What to take to Vietnam. What to take with you to Vietnam and how to prepare for the trip? What not to take to Vietnam

What you need to know about Vietnam before your trip.

In this article, we will briefly tell you the main intricacies of a holiday in Vietnam and answer the main questions that interest a tourist discovering this wonderful country for the first time.

From the dizzying rice valleys of northern Vietnam near the city of Sapa to the mesmerizing bustle of the Mekong Delta in the south of the country, there is plenty of entertainment to suit every taste and budget.

When is the best time to go to Vietnam?

Perhaps the main question we ask ourselves when planning our vacation. The climate of Vietnam is tropical monsoon. Simply put, there are two seasons in Vietnam - the southern monsoon (April-September) and the northern monsoon (October-March). Monsoons are usually equated with tidal rains. This is not entirely true in Vietnam.

Even if you get caught in the rain, it usually does not last longer than 15 minutes and, as a rule, after it the weather returns, exactly the same as it was before. What is the difference between the southern and northern monsoons in Vietnam - the first is usually accompanied by heat and high humidity. The second one is not so hot and less humid.

Where should we go?

When it comes to planning a trip, the main consideration is the destination. The easiest way would be to roughly divide the country into three parts: north, center and south. The weather is on average the same throughout the year in each region (plus or minus changes in humidity with the change of monsoons).

The exception will be Hanoi and the very north of the country - in December-January it can be very cold there, as well as Taing Guen (highlands in the center of the country), where the temperature is below the average for Vietnam throughout the year. South Vietnam will definitely be the hottest.

Where to stay

Vietnam has become a tourist destination since the early 1980s, so in this country you can find any kind of accommodation - from a small modest guesthouse to a luxurious hotel by the sea. Here you can relax for any budget. There are small modest hotels offering their tourists only breakfast and a simple room without chic or luxury.

There are representatives of world-famous hotel chains (FourSeasons, Sheraton and others). On the one hand, it’s convenient to eat at the buffet every evening without worrying about finding a cafe or restaurant for dinner. On the other hand, while walking along the streets of any city in Vietnam, wouldn’t it be interesting to go to a new place every day and eat something new, or even choose ingredients and cook dinner for yourself under the supervision and help of a chef?


In Vietnam, the national currency is dong. It is better to take dollars with you, preferably in a large denomination. You will be surprised, but there are different exchange rates for bills with denominations below and above $50! So, for example, you will exchange $20 at a rate of approximately 21,400, while $50 can be exchanged for 22,200.

The Vietnamese are reluctant to accept dollars as a means of payment and rarely accept them for payment. You can only pay with a card in large shopping centers. Most ATMs charge a fee for withdrawals (although there are some where the fee can be avoided).


Vietnamese people speak Vietnamese. All. The Vietnamese don't speak any language anymore.

No, of course there are individuals who can barely speak English. There are even sellers who speak Russian. But more likely it will be a trader at a market or in a store, whose vocabulary is limited to the topic of trade. That is, you can buy something from him, but it’s unlikely to ask for directions or talk about the weather.

If you want to communicate with them, Google Translator will help you. Make a screenshot of the phrases and questions you need in advance and show them the screen. Asking them, for example, for a bill will be very problematic without having a common language.

Transport and movement in Vietnam

You will not be able to rent any transport. In Vietnam, only local driver's licenses are valid, so you won't be able to rent a car or moped (although cunning Vietnamese may try to convince you otherwise by trying to sell you on renting a vehicle). On the one hand, this is not very convenient, on the other hand, it will save your nervous system. Vietnamese people ride mopeds. From 7-8 years old. It is clear that traffic rules are out of the question. They drive on red. They drive in the opposite direction. They turn right and go left. One good thing is that they drive at speeds of no more than 30 km/h.

Crossing the road in Vietnam is quite a task. No one will give in to you. Therefore, slowly and carefully looking in both (!) directions, you cross the road. If you don't hurry, they will drive around you. Hurry up - they'll come. Near big roads, sometimes there are even special people who help tourists cross the road when they get confused at the sight of such activity on the roadway.

