Pierre, but Pierre also wanted to talk. He stepped forward, feeling animated, not yet knowing why and not yet knowing what he would say. He had just opened his mouth to speak when one senator, completely without teeth, with an intelligent and angry face, standing close to the speaker, interrupted Pierre. With a visible habit of leading debates and holding questions, he spoke quietly, but audibly:
“I believe, my dear sir,” said the senator, muttering his toothless mouth, “that we are not called here to discuss what is more convenient for the state at the present moment - recruitment or militia.” We are called to respond to the appeal with which the Emperor has honored us. And we will leave it to the highest authorities to judge what is more convenient - recruitment or militia...
Pierre suddenly found an outcome to his animation. He became bitter against the senator, who introduced this correctness and narrowness of views into the upcoming occupations of the nobility. Pierre stepped forward and stopped him. He himself did not know what he would say, but he began animatedly, occasionally bursting into French words and expressing himself bookishly in Russian.
“Excuse me, Your Excellency,” he began (Pierre was well acquainted with this senator, but considered it necessary to address him here officially), “although I do not agree with Mr.... (Pierre paused. He wanted to say mon tres honorable preopinant), [my dear opponent,] - with Mr.... que je n"ai pas L"honneur de connaitre; [whom I do not have the honor to know] but I believe that the class of nobility, in addition to expressing its sympathy and admiration, is also called upon to discuss the measures by which we can help the fatherland. I believe,” he said, inspired, “that the sovereign himself would be dissatisfied if he found in us only the owners of the peasants whom we give to him, and ... the chair a canon [fodder for guns] that we make of ourselves, but I wouldn’t find any co…co… advice in us.
Many moved away from the circle, noticing the senator’s contemptuous smile and the fact that Pierre spoke freely; only Ilya Andreich was pleased with Pierre’s speech, just as he was pleased with the speech of the sailor, the senator, and in general always with the speech that he last heard.
“I believe that before discussing these issues,” Pierre continued, “we must ask the sovereign, most respectfully ask His Majesty to communicate to us, how many troops we have, what is the situation of our troops and armies, and then...”
But Pierre did not have time to finish these words when he was suddenly attacked from three sides. The one who attacked him the most was a Boston player who had known him for a long time and was always well disposed towards him, Stepan Stepanovich Apraksin. Stepan Stepanovich was in his uniform, and, whether because of the uniform or for other reasons, Pierre saw a completely different person in front of him. Stepan Stepanovich, with senile anger suddenly appearing on his face, shouted at Pierre:
- Firstly, I will report to you that we do not have the right to ask the sovereign about this, and secondly, if the Russian nobility had such a right, then the sovereign cannot answer us. Troops move in accordance with the movements of the enemy - troops depart and arrive...
Another voice of a man of average height, about forty years old, whom Pierre had seen in the old days among the gypsies and knew to be a bad card player and who, also changed in uniform, moved closer to Pierre, interrupted Apraksin.
“And this is not the time to speculate,” said the voice of this nobleman, “but we need to act: the war is in Russia.” Our enemy is coming to destroy Russia, to desecrate the graves of our fathers, to take away their wives and children. – The nobleman hit himself in the chest. “We will all get up, we will all go, all for the Tsar Father!” - he shouted, rolling out his bloodshot eyes. Several approving voices were heard from the crowd. “We are Russians and will not spare our blood to defend the faith, the throne and the fatherland. But we must leave nonsense if we are sons of the fatherland. “We will show Europe how Russia is rising up for Russia,” the nobleman shouted.
Pierre wanted to object, but could not say a word. He felt that the sound of his words, no matter what thought they contained, was less audible than the sound of the words of an animated noble.
Ilya Andreich approved from behind the circle; some smartly turned their shoulders to the speaker at the end of the phrase and said:
- That's it, that's it! That's true!
Pierre wanted to say that he was not averse to donating money, men, or himself, but that he would have to know the state of affairs in order to help him, but he could not speak. Many voices shouted and spoke together, so that Ilya Andreich did not have time to nod to everyone; and the group grew larger, disintegrated, came together again and all moved, buzzing with conversation, into the large hall, towards the large table. Not only was Pierre unable to speak, but he was rudely interrupted, pushed away, and turned away from him as if from a common enemy. This did not happen because they were dissatisfied with the meaning of his speech - it was forgotten after a large number of speeches that followed it - but in order to animate the crowd it was necessary to have a tangible object of love and a tangible object of hatred. Pierre was the last. Many speakers spoke after the animated nobleman, and everyone spoke in the same tone. Many spoke beautifully and originally.
The publisher of the Russian Bulletin, Glinka, who was recognized (“a writer, a writer!” was heard in the crowd), said that hell should reflect hell, that he saw a child smiling in the flash of lightning and the rumble of thunder, but that we will not be this child.
- Yes, yes, with thunder! – they repeated approvingly in the back rows.
The crowd approached a large table, at which, in uniforms, in ribbons, gray-haired, bald, seventy-year-old noblemen sat, almost all of whom Pierre had seen in their homes with jesters and in clubs outside Boston. The crowd approached the table, still buzzing. One after another, and sometimes two together, pressed from behind to the high backs of chairs by the pressing crowd, the speakers spoke. Those standing behind noticed what the speaker had not said and were in a hurry to say what was missed. Others, in this heat and cramped space, rummaged in their heads to see if there was any thought, and hurried to say it. The old noblemen familiar to Pierre sat and looked around first at this one, then at the other, and the expression of most of them only said that they were very hot. Pierre, however, felt excited, and the general feeling of the desire to show that we didn’t care, expressed more in sounds and facial expressions than in the meaning of speeches, was communicated to him. He did not renounce his thoughts, but he felt guilty of something and wanted to justify himself.
“I only said that it would be more convenient for us to make donations when we know what the need is,” he said, trying to shout over other voices.
One of the nearest old men looked back at him, but was immediately distracted by a scream that began on the other side of the table.
- Yes, Moscow will be surrendered! She will be the redeemer! - one shouted.
– He is the enemy of humanity! - shouted another. - Let me speak... Gentlemen, you are pushing me...