If suddenly you need to get somewhere far away, take a taxi. It won't be expensive in Vietnam. Before getting into a taxi, check the price. If the taxi driver tells you to follow the meter, make sure it is initially at zero. Many meters are turned off. With such people we negotiate the price right away. And we bargain. On a note - if you tell me to go to a Sheraton-type hotel, you will pay twice as much as to a cafe or store located 10 meters from the same hotel. Therefore, it is better to travel to large expensive hotels using a meter.

How can you explain to a taxi driver where to go? The scheme is the same as for communication. A screenshot of the address, a hotel business card or a note with the address in Vietnamese. This way you will immediately understand each other.


Don’t worry that you will have a choice between seafood and fruits unknown to Russian people - in Vietnam you can try any cuisine. Even Russian. Not to say that their borscht is very tasty, but they cook pizza, spaghetti, grilled and other non-Vietnamese dishes not so bad. So don't be afraid to go hungry. On the contrary, for not the most money you will be fed from the belly.


Roaming today is not the cheapest pleasure. Therefore, you can buy a local SIM card (sold everywhere - at the airport, from guides, on the streets), top it up with 30-50 thousand dong and activate your Internet. This way, you can call home at any time, and you won’t have to worry about local WI-FI that doesn’t always work well, and you can easily find the right phrase in Google Translator. Vinaphone is considered the most optimal for tourists. An inexpensive operator, you don’t need a passport to buy a SIM card, and they have good internet.

- this is what the icon looks like.

What to take with you to Vietnam.

As for clothing, your luggage should contain only light items. High humidity will not give you the opportunity to show off in warm clothes. Light cotton sweaters and shorts are perfect. Open shoes and a hat should also find a place in your bag.

As for medications, we recommend that you take a kit for treatment of poisoning or disorder. You can take a cream for burns, but on every corner of Vietnam you can find an endless variety of aloe creams that will perfectly help your skin cope with the active Vietnamese sun.

Just in case, you can take cold medicine. No, not a joke. Your throat is unlikely to like ice cream or a cold drink in the heat, and it may well spoil your rest with uncomfortable pain and snot. It is better to bring all the medications home than to search local pharmacies for a suitable remedy.


Vietnam is one of the safest countries in the world. There is nothing to be afraid of here. There are no thefts in hotels or on the streets. There were cases when girls with small handbags had their handbags snatched out of their hands by Vietnamese women driving past and disappeared. But such cases are rare. In general, the country is safe for holidays

Shopping in Vietnam.

Of course, you won’t haggle in shops and shopping centers. But on the market..... On the market you can reduce the price by almost 2-3 times. Vietnamese people love to bargain. They get offended when people don't buy from them. They may run after you, continuing to bargain. If they like the price, they write it on a calculator and say “yum-yum.” If they think you’re going too far and asking for too little, they might pinch you or slap you. All with a smile and no intent to offend.

If you are reading this article and wondering whether to go to Vietnam or not, then our advice is definitely yes! If you are already planning to go and are simply collecting information, our tips should help you quickly navigate this wonderful country and make your vacation unforgettable. If you have any questions, write them in the comments. We will be happy to answer them.

Have a nice holiday!

What to take with you to Vietnam if you go on vacation to this sunny country? Let's discuss in detail what you need to put in your suitcase when preparing for your trip. We will touch on issues related to money, medicines, clothing, shoes and some other nuances.


Let's start with the question of what to take with you to Vietnam - rubles or dollars. It is absolutely possible to answer that you should not take rubles to Vietnam. You will find where to change money, but the exchange rate will be extremely unfavorable. Therefore, it is better to take dollars or euros in cash. Despite the fact that many people advise taking small bills with you, this is not entirely correct. It may be convenient for you to use one-dollar bills in neighboring Cambodia, where dollars are in use everywhere, but in Vietnam you will have to exchange American currency for Vietnamese dongs and the rate for small bills may be lower than for bills of 50 and 100 dollars.

If we talk about what to take with you to Vietnam - a bank card or cash, then the choice is yours. ATMs are available in all resort areas and operate 24 hours a day. Check with your bank for information about the possibility of using the card abroad. Sometimes it is better to warn bank employees that you are going to use the card abroad, since sometimes it is blocked due to the fact that there is a suspicion that the card has been stolen and is being used from an unusual geographical location.

Clothes and shoes

What clothes should you take with you to Vietnam? If you travel to the south of the country, you are unlikely to freeze here at any time of the year. But in order to protect yourself from the sun, it is better to take light trousers and a long-sleeved jacket with you to Vietnam for moped rides and day walks. This way you can easily avoid sunburn. Keep in mind that you should wear modest clothing when visiting Buddhist temples. Shoulders and knees should be covered.

In the south of the country, a hat, cap or any other headdress that can protect from the sun will come in handy.

If you are traveling to northern Vietnam, then find out what the weather will be like during your vacation. This part of the country can get chilly in winter.

When going to the mountainous Dalat, take a jacket or sweater with you. The climate at altitude is quite capricious and changeable, and in the evening it can become cool.

If you are going to relax on local beaches, flip-flops will be the ideal shoe option for you. But if you are planning on visiting waterfalls, jungles and long trips, then consider taking comfortable sneakers with you to Vietnam.


At first, you should provide yourself with strong sunscreens with a protection level of at least 50 spf, and if you go on a long trip during the daytime, you can use a product with spf 80. Don’t forget that the best time for tanning is early morning and after three o'clock in the afternoon. It is not necessary to take after-sun products with you to Vietnam. There is wonderful coconut oil that you can use to moisturize your skin after sunbathing. In Vietnam you can also find excellent aloe-based products. Fresh aloe leaves are sold in fruit shops; they can relieve redness and inflammation of the skin and cure sunburn.

First aid kit

It is not always possible to find a traditional pharmacy within walking distance in Vietnam. In tourist areas there are many pharmacies that sell various balms, ointments and vitamin nutritional supplements. Among them there are really useful drugs, but in such pharmacies you may not find a regular painkiller. That is why it is better to think in advance about what medications to take with you to Vietnam. If you suffer from allergies, take antihistamines with you. Ointments that repel insects, as well as creams that relieve itching, will be useful. To protect yourself from food poisoning, stock up on activated carbon. Taking a painkiller on your trip won't hurt either. Antipyretic medications may also be helpful. Air conditioners in transport and hotels often contribute to an increase in temperature; many people also feel unwell due to climate change.

We hope that our tips will help you have a comfortable holiday!

Unlike Egypt or Turkey, Vietnam is not yet so popular among our tourists, so questions often arise, what should you take with you to Vietnam? We will try to put everything on the shelves and give practical advice.

  1. find and buy there and back, or to Vietnam, and then to a third country
  2. decide on the type of visa and obtain a visa,
  3. book for 1-2 nights in the city where you are arriving,
  4. and print out the visa application form,
  5. take a photo for the application form

This is a minimum but mandatory set of documents that you must take with you in order to quickly go through all the formalities after the plane lands at the Vietnam airport.

It is best to look for a cheap air ticket on the website Aviasales.ru. This search engine will do all the work for you in searching for tickets on the websites of the airlines themselves. That is, whether through this site or if you went to the airline websites yourself, the prices will be almost the same.

It is also easy to decide on the type of visa; it is a visa for 1 or 3 months, a single or multiple entry visa. If you plan to go to Cambodia or Thailand during your vacation, then we definitely take a multiple-entry ticket; if only Vietnam, then a single-entry trip.

You need to book the hotel in advance, because... you will most likely be tired from the road, and if this is your first trip, then the best solution would be to take a taxi straight from the airport and arrive at an already booked hotel.

You can fill out the form through our application form. Everything must be entered in English.

The photo must be taken for the questionnaire, size 4x6, any color.

All these documents and formalities can be completed in a couple of days. On the other hand, for everyone, choosing a convenient air ticket, choosing a hotel, reading reviews about each hotel can take a lot of time, so you can always contact a travel agency in your city or, for example, us.

What medications should I take?

Let's start filling the suitcase or backpack. Let's start with medications that may be useful:

  1. medicines for stomach pain
  2. medicines for toothache
  3. headache medications
  4. individual medications

That is, the most common set of medications that can be taken to any other country.

Also, if, for example, you are young and are sure that you do not need medicine, then you can always find a pharmacy in Vietnam if you suddenly need something. In Nha Trang and Phan Thiet (Mui Ne) there are pharmacies with Russian-speaking staff.