At this time, with quick steps in front of the parting crowd of nobles, in a general's uniform, with a ribbon over his shoulder, with his protruding chin and quick eyes, Count Rostopchin entered.
“The Emperor will be here now,” said Rostopchin, “I just came from there.” I believe that in the position we find ourselves in, there is not much to judge. The Emperor deigned to gather us and the merchants,” said Count Rastopchin. “Millions will flow from there (he pointed to the hall of merchants), and our job is to field a militia and not spare ourselves... This is the least we can do!”
Meetings began between some nobles sitting at the table. The entire meeting was more than quiet. It even seemed sad when, after all the previous noise, old voices were heard one by one, saying one: “I agree,” the other, for variety, “I am of the same opinion,” etc.
The secretary was ordered to write a decree of the Moscow nobility stating that Muscovites, like Smolensk residents, donate ten people per thousand and full uniforms. The gentlemen who were sitting stood up, as if relieved, rattled their chairs and walked around the hall to stretch their legs, taking someone by the arm and talking.
- Sovereign! Sovereign! - suddenly echoed through the halls, and the entire crowd rushed to the exit.
Along a wide passage, between the wall of nobles, the sovereign walked into the hall. All faces expressed respectful and frightened curiosity. Pierre stood quite far away and could not fully hear the sovereign’s speeches. He understood only from what he heard that the sovereign was talking about the danger in which the state was, and about the hopes that he placed in the Moscow nobility. Another voice answered the sovereign, reporting on the decree of the nobility that had just taken place.
- Gentlemen! - said the sovereign’s trembling voice; the crowd rustled and fell silent again, and Pierre clearly heard the sovereign’s so pleasantly human and touched voice, which said: “I have never doubted the zeal of the Russian nobility.” But on this day it exceeded my expectations. I thank you on behalf of the fatherland. Gentlemen, let's act - time is most valuable...
The Emperor fell silent, the crowd began to crowd around him, and enthusiastic exclamations were heard from all sides.
“Yes, the most precious thing is... the royal word,” said the sobbing voice of Ilya Andreich from behind, who heard nothing, but understood everything in his own way.
From the hall of the nobility the sovereign went into the hall of the merchants. He stayed there for about ten minutes. Pierre, among others, saw the sovereign leaving the merchants' hall with tears of tenderness in his eyes. As they later learned, the sovereign had just begun his speech to the merchants when tears flowed from his eyes, and he finished it in a trembling voice. When Pierre saw the sovereign, he went out, accompanied by two merchants. One was familiar to Pierre, a fat farmer, the other was a head, with a thin, narrow beard, yellow face. They both cried. The thin man had tears in his eyes, but the fat farmer wept like a child and kept repeating:
- Take life and property, Your Majesty!
Pierre no longer felt anything at that moment except the desire to show that he didn’t care about anything and that he was ready to sacrifice everything. His speech with a constitutional direction appeared to him as a reproach; he was looking for an opportunity to make amends for it. Having learned that Count Mamonov was donating a regiment, Bezukhov immediately announced to Count Rostopchin that he was giving up a thousand people and their contents.
Old man Rostov could not tell his wife what had happened without tears, and he immediately agreed to Petya’s request and went to record it himself.
The next day the sovereign left. All the assembled nobles took off their uniforms, again settled in their houses and clubs and, grunting, gave orders to the managers about the militia, and were surprised at what they had done.