Finding a pharmacy will not be difficult; ask at the reception, on the street with Russian tourists or at a travel agency on the street. If you need something at night, it will be more difficult, because... pharmacies will be closed. But in Vietnam there is a well-developed network of hospitals and they will not leave you alone with your pain. But, pre-arranged insurance would help here!

If you are planning to visit Northern Vietnam, for example, to conquer Sapa, be sure to take something for fever and colds. The weather there changes frequently, and finding Russian-speaking people in the North of Vietnam will be more difficult than in the South.

What clothes should I take?

Clothes for visiting pagodas

Almost the majority of tourists go to Vietnam for the purpose of relaxing and exploring the country, which means they combine a beach holiday with excursion programs. We will proceed from this particular option for traveling to Vietnam.

So, what most tourists will need:

  1. heat protection hat
  2. t-shirts
  3. shorts, skirts
  4. dresses for women, jeans or trousers for evening for men
  5. underwear, socks, swimsuit and swimming trunks
  6. sneakers for excursions
  7. flip flops for the beach; flip flops can also be useful in inexpensive hotels where disposable shoes are not available
  8. sun glasses

That is, again, the clothes are those that you can take on any trip, even around Russia.

Vietnam models

If you are planning a trip to Vietnam in winter, and in addition to a beach holiday, your route passes through Northern Vietnam or mountain resorts, then take something with you for the evening, because... Winter temperatures in Sapa or Dalat can be chilly. Also, you will need warm clothes if you decide to conquer Mount Fansipan.

About bathroom accessories

If you plan to stay in 4 or 5 star hotels, then you will have new disposable hygiene products and bathroom amenities in your rooms every day. There will be towels, disposable shoes and everything you need.

In most cases, 3 star hotels will also have everything you need to take a bath. But there will be nothing in 2-star hotels and hostels. Here you will simply need to take towels and shower products with you.

Also, you can always buy towels, bath accessories, shorts, T-shirts and other clothes in local stores.

If you plan to visit overnight, take a towel, toothbrushes and toothpaste with you, as... there won't be any in the cabins.

What else can you take with you?

Take with you everything that you usually take for a trip to another city or country.

Here are the basic things for a tourist:

  1. camera and charger, flash drive
  2. phone and charger
  3. international passport and photocopy of international passport
  4. headphones for phone
  5. guide
  6. pen, notepad
  7. dollars for the first time to pay for a taxi and a credit card
  8. bathroom accessories
  9. towel
  10. international sim card
  11. tablet or laptop and charger for it
  12. camera tripod if you're traveling alone
  13. sun cream
  14. medicines
  15. backpack for excursions

How much money should I take with me?

Evening in Vietnam

We wrote a separate article about this in more detail. Here we note that the first $50 can be exchanged directly at the airport in Vietnam at an average, generally good rate for the country.

This way you can buy water and pay for a taxi to the hotel, and if your arrival is earlier than your check-in time at the hotel, you can spend part of the local currency to buy a SIM card. So it makes sense to take cash with you, but a small amount, because... In many places you can pay by card.

Special things for Vietnam

If you are traveling, you can take a flashlight with you. Phu Quoc still resembles our village, but with the sea, palm trees and numerous cafes. So, in the evenings it will be quite dark and a flashlight will be useful to you.

If possible, make a printout of the hotel name in English with a photo to show the taxi driver.

Most likely, during your holiday in Vietnam you will meet someone. Perhaps it will be someone from Russia, or any other country. Take a couple of souvenirs with you for such acquaintances; sometimes even a magnet will leave a lasting memory of you and can serve as a step for true friendship even after your vacation.

So, I went in February, the ticket was economy class.

What you need to know in advance:

1. Don't take a lot of things with you. Economy class allows you to take 20 kg of luggage and 5 kg of hand luggage per person (business class - 30 and 10, respectively), not counting winter clothes. For excess weight, you will be asked to pay at the rate of 15 bucks per 1 kg. The less you carry with you in your luggage, the more gifts, fruits, and things you can take out of Vietnam on the way back. Among the mandatory things are comfortable, proven, open summer shoes (flip-flops, flip-flops) and sunscreen. As for warm clothes: don’t take a turtleneck with a long sleeve, like a turtleneck; for a trip to Dalat, the “winter” clothes you wore on your flight will do.

2. Be prepared for the fact that upon arrival you will have problems with digestion; stock up on medications for this case. There is nothing to worry about: local cuisine, climate change, abundance of fruit - they do their job. It won't last long. Wet wipes are also indispensable in this case to wipe your hands before eating!

3. If you like (will) walk, there is a chance that even the most comfortable shoes will rub your feet. Take the patch with you. Scuffs must be disinfected. I used iodine and softened calluses with coconut oil.

4. If you want to travel further than the tourist quarter, know that the further you go, the worse people understand Russian. Yes, and in English too. Download a translator or use Google Translator on your smartphone, just be sure to download the Vietnamese language so that it is accessible without the Internet.

What you need to know on the spot

1. WiFi is available almost everywhere - in a hotel, in any cafe, salon, on the beach (but it’s bad), don’t hesitate to ask the staff for the password. I put my phone on airplane mode and communicated via WhatsApp. Those interested can spend money on a local SIM card. I didn’t see the point in this.

2. Be sure to take your hotel’s business card from the reception. It’s good to show it to the taxi driver if you get lost. It will take you there without any further explanation.

3. The guys from the Russian Information Center (RIC) will answer almost any questions you have. Moreover, it’s free. There they even gave us a card reader and access to a computer so that we could save the memory card from the camera.

And remember, we are tourists there, that is, people from whom the local population, by definition, makes money. Don't haggle for every thousand dong, haggle within reasonable limits! Moreover, the Vietnamese have not yet learned to deceive and do not overprice the Russians.

And now the specifics.

Hotel. We had Indochina (Indochina), 2 stars. Neat, 6 floors, elevator. If you don’t like the room, you can easily change it to another one if available. The rooms face either the courtyard (pros - silence, cons - view of the building) or the street (pros - balcony, good view, cons - very noisy from early morning until late evening).

View from the hotel balcony to the street

The room has air conditioning, a refrigerator with drinks for extra money, and a TV with Russian Channel One. Combined bathroom - toilet, shower, sink. Exactly in this order, if you count from the far wall. The room is cleaned every day, you can leave your laundry in the basket, and they will wash it for you for an additional fee. The price of washing depends on the number and types of clothes. Personally, I only took a shower in my room and slept at night, the rest of the time I spent outside.

Breakfast (buffet) is included in the package. The menu varies within the following list: hot stew (meat/fish/chicken with vegetables, vegetables), fried rice or noodles, something fried in breadcrumbs (fish/chicken/tofu), soup (there were 3 types in two weeks), Russian salad (like Olivier), vegetable salads, simply chopped cucumbers and tomatoes, juice (2 types) and tea or coffee. All kinds of sauces. Plus watermelon or banana. You can also eat on the balcony from which you can see the sea.

The hotel is located in a good location (second street from the sea), near the night market, the Russian Information Center, the 3G cafe, shops, and an inexpensive fruit outlet at the entrance.

The construction site opposite is disrupting the idyll. But this is the current problem of all of Nha Trang; the coastal zone is being actively developed.

Sea and beach. The sea (24 degrees and above) is a 5-minute walk from the Indochina Hotel. We went to see the sunrise. By the way, until 6 am in the square near the beach they conduct free exercises and teach dancing. The sea is not transparent; they say the water is muddied by the river that flows into it nearby. The beach is open from 9:00 to 17:00, sunbeds are paid - 40-50 thousand each, an umbrella is included.

If you bring your own, you can lay around for free. There was a strong wave, I floundered with pleasure, but many did not take risks. There is coarse sand on the beach, which, when leaving the sea, is skillfully filled with waves wherever possible. If you want a calm, clear sea, go to Zoklet or the islands.

Money. It’s better not to change the entire amount at once: it’s uncomfortable to carry and difficult to track expenses. 100 bucks is about 2 million, 700 thousand dong, from zero it dazzles the eyes. On the first day, it is enough to exchange 2 hundred and it is advisable to be cheap until you get used to the prices and find cheap points of sale.