Napoleon started the war with Russia because he could not help but come to Dresden, could not help but be overwhelmed by honors, could not help but put on a Polish uniform, could not succumb to the enterprising impression of a June morning, could not refrain from an outburst of anger in the presence of Kurakin and then Balashev.
Alexander refused all negotiations because he personally felt insulted. Barclay de Tolly tried to manage the army in the best possible way in order to fulfill his duty and earn the glory of a great commander. Rostov galloped to attack the French because he could not resist the desire to gallop across a flat field. And so exactly, due to their personal properties, habits, conditions and goals, all those innumerable persons who took part in this war acted. They were afraid, they were conceited, they rejoiced, they were indignant, they reasoned, believing that they knew what they were doing and that they were doing it for themselves, and all were involuntary instruments of history and carried out work hidden from them, but understandable to us. This is the unchangeable fate of all practical figures, and the higher they stand in the human hierarchy, the more free they are.
Now the figures of 1812 have long since left their places, their personal interests have disappeared without a trace, and only the historical results of that time are before us.
But let’s assume that the people of Europe, under the leadership of Napoleon, had to go deep into Russia and die there, and all the self-contradictory, senseless, cruel activities of the people participating in this war become clear to us.
Providence forced all these people, striving to achieve their personal goals, to contribute to the fulfillment of one huge result, about which not a single person (neither Napoleon, nor Alexander, nor even less any of the participants in the war) had the slightest aspiration.
Now it is clear to us what was the cause of the death of the French army in 1812. No one will argue that the reason for the death of Napoleon’s French troops was, on the one hand, their entry at a late time without preparation for a winter campaign deep into Russia, and on the other hand, the nature that the war took on from the burning of Russian cities and the incitement of hatred towards the enemy in the Russian people. But then not only did no one foresee that (which now seems obvious) that only in this way could the army of eight hundred thousand, the best in the world and led by the best commander, die in a clash with the Russian army, which was twice as weak, inexperienced and led by inexperienced commanders; not only did no one foresee this, but all efforts on the part of the Russians were constantly aimed at preventing the fact that only one could save Russia, and on the part of the French, despite the experience and so-called military genius of Napoleon, all efforts were directed towards this to stretch out to Moscow at the end of summer, that is, to do the very thing that should have destroyed them.
In historical works about 1812, French authors are very fond of talking about how Napoleon felt the danger of stretching his line, how he was looking for a battle, how his marshals advised him to stop in Smolensk, and give other similar arguments proving that it was already understood there was danger of the campaign; and Russian authors are even more fond of talking about how from the beginning of the campaign there was a plan for the Scythian war to lure Napoleon into the depths of Russia, and they attribute this plan to some Pfuel, some to some Frenchman, some to Tolya, some to Emperor Alexander himself, pointing to notes, projects and letters that actually contain hints of this course of action. But all these hints of foreknowledge of what happened, both on the part of the French and on the part of the Russians, are now exhibited only because the event justified them. If the event had not happened, then these hints would have been forgotten, just as thousands and millions of opposing hints and assumptions that were in use then, but turned out to be unfair and therefore forgotten, are now forgotten. There are always so many assumptions about the outcome of every event that takes place that, no matter how it ends, there will always be people who will say: “I said then that it would be like this,” completely forgetting that among the countless assumptions, completely opposite.

Which country does the Canary Islands belong to? In ancient times, the archipelago was inhabited by Guanche tribes, who, before the arrival of Europeans, cultivated the land and were engaged in cattle breeding. In 1334, French sailors visited the islands, and the natives had to make room. According to the laws of that time, all newly discovered lands fell under the jurisdiction of the Roman Catholic Church.

The Vatican, represented by Pope Clement VI, presented the Canary Islands to Count Alfonso XI, the ruler of Castile, the largest province on the island. For some time, it became clear who owned the Canary Islands. However, Alfonso XI did not know what to do with such a gift. The aborigines did not bring any economic benefit, and on the contrary, the ruler was now obliged to improve life on the islands. The count did not dare to give up the archipelago directly, but he tried, through complex negotiations, to transfer his ownership rights to other hands. The question of who owns the Canary Islands is literally hanging in the air.

Who is the boss anyway?

It would seem that the answer to the question of which country the Canary Islands belong to lies on the surface. The owner is Spain, but everything turned out to be not so simple.

Half a century later, the French decided to capture the islands. Military ships proceeded along the West African coast, which then approached two islands in the center of the archipelago - Tenerife and Gran Canaria. The local population weakly resisted the annexation.

In Gran Canaria, French troops celebrated their victory a few days later, and in Tenerife it happened a little later. This was followed by periodic landings on the Canary Islands by conquerors of all stripes, from Moroccan soldiers to the English admiral Robert Blake, who spent a brilliant time near the island of Tenerife in 1657, engaging in battle with the Spanish Armada. He emerged victorious from this confrontation, but the islands nevertheless went to Spain.

140 years later, the famous Admiral Nelson tried to capture Tenerife, but the capital of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz, stood in his way, and he was defeated. Eventually the British abandoned their imperial ambitions.

The question of which country belonged to the Canary Islands remained unanswered for a long time, until the archipelago finally ceded to Spain in 1821. In 1982, the Canary Islands were declared an autonomous region of the Spanish state, and in 1986 the province of the Canaries joined the European Union. Thus, the answer to the question of which country the Canary Islands belong to is now clear. As a result of numerous renamings and changes in status, the right decision was made. Today the Canary Islands belong to Spain.

Archipelago today

What are the Canary Islands - a country, a province or some special structure? The geographical position of the archipelago indicates its conditional affiliation with mainland Spain, however, the islands have complete and unconditional autonomy.

The Canary Islands are a country when it comes to social infrastructure and the availability of services necessary to maintain law and order. These are the police, courts and legal institutions. Although, on the other hand, all of the listed services are practically inactive, since the Canaries are a super-tourism zone, millions of travelers come to the blessed land to relax, have fun and temporarily forget about the hardships of civilization. In this case, no one breaks the laws.


The Canary Islands are located just one hundred kilometers from the African continent and seven hundred kilometers from the coast of Spain. The archipelago adjoins Africa from the northwest (at the junction of Western Sahara and Morocco).

There are only seven Greater Canary Islands. The closest island to the African coast is Lanzarote, the next island is Fuerteventura, then there is Gran Canaria, followed by Tenerife, La Gomera, La Palma and Hierro. These are the largest volcanic formations, but there are many more minor ones.

A list that includes the most popular Canary Islands, a map of their location, driving directions, etc. - all this information can be obtained from tourist offices in Spain or upon arrival on the island. Tenerife.

The islands are not alike; each of them is attractive in its own way. For example, Lanzarote is ideal for lovers of a calm, measured holiday, and Gran Canaria is a paradise for surfers and divers. For tourists arriving in the Canary Islands, a map and guides will help them navigate in choosing the best holiday destination. There are also hotels for every taste - more expensive, more comfortable, economy class hotels with reasonable prices.

It is difficult to say how many Canary Islands there are in the archipelago; an exact count has not been carried out. However, it is known that not all of them are inhabited. At one time, municipal authorities even opened the sale of small islands. Those who wished could purchase a small piece of land in the ocean at a reasonable price. Trade was brisk until Spanish authorities on the mainland intervened. The capital of the Canary Islands, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, was then forced to transfer part of its powers to the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

Most popular places

The best island of the Canary Islands, according to most tourists, is Tenerife. In second place in popularity is Gran Canaria. These islands are distinguished by their developed infrastructure, high-quality hotels, and excellent entertainment complexes for both adults and children.

The Canary Islands, photos of which are presented in the article, have long become one of the best places for active recreation. Tourists are attracted by the opportunity to choose and impeccable service.


The Canary Islands, the photos of which are amazing, are volcanic formations that appeared above the water millions of years ago. Until now, on the surface you can observe bizarre landscapes with solidified lava, adjacent to long sand dunes, reminiscent of Luxurious beaches washed by ocean waves, and immediately behind them begin hotel complexes with palm alleys. The warm breeze from the sea moves the green branches of the trees, vacationers feel unity with nature, and this happens throughout the day. When the time comes to part with the Canaries, no one wants to leave. The charm of this paradise remains in the memory for a long time, until your next visit.


The climate in the Canary Islands is temperate tropical, dry and hot, but not sultry. The temperature range is determined by the proximity of the African coast. Hot trade winds mix with ocean air masses. The result is a kind of airy cocktail, cool and comfortable, which spreads throughout the Canary Islands. Air masses are continuously renewed. The climate is also moderated by a permanent anticyclone over the Azores, located northwest of the archipelago.

Temperatures in the Canary Islands remain stable all year round. It is 20-30 in summer, 16-25 degrees Celsius in winter. Throughout the year, there is a relative influence of mountains and hills on climatic conditions, but temperature changes are insignificant, they do not exceed 2-3 degrees. Temperature changes occur mainly on the highest Canary Islands - Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Palma. The climate in the rest of the archipelago remains virtually unchanged.

The water temperature in the area of ​​the islands in question is about 20 degrees Celsius. Equilibrium is achieved due to the Canary Current - quite cold, but slow. In general, the temperature regime on the islands is very comfortable and stable. The climate in the Canaries can be briefly described as follows: warm and sunny.

For tourists who come to the Canary Islands in winter, the weather in December is not much different from spring - it’s just as warm. Of course, the sudden change in climatic conditions within one day is impressive.

The Canary Islands (the weather in December is warmer than in summer in Moscow) continue to amaze visitors. The popularity of the world-famous resort has long known no bounds; millions of tourists from all continents fly to the Reina Sophia international airport and choose the island where they will spend unforgettable days.

Canary Islands. Sights, beaches

The natural attraction of the islands in question are the beaches, superbly equipped, covered with golden sand or black basalt pebbles. There are shower stalls around the perimeter, sun loungers are located everywhere in even rows, and there are wide sun umbrellas. At special kiosks you can purchase diving equipment, fins, masks and other attributes for scuba diving.

City of Los Vinos

This is the oldest settlement on the island of Tenerife. The main city attraction is the thousand-year-old Dragon Tree. Visitors to the ancient convent of San Augustine will walk through the monastic cells, get acquainted with the life of the novices, and communicate with the abbess. Then you can visit the Church of San Marcos and a garden with colonies of tropical butterflies of fabulous beauty.

Loro Park

Initially these were aviaries with parrots. Nowadays this place is even more amazing. Now the park contains the rarest breeds of tropical parrots, which coexist with orchids that bloom all year round, planted throughout the territory (the most beautiful specimens can be admired in the Orchid House). Also in Loro Park there is a huge aquarium with a whale shark, dolphins, sea lions and other inhabitants of the ocean. A special place is occupied by the penguinarium with an artificial arctic climate.

Teide Park

This is a high-mountain entertainment complex located at an altitude of two thousand meters. The temperature there remains at forty degrees Celsius. In the center of the park is the crater of an extinct volcano, the diameter of which is 48 kilometers. You can get to its top by lift (climbers climb on foot).

Hell's Gulch

In the southern part of the island of Tenerife is the only natural waterfall of the Canary archipelago, an oasis in the middle of a dry and barren plain. This cascade of silvery streams is called Hell's Gorge. Tourists can experience the full power of the unbridled elements by going under the rock from which the waterfall falls.