There is a safe at the reception where you can store money. They are sealed in a bag with tape for your signature and they give you a receipt. The most profitable money for exchange is new 100 bucks bills. It is better to change in jewelry stores “Treasure of Angora” and “Princess”, as well as in the “Russian Information Center”.

They didn’t change it at the bank, maybe it’s even more profitable there. At the hotel reception there is a reduced exchange rate. To understand “how much is this in rubles?”, remove three zeros from the price tag, and multiply the rest by three.

For example, a kilo of mango costs 25,000 dong: discard the zeros, 25*3, you get 75 rubles. I still couldn’t get used to the bills themselves in 2 weeks: 100 thousand, confused with 10 thousand, and 50 thousand with 200 thousand, candy wrappers, what to take from them. Banknotes of 10 thousand and more are plastic. You can swim in the sea with them (in a secret pocket), nothing will happen to them.

Food. Remember the main thing - wash your hands before eating or wipe with wet wipes! There are a lot of restaurants around with fresh seafood. For lovers, there is Chinese, Indian, Mexican cuisine, sushi, a steakhouse (an expensive establishment), a pizzeria and a Burger King. But I would recommend Vietnamese cuisine. Fresh shells, squid, shrimp, fish, etc., pho soups, salads. The food is neither spicy nor sour.

A huge plus is the frequent breakdowns of fruit. Here you can not only buy something exotic, but also order a smoothie. Any fruit will be whipped right before your eyes and served to you in a glass with a straw. In my opinion, the best local smoothie is made from mango.

BBQ buffet: choose what you will cook and eat

You collect, sit down at the table, in the center of which there is a pot of coals and a grate on which you cook yourself. If you eat it, go get a new batch of fresh food. Alcohol - at extra cost. Also try small eateries on line 4, they are inexpensive and have local flavor.

Prices. For the first couple of days, don’t buy anything serious. Go, look at the prices, look for where and what is cheaper. From personal experience, the most inexpensive stores are the Sapphire chain. But there is a difference between them for the same goods: ointment in one costs 17 thousand, and in the other - 20. The further you are from the first line, the more the cost of lunch in restaurants drops. The price tag greatly depends on the Chinese New Year, at this time Nha Trang is full of Chinese, and prices increase for them.

Despite all the seemingly cheap prices, follow the money. They can melt before our eyes. This is why I do not recommend changing all your dollars at once.

Transport. It’s easier to move around the block and around on foot. At the Russian information center you can get a free map of the area and ask where everything is. They will answer you with pleasure.

Buses. They are ridden by conductors who do not know foreign languages ​​well, and the ticket price depends (as far as I understand) on the distance of the trip. It’s one thing when you go to the beaches of Zoclet – this is the final stop, it’s another thing when you decide to drive a couple of blocks. Explaining to the conductor where you are going is very difficult. But it is possible.

Taxi. There are several companies, differing in the color of the car. Each company has its own price range. In different cars, landing costs from 4 to 14 thousand. The rest of the price depends on the mileage and does not vary much. Look at the sign with price tags either on the dashboard in the cabin or on the side of the car. Here are the three cheapest price tags:

The most inexpensive taxis in Nha Trang

There is a pattern - the larger the car, the more expensive the trip. The most inexpensive ones are small silver cars. It’s easier to get around by taxi; show the driver the place on the map (even on your phone) and he’ll take you there. If you agree without a meter, you can try to bargain and knock off 5-10 thousand from the declared amount. But based on personal experience, even without trading it will be cheaper than with a meter.

I haven’t ridden rickshaws, I don’t like to exploit a person like a horse.

Fruit removal. You can carry no more than 5 kg per person in hand luggage. To be honest, our hand luggage was not weighed. But rumors speak of the incredible cruelty of Cam Ranh airport employees: “One man was forced to eat 2 extra mangoes!”

I took a separate “winter” bag and a basket of fruit, which contained exactly 5 kg of fruit. Since I packed 8 kg of luggage for Vietnam, on the way back I managed to stuff 3 kg of passion fruit into my suitcase. Therefore, once again, do not take a lot of things if you want to take more out of Nha Trang: 5 kg can be carried in your hands (no one will count +/- half a kilo), plus the remaining weight in your luggage, which can be easily allocated for fruit. And the main thing about fruits from Vietnam is that they sell with a bang, I treated everyone to a little bit and the basket was empty.