Guimara Pyramids

These are religious buildings, repeating man-made elevations in Peru, Mexico and ancient Mesopotamia. At first, the pyramids in Guimara were mistaken for piles of stones piled up by Spanish settlers when clearing land for plowing. However, later a group of researchers, among whom was the famous traveler, came to the conclusion that the six piles of stones are nothing more than pyramids.

In addition, in the Guimara Park there is a museum of ethnography "Chaconne House", which exhibits a life-size architectural model of the palace of King Ra II.

Giant's Cliffs

Huge sections of the coast of the island of Tenerife are occupied by grandiose rocks, closely standing near the water itself, and in some places - ledges descending into the ocean. The rocks are considered sacred; their constant desire to plunge into the abyss is similar to a divine ritual.

You can only get to the enchanted cliffs from the sea by ship or motor boats.

Anaga Mountains

The magnificent hills of Tenerife offer a vast botanical world. The mountain plateaus called Anaga are an example of ecological purity. There you can meet local residents living in caves.

The Canary Islands, whose attractions rank with world masterpieces of nature and ethnography, attract millions of tourists. Airlines are operating at full capacity, with planes landing and taking off every minute.

Seven islands as seven wonders of the world

A wonderful and unique archipelago in the Atlantic Ocean and its pearl - the island of Tenerife. Spain, the Canary Islands are the best holiday destination in the whole world.

Lanzarote is an island of dormant volcanoes. Entire fields of solidified lava, unusual landscapes on the plains and mountain slopes, multi-colored petrified streams recreate picturesque panels of extraordinary beauty. Lanzarote's Timanfaya National Park can be perceived as a permanent vernissage of natural art. And the hotel infrastructure seamlessly merges with natural scenery. The island of Lanzarote is a biosphere reserve surrounded by unspoilt nature and a volcanic landscape.

Fuerteventura is an island of endless enfilade of magnificent virgin beaches, completely empty, allowing you to enjoy the ocean views in complete solitude. Nowhere in the world is there such freedom as on the beaches of Fuerteventura. The sea water is surprisingly clean and warm, it glows turquoise. The island is ideal for those who prefer a romantic pastime, a vacation away from the hustle and bustle of civilization. Throughout the day you can feel like Robinson, staying in silence and complete solitude, and in the evening return to a comfortable hotel for dinner.

It is famous not only for its magnificent golden beaches, but also for its extensive infrastructure. Adding to the overall picture of prosperity is the nature of the island, striking in its diversity. Deep forested ravines alternate with green peaks, and everything comes together in a grandiose panorama. The central part of the island of Gran Canaria is covered with a luxurious carpet of vegetation, in the south there are gentle shores with beaches, and in the north, cliffs rise into the sky, bordering small coves with azure water. Any sport is held in high esteem on the island - horse riding, golf and tennis, fishing and spearfishing.


The largest and most comfortable island. Its nature is unique, the variety of relief is amazing. In the center is the snow cap of Teide, in the north there are green areas, the southern part is all golden sand, the beaches are lined up in a neat row. The island of Tenerife has a unique tourism infrastructure, there are restaurants serving national cuisines from almost all countries of the world, health centers, sports and gyms, and all kinds of excursions on land and sea are organized. All this makes your holiday in Tenerife unforgettable.


An island famous for its relict vegetation. The natural exoticism of La Gomera is available to tourists arriving from Tenerife by ferry.

La Palma

The most blooming and green of all the islands of the Canary archipelago. The infrastructure is poorly developed, but La Palma has ample opportunities for rural tourism. Lovers of rural landscapes and a relaxing holiday should visit this island.


The smallest of the islands of the Canary archipelago. For centuries it was perceived as the most mysterious place on the planet. The end of the world - this is how Hierro is characterized. Those who want to be far from civilization cannot find a better place.

Before you understand where the Canary Islands are, you need to know that it is an archipelago consisting of thirteen volcanic islands. The territory is located 115 kilometers from the coast of Africa and 1,000 kilometers from Spain in the Atlantic Ocean. The Canary Islands are an official province of Spain, which consists of seven large islands, which include Fuerteventura, El Hierro, Lanzarote, La Palma, Gran Canaria, Tenerife and La Gomera. In addition to the named areas, there are also several small areas of land that remain uninhabited. It is also noteworthy that the archipelago has two capitals. Every four years, this honorary title is transferred from the city of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria to Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

It is worth noting that the formal affiliation of the islands with Spain in no way affects the local atmosphere, which can hardly be called European. Most travelers land at the Canary Islands airport for a truly exotic experience. For example, it is rare to find volcanic black beaches and such a wide variety of ripe, delicious fruits. An important factor is also the fact that the exotic is located only a few hours away by flight, if you do not take into account the time spent on transfers. Holidays here are not limited to idle relaxation on the beach; a huge number of prehistoric natural monuments are scattered throughout the archipelago, including valleys of cooled lava, waterfalls, and volcanoes. In addition, tourists are also offered high-quality service and a large selection of active entertainment, including for divers and surfers.

Climate of the Canary Islands

The Canaries have long been called islands where eternal spring reigns. At the same time climate of the Canary Islands directly depends on their geographical location. Despite the fact that territorially they are considered part of Spain, in fact it would be more logical to call them northwest Africa. The proximity to the Sahara Desert played a significant role. However, the hot air masses are moderated by the northeast trade winds, as well as the El Golfo sea current, which washes the coastlines of the archipelago. The listed factors, combined together, recreate the climate of a provincial, remote part of Italy as it is today.

The Canaries are a year-round tourist destination, where the average annual temperature is +22 degrees. For the winter period, the average temperature is +18 degrees, and for the summer - +24 degrees.

There are no sharp temperature changes on any of the islands of the archipelago, that is, the difference between the hottest summer day and the coldest winter day is usually ten degrees. If we consider individual island areas, it is worth noting that the temperature between them differs by 3 - 5 degrees, but in general the climate is slightly different.

Weather by month in the Canaries

If we describe the climate of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that winter here takes on a very conditional character. In the winter season it is windier here, which does not at all interfere with a comfortable pastime. The average daytime temperature in winter is +23 degrees, and the night temperature is +19 degrees. The water is also quite suitable for swimming. Its temperature is +20 degrees. In winter there is an influx of tourists who go diving or surfing. February is considered the quietest month with reasonable prices for holidays:

  1. December is considered a unique opportunity for a traveler to simultaneously enjoy a beach holiday and walk along the snow-covered mountain slopes.
  2. January is considered a windy month, so the ocean waters can be choppy. The water temperature usually does not rise above +19 degrees, so for relaxation it is better to choose a hotel with a swimming pool.
  3. February represents the coldest month when beach holidays are closed.

In spring, the Canaries warm up quickly, but it becomes rainy. Long showers do not cool the air, which only gains moisture from them. It is worth noting that the temperature in the Canary Islands does not change much from month to month in spring. Its indicator ranges from +22 to +25 degrees. Families with children choose April for a holiday in the Canaries, since it is already quite warm here, but there is no sultry heat. This circumstance greatly facilitates the acclimatization process for young travelers.

In summer, the archipelago attracts the most tourists who fly here from different parts of the world, so it is recommended to plan your summer vacation in advance.

June is considered the beginning of the high season, which ends in October. The weather of the first summer month is not significantly different from the spring. July can be called the culmination of the season, but there is no typical tropical heat. If we look at the weather of the Canary Islands by month, it is worth noting that the temperature rises highest in August and reaches +30 - +32 degrees. Moderate winds save you from the sultry heat. In autumn, the number of tourists decreases only due to the start of the school year, but the weather remains summer, favorable for recreation. Fans of enchanting shows should visit the Canaries in September, since most national celebrations occur during this month.

How to get there

You can get to the archipelago, which is a province of Italy, only by plane. It’s worth noting right away that tickets need to be purchased in advance. Direct flights depart from Moscow, the flight will take seven hours. To save a little, you can choose connecting flights with transfers. Today, many tour operators advise making a transfer in Barcelona or Madrid. As a rule, for most flights from Europe or Russia, the destination is Gran Canario and South Airport in Tenerife. Air communication is established with all the islands belonging to the archipelago. Each of the seven islands has its own airport, which receives guests every day and sends them home. It is also worth remembering that in order to go through passport control upon arrival, you need a Schengen visa for the Canary Islands or a national visa for Spain.

What to see

Teide National Park is located in Tenerife, that is, in the same place as the volcano of the same name. The main feature is the fact that the volcano is located inside the crater of another volcano. The surrounding valley is made of solidified lava and resembles the surface of Mars. A beach called Playa de las Americas is also considered a local attraction. Its infrastructure is very diverse. There are not only cafes and restaurants here, but also all kinds of water activities and volleyball courts. Garajonay Park, which occupies the territory of the island of La Gomera, is interesting for its flora and fauna. Fascinating excursions through laurel forests with unique animals will be remembered for a long time. You can get here by ferry; one day is enough to see the local attractions, after which it is better to move to another island.

The territories are rich in natural and historical monuments, so most tourists prefer to combine a beach holiday with a cultural one. In just a few days you can get acquainted with the history of these lands. So, no matter where you go on holiday in the Canary Islands, your holiday should be planned in order to enjoy it as much as possible.

The Islands of Eternal Spring, a quiet, secluded place, which at the same time has a reputation as the best resort in the world. The Canary Islands forever captivate those who have ever been here. And I was no exception either.

The Canaries are an amazing journey through time and space. Formally, this is . In practice, you won’t find much Spanish here: just the language. This is where the ancient Guanche tribes, the indigenous inhabitants of the islands, lived. True Canarians do not consider themselves Spaniards and are even offended if they are called that.

Why are the Canaries called the islands of eternal spring? Here the temperature is approximately the same all year round: not too hot, shaded by pleasant ocean freshness, truly spring-like. There are 13 climatic zones concentrated here and the highest point in Spain is located - the stunning and mighty Teide volcano. Most tourists from Russia come to the island. He's definitely good. But other islands of the archipelago also deserve attention. There are seven in total:

  • Lanzarote;
  • Homer;
  • Palm;
  • Hierro.