Places that I remember:

Cafe 3g (somewhere here ) - not far from the hotel, good selection, cheap Saigon beer (9 thousand VND bottle), in the evening the owner can treat you to moonshine.

Zoclet Beach. White sand, shallow sea, small wave. One minus is that it’s a long drive: by bus it takes a little less than an hour and a half (200 thousand for four). But it was a pity to spend money on a taxi (750 thousand dong for four round trip).

Long Son Pagoda - lying and sitting Buddha. An active Buddhist temple. Please note: admission is free.

Buddha, of course, is a remake, but he still looks cool!

We got to a church service (or whatever it’s called). Impressive.

Catholic Cathedral. Catholic saw it for the first time. Solidly done. Believing Christians can test themselves to see if they are well versed in the New Testament: behind the cathedral, sculptures depict the last journey of Christ; if you look from the right side, it looks like the path to Golgotha.

The path of Christ to Golgotha ​​is represented in sculptures

Local tours/excursions. Tours are offered by anyone: the operator who brought you (for us it was Pegasus), the Russian Information Center, some smaller offices, such as “Pineapple Tour” and the hotel at the reception. Do not take the last one under any circumstances! Having grabbed it, we later did not dare to go with either “Pineapple” or RIC. However, even beginners can go to Vinpearl or Zoklet on their own, without tours.

In general, a determined and courageous tourist will definitely find a reason not only to relax, but also to have fun. In Nha Trang there are also evening clubs, various attractions, and numerous tours that you can go on yourself.

Have a nice holiday.

Reading time: 12 minutes

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Holidays in Vietnam are a lot of positive impressions and emotions. But, this is only if you prepare well for it. Do not forget that Vietnam is an Asian country with all the attendant climatic, mental and other features. So, you should prepare for the trip in advance, and formulate the list of necessary things for a trip to Vietnam taking into account the experience of more experienced travelers.

No documents anywhere

First of all, you should prepare and execute all the necessary documents. On your trip, you cannot do without a passport, tickets, a visa (if you plan to vacation for more than 15 days), a tourist voucher, a set of photographs, etc.

As a rule, travel agency specialists provide the most complete information about the necessary documents and features of staying in the chosen country. Wild tourists will have to rely only on themselves and independently collect up-to-date information about what to take to Vietnam from documents, food or medicine.

After you have collected a set of documents, be sure to make copies of them. Upon arrival in Nha Trang, it is better to deposit the originals of all documents in the hotel safe, and have copies of them with you. Fans of car rides should be prepared for the fact that on Vietnamese roads you can only drive with a license issued here.

Therefore, it is worth considering in advance whether it is worth trying to obtain a local driver’s license. As an option - rent a car with driver.

First aid kit

Experienced tourists believe that when going on any trip of any length, they should be equipped with a first aid kit. If we are talking about a visit to the dacha on a weekend, then you can limit yourself to banal iodine, brilliant green, bandages and tampons. And visiting a region with a completely different climate and potential dangers requires a fundamentally different approach.

If we are talking about a trip to Vietnam, then it would be useful to take with you:

  • antipyretics;
  • painkillers;
  • sunburn creams, skin moisturizing oils and lotions;
  • antiallergic drugs;
  • wipes and sprays for disinfection - it is better to play it safe and limit exposure to local microorganisms as much as possible;
  • medications you regularly take at home;
  • mosquito repellents (fumigators, creams, etc.)

The last position is quite controversial - experienced tourists claim that Vietnamese insects are not afraid of the effects of protective agents brought from Russia. Therefore, be prepared for the fact that you will have to buy fumigators locally.

Classic iodine with brilliant green and a patch will also not be superfluous, especially if you plan not only to bask on the beach, but also to travel around the country. However, if you forgot something, then don’t worry - in Nha Trang you can easily find a pharmacy with Russian-speaking staff. In any case, you will not be left without help, but it is better to be on the safe side.