If you ask me to name the best island of the Canary Islands, I will say: Fuerteventura. But you might like something else best. They are all beautiful and unforgettable in their own way! But my heart belongs to Fuerteventura - the island of freedom, wind, flying sails of kitesurfers and happiness.

Many people think that the Canary Islands are named after canaries. In fact, it's exactly the opposite. These small birds were first seen here and named after the islands. And the archipelago is named after dogs. The Spanish word for dog is el can. There are several versions of why dogs received such an honor. Some believe that ancient wild dogs lived here, others say that among the local residents the dog was a sacred animal. Nevertheless, the fact remains: the islands get their name thanks to dogs.

How to get there

The question of how to get to the Canary Islands is the simplest and most difficult at the same time.

The simplest - because there are not so many options. The most difficult - because most of them are expensive or inconvenient. Since the islands are located in the Atlantic Ocean, practically the only way to get to them from the “mainland” is by plane. But between the islands you can either fly or travel by ferry.

By plane

In the Canaries there are airports on the following islands - Tenerife, Hierro, Las Palmas.

There are 2 airports in Tenerife - North (Los Rodeos) and South (Tenerife Sur Reina Sofia). The northern airport serves flights coming from Spain and departing to other islands. Yuzhny, in turn, is international and flights from Russia come here. There are many options for flights with transfers, but the most convenient direct flights from Russia () are carried out by 2 companies - Aeroflot and charter flights from Vim-Avia.

How long does it take to fly to the Canary Islands?

Travel time is 7 hours. But such a direct flight will cost about 500 EUR (34,000 rubles) per person in both directions from Moscow and a little more expensive from St. Petersburg (usually with a transfer in Moscow). More accurate prices can be found.

Clubs and nightlife

If you want to hang out, it’s better to go to youth resorts or to Corallejo. Although no city in the Canary Islands can be called truly "disco", this area still offers a calmer and more peaceful holiday.

  1. In Lanzarote, nightlife lovers flock to Puerto del Carmen. In Corralejo, Fuerteventura, it is worth going to Mafaska or Waikiki Beach Club.
  2. In Gran Canaria, the main center of nightlife is Playa del Inglés and the surrounding area.
  3. But the leader among all discos in the Canaries is Lounge Cabana, which takes place in the Seaside Park in Santa Cruz de Tenerife.

Extreme Sports

But there is more than enough extreme sports here: kitesurfing and windsurfing, many kilometers of hiking, paragliding, cycling routes, sailing, diving, horse riding, camel rides - each island offers all these types of active recreation.

In Tenerife, divers can explore the El Condesito wreck, the Palmmar underwater cave or study the life of stingrays. The Arinaga Marine Reserve off the coast of Gran Canaria is of particular interest to lovers of the underwater world. And the Russian hydrofoil that sank here in 2003 is so well preserved that divers can get inside. Near Lanzarote there are the Cathedral coral caves. It is worth considering that for independent diving you will need a diver certificate, a dive log book and a passport. Beginners are offered introductory dives to shallow depths.

But the most important thing, of course, is kite and windsurfing. In Corallejo, where there are a lot of surfers, we were told that beginners are first trained... on the shore! The waves are too strong. But when they let you into the water, you will feel real freedom!

In Tenerife, the best places for surfers are Playa de las Americas and El Medano. In Gran Canaria - Playa del Aguila.

Souvenirs. What to bring as a gift

Aloe, aloe and more aloe. This is the main product of the islands and the main souvenir that is brought from there. Of course, we are not talking about a plant in a pot, but about all kinds of products: creams and various care products, soap, jam - what they don’t do here!

In addition to aloe, cactus is more popular. Jam made from it will also be a wonderful gift for friends and family. Shops on the embankments are full of standard souvenirs: magnets, cups, boomerangs, the nudist theme is played out in an original way, and hipster buses are absolutely charming - from small toys to salt shakers and other dishes with their image.

How to get around the region

The two most convenient ways to travel within the islands are taxis and buses.
The two most convenient ways to travel between islands are planes and ferries.

Taxi. What features exist

All taxis in the Canary Islands are official; the cars are painted white with a red stripe. If the taxi sign glows green, it means the car is available.

Payment is made by meter. Only on the smallest islands there are taxis with a fixed fee. As a rule, before the trip, the driver can give you an approximate estimate of how much the trip will cost.

The drivers are friendly, polite, ready to help, but unobtrusive.

Approximate prices: 1–1.5 EUR per kilometer. You can order a car in advance, or you can catch it on the street (it’s even cheaper).

If you take official taxis and not private taxis, then no problems will arise!

Public transport

The Canary Islands have a well-developed bus network. The schedule can be found at bus stations and stops; you can board the bus along the entire route.

Buses run on schedule. This is a good, modern and convenient transport. At bus stations, you can buy a ticket at the ticket office or from the driver, or you can sit down at any stop and pay at the entrance. We traveled inside the islands by bus. I heard that there are situations when the bus simply does not come, but in my experience this has not happened. The buses always arrived on time and did not let us down.

Buses run between all major cities, the only thing you need to take into account is that the trip may be much longer than by taxi, since the bus will call at small villages and pick up passing passengers. But if you check the schedule in advance, you'll know what to expect.

Transport rental

Getting around each island by car is also very convenient. They are rented. But I don't drive, so it wasn't relevant to me. In general, there are car rental points in every town and every resort. Car rentals are available to travelers over 21 years of age. As a rule, a deposit is not required, but then you will not be able to leave the island by ferry. In some cases, you may still be asked for a deposit. Renting a car costs from 30 EUR per day, but if you rent a car for a week or more, you can get a nice discount. By the way, you can order a car in advance, from home, and it will be provided to you right at the airport. You can see prices for rental vehicles in convenient cities.

All the roads I saw are free. But you need to be prepared for the fact that in some places the ideal route may end, and behind it a dirt road will begin. Although recently almost all roads have already been updated and repairs are ongoing. The car must have full insurance. You will also need a passport and driver's license.

A yellow line on the side of the road means you cannot park there. Blue - that parking is paid.

You should not drive a car to Cofeta (it is dangerous and no insurance covers the road there). In the Canary Islands there are very large fines for traffic violations, so it is better to follow them carefully.

Canary Islands: holidays with children

I vacationed in the Canary Islands without children, but it seems to me that they are well suited for vacationing with children: the mild climate practically does not cause acclimatization, it is safe, comfortable and quite predictable.

In addition, there are many ways to entertain children in the Canaries: this is the Loro Park in Tenerife and the large Zoo in Tenerife, the Ostrich Farm, the Camel Park, and the water park.

But the most amazing thing is that you can watch wildlife here: adorable chipmunks, large bird reserves, hand-eating parrots and much, much more!
The only thing to consider is the cold water in the ocean. For most of the year, you're unlikely to let your little ones swim in the ocean. And, of course, you should not leave children alone in the water, as there is a very strong current in the ocean. Even an adult can be carried away by a rip current. By the way, if you feel like you are being carried away, you need to swim not to the shore, but to the side! then you can swim out.

Ski holiday

5 must-do things in this region

  1. Hear the silence in the roar of the ocean.
  2. We went hiking along one of the routes in the national parks of the Canary Islands.
  3. Experience the colonial architecture of one of the two (or both) capitals: Santa Cruz de Tenerife and Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
  4. Watch birds, lizards, chipmunks or goats in the wild.
  5. Feel like a tiny part of this huge, beautiful world!

Geographical encyclopedia

Canary Islands- Canary Islands. CANARY ISLANDS, in the Atlantic Ocean, off the northwestern coast of Africa (autonomous region of Spain). Area 7.3 thousand km2. Main islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote. Extinct and active... ... Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

CANARY ISLANDS, in the Atlantic Ocean, off the northwestern coast of Africa (autonomous region of Spain). Area 7.3 thousand km2. Main islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote. Extinct and active volcanoes. Height up to 3718… … Modern encyclopedia

- (Islas Canarias) in the Atlantic region, off the northwestern coast of Africa. Autonomous region of Spain. 7.3 thousand km². Population 1.5 million people (1991). Administrative center of Las Palmas. Main islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife,... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

- (Islas Canarias), in the Atlantic Ocean off the northwestern coast of Africa. Autonomous region of Spain. 7.3 t. km2. Population 1.5 million people (1991). Administrative center of Las Palmas. Main islands: Gran Canaria, Tenerife, Fuerteventura... Encyclopedic Dictionary

Canary Islands- Atlantic Ocean, near the north. zap. coast of Africa; territory of Spain. Rome. the author Pliny, 1st century, from the words of the ruler of Mauritania, Yuba, mentions Fr. Canaria (from Latin canarius canine) and connects its name with the spread of huge... ... Toponymic dictionary

- (in Spanish Islas Canarias) administratively belonging to the provinces, and not to the colonies of Spain, a group of 7 large and 6 smaller islands off the west. coast of Africa, in the subtropical zone, between 28 and 29° N. sh., at a distance from 90 to 300 km... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

- (Spanish Islas Canarias, literally dog ​​islands, from Latin canis dog: according to the ancient Roman scientist Pliny the Elder, large dogs were found on one of these islands) a group of islands in the Atlantic Ocean, 100-120 km from the north... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Canary Islands- (Spanish: Islas Canarias), a group of mountainous volcanic islands in the Atlantic Ocean, northwest of the coast of Africa (Morocco). Autonomous region of Spain. Area 7.3 thousand km2. Population 1.4 million people (1981). Main islands: Gran... ... Encyclopedic reference book "Africa"

Canary Islands- CANARY ISLANDS, group of 7 islands (Palma, Tenerife, Grand Canary, Fuerteventura, Lanzarote, Gamera, Ferro) volcanic. origin in Atlant. ocean, 60 mil. from African coast (27°40′ 29°30′ N and 13°20′ 18°10′ W). Beautiful... ... Military encyclopedia


  • Canary Islands, Patskevich P., Farina-Patskevich H. (ed.-comp.). In this guide you will find: Lots of photographs, illustrations and maps; Flavors of the Canary Islands - local products and classic dishes; Schemes and plans of all the main attractions;…
  • Canary Islands. Guide, . The guide contains: - many photographs, illustrations and maps; - tastes of the Canary Islands - local products and classic dishes; - diagrams and plans of all the main attractions; - huge…