Clothes should be comfortable

What clothes to take to Vietnam is one of the most popular questions on numerous forums. Choosing a wardrobe for travel is a purely personal matter, but general recommendations should be taken into account.

During a summer visit to Nha Trang, you should bring several sets of light casual clothing (T-shirts, T-shirts, shorts, cotton trousers), swimming trunks (swimsuits) and caps (hats). For footwear, flip flops, slippers and sandals are useful. For lovers of country walks, we recommend taking sneakers. Winters in Vietnam are mild and rainy, so in November-January, tourists should have a jacket or sweater with sleeves, jeans and a raincoat. It is better to leave the down jacket, fur coat or coat you wore to the airport in Russia; they will definitely not be useful in Vietnam.

It is absolutely not necessary to take all your things with you. As a rule, most of the things brought are never taken out of the suitcase. You can only take the most comfortable and necessary clothes, and buy everything else on the spot. T-shirts, T-shirts and other consumer goods are inexpensive here. You can buy clothes at every step, so don’t deny yourself this pleasure.

Take care of the children

Traveling with children always requires additional expenses and hassle. There is nothing to be done - the “flowers of life” traditionally require increased attention. It is worth making a detailed list of things that should be taken on vacation to Vietnam, taking into account children's needs.

First of all, it is advisable to take water and usual foods with you (biscuits, dried fruits, etc.). At the initial stage, this will help the child acclimatize to the local cuisine as comfortably as possible. It goes without saying that the contents of the first aid kit should be replenished with children’s medications for the treatment and prevention of diseases, and during the flight, do not forget to take pencils, books, coloring books, etc. to keep your child occupied.

Money issue

The financial component of a trip is traditionally one of the most important. It's no secret that it is much more comfortable to relax and travel if you do not experience any financial difficulties during the trip. When traveling to Vietnam, there is absolutely no need to bring a suitcase full of cash. In most hotels and supermarkets you can easily pay with a bank card. But it’s better to take some cash dollars too.

Of course, you will create your travel budget yourself. But, in any case, we should assume that $30 is the minimum daily rate of financial expenses in Vietnam. This includes an economical option for accommodation, low-budget food and the purchase of inexpensive souvenirs.

Money can be easily exchanged directly at the airport or hotel.

When making a list of what to take with you to Vietnam, pay attention to small, but nevertheless necessary things that will definitely come in handy. Among them:

  • a flashlight is far from the most useless device in a country where the tropical night falls very quickly, and street lighting in some cases leaves much to be desired;
  • sunglasses - protect your eyes, because... the sun is very active here;
  • shaving accessories and toothpaste – it’s more pleasant and safer to use familiar and proven hygiene products;
  • camera – today many tourists take pictures of the surroundings and selfies on smartphones, but the classic image of a vacationer is a tourist with a camera;
  • a convenient backpack or bag - useful for storing the minimum necessary things, both during long journeys and during short hikes and excursions;
  • a phone and a tablet are mandatory tourist assistants in any country, but do not forget to buy an international SIM card;
  • a notepad and pen - very often help out when communicating with local residents - what cannot be said in words can be depicted using symbols;
  • a printout with the name and image of your hotel - can become a kind of Ariadne’s thread if you get lost, which happens all the time;
  • The Russian-Vietnamese phrasebook is another assistant in establishing communications with sellers in markets and supermarkets.

What not to take with you to Vietnam

Along with the necessary things that will come in handy during the trip, I would like to note that it is absolutely not necessary to take on vacation to Vietnam. In particular, fans of all kinds of strong drinks do not need to take a home bar with them on a trip. Vietnamese producers sell a huge number of alcoholic drinks, so there is plenty to choose from. Moreover, the quality of Vietnamese alcohol is quite decent, and the prices are quite affordable.

Bed linen, dishes, gels and shampoos will also become a burden for tourists. You are going on vacation to a country where service for tourists is at a fairly decent level and you have the right to count on high-quality service. If we are talking about a “semi-wild” vacation, then it is easier to buy all the necessary little things on the spot than to drag them along with you across borders and customs.

Numerous tourists are traditionally interested only in local exotics, but for the Vietnamese, all guests without exception are quite exotic, despite their “packaging”. The main thing is that you are ready to leave a certain amount of money here, everything else is secondary.